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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1910)
1 LOOAl. CoMMKHCiAt Tli lRnr lo Hit roll of tlifl nw Ht, llelait Conimrn lal Club auit all oilier lnirieUMl an r quvt d lo wart at tb ofllc of M. K. Milli' - In tba Murk l liuililliig, at 1:W Friday evening, Tit cwttilli appointed to ollclt mmlr bu wet with reutatkal uiccea. Tliouith t woik for Icttt'iaa on hour it ercureil tweniy-ilx new rutin btra ami wet with only two reluae! Th memlierililp ft it ft 10 and III duet on dollar per uiontb. Com up title tvanlng and lgn vour nam to iba roll Yon BAm viaa jareev cow ami out thoroti'bbretl Jrey bull. Inquire of J. 8, Biultb, Mllltn raacb, Yankton, Or M All. SciliHa-Malle Itavt fit. tie! tut at follow: for VtruonU, Portland, Astoria and war point,, a. in; Portland and way point, 10:40 a. w. Aitorl .'ortlarm ana way potnia, b:iv p, tn Aetorla and way porul and all pnlnti north and t, by teamer Lurllua, 0 :30 a, m. Portland, wrath and east by Sleeuitr Hlo, I :S0 p, to. Arrival of wall-'-! a. w. j S:4S and :5 p. m Haartaaa roa Sal On (IbmI bvugy hart) Mi, on tlngla xpree harnM, and ona alngl tuavy berneee. AIm ona light farm wagon and farm ImpUuimu. In quire of Mra. K. Vivien, Columbia City Oregon. Tba Walar CommlMioa ia aarnrdly endeavoring, in Ilia fac ol many dim cuttle, to o!v tha problem of a tcAipo rary aupply. Tbara ia plenty of water In tba dam, but it dot not com to Hi Helena wit tufBclant lore to All Ilia tank. n oglar will b bar Moaday and it It aapeelw to run a three -lcb pip front downtown to a point tteyond lloullon where tba flu la tninipetled Wa wink to announce to mir Irlende and patron the- w carry a full I n of Drown and Hamilton calcbratcd Aim rl ran Gentleman and American Iady eltoet and would l pleated to abow them to you. Tbtra la ao mora iniportaot detail of yo atlir than abut. Vou will fin-l nothing ttnarter or correct tbaa oar new American Gentleman Oxl,rd. Tuatu parlorlly of llil, lib all American Can tiaataa anooa, la not only in appearance ; it cover every detail, Iiteide ami out, JAMES Ml'CKI.K ft bOS Very tucrrtalul revival eertlcea hat Imb In ptograaa at iba M K. I'butch llotiltnn, dating Iba peat week. Mucli Interval baa ln manlfritrd In I lie meeting and erveral penon bav pro teased religion. Tba rillng arc being coadoclcd bv Iba pasior, Htv. I! M. Krollh, eUted by hi father, Itev. L, r. Mtnlih, pastor of Trinity . K. Church. 1'ortUnd. There will ba aong atviet-a try evening from 7:3) to 8. All art ennl tally invited lo attend. Hutu Kax roi Kleven ami one-ball acra m Ilaitelr Mat, two aol one-half mile front Warren and font milt front M. Helena. About lltrrt acre plow land, balance partially cleared and easily fiuMisd. Ninrar failing Inxtk rum acra land. Pl-iooui boa luue. 121 two and thrtr-jMir frilit trtct. Term Atout ou-bnlf rath, btlnnce on (y tcrtua. Till i a bargAin. For furtbei InforniaUan apply to the MUl HI. JUIrua, Ore. ft-if TakS it In. W't itler to th baiktt to cwbl at Morgua' Hall thlt (Friday) w nlng. lor lb heftrfit of lb St llcltm liaavtmtl team. IjI year lb U)ynlnl good aora'aiid tbbytar will do tllll bet ter. TIm prolita (root tle atx-Ubettill b cipendeti, fir bauling dirt np n tit ground, o Ibit when I lie acatoo 0ieti Ibey will b in condition for play 0y all menin attend the fcKri.ble and go prepared to purchar at lrat or of the banket of lunch the ladie ara (mtting up. Ttiera will lie a Ire moving Ictiir liow during the eveititig. Sm Guoti Siiom CiiKAr Stual triiet, up to "t, in thot that acll l 3.W to ft 00, to vI'km then out ai $2.75, Her I a clinric to gel a good pair of fint contom mad hoe at In than coat. Wollingtou' I tba plac Hvrup of White Pino aud Tar, the old rel labia rough remedy. Portal by A. J . Iteming, druggltt. Horbiu roa Sauk Inquire of Jack Appleton, l)aer hland. Choice lota for tale from f 100 op. Will be In St. Helen Saturday. Tcruu: !0 per cent cath ; balance ten per cent 'per month. 3. B. OOUPREY, J-.'I. Hoard of Trad bldg., Portland .11 Roomi foa Kknt l,25 per wek. Mra. A. M. Decker, corner Willauiett and Catanau. A Cot.nwiitA Coumtv Mas T.J.Clea ton, formerly a mident of Bt.Helrna.hai been appointed by Governor Deiiaon lo fill the vacancy oauaed by tba rcaigna tlon Lionel It. Welttrr aa crninty Judgf of Multnomah County. Mr.OI-elon rep mettled Colttmbln County in the Lg! lature of 103, and beld the office of ll trict attorney for the fifth Judicial dis trict for two toruit. A ha It an earnctt opponrnt of th aaaembly Idea it i evi dent that Governor Benaon doca not agree with th Orfgoniatt that all anti ,aNmbly men ihould be read out of tb party. The Mitt congratulate Mr. Cb e too on hi tucceitt and prediett hi fleu lion In November next. Patnta, oil, vitrnUb, nallt, thelf hard ware, acrew and bolt all kind ol builder' material at th (tore of Jet. Muckle A Hon Lowett priori, Poiatnv l'AVit J. M. Oarrlton," of I'orett Grove, baa taken more preuilunit at Poultry aliowt than any other breeder in Oregon. ' Hit ttock thlt tendon it Ihe bett b ha ever had. Ha taift White Wyandotte and White Leghorn!, Barred Plymouth Rockt, Silver Wyandotte and Drown Leghorn. Fowl fi to 13 each j trioa ffl to 1115. Kgga 3 per etiingf 20 Ruwabd I will ny twenty dol lar reward for Information leading to the conviction of the perton who tl about fifteen Hundred feet of lumber from Lout Ladcrvlg'i barn aud the roll er from th barn door. W'M.Rwimius. , M . Kamtey, ol the fit. Ilelmitbukery, It convaletrent alter a aeriout licga with iri'iioiu lever. The aeventli annual dlttrict convention of the Knlghu of Pyihlai for th terond dlttilctof thaOmnd Domain id Oregon win ua lielilat tit Hal lit on Halurduy. ft ... m a . ... ' mnrcn n u. rite dlttrict compiitrt At lor iKtge No. 0 of Atiorla Kainier Udge No.,fi of Raiuler; Avon Lodge No, 02 of 8t. Ili-leni; Nw-tnlcuui IxmIw No. (W of Meathle. The local Knlghu nave arraugn for tba eutertalumant of their giietta and hope to mak tblt the mott enjoyable couveutlon yet htld in me aittrivt. TVFKWaiTKa Aokkcv IlKkK Mr. c II John bat been appointed local agent for the Oliver typewriter. All who are Uiteretled In Ihit labor-aavlng Invention are requetltd loctll and Invettlgata ill menu, Room roa Rant W, fUrnlib-d and in a convenient I cation. Apply at tbit omit, Thrift and rconotny bring permanent prop'lr. Bv your money and tblt lropcrfly wilt U yourt. The Columb a County llank knowt how and wilt tell yon fre, Pay per cent on time cer tificate of depotlt. Mr. II. R. Cllfl and dauthter Hilda returned la-l 'Monday evening from a lo 8et Ida. Piokoki roa fiALK-Paniallt. Ilomera, Giant RunU and Malteaa Hrnt. Real- tred ttoi-k. Prink Wllkint.Ht. Helen. oba Brtlm waa granted a decree of divorce on Friday, February IB, hy Judge r.ln, The defi ndant bad filed a croaa bill making very rerlou charge, hut lallrd lo prove any of tbrm. Tb Udlee of th Koltci pal Guild wll aerva lea at the retidmc of Mra. A. J. Iteming neat Tortday afternoon. W. I. ft bull, of llraver Valley, wat a court houte vlitr on Wathiniiton't hlrtli.Uy.f r tb purpote of aecurlng a tithing llrente. Of coume Srhulu will remcnilxr the day and not tell any hah yarnt. Prot peril v it no accident but lb ret- tnnabU lottical fruit of, taring veata. Tba Columbia County Itank, the oldest bank In Ibe County, Will help you tave. Boll the waUr. Don't forget tbit and n't tay oolrady told you One drink of raw waier may mean typhoid fever for you. Th water bat been tetied by the bat eheuiitt in tb Stale and found to contain typhoid fever grruia. It it being pumped from the river into Die tank and of eour-e many are drinking it who ire unaware of Ibe dauger. Tba man who endt all be gun, alio livet up the whole of bit income, will nevtr get rnh, no matter br nmjii he rarut. IjeV ihe toluruliia t oonty lUnk help you lo protprfout dtyt. Ani.K tiaowrsa Attkstios The Yankton 0 1 ange No. SOI will bold an I day tewlon on Mtrch Stb at the Orange Hall. Tbit will be an open meeting for ditcuwing the orchard quea tlon. All land owner or pnai ective land ownert whote tbipping jwinl will ba lltmlton are rvtjuetlcd lo attend Sleja) looking lo the organisation of the fiutt gmwentof tbi arclion.- Dinner acrved atli .no. Per Order of Matter. You can hach that opportunity with little ready money, Mr. Parmer. Why not hare the teady money ready when opportunity roiuet your way? The Col- luhm County Hank paya 4 per cent on me certiticaiet of deioit The H, Itenton Company paid it te to Columbia County ou Wednet day laat, the amount being aomewhat emu of 2i),tHW, or nearly one- entb of the entire tea of the county, Mr. licoton, about twenty rive yean atio, waa borrowing money to ouy a team. Now be owut one-tenth of the laxnbl wealth of tbo county, and it growing richer every day. He owut in th neighborhood of 40,000 acre of llmier land, betidea tb equipment of great logging road and cmp. The caali value of hit boldingt U not lett than 4,0U0,W. The petition of J. W, Pomeioy. of Scappo e. for appointment aafiuit in- apector wilt be prevented lo the county court at tb March term. Mr. Toineroy't petition i- tinned by a number of Scop poote fruit grower, and, at be baa the Indum-menl of the tiaie olncUl. he will be appointed. It ia high time the w- rk in the oichardt wat being done. Mr. McDonald, who, with her hut- band, waa taken to the Home for the Agrd in Portland tome time ago, died there on Saturday last. The MvDonaldt lived at Columbia Cily and for many year have been county charge. WlKST P A anoN8 Governor Ik-ntoii, on Saturday last, gave George Welti, convicted of violating the local option at Sccppooee. a conditional pardon. Wlett la required lo tt .y away from Soappoote, or the near vicinity of ibat town, and it to refrain absolutely from tb ate of in toxicating liquor or vititing placet where the tame are told Weltt wat ten lanced to two bundled days' imprison, mentandhad tenr.d about one fonnb of hi term. If h tlck to the condi tion of hi pardon ba will have caute to be thankful for hla conviction, Mr. O K. Woiiderlyol Apiary and George rtutherlnnd ol C!ilkiile were St. Helen visitor! on Monday lt. Mr, J. M. Cooper, of Warren, paid the county teat a vitit latt Moaday. OIIITUAKr. Calvin Johnann, who died at the Good Samaritan HotplUl in Portland on feb roary 17th, of double pnottrautda nd conipllcation, w born in Iowa an I moved with hi pnrenta to Scappoo when he wafonrtcn ye' whlob place ha made hi home until bit death. iiml Mr. Johnton lived until April he would have been fifty-two. Mra. Matilda Stnmp, who died the 6'h of February, wa the oldett of tin Johnton fomlly and Calvin, the young att of the family, tarvlved ber only two Wltfki. Mr. Joliti-on hud been ailing for torn time, but wa not thought to la in danger until about a week before be ptMvdaaay. Mr, Johnton lm been one f our bett farmer for many year and oa nvd a Hue herd of oattl". He wm aNoatuvfcitlul merchant and cream ery man. Hit had bei-om to extennlve that lie will be uiltd by tli bililiiett men in a btirlnett way, and alto by tha IxboMtg men, to whom lie wa to khid and contldurate. Hit unuanully amiable dlapotltlon created a bott ol frlendt who will a I way t remainder him. Funeral tervloe were held at the Congregational Chuich, Bcappoota, latt Friday, Key, Lw Davie of Warren ofli clailng, The inutlc wa luruii-hed by aU of Mr. Jobneon and by tpe clal reqnett Mitt Neva Bi)le ang tolo, "Ityond." The floral offering were many tnd beautiful. Mr. Jolm-on b-ave a wile, a ton, two letera and two brother. Tb tineit are Mrt. Mary Mart and Mr. SirtU Mile of Oregon (Jig1, and the brother art Orlmi Jolinaou of Myrtle Point and Le- ander Johnton of Port Orfotd. . ifti lifework I endt-J lo-ilty f That wat planuixl by th Savior abov ; And hit (will patliig away Only a Journey on a oilt-lon of Title 111. plan will all be cmplated In thai Kalm of light, Ttierethe work li ne'er defeated My the angel ver bright. , IU'11 And do earthly caret, "No pain, no death, no lean," And with the loved one there Cod take eway all faare. YT Waal T Belli Ifyouwantto tell your builneta of any kind, or if you want to tell your properly, and will make the price right I would like lo hear from you. Give dearrlpllon and price. Ad-lreat J. K. Hmiib, 6IS Cbaaiber Commerce, Port land, Oicgnn. Skwimo Machimr roa SaI.8-Inquire al tbit tffice. . lAKI OF THABKt. I hereby eitend my thank to all friendt who o kindly atited m dur ing Ih ticknett and death of my ho Iwn.l. Maa Adku. Joimaox. YANKTON ITEMS. The telllng tthool held at theQiange Hall at well aiteuded. Therm Were evi-ral g'-otl toellrrt pievol. Mr. E. S. Faxon proved to be !! champion ape-U-eruf the e.' iiiiiK. There wat much In terett tunuilu.U'd in the cipberlug match brtlwren tbe primary pupila. Ituib Bon itey wat the ehanipion clpherr. Therw w ill lie another ielilug match Fti.lay, Fvbttiary the 25lh. Ir. Tittlcl.ell and W.A. Dnllok, both of Portland, were in Vankton Feb. 0th, examining applicant for the Yeomen Itlge, which will be nrgauixed oma time during the niodih t Match. Mr. S. Vincrtit bat t'.o contract for carryii g the limii 'rout II., niton to Yank- Jn o..iil the f! I of July. Mai. of th.) young pt pie attended the pal ty at Ktvre Lampa' latt gal nr- day iiijht. The evruing wa very p.ea Mntly tfient ia playing gaiil-t" and in tinging. Mr. E. S Faxon bat been eick and waa miahle to teach M Alan, Mr. C. II, !lrigi l a beta i n the tick litt with a very bad colJ. In comparing the agricultural wealth of the United States with that of ten years ago, the Wall Street Journal, of New York, de clares that no other decade in the growth of the country can com pare with the one ending with 1909. , ' " The next census (to be taken this year) will show an enormous advance in land values. The facts (as presented below for the years 1899 and 1909) indicate that in the ten Intervening years , the value of farm products, accord ing to official estimates based on tho census returns of 1899, in creased by $4,043,000,000, or 85 per cent: Value ol farm product, 1DO0 ,JW,7W,000,000 Value of farm product, ISU9 4,717,000,000 Ineremo in 10 yearn, 85 per Cent. . . ...... . . 4.03,00il,000 This remarkable advance in the products of the - country's chief industry may well be compared with the growth of wealth in the United States as a whole. "The nearest period of comparison is for the nine years between 1900 and 1909. It is found that on somewhat less detailed state ments, which are not so reliable as those of the United Stated De partment of Agriculture, the country's wealth in these nine years reached the total of $120, 000,000,000, making an increase of $31,483,000,000, or 35 per cent The comparative totals are as fol lows: ' . ' ; Wealth of the United Htatea, W00. . f!120,000.000,000 Wealth of the United Statet, ltKX). .' 88,517.000,000 Increase In 0 year, 35 per cent. , ...... .3l,4A5,000,000 It may be harder than some Oregon politicians imagine to con vince the people of the State that they did not know what they were doing when they voted for the direct primary law, STORE AND HOUSE FOR RENT Apply at Columbia County Bank. A recent addition to the Eng lish navy is an airship to patrol over the North. Sea. The apprej hension of things made in Ger many is still lively In the British mind. - A confoIldHtioo of tbe Hood River Ap ple Orow. n Union and tbe Hood River Fruit Union baa been effected, the latter being abtorbed by Ihe former, Ibe fruit grower of that vicinity having com tor th concluaion that tb berrlet and other frnit could be tbipped aud otberwiae bandied by one union J'jtt aa well, and at conaiderable lete'eipcn. Tb fruit union baa been in esialeiicc for teventeen yeart, and during that time baa been tbe agency for ditpoting of a vaat amount of atraaberr'ettnd o her email fruit grown In the country aurrounding Hood r iver, which baa earned tucb a world-wide name for lit choic- applet, ffgg".' ... '.' SOT1CI TO CBEUlTVRIf. Nolle la heivbr (Ivch Dial thlt andenrfirnMt liu Imwii epixilnled administrator ol Hit ele of L(k a. I'irwii. d-Mi.t. he tba eonntr ooarl of tht Hlue l Orcjoq tot IM Cnuniy ol Cnltimbla. All eredltom of til dee ned tnd ol Mid eotate are lirt'iy aotincd ) rwiulred quired bi lw, lo ihe undarlrned at thtofflf m wmtui invtr eiainiB. auiv rmnaea mm ra- ot a. w. Mntiivr. 17-in M.ietia ifioea, m. net tat.) Ireaou, within ill Bouthi fnim the date aerror. KKIK HOKTk.N. Adinlnlainuor of Hit Eitaia of Lot a. fatar- n. deeeaaad. A. W. Mnellar. He HelctuTOracon, atlonwy tor uie a.jnitiiiiirior. Dattol nrat pubileailon Fab li, 1(10. SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court, of tl.e State at Oregoa. frill Rraun, (.Ulullff. rm, KorlU ftariaul: To Hortu tieraek . defendant: In the nama ol the Htan of Oreeo". Too ara heral'V required to anawer theemulatnt (led aa Inst jua In tha auova entluad court aad cauw on or before Iba 14th dar ol April. IvU). Mia mi mmrtm from lha Meat pnbflralloe of thixumtaona. mad if rou fall ao lo apuear or auwer herein that idalntlft will apply In the court lor tne rriiei ptafea hii to uur eotauntioi. Hblch la aa lollnwa: for ha rmiwj of a Jndataent Italnai tha defendant. Norm Oericlt. m tha aum of tin. Oxcthcr wtih luierwt theraon at the rate ot Irn per wot ref annum Imm Marco 2nd, 1901, and lha further aum of t hi for taiea paid by plalntlflToa tha prewtiiaa hereinafter deaerf bed. tofether with liitereat tliereon at tne rate oi 12 per ertit per annum from tha date of payment thereof : and tor tha luriher aum ot aavautr-tlva litllan aaan aiOirner le la tble rail, and lor filalitilirieoauand -ilauaraunanii herein, and or the eaoeuiloa and orrtrr ol aala toaell the lolluwlnt real ettate, to-wlt: All of the weat luarw C4) of the northweal qnarter V4 of the nortuaat quaru-r t 'if a,-cttou In lowuahlp . nonh at ranae t. wat of iue WilLiotta eae rl'llati, tN.lumtita I'ounty. and mora partk'uUrl draehbe.1 ai IoIIowr, toalt; t'xvm mrtielne al the no.thweet euruer of the north east quarter ol aald aeeUoe to, thenea voutli on 'i.iarivr iioo or mio aeeuou eigniy tao roita, tn rnce eawt twenly f'A.) roda, tnenea north rltaiy (m)i rmla, thrnee M lisenly (Ai) ro-lr. to tha plana .f bctfinulna. the am brliif part of tna roppiavin taito eiaim. in aato I'.umifia . tiuittr. rvf(tu,uo,.n the loieeloattre ot titr note auu ninnit.oce n-M-nueo in 11,1,1 om- rlaint lu the laiwiil ol ll ai, dated Mareu -2. Mil, for 1 he fori-rloMH ol arliirh nionaaae thlt aillt was tmiushr, auit whteh tuora lull appear lu Ibe cmMiaiut tllrd bemn, an 1 thai you. the .I, I N,irim.HT k ua f,reel.,l of all rlxht. title and Inierot In aaid pr n-erti exot-pt the rittht o rederm aa phivMaU hjr law. ao.1 lor urn otliei and titrther rellaf at to lha court mar arum )uH and a..iltable. lhl uwuio.w l served upon yoa by the or iter ol the Honorable J. A. Kakln, Judge ol the circuit rourt ol the that at Oregon for Ihe County ol Columbia. wbHrb order la dated tba Ittb ! ol rcbruarf. Ivl. ' M. K. MIIXKR axo A. W. MI KI.LKK. AUomeya lor HlalnUK IMUv of Ihe first pubUeauon ot aatuaioua It Fehruarjr II. 19IU. luiia ul lha but publlratlon of lummoni la April L lulu. ' CITATION In the CounlT Court ol Ihe xtate ol Oref oafor the Coiiutr of toloinlila. In the matter af tbeeauue ol T i. Cekereon. deceased. To Capl. Theodora If. Eekeraon: Adelaide K. .. and Cvl. Alfred K. Kafnoids, her husaii,t; Mra. Kallla K. O'Connor: Keaiua Kekorwu Kelt, an: Tbrodnre ). Kckenaia. Jr.; Inu McKnixht KrltL-iiu; Edear Koker sou: and Kotos MrKutaht kkrsoo, a heirsof dervaard, aod W. C. Nicholas au.1 ail otlu-r prrwiit IntercateJ In the hereiualwr " drai-litivd nrofrtv. In Hie rutu.e of tbe Mala of Omron, r ,n are hen-t)' commanded to tHH-ar belore the lloa orable t.'.Miulv trnnrt, .it tha Hiaie nl Otvaiin. lu and lor the t miiur ol Colutuula, at the ootirt hne li. the City 01 at. Helens, on tbe Ittb day ot Uart'b. l'Jlo. at the hour ol 10 o'clock a. n... of aaid day. to show oause, if any exist, why an or der should not oa made aa pruvHf lor bv the S.iM..t.i.lrl.,r i.l SB.,1 Ji.l a a,,lliiirt..n atait I dirwllui tha aula, at private sale, of bioeki H j anl u.oi sa.u . iiy 01 . itt-iaum. ' noma my hail aud tba teal of aald Conrl 1 imx.l ihis Mil day ol Kebraarr. Isna am . (si.) (Sinned W. A. HARRIS. Clerk of tha Count Court. Road Dlat. No. a Bids will to received bv the duntjr Court of (Viluitiliia Countv, Orerou, op to 12 M., Wedtiestlav, April 6th, 1911), the mt riiftioa of a stel brilira across Milt n Creek on the St. Helena. YntikUm roa.l in acrorttance wltli plana anil (perlHcationi on Hl in l lie oflit-e of iba County Clerk. BIJa most be aronmpanieU by oertiOeu check lor Ave per rem of amount bid. Th County Court rraervea the right to reject any and all bids. , Mgneu JAMES DART, Cooniy Judire. THE DRUG STORE We endeavor to keep on hand all the Standard Drugs and Patent Medicines. If we haven't what you want, we will send and get it. ! 7 , Stationery, School Supplies, Post Cards Perfumery and Toilet Artices Hair Brushes, Clothes Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Nail Brushes, Bath Brushes and Shoe Brushes. A complete . line of Druggists' Sundries. A. J. DEMING I ' ' ' a MAtt.a,a&s.ajiMJL . MILLER ATTORNUY-AT-LAW Ht. Helena, Oregon tR.gowigaoHei, PHYSICIAN & SURGPON T. BtLXMI t OBBOO , DR. R. I JEFFCOTT DENTIST Office with Dr. Cliff. ST. HELKN8 PHYSICIAN & SURGEON T BKLKN8 OMKOOV ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Motlea It hereby ttven thtt tht anderaletied hai Immu, by tha County Court ol Colombia t.ouni7, ipuoiniea unillHwor n idvwniw of Irmni htmt. deoeued. All ytntttu bavlnt tlilnMtaaiBM Mid MUla are hereby raqueated to preem the Miaa to ma, prorlr rcrlfted. at ia axiuiria trvta iaa aata oi uiii aotwe. r. w.bokhell Adtnlnlatratoraf Ihe aetata at Fran aoeaal, da- eaeo . Salad fabruary I. 11. . ASIOUICEMEHT llavinc porchaaed tbe intereat of Tame Dart, ol Dart t Mockle. wa wltb to an nounce to onr frienda and patron that tbe but! acta will be eontlnned under tbe name of Jaa. Mnckle & Sow. We aoltcit tbe 'patronage of tbe poblie, aatoriog tbem of court toot treatatent and lovreat pricet, quality coneiderad. Beapectinlir, 4 AS, MTJCKLB A nON letle af RhetifTa Sale a Parealeaarw f m echaale Ideas In Ihe Ctreoft Court of the aula of Oragoa. for joi nant vouatj. T. . Morrelt. PUtntif, va. Tttoaua Cetel. ta fandanL Holloa la hereby efeen. tbat, aader and by virtue of aaexeeulloB, and arder of aala, 'araad out of lha Circuit tMinol the Male of OreeuB. forCol...ibU County, on the 1st dar of Feb ruary, ItIO, upofl and tn pareuaaea of a Jode tnent and decrae of lien, msila and entered lu aald Circuit Court on tha llthdar of January, llu, in a auit wherein T. a. Itonwli waa plaint iff and Thomas Keul waa defeudaat. ewojataDd- jna and requlrlna me lo aell that certain bulkr-t le rrterreo to in tne ennpiaint, neretn. ana known aa tba Tbomaa Ketel houae, toeetber with all lha interests af aaid defendant lo and to Ixiu IS aud I la Hl.wk One, la lha Town ol PratcoU, In Colombia county, Orrron: and that I tsty, from tlie proceeds of su.'h aala. to plalntlfr. or hla atuirocts, the aura of 8, with Interest al lha IVcai rate. Irani Jauoarr lllb, 11U, tbe farther su-a of tMa) as attorney's feee and oneia amountiaa to the sum nl tJS.uO upon this writ: I will, on atoavlay, tha 71 day al March, 1HI. at 'lie boor o ten o'clock a. ra. of aald day. at the front done of the eonrt house la M. Helena, Columbia eounty. Oreaon. la ooedience to said writ, acll at public auction, lo the blahest bidder lor cash In band Ihe abvee deeeribwd real fieoperty. Dated at at. Hrlcna, Oreaon, february f.h, ma. 51 ART! K WHITE. Kherifl of C'oliimLla County, O regno- NOTICE TO CIE0IT0IS Notice la hereby given that the nnder tigned have ben, t-y the Conmv C'oort f the State of Oregon for ill" Cooniy of Co'ninbia. appointed administratrix of the eetate ol Abbott h. Kichardeon, de reaae.1, and Jiave dulv qnalifled at aoch. All peraiiie hai ina claims against aaid estate are hervby rrqqired to present ihe tame to either ol na at t. Helen, Ore., within aix m.intb,from the date heieof. St. Helena, Oregon, Jan 28, 1910. IHIRINDA A. MUCKLE FRANCES M. JOHN Administratrix of the MUte of Abbott L. RicliaMaon, deceased. . SUMMONS Ink be circuit Conrt. of the Mate of Oreaon , for uiiuumi usuuiy. Christine Salene, plaintiff, v. Frank J. Row land, uiutse nnwiann, m. b. Hun, j. n. Wellin ton, and H. H.Mirua. and H. A. ther uaa an-l c. W. fhennan. Pa. Inert at Sher man Bros., defendanle. To Frank I. Rowland, Lou tat Rowland, 11. 8. Ilaarn J. H. Wellington, and Is. Moetm, aud 11. A. tiherniaB and C W. ahennau, abore named defend auu. In the name of tbe State of Onto, vou and eacholyoa arc. hereby reoulred to appear and anawerthe eoiuplalut tiled ajcainst yQ tha aliove entitled court aud eaitse, oa or before tbe 31st day of March, Is 10. bein( aix weeks from the lirst publieatloa of this ummoua, aud II you fall so to appear or auswer he-eln. that plsinlirl will apply to tha court for the relief prmyeo tor in tna comnuuot watca at fol lows: For tbe reenfery of Indnnent ami rut defand- auta Fnuik J. Roniand aud Lni.lae Rowland, la the aunt 01 one Thousand uoUarait,uw, to. ti l bar wlin intereat thereon at Eight per cent ? (Kii.e.1 wt annum from ttetteniur lia. p-r annum from iieptenioer 14, uw. 7 , , V ... title Hunurea (iuo) Dollars atuiraer 'n. " ,,','i,.,ui,, '" the exe,uUoa and ur. erof inisae aale lo sail Uits Puurlf), Niiiaieen(ll and Twenty C3 in ittoca Forty snrae in uta vny ol bt. Helena, Columbia eountjr, Oreaon, upon tha loreeloanra ot tha note and niorttrsga dewnbad la aald eomplalnt la lha amount of Ona Thousand Dollar (II .WD) dated March M, 19UH, lor tha loreeloaara ol which raortraee this suit waa brouht, and which more nil lr appears In tha eomplalnt fllad herein; and thai all of aald defendant ba fore closed ol all rlithl. title and Inletwt ta aald property, except the riant to ri-dvia aa pro vided by law, and lot such other and Inrtber re lief aa lo Uie Court may eeoui Just and equit able. Thl rammnnt la servcl on roa by tha order of the Honorable James Uart, County Judire of tolnmbia Couuty.Oreaou, which ordar la dated the 31it any ol January, laio. . COOVaRT HTAPLrrON. Attorneys for Plalnna- Date of the first pabltcatton of summons it tha at day ol February 1910. Dale of last publication la tha 18th day of II arch, lei. M. ELECTRIC Fixtures Colombia Electric Works ST. HELENS. OR. iAAAAAAAAAAaVAAAVdk1i-VAAAVl C0MM0feCENT5 THAT MAKE COMMON Aawimam Aim AO as s Ul t 41a flAAA i 1 i n J i SAVE PART of the money you make and put it in the bank. Put just five dollars a week in onr bank and in twenty-five years this sum and the interest on it wtll be a snng fortune. We will pay you 4 per cent interest on the money you put in our bank and compound the interest yearly. Columbia County Bank Capital and Surplus $14,000.00 ' OLDEST IN THE COUNTY St Helena, Ore. Wm. MRoss, Pres.; Edwin Roes, Vice-Pres.; Wnt M. Rem, Cashier: A. L Stone, Ass't. Cashier. , iBirectors: Wm. M. Ross, Edwin Roes, James ' TV l aT tin f. . juarx, inarun vv mie. City Shoeing Shop General Blacksmithing, Woodwork and Repair , pair Work Promptly and Neatly Done, rav- ing Cutters'. Tools Made to Order. Horse shoeing a Specialty. All Diseases of the Foot Scientifically Treated Free of Charge. , , r ' E. H. WICKS, Proprietor 1 First Door West of School House, ST. HELENS, ORE. SKAOTG : EIlffi AT ST. HELENS, OREGON Opened Under noon hi TTTr1 Jpen Lvery iwr I "SwT TUESDAY. THURSDAY, SATUR NEW SKATES DAY and SUNDAY NIGHTS 'ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ WALKOVER -SHOESr The Walkover Han Is a great traveler. He !s met everywhere on the ocean, on the railway, at tha club. In fact, one can go nowhere without meeting the WALK-OVER man. If you have not met him. come in and let us intro duce you. ; ' i ' WHITE & ANDERSON HOULTON. ORE. The Chicago Store F. J. BASEEL, Proprietor HOULTON, OREGON l tun' building up a business because I sell for reasonable . prices. If you want to save money try me. A Complete Line of " . . DRY GO.ODS-;. Mens' and Boy's Ready Made Clothing, Ladies' and Girl'a Ready Made Suits. HATS, CAPS AND SHOES Your Patronage Solicited TSLJUST DOLLMS lftr liWi I TTew Management and Sunday afternoons