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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 25, 1910)
u , ,., . ; " t. H The Oregon Mist Entered t the Postoifice at St. Helens, Oregon, as second-class mail mutter. L. - ' ' - IdMIKO KVKRV I'KIDAV HV E H. FLAOO. Editor and Pkumuhtob. County Off icia Paper SvBscKnmoK Ktks On Tear - iJX ' Six month .-W Advertising rates made known on ppll tion. Leal notices 25 cents per line. CiKCL'rr CocbT Offickrs: J. L Eakin.... J. V. Campbell.... E. B. Tonciie District Judge District Judg ..-..District Attorney Cotxty Orricaa ' Tames lUrt. Tuilire St. Helens W. A. Harris, Clerk St. Helens - .Martin White, Sheriff St. Helens W. K. Tiche ior. Conm,r..Cltksnie H. West. Commissioner Srsppoo-e E. E. Quick, Treamrer... St. Helens J V. W.Clsrk. Assessor ..St. Helens if J. H. Collins, School Supt Ctntknie C. T. Preseoft, Snrvevor......St. Helens Frank Sherwood. Coroner Rainier CONGRATULATIONS. The Mist extends its congratu lations to theClatskanie Chief on the stand that paper has taken on the Assembly question. From last week's Chief we quote the ..: following-: " "While the effort of leading Republicans to unite the factions is laudable, the question forcibly i arises as to whether this can be accomplished by the assembly or old convention system, which was one of the causes of disrupting the party. If party leaders re- - County Road Worst in Dis y trlct No. 15. Tt appearing to the Court that Mr. Draun has not completed his ront rut- In accordance with the term thereof, It Is therefore ordered by the Court that Mr. U Sleprt," surety for aula Hraun lie, and he I hereby dlrecteM to comulet the same. Matter of Petition of Pleasant View Tsltphon Co. for Parmlsalon t Erect Telephone Lin Along the Mist Rock Creek Road, From Mist South to Sec 1 T. 6 N. ft 8 W. On this day thl nuttier coming; on for hearlUK and the Court being ad vised In the premises. It it ordered by the Court that said etltloners be al lowed to erect a telephone line along the said proposed route on the County road, but that in erecting the same it shall be so erected as to not interfere with the public travel or use of aald road. Matter of Petition of Wet Oregon Lumber Co. for Permission to Cross County Road with Rail ' road Near the Residence of W. K. Tichenor. On this d.iy thl matter coming on for heartne- nnd the Court being a lsed In the matter. It Is ordered by the Court, that said petition be. and ihe same Is hereby granted upon the following conditions, mat saia torn- mnr shall at their expense build ana maintain a suitable crossing for both teams and pedestrians, on a grade that will permit the passing over of loaded wagons without Inconvenience, and that said Company shall be responsible for any damages caused by injury to lcrson or property on said roaa ny reason of said crossing. Matter of Special School Tax Levy for Districts at, Reported by scnoot Superintendent. It apiiearlng to the Court from the report of the County School Supt that It will be necessary to levy a special School tax for the following Districts and in the following amounts, as pro vided for in Subdivision !, Section School Laws of Oreeon, ISO? No. 6, Mill; No. IS, 1.6 Mill: No. 2fi, .1 Mill; No. 2S. .1 Mill; No. ML 1.1 Mills; No. 3S. .5 Mill; No. 3Z. .3 Mill; No. 38. . Mill: No. 4T .4 Mill: No. 41. .5 Mill No 4fi. 5 Mills: No. 49. X, Mill: No. 56, .2 Mill. It is therefore ordered by the Court that the foresolujr amounts for the respective numbered districts be. and the same is hereby levied on all nf the assessable in the reflective dis- member, threats of a new party , (JJ ln(f iliocwit Uir til IUC ireTCiaC UIJ" were nfe JU9t previous to the j u.,.ta tnU the clerk j8 hereby ordered adoption of the new primary law. i io extend said levies upon the Tax of which little has oeen neara . nous tor tne year Matter of Scalp Bounty Claims. On this day the Clerk presented to the Court Scalp Bounty Claims Nos. 7 to 13 Inclusive, amounting to iJVii", ai- since it went into effect The pri mary law is the proper measure with the rank and file of voters, despite all assertions to the con- so the front paws of said animals as 1 r trarv, and anvthing tending to-'shewn by said claims, which were ex ward its overthrow will be looked;;'1' b? the Court 1,11(1 saW Pw8 upon with disfavor by the mass-j wh,re,lpoll tw U(n0urned until eS. Ihe people have a cnance Thursday. January G. 1910. now tO VOte directlV for th? can-. IV'-atUr of Petition of 0. E. Hunter for ilirlnto in Star a snri My.intv offices Liquir License in Goble Precinct, and it would be hard indeed to! u ,hUa ,B"da", of ,taUilZ; mHi , - it. ' " . . .. leoDies on for hearing the petition of r make them torsake the pnilege;a E Hunter, for Urense to sell - and go back to the convention I spirituous. Vinous and Malt Liquors System, Where a lew delegates i and termented Cider in less quantl do the nominating. COUNTY COURT ties than one jrailon In Goble Precinct, Columbia County. Oregon. J And it appearing to the Court that a majority of all the legal voters of said iirecinet, who are actual residents BE IT REMEMBERED that at a of Goble Precinct, and who have actu- regular term of tbe County Court of 'ally resided therein at least 3D days the State of Oregon, for Columbia ' preceding the signing of said petition: Countv. begun sud' held nt the Conrtr And it further appearing the Court Hones In the Citv of St. Htiemt, onifr the affidavit of the publisher of Wednesday tha fih .lay cf January. ;th Ciatskanie Chief, a weekly news lSlrt. tht sn b?'.i:e the time fixed byjwer of uent-ral circulation published law focfcoidiiis a reu!:.r term of saidjia tounly and state, that said Court, whea'-wtr present: , -. ie.!tioaer would apply to this Court Hon' 'am Dart, 'Ciarrrv J'id(.e. t for such license had been pnbli&hed lion. H. West "comrnhVioner. for four consecutive w1m In his id Hon! W. K. Tithenor, Commliisiori. r. i nesiwuer: And it further auttenrlng ' ' W. A. 'Hi'rris, t,lcrk. i from the affidavit of one of the signers Vartin White" Smfiff. !f a!4 tilion and of two of the rest-. Hue provlawatioB 'being made the! dent househoiders of said precinct, that following proceeding were had: J written copies of saW jwtltion and no- Journsl resd and approved. bad l-e-n given and posted for Matter of Petition of J. B. E. Bourn i tour ronsecutive week in three of the et at. for Relocation of County tnat piinlic places la sji id Coble Pre r03(j !cir,i-t, ar.d the said O. E. Hunter having On this day the Fetitioa of J. B. E. ' ,ilHi wiin CIt!rk of ,hls ' his Bourne and othtr, for the relation of "'? approved by the County a Ccuntv road ia Sections 14 and 15 t "udae, and a duplicate from the Coun- 7 N R 3 VeH coming on to be heard treasurer lor tne sum or ZW.WI. and the Cturt Peine advised in the rmi lhlr 'Kln no remonstrance matter, it Is orderl that said petition the j-Taming of said petition be, and tfce.tam ia herebv denied torcn ac,i tJle being fully ad- want of j'iriidMto'i ' ,Hd in ,he l'fenns?s, It ordered by Matter of Petition of E. 3. North et al. ,h? Co,lrl tna saW l"'"tion be granted, lor -a County Rgad. I : riii that l-'''ene issue to the said O. On this da fomes on for hearing'1" Hull, to seli Spirituous, Vinous the petition of K. h. North and 12' iait Llquora and Kerweuted Cider other, frteliohlers of the county re-;ln ,m 1-iarmtim than one gallon in idin In the r.jad divtrlct where aald ',n Ior l-erioa ol six Purpose. Friday. January ?th. 1910, 3rd Judklul way. Court came pursuant to adjmut. All niciutvei-s being preaent. Due proclamation being mad the tol' lowing proceeding wer had: On thl Tth day of Jan.. 1910. this matter coming on for the consideration of the Court, and It appearing to the Court from the estimate no made, that it will be necessary to raise tt6.- 105.09 for State purposes, 123, 414. 00 for School purpose, l;ii0 2u for Library, $149 61 for S.ttSf Fund, 33.J44.J3 for County, and I4,S.r.49 for (leu, road and it appearing to the Court that the total amount of assemante proerty oi the county a appear by the a sea. ment roll for the year 1909. I 114, 951.495.00; That In order to raise the aforesaid amount for State, School Library. & & Fund, and County pur pose It will be necessary to levy tax of flr and one-half mills upon all the assessable property within the county; It 1 therefor ordered by the Court that levy of 6t Mill on tne dollar, divided as follow, for Stat purposes. .00175: for School. .0015; La brary. .000022: 8. S. Fund. ,00001; County, .0022 18, be and tbe same is hereby levied upon all the assessable property within the County of Colum bia, and It Is further ordered by the Court that tax levy of .003 Mill on the dollar, on alt the assessable prop erty within this county oe. ana tne sam U hereby levied for General road purpose. Matter of Petition for Appointment of P. H. Gtchll, County Fruit Inspector. On this dar this matter coming on to be heard upon the Petition ot a Holadav and 4 other for tn appoint ment of F. H. Getrhell Fruit Inspec tor, and M. O. Lownsdale, commission er, having recommended the appoint ment of said F. H. uetcneii. it is or dered by the Court that said F. H. Getchell be, and he Is Hereby apointca as County Fruit Inspector. Matter of Petition of "TM orenwt Mist" for Designation a County Official Paper. On this day this matter coming on for hearing tton the Petition nf the Oreeon Mist to be appointed tne urn clal County pier for the year 19U, setting forth that said paper has the largest bona tide yearly suusertoer within Columbia county. It la there fore ordered by the Court that the Oregon Mist" be and It is hereby ap pointed as the County OflHial puper for the year 1910. and it Is further or dered by the Court that the compensa tion for the publishing of the proceed ings of the County Court and the claims allowed by said court shall be for each square of ten lines of brevittr type t newspaper measure), or Its equivalent, (en cents. I Matter of Report of Vartou rtoaa Supervisors. On this day the reorta of Supervi sor showing the amounts paid out nd Amount of Poll Tax collected In he several district as follows: No. I Collected 1244.00 On hand . 11. 10 $25j.10 Paid out as per vouchers $ 255.10 i Collected $ST.W Paid out as per vouchers 33S.2G Cash on hand to lial.. 4.74 No. 3 Collected ...$1,525.55 Paid out as per vouchers $1:151.8 Cash on hand No. 4 Collected Paid out Cash on hand . . . 1T3.C7 1525.55 .$ 27.00 .$'21.00 . 6.00 LADIES AND MISSES' HIGH GRADE SKIRTS Dress Skirts and Under Skirts Ladies' Skirts, $3.50 to $9. Misses' Skirts, $3.50 If You Want a Skirt That Will Look Nice and Hold its shape, call on us to-day Clothe.. PANAMA SUITING SERGE VOILE Colors. BROWN BLACK GRAY BLUE . RED Why Not? Drop in At tho H PeiwrtmcrU Store nnd look t this nfw lot of Wrt7 It dont cotst anythinjr sure to Iw 8omctning that will pltfM. you in this swell line. Have You Seen Our New Line of Shirt Waists? They Are the Best Values Ever Shown in This City. Jas. Muckle & Son's Department Store No. Cash on hand.? 5.09 Collected $.0$ Paid out. .$079. 54 Cash on hand .05 $fi0.09 No. 6 Collected $;7X.OO Amt- overpaid 15. 2 Paid out road is to be !ocatd,' pMying.'fo'r'the "r'.".h? 'rc.'" Ji'.nuar-V 7lh- mK trty location or a cuu follows: In road district No. 13, Sec. 27 T 4 N R 5 W, Coin nil: i,i Cucnty. Oregon; Beffinnii'i, at s gfuke marked it inside the limits of ihv Co. itad at w ht end of nw tett.e! I:rid,;e whirl! spans the Nf-hatani river tin? UulUm place, raid hridf;! h;inL' rods Xor;hw.-jt of tht t)uartr i-orcfr 'hif h on Kin?t Bide of Sec Z7 li-iw(fn the liallas ft: A. C .Br.Kt -Tstin 1. roati dfribd as ' 'Thl'rslay. Jan. 6th. 1'JlO, 2nd Judicial No. 7 Collected Paid out On hand No. it Collected I'aid out On hand ..$219.00 , .$211.00 l.Wl $93.2 $JI9.W f'ourt cariif- purgnant to adjrunt. All nreoibfis hing pretnt: i'ui! nrwlamation being mad the fol- Ivwlut; prKf-dinK8 were had: Report of Board of Road Viewer on Petition of Wm. Retimiu et al. for Vacating Bennett Road. On this day this matter coming to'. - ... w heard inori the Kerend readine of r, ' . ,.f 1, i ... r: .... 1'" ""i - No. t On haad Collected Overpaid Paid out No. 10 On hand Collated Paid out . , On hand No. 12 Collected Paid out .. .$3S2.HO ...$2M,93 .05 -$2H2.'X $::&2.55 $US2.03 .$ .40 . as l.oo . 1.15 ....$ 31.T2 43.1)0 $519.94 .... 11. 7 ..$ sew) No, 13 On bi.nd Collected Paid out , On hand ; No. 11 Collecied i Paid out ..$ 13.75 . . liZ . uo , .$ 71.70 . , 2.05 ..$ C9.00 $331.72 $331.7 $ 3C.Xt $ 70.75 $ 7G.73 $ 69.00 12.00 Which were examined and approved fn'V.air-. "!, oi uoaru oi county open road .,o3t cf !li; way aud M'lnsl, : ,er'. n"'" liiiUI "S" was pub-! by the Court " " " J u tw uiuereni nay ot I01 tern, and no remor.Ktrance or itltlonsl Maner oT PPO'ntment of Road 8upr f'r damage having bten filed, and the! n ,or Vr 1910. 'jiirt Ah adviM.d in tho matter. Iti " thl ,ne followln namwl 1- tWHore ordcro) by the Court that' lr8n r'? ajioliited aa 1toad Su Komhwest r.4 rials 10 ri r-Uke tji.-;rk"d ll 7 rod Niuhe.tst of -Tohrt Illusw loui ti...- X'M - vtwrty .lirc tlon a!on?f thr. Mil on luo.t .racii around ' -t 1:s!;--m I,::, ;:crcfs I Quhohy !rr,i!.r .-ialw i, X.,r-h "' r!!".n '" fa"1 ord be aco-pted.'j SWn;. iii! 4" r'o'' & b rn to ., n fnrtln'r orders that aaid road ; Make" inariied T on Vct sld of p.-'. ! 1he Hi""(i ""rchy vacated, j .21 T 4 -N a 5 v. Tt.i road U abttd cf Bo'rt of Road Viewer on ff;-ia or'lw o irSve f.nir aMtler on! Pe,,t'on cf F- Peterwn for Clcr1 ci-eek an oulltt to tht- lie hrldife I Chang m M.t-Pitt.burg and pu!;ii- nmii. kU mvi to be 40 ' ffet wide ihl", 17 1 ,U t-l'f no ,s (0 the cit'.hborhrKj'i fcMii-ieve And It satiflacitrjitv aoirftarins; to thf ( u: 1 firjjj, 1' ,f 'il .llw, 1 rh:it j;;iil!U y of i ilia pro- ' -t I 1 1 v re- 1 i t ' of f?airl 1 ti. 1 f 1- ol this ah il ro.i'l uixtrift !., to t-i,. , i,..;I. and i f- 1 1 ' t boi (1 has UH" 11 ill o ot 1 , cr"' -1 t 1 (i . 1 i t 1 1 p.tiuoni! wre H' tosntv, roitfd-i.- v'je 1 ill 10 , tint h food Mir bsrc.n Pld. It. l"ihi.iw.i!rff Ih it tl, y ,i j , at the r... nc the lJUl ?: v ,.I their r,'ll'j! to t pervliwre for the following diatrii-ta; .no. 1. , linse. No. 2. T. K. Urwtdl. No. ?,. l. s. O'Spaln . No. 4. AHx-rt KefTcrt. No. ". Fritz Anliher. No. tj. o. B. Wonderly. No. 7. ,T. A. Lovelace. No. 8. 1). C. Kirhy. No. 9. Clia. Hcruio. No. 10. J. E. Van. Sit. II. (eo. Kreenian. i No. 12. Peter mwmtr. j No. 13. J. M. Hill, i No. 14. -T. IJ. Mill. No. 13. E. H. Webster. .witnia law iii.v- vu-r . t. 'i to U , rni-rri fv ttitr Court l .".i'I I'rvi , t ini-et ot I i. I on 1 1 1 ' 1 0:1 ft on fyi-j (Jr-y, then Road, . Now oa thlB day this matter coniii8 j on to be herd upon the 2nd reading ;of the report of the board of-eountyj rnnil viewers, which said report wai 1. ,l.i,.l-.. ,.A J,. t. .... ' different dayi of thin term, and Mid l o;.id bavlRK reported damaK to the f-t;:i of fjpatavc Peterson In the stirn Of Stll.lllJ, ' : I K f ttnr.n hDln, fil'Hl ctafiu for dttiiae' n -tho um! 6' Ohwil. of $ v",.t)0, and the Coort not Ijelux guf-. ltial 'f"re entwln iiKn their fi'-h ntly adsisi-i in -the matter mn. ?"nM "y V Qualify accordinK to lnKs the aame for furtlier invest lea-! L"w' aiul m "m,i 'a 'he in "of tioir. 1 Ji.iij to tf approved by the Court Matter cf Resolution of the Various ; Matter of Salary of Secretary of County k.,a.i,,a iur opccitfl improve tnsnt3 of the County Road in the Several Districts and the Levying of a Specfal Road Tax to Defray the G'pertce of Such Improvement. On tl;!,s day the rolutlona for iin- W-cvinjt tne foads In the varlou road ner. -ami pro-t pxiil nul 1 r ir on t'i nine. Feroit i-f ,rl v,t 1 ' 1 !-c mon cf Wm.) O-i tills il.iv Dm. r.- t n r.r i... tJ. !ttrict und the levying of a Hoenial i for the name a by law iirovldcri of .iiv.ti w ih.u m .hi 4 oiiri the! f"!l l0.'1'f'i,3' l,lr' ctpene of aid j Mr of Appointment of Board of first time '"!ii'ivt miils were examined and ap-, V County Road Viewer. rentier o Fc-' t cf tonmm';r' of i'r'' 'u "J tne tourt a follow;. IhHtrict 1 On thl day it I ordered by th Board of Health. On this day it Is ordered by the Board that the twlury of Or. H. It. Cliff, a Secretary of the Hoard of Health,-. be, nd the Name iw hereby fixed at $20.00 per month, and the Clerk la ordered to inane the warrant air' oon.i buirhvr Ft-tl No. 70. G- A- K. . ... iiii .UiU l.iH. iiM-oi-t ol ii .Coni. u 1,1,1 r i 11 i J 1 id a il up JHOVi'd In 1'i( ( t,m-i 1 , IVaitcr 01 ftcriett cf Borfrd of Road Vie were on Petition cf F, J. Peter ton for Change3 in Mirt Pitts- burj County Road tin. A, tl levy of MIMk: Kn 1 i f 1 .Mill; No. Z. a levy of t; Mills; ,. ': a Ifvy tif 2 Mi!!.-; No. h. a levy of 5 Mill; N. In, a b vy of t;', Millii; No. y.. 11 l vy oi' to Milln; No. i.J, a levy of 9 Mills; No. is. n levy of 5 Mills. Uhiretipon Court adionrned tmill 1 iiniiry vin. inn. "Cn (tin d v 1,10 upcit of the larj,nJh M!UV of ,he Tax L ,or s or Ko.iil .Vlewrnt wg read in optn Court the flnit time. Matter ef Contract of Frltx Braun for Years 1939 and 1910 and of the Estimated Amount to B Raised fer th Several Court that C. T. Preacolt, County Sur veyor, w. k. Klevena jind C. , o. I,ym h and they arc hereby are ixtliited an the Board of Couuly Viewers, Matter of Providing Suitable Place for , Keeping Road Tool of th Vr. oue Road District, On thl day It in ordered try the Court that tho Superrlaor of each dlts trict cauae to be; erected a Suitable bulldlrg tOr keeping ot the t'ooaty road tool and machinery, said build ing to lie i-rei ted in the central irtlon of the district at the side of the road but Inside tbe limits thereof. Whereuion Court adjourned" until Saturday. Jim. 8tb. 1910. Saturday, January s, 1910, 4th Judicial Day. Court came piintuant to adjmnt. All member being present. Oue proclamation bclns made the fol lowlnit proceedinait were had; Matter of Accepting Bridge Over Gobi Creek Built by S. S. Long. It apiwartuK to the Court that Mr. Lone has completed the said bridge stionliiifc to the terms and Hpecilka tlonn ot hU contract, It U ordcreii by the Court that the mime Iw ui-cepted. and the Clerk ts ordered to draw a wan ant on th On. lload fund for the hum of $774 50 in favor of Mr. 8. S. I-oiik as full payment for said con tract. , Matter of Aid for th Boy' and Girls' Aid Society. It is ordered by the Court that the Clerk draw a warrant in the mini of $10.00 per mouth in tavor of th Hoys' and Girht' Aid Koeleiy for the balance of the year 1910. and forward the said amount to said Society. (Dills Allowed) hereupon Court adjourned until February 2, 1910. Wednesday. February 2, 1910, 5lh Ju Uirial I lay. Court came pursuant to adjmnt. All members being present. Oue proclamation IwInK made the fol lowiusr prncecdliiK were had: Matter of Report of Road Viewers on F, J. Peterson' Petition for Change in Mist-Pittsaurg Road. On IIiIh day thla matter coming for further hearing, and the Court belnK advised lit Ihe matter. It I ordered by the Court that the claim of N. I). Petervm for damages be allowed in the sum of $20.00 and the sum of $40.00 be allowed to the Katate of (lustave retersoo. ana the Court being autlaned that uch change will he of Kreat pub lic utility, and the report of the view ers belnK favorable thereto. It is therefore ordered by the Court that said report, survey, profile and plat be recorded in suitable book kept for that purposo, and from thenceforth said road dhall be a nubile hlahwav and It 1 further ordered that the Itoad Supervisor in whose district . said change are located, ahull open the same to public travel. Matter of Selecting 200 Names From the Tax Roll of Taxpayer to Compose the Jury List for 1910. On this day the Court selected from the Tax Rolls of the County the name of 200 lax payer to serve as Juror for. the year 1910, and filed said list with the County Clerk. Matter of Purchasing Rock Crusher and Traction Enoine. . un in is day i John Hum 4ou. 00 K. K. Tulltir 375.00 And ll appearing to the Court that the bid or Mr. hi K Till lit r is the low cut and best bid. It Is therefor ordered by the Court that the bid of Mr. E. K Tullnr be. and the same Is hereby ac cepted and the con trad awarded to said E. K. Tullar. Matter of Appointment of Road Super visors for Rosd District No. 12. ll apiwiti'ins to (he Court that Mr. P. itaturr heretofore appointed hm de clined to arcttpt said Mxiliiliii' iit. II Is therefore ordered by tho Court that Mr. N. A Calmheris, be and he l here-: by appointed as Siip'.-rvlwir of Hon.) 1 Ufart. No. 12, and that he duly qualify) and Ble a bond In the sum of $luo.0O to lie auiiroved bv tha i'mirl I Matter ef Examining Scalp Bounty j CSH'ortlafltl tO Astoria. IflC. lilimi, On this day the. Clerk presents to tne lourt Snlp Uounty Claims No Colonist Fares rKOM Chicago $33 St LouU $32 PKORIA $31.50 St. Paul. Duluth $25.00 Kansas City, 0mah - 25.00 AND Conrtpoiinly Lew Fare free All Peia. tut e All PwaU SPOKANE PORTLANDISEATTLEBT Ami IuSmOs ASTOBI&&C0LUHBU RIVER ET Tickets on Sai.k Daily dtwrllied a required by law, . Court after imipectinK the Arrangements may be made with stroyed suld paw. by hurnlnx j iy ajfent of the S. P. & S. Of A. & C. ll to deliver ticket to inenda in the East. Detailed information fumiMhed by any A. & C. R. ajrent or H. M. ADAMS (J. P. A p. A Portland Oregon 14 in m inclusive umoumitiK to $:iti on i March 1st to April 15. Inc.. 1910 together with the imws of the animals ' v ' 'w therein dew rllied as reiuired by ittw. ana tne siime d them, and It ts ordered thai aald claims no allowed. Matter of Additional Band of Sheriff tax collector. On this day It la ordered by the Court that the bond of Sheriff White a Tax Collector be, and the same is hereby fixed $3ihmi.O0. which to now l,teeiited to the Court and by Ihe Court approved. Matter of Resignation of F. H. G.tch.M a Fruit Inspector. On this day K. il, tletchell lender hi resignation as Krult Inspector which is acrepled by the Court. WHEHKt I'ON Court adjourned. Cattu or Salk Oue jersey eow, fresh soon j one black con. itiving milk ; two hciler calves, one year old. Call on or.ldrei! 11. F. Uke, Houlton, Ore. Jan. 28 at Ten acres ol laud p.r sale, one h.ll mile from Houlton Ad.lrewor call on oeorfte rerry, Houllon, Oregon. Von Sai.k A younir hay mure. hn with foal. Good traveler, Kentle, J'Hce $75, If told at once. Address: Kut, jj. ler Carrier, Warren, Ore. IscxaATok vobHalk One 21B pacity l'etaluma.and twoOO-chlck brood- en. 1-or further InfAmu.! inn iall nH tl Salter. ffouHon Ore, EXKCLTOK'l NOTICE, k.K,!!i2' '1 h'n,'t t'v"n ttist th. mill. Mimed h.. iMinjiliilir .i.,wlii,l b. ih. miiiv V, u All eorwiM hnvliix cl!ni utnai M,i ,,,. smhereliy noiined n i,ru..7r r..":",'": lv.mtle.1 u re.mlr.rt h, ii.,C ii.l . "'". the Court iiiinhimwi irom Keall a Co. 1 No. 4 gymnn ;vm. ' ""PU'e'i t lw. n ih. im,i.7.i;..'. tory Rock Crusher mounted. 1 llnT tXIZi V,J- Traction Enuine to be dellvonui i. . PortUud. oreaun. oiihi.. : v"'f ri ! csveob. ! CHEESE I Nelke Cti Sir Know nil ui.n by tbmt mm Thai. here, th Board of f i. 0 miesiotiert ol lit KUwof Oreem ' (het'nlual flt Mure el ttJ have pnpti.l ft ml lkd, i4 J pfr.p. ctln and itocktnf the um i tbe Will.m.tle tvd Clsckamas rhJ ad their uihuurW, In the Sum 4 0.'n, rnith taluioa 0h;sad I Where, will ittmtu art frnjsMa. hf mIhioa 6b, and for U purpia i protecllnj llt mum, th hI IUnJ i $lli Cownttasionvr ba deckitd rlow the id WUUmtt rim j J trtbuUrle, below J ortfi of Ih iw, Ihereut. at Oiitou tltf , nd ad f $ CUrhams Hiver. 1 lis trtbat W pirnl 0filB therein, In soy Ba rter wbtti r, ft Mlmoa H'h, W tha time herein tpecl(ll j ) give by Mid r-jrd ot r'Wi ChM woner UmI Ntid WltUmetw Kim, m IU trtlinUri, below an.) north of fall thereof, at Oreton Citv, nd B Mid Clacksmat Klvrr. and IU t tail, r. nd !h of Iheint I. hrM ciowii lo fi.bina. in an manner rr, (or mIwhii Drh, Iwtscen l o'clH k, no-m. on the dru dy of Jstnt ii'iu, sna tie, o clock, noon, o o fli.t day of May, 1010; and II t snd b aiilaelul to rtth fur. or ik. arani ny Mluion flh in any ol mUI durini Mid period ol lima bo ty UM. Aar and all persons whomor usliln;. In vlotatlon of thl noli, r3 no uriwemtad, at by law jnovided. W. DK.IlX. liotmar. -" r. w. nKNo.v, Hecrelary of SM. (iEO.A HTKKt. Slat Tretrt. Con.tltultogll.Bord of Fish Ci mlnloner. , AtteMjH. C. McAl.I.loTKK, ' .Clwli of lit w kin I .. 1 1 It H! i .... r.U, 11 W v. riillil.-. rauo, on nt bsfot IS l1fi .irii.r, iu, thai Mm la.itiy iti " delivered Aurll 1, 1810, for the sum of lirtsi r.n object to 30 days' trial before settle merit to tirove it efflclencv ami r!.i,. clty Matter of Purchasing a Steam Rod Roller. Ou this day the from Buffalo Hteum Holler Comuanv one hM)cial" Buffalo I'lit Double En- In. 1i....Jt . ... .Jinan, nuau ivouer ior tne sum of $2730.Wt to b delivered March 1st uhject to approval according to ton- WHKREI'POJf COI'RT ihtncDv. E until February 3. 1910. Thursday, February 3, litlO. Cth Judl. fU:iiI8TIUTI0.V OF TITLK, .. . ... , AualleeUon No. 11. in the (J rcult (:.,., of th. ,.t.,, , . . lurvuilllir or '" .YTI'i' V" "Ml'lienilon nf K, A. U-k snil J.,.l V. Ixrk In rxul.i.r ,i,i St. Helena, Feb. 25, 1010 vcur jrriena : I like cheese when it ia good cheeae. I will tell you how I like cheeae. I like a piece of cheeae "itn a piece of pie when I get nearly through. Papa aaya cheeae make, hia IURKi M, ' l'l I . . '. v.. Court came pursuant to adjmnt. . .. To All m it i.r(;..,- ,'''' All niemlwr Iteinif lirewmt. UV ""'. tli.t ou Hi. ivh d.i tr . l" i;ro,-h.matln being M1Ble the fol-ii?.".'0."."" '-fitdS. iomg (.roceedlngs were had: (((..,lmi,l.i;u,1111J T",,;,''"" '","ll,';o Matter of Bids for Oravellno 11M of ""' ln.Uir" riffi"';!""1"" Road In Oist. No. 4 .. o.r'p fcrAT"-"! .".hM..h"i?.,!; wlrly end ol uidC ? .VV ? "". Beat CPAAttt fVi . . bkxk w. '"iiiissin " "coo TJfjr and Specification On this Hay hid wer opened for th u.m ni nn Ih. armilwi ih.r.. ' " ., ?' i ..niniemiNi and iUvm """"! HI In. in immileriHl . you "me. ?$.; 1,50 of road -N- 5tttt K. Plnckrfflv :..rtM v i . HIUBB aaa A. w. fiiilli !?. ;' pound. Good Coffee at 25c per pound. VT cJS-.Fruit for 20(3 Pftr Your friend, JACOB. s--non you want Cheeae go to WELLINGTON'S NVItMO.1! I the Circuit Conit l ih.suieof (Ws ' oUtmlil I 'ohuh. , Cb.rlM a. I In.ivi.n ui.miiir . aiMl i'ni.)r, o, a, catliHi, sail Usst-va U.t.mlnuu. . . Tn it. A. ;.rlm and fsri. Mm Ul In ih. nrnn nf ih N'.m ol Otev"". P m ketodf miiilrvd lo sntwu and .! ""' finini oi in. p titiv. rnllil. il ot r.Krii.r. In lli.ourt ! ,.,u .. anH .bMt bffi elil dai hiii mnr o.i. ivl ihe rat tHil.lln.ilon of itil n l It you l.ll t umi Md nun" . hl.lul. Ihe oUilimir will swily to tt" "".S I It. l ... . .... . u 1LT L i.ihi u 01 inria h, iron ,.,- rn,i u,.wlt. tfcis It b domwl vi I'!JJ by Ih. conn that voa.o. 4 t'.riuin, t". l.ll. I 111... . 1 1. 1 .BUM .Mih of votl. hmvm no HtaU n liitrr! fW tur I or to llw hillnwlus ilMerltwl I""1 ny prt lhrn, iiiu.t. U (,'olulnW lA.k.11 . th. on h.ll nt Ih. orthw.!'! ter(i,).ml th . -mil ou. iiaU p.) nMh""; w. iiiianor f',j 01 Mt Ion .laiuyrn i"i 3 l"wn.fiipit (il) iwnhof r.111. fourl)'' ill. ttllUmelle merl.ll.a, .... . Aflillmt I rwbl ilmre Ih. Iltt'l;lll"jj lo Midland fc niwlared rmd ! v.ll'l; that roil, lb. iwid il.iMitlanu. nd Mo ' t? In lorrver n)iii ami barnMl torn -"."'' nyrlaim wnalMMV.r In or to itMW'J nr ia Ih.reol, avie lo IM l.lalulUT s"! iieh olher .a.1 iuHIm, rall In Hi. hrfUluf" to lint noMrt mar s ') MllW- . lk. Thla iimmiiM l ultlli-xf 1 """'"JT uoBoraiii. j .u. I'smniwii, iim o ' -- mi-, H., nn, un iimw ' , .... HMD. an.t tha ila nl tha Aral iiuullualtoU t I"" iiminoni I. Jaiiuary Jlh. IiUO. - Sf, IJI i-"VI- -,H inaKiiMiM ai Aiuirn.yi foi "jjjt'PitJU MOTICI TO CREDITORS ' Nlrflna la hrih .ln thaa lha nniliU'lf"" haa tMKin siH-nlniad adiDlnlairalils of lb"""1"' III Allmrl ll. tllll,. b lh t-"""', ' nun of the Ktal ol Ore..n tor the t'"""''! 10 oaiT--" .,, l 7.: a llnnlton, Oregon, wlia1" ' miiiillK from thnitaw hemu.'. J'alwl Janus'lr ill, lull) rw ' W. H. Pow.ll, Attornar for AdsilBltWM' First publkutUea r.brasry . of .li .nl sra kemby nolltWd Slid "'i"1 to lireariit elalina. duly V.rllli"! I '"VL li. uiulenlsniMtu aiu h a'fmlnliriri. l "