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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1909)
LOOAL Hun Tlt ea longshoremen A MeCabe. of ti.iii.t. ' I'oilv.i't London, wllha . . - u.iiiI..h (!. I oad iib l'r . he doekol tb.Bt. Helen. "T.rL.-ny. Thrr.M.ou.elr,ubl. UMIV--. .1.. Guilty """" L. .i..t Brown L. .4. had """ iLwer a number .h fr in the A JJu.lo.. Tt. Wr tu ohJ c..l . bosses end Ht " 1. stood ! ""' r"uU br,n" SZ Mu ,io ,,,ok nttl (vcr loan to at ' t'- ... -iiu fnuiidl met hvt Monday Jelnl l w,(", ,h 0",,' b"' trail a.ied being the " lanc granting o the t"l ,t Company permission lo wry on Lit bii.lntss end giving Ibem the b ttM ol land in Waahliiglon Square tor that purpose. Tbeordlnanee creat MiiUaol rtlv attorney waa dt- ImIkI ami ihe Mayof was eulhoilteri lo tmptoy o attorney ' ,w Co,u Mission. ......... ..TuiljffllWjll Hai.k-HIi room imiiaa and two ol the best realdence Ms In St. Il.lei.e. l'rica 12.01X1. Ap- fj at till Olllct. Tha hiilldav number ol the Pacltk Uutucairail contains advertisements from Hcauuouae wb'cll km a cttllt lo tui- ewnlv-namtly those ol Harry Waal and Albert Johnson. Keen baa a ball p.,. containing write up and pll(ret iiiui ol Ihelr beat slock . Tlie nmow- liK la Imiii Mi. Weal! "Mv brt. bus wtin more iwiica (tie past llir- jreaia an all the other Jerary brredera In the Northwest combined. Hard won ih ru. '.7 aeenndii. 13 rlimnploiia ait'l and ctwmploiia, and 7 allrf cun In imfl llenl ltaa mora (luldan I'ern W'l Wl and mom luiixirifd aiiimalt I ban aor lii'td on tli coaat, Herd UIjcmmiIiu Iclr J by I ha United (Male xovf luticnl." Tha iMiaaraalnn ol Well Hock will aoitie ilar maka Ike Scaptnoaa) oouutry world- I (nltiua , WrUlnifUm aara be will pay Mpeclal atirnllon lo order by wtroiew. l liriaimaa In Si. Helena waa finite Kn enlly cclcbratM, On Tburtdty alu r noitl Ibera waa program and lr- al ihKirhool bon a and Kliday oIkIH a aimiUr etilerUlnmeut Ml I he IViiUfpa tlonal church. In udilillon la Ibrac Hit e wrre the utual home cotninga and rtunl oaol latlltewboa uiemhrra live at a ilUtano. Thw St. IMciunitrchanl ail rrrl a tt aula ol holidar X'KmU, and thai tha article ol bifhctt grade fcund the rratiral aalt . It la thoughi over five tiniea ai large a holiday lul- waa duna hrr) and at lloultou aa In a-iy icvioii year. I'ainta, oil a. varnUh, nlt. abrll hart!- i rr. arrewa and bolt all kimla ol tHiiMrr nuterlai at lb tlore ol J.i. Xuckle H Hon Lowed pflcra. Mi I.nlu George, who la tmcl lng rhool al I'eadloton, Ii home lor the holxley. Mita iMoa llarria and I'.rnett Johnt. 0. A. C. atodenta, are ipeudlng the bl llara at home with relative" and Irienda lutacreaol land If !'. ' '! tut Irotu lloiiltott Adilrewior ca I on ('"rge I'erry, lloulum. t)irgn. Mra. II. UlUre and childr-n ate nillnK lha boli Uva with Mra 1.4 iUrc'a titter, Mra. Bnrahcad. iu IVrthmd. II an Mr. II. V, Cillner.ol I'W laml, ol Mi.lnyand Tueaday In thlacity, at tending to bu.lncjw intereau In thla vl einttjr and alutklng haida with oldlrlendm MUnd tht owHii-r.ide Salunlny, Jaiinarr lat, IIUO, at Acme Hall. Oiven by the liiothall team. llu.Ki co a 8l.K Inquire i t Jack A pleioii, leer laland. Tha wrttliiK match at Cathlam t lt Monday eeenlng between 8iuee lMirhlge, of lbi place, and lloannl .Miller, ol Cathlauict, ended In a tlectaive vktofy lor 8uee. He arcurel tl (irt fdll In 12 minute and the arcond in I minute. Syrup ol White l'lne and Tar. the old reliable rough remedy. Koranic by A. . itiiiiiik. (inmniti. THE ST. HELENS FOOTBALL ELEVEN December 19th the boys closed a very succeftsful season. The only game lout was the flint one played when no practice had been had. Heading from left to right the above ugly mugs belong to. bottom row: Neal, Stoddard, Kosie. Frank Flagg, Granrod. Lawn, Long, Henderson. Top row: Panhandle, Geo. i lagg, Pratt, Brakke, Squeeze, Tlmmons, Wilson. rnnina rne reerearf areaeueratf ar tht tcmi Hall, Heullon, January HI, 1810 i Fine I'iiimi to exchnng lor Real He titv. iniuireu( Moiitgomery . EXKCUTOK'! NOTICE. Nollw r I cri'lif iilvon that the undanlinird 111 ollti iHklauelH of Jvlin him liMii!nly amilnl"l'lir III" rniimy emin nim itim oi inn i.i.i w H 4'lialur, ili'i'i'aMMl an i.i.i ... iihviik da ma HKiiliiat anil rain'o rii lii'ritliv liiilllli'it l liri'MlIlt llio anina illlly verillwl wi miiilwil t.y lw. to Ilia uniteralined al llimv "IT. II.MuliiivUt. aitorimv allHW, rill'tll 'JI, Allinwonil IIIIIIII.K. f'l "H in.'Bi, C'lrllanil. (ui iiiin, wllhlii alx muiitha Iriiio tha KxiMlor ill lha eatale ol John llwhalar, ! ...( T. H MdK ivllt, Aituriiey H'" K-tal. Imlool It rat pulli'iliu ""' rixturea and a..t)iiliea. Columbia V.lec trl Worka. KtAffii'iHK ('im)K CoiiK The ladica ol Scapptioaa have publiahed a cook book ol ti'i page, printed In good aiied, clear lacecl tvne. and fllbd Irotu cover lo cover with valuaute recipea Inrnitlieil by a Urge number of uunlribulora in itillcr cntpartaof the coiiniy. Nearly alto' b reciea are aimtrtl bv the eon'rl'iti lore, o. il thev do not prove aul itact' rv, the purcbKr ol the book will know who to blame. Th pruce l of the aale will lc devoted t i hiirrh piirrxwa, but the hook I tol l aolely on ita uirr ta. and KikxI houtewivra. who itctlre to plcaae their huahaitiU, can not ilo lietler than purchnae thf book It will b on ale at ihe"toie"ol the Columbia Dry Oootla and Clothing llouae, St Helena, anil at the fcapiamae and Warren ttorr. Ilrwritrra wanted a' Ih Vermont Hotel, liood r"m. gixvl boaid. Meals '.'5 ecu ta, ai-eclal rati- y the we k 11 y.u bad Ka) to pay down you could bur ailiall buninraa ol your ow l Yon could pay the bil mee In eay im'all nieol IVgin toaaie. Oct Ibe bul neaa The Columbia Count Itauk -aya i per cent on Time Certificate ol le- poait Thrm freah coaa lor ante. Iu.uire ol II. 1. Keelan. IVer llinl. lirrini. TttKK l!l I" dulai adl ta he l"n voted aa follow t Miool dial . t I. four nulla ;d 'rii 12. 5'a'uilila; ,i li, I 8, n luillri; ditnct ft. eveii mill; .liittrict H, olio and oiie-hnlf mill ; di ti ct 10. iwi lolUa; di.trict 11, one and one-half n llN ; dla'rlcl 12, al nilHr. iliat.icl Ii ftvt mllla; district U. lhr- mill. ; ,li.!r ct 1.1. lo mill-; di-inct 17, ... mllla: dlatrlot 10. two Inilta; tliBt- tU t 20. thrre'tullla; dialilct 23. one mill;' dltrirt 24, two and ono-balf uiillri; rti-ttlct 27, ultfht mill.; di-t.ict. 8. Ighl nt'lta; ditrii t 30. lour mill, di't ih t 31. lolie mllla ;ditrfcl 3(1, four mill: Jtsiilit n7, one and nne-ht( millaj IUtitct3". eight mlll; iliatrlet 40. "ne- htlf mill ;di-i. ii, "U hilf n.i'l; " i .. i i A -i 4t o ven in'1!: .Ilai. 50. lotir Italia; illt. M, two nml Hilll:ilit 54, two mill'; dial. M. tw mill"; 7 Joint, threw and one ..alfioll a, H.Mid mm-lhat 3. th. mill ; ddt. 4, oitKtnll!; dit. 6( eiiilit mill; dlt. 12, ti n tiilHn; dit. 13. nine o.ill.-.ili-t 14. four inlllri; .Ht. 1. five imilla: iliat 10. iX and one-half mill; .liatrkt. tl. two mllla. The court ui r- A IUK31I to lev iixxr in iwrlvedi-tru'tafor 'Clioid pnri. ti.n taw reipilre it tndo h- n tit mluxd ilUok-udo not levy U aulllciellt lax I" bring tha nhool fund for th.nt ilitrict up to the amount required by lw. Th lo...!...- Mml,.a iiiuler itita lirovl-iolt and the. amount that will bo levi tl ' tlio county court e: Dl-t. No. -I null ; No IH-10 milla; No. 1 v.. mill: No. 3I-1-1 mill; So. 32-ft mill; No. 3:1-3 mlll; So. :w ...hi-, v.. J'l 1 milla'. S I. 41 -1 o nulla , mill; No. 4-ft mill; No. 40-u .nii; No. M-2 mllla. Money vcd and put away aafcly will protect your oldS' and help you to Work 0Mb. wlrela- I,, ! Ze ol,h,,e..ln. rapidly, and aoo.t t Ma Comlty ill k eatchiux tbcw on the fly fr m all K ")t,"'r wl porUof llwolvlliied world. 8t Helen Bnk. willrelmoT.dve.ti.iK from thla X u...rpri llutnh could aec.ur. o.bcrwl ft P 'w"" , , A, by a lare expenditure of money. W. livery f,mily I. UlHa to will M .trlctl, on th. map in 00 iM.utiful dettdnr. laaued by .1 u Colum l'cputy wborCnmrnlaaloner tlram to bla t ounly Hank. Call and get your. I ....i...., in. -I e..!. ....I.U I'nun n. ... u.YUU AliKNCV IlKaK 5- i"-icviiui in miiiaui ."" i nr"' . , thla week. IU tl.lted 8t. Helen Wrti- l0l, ha been apuM.te.l ocol Kim for the Oliwr tvpewriier ah Inoiiire i . i..l I., ihia almr -avitU I veunoii I ' IV.v-.v . ... , e.l to cull ami 'nveMtfrii merit. If v-iu want lo buy. aett. or ticmwK or kind ol Real lvaUleacc MontKotnery Hl.lSO I'm AND (iAMIIt.Ull Giorge Wieat, with four clurea for aelllng Ilquor'and ! for gambling; Jeaae Foaa, with it charge for Kaiublipg; John Si'arka, with three charKea for ftaiublinK; Wm. Scboli. with three clur((ea fo nmliliiiK: V. I). I.yumn, with one Imrije for atlliiu liquor, and Dr. J. II I'lyiiu, with four cbarifra for aellinK li'iuor, biouulit Wfore Jnatice Whitney, ut Hcappoouc, on Wedueailav. icltolt pie .tied (uilty and wa ud at A wltnea atruiuat th other. Wie-t'-ce waa Ibeu called and it took the jury iiUmt fne miuutei to find him guilty aa cli4rifel. The other then pleaded Kniltv Wieat mi fined t2n0 on each ol two couu'a and the olhcr chnr held up iliirinj good behavior. He is aervin( hia one hunilred dnys in the county jail. Ilewaatlin kccr ol the priol ro m at Scnppoow and the ringleader in the vio lation of Hie law Foaa waa fined flOO; Spark fKI; Scholt lOt), which wri re mitted ou hi tesilfyitiK for I lie State; I.)nnn' waa poat)oned; Dr. Flynn wat fiued $'iO, and the oilier charjje pot- poucil. It i doubtful if Dr. Flynn could bnve been convicted, a, according to hia atiilrment, tha detective whote- cured the Ihpior from him repreented that he waa in Kren1, need of it, and the do!lor pretcrilicd .; an a pbyaician. Tlie iletcclivc wirk wa done by a rortiann cciicv. under the auperviaton or Deputy District Attorney Miller and Sheriff While, who are determined that la- brcaker In thUomnt hall be punished. The caaea not tried wer not ounnxaeo, but will probably not be puttied unlet there U further complaint of the ute pnrtlca. OiiituaKV Alfred I, Anuorij died at hia home In thi citv h-t Sunday eve ning at 5 o'clock, lie a stricken wuo pnral ia ou the) nifjli: ol hi aeventy- ei(hth biri'i ay. Deoein'r llu. Mr. An" 'c wat -i nntive olt.ermanv, dun- inn T, the Vnttod Stu e at the age ol !5I. Ilo a veter.n ol If ciil I living terved four vcitr i l thn t'nion Armv. and waa tluite fond of telling of the buttle between the Monitor and the M-rri.nttiv uliirh he witneMcd. After the w,ir he liveil in Moalon until he came in I ..lumnti. Oieifon. in lSSii. BiovinK from there to St. Helens in l'J07, and Mr Ansoree was a sincere Chrnttan ami ucnvco a k"" ,t,l ,,l .-nnilort from Uia rfliiii"0, liu rtint' ee ol the l'resbvterian denomina tion. 'the rcumiti were taken to tne In l'orttnnd. where a short .r.i.-e wna held tutor to cremation ... ui..a li.iviiiL' ttecn also lield at the iintno in St Helena. The tube will o foraarded to hia old home at Cambridge, i ... i lu. liealde lu ton. Mr. . I. , ,w -' - a.....r.. Inter a wifi-nnd two danchter The dnmihtcrs are Clnra L. AnsorRC, of o .ml Mra Joa. W. DaV. ol St. Helens. Klectric door bell installed. bla Hectrlc Works. E. C. STAHVfOOD A complete stock of Geneial Merchandise Courteous treatment and a square deal for all. I.OTTVILLK ST. HELENS .? Our work can be depended on, both electrically and mechanically correct, COLUMBIA r.URtrniw uj. nct-lnv. SHWINH Machink KO" Sai.k ai tin i id ire I' Is ii'ioru-d that there are teveral ea of typhoid Ifver in St. H lens t vo onng men by the nanif of Kd'on, Jack McDonald and Mi. Ou l.op. Mr Lope I repotted lo lie (ulie crlou. ly aick. Wh ther the illcue la caused by lha water drank here we do not know, uui notiinir tlie water u aiwaya - - . tncttatire where there I even doubt a lo J r CCHt mei its purity. , ; . . atliA tin i Ivor iMMi ttm uia i rum iv r ....... Will be in St. Helen. Saturday Teims: . lljfui . . or dmwnR 20 pc, cent cb J balance ten pe' v puer . v-. - ,u t, PCrU,m'4- J.B.00PrRUY,. Ime't Utcmwhen payment was Itnar.l nf Trada blilu.. Portland. II . ..... , ...I- aunnoaed io b m The steam ac.hooner Qulnanlt la load )ttmU'llll Wlerlff White went to the I -t. Helena miaciT, - - . . c..,,.iv diuner ,or )' - , , v..r foundation lor nminci... '- will be laid by your saving. Be th'tHT. Akt1ic Columbia County i - Tiiern'a a rewarn iot - - - rVH i f .si .v aa I - FOR PORTLAND DAILY STEAMER JLMEEIG& Leave 81. Helens 0;00 A. M. Arnveaat I'oiilmd lo-JIO . M. L-itve Portland lit 2:30 P. M. Arrive 81. Helen at 6:30 P. M. Colum Steamer Iralda , C. I. Heoghkirt. , Moilir. RAILROAD TIMB. Uavet Balnlari1allr(eiie!t Siinta)forPorv a M a a .1 .ill., fa-naaa la. II All Sail ti alt 1 I I at IIM. U A. KIj. 1J17B1( l ssm h'H - a Pauenters ani Fast FOR PORTLAND DAILY PORTLAND LANDINd. ALDER ST. f U. It. R. CLIKi', PHYSICIAN & SURGEON ST lIKLIHi ORK0OH K. MILLER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW St. Helens, Oregon rvB. IDWIll BOB), PHYSICIAN & SURGFON t. Bium t i otaci DR. R. L. Jeffcott DENTIST Office with Dr. Cliff. ST. HELK.N8 NOTICE TO CREDITORS- In rtc matter of tha aelal ot John Marti, N.riliv la hereby tlvao that IhaTelieen ar- .... .. . .... .......... .....M ,.l i:nl.iml.l- pointed WT W.....7 . . , Touutr. ''rmoil, auinlnlttratorot tbeeaUtanl . . . . ... .( ...I . .1 .11 ..ruin. h. V - I Ina clalma aualuat aalii atat are mreowd to ureM Ul aarne. Willi proper vouehera verihert un.Ur naih a br luw re.inirel, to me In care o UieOreKon Mlat. at HL lleleua, Oreaon, - within it roon Hi. Irum "tale ol Ihe Ural publlcat oh mrnv r- -Ian brefteiitea at n,i om-c Wt t Board o( Trade BolltllD, roruaiia. wrea"- ... .. Date of Url piitilleatlou 9lh day ol Kovera- '"liaie'ill loat pulillcailoo l"th dayot Decern- ,9(' CEOBGEJ. PEBKIS8, Admlniatrator. AS50LSCEJIEST ' m.rl.aaml thr intereal of Tame I Dart, of Dart A Muckle, we wish to an nouuee to our friends and patron that the business will be continued under the name of Jas Muckle & Son. We solicit the patronage ol the pnblic, assuring tbem of courteous treatment and lowest orice-. quality confiderea. Kespecuuny. . " . Aa. .UaiWifcS'lHj r7 YMr..Hijrnt..i..... u V vw 4 S If you begin it in WALK-OVER Shoes you have taken the first step toward making the New Year happy and more prosperous-happier because you are more comfortable mosc pros perous because your material prosperity depends in a great measure on your physical com. fort. Step into the New ear in WALK-OVER Shoes. $4.00 $4,50 WE ARE SOLE AGENTS WHITE' & ANDEB SON HOULTON, OREGON h y it ItiR lumlwr at the dock ol the St. Helens Mill Company. She will U ,)0"1 4W.0OO ft-et. - Reaver Valley arange No. 300 met in rcKular scimIoiii, December tOih, 10. audeletedthe followln oflker! M tee l,,a Pan-licei Dvemeer. R. N- U tiM J. It. WUUnrsoni n V I I ...... Becretar-, Mr. Jennie Lovelace ; 1 rcas- .. u j f , . urer, R, P. Burns; Steward, Che.ter Time U rtlttu U. P l'uri-lieri Aaalalanl Steward. 0. N. 1WU- cri Ldy Asitant Steward, Vlrgie Gate keeper, Willie Hum In aiallatlon ol officer will bi the third Buttday ia Jaauary. 0 ... i... .-..iliur for the purpose c tv wennesuaj v,v olh..utl.l.lm P end pcr9uadin him to return to t-oiumom w .... ...-iiinnev. Yoll Owe YOttOUKiirw ',t U lo vottrsell to protect yourself agaltt It to y'"" 1 8 t0llnv wi,at yon apoor old age. nnk wiu The Coiuntnta - how. Vay iwr -" St .Helena, Deo, 31 . ,1909 Dear Friend: t nap, to thinK xnai corn waa good only when it ft-rf t.h( cob right v. r ma wrone. We nao T yMMIl a A - " - - some corn for dinner to day that tasted reai g" and sweet. Mamma paid ten cents a can for it. also bought a can of tomatoes for ten cenis. Your iriena, Jacob. me teriiui-' --r 1. ,...-.( the ItpUcopM Guild will w;;; tcaattl.ert,lden,-eolMrS.M. . . t,..,1iiv aftertiooti. Piano to exchange for lumber, real es .... oe furniture. Moatgotu.ry. . tt o c Thfi corn and .' tomatoes we had for dinner camefrm WELLINGTON Fixtures . ftftS. Colombia Electric Woris j lJ Try the New Confectionery and Pool Room J.L 5 BClNrNCI 1 DKv5, 1 PROPRIETORS 5"' Candy, Tobacco, Cigars, and Soft Drinks ., ; ' -. t FIRST CLASS BARBER SHOP In Connection City Shoeing Shop : - General Blacksmithing, Woodwork and Repair pair Work Promptly and Neatly Done. Pav- - lng, Cutters' Tools Made to Order. Horse- ' (i shoeing a Specialty. All Diseases of the Foot - , f Scientifically Treated Free of Charge. f E. H. WICKS, Proprietor First Door West of School House, ST. HELENS, ORE. . THROUGH TRAIN SERVICE . VIA 1 I Spokane, Portland & Seattle Ry. I "THE NORTH BANK ROAD" 5 TRAIN 2. Leave Portland 9:00 A. M. X Tbronirh Standard and Tourist Sleeper- D dly between Portland and S Chicago tia 8. P. and 8., N P..C.B.4Q.: also observation car., first J claas coaches and dining car. 1 TRAIN 4. Leave Portland at 7K)0 P. M. Through Staodard and Tonriat fileeppra daily belwafn Portland and J CIiIchko, via 8. I. & 8.. G. N..C. B. & Q.: aho observation Car, Brat 5 ay class eoncbes and i!;niug car. ALSO Through Standard Sleeper Daily Between Portland and Omaha $ via H. P. & S., N. P., C. ti. A Q.: connectinir at Spokane with through J Mandard and Tourist Sleepers from Bpokane to Denver and bt. Ixiui also firat class coaches and dining car. ' 2. J For Pawenget Fares, Sleeping Car resi-rtatlona, Etc., ee any A. & ff- C. B. Agent. 9 ta.i.jt.ja.ja.jt.ji.A. j. ja. A jfc J, Ji. A A afai aft-a a5r all alfc a , Oregon Calls "MORE PEOPLE" Pass the word to your relative and frienils to come now. Low Colonist Rates To Oregon will prevail from the East September 15 to Oct. 15 VIA THE Oregon Railroad & Navigation Co. . AND - SOUTHERN PACIFIC (LINES IN 0REGOS) . From Chicago - $33.00 " St Louis - 32.00 Omaha - 25.00 St. Paul - 25.00 " Kansas City 25.00 FARES CAN BE PREPAID Deposit the amount of the fHre with Ihe nearest O. B. A N. or S. P. Vgent and Ticket will b. delivered in Ihe East without extra coat. The Chicago Store T. J. BASEEL, Proprietor HOULTON, OREGON I am building up a business because I sell for reasonable prices. 11 you want 10 save uiuuvy ujr w.. A Complete Line of DRY GOODS Mens' and Boy's Ready Made Clothing, Ladies', and Girl's : ,. Keaay maue guna. HATS, CAPS AND SHOES Christmas Fancy Goods Send us the name and address ol anyone interested in Ihe State lor Oregon literature. WM. MCMURRAY General Passenger Agent M ppc 8-a-m-ifyoTroTroTfoTiTYy a a 5-dminnnn CHRISTIViAg:-'-.'.-STATIONERY AT THE Drug Store i ? . ' STRAYED. ' i ..." til j IFrom Columbia City, one red yearling steer, a 'it tie white; one'yearling heifer red and little roan, slit in point' of botH eara; one yeaMinis ncitor. rea ana -Mia-,' 0U-, slit in point of 'Oth ears. Anyone caring for eame will be paid, lor tbi , W. P.MACL4.Y, .,J , Columbia City.- '4 8AWIS6 MACHISE FOR SALE Pnrtahta VVond-Sawin? Machine with hnJimw-maer maolina enirine. Has been rut only one wet-k. Owner ia now in (Jalitornia ana wi l seu cneap. . an dress. S. Lizzie Farnnm, St. Helens, I Oregon. ' - 2t tronble d24-4t THE MIST lOKKNIA 1UU 1U1U1 il,i-ni(. n rvrll.HO Thrsv are the iwu t est papera for iai-r dents ot Culvjuibia County . . Get them. il-'