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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1909)
The Oregon Mist Entered at th Postoflice at St. Helent, Oregon, as seconr-claa mail matter INCOMPARABLE EGOTISTS Issued Every Fmdav Bv H. H. FLAGG, EDITOK AND PKOPKIUTOa. G)unty Official Paper StBscrrtio Onevear. filr month ............. - 80 Arhrertioing rate made known on sppH- ation Legal notice 25 cent per line. ClCCtT COUHT OFFICKM: .1 T. Ftin District Judge I." IT. CaoipMi District Judflre E. B. Tongue District Attorney Coi'JJTt OrrtctM JtmH lart, Judge St. Hele W. A. Harris, Clerk St. Helen Mrin Whit. Sheriff. t. Hena W. K. Tichermr. Cornm'r Clatskanie H. WVt, CWnilssioner Scsppo K. E. Quick. Treasurer St. Helen U.W.Uark. Assessor St. Hflens J. H. Collins, School Supt CUtskaofe O. T. Prescott, Sarveyor......St. Helen Frank Shrrood. Connor....... Baiuier ' TO STRENGTHEN CHARACTER. The Lord's Prayer should be revised to suit the peculiar views of the editor of the Oreponian. . "Deliver us from temptation" should read "Expose us unto temptation," for by this process only, argues the Oregonian, can merit be determined and charac ter formed. The devil, accord- 1 ing to this idea, is the greatest of benefactors, for he is the great i tempter, and. even if we discard the personal devil, we must, ac cording to this philosophy, give credit to the human devils who make it their business to tempt men, women, and children to their downfall. In this light the seducer is a benefactor, for. without his efforts, how could it be determined whether any wo- man had sumcient strengin 01 character to resist nersuasion Men and women must be moral salamanders, capable of passing through the fiery furnace of temptation and coming out un scathed. Little children should have thrown about them the at- mosphere of evil. Instead of the sacredly guarded home circle and the SundaQ School they should be placed within the reach . of the tempter. Lessons of evil 3 should be inculcated, and, if they resist them we will have a - race temptation-proof, of unas t sailable virtue and integrity. It will be indeed the survival of the fittest men and women with ' whom the editor1 of the Oregon ian will be proud to associate but few in numbers. "Paul. Paul, thou art beside thyself. Much learning hath made thee mad." " THE CLOSING YEAR. (H W. Scott.) Tlie Oregonian U newspaper of coin, tnott tents. It is It (ate, therefore, it i lis duly, to take !: stand and hold iu position against every general fallacy or (oily that invade the itate. It i on the right aide of this question, too, at it ha been on the right ile ot every Im portant question that baa arisen U the history o( the country. But It I no prescience; it is no miraculous or ex clusive gift ; it is ouly avenue judgment anil common sense, not to be shaken (rum their base by any crate or clamor. The gift of common sense, applied to Conditions as they exist, applied to problems of practical life, triumphs in the long run over all ill-considered in novation, masquerading u ider the pre tensions of reform. Balance of judft tuent, on conditions that must be dealt with in a state, is the rational and con trolling force; and this paper endeavors slway to find what that rational bal ance of judgment is, and to take its ttan I there. It may, it believes, prop erly sppeal to its history (or proof and maintenance of the general correctness and soundness of the positions it has taken on Important questions that have arisen in tbe course of Its career. Never has It been more confident on anytbiny than on its view of the proper treatment of the liquor question in this state will justify it judgment it fully b - lieves. Should it not now, it will later. (Ji-uviCaksai.) Cam. 1 could be well niov'd, if I Were as yon if I could prax to move, prayer would wove we; ) ;$ But I am constant as the northern star, Of whose trne-llx'd and resting quality There is no fellow in the firnau-n. The skie are painted with nnaumber'd sparks, Ttiev ate all Ore, and every one doth shine; But there's but one in all doth hold his place; . So, in the world, 'tis furnish 'd well with men. And men are flesh and blood, and ap prehensive; Yet, in the number, I do know but one That unassailable holds on his rank, Unshak'd ol motion ; and that I ant he Let me a little show It, eve in tills Tnst I was constant Cimbsr should be banish'd, And constant do remain to keep him so. ORDINANCE NO- - An ordinance granting nnto the United Wiretest Telegraph Co. its successors, lesal representatives or assigns, a fran chise to erect, maintain and operate a wireless telegraph station in the Citv of St. Helens. The City of St. Helens does ordain as f.!!on: Sec. 1. That there is hereby granted nato the Vuited Wireless leiegrapa Company, a corporation, its successor-, representatives or ssigus, a f ran- chise to erect, ruainta n and operate a wireless telegraph station within the limits ol the City of St. Helen. Sec, 2. Ttut there is hereby granted forth use of. the said Vnited Wireless TeleiraDh Co . a corporation, its suc cessors, legal r preventatives or assign, a pice or pan 1 of land in Washington Square in said city, described as follows: A piece of land near the northern bound ary of and in Washington Squsie large enough to erect a building 12 teet hy 12 l.-et upon together with sufficient land t erect a P'le, with guy wires and anchor at achments S-r. 3. That the Und as described in Sc. 2 hereof, shall be granted unto the aiJ I'uited Wireless Telegraph Co , s corporation, iu successors, legal repre sentatives or sssigus, for a peri d of five years from and after the date of the passage of tins ordinance, and no rental f hall be charged the said Cn'ted Wire It! Telegraph Co., a corporation, its successors, legal repre entatives or as signs, for said land, for said period nf time. tec. 4. That this land so grsnted or I ate.l shall be useJby the United Wire 1. sss Telegraph Co., its successors, legal representatives or assigns, for the por os herein set forth' snd (or no other, and if, st any time du.ingthe life of this franc!) is?, tbe saiJ United Wireless Telegraph Co., its successors, legal rep reentuives or assigns, shall ceasjto operate such wireless telegraph station for a period of W days, consecutively, they hall forfeit all rights uuder this ordinance. Wee. 5. Nothing in this ordinance slall l construed as an exclusive grant of the us-- of said land, other than the buildings and mast, toe'.ber with the 1909 has been a good year for Columbia County. Every city and village in it has made material progress, and we think it will be admitted St. Helens has done the best of all. Among our more important accessions are the big mill thp nfW stnnp nuarrv nf the Columbia Contract Co., the wire-! ""J "r ire "d anchor, there less toWrsinh station th npW j of. hut the ground or land adjacent to 1 1 i , . . . . ' i . , I : a'iu nrounu me satu uiui'iingr, guj a ires and anchors, shall be fur the use and benefit of tbe public and under the control of the City of 1 Helens. Wee. 0. That tbe said United Wire it' Telegraph Co., a corporation, its aiuccseors, legal representatives or ss s' litis shall t-e held liable for any d image ports for the eleven months of the cur rent year ending with November. This is sccordinf to the report of the Secre tary of the Treasury on breadstutfj et porledfroiu this country. I'uget Sound comes next after IVrtlan I. New York is firs', Philadelphia second and Du luth third. Lat year tril.nd ranked second in the country iu wheat ihip- uienta. Tlie Ugu es Jut c inp i-u oi wheat exports do n.n include large ship ments of whe-l from I'onltad to 01 iforuis. This tonnage i very heavy each year. The (hie new steamship I War (or the run between Portland and $ in Fiaucls co will start Wftt fr itu N'dapjrt News, Virgiuia, January 9, and her sister ship, the Beaver, will come s jou after. Both will go into commission at once Uuou arrival. Tueee boats ar the new Hir- rimaa liuers built t r the coast route and are the fine it ever in commission between here and the couth. Blooded chiek.ns aud cats from vari ous parts of the Pacific Noithwest have had their iuniug-i during the past wek at the show of tui Oregon Poultry and Pet Association. apletidul sh iw Was held, maoy of theprUi fowl having been on exhibition at the recent Seattle Exposition. The exhibit of pure blood poultry s ows the advance in this indus try in the northwest within the past few years. Delegates from Oregun, Washington, Idaho, Montana sol Utah will attend the convention ot the Western Ketail Lam tier Dealers' Association, which will meet in Portland Febraary 14, 13 and i 10. Lavish entertainment of the visitors' by tbe manufacturer of tlU distiict will be s feature of the convention snd plans to give the delegates agod time are already under way. A committee, headed by W. B. Mackay, has this feature in charge. An elaboiate bau quet is on the program and trips to the sawmill plants near the city, excursions on the bar r, and probably a jaunt to a logging camp in the timber not dr from Portland are premised. The gath ering will be an iropirtaut one iu I tim ber circles and it i expected there will be 400 delegates in attendanc i. jTgjTirii'imi i mlTTim ismm 1 t W if. I v THE PC0PLC Or THIS CITY HilVC ICARtiZ THAT IT TO BUY AT OUR STORE BCOIUSC THEY ALVAYi GET GOOD GOODS. OUR AERCHa4MDISE Cti ALWAYS BE DEPENDED; Oti. WE HIYE REDUCED PRICES SO THIT YOUR DOLLAR WILL MOV BUY AORE THAti A DOLLAR S WORTH. IASTE1D OP P4CKIitG IWi4Y GOODS UMTIL AEXT YZAR WC SELL THE A AT SHORT PRICES TH!T WILL AIKE YOUR A0A1EY GO A LOAG WlYt FURNITURE, STOVES AND RANGES Are You In' Need Of ANYTHING? with 3 :ti j. ad. .. -. Sv . -i.4 J,V".". We want to Ulk furniture you. Do you know that our Btock is first-clasa in every particular? We can supply every thing you need and at prices that are bound to please. Drrssers Well made and neat in appearance, with a good mirror. Just what you want at from - to $12.60 Chair Serviceable and low priced. Can now be had at, each, 75c to $1.75 Oak Rocker Comfortable, serviceable and an ornament to any home. Cheap at $3.50. now - - - 13.00 BEDS AND BEDDING Our Heaters and Cookers The cokl weutlier In by no means over and if you are in need of a jrootl heating stove now ia the time to buy. We have tome that will take away your dread of cold wenther. Prices ranjr from - $1.50 to $U.&0 A line of the ltt cook atoves and ranjrea that are made. Kanjre from $35 to $fiO If there ia anything you want that we have not on hand we will get it-and sell it to you just as cheap as you could get it anywhere. The Royal Chinook Link Is a recent addition to our pre sent large and well selected stock of shoe. Neat designs, the beat of material and good workmanship combine to make them leaders in the world of shoes, Kqualted only by the American Gentleman Shoe"- and we have it Jas. Muckle & Son's Department Store three-story brick, the new addi .tion to the big hotel, the Odd Feliows' building, the Orcadia Hotel, and very many comfort able residences. During 1910 there will be the construction of the new water system. AuKng mi nor but imtiortarit new indiistrips this year we have a steam laun-! reultinx fr ""y ient to any per dry. a bakery, a plumber's, and 1 s'n or l" property by its appliance a hbirksmitVa hrm vei,t r,w ! H'6 City of St. Helens shall be held stores and two electric theaters. bliimeltsj therefor. Aprovel Dec. 1.1 itainier nas compietea a very ex- fjensive system ot street im provements, and at Clatskanie' the Columbia Agricultural Com pany has started the work of re claiming several thousand acres of overflow land. Throughout the smaller towns and agricultu ral Kwtirin.q rhf imrirrivarrint ia no lflss nr.ririiilf. ov-ui i l!'bed Uiri road work has teen done than in any two previous years, and halls, schoolhouses and comfortable homes have taen built. The year has certainly been a good one, and about the best wish we can express is that the prosperity of 1 27, lm 31. E. 51ILLEK, Mavor. 01. R lOKTLtMi LETTER. 1'oitlaill, Ore, UfC. 2H, (Seirial) ii ucli work oo the rivers an I barlxirs of the Pacific Nintiiaetf. will be accom- the coin :t.j year pro vided lb ricomm.Mnlatioiis of M..Jr Mclii'l je, coifis ot Cuitcil StaU- Kiiifi n -r, in ch.trge f this district, sre fal lowed. Major Mcli.due ha 4 juat made amnml iciort to the Secretary of War and orges the expenditure of !, 04,500 in river and harbor iainrove- 1909 will remain with us during i ",t" iu ,,u district f.r the fiscal year the year 1'JlO. ! A'" we :''0, mi- KIST Fred HerpCMuon, of I'. rtUiid lug in IIih ial!ey a (c-w diys. Joa Duflield i siiendin weik ilU iiis luoihti iu I'uiil-nu. niiis wi'iu uiic veeu Caiiid li'ime .Viii The largest apcropiiatii'D recotntneud- j l-d ik l,.VW,WW (or continuing the iui ; piovemeiu at the moiitU of ths Coluui it vikit-jbia fcivw. The sum of ,11.000,00) is urged for work in the same s ream be Iwircn the La!le. rapids and Celilo Falls. Tliu u-iuainder of the desired appro- Breweries are prohibited from main taining warehouses ia dry anits, for the distribution of their products, accord ing ti a rulitiK by Attorney General Bell, of Washington. Tliis is a reversal of bis fftrmer constroctioa of the local option law The latest opinion was given Oil a qne.-tion snhmitfe I by Stev ens Countv, which recently voted to abolish salooai. As lonimon caniers are forbi dry territ warehonr-e may deliier whit stock it has on hand, but is onable to replenish its stock. The defeat of the local option force in Watta Walla is the first im portant reversal they have met. To date, they have wjo ii 3-3 special elec tions and met di-fe.ii in I!) In Hint slate. I HKISTMAS AT WARKES. Warren Imd puhiicChristmas tree list i Cliriitmni Kve. A large nutnixr ol ' i? people assembled from the snrronnding j JXi country and 1 atened to the following i CX !5A f ftJtS2r"fl4l eacel'ent prngram : Son, by the Sunday (School, l'rayer, by Rev. Lew lnvic. Short address by SnperinUndi-nt Daviea. ltc:it;i'iun, Allen and Annie tjvirs. Recitation, by Klmer IWeler. Ileciuiiori, "f-jnU's Cake," Sluliert Cooper. Kecitation, "S .tila Clans." Kathleen Peterson. Sonir, "M'-rry, erry C'hristiii," by 15 rhihlien, ftecit.itioii, John Vvm. j K'-c tatioii, "(il;id Tidings," Kleanor i.nri'en. 5J i lden from carrying liquors Into Recitation, Fanny Coop r. .. ,, .. ,. .. . ... , Acrostic, "Lh'ntmnii." nine elr i. itorv, ttU further held that a Ke..i,llti.,,n, K,i, k Nelson. I. A. Nadeau, lately director general of the luecwiful Ala-k i-Yuk n- Pacific Kxpotition, and for many years one of the best known railroad wen of the 1'a ciBc North s est, has become chief rep resentative for the Equitable Life As surance SfcVty as U general aent for Western Washington. Tlie territory which coin. within Mr. Nudt-au's juri diction is larg.-, hut his persmal a:- quaintiitice is very extensive, an I whllu the insurance busineis is a new depart ure for him the successes achieved in other line give substantial guarantee of an active and prosperous future. ilnv Iri'tn her cliool m t-:iittbkami'. Mi will tpetid the holidays wall patents and friends. ' ' Melmleni dryiiM-ii have had qii;e h time cr:itcliiii( kle ami rmits from un der the frvzvn mow for their i0w dor ing ihu oi l Mup. The lots modirMted at tliis writing, hut the snow K'M S Oil very flow. 1 Tow McIMiiiel cummin to visit his p J .. .. I -t .. II.. I.... ,.. 1 I : . g" i al"ug '"'"''; Colombia rivets, snd in extending the A splendid progn.,., was well cM',a'in tV ,W0,,k.1 nut Xurns Kve at the 1'leinnit II U ' CoqmJIe and 1 illamwk, and dredging sruoolhou e. The reciiatioiH, diHliums in the apper Wlllameite and upper Col- -..1.1 ..I 4 t i . I. .. j .. ..... " win-loin mionru iniui'B' p uiuiiia. It Major SI ii lid' e s recoromen- wtss.Huiker is a good tiaim j , ......,,, ou, .H, meJB ' prjsUoii is divided between the diffcr iti.t coast harbors and aork on the Col Iniibhi, Willamette, 8-iske and other j rheiB, inclu ling the CowliU, prays and l.uwis rivers in Washington. I According to the leporr, Vqieration jihiiiuglhs pa-t consi-ltd larg.Jy i in dredging ihral place-i Itetween Fort- land and Astoria in the Willamette and r iilooi ol IhMivii Will . Dallas is Just rei-overing fr...i ,t ! IH i mai.ent work of great value to three wek6 Kiege if ecinl-t fever at the lnptii in C'.rvaliis. If 11 ixptcltJ home in a lew Ujj s. , I he w hole I'aciliis North went. I'orlhind takes fourth place among cities of tbo Unite J b'tiUl la wliiiat ex- Tiie taliroads have enjoyed tlieir share of a brisk holiday season . Large quan titles of merchandise In the form Of small packages have been brought to the northwest. Them have also been substantial shipments from this part of thi country to the older sections, l'ost oflice receipt show substantia! increases over last year. The holiday travel Is also shove the norms 1. The Great Northern and Northern Pacific have carried unusual numbers of Christinas travelers this year, all of which indicate that the Northwest is enjoying pros- We wish to announce to oar friends aud patrons that we carry a full line of Brown and Hamilton celehrated Ameri can Gentleman and American lady shoes and would be pleased to show them to you There is no more Ininortant detail of your attire than shoes. You will find nothing smarter or correct than our new American Uenllenian Oxford. The su periority of this, like all American gen tlemen shoes, Is not only in appearance, it covers very detail, Inside and out JAMWMUCKUi&tTuN. Recitation, Fiaik I'ch-r. Recitation, John Hoti'hnrd. Recital ion, Jeatinelte (Mvles. Son, "No Room in The Inn." Recitation, Miss Mave. Recitation, Klsie Hammer. Recitation, Toanio Grewell Recitstl hi, Frank Coop-r. Son, Kathleen and Kleanor I'eter-on. 8nnta Claus then arrived with pres ents for all. rine piano cheap at Montgomery's, For a first cl ,b of painting go Jack Skinner, Iloulton, Oregon. CARD OF THANKS I desire to inti rely (hunk all who Contributed to th.t fnr.d lor rnvalt snce after the death of my hu-haiid.Gii hriele Cmterar, who was accidentally killed at the fit. Helens qnnrry October 10th: Marv Cartkkas The Mist has never intimated there was anvthinar wroncr in the Chief's pubiishine a liquor j)eti-t , i j rrfL ..i is, ana tnm the (Jhier constantly ignores, that it is the duty of a paper to take sides upon every question that is of great import ance, either morally or finan cially, to the community in which it is published. We Wish Our Friend and Patron Happy and Prosperous New Year And we also with to contribute to said prosperity by jj furnishing you with Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, j r- .s sU l s :Lt- : rv. t )h JXJ - " wwcii pvssiuic ngure. vican, new gooat, courteous trestment, and square deal for alU; & An Important Item In all household expenses is the bill for shoes. Weft tflillCelcn) can cut it down to the I dm lowest jKjssiblc figure andJ only ask a chance to do so. $ Our shoes wear longest, cost the least and look the best. V It 9 rei IA New 5UMM0N5, V In the Circuit Court, of tli Hlat of Orcein, (or the i iiiini)- i,i :,luiiit,i, Minnie lt, I'luliitlir, vn. Carlos (J. I.ln, JfefiifUm. To llieilelemlmit la tlia ab'rvs entlllwl nil: in the name of the hint-! of Oreifon, rnu ars herahy rwiniml toaimwrr the i'oiiii,llnl KM Kln.l yon In the nlmve sijtllliKt suit oil the .11 ' ,l- ol jKiiinirv, Kin. Snl.1 Milt Is (jrimmcniMid tiy !! ptaintlrT Kln-l ynu for a illvorre, o tlie aroiindii of serthm, snd If run full Ut spear auit sntwrr beiween now suit ld ilny, fur fallnro thori-of the jilHlhtir) will laka Jii'fitineiit axaliinl von tit a rllvorea ami a illMolutlori of Ilia niarrlaie now extatliiK ltWBflii you ami sal, I lalntlir j ma iiiiini'iia ii aerven or iiiiiiiieaiion In purananes t an onli-r niaile lir the Jii'lag r,f the lv enlllM I;irnult Oiirt, ilatcil the vntli 'lay of liwml,r, I'Htl, alii ordering-th llr liublleiitlfin l fx ma,!n on the Jllr.l day of l Cemlw. IISW, and the lt imldlealloii lobs lUSdv on tin) 'JHii Uy of January. MI0 WII.IIIU-VHPtNI'I'.R, AtUmsys lot flakliir, Shipment of Fine Hals V-7 n .ust openea ana are now on display. Did you ever H r a YnM.ucror itatf Come in and look them m wvci. i ior every lace. IIOIICl TO CltOltOlt Alt pannna koln atalais aa-aiws UsaaWS K rhwa a. IMallMy 4awH f'"1 ' r tfca mim. pfuya-ilr Mitlal. Ss JaaaSl am. ! uiri kow is s IIwm. Caae t'a oiiy. lii.,n, withlat sit ! (i iba 41 ftaT. at. II alalia. ta.Wr ltk lJ "oMttt, a4a,alall. SUMMONS In tlw telt tXtrt. ml Ika la at VtSS, Isf llta t .ni.lf of Clnalfcla. One X Mrraul. ItaloUS, AMSS A. Mr rt. I, IWIaoiUtH T lha alut haatxl d.lauj.av Jssss la in nana ol ih Sum ol Ottpmf harat'f miilr4 to iwii awl as Malnl at ilia t-lalnllaT Sl"l afatiial ' alaiira iiiltla.l .ull. wrStft ts ! S rrt iha Him t.ui,liraliun ol ! saa and it tt tall na apta aft , KialuMaTwill apwr so in "Ei:"r: ) Iwr Iu aat-l mv.lail, l " '" T aiwla nf aaatrimmir bataaan flalatis aa a fall laltl bm dlmiKa.1. and M a'Salaa" hitihar raliat u l lha rrt ahail sasss and a,MHalla la Kwwlse . 'I'hla la ar?d bpo" ' rTZm In au 4r wada aift aula'"! In lha till .lay l Iwraiiai. IJS, t A K.aln, JKt ui Uioal' U,?Z2 hlra aid nlar nxio'raa ton to f'm TT Man Ih rmidil l "' oarsa al lha da la tl ths Srat trust " Ihla sunimnli. . M . B1M'I.K"VM.,i??iiil AHIIII Hl . MlllUUS, tlala nt (rat saiMleatl.m iw, l, t" )ata nf last iwblicailaa Ja. 31 l MflCI -I0fMJi MMIM ia harohr stteti that haaUan, by the cyiy "irt, ' "r . eaaaad. awl kaa duly .all6l aa (UIM an a.. a- hafaliy ra iui"". ' j Una, therwliira. aaln.t said raiata ara ant lha aama In aia. wllh l'l"' ;7italat lb im .'f lha 1'nlMiul.U I 'J,aiM lanir, OiesiiM. wllhlnits wnih tiamif. Ia.l-1 this Sov. t. WIS. A.lralullrJ 1 Complete Stock of Dry Goodsl f55 nuut yuu want. iii 1 H. WELLINGTON ST. HELENS, OREGON II OTIC B. My wile. Maud Tsrtwliati, ,nJ my btil an.1 boar.1 I Itcrsby l that I trill not lis ry"lbl M ' (Itfbt contracted by Ji. i JtOUKUT TKRf AtlWJi n.i.,1 at Hcaouoose. Ore .. N' JZ WAK.11SU TO ALL. 1 sot fi. : . I- .A ..l . m H, ,1 l.a rsaponslbls lor any WIU 'lCwT, Iter by Charlts Horr, any sy eootisctl with m I" HI. UtkntO DILLARD & DAY S wmtm aaSSSSaaWaSaaW ' Attorneys-at-Law Prsotloet Id ny Conrt, iijjj F.Jer.1. Nl door to conrt w"