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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1909)
THE OREGON MIST ST. HELENS, OREGON, FRIDAY. DECEMBER 31. ion. - . -axra a J.1 v. Ua EVENTS OF THE DAY HOPBrUL VIEW IS TAKEN, Ksxij Itssj Cattcrcd from All Fzrts d t&s World, Wall Strsst Optimistic Over Prospect! WDor Trouble. r Tors, Dee. 28.-Prcpsr.tlon. Ht. I- . ' m urok-res. Inat WBik I,. svy OHIIgsUoe. ncl.lehl f ,1,. t... sry dl.bur.oment., which In Now York ars estimated to bo 'J25.0O0.00O. Heavy remittance, to for.!, -...i... FZEPAfiEO fC2 TEE Blisr BFinra ! mwl m'"",u ,,f d ... .uwij ifrmi to solders of A,,i.. - - wcuri no ttisue It a quoatloa until it,, mi.i. am or tha i...l . . . 1... l... . I . . . "" g"ia would "" noi lsss Inter Bn ' w be shipped to London. HAPPENINGS FROM AROUND OREGON j .SPEND $77,000 On Roads. ring Happening from pojn Outild. th Stat, Franc la Is (..ale .t tb Inroad of Aaerle commerce. President Taft la balag urged to mak wr iae trusts. Clataop County Hat Nearly 200 Mllet or permanent Highways. AstoriaAs a remit of Imnrove- menU during the past few years. Clat- op county has 24 miles of macadam- ised roads. 28 miles of B-raveled mari 28 miles of planked or puncbeoned roads, 14 miles of roads covered with rock and 96 milea of traded road th.t baa not been covered, much of which J will be completed durine the comlmr vaaon. under the Carnahan road law the several road districU are permitted to IRIV at BnsBJisI T -. n riM in cotton to ikv JO con la nolnfud Iroilli arh v fnr ...r.. .il.l. .1. a V. 7 . ' ...p.WTWiM.Ml over $36, t..i. hi oiaiue rises oeeurred In individual slocke, moat frnm vKUPy tumoni causes, but there were anough dividend ...... , a(H.p Up , hopeful spirit ceosue bureau's eutton glnuliiv l upariineni 's vlei inv CIHIOtt ertm .hnrl,,,... ...I L- . w. . ... ju rnnii poiniea Hs eacn year lor road In Zeleya boerae Meslea. gunboat uader ' 'u,"'", ""l-'l'l for the biKh eo,t purpose. I that manner yw ef Aa,.rtra. oMjjrlng and the dl.adv.nL.-. thi. OOoTuV ra.aed b, ttoZi J. D. Warrea, who pursued and kelped Added" Intercut .1 l, di,tri,;t Clatsop county to eanlare Jeeee JmL u a.a . " . ,nl?"'t . K'ven to thi. All that hu hn ..j J i , ... . queetioa by Hep. t.kea , rallro.d e Worm ia Bp I a wrecked Ave veMl, I""" to formulate drmand for an In- ei iae mouia or tae Douro river. ia w.k early neit year. Bentl A Tesaa ... .1. ... ."T"1. ""l" epprchen.ion that lllla...... . It. . . . . - ia new rroia win The l III! 1. .... r-a "i, vaieago rates a eual f.atiam The farneus Oardea of the Ooda waa ivea i Ike eity or Colorado Bi,rlo far a Ckriatwas preeeat. The greateet labor trugi(le la kit tory b eaid to be lpeadeg between Ike railroad, sad their employes. . The Iomi of Corts, the aaeleat eon ueror of Ueileo, are uld to have been fonad aftor a eearrh of aearly a ea HI eaarhea full of Chri.tma. travel era were stalled oa a ear ferry la the JMroit river, and had to wait till the lee was cut away. Railroad offlrial. aad swltebaiea hold eoafcreare la Ml. I'.ul. Value of the llarrlmaa eaUte Is quae Uvaed by goaaipa ia tke Mat, nryaa la tularin from paeuatoaia aaa te leo ui ie Baas apeeea. Albert I la erowaed king of IM giuea aad promleeo roforns ia Congo.! dir however, Thi. .sine ipoelKon In flnaneial clrclee, i io Me a Bvnerul v i. iruii or ih. ,.!.;.. . -H'liauve ana e;ulive activitle. la me uireetion or corporation reirulatlon ulch to be broulit forward iy torouga ipeeial mcwgc. from iae pmiaenu rEABT TO FBEE CONVICT. MlnoesoU Frisoaer Proves to Be Sec ond Burbuk. miiiwater, Minn., Pi,. 2S. A Cbrlut mi dinner given at the Minneeota aiaie prieon bit. .tarted a movamenl ror a parous fnr "Hinbad the Hailor,' a uiudrloue lire convict, .uporviiur of everything that grow, on the ante penal reeervna, on a lia.1. of hi. 'Iwrv era to the atate of Mioneeota and goo cral KientiHe knowledge." Among Warden Wolfrr'. gue.t. wu a mewlM., of Ibe pardon board, who eoiuinented oa the Imruente lemon, weighing three pound, and meaaurinff i u i. i i i . e iHon, oi.jur circumference, The gueala, Individual road nt thia .r All that has been expended in buildinv highways a. well as slightly over $28, 000 additional that waa SDDronriated by tha county court from the general fund, making grand total of $66,000 that baa been spent or contracts let for during the past 12 months In better lie the public blghwsys of Osteon counu m sua 1 1 ion to this over $12 000 has been used in building and re posing bridges, making in all slight ly over $77,000 which the property owners oi ualsop county have donated (0 tnat moat commendable work of de veloping the agricultural districts. OREGON MOSS BRINGS CASH. Valuss Reach New High Figure Demand For More Portland Oregon's moss crop has been found a most valuable production, Order for It are con.ientlv increas ing and it has been several yeara sines the supplies nave been adeauato for the demand. At thia time holders of Oregon for est moaa are asking as high as $66 a ton for the growth, cars, and in recent years the price baa advanced as high as $60. Dick" Hoaklns. the wall known excited bv the w.r.len'. Hehley demand, that Peary alao aub- at7 ot pr""" of a aecond Bur- fruit broker of this eity, if perhaps the an a is rerorua to tne Peai.b salver- r""" " " ". nn-ecieo mm to prmg greaiesst shipper of moss in the coun r. '". h. e?.,.or of "' ""on. try. and practically all of his sunnlies '.J f?., BJfM' ht nhouae com from the little section around on the Corvallia A Eastern n.J ... .i... :..i rauroaa, 1-"- " IIMIIBK ITUUUClDr i Ki IWdent TIeUya has fled from r,r" ,rnl, B flowers. ' Nirararua aad tahea rsfuva oa a I "la rosea for years eantured Brat hon- .tm guaboaL on, Hit real name is Charles Price, Kla-bt are tilled aad h-.dde h... ".d.b, w" "nt "P Me tot klllln arrow eecape from eiuluaion ia llli Tk. v..,k... r...i. ... w w " ,ook ,h k"Mts to the greenhouae coma fi hilt, til . i . Ul t "P1"1" he had grafted trop- Jf.Tl" labial U gWtt,"u " North ,m0B "1 P'. SSt, j oniaaa, ....!.... ...: rauroac a laborer with a pick. uia sua! mine. A teres storm deet raying swept flaking the Cereaa fleeta aad has dent Madria, Zelare'e dd reaiioneible for the safe- aotited Preal- aucewMur, that coast. drowalag S.QUO. Heerelary Knot he will be he) ty of American, ia bis eouatry, Ktplorers tod that the Ireawiree of the Ulaad of Tiburoa, la the Uulf of 'aliforaia, are mythical, but the Ulead la alive with deer and wild pigeoaa. Mark Twala ha. returned hems with out boueat t hlc health from his ocean trip. It la doSaltely kaowa that IS per sobs perished la a department .lore (re la Iadon. A monster benefit waa give la New York ally to helo the cause ef home rule for Jrelaad. Cook's flrst pries waa 133,000 from tsro leading aewapapers for his "ei " story of his trip to ths Pols. Abdieatloa of ths king of Oreecs is considered Inevllabla aad ths srowa Prince's son has bee shoes by the Military party. Leopold's legal wife will not at tempt to put her aoa oa ths Belgian , throne, but will Bght for km fortune of many millions. iaa saeeeatruj nprislag or tks Young Tark party in Turkey has made Paf eetine free for ths flrst Urns sloe ths Chrlstlaa era began, The eommlttee from the Unlversit of Copenhagen report that Cook's rec ords ars wholly Inaufflcient to establish hi. claim that he waa at ths Pole. John R. Bradley, who Itted out the t oo expedition to the Pole, aay he Is thoroughly disgusted with tha whole bhslaeas. Orag-oa eoneervstloniats declare thst two or three varieties of laseets do more harm to the forests of the aorth wost tha f ureal ores do. Tha supreme court of Oreiron ha. ordered that the Portland Hallway company must reduce fares to Milwau kla to 0 casts, aad Oak Orovs to 10 cats. Tweaty-ceve persons ware drowned by the collapse of a woods bridge In Russia. . . Two negroes and one white ma were silled and six egToes ORDERS TOR STEEL FEWER. CoMUDSra, However, Press for De liveries on Past Contract New York, Dec. 2S. -Heavy .pee eation. oa font facta for Auiahed atccl products continue to roll In upon the mills, end eonaumers generally are nreaaing fnr deliveries Hut new bui nees In both flniahed products snd raw material i. luting coulracteal. Kail contract, placed In 1009 for 191 delivery have aggregated almoat 3,300, 0(H) tons. New order, for fabricated ateel for building and bridges have sggregnted only 2.1,000 tons, but it probable that the lfeeoinber buaineu will total lOO.tKH) tons at leaat. Kvidenre of enntraclion in the vol umn of buaineas In sheets snd tinplnt Is shown by a lea. heavy output and the cloaing of several mill, for the boli aays, ureal activity continues in wire product., aad ahipmenta for Novembe were I73,txu tons, l'riccs or mercan tile pipe will be readjusted on Janu ary 1. Additional orders hsve been placed for ears by railroads, bringing the total for ths month thus far to 11, 00. wounded is s rsae war ia Louisiana, Tha probation oflcer of ths nlgbl onrt I New York says ths whit slave trade is en ths Increase. Provisional President Kstrsda, of Nicaragua, has roque.ted official reeog Bition from the stats department. aflss Ann Morgan, daughter of S. P Morgan, and Mra. 0. 11. P. Belmont ksve hake up tha cause of the striking hlrtwalsi workers of Nsw York City. A Uual appeal In the eaa of John . Walsh, convicted banker, has been " to tb United State court. whisky Is Whisky, Washington, IVe. 28. Whiaky li whiaky, I'reaident Taft has st last do cided. It Is whiaky when made of ncu iral spirits, .ay. the president, if re duced lo potable .trongth. But it must tic branded se that (hoae buying It msy know juat what they are got ting. The decialon, made after a long series of hearings participated In hy members of the government s pure fond depart mnnt and distillers, wss announced to day. The president covered vnrioua do tails in his decision and gave direction, for ths proper brsnding of the various varieties of liquor, holding among other thinua, that whiaky nmiln from a mix ture of "straight" whiaky and "neu tral spirit." may be railed a hlcnd. According lo Mr. Tuft 'a Instructions, "straight whiaklcs" horenfter will be branded as such, but tha brand may be scrompanied by the legend, "aged In wood," and whiaky made from rectified, distilled, or neuiral spirits will be branded so ss to make known the prln clpal Ingredient. In addition, If they so deaire, manufacturers or straight whlakv also may use the word "bour bon" or "rye,'' s ths fscta may war rant. supreme Flood Drowns Shepherds. Madrid, Dec. 8S. Offlotal reports to day Indicate that the situation in the reaions roeently swept by storms and floods Is Improving. Th cabinet do cided to Brant financial rullaf to suf ferers. Belated advices give details of the destruction canned by ths overflow Ing of rivers In the northwest. The Elaa and Orbldge, In the northern part of Leon, rose 10 foet, destroying sev eral hamlets. A large numhor of shop- herds, surprised by the uoous, iook refuge In tree tops. Leaders of the American Federation or Labor org Secretary Nagel to make - '""rougn investigation Into th van " phases of Industrial cducatlo. Cm Promote Xctten. St. Petersburg, Dee. 88. Colonel Von Kettcn, chief of the eeorei police or Moscow, has been appointed to sue- ,! Colonel Ksrpoff. ehiof of the secret Dr. Dr.. i,... . . nniie. nt St Pntnraburir. assassinated on - """i f m as i sank s uuumri vi - - - , the nnlverslty of Pittsburg, says he December 22. Several attempts have does not believe lther Cook or Peary Seen made against the life of Colonel "'.n furnish any good proof of having Von Ketteo, who for many years has reached the pole, been huullng revolutionists. "I bav already shipped out five ear of moss this season," aays Mr. Hus- klna, "all of it going to California. I havs order for aeveral more car, but have been unable to fill them. "The moss that I ship is token from tb forests and 1 utilised by th as paragus shippers of California, as well as tb florist of that section. I have paid ss high as $37.60 a ton for good moss, but th price is considerably above that figure at thi time. The beat moss come from along tha lin of th Corvallia A Eastern and i in heavy demand. Buys Appl Land. Pleasant Ridge Dr. J. A. Pettit, S. C. Pier and Stanhope Pier have re cently purchased 400 acre tract of appl land at Pleasant Ridge, Wasco county, 12 mile south of Tb Dalles. fhe land ia to be planted in th bast varieties of apple and sold In 10 acre tract. An abundance of water may be bad for irrigation purpose, which it I proposed to bring to tha tract Th country around Pleasant Ride is very similar to th Hood River dis trict, the soil and climate being much th earn, and it is believed by scien tide apple grower that th famous Hood River appl will grow to perfec tion there. SURVEYORS FINI8H WORK Now Ready to Establish a Psrmsnent Survey to Klamath Fall Klamath Falls Southern Pacific surveyor who bav been establishing th permanent survey between Klam ath Falls and Natron bav completed th work and bav departed for Red ding, Cel., where they are to tok up in permanent survey of the road from Redding to Alturaa and thence to this city. Large forces are employed on th road to tb north of Klamath Fall. Winter Quarters bav been es tablished. About thro miles north of Klsmsth Falls a smsll temporary city baa been stablUbed. In this vicinity it I necessary to make aeveral deep cut and large fill. It will require several month to complete ths diffi cult undertaking. Construction camp sre strung out for a distance of more than 20 miles. New Partner In Weston Mill. Weston E. S. Isaac, of Walla Walla, on of the northwest' most suatessful flouring mill men, has pur chased an interest in tb Weeton flour ing mill. Th mill baa been running wiin power iron a large gas engine, but under tb new management it ia probable that th long contemplated plan of using th water of Pin creek during a portion of the yew for pow er will be put into execution. Several thousand bushel of wheat still mmain in th band of farmer in thi section, who are holding out for the expected" $1 a bushel." Never theless, close to 8.000 bushel were bought by Frank Price tb past week, tb agent her for th Kerr-Gifford company, paying 95 cent per bushel. AIRSHIP APPEARS AT NIOHT. Mystcrlon Craft, Carrying, Powsrful Searchlight, Is Seen. Worcester, Mass., Dec. 24. Plying at 30 to 40 miles an hour, a mysteri ous airship tonight- sppeared over Worcester, hovered over the eity a few minutes, disappeared for about two hours, and then returned to cut four circles about the eity, uainir a search light of tremendous power. Thousands of persons thronged the streets to wstch tne mysterious visitor. The airship remained over the city for 15 minutes, all the time at a height that most observers set st about 2000 feet, too great to enable even its pre cise shape to be seen. The glaring rays oi us great searchlight, however, were sharply defined. The dark mass of the ship could be seen dimly. At the time of the airahip visit, Wal lace E. Tillinghast, a Worcester man, who recently asserted he had invented a marvelous aeroplane, in which he said hs had journeyed to New York and re turned by way of Boston, was absent um his oome ana could not be found. The visitor from the clouds was first sighted over Marlborough at 5:20 o'clock. The 10 miles between this city snd Marlborough were covered in 30 minutes. Two hours later an eager shout from the waiting erowds announced its re turn. Slowly its light swept the heav ens. It circled four times above the eity and then disappeared, finally head mg ursi to tne soirta and then to the Berlin Bakery and ,w.C0FFEE HOIIAI- Everything New and Clean. Try our Coffee and Cake. HOULTON OREGON ot. Helens Bakery i All Kinds Of Pies, Cakes, Bread J. E. RAMSEY, Propr. 1 OOLUMBIA COUNTY BANK DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS east. PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS I First National Bank, . . Portland. Ore. Portland, Ore. New York Marlboro Bight Airship. ship was sighted over Marlhom .ril U. S. NATIONAL BANK. San 8hour. T S ZeK B. of the eity reported having seen It. Iu g..rr. course, tney sav. waa in th I -f.- ixr w n . .. . . direction of Clinton. I'-' V m A- IV-0!S. rresiaent ana casmen idwin koss, vice President; A. L,. Stone, Assistant Cashier. Directors Wm. M. Ross SIGHTS ABANDONED WRECK. Japanese Steamer Reports Disaster Off - Cap Flattery. oeaitic, uee. Z4. Another probable ..,.uo uwaaier on tne coast of wash ngion waa recorded todav. when the Water right Promised. Salem Judge William Galloway, in the equity division of the circuit court for Marion eounty, has irrantod an or der allowing State Senator Hart, 0fJaP"e "earner Kaga Mara reported linker county, to file a writ of review I to tne wireless station at Caoe Beal demanding that the atate board of water that toe American schooner Susie M. control be required to romsnd its order P'ommer wss in distress snd had been relating to the proposed irrigation pro- bndoncd 100 miles west and south of ject of Thief valley. 8n.rnr Umrt n. Cape Flattery. ... : ; . f i - i i-o news regaramg the extent of the schooner 'a trouble or the fate of the . cumainea in tne oner mes-l ssge from the Japanese vessel, which! is en ner wsy to the Orient. ine united States lifesavinir tud ner siation at Mean I 'i. 0'eloek thi afternoon to gol " m in scoooner's crew. me ousie M. riummer, a vessel of 920 tons, gross, sailed from Everett, Wash., December 5, with a cargo of lumber for San Pedro, Cel. 8he is owned by W. O. Tibbits. of S.n l.v.n. eiaco, and waa built in 1890 at Thorns.-! ion, Me. one was commanded by Cap tain Hansen and earned a small erew. I Edwin Ross. M. White, James Dart, V1 Best Peach Land In Oregon Portland W. H. Lang Co., have sold the Cliff farm, located on the Wil lamette river 18 mile above Portland and two mile from Canby. It has on half mil of river front, boat land ing on the place and I on of the beat located farms on th Willamette River, is nearly all improved, has fairly good buildings and ia well stocked. The consideration waa $18,750. It contains 1G0 acres, part of which is tha best peach land in Oregon. The peaches off 450 trees adjoining thia land thia season sold for $1,600, Local Man Invest In Appl Land. Winston Dr. Byron E. Milller and Henry Fos, retired capitalist from Duluth, Minn., bav closed a deal with R. Sheridan, president of the First National bank cf Roseburg, for the purchase of a portion of the Sheridan and Age holdings of apple lands, lo cated near Winston. This is one of the cholesst tracts of fruit lands in Southern Oregon. The purchasers in tend planting about 250 acres of the tract to commercial apple during the eotning year. Petition for Train. Salem A petition signed by several hundrod people residing along the line of tho Corvallis Eastern railroad, bo- ween Albany nd Hoovsr, was for warded lo tho railrond commission by K. Ii. Payne, asking for a train ror tne passenger traiilo aione. ine peiiuuu aeta forth that patrons of the road are compelled to use a 1K8" train, and thai it takes nve noun i go ir iinnvnr to Allmiiv. a distance ror oa lies. Vslu of Property More than Double. Klamath Falls On million, four hundred and ninety-six thousand, ev- n hundred and eighty-six dollar is the assessed valu of personal and real property in Klamath Falls. This is an inc.... nf 100 ner cent over last year. Th council made a levy of 9 mills for general purposes, and 2 mills for pay ing ths interest on outstanding bonda and to crest a sinking fund. ren- resenis me voosingnam ana 1-in Wen burg interosts, who sre attempting to gain rights in the valley. ' Riverton Haa Fin 8chool Building. Coquille-RivettoVe public school is completed. The diminsions of tb building arc 82x34 feet, with three- foot cornice and a porch 8x16. It is built on a concrete foundation and baa a basement nine feat high. Tb new Building has been erected at a cost of $3,000 snd would be a credit to a town many times th lite of Riverton. Tb progressive citisena of that village may well be proud of it. Oil Near Oufur. Dufur J. E. Porter, who haa been drilling well at Three Mile, struck a small flow of oil at a depth of 167 feet Operation haa been stopped and com pany is being formed to raise money to sink a deep well. 3 St. Helens Steam 4anndm Cleaning and Dye Works S ! S 1 3 3 4 Are Now prepared to Handle Laundry, Cleaning and Dyeing And guarantee to give satisfaction and prompt service. All we ask is a trial. Goods Called For and Delivered J. EXPORTS DROP ONE MILLION. French Tariff Seriously Affects Ameri can Oil Product. New Bridge Near La Grand. La Grande Th bridge at Oro Dell ia finished, and the county court will in spect it for acceptance early in Jan uary. PORTLAND MARKETS. WheatTrack prices: Blueatom, $1.20; club $1.10; red Russian, $1.08( 1.09; valley. $1.08. Barley Feed and brewing, $3081 per ton. Corn Whole, $35 ; cracked, $36 ton. Oats No. 1 whit $32.5033 ton. Hy Timothy, Willamette Valley. $18di 20 per ton; Eastern Oregon $18 (ii 21.60; alfalfa, $16(n 16.50; clover, $l5(iil6; cheat, $15il6; grain hay, $15(rfl6. Butter City creamery extraa. 89c: fancy outside creamery, 84(u'39c; store, 22t(it:24e per pound. Butter fst price average lH'e per pound un der regular butter prices. I'oultry Hens, 16c: springs, 16e: ducks, 20c; geese, 12c: turkeys, live, 20c ; dressed 2oc Eggs Fresh Oregon extras, 41 42 S(C per dosen ; Eastern, 28(ii 32c Pork Fancy, lOxn'lOJt'c pound. Veal-Extras, lldi'll He per pound. Fresh Fruits Apples, $I(ii3 box; pears, $l(i()l. 60 per box; cranberries, $9 per barrel. Potatoes Carload prices: Oregon, 65(, 86c per aack ; sweet potato, 2c per pound. Vegetables Artichokes, 75c dosen: beans, lOe per pound; cabbage, lie per pound, cauliflower, $1. 86(2 dosen: celery, $3.50(n4.00 per crate; horse radish, $1.50 per box; pumpkin, l)i (it)l He; rsdisihes, 15c dosen; sprouts, 8c per pound ; squash, Kitlc; toma toes, 75c(r$l; turnip, $1 per aack; carrots, $1; beets, $1.60; parsnips, $1.60. Onions Oregon, $1.60 per aack. Cattle-Best steer, $4.50(1.75; fair to good, $4(o 4.25; medium and feed er, fn.zbfti'o ou; cows, top, $3.50(ai 3.86; fair to good, $So3.25; common to medium, $2.60(d 3.75; bulls, $5,26 (e(15 60; heavy, $4('4.76.- Hogs Best wethers, $5. 50 5. 75; fair to good, $4.60(i!5; ewes, Xo less; yearling, best, $5(i)5.25; fair to good, $4.60(,4.75; lambs, $6i6 25. Hop 1909 crop, 20()2I3,e olda, nominal. Wool Eastern Oregon, 16(n 23c; mo hair, ehoice, 25c pound. Caacara bark, H'c pound. Hides Dry hides, 18(19o per pound; dry kip, 17(i'18c pound; dry calfskin, l(i2c; pound salted hides, 10H di! 11c; salted calfskin 6(ii!6c: green, ic less,. Washington, Dee. 2. Alarmed by a I u., u h.toi,uhi to r-'6,3tS3 m min eral on exports to France in a month, .-.,.,, en. on exporters nave begun a movement to induce congress to renew with the French mvernmnnt th. procity treaty that expired on October 4. couriers aiso nope ror tne re newal of the treaty with Spain, a large importer or American oil, which will expire on August 31, 1910. Exports to Csnada under th. Anon tion of the new tariff law have nnt h. compiled by the bureau of statistics of me aepsrtment or commerce and labor but indications are that they will show """'"J great a railing off in oil cr.furts a. mose to rTance. iNotwitnstanding the abrogation of me reciprocity treaty with Franc r.. port, to the bureau for November, the first month under the new order of inmgs, snow larger totals in both im ports and exports than in the corre sponding month of last vear. Raw eot- ton, which is imported into France free of duty, snd hence is not affected by the tariff changes, is largely responsible me increase in exports, while art works 20 years old and over, admitted free under the new law, and diamonds ana niaes were responsible for the in creased imports. The falling off in imports of cham pagne rrom stance, due to tho in creased tariff, was most marked, declin ing from .'5S4,674 in November, 1908, to 58,062 in November, 1909. Duty la $115 on $3.60. mjiuiudus, U., Dee. 24. The Ohio state livestock Commission has had a practical demonstration of the worxlugs o. me new tariff law. The commission sent a hypodermic instrument to Ger many for repair, and it waa anaooneed today that the instrument was retumod yesterday, and with it a bill from the H..uu,out im jio auiy. tim, was onaed on an ad valorem of 45 per cent. purcnasea the instrument cost 2.80. The same kind of instrument cannot DC procured In the United States. English Steamer Missing. i-onuon, Dee. 84. Gales in Great Britain have done much damage to shipping. The railway company's steamer Roatrevor, which left Greenore, a headland of Ireland, at 11 o'alook Tuesday night, and which was due st Holyhead, Wales, 75 miles annua St. George's channel, at 5 o'clock Wednes day morning, had not been reported, and it ia feared she has foundered. She carried a erew of 84 and a few pas- eviijfcjiSt 4 ..... t . THE ARCADE - ST. HELENS An Up-to-Date Moving Picture Show, in the old Muckle store building, which has been re modeled for the purpose. Three shows every evening, beginning at 7:30. i A-------A-----f, RED CROSS SHOES I Carry a Complete Line of these fine shoes. They are the best of the good ones. It btnd With your toot Serviceable, Styli.h. Low Priced and SILVERWARE Full Line Rogers' Bros, and other celebrated manufactu'rs. FANCY CHINA ; WARE TOY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION LADIES' The latest SUITS AND CLOAKS Styles and Best Makes. relay a's Loss Is Immense. Panama, Dee. 24. A wireless dUoiloh from Blueflolds, addressed to Ueneral Chamerro'i father . here. reports itnO, men kllled-aaiMSOe prisoners and 1,000.- Z "V""", c'Ptureq py ..tfen am-J. Fancy Groceries For The Holiday Trade , we will uuplicate any Portland Price H. M O R G U S I