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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 31, 1909)
Hood's lLOSS IS $5,000,000 Sarsaparilla Eastern Tidal Wave esd Blted Spread Ruin, Acts directly and peculiarly on the blood; purifies, enriches and j revitalizes it, and in this way builds uP the whole system. maNT LIVES ARE BELIEVED LCST ev&e iu vjret is UKiay. i ; la usual liquid form or chocolated tab-1 HU caueo svaltM, 1VM 1o i s i. Oae ImhuM Case. Doctor, you're not so foolish aa to think you can make popl rood by nerformong operations on them, art youT" "That depends upon what you call Snaking popl looj. You can check their disposition to commit crime. "A a, (or example "Wall, I one knew man who wai cured, by a almple operation, of a ten dency to rob bank and hold up rail way trains." "Did you perform It. doctor?" "No; I wai merely called on to ver- Wreckage Coming Ashore Indicate Marina OlMitara Thirty-two Cities Left In Darkne. Boston, Dec 2$. Three million dol lart is the estimate today of the loss la and around Huston by the tidal wave and blttznrd which swept over New Kuglnnd Sunday, rive million dollar ia the estimate of the damage along the New England count. Fifteen live were certainly lost, if me nve masted schooner, the Davis I'nlutrr, went down, and it ia believed Ify tha result after the operation waa I that many more perished at sea, ever." "Well, who did perform ItT" , frontier sheriff." Chicago Trlb- salary uea ey sseseaitaea. Bafora tha draining and diking of England and Holland, mosquitoes, ma laria, chills and fever were as bad as la our Southern States to-day. Un fitted aad undralned. neither of these I marine disasters and storm dsuisge ua- ountrie naa risen to its place la his-1 equaton in years win te related. wry. out had been balked by malarial I . "ywo cmee ana towns were Wreckage borne into Hasten harbor today is believed to be the mute evi dence of the loss of the schooner Davis Talmer, bound from Newport News for uoaioa, somewhere near the cut ranee to the harbor. The wreck itself has not been located. Cape 1'od is still eut off. With the restoration of eoutrauniea. tion there, it is feared that a tale of degeneration. Dle4 at Klsktr-alakt as FresHete. Prophesying aarly la Ufa that she would Ilea to see her elghtylghth birthday, Miss Julia H. Hancock, of plunged in darkness owing to the elee trie lighting service being cut off. aad wires of the telegraph and telephone companies were laid lown In every di ret; tion. New York, Dee. S8. With the news Brockton. Miss., died a few days agor ln probable loss of the five masted OB tha da? aha had nravlmisle ar f. Ifbooner Davis Talmer. with her erew bar death. Infirmities of age are given I "? ,wlv men, ff Itostoa harbor, and as tha causa. Sha cava no particular , the wlwk'B"' of oU" riaiM,it iiuuK me Aiaaraenusetts coast, the opening chapter of the toll taken on the sea by the storm that swept New England Saturday night and Sun.iai was bared to the world today. The three-masted schooner N'antaska was hurled ashore at Scituate aad prouotiiy will be a total wreck. Vol anteer lifesavers wilh the breeches buoy v. un tivw or tea mep Bell Holliday gav no particular reason for her prediction, although sh seemed Imbued with tha belief that her prophecy would coma true. t- Elase'a Fire. 8t Elmo's Ore Is a peculiar condi tion or low electric Intensity la tha atmosphere, such aa often occurs In fair weather, when by supposed ln- coNrxioT iseiu iianjnBNT. aUUmda Say Thaw oaa't Fay Htghar " Wag. Washington, Dee. ST. Som members of tha Interstate eommerca commission and many railroad offloials believe they aa see rapidly approaching on of the severest eontests between labor and capital ia recent history. This doe not necessarily mean thai railroad ate gen rally are eipeetlng big strikes la the labor world. , Suck strikes, however, are always among the possibilities when labor and capital clash. It la nrtaly believed by tha railroad tnea that this struggle will be begun by tha railroad tabor organisations, will rapidly spread to other lines of work and may even tually result la a Complete readjust ment of. Industrial conditions. The situation with resneet to Mllmkil labor is unluu ia tha historv of this or any other country. Never tu,r.,. nas taoor enjoyed such high wages. I practical science -anotnsr unpoeslDll During the recent periods of a-reat tms I it shown to b possible another perity-wages ia tha railroad field have dream of centuries realised, but real mounted very hiuh. Aa a result. I.wl bud la a aMk . K..t tki. ie nave oeeome accustomed to living I nn.r.ll.m m.,m ---- ....I... Zr.y T.'ev'." H WUI ",or' f eating their families, aad altogether are m 00 railways 8 higher laamg a ainereal view of life. I """J u was siaiy years ago. Notwithstanding tha fact. I though, of course, tha train loads are that tsceedingly high wages, so.upam I r different. Will It be so with tha ..r.., epeaaiag, nave enabled the la I aeroplane 7 vonnir classes is tha rai road a.l.l i ..... mry now nndl !.), rrt It. tneniseivea unsuie 10 live oa their una I . . . si n . . ..r, " I - "" im nouae er loroar- must result .:'. .tiv.. .1 -,A.. W" bnnrh ' ,h ' . k L , u M comnMB. haven-t your SMITH WANTS and will pay as follows for good, fat stuff wa never charge com mission on anything: Veal under ISO Iba.... 110 Largo veal less, according to siso and quality. Dressed Hogs ....0 Hona and Spring, allv 140 I Una and Springs, droased.. 18 to ISO Turkey, dressed 23io Ceeae, dressed ...,,....160 Ducks, dressed 300 FRANK L SMITH MEAT CO. TautkMTmr PORTLAND, OREGON. gall . " ' . " i j iacti a TABiom tout j I FREE! HARP.(liriTAti .L - --- i IUM, II tlM SMaHivelr isniml Ui iUy ever awte. We tawh yuu at swr ewn Ihmm. As sn BSwertHMimeHt we are COWCTOaVIAWAT enenreer II M Hare Oulwrs s mmrk ml Uie tint Ien nsnmn Hi ah ewnty who Mnil u. thai .aa . aewa HIUHT WtW awl imp u. a ewd and ha one at tleTu7e asikll.. '". A Mlraele e aeleaea. Asroplanlng la another mlracl ot The Brat bora railroad waa built In im Tha veloolped waa Invented b) Drala In HIT. Tha only self-supporting territory of the United state la Alaska. Tha Chilean government baa under contract DS miles of railroad at an estimated coat of t,10T,l0. A rhtuiosy of concrete block wa 1 - t-kaaee roe a Maval. : ' r"' " . pr,M0U HJo ruth-l would Ilka to re. great conomy la to coat fun, uii, snm.ment ring I purchased Levantin newspaper report that Turkey baa granted a conditional oa . 'weior-wiun t it auit Iba young cession to an Amerlcaa syndloaU for ... .v ' . a 1141-mlle rallr.rf tkM...h a.l. " .wuin-iea. nut another mi. young man had already tlven her on A new aad wennerful aiaalssl kMiriatmt, whivk as viimkifHitsia at Uta inial lialiaa aarvaiMi a hasutlfal tune ana a tiivelr Ike tawtoal r ii i m a iimamBMa"Mfj .f -a SB HMT-mnH ail i. ,u. a . , -- p.. k . - - . aWaaaaBBBaaaaaaBBBaaBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBaaaa Just like It, and 1 would like to ss Railroad massgements evervwhere re ognixe this economical fact They say, however, that they would be willing to increase wages if they could do so without menace to the property intrusted to their care. They say, with some show of reason, that It is impossible for railroads to continue to absorb the Increased eoet of livU. behalf of their employes and at the "Wall, the lords are the uncommon s." A leea Aaeaa, Tney were about to ooea the Pans- Oi canal In due form. "What are w waiting forr asked in maa who waa to deliver the ora tion. "We are walttnc." answered the maa Alaska bss three time the placer I eh"'' It for a wedding present Tld- area taiirornia bad. California ha i produced In flfty oln year ll.400.000.-1 Camaattie. 000 la gold and Alaska wilt prod It t ald not only that decoction three times as much when properly or the leave dried and nowdared or uereJoped. the coiunioq camumll will deslrov llerr Hosenlhal, th pianist to noted . hul that nothing coiKrlbules for hi quiet buinor. Aa unsuccessful M ,0 th bw,lln ' Srden as pianist said to him on day: "I am a umbr of camomll plant dls toeing a tremendous lot of money la Vr'i through It. No grnboua or ronneotion wllo my recitals. What ttou"use should be without camomile shall I dor -Ulv fewer concert." u or dd Ule; either replied Koeeatbal quietly, M. A. P. " S'wara will answer. Thirteen grama Of radium chloride! Tree Mraeaal ttaia. have been produced at the Imperial la lower Egypt rain fell very e4 Austrian radium factory, located at dom. Durtn tha r, anrh rwv-n tmll.iM St Joachlmsthat It I estimated that f about 1711. It did nut rata for alttee mia mineral naa a vaiua r sta nnn i ennntka k..i iM... ii-i . . ui.. . . 50.000 a grm. or mor than I&00.000 Ibrahim rash completed their vast reund your flns.r to remind you"!?!? mii. -doa-t you over f your orr U an f" " 'U . Aa Aaaaal Laaaer. Aa Rngllst, by went to ... . two oth oonslu during fc, ' vailon. ills br-akr.-" --- Ing conaisied of plain ontmeai ,5? got very tired of It "., j "4 jc turned to hi brothsr . Tom." he mm. "the lad 'i. Cliriatna.''-1iiecsss Mstaslna " As Bemetlasee llapeeaa "You'd Ilk to hnvs ma .i. rimlne, I presume." said n.. ,. . 1 dllor. "'-nify "Indeed. would." aahatBtaaaJ .a thor of th ,ki h. , " wirld." im ik. .. .. arter rdli.g it, , It B:"i lb worst In the world. " e Like a Ma.. naL.aseB. . . so ana ornsr that parlor tamp I tol.l fmt , w.m.dr ,. same time thi incVwsed VT Lll all material and everything which Ulrtcan buU. ah nar "P .tJ'Z TL.. .1 w.MiawHe.. K-t J I nor lit Hmnt point, expoMHl to the fa!!!5 W wdlnf ob.furjr of tbe Tht f.u of h,r c rew ui .un-irgi in me wee- its unkno trie fluid and a brush discharge takes place, without audible noise, but with a feeble luminous glow. It has been observed on spires, on the masts and spars of ships. Save This Recipe for Cold. "Mil half pint of good whiskey with two ounces of glycerine and add one half ounce Concentrated Dine eomnotin.l The bottle is to be well shaken each tisis and nsed in dotes of a teaspoonful to a tableepoonfuJ every four hours." Any druggist has these' ingredients or he will get them from his wholesale boose. This Is wonderfully sffective. The Concentrated pine is a special pins product and comes only in bslf ounce bottles, each enclosed in aa air tight case, but be sure it is labeled "t'oseentrsted." n, but it ia believed thev u,r on a rescui'ii. wne is rrora Fhila .l.-lphia, loaded with railroad iron on the rocky shores of Martha's Vineyard waterlogged schooners are oemg swept by every sea. They are the A. K. Mi-Lean, a British vessel, bound from forth Amtwy to Halifax, and the Stouington, Ma'ine, schoooer i" --vwar.i, run receding for rrovi ji-uri-ioa-n. ine crews have taken off. been At Provideneetown the sloop lien its s sifTound, and in the flats at Plymouth harbor are four small schooners simi larly distressed. STRIKE CONFERENCE TAILS. Labor Leader Off to Washington to Seek Advice. St. Paul, Dec. 2S. Contrary to ex pectations, developments todav in the controversy between the railroads of ter. into the operation and maintenaaV. .7-"",.. ' at a tl. . . . :l " irioune. - --. pv.u. aa oeen reached, they insist, where railroad mast receive more for th transports tion services If they are to continue ia creasing wagea. Upon this platform the railroads say they must stand Brtnly. BUZZAftD IN THftXB STATES. owed Atteatlaa. The Parent Are you sure you glv my boy much attention In school at you do th ether bo)T Tb Tescher Attention f Wbv. ssv I'm afraid to take my eye off thai boy of your. Ton ker Slates man. fur th sntlr amount Pur metAllla plantations he former alona radium la never aeea. more than 30.000.000 olive. 8 la Jewish houses of worsbln Dr P tree, elc tb-ar bow sons wno are la mourning arise at a I i"a " a00" aMI1 ram. certain time during the service aad repeat tha Kaddlah Imnll.. uik . . Hebrew than. . YLaZ l"! "f ' r..r..,ruln.M a prey. . : reuer in nie pocket e'er realMa people for whom th mourner' prayer I ed. I no bar to business, la a recent I Without reeelvtna. en some kttev n. Issue that paper any: "The trustee I A good-sised portion of eomebody or xeron e Israel of liarlam ahauM ' upprea tb Individual who on Sab bath morning distribute paruphlsts to tboe saying Kaddlah, advertising tee ware of a monument dealer, planted J0" '" u would." r, cotton . '""' ' 'd. but In ih ra .o. ' 'h m""'t I lied It Taklao Mia at Ml Weed. Vpganlsun It guee wliboul saying pocket booh." Ih abstracUa around mf mm-inin euntxiee we let It b unions are ceasing to look to the '" os'r Bftamoon. isn't It r United State for their beef and are rxrrai HOMts DENTISTRY At Pistes taat Dafy CaaaHasB irrtrt wnnoui piaiis a trtcutrv Tralna Stalled aad Chisago race Coal Famine, Chicago, Dee. ST. The entire west and northwest, from Winnipeg, Ma'n, to he lower tier of Illinois counties. along the Ohio river, are hard and fast T'P or the Htorro King. An average of seven inches of snow blan kcta all this vsst territory, eripplins all transportation lines, bringing intense suffering to the poor, making acute the coal famine which menace Chicago and I Z.Wl!,,'?!010 other big cities and reducing supplies I (','t-t riUJNi; ...".";.'.'.';.'.'ij!oo up of all kinds because th railroads ... SVoKwXurt ftoo not transport farm product, to the V'u Ji'E"".!! aoe Bad BLOOD turning more and more to Arcentln Tor meats and cattle. Prominent Eng lish ship owner and Argentina cattle ralsara have ara-anUa.1 a mmm. which will undertake to hlp upplla ' Caacaret I bad of chilled meat re.ularly Mrh week "T 7 tr'KD' P'"l "'f '. from th. River U Pl.. !Tldoo 1 ..""J!.! and Manchestar. Work already baa the i,dee have ell disaMarid frIi ate k-.M k.. K .1.. A . 1 . I . . . . . . I . 7 ni.a vu uiua new men iim an. mu irwimuiiy say inai i aaouvte refrigerator steamers, which will bo ' ! lvwrtk-4; I have taken only added to the fleet .Iraad l Iba mm. a wa, What's la a Haaaet An amuslna store hu hen nM eernlng Mr. Phillips' classic drama. I !he no.r,n"rpt sod the striking switch "Ulysses." When It was bel In America, two Touna rlrls ting at. matinee heretofore " tb" "i,,eJ performance and before th curtain Not only have the switchmen declare,! rose th following conversation was ff sll negotiations with the railroads. oiauue, i anow uis play l n-aiiers say there is a stronsr u! a general striae by all allied orders lM-longing to the railway i-rmiro or me American Pederation of i.afKjr. H. B IVrham. acting as chairman of ine railway coumil in session here, left ..... .or nasningion to seek advice. .nere may be a more general itrike," said Mr. Perharn. I residont Hawli-y, of the switchmen's anion, asserted: "Heveral other meni-h-n of the railway council besides Mr. Perbam lift for their headquarters to night to make preparation for a strike of their respective orders." Mr. Perbam, in speaking of today's developments, said: "Pri'Iay we were on the verire of a settlement, and we thought that the inaiirr wouiu do ned up today. But heard Is going to be funny." "What make you think so?" asked Maude. "Why. nybody could tell that from the nam!" was th reply. M. A. P. To next time you feel that wal lowing sensation, th. core sign of sore tayot gargle Hemline Wizard Oil im mediately with three part water. It will save you day and perhaps week of misery. Ea rassllla. Willie, a littles country boy, I years S. was taken on. Sunday night to a large city church, where he saw for the first time a vested choir. To ai mother' surprise and gratification, . . , , i -vvt nvuis w utru up IOlar. ISlIt be not only kept wide awake, but this morning the railroads presented a amuj interested in every part of the service. At Its close he turned to her and said, "I Ilk. tils church, It Is so nice to watch the preacher when h. come out with all his wives In their nightgowns." Har per' Magaxlne. mysterious change of front and as sumed such an arrogant attitude that we decided at once to have nothing- Legacy Heir Pound Dead. Seattle, Wash., Dee. 28. Patrick M. Smith, aged 57, janitor of an apart ment hons, who was found desd in bis Good for Sore Eves, fr9 atw IrVk r trrivT iKin . SALWh pitive,, d wyodi -. T' eases everywtere. All druwSt. Z V.' ""U. ,n IfelanJ' at be had n ueir to :iu.owi. if ,.f,,a.,i . cities. Mesger reports from Michigan indi cate that state hss suffered most se verely. A few telegrams drifting through tell of blockades in sll diree tions. Orand Trunk and Pere Mar qtiotte trains are absolutely snowbound At Detroit streetcar traffle is badlv Im paired, and tb. ear ferries hive bees fast in the ice of the Detroit river for 1 hours. Trains into Chicago from all direc tions are from three to ten hours late, and nob-aa the storm soon abates eon ditions will be much worse. While the elevated trains sre running fairly well the surfsce rosds are badlv handi capped!. Not only is Chicago's trans portation badly hampered, but the eitv is fscing a coal famine. It became apparent three dava ir that the aupply would run abort, and every railroad tapping Illinois a-l Indiana coal fields had made arrange meats to take advantage of the doul i, holiday to rush a big aupnlv to thit nd other cities. With the rosds bend ng every effort to let passenger trains through the snow, however, the moving oi ireisni wss aDsoltitely out of the question, and the Urge supply of coal waiting to be moved still remains on the sidetracks. Charitable associations sre burdened to the limit by cells for assistance. Uwal-lmHlMkM ofela earfaM war pany' disposal. Many Japanese women gild tbelr leetb. Women of Arabia stain tbslr finger and lose red. Ia Greenland too uo women paint their face blue and yet- low. in India tb women of high cast paint tbelr teeth black. A Hin doo bride I anointed from head to Clarence R. Gnmn, Sliertlan. lad, lWaaanL t-alalakt. Ihaw.1 ! t la iimmt. Maw !., Waakaa a UtOM. I"- -. SDa. NMW toll IM kulk 1,. ikal Ua slaae t C C (iMiaahaatla raw anaiay saaa. T-Uar aad Te-ataeeaw. Happy men are full of the present. ?or It bounty euBW. tBloi men also, for its dull nt Uasv Our grand buslnea undoubtedly not to see what lie dimly at aZ taneo, but to do whal lie cie,r, Z band. Edward rtUOerald. "Poloai Tht"rT,, ikmash) throuehoul Kurope, Asia Minor. HibZ la. Northern rhln. Aby,,!,,,,, KoTT era Afrlnt. Madeira and ih. Caa Island. vaeaiy ii.7la.iJ it .m. ii.JrCTuV,L 1 m t w.. U Muliu tm M4 t.ll ZLmiH . corrccri tCA SPlCCSl BAniNO POWDCR . miucrs JUS! KKillT nviBTVOENra NO GAS NO COCAINE u nrk awaais-i far laa ratn CMrCAOO PAINtESS DtNTlSfS .IV Weskasatea U. Car. tislk bubUak u rears, tUesiessar. n.. na..i."Vr fall reiat at utaareaaa. Tee - said the bride of three short montos. i bad mads up my mind to remain la the splnstsr class, then Joh appeared upon the scene and I ac cepted him because he waa so unlike eui.r m.a Oh, of course he' different" re joined the envious lady friend. "He ropoeeo. Yonker Statesman. Your Hair Contrary? h it Inclined to run away? nnii'l ... . 1-L. a. , . ' . uuiiisii u wirn a cruel oru8n ana comb! Feed Ir. nni.r. ish it, save it with Aver' ii.u vigor, new imnrnveH fnrm,.t- Then your hair will remain at nome, on your head. whr i. a. -i . . w d.iohes. An eietrant rtreia. Keeps the acalp healthy. s ner cnenye In telor tflht hah w ml"l?l.,e 9 siew U le raw tiers Ask klaTkal h certainly bliev this e cam. Stop falling h,r. Curc dsn amf. rVomotes tb erowfh k-i. ay BsssV 0. Ays Oe, tawau. Mass, return to claim his leiracv. althnncrk a. iffor to sesd 1,000 for bis expenses " me out man bad become despondent over bis apptite for drink. an,l .It 4L..4 .1 . ... ..' --. ...-I. ui.,. mo money would do him oo goon. Schooner Wrecks Light -Newport News, Va., Dec. 2H. Havin l,een rmn,-.l .. t ut. . . . .-.. auo almost cm in two by the four-masted schooner Malcolm Baxter, Jr., the Thimble shoal light, four miles east of Old Pni ......-, iran or ine Horseshoe" in Lower Cliesaoeake l,.iv ......h, . and was totally destroyed. The schooner was inward bound from Hampton Holds in ballast, and was proceeding nnder 'ail. The stronir west .1.4 .k. ee ----- eaaaasa sasss k ISO 'it nan threw the vessel off h.. 'flurse, and the crashed into th frame "guiuouse. Car Chained, Suit la On. Columbus, O., Dec. 28. The Pullm.a company today filed a suit in the TTnit..i States court against Hheriff l.inke, of picking county; Attorney Fred W. Kill! .-Vieivilla 111 .Ha I ark, O., for 120,000 damages. The i-uuijunjr assi-rts mat on November 20 one of its ears was taken out of a Bal- iinore ft Ohio train bound for Wash ngton, and chained to the tracks hrouvli the action of the lef.nH.nt. Mr. Oillette j said to have taken the action because he could not get payment - !) ... - I. .0 , . 1. . . , , , "Tramp" Pay Old Scot. Denver, Colo., Dee. 27. Seven years I ago James U Hsrvey, now a Biol Grande switchman here, was brakeman oa a freight in Oklahoma, and befriend-1 ed a tramp. Today Harvoy receive! a letter from the tramp, Charlct Vc Namara, now a rich miner of Mur -ay,! Idaho, enclosing a cheek for aSOO as a nnstmas gift. Harvey p.'rmltte'l Me l Namara to ride over bis division, gavel mm cioiues, a meal, a bed and a 3 bilLI Runaway Train Smashes. 8t. Paul, Dec. 27. A runaway Great I JNorthorB freight train, going down grade fully tW miles an hour, crashed I through a maze of switches until ill crashed into the Union denot. The en gin amashed through two brick walls nto the baggage room, and now lies a I mass of wreckage in the basement, wnne rs or ja rrolght cars were crushed into kindlinir wood, and others are I piled in a heap. Mo fatalities resulted,! ss the train crew jumped when it was! discovered Engineer Morrisey bad lost control. A LEADER WATER SYSTEM IN YOUR HOME Mesne aa aMVlMne a. tar aaeerr. It aasne last ra wlU hava Um nan practl asl eviar savplr .ystata aaw la aas. N. alarslacl isns. ne froaaa s4pse la winter, tie suanaat wslar la nirawar. as water sneplr invbla ef snr aart. Task eland If haamant. aal af .Isai and war, rnimit at praaaal MaaL will aa na aad will last s HtMlnm Vm WW k. eleaasd with Ike LEAPE VsUni mf furnlaklne Ieialla Wstar Baer'v. A'k tor ear staiMana fne saosiat. Ham I BOlMl Mr Water aaaatr rrisiMa UWIS & STAVCR CO. Portland, Ore Spokane, Wash. Boise, Idaho. THE SAFE WAY T travel Bast kt via Um Jump to Bav I Tatat Camden, W. J., Dec. 27. White Christmas brought death and sorrow to two families at Malaga, N. J., this! afternoon. Mr. Mary prie wa killed by a train. William liegeman, who made an attempt to save ber, received injuries rrom which be died. Mrs. I Price wss standing oa the platform st j Malaga when she slipped and fell on tbel iracss, just aa the train was pulling In. I Without hesitation Hsveman nmn,jl to rescue her, but before he could draa I kaks BWA J . A 1 us wm usnbrrr doib mmr alriis-lf Itv I Ina lrt-.a-ol- ' 1 a-sev 1kVUIValTsJ, ! Dying Woman Bef use Aid. jxis Angeles, Dee. 87. Mrs. Polly Holotm, who suffered frightful burns I st night, when she nsed korosnne tol neoursge ine are under the family's! .....,.. iui7, aieu eany today. D-l .im uer law ourns, Mrs. Holotla re used to accept medical aid unfit urod by sight that ber dv cbiltfren vere safe. Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company's NEW FAST TRAINS OregOD-WashiiigloD Limiled ferUaad leChlease Qicago-PortJaod Special ChUaea. St. Uukk Bks, Soo-Spokane-Portland "rrala as Use" k M. Pasl Latest anulnmant. Piillmaa Tourist and Dining Car, alectrTi Hk-hted and un-to-data. Rlaak Signal System Portland to Chicago, for literature, rate, reserva tions, etc.. call on or writ to any O. R. N. agent or to WMMcMURRAY General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon root with grease and aaffroa. Borneo women dye their hair la fantastic colore pink, green, blue and scarlet la New Holland erar. mad carefully with bella, form elaborate pattern oo tbe women face. In om South American tribe tbe women draw tbe front teeth, esteeming a an ornament tb black gap thu made. Th completion of rafting operation on Ih Penobscot River tor the season shows that nearly 12V.0O0.000 feet of log bav com down the boom from tbe east and weal branch of the river and Its tributaries. When the few straggling raft now la the river arrive at the boom It I likely that tb total will reach about j feet for tbe season. Thl I a great; increase over the number of ln(s bandied at tbe boom last year, when ' only 11.000,000 feet war rafted down. ;Tbe total thl season. , however. In clude 1.000.000 feet which were eut last yaar-UwIston (Me.) Evenlna journal. In an article by Dr. Hans Srhnsl- kert, of Ilsrlln. on police Identifica tion, the error which may easily be made when only physiognomy Is taken Into account ar dwelt upon at length. Tbe writer tells of many Interesting case of "doubl," wbsr nothing could so easily aave an Innocent double from being mistaken for tbe criminal , original aa th Anger print teet. which he believe to b Infallible. The aril rle contain th portrait of th double of Count Zeppelin, who la tb keeper of a restaurant In ilsrlln, and of King Alfonso, who I a merchant In that city. Iloth picture are "speaking likenesses' or the men whom they do not represent. "Pneumonia and consumption folio frequently In the wake of the ofleo neglected Void,' when tbe resistive power of th body ar at their lowest ebb," declare Dr. Natl. I'hlladalubl director of public health, In a bulletin. "One of the beat preventive agalnat tuberculosis," Dr. Nff adds, 'Is ro bust health, which give great reals! I v power to tbe disease; and on of th first sign of depreciation In health I fatlgu. Although this, with other minor allmenu, may seem of alight Important, yet It I frequently lb rorrunner of mor serlou condition. If 'cold wr less commonly neglect d, many case of consumption would be discovered and cure effected, and pneumonia and many allied disease would be prevented. Many of tb famous woman In his tory lovsd children, though dsprlvsd of children lov moat of thalr Uvea On wa Queen Adelaide, who two iltti oos died In Infancy. Bb mournad her loss th rest of bsr Ufa, ana sought oiac in bringing hsppl nsss to th children of other. It be came bar custom to, glv a great Christmas tr aa a gift to tb bora ana gin worvr in court spsnt th Istlv sssaon. Tb tre always stood unaer uniusse dragon suspended from toe coning, ine cniidren walked in two uy two, ana cn on wag kissed In turn by tb queen. Adelaide ai. distributed all of th CbrUtma pre. auia. it is saia n always anlovait tb gathering until th Iltti guest bad goo, when shs would b ovsreom by a sna of loneliness In the th,,i.i .. . s .-riaage'i I JS" -' ""' " nut u. a , 1 j - I I ha a-MS , a-,.,... at a laM .al .HaM I ' aaaWaaaSSSaBaaaaaaaaaaaaasaSaaaaaaaaaSaaWaBk I M W B-. a- a ,TTa I f "THtWO HILIAMIS" I I w o--. a a um aas, -e an a a. I k Mini i 4. ;J G0,W0EAAGLEd irSi II rrS ltoiuoiT 01110 ov bail Bdl ILJJ II V If 11 'I II a" -asw a. I UJLi ar Muootirg on miai box nv bail PROM riANTgN.g) MCNITVST IKOOMlVajtn -Wl WAR a OW IMITATIONa ) CURE lit tlU MIK1U T01 (6;i.ij a sale a t m cflcttvn. antcwd to cotdam no opialca. It it ery paUtable loocKiklrca liao it U Dewiislata, M Caw I! j Painless Dentistry On Rainy Days A Fish Brand Slick cr will keep you dry Aad glv ys fall vala la emfsrt sea leag wear BAAJT0 WATHMOOf laM Vf flnvUai geUIlm Iks esrry ever, ti farm rrasOsUktfi A. d. TOW! PI CO. rtWtt " -vj Pas tee, u. a. A TOWII CAltAOUM OO,, Ui Teaeave. Csasst JJar-V-iI Oat af taws ftaaela .-4 le l..wS la H li as a) I lias's aas J If a ""ai mr. - 3 B sat tm rm frl ITs. B4af mat 8 BlkMllaal. aaafaaei I laiaal flSkat t ill I . ' -W I bay fwacl 1(1 sasaaasisaa . .ftl taoaa suiustiis ana ia VSAB falalMa l.-lar,l. . I m HMtwl."ei-y aaS! bw-ba4. Uamtllalina rtaa. f wi-l aKS tlut. ar. An ..,Wra. AIIMk tUf vaas aalant. .fx alalia. wit. k ! Wise Dental Co. Ftruee Jtetiuewa n m .,...... aia. POUTLANO, OrltOOM errw sasai av t . m. saa, ak PN U No. l-0 ftSU BSLK9 I lit ft Kit wrtllaa tasutvarUaarsylaaa Bsaanaa this Baer. A RsTeftai ears' Ike Mete ss bates n rasflls. l ai.l.lns alasalalrd sugar la aal adillaa M.pbiM. s S'ls-iuas trrae s sriu kniar (Kaa mla. MaiMsli"kts atoms. If was ,1V f. i at. Mil. sal tat ia. Wok. CneaM(s.Ca,aaiiKvVa From Arctic to Tropics in Ten Minutes No oil hearer has a hleher efficien cy or create r healing power than tha PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with Smoksl Device) With It you can go from the cold of the Arctic to the warmth of iht Tropica lo 10 minute. Tho new Automatic Smokeless Device firevente smoking. Removed In as citant for cleaning. t-SfW br,M ("I". hMl 4 0,,-r,, 1 oil tufficlcnt to glv out a glowing hset lor 9 hours-solid brass wii-l, ds.nper lopcool handle-oil lndicloa, Heater beautifully fmi.licd in nickel or Japan iu a variety of style. Ivory Desist Everywht... If Net At Ysurs. Write lor DessrlBtive Ctrsalar to tbe Nearest Agssey el the STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated) smmmsmm drf IS of nor owa childless household.