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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1909)
The Oregon Mist Entered at the Postoflice at St. Helens, Oregon, as second-class mail matter. Subscription Rates One rear .. - ILW) y month - Advertising rates made known on appli ation. Legal notices 25 cent per line. Issukd Every Friday By E. H. FLAGG, Editor and Proprietor. County Official Paper CiRcrrr Cockt Officers: T. U. Campbell., E. B. ToiiKue .... District Judge District Attorney County Orrictas James Dart, Judce ft- Helens V. A. Harris, Clerk St. Helen Martin White. Sheriff. St. Helens W. K. Tichenor, Coroiu'r ClaUkanie H. West, Cou'miseioner Scappooee K. K. Quick, Treasurer St. Helens U. W. Clark, Assessor St. Helens J. H. Collins, School Supt CUtskanie C. T. Prescott, Surveyor -St. Helens Frank Sherwood. Coroner Rainier PEARY DOUBTS COOK. Says Ha Wat Never Out of Sight of Land in North., New York, Sept 8. The following dispatch was receired here early today: "Indian Harbor, Labrador, by wire less, via Cape Ray, Sept. 8. Melville E. Stone, Associated Press: "I have nailed the Star and Stripe to the North Pole. This ia authorita tive and correct. "Cook's story should not be taken the fir lighter had arrived the flame were eating their way through the first floor of the building. At the risk of their live a squad of policemen went into the hotel and succeeded in arousing the sleeping occupant and leading them to safety. When the guest were awakened many of them became panic stricken Mfnuut tn ro down the stairway. up which great rolls of black oil amok belched from the burning tana in in haaemanL A result the firemen and policemen were compelled to carry a number of women cown extension iaa- ders raised to the window of the see- nnn. third and fourth floor. Meanwhile the hoeemen worked their way into the basement of the hotel and fought the oil fire. Several were overcome but none were injured. It is believed the fire was caused by an explosion of gas which accumulated in the oil tanks in the basement. Roosevelt to Dig Canal. New Orleans, Sept. 8. Former President Roosevelt ia to take charge of the work of pushing 'the Panama canal to completion, according to a re port current in official circle in Pan ama. This statement was made nere today by T. W. Harrison, of.Columbus. Harrison is attached to the engineer ing department of the canal, and has just arrived here. He declared that President Taft was not dissatisfied with the present canal administration, but had already arranged for Colonel Roosevelt to take charge of the work when he returns from his hunting trip in Af rics. Threaten Life of President. Chicago, Sept 8. The police have in their possession today two letters threatening the life of President Taft when be visit Chicago on his Western trip. Extraordinary precautions are being taken. Captain Porter, of the secret service, takes little stock in the letters. He said : "These letter are from cranks and we are not even con sidering them seriously." Despite this statement it is known that the Chicago police intend to take unusual if i T--- ' , ,-., RESIDENCE OF ROBERT YOUNTS, RAINIER too seriously. The two Eskimo who accompanied Cook say he went no dis tance north and not out of sight of land. Other members of the tribe corroborate their story. (Signed) Commander Robert E. Peary." Peary Has Added Nothing. Christiana, Sept 8. Captain Roald Amundsen, discoverer of the Northwest passage, said today: "It is quit evident that Peary dis covered no trace of Cook in, the contin ually drifting ice. Peary probably, as he planned, made hia'.daah from a more eastern point than Dr. Cook, but many circumstance may have arisen to cause a change." "Do you think that f Peary obtained more valuable scientific results than Cook?" Captain Amundsen was asked. "Probably not" he replied. "They were equally equipped with only abso lutely necessary instruments. Geo graphically, their achievements are of great importance, and it is very im portant also that. the two reports be compared." POLICEMEN SAVE LIVES. Heroism Displayed at Hotel Fire in San Francisco. San Francisco, Sept 8. More than 60 persons were saved from death by patrolmen yesterday when a fire that broke out in the Vendome hotel on Pa cific and Montgomery avenues in the Barbary coast district practically gutted the structure, doing damage estimated at $60,000. In addition to the destruction of the hotel several places adjoining were damaged lightly. The fire was first discovered by Po liceman J. J. Manion. By the time precaution in guarding the president during his stay in the city. ' Deluge in Kansas Capital. Topeka, Kan., Sept 8. This eity is flooded today as the result of the heav iest rain ever recorded in this vicinity. The street cars have been put out of commission. The water in the streets is from three inches to three feet in depth. The rain began late yesterday live as the result of a second flood which descended upon Tula yesterday just as it wss slowly recovering from the effects of the first deluge. Many rich plantations are in ruins and the property loss will run into the thou sand. The food supply Is also running low and conditions are becoming des perate. The exact number who met death in the second flood cannot be ascertained at this time, but it is feared that th total wll b heavy. WORRY HARRIMAN LINES. Santa F Will Put Fast Tram on Run to Coast. Chicago, Sept 4. Th management of the Santa Ke railroad has about de cided to put into operation a new fast mail and express train to run between Kansas City and Lo Angeles, with view to capturing the bulk of th Southern California mail. This adds another speed war to that recently declared by the Hill roads in several fossil of remarkable slse, In dicating th presence in earlier time of giant animal life. The party brought back photographs a well a a collection T rare pottery and baskets used by th clilt dwellers centuries ago. a Decisive Battle I Expected. Per. Sept 6. Th culmination of the border affray between Turkish troop and th Montenegrin occurreed near Cusink, a eity in Turikish terri tory, where a pitched buttle) was fought according to advice received here today. There were heavy losses on both sid s snd a number of casual tie reported, Atnotig those injured were five Turkish women. The Mon tenegrin fired upon th Turks, accord ing to the dispatches. Armed forces re now facing each other on the fron tier, and a decisive battle ia expected. Russians to Be Imported. Honolulu Sept 4. The terrltoria board of immigration has decided to r ' ' n 1 'i '" Atww ' " ' f : ir.P1 ax j RESIDENCE OF W. J. DIETZ the mail, express and passenger traffic to the Pacific coast affecting a differ ent teritory between th East and Cal ifornia. The entire Southern California mail is involved n the move, and this is said to bring about 11. 250,000 annual revenue to the railroads. The Santa Fe and Rock Island, in connection with the Southern Pacific, now have thia business about equally divided. The bulk of this mail comes from the St Louis gateway by the Missouri Pacific. The reweighing period for all the territory west of the Missouri river snd west of St Paul begins next Feb ruary and on this account every road in that territory is urging the disposi tion of the mails for the yearly period following theJlO days' weighing by the government Formerly the Santa Fe carried the bulk of the Southern Cali fornia mail, but several years ago the Missouri Pacific put on a fast train which captured the mail out of St Louis and the Rock Island put on its Golden State Limited, which left Kan sas City just after the arrival of the Eastern mails. At that time the San ta Fe was not in a position to change it schedule to wsit for ths mails. Buy Subtreasury Sit. San Francisco, Sept 8. The United State government is now the owner of a plot of ground on the southwest corner of Pine and San some streets, where the subtreasury building will be erected. Yesterdsy afternoon the gov- -4 1 r RESIDENCE OF CAPT. MILTON SMITH and continued throughout last night 1 and today. At 10 o'clock this morning j the official rain gauge showed that 8.7 inches had fallen. All the streams in ; this section are swollen. More Floods in Mexico. ! Mexico City, Sept 8. Scores of ' persons are believed to have lost their AAA. A WW JtwawV A A fV swV f W swV swV A sA Istf Summer Rates Eastf During the Season 1909 via the Oregon Railroad & Navigatoin Co. OREGON SHORT LINE AND UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD from Portland, Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma, Walla Walla and all points on the O. R. & N. line. To OMAHA and Return - - $60.00 To KANSAS CITY and Return $60.00 To ST. LOUIS and Return . . $67.50 To CHICAGO and Retnrn - - $72.50 and tolotherlprinclpal cities in the East, Middle West and South ' Correspondingly low tares. ON SALE JUNE 2, 3; JULY 2, 3; AUGUST 11, 12. To Denver and return - - - - $55 ON SALE MAY 17, JULY 1, AUGUST U Salt Lake, Utah, Sept 6. With span of 274 feet and more : than 800 feet high, a natural bridge, said to be the largest known, has been discovered bv members of the Utah Archaeological society, who have returned iromian ex pedition along the Colorado river, in Northern Arizona and Southern Utah. The bridge is located four miles north of the Arizona line in the state nf Utah- iIt miles eaut r.t the Colorado tVy ywv V.V.W W V V VVVvyvvw yy-jlt river. On its top wer found imbeded Going transit limit 10 days from date of sale, final return limit Oct. 31. These tickets present some very attractive features in the way of stop over privileges, and choice of routes ; thereby enabling passengers to make side trips to many interesting points enroute. Routing on the return trip through California may be had at a slight advance over the rates quoted, Full particulars, slleepiug car reservations and tickets will be furnished by any 0. K. & N. local agent, or Wm. McMURRAY.JGeneral Passenger Agent, Portland Oregon. & -AT-l-t- A I . . L - emmeni oniciais wrara oyer w uw representatives of Virginis Vsnderbilt a draft for $375,000 in payment for the corner. At present the subtreas ury is situated on Commercial street SANTA FE STIRS UP RIVAL8. OfficialsICall Hasty Conferences on Schedules. Chicago, Sept 6. The manager of the Santa Fe road has made a definite proposition to the Postoffics depart ment to put on a new mail and express train between Kansas City and Los Angeles that will reduce the present running time by ten hour Ihi will require a trip of over 1,800 mile to be msde in 60 hours, or at the rate of over 37 miles an hour, including stop. When it became definitely known to day that ths Santa F bad agreed to take ten hour off the latest schedule between Kansas City and Lo Angeles, consternation reigned in the official ranks of the Western roads. Confer ences were held on all sides, sgenU of competing lines were dispatched to Washington with Instructions to lesrn st all cost the position the government is likely to take in the matter, and or der were hastily issued hy th Rock Island and Southern Pacific for time card meetings. NATURAL BRIDGE FOUND. Rock Span 274 Feet Long Discov ered In Utsh. attempt the solution of the labor prob lem in the Hawaiian group by the im portation of Russian familiea from Manchuria. L. C Atkinson, agent of th board, sailed for Harbin today on th liner Siberia and ia expected to make arrangements for the immigra tion of 50 such families to Hawaii. If the experiment proves successful, it is probable that many more Rus sian familiea will be induced to settle in the islands. STRAYED OR STOLEN. Ons gray horse 1,450 lbs. weight and one iron gray mare 1,600 lb. ; right front foot swelled, and skinned spot on both hips. 15 rewad for in formation of their whereabouts. George More. Goble. Ore.. NOTICE Of the Meeting of the County Board of Equalization. Notice is hereby given that on the third Monday in October, October lHth, 1909, the board of equalisation will at tend, at the court bouse in Columbia county, Oregon, and publicly examine the assessment rolls, and correct all errors in valuation, description or qual ities of lands, lots or other property assessed by th assessor; and it shall b th duty of person interested to appear at the time and plae appointed. W. W. Clark, Assessor of Columbia county, Oregon. Dated this 17th day of September, 1909. SUMMONS. of In the Circuit Court of the State Oregon for Columbia County. In the Matter of the Application of R. P. Graham and II. U. Nicho las to have regiitered the title to the west half of the northwest quarter of section 14 of township 6 north, range 2 west of the Wil lamette meridian. Applicants, vs. Robert Davidson, Walter Davidson, Alexsnder Davidson, Henry Nico lai, David Goodsell, Columbia Tim ber Co., and all other whom it may concern. Defendants. To the above named defendants and all whom it may concern : In the name of the State of Oregon : Take notice: That on the third day of September, 1909, an application was filed by the said K. I'. Graham and 11. B. Nicholas, in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Columbia Coun ty, for initial registration of the title of the land above described. Now you are hereby required to ap pear ana anwscr saia application or otherwiae show cause why such appli cation shall not be granted, on or be fore the 11th day of October, 1909, and you are hereby notified that unless you do so said application will be taken as confessed and applicants will spply for, and a decree will be taken and entered according to the prayer of the applica tion, and you will be forever barred from disputing the same. Witness my hand snd the seal of said Court this 8rd day of September, 1909, (Seal Circuit Court) W. A. Harris, Clerk. T. J. Cleeton, Attorney for Applicants, We wish to announce to our friends and patron that we carry a full line of Brown and Hamilton celebrated Ameri can Gentleman and American laxly shoes and would be pleaed to show them to you. There is no more important detail of your attire (ban shoes. You will find nothing smarter or correct than our new American Gentleman Oxford. The sup eriority of this, like all American gen tlemen shoes, is not only in appearance, it covers every detail, inside and out. JAS. ML'CKLK A SON. Arc You GOING TO BUILD ? Investigate the Herlts of CONCRETE BUILDING BLOCKS The Best, Most Artistic unci Durable Material for Husiucss BWks, Houses, Chimneys, I'ouudatious, OrmuMCU t a 1 Fenciu, Ktc. 'Phone at our espense, or nt, ami we will call ami furnish rotimates, SANDUL & FULLUK MANt FACTl RI RS Rainier OrcRon I OH PORTLAND DAILY STEAMER Leaves S! Helena 6:00 A. M. Arrives at 1'iirilnnd 10::W A. M. leaves llwtland at 2 V. M, Arrive HI. Melons at 6M V. M. Having inirvlmw-.l the interest of Jmiic lVirt, ol lort A Muckle, we wuti to an nounce to our frirmla ami patrons that the buaincM will he continued under the name of J Muckle Son. We solicit the patronage ol the public, SMuriRK them of courteous treatment ami liwr( patf, quality considered. Rectfully DR. R. I,. Jkkfcott DKNTIST Oirice with lr. Cliff. 8T. II KLKN'S Green Lath I.1"5 this week, t'ry Fir Wood 3.50. Lumber or shingles, Mont gomery. SOTICE. If you want to see a beautiful sight visit the farm of Mr. Kinchart (the old IScnham pliice) between St. Helens and Columbia City. Notwithstanding the dry seasou his trees are loaded to their full carrying capacity, ami he lias veg etables that Hill occupy positions of honor lit the State and County fuirs. lie is putting in quite a tract of strawberry plants, and as soon as they are in bear ing he will supply the St. Helens market. He is of the opinion that he ban one of the best f mail farms In Ore gon, and finds a ready market at a satis. factory figure, for everything be grows. It having bexn decided by the li'al telrphone association, that the indis criminate us ol the phones by mm sutxrribrrs detriment! to the si rvire, a charge of ten cent w, II hereafter be assessed for each Call made over the Bachelor Hat and Yankton tine, by nwi subscribers, 'either from private re idmces or at the Ifoiilton and Warren switchboards. Said charge to be ( aid by the party raiting, to the party own ing the phone. St When you give four painting contract to Williams you know that you will get the best job that can I done for he pos tiiely guarantees satisfaction Let us figure on all rur electrical work. Colombia Klectrie Works. Syrup of While I'mcand Tar, the old reliable cough remedy, l'ur sale by A.J. Uciuing, druggUt, The thrilling "Slide lor Life." free, at the Columbia County l oir. Sept. 1'ltli and Iffith. Comk Qt iCK One thousand feet ol water (rout, together wilh 73 of the best lots in the city of St, Hi-lens for sale cheap. This include the factory site at the mouth ol Nigger creek . W.M. M. ROSS. Free Inlloon iwennion at the Colum bia County Fair, Sept. '.'Ith mid 25th. It takes Nails, Shingles, IakV, and hinges lo build hounes. I can give gotxl prices. M. C. fiRAY, M 'Helens This Is If A new five room col' Inge and a lot ami a hall in one of the tjcut blocks iu St. Helens for f.n). Terms f I .V cash, balance monthly pnyiuciils of (15. See A. T. Lawsalxiut it at once. Our work can lie depended on, lnth electrically ami mechanically com-cl Col.I'MIIIA Kl.KCTHIC WtHH. We're here to tny. Keep your money at home. Nuf eel. Columbia IMectric Work. Good hard cash is what you will get (or goods returned which are not represented. M, C. fiRAY, St. Helens, "Dot Lecdlc Yernian Hand" the Wienerwurst, will spread themselves all over the grounds at the Columbia County Fair. A one and one-third rate from Fort- land and from all points on the R, R. Columbia County to the County Fair at St. Helens September 2 Ith and 26. Everybody will be there. Soft drink on ice at Bonnett Ilros, Two Good Rooms To Rent. A. C, Gray. Fii'TV IlOMKf) Fob 8ai.r Large bar gains and small bargains. Located in different part of Columbia, I have pro perty to suit all buyers; all cash or part cash. I will be pleased to answer cor respondence and an sure I can be of seavlce to vou. Columbia Comity land is the cheapest and tst in the State of Oregon, and no safer Investment can lie made. Don't waste your time and money looking for homes on Government hinds but buy where you have the advantages of school, churches, rural routes, cheap transportation and a ready market for all you can grow. Consult rue, either by letter or personally, A, T. LAWS. St, lielcus, Ore, $72.50toChicagosSRetum VIA The Astoria & Colombia River R. r AND u The Spokane, Portland & Seattle Rv. (The North Bank Road) From alt A. & C. R. stations Portland to Astoria, Inc On September 9th, 1909 iual Umlt October u, 19119. Close conucctiocs nt Spokane with N. P. and G. N. Railways. Full liiloriimlliiu given by nearest A. & 0. R. agent or II. At. AfiAMS Ocncral Freight mul PaMcnKcr Agent IDKTLANll, DKI1 Wiring, Fixtures, Repair. SMppHc. ' Ktttintatcs Free Columbia Electric Works Temporary Location: 1 laen's Plumbing Shop. St. Helens, Oregon l St. Helens Bakery All Kind Of jPies, Cakes, Bread 1 II. J. BOYLK, Prop. r r F. II. Gren A. N. Uavis J .3 THE VERMONT HOTEL GREEN & DAVIS, PROP8. First Class rooms for the traveling public. Hoard am.' Room by the day or tveek. FirstCIass &ar in Connection HOULTON, OR. GjULIAUUAJLU11A.U 1AJU UlUUJLr siSSsaisSaaasssSS X Contracts Taken. Job Work Done. ! E.A.CROUSE i CONTRACTOR 5 BUILDER: : ESTIMATES FURNISHED t Leave orders at residence on Honlton road, St Helens; J X or by mail. THE CHICAGO STORE 1 F. J. BASEEL. Proprietor HOULTON, OREGON I am building up a business because I sell for reasonable prices. If yon want to satfe money try me. Coal Oil, per Gallon, 15c Gasolene, per Gallon, 20c Dry Goods, Hats, Caps Men and Boys' Clothing, Groceries Boots and Shoes, Tinware, And, in fact, everything usually found in a firstdass Gen eral Merchandise Store. I St. Helens Steam Laundry f Good Work Prompt Service Reasonable Rate. Cleaning and Pressing All Work Delivered PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY I ST. HELENS, LjtAuALsrfhkj