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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1909)
n -" - - f ' 11 I ment in New York for $1,000 theft r I.G. Wikstrom & Sons Manufacturer of and Dealen In ROUGH AND DRESSED LUHBER CEDAR POSTS AND POLES lry Kiln and Planing Mill n Scappoose Oregon Special Prices On Boys' School Shoes Until further notice we will sell Hoys' School Shoes, $2.50 to $8.00 values, lor $1.05 Cash. A lew pair of Large-Sized Men's Loggers at twenty per cent discount ior cash. Ladies' Wrappers A New Line of Ladies' Wrappers aim jYimouas ai cost. (Jood Calico 0 l-2c per yarth C H. BEIGGS YANKTON, ORE. " fc Jl mi) RESIDENCE OF J. C. WATTS, SCAPPOOSE MORE MEXICAN FLOOD8- Cloudbunt Flood. Rivsrs and Over flow. Fertile Vsll.ys. Mexico Citv. Sunt. 7 A .r..l.l ji- patch received nttr from Mrtfaalta, aa. ... thatflooda ytrday ruined" large "tiion 01 me ..mora district. A ter rlble cloudbunt in tha,ain. ..... ed river, and w v'viuvn l IU miles of fertile vatlev. era water. Further detail. haa h.. i here of the flood that the town of Tula, in the etate of Tamalpaia, laat o.iuroay. a wave between 45 and 60 feet blub engulfed the lnwar half . the town. Two hunHra4 Uiu .A k. fan juan bridge were carried away and many Uvea losL The itorm raged for three days. Terrible a. in tv. nniiiu.. Monterey, the corrasnnnriant Harlaraa they are ju.t aa bad at Tula and vicinity- The entire northaaatarn .action f the etate la aaid to have bn l.iH waate. Railroad and taLimnhi munlcation was destroyed and the pop. uiauon 01 Tula, aome 7,000 persons, waa cut off from the reat of the nation tor lour daya. It will be alx or eight month, before the bighwaya can be re- .un-ea. jnirty nodlea have been re covered and many bodies of shepherds and mountaineer, era hafntr mmmhA down Into the valley below. ROBBED MAILS WHOLESALE. Man and Woman Caught In Chicago Head Big Gang. Cblcairo. Sent. 7. In tha arraat nf Alien roaner. 26 veara old. inH young woman eivine- her nama Fml ly Snyder, 20 yeara old. who are in cua- wwy ai ine Harrison street police sta tion, roeiomce inspector Stuart believ es he has part of gang of mail thieves who have been operating in Chicago ana outer cuies. two men are being sougm as sccomDlicea of Poanar anH the bynder girl in the thbft of letters and cbashing of checks found in stolen mail. Poaner and a man named and another man whoa, nama i. haino kept secret are said to be under indict- US ment in New York for $1,000 theft of jewelry. Tha Synder girl is said to have coma to Chicago with Poaner four months ago. It ia charged that tha pair operated by stealing letters from residence mall boxes after delivery by letter carriers. Poaner ia declared to have admitted cashing a number of atolen checks. According to tha petal authorities. Poaner and bis associates stole $1,000 worth of iewelrv and other valuahlaa wmcn were Drought to Chicago. TUBERCULOSIS INCREA8ES, Nathan Straus 8ys Plague la Gaining Against Fight. Budanest. Sent. 7. Nathan Rtrana. the New York philanthropist, who on Tuesday aDDealed to tha Intentional Medical congress to stop the spreading of diaeaae that resulta from tha use of Infected milk, today submitted detailed fltrures to that bodv to nrova that tn. berculoaia, instead of being conquered, a on me lacreaee. Ha cited tha official vital .tatlatlra of New York city, which was credited oy ur. Kobert Koch with leading the whole world in the debt against tuber culosis. He showed that tha increas ing akill of the phyaiciana in treating tuberculosis bad reduced the death rate from thia diaeaae In proportion to the population from 2.42 per 1,000 in 1902 to 2.39 oer 1.000 in 1907. anH 2.29 in 1908, but he showed that the number of deaths from tuberculosis in proportion to the total number of deaths from all causes had increased from 13.04 per cent in 1902 to 13.90 In 1908. Theo. Bergmann Shoe Manufacturing Co. INCORPORATED MANUFACTURERS OF THE -CELEBRATED BERGMANN SHOE The strongest and nearest waterproof shoes made for loggers, miners, prospectors and millmen. 621 Thurman Street PORTLAND, OREGON PHONES , A 1715 RESIDENCE OF L. S. THOMAS, RAINIER Cholera Loses Terrors. Paria. Sent. 7. Serum and vaivina for treatment of cholera baa been die covered bv Dr. Salambini. working nn. aer me direction or. Jrroreaaor Hetcb- nikoff and Dr. Pierce Root. Thatr aerum baa been tried in Rnaaia in Haa. perate caaea and reduced the death rate, wnicn waa ou per cent, to below 23 Der eenL Tha vaccina ia nwiuMif by taking bacilli from the body of a cnoiera paiieni ana maxing culture thereof, which la iniected mihmtinju oualy into healthy persona. Local in- zeciion loiiowa ana immunity results Greek Princes Removed. Athens. Seot. 7. Klnsr Oanran tn- aay win sign a aecree placing Crown Prince Constantino and Prince Nir.h. olaa. at their own reaueat. on tha nn. attached list of the army and granting me other princes in me array two or mree yeara' leave ol absence to study abroad. Brigadier General Smolenski will reDlace Crown Prince Con.rantina aa commander in chief and Colonel Cortbaa will be appointed command er of the army corps at Athena. Tornado Wlpea Out Town. Catanai, Sicily, Sept 7. The vil lage of Scordoa waa about wiped out today by a tornado. Five peraona were killed and SO injured. Ona him. dred bouaea were completely demol ished ana many others unrooted. The tornado waa accompanied by a torren tial rain. The population took refuge in bouaea on the Quarter Santa Maria, where tha statue ot Santa Maria M- giore fell, adding terror to the auper- iiuous element. Train Ditched In Pennsylvania. Pittahnnr. Rant. 7 Flu nMta were killed and 35 in lured, aeveral nap- harja fatal v. at midnivht whan train No. 6 on the Baltimore & Ohio rail road, known aa tha Royal Blue Lim ited, waa wraclrafi at PhMtm P. The train ran into a broken rail, sup posed to have been displaced by train wreckers. The engineer and fireman of tha train were killad anH two naa. sengers died on the way to the hos pital. Among tha dead are EnoHnaar John Dill and Baggageman John Wheatcroft, both of Chicago Junction. Bradbury Handling Jute. San Rafael. Cat.. Sent. 7 Willi. m B. Bradbury, tha Corte Madre capital ist, who began yesterday a year'a in carceration in the penitentiary at San Quentin. eommeafced work todav in tha jute mill, after an attempt to escape it on the plea of illneaa. He alept laat night in a cell mom with 9nn ilu convicts, including a number of mur derers and other desperate crlminala. Justice Moody III. Haverhill, Maw., Sept 8. Asso ciate Justice Moody, of tha Supreme court of the United States, waa remov ed in a police ambulance from the Bradford railroad atatinn tn hi. k. here laat night Ha appeared to be belple-j during tha transfer from the train to the ambulance. 'Justice Moody cam. here, it ia nnriarafanl - sanitarium in New York, where he has been for several weeka, following a short stay at Hot Springe, Ark. Open Road to Promotion. Omaha. Sent, ft n r n.,.n ' 1 w. uv.i mtn G. W. Sievers, appointed at the in stance of E. H. Harriman to conduct a technical achool for instruction of Union Pacific railwavamnlnvaa the institution today. More than 100 applicanta were on hand, ranging from aection banda to draughtsmen in the engineering department The achool ia deeigned to fit employee of the road for better positions and ia open tot them without expenae. Many Lost In Java Flood. Batavia, Java, Sept 6. It ia esti mated thkt 600 native have perished in the flood, in Sonthaaatarn J TV. damage to property and crops baa been enuriauua. Si,' m0nMKAmj0m jar '-wlwfcwtyriHll j i! 3 j ' P' J-a PUBUC SCHOOL AT HOULTON OBJECT Presenting a Few of the Many Styles of Shoes Carried by Us The WALK-OVER Is the Quality Shoe Durability Is a Feature of the WALK-OVER Shoe WALKOVER -SHOES- Our West Window Has made a hit with everyone this week. Have you seen it? If not, it will pay you to do so. WALK-OVER SHOES make a hit with the-army of wearer EVERY WEEK AND EVERY DAY OF THE WEEK The WALK-OVER Is the Dressiest of AH Shoes r The WALK-OVER Is Comfortable m a The WALK-OVER 1$ the Best School Shoe $3.50 $4.00 ReSStP $4.50 $5.00 The WALK-OVER Is Durable Ql WE ARE SOLE AGENTS Those Who Wear WALK-OVERS Are People of Good Standing The TALK-OVER Shoe Induces You to The WALK-OVER Shoe "Call Again." Makes Friends for Us That's Why We Like to Sell Them A Whole-Soled Shoe Is the WALK-OVER 4 Advertising Pays When You Have the WALK-OVER to Sell WHITE & ANDERSON ' HOULTON, OREGON tftv siss