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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 10, 1909)
- l l r. . . mm i i ,1 r : . . . . ....... I II III I . . I III Where Do You Shop? OPPORTUNITY Do you belong to the army that is daz zlotl ly those big jmgo ads nnd cata logues chuck full of bargains? We have customers for tho past thirty years those who know goods and they state that they can do better here than other houses in Portland Write for samples and fashion sheets. FKEE IW MAIL Fruit, Dairy and Garden Truck Lands In Columbia County, Oregon, can be pur chased from $10 to $25 per Acre NONE BETTER Good market, from one to ten miles to water and rail trans portation. Columbia County ranks the world for Northern Spy apples. Clover and all legumes grovluxuriantly, mak ingljidgalfdairy conditions Vegetables of all'kinds do well. Potaloesjproduce fronAX) to 400 bushels per acre. Call on or address STATE BANK OF RAINIER, RAINIER. ORE GON, for further information. CLATSKANIE. "The Gateway of the Nehalem" is1 a beautiful eity of about twelve hundred people. Its title is de rived from the fact that all the produce of the Xehalem its crops and manufactures seek the out side world here, for the reason that the Clatskanie people, with commendable energy and fore sight, have done everything in their power to maintain a good road, connecting the valley with river and rail transportation. The Nehalemites appreciate this fact, and therefore the great bulk of their trade is given to the Clats kanie merchants. Not only have the Clatskanie people done this, but they have also given largely of their means to deepen the chan nel of the Clatskanie river a la bor in which the government should give them substantial aid. "With deep water (say 13 feet) in the Clatskanie river, Clatskanie would at once become a very im portant manufacturing point. Kven without this advantage it is prospering and growing, and probably its retail merchandise business is as large as that of any city in the county. It has a num lter of sawmills and shingle mills within a radius of a few miles, and the largest logging camp in the county, employing, when run ning a full crew, over three hun dred men. As an illustration of the city's enterprise it may be stated that during the present year its citizens have voluntarily contributed something like $1300 for the deepening of the river channel, and have placed at the railroad station an immense sign, setting forth the advantages of the city's location, and inviting inquiries. The business section of the city is mainly upon the flat portion of Nehalem Avenue, though a few business houses are on the incline and on the side streets. Formerly Nehalem Avenue was a crooked, narrow street, with the business bouses standing at all sorts of angles; but all this has been reme died. The buildings have been moved back on a line, the avenue widened, and a beautiful and dur able street constructed of crushed rock. Finding this rather dusty in the summer time, the business men passed the and a few barrels of oil have given the city the best and cleanest main street of any city in the county. Clatskanie is not behind any city in the county in the number of its general merchandise stores, the quality and quantity of the stock they carry, and the reason ableness of their prices, tie trade goes from the Clatskanie neighborhood to Portland, for the reason that the people can pur chase their goods just as cheap at home and the money stays in cir culation in the neighborhood. The churches and fraternal or ders are well represented, and COLUMBIA RIVER DOOR COMPANY'3 FACTORY. Clatskanie is now the gateway transacted at Clatskanie, of the Nehalem Vallev, but iu time A popular place of amusement to come it will have another title, n Clatskanie is the electric thea thnt of the uar.len snot of Oregon. I ter, conducted by Manager bum, Its success is assured Hetween the city and tho Colum- where an instructive ihumiik p- uiir rim i lotimivH .... The Clatskanie Creamery is a comparatively new institution. Its product will be on exhibition in Columbia county's booth at the state fair and the demand for the butter is bia river there is an immense title practically unlimited. The fact: flat, embracing thousands of acres that they can have a steady mar ket for their cream at the highest price paut lor butter tat, lias stim ulated the neighboring farmers to of the most fertile land imagin able, but, owing to the fact that it is under water the greater pBrt of the year, it lias been practically keep more and a better quality of i unavailable for agricultural pur- cows. I hey understand that a poses, l lie loiuniica Agricultural scrub animal is a very poor in- company has undertaken the task vestment. of dyking these lands and con- portunity for passing a pleasant hour. Clatskanie has a weekly news paper, the "Chief," conducted by N'ora and George Conger. Since they assumed control of its des tinies it has improved wonder fully. It is enthusiastic in its ad vocacy of the city's interests, and McAllen & McDonnell Popular Price Dry Goods Store Cor. 3d and Morrison Established 1HS4 Paris Patterns 10c COLUMBIA CITY Is the perttiest townsite on the Columbia river, and yet there i. less business there than there was twenty years ago. We venture to predict." however, that this will not always be so, nnd in a very few years it may be that the thun der of a steel mill will wake the f.'Vi 1 , . '.:'s '. ; r -mmm : .' -.. &. V.;.' . .Tt 1" I I m nr.. - J- v ' ft ;" At 5 I T1 :J mm :4 i. .... . ill 4J5? tr.t' 0 0 STREET SCENE IN CLATSKANIE. there is no more sociable commun ity in the state. Education is rec ognized as the foundation of good citizenship and Clatskanie has a well equipped high school, with an efficient corps of teachers. The Clatskanie State Bank, un der the management of Mr. C. S. Stockwcll, transacts the banking business of the city and tribntary country. It is housed in a hand some pressed brick building, and is receiving the loyal support of the business men and farming Very lit- community. ORDER BY MAIL FROM JONES' CASH STORE Portland, Oregon LARGEST MAIL ORDER HOUSE IN THE WEST Do you wish to save money on STOVES, FURNITURE HARDWARE, GROCERIES SHOES Send for their Catalog and cut out the middleman's profit. Learn to save money. Send for our Catalog "E. " It's free. JONES' CASH STORE Portland, Oregon Clatskanie is lighted by clec-j verting them into fields and gar tricity and has a municipal water system, which it is now enlarging and improving. When this is done they will have an abundance of pure mountain water, sufficient for a city of ten thousand inhabit ants. The love of the beautiful in Clatskanie has found manifesta tion in their annual rose show, conducted by the Ladies' Aid so ileus, it nas in lis control some thing like twelve thousand acres. Work upon this great project is being pushed rapidly by Mr. Ma gruder, the manager, arid im mense dredgers are being employ ed to throw up embankments such as havj, enabled Holland to sup port the greatest opnlation per mile of any country in Europe. Only one who has seen the hitch- is filled every week with tho do ings of its neighborhood and in teresting correspondence from many points in the county. cioty. It is held in a large hall, silled garden farming of the Xeth and, from small beginnings, has grown, until it is now recognized as a county affair, and beautiful flowers from all parts of the coun ty are annually exhibited. It ; would be a revelation to anyone j who has conceived the idea that j there is little in Columbia county i but tall trees and big salmon, to visit the Clatskanie Rose fehow. erlands, where every foot of soil is made to yield tribute, can ap preciate the importance of the work now being done in the Clats- DEER ISLAND. Is a station on the Astoria and Columbia Hiver railroad, which has manifested considerable growth and enterprise during the past year. It has two general merchandise stores, its own water system, a grange hall, etc. He cent ly Portland people have be come interested in this neighbor hood, and farms hnvo been laid kanie neighborhood by the Colum-! out in small tracts and lots, and bia Agricultural company. In the future it means the erection of canneries to handle the produce, and the addition of c large volume of business to that now being f mt upon the market at reason able prices. Deer Island has also, during the past year, built a very neat and comfortable school house. f 4 it. ',,7 . ' -v-LT, "t 1 i t , n i- i.ivt r r HA J 'tl I in I II Ml 5T , mm km mill iiri wt.iifevi.iftii lffi-iMi ( lift 1 SCAPPOOSE SCHOOL HOUSE. and iron cars will echoes of Hunker Hill loaded with coal nnd rumble down the incline to be do posited in the hull of the giant freighter waiting to convey them to the Orient and through the Panama canal to the nations of Western Europe. This is no dream, but an imminent posoibility, ns any one may see by reading a se ries of letters published in an other part of this paper. The coal is there, the iron is there, anil the townsite is there. All that is needed is the ninri nnd the money, and the Ilig Exposition will probably bring them to this coast. Negotiation nre now in progress looking to the advance ment of these grcnt. projects, and we look for their fulfillment. Columbia county hai dcpoalti of iron, coal, and marl, HOULTON (CoiiUmumI frut Fat-1) the company. No outsi.b cnnlul has been taken in from the lo 0f stock or bonds. Thouumli of ere of the best timber in th northwest are. owned by the com. pnny, which eut iu own nw material, llr nnd upruco are th principal timber used, hemlork, cedar and cottonwool being con sinned in limited quantities for certain grade. The factory it lloulton employ over two hua. tired men, in eluding the Mt cut ter in the wimmU, nnd, a it kept neither store nor boarding hou, their patronage is a great factor in the community. There are numerous other In. dustrial institution tributary to lloilltotl. including MWIIlilt ll( shiugleiiiilU, and the logging enmp nnd railroad of the 0, C. ('listen company, on of th Urj, est nnd best railroad logging camp in the county, These vnrioo industries r lb. nit. in' soune of rcveuiio nd their wnnts are supplied ,y JJitnl. ton's enterprising merchant. Th town ha three general nirrehin ile stores, n ment innrket, bUck. smith and barber shop, livery stable, nnd real estate agent, mil several hotel, two rliurehe, nl tt good school. Il'iring the ptst year the district has built l'i. 1 1 Fitl modern four room htiiMinK, nt n cost of between ."mViO inl ttilSHl. Columbia county ha river and rail tramportation, thut prvnt Ing monogoly, Columbia county bai the best dairy herd In the itate. If you want to start a mill or factory, there are plenty of jood site in Columbia county. , Columbia county raises flncit applet in thj world. tbi Many men hav made fortntui In Columbia county. You can do the lame. It is only 20 mile from Port land to the county leat of Colum bia county. Fare on boat M cU. By rail to Houlton, one mil to the court houie, 80 cent. Polk County Frm Sold. Fall City Jam Mr.- h pue chM of Frwl No for 17.000 hi 20 er frm, four roll from thi pis' Th new ownr will Uke pmmI ScpUmber t ami begin t ooc to If pit)v mi msk this on of th as completely wjulpjml farm In I'0 county. Trult Mn l Hood Rivr. Hood Itlr-E. P. IaiowI. of tbj com ml Ion Arm of Looroi A Co. Nw York City, i n.nllng fewlyi In Hood River, whr h I hvlly trroslw In orchard land. Mr. lml UtMl that fruit would bring nswrt prima thl yaar. THE QUALITY STORE Success, to be permanent, must be based upon merit. You cannot keep your old friends and make new ones by shifty methods. Good goods at a fair margain of profit has been my motto, and has built up a busi ness acquaintantship of whicti I am justly proud. Call on me when in Rainier and inspect my goods and prices. FRED TROW RAINIER OREGON