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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1909)
r ! . - ... .- - : . . L;.AAftAAAA&fl I! ! .1 i 1 Kl FI'TIII ftll l It I1.. I - tiM .J..... u 1 ltd 111 im - mm mm-m B iw. The Oregon Mist Entered the Postoth cc t Si. Helena, Oregon, k-coh.1 -clas '' WttlllT' Subscription RrM One year "''w Six months AdvertMng rt it'e known on nppli tion. Uk1 notice gScenU per line. ISS08D KVKRV FKIDXY V E. H. FLAGG. Editor and I'norRiKWR. County Official Paper einia for stiito sn l county J!er Melons, Or. follow.: roB MATH r.M'KRI Commencing Wednesday Annum 11th at "o'clock, in., and coiilliniiiiB until Sut unlay Autfnst Mtti at 1 u. . Weilnosilny IVnmanitMpi History, Spelling Vhysicitil Cieonmpliy, Heading, l'aycholony. Thursday Written Arithmetic, The orv of Teaching, Unimuwr, Hook keep iiiit, l'liyslc. Civil Government. F i dftv lMivsiology. tieogrHphy , Com prVuion", Algebra, English Literature, School law. j Puiurday Botany. VUn tteomelry, '.Getn-ral History. FOR IVl'KTV IWMHK I Commenting Wednesday August lltli ! at n o'clock a. m. and continuing mull : - - Friday, Aat 13th at p. ' CiRcnT Cornt Ofkickrs:'sduy JV'iiuiitneiliiis HtMory, n r.nmhell District Judge I Orthography, 1'eiuling, rhysicial tieo- . B. & Wtriot Attornee grply CofSTv Ufhokks j Thuriiav linen Armnm-m, .... J.mes Part Judge Helen" J ory of Teaching. Crammer. n'tWv; W A Hrri. Clerk -St- ' '"a j Friditv-Uoographv, School l.w, I ml g-rtK ! Co.y School ,perin.edei V. W. Clark. Assessor ft. , St. Helen!-, Oregon. J. H. Collins, School Supt t jawkaine juv . ltXV. C. T. PtmcoU. Surveyor M. Heietu . Frank Sherwood. Coronw Uaimerj BASEBALL ? "IT"'"" j Xne St. Helens bill team on gmie THK WRATH OF AX KXFOKl ; Slini!sy that was dandy. The FAKIR. l)rtl.uuHiun Uiko Co'a te;m came . . . r " , Tl,.,.r, on ! down to Him them uJ to ui.ike sure The Portland Tcltgnin, , on . uleUr Saturday, published the following as it , o( 0(vgM with lending editorial. Uhem. Kvewthiiig w lovely (or tlie AraperCclthe.MiM, pnue. . . , , e imlilll.. Uie Lome Kl.KlTIOJi NOTICF.. Nolle i heiehy niveti Umt there will j lie a siHH'inl election hcll In tho lower; room of the Mitsouie hull hnilding. In j the City of St. Helen, on Monday, August 2nd., for the inii pone tl voting , upon the adoption of an aitu'iidnieilt to ( (he City Clmrter. rolls will I npeiuM i at 2 o'clock p. ni, mid will ho closed nt 8 o'clock p. in. -By order of the City Council. JOHN tj. GAGK. Ueeovdor. MriC FOR im8. S,M will 'W rv, l'tt tiv the muter. lvtiol. t'tmlriunn of tl. liom.l i'I llui l,ir u S.'lnHHilrlel No. -J. I iilunil.l tVnmv. Ore e.n. tor ihe ii"i'lil' t H'' 'i r.Hu ( Ihv .cetnl iilurv l lht M'tl.'el h,lii' til St. A.-Umih, until the "Hi Aimut, 1" 0. Slij rHitilw eomvK'icI lu lliw .in iinl-li mil umierUI Hie KM rmiin ol Ihc ,ih.iI itmr nl wut hiiiw, ami U' l ihi.iii!ii.1 ku or (.!,. Utr tlh ilnv of S imlvr. l''' will '' llsiull,! I tl lll"HHt ili'llM Hie oouliml ftrle Tlie Homil iv-iri Ilie lliiht t lejiel anv unit nil (ll for '"" Pi,l UiUMh Jy ( J",,ly'!(,,''J'J'VTTVV i-hAlmmn tt.wnl ef IMreetors iluWI No'. Si. IUUii. linden. IH NIMSV-I'I' KiiilH'o win iw in "' , Helen... t tlie M .Helens '"iel rriui rttul S.itiiidnv of each week, piepured to do all kinds of lU nlal woik. Sl'.MMON-1 III Hie Irelll! I'"H " "le . I'li'UOH lor llioi'oiiiH) l l oliimlil i. P. A. Mm.llH"'. I'tnliHIt. 11 Vi''Tr' iill'l l.lllle Meie. I'l'ln "ilniiieln. " I. I . Koi. e, .lolm II . Siullli, Hliel'ii H..I ii;l Miinilliul. Muiile Miloil iui'1 Mmm suliiil, To rii',oi'i.'i' "i!".l Mill Hie nlmle ilitmiMl ileleililitlllk. Ill Hie inline ol Hie Ulnlo of Hioson Voll are her, lie r-.inln-l l nl'l'eni ami anje Hie l oi" liUliu ftle.l asiilii"! von Hi Hie ;' ..nil i . .1 lull lllilll i H'-eki fl.iin Hie ilale o Hie " ii.iWIeallolij,! Hili nnimoli. Hie Hrl inilill, n ,.! I,vim J'liv :i ,Hk"' iiii.Ii-oii tail in "o aimner ilie flaliuiit wlllnl'l'li M W thrielief in mil itiiiii'laloi. tl'-ii . loraileeivo'inlelliiu ln HHo io Hie folio" nut traria .11 I .'.a I. . awl; ami Hie Nv', ami tlie NW ' of I ' " ' llou.'.. liiein-i 'j 01 i"i' i'- ol Hlo ,iiaI t., ol Miirllull ttll.t l.'lv htl.l ti ol .1 1 non ,i. mi hi r i ' K I W ol III Wlililim-He Mi l. 'Hull 11,1. .liimnoiiH. 'ill'lllie.l lv osier of Ho" J V. riiliiltf'.l. liiiole Jolt I'O". illrwllim Hull II I'e o .l.llie.l In Hie lo un aiK i llu-ijoil MIMiil IvaM .mee raeli "eok lor ilv .' It" l.H.UI VM A l I KK ION tM' II II, Mi H. H AM. i,;iii Alloriietn di I'I iltillil. St. Helens Transfer CompanyMadL Liml& Tui nvr, VroM. CONDI'CT A I IvN ICR A I LIVERY AND FEED BUSINESS MEET AjlL TRAINS IMiosit W.iKs Vol Want Vs. Kitiikr "-k Ku;s or Tkansm-:r IU Rntc Alwxiys Rensoimhlc i r WOOD i ' team using siiui imh juvi nivii Him "vv. ing ilium iour ruiia on two 2 has-e hits, a smile and a long drive over tlie center " fake, a lie and a dirty Hminatraticn f justice. H.ldiis. and nuttlisheil ly fellow named Flag, pronounces an article printeil in the Te.egraiii, wit i reference to the Murgatrovo. m. '"'" :"Vr-; tIiiU - ' 0f n.eir UU I lie ' v v " ' . , , , , matter I haiipiuess. 't rtiiotner uu oi im-j ku. ol fact, untill the outstae P , ' ,,,h ie ..,,. um rCUlt,i , lo M. neieu-. '",'" i ".,'!. .. " i ... Ti. latter.. III? : g.UUe ! . u.... - truth about anytnmg. i - - -j , T lsys ,,w Kobeso.i r..i?raS3 : Cl'o'tiiuico. of next Sunday betweeu eon.e of the county official ami " this fellow Flagjf. Sodw of the things f j. A B. co 4 which have hern done Hiere. m the name i m. Helen : .v. " of the public adnitmslriiii n nave Ou Saturday the K:ilama te.uu. W extraordinary that it is the M ' j ,,..a libel AS a pap-rs rnrintativeJ never was the pretense of printing 75 Cr Vl I ILi I 1 o OA I) i rfka'-i A A at. Ill ihe uiul itt;iits re- the the! lo 6 ikhd ! I'nrihind linn A rliite t o , ileleatnl ' St. Hek-iH boys at Kahima by u tj Si'oie The .ime unfortunately i in a r w , decision which the WMtors i tii.tu,'ht r.iuii Ifi-.ig th c.u of their ! The batteries were Morris A McDutlVe; Tayier A Kirby. ! Kalain.i s bt. HeleiaS 5 J -..1 nin.lia.lanwJ. If'i ami some ot I. is ccofederaies had their just deserts they would not no be li in St. Helens. There is a duty winch press of Portland owes inepuum .i.o, i. m nmtu the conditiou ot : bicli exist in Columbia County . That dntyThe Telegram is quite likely to undertake. Tbia in revenge for ihe complete ex posure made by the Mit or the r.vemng ( luvr ,., , M;w jefcHU.,l l.y the 5 Telegram's dishontst n.eihoils fa Kei-o bunch lat Sunday at Rainier j SI The Telegram nuke loud preiensious bv a i to '.' core. Tue ganiu win far, nl journalftic honesty and b. o, ai.l woo I, l-d B .jwh g several ocasions, arrmgued its com- J g KirbJ fp: petitor, the Journal, lor puunsiimg news. In this respect it has imitated the ; The Peninsula methods of other unexposed prostitute Peer Island , .l-. :.. hi. 1mii , Clatskauie last auu now lliaa ua u'.'iiJ'"-1.' i , fully shown it rages Impotently. j ' The Telegram, on . Monday, July 12, ! .Notice of Intention o Apply Tor ;t published what purported to he a j Liquor Licence. j pedal dispatch from St. Helens re- j ST garding the MurgaUoy.l murder trial. To ,,, ,, c ,n(rn,i an ! the K-aal v.nera j j Itwas dated St Helens and had the' m.w ra-oiina m i,i.i it uei i ..lamhia ; Z?- II was Urtieu v ; ,.!, . -ut.' of Or.V'11, in '.irn. ii!;ir 1 jjj- tuttal special tel-'gram Hnv. It -a! vawteaetof.u wir t u.f ha..n : 5?: never written by anne in .hi, city. ; -. , never sent from the telephone or te e-1 ,uu -i,ntv. utr "res --.i.tor a lleene ' S: graph office here or at ll-mllon ; hut was , rr'ilrLTitaTIa'n IS'' 1 St. Pies, Helens All Kinds Of Cakes, AilAAAAAAAJ; l MM j hit MiM III Bakery iiiiipirap HDULTON, OREGON Bread t Ke J. KOYLK, Prop. VVVV'V'W'VV,V.I"V'VV'V'VVV'VV,V"VV,41 f"S 3 i J S 3 3 J 3 "8 3 3 5 i F. 1 1. Green S3 S 688 3 8)03313 5583' A. N. Duvi. 3 Arc You QOINQTOBUij ? j invcsHkratc the nj The Best, M.o,, M i:, Iiluck- 1 1 Ilillt.Hfta rti. l.'.i.!..,).,.: ' Urn; l8tj 'I'llOIIM al uu, ... '". aii.l ,! W1 NANirACTiiinit, Rainier Lumber Co. tt'ant of j defeated Clatskan.e at Sunday by a score of S to Lots are selling Rapidly COLUMBIA PARK, in 1 THE VERMONT HOTEL GREEN & DAVIS, PROPS. 1 .3 .f HlMlf. llu.l'.t! li.lS lu V. V'fk, .nr. t' in tlu tt.ncliiiji; Kuuitt ly ihf And many li"iiscs aie to lc liiilt llicro litis son Tin-: Vkry I'.kst Ark vStii.i, Unsold the price will not le raised, tion at once to .sea-ami Make your apjilica- "5 3 3 First Clam Bnr in CVniirvfiiin In Ibefo'intj' ' out of the state of Ura-su f. j r th 1 .Milil) of l uiiltllMa. In in- i.uilt' r of Hie ai.j l.'i .iin.n i "0". K...1.T 'i t ah.i'iiiM- io fll Murlliioiii, All.i liiftil h'i'lor ainl f'-rinonl.-M cl'lr III O' oi-lltUU.-'? llirt'l one all"li. a iiol.l,'. in lO'Mi i-n. inrt. Coiiilih'ia i otnily Mlalt' of I'ril'oii, Wo tfif u.i'leri,ltio'l, romi.rililJ .1 niajoruy .11 llii' 1. y.ii utir of if..bte 1're. iu l. 'oinmfjial'oun'.v . fi !,.- ol oro'O'i, who now r-ile aiol lime di't i:;i.ij ri'-o Uit in taiil l.ot.le I'rti:nt,:t. for loort lli:.n 1 liirty ! imnieaiaieiy .rni-J io! Hie i! i t- o! -i.'inuj. :iiln aii-l pf-M-iiuu,: thii, ;li l.i'ti. l.effOy r,:i-i.-'.lu!iy peuliou lio.- Ilotior 1 ..'irt Uar4iit l'i lo-l;. r''ler a lu'-'li" t' 'e.;'.o'l, vuioaf ami rrot'l ll-iitora atel for-Tnt.ii:t-1 i.-olor iu ii:anliii' than 011c (t'll io!, in 1 tii,'' l'ri.-':io t. t o.Uiiiioa l.ounls-, Mle of uitoii, for a j.i-rio.1 01 li-!vc l:outli-. NAM KS AVrvl fl'in'sr, Jolin K lw.if K l Ilarrivan. r:. -.1'. at. li.,M.-.i liiako. K K linili. rhtu-y Mi.ii.ii.tcr. II K K'irru-.K:.. W1.1 l't r.'.rH. VH--. r iiri r. . Il-.vefi. Ilvnrv Hi ik.-. J M I .1 ! r; 0 K llMim r, 11 II iluno-r, J H liro,.,. J li I r A t MakinaliT. io-' I. ink , i ' hot. I'M C. l,!:,u s. I I. Jiri.nrh. K A h. I. S Uuauei.ef, '.', :;! - -a:.s. I. Jif. 'S c 1 . -hr. Jii r.-io -. :!:iiuii ;;!:), A!ii-;i IMr.h'ilii" Mi-, K. ili" fnu Aiii.H'-r. tt I..-!iiwhpr, K W 'I ii.i,-'.-r -1: jm." .'.ce r, 1 I;.iiu!ii-ki. J"h it N t-- 1 1 - I -'.'r-o:,. J ro, 11'iV li'.wr. Krarik v,, j. J r ii, Ki-i 1) : A Tracy. l''"-r ll'.--li. H-rt Maltinn-r. 1 '.Vjtii..,n. SIC Hon-11. 1 M-lutir.-..M."iiil--r, HiTif) wv.'er. ... I.r uiit-'ii. J .'jiii:in..'r I r-1 Ji-li--it, I'.oi.t W i;a .-r Joe NetHin, i ft f o-ler r, Kno j, K- Ue A I'r.-i tor l,i fattia-k, A jiC'i-t Miller, .itiifiiet' MtiViitnl i. VV Jonlan. ' 'u.'H K'.i!ti-1 Aehlliki! A Metelf. I'.eute a"l,:wii'l. IS ft li an. Jl K..Mll. 11 '.Hin, 1 l: RrihWlf. II 51 Ku.ler, Ualliepi, i, u Aiilik-r. T t; Watia. ; K Mehiliv. :; row i'.r I.'fl lna.iier, In I. W ilhrow. Notice of Iiileutlon t Apply For I.lijimr Licence written in the oltice of tlie Evening Ttl- egram, by a rejwrter nametl Steven?, and was. as the Mit s'.ateii a fake, a lie, and a dirty libel oa thi a .hniiiistra-, tion of justice, and J jIiii K. Carroll, the managing editor of the Evening Teic- 1 Kram, by e.iitoi ialiy indorsing it. has ; written bitiseif down a fakir, n liar, and ; a dirty libel.-r. When the people pay their money for ' a paper they have a right to expect j honest news, and the paper that pub lishes fake telegrams is jnst as much ; of a swindler and ita manager just as much of a criminal a; C'.e dealer in any other kind of gold bricks. In fact, he is a more dangerotl? criminal, f r t:,e function oi a newspaper t-lrtuld be a sacred one It tue news 'nitce! are corrupted what have the p':a;ile to reiy uiioii in forming their ju Jgmer.t of cur rent events? To print as a genuine d. :h 1 made up story evolved from th'f d:-i-a-e.l brain of a sensational rep'.irx-r is to cuiii- ' init forgery and to li it af news is to: swindle, Just as trirfdy as the w rit'.r of 1 the bogus Cleveland leiteia WJ.s u swindler and a forer. That H what thc Telegram has done, and be ,.-aue ihi Mist has exposed its di.shot:ett methods it rages. "No rogU's c e felt the halter ' draw with gojl opinion of th-j la -v. An to that fello Flag?: He has ; lived in this c omoiuuity for Ihe pint six years, and formerly lived here years. He i; c intent to abl '.c by the judgment of his neighbors, and cares nothing for the opinion v! the j nalistic fakir who runs the Tvlegiam. . Paring all of the past six yeara he has been and now is the coiretpoiident of the Oregonian, and f;r several years was correspondent of the Ilveniig Telegram, until he ilecliii'd to furnish that paper with the details of Biiliuii nis ; divorce easce. The news editor of the Oregonian w ill heir wituea that all : news furnlMhed by Flag hits betn correct, : reliable, and uiiSMisi'.ioiial. During the Muigatroyd trial the Oregonian sent a a staff correspondent to St. Helens, but withdrew him after one day, and put that notorous fellow, Flagg, in charge of the case. If the Evening Telegram h:is one abred ot honor left it will cither apologia or make good its claims that "If Flajig an 1 some of his cjin'e'ler ties : had their just dues they would n it now I be living in St . Helms." There its but i 0110 possible coiiHtructioii to be put upon i this language, and it h that the eilitor of this paper and gome of the Columbia I County officials have entered into a r...ii.ol ..1. itmt ...lii.l. ......1.1 if' exposed, land them in the penitentiary, i Jhnn.n, CN Hat loum, Il H I'ayiie, ham Wanna , , i.ii, I hw r.rii kid Jr J riillllx rx, J I Owali, ; l.uinl- NOW Blake good, yoll dirty hbeler. Ur,.,,, ,,, Kru k.on, Win CarUnri, AnUiew I I.nekMill, Allorl Jolien. Neater Irlila. Alelien i K'.oia. t him JohiiMin, Otaa f-almoli, I' Y. Iiv.j- TEACHEUS EXAMISATIONS. i r, u, n n i,ui..ii.r, kiiih Miller, j..i,ii Kumi, I IoIim Malriron. Olio I'rin.. t W I inner, rani A M. itm lilim. hluar HuyiiilMU. A.11I Olwoi, Wm Nh lioll, I'eler Hi'll'lli' kiMill, I'cler Mltoil,C 1, More. Joe Eritknori, til.lllach, John Hon- irii kHup. bIuiou Kaajar, Jf tinnuraoil, 11 II King, COLUMBIA COUNTY HANK ST. IIKI.KNS, (JRiXlON 'J s Ls B. '' a t '' : Js i ' i - tt(tltlaiMiattlll C.Hitr. i'o a-! whom il uiay rf0'Tif HfUvei h:-r':i,y ttitvtt that thft uri'rrli;ncl uii!, on tti."(uMjuy. .'jttciniHfr U(. V.'rr, unko it!(.:; '.!!i M'fl jrtn-iit hit wititioti, of whw-h fi.t; !' ii iwiiis; i h fopv, to fnorat ooiity ((an of Hit- Mt(. (,j orwn, nt Hie riMrt i.iUM- Iu .. ll::ui, In imiJ fount. y ah I fctre, f : :i lu i;itM- u ptrttiio-.irt, villi,.! nii'I n.tilt ii'H'.r-, Hi.'l hnf'l :U'T. iit 'j'lautllii' tlhun oi..: y-ulou. fu Oak I'oWit jircriii' l, Ojinnioift t"iitity, or'Kou. I'f.'M'f ION. In'.iiP. t'.nnuly i'o-irt oi the tnt f Orou tor i,ilinuitt 'lounty, In ih' mnuvr of ht u,Hvili'U "f Joint lrn fuf tt UU-UUi tO JM'fi -ifltlI'KI, VllKftlt OM'l ujiaK li'fior mi'J b;nfl chief l nnniiuim ; 1. iliHti oim S4.tiln in Cuk I'oinl f ;i;ln-f, i f iInnitu Count). Orcou. To '.!. H'Ht'm,i,l.' c.Kiiity Court of tin Mute ! orejfcti for tin- County oi ;oluiuhi irt.t - hiif.' i : the urii'T-iifni 'I. votir. j-utitiontT, W'lns ;t!i fi' titui marorjt of th whole jitiHiirt.T of Uf-L fwl vo'Cn ill"! wtiml wtfUl at Oak 1'ointi f.f'Hnrt. In Olurooiii Coinitv. rtinte of Of.tjofi . n i who liHVf. H'-tuwlly r;woj in mitj i,t nn t -t lit i;Hht ttnrtv it liiiin:-liii-)y n:t:rj iiik ItU' i.U' of KiKiifnu iir.'J filioif thin, rmr H'iUiou, ! h';i't).v pt'tlilmi or lioitoruhic h'xly Ilml t j lh'- ftci'twri'HT,, Kttn of your ItotmrHliI; , court it H'-em rni i;rftt') Iv your liouorftlilt; j ijrxn Ui John jtroii to hI1 olrltuoni", vinoun und malt li'tnur stxl har-l 'hkr iu o,iirttttiU.-8 j It'.f, Hi it II one (iftlloli ill 0k i'olnt r-n:liir't( j Colitmhis Couiilv. MhU.-of Orexon, ff-f ft r.rlol i 4 one vitir from Ihe w on't dny of H?it:MO-r, ! JWi: ul your tic tit font will ?v.?r pmy: YA HryMiit, Tc MrloiiM. John Mryuri', M i In luoifV, Jmneh Mi IkI. M HU)dr. W A I'- j h;v. Krua h-y-iH. J W fluff ninu. K Klufircr, K W Fluhn r, i?ore Brown, Jl i Widiiliif.-ittotKi: K lMrJUon, H C OuvI'Ikoii, John Ala'ton, Wm ; FJuhix-r, J V- luliM, J J Clitrnmixjiii, if Jfol-uc ol.-. 11 overJiwiJt, W Ov'ri)!HU, Oco lliit'o, I; It . liil O IlKiytukv. IjiuIi Kliibrur. Joint OlHrf, i Mali NofKntil, T J (iU-cii. A i' llnyvn. Cluut . M.tUM-u. A t JoIhihoii, K Craiidnll, K T II H- lnuf I, W li;II, II Mi'. raw, K H;11h, A 'l'kii, ; If .Mnfchlt. 1' W ahUtiolfi, il i'HK'-'uU, A Akcwjft, ( Jun Ciiiiui, Ari'lrew Wold, Nortuuu A Ji'Vclcn, K i Jt ii-.-n. '--I'loii 0'iinn p J .ul mi, J'jhii Onb f rid ljwihton, AUkiutL FURNITURE Dressers, Couches COTS CHAIRS Safes Ited Springs Mattresses Matting Deadenintj iper I-'elt Stoves Stands Tables Kitchen Cabinets BEDS Rugs I.inoli.'imis Haby Httgyies Rockers Ilijjh Chairs Chair Seats Wall I'aper Screen Poors HOULTON, OR. 1 . '. i : s 3 a a. i .i 1 1 . t . nut tJ H Work Pone. OKTLASOlJ STEAMER AaMKttlr li' ltl l Nl ll.t-a.. Afil.r.M '..ri,84 ( lll' I'.rilan.l .1 a W IS H Armesf.1. fclrMW t J iiMttmroii J N'tli. o la I ,!,!,, ... , I api. ,,,,,,,1 ,,W ' "t" ni i 'tiniy. UKfjtn,! t "I iha- ri'als !,!; aap,, allt , tarnakpJ iit"i nt ii rala'Ju,, ilU!rr t l lt arlll llu u . iiy vertiir-! ,t )m ,,1 naa , n.jiu,, i , lantit,(J hit !ti,riirT, liowanl II i, hi uiUn In llio t Mint 11,11,1 l.lau..i. r.iii i,. Iit. J i. .tt lli. Irt hi l!,i ilataqf ij J i JOHN hi;',,, i, U.tit,l j J IK.t. i,. -Ircraard. l I Haling i.n luaul l na-aj j I Mil. ! I tail A U uU aa , l.,itlo'if u o,if tirn4 isd 1 j the l.ll:ro. aatit lar Ha4,sa, inuitil Jaa XmkiaAM i 'he l'irfc u i (i,i i Ihrui of Liiiiito-aa IrraiKrt p'ue-. .j-i i'. rimi.l! If I J l.t MI U. . . ... .. . NOTICE Of A0MI1IS1U ! Of REAL riDfli 4- t ' E Jk'w h".'f " I. (-'I Utfct ' I 'a-'tH-'r I ! i . . -titltl4..-i(f 1 1 .,, Mrf.t l .. t5...v ..J ?- ? t. a'l. J'U il HI tliir il -f i.-V.ii-.t- 4"i J ( ft.. . ! 3 ? 1,1.1 '.. E.A.CROUSE CONTRACTORS BUILDER Hrf ft t' jit t ESTIMATES FURNISHED .l-i'-. .it : i..-ti'. c .-:t 1 1 - -: i ! t -i i rilnil, St Helens; a !r. al t PR, K. t DENTIST anlli I if. Cliff. uY 0aaaala) j f4v' , U nt, . , y mi iu rh it: C. I, rfMi.-I. a Oil h,- t in Wrrln I will luakc ! ! r. . nt I.. Mi! i, u,!i,uirr tf line il.RUAD T!H: ....... r';4'." , , Aretino WHITE & ANDERSON iiOULTON, OREGON fjZ .n( i ft-" tnr ' a t I aa -rrrf( Kolice it herehy given that the County Superintendent of Columbia County will hold the regular anamination of sppii-, I. G. Wikstrom & Sons Manufacturer ot anil Dealers in ROUGH DRESSED AND LUflBER CEDAR POSTS AND POLES Dry Kiln and Planing Mill In Scappoose Oregon t . t f I-' A r'4 ."V-J -a - V1S Talking Machine Pdsscnisri azi Wff FOR PORMm1 vimii.ANn t-ASDtJfM Oiarrii Hi iiiunliri lh, Afrtino frenril fill) nil aurlatil ilim; lalklil( inrn hinra, CHICAGO STORE, HOULTON F. J. BASEEL, Proprietor VVVVVV1 i yjlen&Steam Laundry I Good Wt Prompt Service I ST. HKLlvXS, Afaftl aft aaAaVAAA I Cleaniiijf ami Pressing All Work Delivered PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY Reasonable Rate 4 4 4 4 p h p ORIJ. ...... mV .v i....fiw.".,n by ri') U4 tM"1 . jj Colic, ChoM Diarrhoea J5 famatui It'l Uit clvllua . j " " 1108 Ilf; .. I. Iirrrlirll'.'' 'I:!'' . . . ...I l, lllf ". . M '." ... t,, . 'K,i Si ''' " '.' "'".TilB llsl jl i .1,1 III lilt"1.' '".Ulrt'.'i h.a.itllia et)ll"".t(It.l .;,;;:;rri,..'M,w,;,I ,,ti.lllce. W..rren,fl-r