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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1909)
THE Q UN MIST VOL. XXVIII. ST. II EI EVENTS OF THE DAY Newsy Items Gathered from All Parts o! the World. PREPARED FOR THE BUSY TIADER Lat Important but Not Lt Intti tllnC Happening from Points Outtldt tht 8latt. Mi Waiiamaker It to marry th ton of French fount. Mora than 0,000 iwopl left Portland to tlU-mt Ilia prattle fair on I'ortland day. I Km JaluiU, ton of tkn Carloa, tha irrtonilr, ha bn barret from r raiic. Amirlran banker will demand i shart In tlio Clilnvaa loan of ovar 127, 1)00,000. Indicted auitar truat official hava b-en jivn mora Unit to prrpar their dofrriMt. An Olil't man haa ben arrtd for riiiU-IlliliK $l:),5i)0 (jlven to him bjf a woman to InvoaL Anodier aeronaut baa appeared with a niarhina in winch b aaya ha will Croat tha Kngllah channtl. A clerk of tha Adama Expr eonv tiany at Chicago baa eonfaaaail to U-. log 1 10,000 which dlpward Weak ago. Victoria, II, C, officer ara lnrtl gating tha many marriage of white gtrla to Chine. A number of them hava bn found held altvra. I'rinca I to pay Japan will help China to become a mwtern nation. Mexico ia preparing fur an outbreak that la expected in tha aouth. More earthiioakea hava occurred in Oreca and lha people ara panic atrick en. tpapite the aaaertion of offlclala, the atreelcar atrika at 1'ituburg, It far from aettled. I'rofer MatUuccI, director of the olnervatury on Mount Veauviua, died while at hi work. An Italian latarvr on railroad In Cul"radu became enraged and fatally atiot three of hi countrymen. Jamea J. Hill aay If the people would pay lea attention to tha new tariff the country would be better off. Count Hon I aya ha la to marry Merjorle Uould, daughter of George (i.nild and neica of tha count' former wife. ilntiah Columbian official ara charged with dia rlmliiating againat American halibut flahermen ami favor lug the Japan. The government U to iaaue bonde for the entire coat of tha I'anama canal. A alight earthquake waa felt at Sam at llarbura, Cat., but no damage dona. An American I aur h rewigniied Leon, murderer of Klaie Slgel, In UjiiiIoii. A atrlke may be declared by all em ploye of the American Smelting & lUAnlng company, Mr. Eddy, founder and leader of the Chrialian Science deomiation, haa juiit panaed her hHth birthday. All miner In England may go on a atrike in uport of lha Scotch miner who are lighting a reduction In wage. Eight anarchUla arrtd at Stock holm on tha charge of having con plred to ateaneinata tha car of Kua ala, have been exiled. Tha Japanese government ht not yet decided whether or not Ambaadur Takahlra will be continued a ambaa aador to the United Slate. Tha Union Pacific railroad hi Halm ad a 200 foot atrip of land through the town of HrlghUm, Col., which I now covered wlh atort building. A (on haa been born to tha Princea de Sagan. The aliah of Poraia bat fled to ftuaaia fur protection. Over 14,000 ccoal miner ara on trik at Pittsburg, Kan. Hanover, Germany, pollca hava tarted a war on long hatplna. Anari-hy rule in Morocco and Spain will tend 8,001) mora troop in an effort to rentort paaeo. Tha Interatata Commerce commla tion ha ruled that axprea rate in the Wait ara exorbitant and ha ordered weeping reduction. Unlee rulnt coma toon farmer of the New England aUtea will fact dia tr. There ha not been enough water for the crop and they tre taid to bo burning up. Immune quantltlea of aphaltum have been found on tha Shoahona In dian reservation In Colorado and tampade to ataka out claim and te nure land it taking place. A California couple wat married In n automobile In an effort to find tome novul way. The Etigllah houte of lordt doel not vor tha contcriptlon plan of Increat mg tho army. Nutlonallat ara In full control of Tehornn and have tummoned the Per ln pttrllimenU Jf, JULY 23, 1909. NO. 35. KEPT BLOODY OATH. Moro Following Rooaevelt't policy, Taft withdrawn a number of water tltet on public domain In tht Watt. uanoit, d.klrl, Had Sworn to Kill 100 Man. t I . "anna, juiy iu.- When Jiklrl, the Moro bandit chief who wa killed with II hie follower In deaoerata battl with troop and conitabulary near P linn, on Jolo inland, July 6, began hi career a an outlaw, he awora ha would kill 100 man before ha died. I ne record of tha murder he com mltted I not complete, but it It atated In a diapatch received toduy from Zm Doanga that tha bandit probably made good hia oath, a the partial record at nana mow he took the live of nearly a hundred pereon. From the latitat renorta of the iloht all but one of the leveral women in the cava where the outlaw made their laat land were wive of Jlkirl. liui on of the women eicaped. Sh waa to wife of one of the Jikiri fol lower and accepted the anf conduct offered by the Americana before the aeaault on the cava began. Lieutenant Joaetih A. liner, nf th. sixth cavalry, ia ngreed by all who aaw the tight to hive been the hero of the battle. He wa armed with a Win cheater pumpgun with which ha did great execution. Hi timely reecue of Mautxnanl Arthur II. Wilton, who wa truKgllng with Jikiri and already de- pemtely wounded, when Uaer hot and killed the bundit, and hia certain aim, wwen brought down three other out law, are the talk of army circle. Haer killed lour of the eight bandit lain. TAX ALL INCOMES IS PLAN. National Manufacturer Association It- uet Statement. New York. July 20. The board of director of the National Aaiociation of Manufacturer tody iued (he fol lowing (tatemnnt addreared "To the Congrvaa of the United Stale:" "The Notional Auociation of Minu farturer indoraea any reaaonable meaa- ur to encore by tax Ihe retpjiaite mon ey which, togellier with the tariff du tie, (hall be uftlcient to (Upport thi government. v deplore the effort of ilrnu- gngue to ecgrrgtite American citixena and make government auppurtera of one clnM and charity recipient of an other; well knowing the chitritcter of our belt grade workmen, we understand that they do not relinh attempt to make of them recipients of any other man' contribution. W therefore recommend if nece- ary fur income purptea, the enact ment of meaaurr pruvlding a jut and equitable tax upon all cilitena. A an illuatration, we auggeat one-eighth of 1 per cent on all income; tht would require 75 cent from the man who re ceive ft"00 a year and $I.2!iO from the man who receive f 1,000,000 a year. TURKISH POLICE CENSUREO. Report of Court Martial on Adana Matiacr Mad Public. Conatantinnple, July 20. Th report of the courtmnrtial on tha Adana mat. acre. mado public today, I a strong denunciation of the incapacity and apathy of the police nd other local au- thortie. It aaya: 'Fifteen pernor.! already have been hanged; MOO rieaerve death; 15,000 de- erv hrd labor for life; 80,000 do erve minor eentence. 'If it i decided to proceed with the punishment, we will cordon the town and deal expeditiouity with the matter." In view, however, of the generul reconciliation between the oppoaing element, the report recommend that general amneity be made the occasion of a national fete. Don Carlo it Dead. Home. July 20. Don Carlo, of Bour bon, pretender to the Spanish throne, died today at Varex, in Lomtmrdl. Don Carlo. Duke of Madrid, who claimed under the apwial law of auc coaaion eatiiblldhed by Philip V to be the legitimate king of Spam, under the title of Charle VII, w born at Lay hach, Auatria, March 30. 1848. Hi father, Don Juan, wa the brother of Don Carlo. Charle VI, known a the Count de Montemolin, In aupporl oi hoao claim theCarliat rising ol lew, 1855 and 18ti0 were organlxod. Strange Sea Uat Sean. San Franclaco, July 20. Captain Ko. of the Stiinrtard Uil steamer i- kotah, which arrived nera ycwr uay from Manila, entered In ma log, in lat itude 45:30 north, longitude 15:2 weat, .i... .imr'i meetinir with Rtrange ,i..l.n .f tha deem, which the log de- crlbe a 40 feet long and 10 feet wide, with cavernoiu mouth, and eyes a big a k locomotive neunnuv. a distance it wa mougnv w whale. At be a Naval Pageant Succe. London. Julv 20. London' pageant, in which taking part, wat glorlou weather, an enormou ucces. naval 150 warships are favored tolay by and it pronounced It has been as- .erted that the roaaon uch a largo fleet never before was gathered in the Thames wa the fear of the possibility of it being bottled in by tn enemy. Crana Pleasing to China. Pokln, July 20.-Chnrlet It. Crane, of Chicago, whose selection oChi-A; Prddont T.ft w..n nounced recently. It Pona grata J lo the Chine governmenL lh grand council has authored the foreign board o tnfgorm tht United SUtet govern ment that Chin, will gl"y receive Mr. Crane. OREGON STAT iT WATER UMATILLA LAI Hu Government Conildering gallon Project Pendleton- -Official confirm! the investigation of the large ment irrigation project to recla: 000 acre of arid land in Wetr till county cam from Chief E of Keclumation Service A. V, and D. C. Henny, auperviaing of the Northwest Theaa me een they were paaaing throi city recently and both admitt the government had ordered t complete invevt'gation of the p ive project. The project, they aaid, waa about a dozen now under invest in Orrgon by the reclamation i The moat feaaibl will be und a aoon a money ia available. , While they would not aay that tha Umatilla project wa moat feasible, there aire known to be many conditiona in it fa vor. The new project would be prac tically an extension of tht Umatillia project centering about Ilermiston. The water for tha new project would be secured by building a giant reservoir to collect the aurplua water of liutter creek an! Umatilla river. It ia esti mated that 60,000 acrea would be re claimed. EXHIBIT TO BE SAVED. Plant Mad to Pratervt Oregon Oil- play at A.-Y.-P. Fair. Seattle Practically the entire ex hibit of th state of Oregon at the A.- Y.-P. exposition, with whole Section of the interior decoration of the build ing, will be removed to Salem, Or. and made a permanent part of the Ore gon atate fair, according to plana dis cuaaed by tho Oregon commissioner durirg the visit of Governor Benson to the exposition. (jovernor lionaon will probably sug gest to the next Oregon legislature the Idea of taking the Seattle display to Salem. The cost haa been figured about $10,000 and for thi expense two-thirds of the 9100,000 display in the Oregon building could be pn nerved. The elaborate decoration and pano rama worked in Oregon grains, the handsome wood paneling and other decorative feature of tht interior of the Oregon building will be moved in tact, if the plan ia carried out. It ia believed at the close of the ex position the Oregon building will be presented to the atate university. Sumpter Extension Work Announced. Salem Official announcement haa been received by the railroad commis sion that actual operation have start ed toward construction of the extension of the Sumpter Valley railroad from Austin to Prairie City, and that the work would be rushed. Following the recommendations of the commission, tho Sumpter Valley has issued a new tariff by which flour, aalt and sugar msy be carried in mixed cart, with minimum weight of 30,000 pounds. Smelting Plant for Santiam. Albany The mining district of the Santiam which ia tributary to Albany, is to have a $100,000 smelting plant. according to Paul T. Gadsen, of Port land, who was in Albany laat week. He is representing the Wilson-Gadsen company, lie said mat worK would start as soon as the wagon road to the mlnea was completed. The smelter ill be on the properties of the Free- ami, Electric and Gold Creek mines. meeting, at the location AL. ey Hava bl. lie rheet :ial club o boost .he state sr shall icustion red the of the would r, cash ny; P. be Lost D. On '. Nick- imercial favoring for the Canal to Waldo Lake Completed. Eugene Simon Klovdahl, a local civil engineer who has charge of the work of building two canals through the solid rock leading from Waldo lake to tributiiries of the Willamette river for irrigating purposes, has arrived in Eugene from tho lake, reporting that the cannl hading from the lake to the North Fork had been completed and work had started on the cut to Salmon creek. Water Suit Stir Echo. Echo Joe Ramo, whose alfalfa fields are one mile up the river from ho, it defendant in an injunction suit brought by the Henrietta Milling company, of Echo, to prevent Ramos from placing a dam acrosa the river just above the company t neangBies. There is much litigation to be threshed out before determining the right of water users from the Umatilla river at this place. Mill Will Removt to Kalama. Rainier The big plant of the Wil- lard Case Lumber company has closed, and as soon at a small lot of planing is finished, the task of moving the plant to Kalama will begin. The company had Intended to finish cutting out their timber at thil place, but owing to tome leiral tangle with local parties, have concluded to raft their logs from here to Kalama. Wallowa Fruit Inspector Named Wallowa Ford C. Potter hat been ppollltcd iruil inepei vur iui "iin vv..- by the uouniy court, mi. i uvvc has had wide experience in fruit and berry culture and is thoroghly convers ant with the various fruit rwsts. services will be of great value to the fruit ralaert of thit vaney. Wool Lower at Shanlko, Shanlko Few buyera were present last week'i salts, owing to the small quantity of wool to be offered. Price were neciueuiy w "- the three previous sales this season. The prices ranged from 14?4 centa to 19 h centa. Hood River school. It wit argued that Hood Kiver wa the logical place for the reason that the Willamette valley now contains the state institution at Eugene, the agri cultural college at Corvallit, and de nominational school at Foreat Grove, New berg, Philomath and Salem. The Hood River normal will be fea tured at tht next meeting of the Hood River Commercial club. Tha grange bsdiet of the valley will be solicited to lend aid. Form Naw Phont Company. Ontario At called meeting of On tario citixena an independent telepohone company waa organized. It will be in corporated for $10,000. Tbo Bell com pany recently removed it toll etation from here to Payette, Idaho, and tbe citizen, desiring better aevice, tub- scribed several thousand dollar for a new company in which tht membet of tbe Boise Independent company will be stockholders. Nearly every citizen of Ontario it a stockholder in the new company. Officer and director were elected, alao a committee on bylawa to file incorporation papers. Dtlegatea to Irrigation Congress. Vale C. O. Thomas, president of the Vale Commercial club, and J. P. Dunniway, cashier of the First Na tional bank, of Vale, hava been chosen by Valt at delegate! to the irrigation congress at Spokane this month, will further the interests of th heur irrigation project The ha been before the people of I county pending Secretary of tb ior Ballinger't choict between vate companies and the govern Work Commenced on New Eugene Surveys for the r lorence railway, which it being pro moted by the Lane County As let com pany of thit city, will b gin thi week, Acual construction it expected to start in August, Over third of the $150, 000 required before construction work it commenced baa b. en raised and none of the heavy capitalists have yet been teen. HOT CONTEST A8SURED. Hold 8enttt and Houst Will Etch Out for Lumbtr Rata. Washington, July 16. Tbe make-up of tbe committee on conference that now handling the tariff bill, endeavor ing to compromise tha difference! be tween tht house and senate bills, it not such at to intpire confidence in tht heart of thoat senator and represent ative who favor tht senate duty rough lumber, $1.50 per 1,000 feet. may be that that rate will be re tained, but there is only one Republi can on tht conference committee who is directly interested in the lumber schedule, and that man it handicapped becausa he it a big lumberman. Of tht aenatt conferees, not ont bat any direct interest in the tariff on lum ber. Aldrich, Rhode Island; Burrows, Michigan; Penrose, Pennsylvania Hale, Maine, and Cullom, Illinois, rep resent ttatet that cart far mora about cheep lumber than they do about high protection for the American lumber man. A few years ago Burrows might have been aomewbat concerned, but now hia interest it secondary. On tha house tide, fayne. New York; Dalzell, Pennsylvania; McCall, Massachusetts Boutell, Illinois; Calderhead, Kansas, and Fordney, Michigan, are tbe confer ees, and Fordney it the only enthusias tic advocate of a high tariff on lumber, for be ownt fabulout quantities of timber land and operate! a numb T of lumber mill. It will be the contention of the houae member that the duty on rough lumber must be reduced $1, the rate fixed by the bouse in the Payne bill, They will inaist that tbe bouse will not stand for $1,50, and will point to the fact that it waa only by a narrow mar gin that the house rejected a free lum ber amendment. COREA ACCEPTS CHANGE. Profetsor Tausch Reinatated. Salem Professor Edwin Tausch, who recently failed of re-election to the faculty of Willamette university, bai been reinatated, and will have the chair of Latin during the coming school year. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Bluestem, nominal ; club, $1.15; valley, $1.15. New crop: Blue- stem, $1.05; club, $1; Russian, 98c; valley, 97c. Corn Whole, $35 per ton ; cracked, $36 per ton. Hay Timothy, Willamette valley. $206i 22 per ton ; Eastern Oregon, $21 (ii23; mixed, $16fn20; alfalfa, $14. Grain bags 5Vc each. Fruits Strawberries, $2 per crate; cherries, 6(tUc per pound; gooseber ries. 6c; apricots, $1.25( 1.50 per box; currants. 8c per pound; loganberries, $1.25ftii. 60 per crate; raspberries, $1 (i;l. 15; blackcaps, $1.50; blackberriea, $Z; wild blackberriea, 9(gl0c per pound. Potatoes 1 (C 1.75 per hundred ; new, 2((i 2t4c per pound. Vegetables Beans, 6c per pound; cabbage, ldilHc-, cauliflower, $1 per dozen ; lettuce, head, 25c ; onions, 12Vt(irl5c; peas, 5017c per pound; radishes, 15c per dozen. Butter City creamery, extras, 29c per pound; fancy outside creamery, 27 (28c: store, 20c. Butter fat prices average lc per pound under regular butter prices. Eggs Oregon ranch, candled, 276$ 28c per dozen. Poultry Hens, 1414)cperpound; springs, 18(alc; roosters, acdlOc; ducks, young, lKrl2c; geese, young, 9((i)10c; turkeys, 18c; squabs, $22,25 per dozen. Pork Fancy, lOlO'c per pound. Veal Extras, 9c per pound ; ordin ary, 7(T8c; heavy, 7c. Hops 1909 contracts, 15716c per pound: 1908 crop, ll12c; 1907 crop, 7c: 1906 crop, 4c Wool Eastern Oregon, 16gi)23c per pound; valley, 23(ii.25c; mohair, choice, 24fif125c Cattle Steers, top. $4.60; fair to good, $4(a:4.25; common, $3.76Ai4; cowa, top, $3.60; fair to good, $3(i 3.25; common to medium, $2.602.76; calves, top, $5(i;5.50; heavy, $3.50(S 4; bulls and stags, $2.753.25; com mon, $22.50. Hogs Best, $8.25(Ti8.50; fair to good, $7.75f(f8; stockers, $606.50; China fats, $6.76(ii7. Sheep Top wethers, $4; fair to good, $3.50(cf8.75; ewet, He lest on all grades; yearlings, best, $4; fair to good, $3.60(43.75; spring lambs, $5,25 d!;5.35. Transfer of Courts to Japan Quietly Received. Seoul, July 16. The newt of the new agreement between Japan and Core arranging for the transfer of Corean judicial authority to Japan, ia being quietly accepted here, now that its term are fully understood. It wat feared that tome disturbance might follow the public misapprehen sion that the disbanding of tbe court guards waa included in the abolition of tr e Corean war office. Now that it ia rds are ly are of the .use for tion be- e to the ?he pro ides the control Japanese. ore an prisons oy We EARTHQUAKE IN GREECE. Province of Eli Suffer Loss of Score of Lives and IOO Injured. Athens, Greece, July 16. An earth quake has occurred in the provincre of tilt, the capital of which it Pyrgot. Several village were destroyed and many people periebed. The loss it heavy. London, July 16. A dispatch to a London newt bureau from Athent sayt that a violent earthquake has occurred in Southern Greece, resulting in con siderable loss of life and damage to property. Twenty person ara reported dead and 100 injured at one village, and three other villages suffered heavily. The dispatch adds that, when the details are learned, it is likely that the casual ties will be greatly increased. Lost Ship to Be Sought. Victoria, B. C, July 16. It is semi ofiiciallyiannounced that H. M. S. Al- gerine will be dispatched Bhortly to cruise the South t'acihe and search the islands for traces of possible survivort or news of the fate of the Greenock ship Australian, just posted as miming at Lloyd's and hopelessly overdue at Sydney from Mazatlan, whence she sailed last November. Lang & Ful ton, owners, have petitioned the ad miralty that search be made of the many islands and atolls along her route. Cossacks Desert Shah. Teheran, July 16. The Royalist force apparently have had enough of fighting and are prepared to admit the supremacy of the Nationalists. The secretary of the Russian legation here submitted proposals for the surrender of the Cossacks. He asked that the Nationalists cease, attacking the Cos sacks, that the Cossacks be allowed to continue service under the future Per sian government and that their safety be guaranteed, which was agreed to. Building Falls; 7 Dead. Philadelphia. July 16. Seven men were killed, one fatally injured and 24 seriously hurt today when a building at the northwest corner of Eleventh and Market streets collapsed. One man is also missing. The building, a Avt story brick structure in the heart of the business section was being remod eled, and it is supposed the removal of ont of the girdert caused the entire structure to weaken and crash to the earth. Successors to Dart & Muckle ST. HELENS Toe MiirLrlt Qnvt. I ill T i It! iU ill Iff Carry a Complete Line of the Best in General Merchandise at Lowest Prices Con sistent with Quality. Country Produce Bought and Sold. When in Need of Gro ceries,1 Dry Goods, Hardware, Boots and Shoes We Solicit Your Patronage and As sure You Courteous Treatment. Prompt Delivery. Iff " t E til 1 1 til ft JU Iff JU I I Iff' nftifm!fftiftifvffmtifti?mvfftifmrffwmtifmti!ffr!ffifftirE5 We Will 3 3 LOAN RENT SELL You money. 3 You a lock Box. 3 You real estate or farm land SURVEY Your lots or land. INSURE Your buildines. Your abstracts. Your property. Your notarial work. Your money. COLUHBIA COUNTY ABSTRACT AND TRUST COMPANY OUt UST - MAKE SELL DO LOAN 3 3 3 3 3 JOB PRINTING 18 OUR BU8INE88 WE hare the best and most fully equipped Job Print ing Office in Columbia County And we are prepared to do all kinds of Printing on short notice and at most reasonable prices i TRIAL WILL CONVINCE OREGON MIST COLUMBIA COUNTY BANK DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS I irst National Bank, U. S. National Bank, Hanover National Bank, Portland. Ore. Portland, Ore. New York Officers Wm. M. Ross, President and Cashier; Edwin Ross, Vice President ; A. L. Stone, Assistant Cashier. Directors Wm. M. Ross, M. White, James Dart, Edwin Ross. , Prefer American Labor. Butta, Mont, July 16. E. P. Mat- thewson. superintendent of the Washoe smelter, has announced that the policy of the company hereafter will be to employ American labor before alien labor. Mr. Matthewaon also atated that the company store svatem hat been abandoned in Anaconda. Ladies' and Children's TRIMMED HATS In All Shapes . Summer wear for infants. Ladies' wash dresses just received in latest select line of Waists and Summer Goods of every description. All the latest styles in blacks and tan shoes and stockings ready made styles. A H.M0R6US ST. HELENS Se&efe&p: