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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1909)
The Oregon Mist TV,.!..!!!,... ! t4t He lens, t I ecoinW-Uss mail mutter. . - " - I OrrKon, i ' SuBSCRirnos K ATI'S Oneyear Wir month. M Advertising rates ma le known on aypU tion. Legal notices 25 cents ix-r line. ISSCED EVHRV FRIOAV I?V E. H. FLAGG. Editor and I'roi'kiktor. G)unty Official Paper . ClRCt'lT CofKT Oki-ickrm T TT r.iimlwll District .tudge h b" ToiZie .'.'.'.'.'.....LMstriet Attornee lnf',lc CofKTV OrrtCKM James lrt, Jmlire W. A. Harris, Clerk Martin White, Sheriff V. K. Tichenor. Co mm r H. West. Cou-niissioner... E. K. Quick, Treasurer... St. Helens ! Hel.n- ...St. He'oii ..C!alknn,e ...,SOH)ip'K' ...St. Helens U. W . Clark, Assessor ....St. Helena J. H. Collins. School Supt t taisaai.ic C. T. Prescott, Snrvevor -St. He.ers Frank Sherwood. Coroner Kainter SOME POINTS OF THE MflUn-.R TRIAL Thosa who criticise the officr ot Columbia Couuty for prosceuliun Georae Murgatroyii would do well to K've ti e matter a more careful consideration ai.d be a little more tempnite in the;r utterance. The jury did right ia ani lil ting him because theS:aU' di.l not pi' ve iiiraM tveortit a reasonable ditul)'.. K ' Malone testified that li- saw Mur;.t- troyd come out of Mr. Wake's n vs. near Gobie, the day ot the robbery vtU ! Sthdayof December,) but the 5ut '' own . witnesses, Sheriff Poineroy and the : police ofBcers from Astoria, swore lie ni in Astoria that day. This is the rob- ' bery for which Mai we is und-r indict ment, and it is apparent he was e u- nutting perjury in order to shield hiui- i self. Murgatroyd had nothing to d witu , the robberyof tlie BlaWe house. T.ia: w i Committed by Malone, without any assistance. His testimony ia regard to , having seen MnrsatroyJ the day hef re anil the day after the murder is aL-i unbelievable, and his sta:e.uent tut Murgatrovd showed hint a pars audi said he had "made a iiaal-' is pretty strong evidence that Maio -e is g'liity of ; U murder of Kobtrl Liting-.ou f r purse was taken from L!viut-ji.e' : body, and this is exact:' the kind of ;esti- j mony a guilty man vald give in order to fix the crime llitoa anoctier . But before criticising our o fi.-.ais we must view the matter irrni tir-ir ; standpoint: A murder had been c ,-ai- j mitted, anJ it was their duty to da tu;-.r best to discover and bring to justice t ie ; murderer. Word cams to ttiiui tint a : number of parties in Janet ioa City were j willing to swear that Murgatrovd, niiaj had been working in a hotel there, had I stated in their presence that lo- h il killed a man st Gobie. T.iis was be:'vie4 there could by any possibility hve : been any information as t a reward, i They bad no reason to d iu it ill; truth of the statement. Tnen there w.U tii.-! explicit suteutsnt of Mai m-; and his I ideutilicatiou of Murg it.-jy I's plu-.o- , graph as that of Toler, w ho, with ir-1 1 brother. Malone cl.ii me 1 li; hit: txt Deer Island and weut wita to tie ioUj;: camp at (joble. There is uo rea.tOiah:e : i doubt that Murgatr jyj b jaste 1 ut J a is.- - . tion that he killed a man at Uob:. It: ..t , part of the State's casa s'.ahJs uu lau.- aged, and, if the public had kuonn o; i j tnis testimony, as the officers knew, th;y j would have deuianJed tlie urrest atid j trial of Murgatrovd, cud would have i denounced the officials for failure lo do-' so. It would have been said that thv ; were allies of the criminals and that a-, ' man's life was safe wudj they h-dd ! ' office. Ful on yaiir thinking cap and consider if this is not true. During the trial tney have U-i.-n gros- sly misrepresented by the .rt-it cf tu-.-1 city of Portland, without tsc.-ptio i. U ' has been charged that there , a'i "frame up m order to hanar ith in nocent man, anl it has been .UhWr.u-.-iy stated that Murgatroy-l n.5 ti t p.-rin..-ted tc have conasel at his pr.iasiut-v examination. There never w. s a :lo . .. infamous lie toid by any n'.-w-iw.r correspondent : A good woman , . ho.ji neighbors esteem, has h-en linked w:t, one whom attorney Abci s-tiui itiz 1 a "a shame to her tex," th.-ngh he , -perfectly willing 'ami rightly so; to u ;i for his side of the cas-) both m.; i air; women of whose chaiac'.er to re : .. , doubt, and who wers : ro M .r gatroyd's friends and associate, ltis to be hoped the young man hai h-nrncd a lesson. He certain y needed it. li-.- , a stalwart youth, capable of eamir.g ttoo i wages auywheie in tins county, yut, ac cording tJ his own ttc .inilit, he. h ,.l h-.C'i a deserter from the navy, traveii-d ;.n assumed names an I u.-.iiot i. iy Bted with the wor t clats whtn vi-r has been. Those who a-s .ial ; with riffraff of the coannunity havt v little sympathy cjiuing to them c when unjustly accused. He was l.ea lor uie penitentiary or u:e ti allol l, aoc it is possible, if lie has tdamina enou; to protit by the warning, that Ill s im prisonment and enforced teuiheranc me most lortunate inciueiit ot i.j-i w in ward career. Such menus Jlargatroy i, senior, areao honor to the race, lie h i. stood by his boy in a manner that shoulu touch the youtig man's heart, and, though a poor man, has spared neilln.-r ex pence nor trouble to secure his ac quittal. It is true everywhere in this country that the State does not sink evidence for the defense as well as f n the prosecution. It simply tries to prove the accused guilty. Had Murgatroyd been friendless, without able coum-c-1, without the service of a paid detective to procure evidence in his favor, Wh :o Wduld have been the result The trial bus been a veiy expensive oue for Oolmiibiii County, lmt of tliut wo Inn "0 riht to compliiin. U wo wntit th 5'.i cnf.mtHi o stuml.l 1m wi'Hii!! lo lout I ho mil, nun vcly clow I.i criivi-o ouii-inm mt mmi- ... , 1 I 1 . I . .1 ills' lt tluiriiilty hi irviug 10 ttiseovt-r ami Ixinit to jtit-ticfl lUil-ert I,iviimtom. the murtliMcr ol Tin? following olippmit trom an ex olnitijr lias Iwn IihikUhI us ly White t Amli'isui, of UouHon. It vvnUint'.i mm (rwJ arjriiiuont against tin' until onli r hon-e, nn.l is herewith imbliiOicil in tin1 l-.oiw t ti nt it miirlit luvoinplisliovl jumo iimoniT tliivo mi-gtiHlt'.l or unthinking iitlivivln.-i!s who suml t'tirir rssli to I'oithtiHl or Cliieauo, mill li:itrini;i' their home dealer when in mv.l i-f credit. "W hen the .Atalo-.'tir-iviiios from your ! m iil order liotiso. draw an o-asv i-lniir ' u, the table where the liirht will sliine : hill on the Mi.- itti.I (ut on your rIumcs ; that no lutein may cc,c yonr eve. i viiat n wondei liil book it is to K sure iWln,lirl'.il for what it does Wo mi 4,,me tli'.ncs wo woiiHt lie ela-.l to we. Where is titeir otter to wty ca-ti or eveluiliire ikhkIs for wheat, oats, com. oralis, hniter. elisor hay? How iniieh i do ihev pav tor cattle, sluep and Ikvs f. o. k a: your depot? I low much tax wid i ihev pay to support your school mid j ed'.:, ate your eoildren. for impioviiii: ! roads. I i loses, for the suppoi t of the ) pivr of count v, lor exponas of runniiiir j the hu-:nes of '.he township, county ( or state? On what A i their oiler to i cotitritmte money to tt-.e sunpoi t of the! church? What line of credit will they I extend t you when your crops are. poor I and your nionov pone, when through: iiiisfoVftne or illness von are li t altie ; to se ' rov er y ? to ' Jll'iV lu s! ; vide : aed lid ' f-.i with the order tor your ;! ot!r.i'. (attii tools and crock e i their oitr r t - contribute . ti-i laiiiment next Konvth of Wi ",ir Vii..t did Ihev do il t. ill ihev do aey x market w tu.' ici-ehv keep up the ' st fourth? rolls; to pro Mi have to sell Millie of your iuo h r so. ni. i cut .-uopoii, ;i oi.t of t. e :.s except the ,-ss.ite? Will :hey .toai.w ei.Ktcn, si i e 1 ,.r C 'Vern ,u- ; !'.'.' take voir ! -tl -oa. m '.it'.sy. wi:h no rent uo .Is v it i Inn ""' Fok.Svi.1: A '.'x lil M.rnly lo-iiiii engine. tset!ier with main and trip line hi v'b etc. Fn.-itie and line in K o..l eon d.'tion and will W' sold very cheap for cash. Call or write M:li.o Mt.KC. C, je.jrIsose. ("t. VERNOM A Or.i'i Spencr mumer v.tca- h ii-- f -r her an i mi I n. I'iie Neluneni an I iitctiociate a V ii; 1 1 IV: plenty i.i.i :h'ui to v.. Mr'. I' ie-i M i has I the pit nteK io n 'i jitite sic and ft. f c.. la too 11 It.uiiu i.ta.i :1 jl-d With il--tt.ii,' our pe-i i pi ill tor ! W. We li t I'm i sj milch r- w a.- a y, iV pro-uect of nor t: th v ,t,,Ji ri.v . . J 1 " ' " Mr- ' ; ''-'" ' ,v-1 ' 1,1 "' r- ' ' ":i ''-v ' a' ilVi! rr tne l. V.'m. .'-uggiii', wh-i crea-i-1 Old Lil-.,- el K iiioriiu. i the t.r-it - ',V. I 'a -r h: Jt. c el fa IpIi. or f - li. t all lir was the fur .!.- lo Mr. O. li. Malm, i 1, at the home, of .Mr. . Sjji-ne-r. A cmipany f M'. M ihiiit'Ti's friends ere ir e;it. Iillll'r W n t Srj.-u ;:-r and Malm Ic-n iiiirl under a bi mapl ; ir i, an 1 v. .u not oulv bO'inliful b it .( I pi.'Op! ; at '.; note 1 by all, fxe.-pl th-, ratiier K-ft cl.illii:; ipialily Nelialein r. it was enjoyed I'm ic : er.tam was the ic biting fur- ni-licd by ll.iur; Nature in the form .f a terrible h ii! sto! in w hile the K'lestS were nt tint tablu. Mr. Malmiten's didi of lierrit'-, bio, Wero r.ath'ir pecul iar, ill that there were two yellow oliei at the boltom of t'ue dish valued a' f i pieco. Everybody had a splendid tluie, except tiiOa J who dil not go. BVSKHAI.I, The St lleloiishoys defi'iltivl Ridue HeM id lii. Icefield hit Suiultiy hy a fi-oie of 1 1 Oiu one of the iroltii't linen Ml phvyed this season. J'he Uulttclii'l.t team is imieh sifoiner and il:!,ved a far het teiname than when they weiv ovei lttri, nn.l nOiv it nt lot" u few eiroia w here they were very wily the seoio Would have heeii even smaller than it was. niimhir of times, and fcvernl retu'hed third, but r.takko always retired the sidii wliei thov Wjian to look daii)jeioii lie ie eured fotirieen slriUe-ollts. .Itiootn pitched a guoj (pune uinl held the visit ors down to sts hits. Next Saturday tats team gm's to Kalatna, and on Sun day they pUv the I'oitlmd llitn an. I R(nl (Mult in this city. Tht eluh team has defeated the hc.-t tennis all over the State, and Sunday's game is sine lo he a good one. ! Pi:xrisV Or. KuiuNi will Iv 111 St I Helens, at the St Helens Hotel 1-ri.h.v 'and Saturday ot each week, piepucd to i do all kinds of denial work. I ( ir (uixil i The water rate on the Muckle huildiug ; was fixed at ifl'.' per moio.ll i A committee of two, eousUtii f of the lire chief and ona coiincilutati, iuvc'ti gate a lvi-ability of stationirg the smail hose cart In that art of St. Helens iMiununitv known as l.ottville. i The c tun itteo on Kite and W ater was instructed to confer with tin tire ihicf and ascertain what supplies ate actually needed, and report at next ttteeli;!,-. 'fiie te-ign itioa of Co utci in in li-.K n was ten dee ! and lad on th table m.ii! the next tt'.M'titlg. Ti e ciii;iii u as ihr.pttd atol wairalits irdeied ,' n la l i Vli.ent of tan e. Th-.- I i-l ( S 1. ng f..r c u-tie.ctu-g M-Wrr ..11 C- li tlih.a -1 1 i-v t ! an- pled, the pi' et 10 lie t'-'.'s sto !; of l.ili gradv turiiitiiic it reasonable ptiei ai W llintvu'-. . Two latui Wiltons, a Mowing Maohtiie and a llav Kake lor sole, Iii..!iire ! do- St. Helens ti -1 Anew line of cu-1 buttons, watch fob-, etc, at Will-.ii.ton'--. TtMiutK tt'K Si.h- Might hundred acres of goo 1 tmibt-r in one liact at 1 per tl-.o1:-..!! ! s-es I. aws a'lotil it, at hi tte-.v oil)'-- over the Cohm:1 i i O-o.ntv Hank. M ine u'.lu-f line ch.ince lor nnet- Mou S . Cit Nail Haw The : cig -r at lieunett bio FURNITURE Oressers, COTS CHAIRS Stoves Safes Ii'..-! Sriiij. .Mattresses Matting liailuii) 1'; Dc.'i'.k-nii!!' Tables Kitchen Cabinets WHITE & I HOULTON, I. Q. Wikstrom & Sons Manufacturers of ROUGH DRESSED CEDAR POSTS Dry Kiln and Scappoose Notice of Intention t tppl) for 1 liUor I leeiise vOl'.V ilU.t -I.Oi A a i. if ll,t 1 J vio.u. J.-hn . t., , I r .1 1 .-no'.,!,, A i I I uches Lo BEDS I,iiiik-uiiis Ii;i!,y 1 5 it Rockers t'les Ili-li Chairs Chair Seats aper Srreeii Donrs ANDERSON OREGON and Dealers In AND LIMBER AND POLES Planlnx Mill in Oregon tVAA AA AA St. Helens Transfer Conipany. ex l.iiul tS: Turner, Props. i J CONIHYT A C.liNliRAU LIVERY AND FEED BUSINESS i MEET AjlL TRAINS ritoNi-: Wiikn' Vor Want l's, Ennm RiC.S tR TkANSI'MR lU'SlNMSS HDULTON, OREGON i ry V3 a a o a a b a a s a s a is s ;S F. II. Green i a M) THE VERMONT HOTEL GREEN & I I'irst l'i;t.- Innt'.l- 5 I'U'iiii'. lio.tnl ; tiay "4 v.cvk. I First Class Bar , in Connrvlion lifl.9as..i3 1 a 1.12! s 3,s ..: . ;-,s j a 3 a 4 t C011tr.i1.ts Taken, E.A.CROUSE CONTRACTORS BUILDER ESTIMATES FURNISHED Leave orders al teMikmc 011 IlotiUoti, St Helens; or by mail. O f TALKING I ) 171 1 .1 VJ MAC. I INI: 1: IXjljj t f - ,. ' . i : 'r5N CHICAGO STORE, HOULTON F. J. BASEEL, Proprietor l st Helens Steam Laundry j Good WorU Prompt Service Lk'nimif tun All Work PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY l ST. IIKUvNS, '"1 ipii 11 i 5 3 B 8 3 S S 8 U J 8 9 1 t Wi KSQ A. N. Dvi -j DAVIS, PROPS. tin- tr.ufliiii.: Rnntii i' the HOULTON. OR. 5 j s j s 8 3 j a a 3 a a 3 s a j 5 j j at s.,t 4 s') Jo! Work Done w uii uriv f t ttu ,),. lll till- III-It l Mrt'k I Will llliikt! a rrwnl lo tliC rii!i,iucr nl imp Aretino 'intiiiUrtlwAn tiiio rrror.1 f.l nil kiii.liiol iliuc t,,klnK iimtlni,,.,, treasonable Ratet i ressiujr i i i Delivered Talking Machine ORIC. J Arc You 001 NO TO BUILD luvcstljjntc the flcrlUof CONCRETE BUILDING BLOCKS The Best, Most Artistic i. v.iiininc I'ouutlations, OrIlmcatVj II ITllftat... 'I'hoim at our iHk., m writ.., ami wm w '" liltlilnh ralluialta. SANDUL. & PULLER MANLTACUKER8 Kainier Qrejon row IDKTLAN!) dALV STEAMER AMEUXCA I.rjve. St llrh-m ttmi j AtiUr. m 'utl..ii, oji A la-avr. ',,nUi j m j.' invr ht. Ilrlen at B..JO pi H. timniMKATOK' XOTIlI I iln- la litpbv i!iin lint ly,, i Kppoiiitr.l lr lb O-univ Cusrt 4 ; t'oliimhla t'.iintjr. iirntni., mlminiiir. -r.r.i, nt v.l all prrxn liug r i umnn nic m i-malil arc ttrKby r. ; - "'""i i'ivciu tun Butiitf in tut mu, t-riy vi'Hiir.1, at m rrlrm: nut) a, baak. t'iiluuibi ( i.umv. Orrfvio.ofh my ll.inmy, llowmj Si tr-iai, g lii oiIkb In dm t Viiiri u. In XuL 1 (. Iitt. tV.iiuir, OrrvjiMi, wlihiB ci 1 u;..iiii ir,.in tM iui n t li ntir i lati-.l ?vt. Ili irna ItfK .11. Jm,. pjjjy, JtUIN IlrlU.I'.Mi : Adilnin.tiauir nl (i, Knalr ol Sjaiwl ! J--IU1IK1II, llnttAM-vJ. ! llill I lift thr illlrlnldl )! i IMrt. ill tMlt ,V Mtl. ktr, r Willi li, 1,. smniiiir tu our Imoi.t, u, uttnin tbj ; the lnisim will I rt.iituiuf l uo-Vf : namr ol Jj V mitt :inr iMlli,tl,;c i.l lint public, twurtlf j Ihnti ol riHtrlrout ttrtltuciil and loan) pruc, ipuhty fiinidrtr.l. k-ti.trti!ij 1 t NOTICE OF AOMINtSTRATOl S SAlf : or rial PROPimr. i l i,l Mrirrrl I imilli ,U- DR. K. I., Jki rott di:ntist Dll.rc ilU 'r. Cliff, fT. IIKU'S Steamer Iralda C . Honghkirt. Xuttt. H.Ul.HHAl) TIMK. I-V Hulnlrl .Ulll (rlf l muftif)!-" i.lll. HU M ,n,.ili,J tl.Mll Kl. H-l-H -'I,hi llrliit ulna. Inin Curtlml all M . atilvln a. ni ll-lrm al t t- hmim and Fast rrciit FOR PORTLAND DAILY I'OUTI.AND I.ANIUNCt. TAYI.ORW mxnox jumtK. Nnlii tt U licntliv itiveri tlmt llmr"'" Utn.m-clnlelwtlim liitlil In lli nu.ln ,.t II. t....,..t.. I. ,.ll l.llllllilll, i tint City ul Ht. Iltiltum, on MowlOt AiiUt Silil., for Ihu iiiriinc of otln tiKn tlm mloption nl mi mmtmlmfnl W Urn City ClmrUtr. 1'olU will I lDnl nt a o'cliK-k i.. in. hii.I will be ekidti H o'ulixk . in. lly ordur of tlia Cily ('"imell. joun q. Keconler- BIOS WANTED Niilli-n hi-ri.liy xlvi-ll that walnl '"', ..... .hi lM t'Tl-IV l,r il iiiinii-r.. ii ; ,,, llolflia 111 01 1 II. III.. J1IIV 1'" " ' " HI. flli'l inn nf All rrtutit Mil h Vlirn' , . WWII I llll IflllllMllilU Ultlll-t. frillll It imllll"1 iimiiii hi Hii' x, iilli ihii-iii m. ',1 11 ' , . lll liini iw ii.iii miinn nt mi' inn" ki.1,,19 Urtil III Hip I'll f "I HI. Hl-lrllK. Ill "H r,J. "llll l-loiiK mill niinrllli-all rnlM II.-.. nl il. I ..lun.iiin ('..tuny Ainu"''! m I j uiiiimii)-, anil Ilia ollira i'i ... Hi" rlulii lo ri jni't any ami H ti1''' 1 'rl ni aim. riiiilrtiinii ul cniiiinllli-o mriit". aim itmurN. At a IIauhaim Two InlH ill Ii"t 151.1 1 11. I. a O III! UV nine mioiiuin in nt"HiJji"i'c J KMMrct each. About three blocki 1, ..ii IKVlr,llt.- l,,,.lr. nl I. K. I""1 81 Wurrrii, Oreunn, A bin buaiuraa ill IwlllU. ll'li 1 Llugci, iUIukIci, li (lout ot Cray '