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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1909)
LOCAL 1 here will I M-rvlcr. at the vImhimI chlltxll IN till city next Sunday eve nlng Ht 7 :4ft. Try the liwi'un(eclliiurr,llrniiett iit Keep in your memory that ir are ui lug to have county fair in t'oluiiihla County thl. year. Iin't forget In ve nil tlie K'"l cliiiriu ol fruit, vrgetiihlr., grain. and grae In I uliiiiihU fouuiy's l oir. ScikI or tiring them to I',. II, l,,, HI, Helens. llrl Icecream nt llelitirtt llr. Work h begun placing llir pole, fur lite new eleetrio vlrm and everything will I rcmlr In dim an Hie i ti t n. soon at llie new mill Ufitriiletr1, which la ripec'ed ! I'f liy (lie liiiddltuif Aug ii. I, or, at I lie late.t, the flrit day ol SrlillMtllx-r. Then thing, will lxMin o hum in old HI Uriel. Soft drink, on Ire t llemiett tin. Nlmk ll"K wanted Hi hlghra' tuarkel rice. Addrets ( Snider, St, Helen. Vt.'iUMa K and family, W, II. IMlWrd ami family, ami Matter Cecil Hm, are rii.tiriiling alxtit seven mile, from town, iiu Mill, hi creek, where ir. Ituat lia huilt very eouifrtlle summer residence. Ilrnnelt llrua., cotil, cttoticr., Morn.' new Inillilliig. M.a ' t i f'i I" - n, ,T, , i ..ii ... , ' i .. I,... ,. . M, ' in cook-7 davtha I 7 ",U"1 S'"'"-iHM '(f,"''v..t ll,r hme f ,tr ' Ilk, irtl a, IJilJ. I ,11, a. .......... 1 ..... ft. ' v' . .. 1 - if, prii lira II hi lleflKHl IV illinrv n ..... .... .... .".v ..iHIIM,.,M,rrI v "it". aim ,.. , , . "ii.ia, ,., .; :r., u ,,w ,., . , i" mi limie I'lptllllnu hi,,,. Tii i.. ... - He platt,,,,,, , Hie Htl.U. m ,,,., ... . - -- "vvi Will "V o that her rriiry li.i.lMri,Ull, , be ahle I,, lui.l i.r i..,,, . ... ..... in mi coin 1m",,'', l .ylMm (.. Mrl(JW ( oiinty, i,i,..., . , , , " ' '4 ':''il nil- hy 'i,,lri'ic hi., in, hmicM: leiKlrniy pw.r, I(, i. ,, ....... .i.l.l hi wilr , , ,)r,,i,ury con veiMium hi, .i,K.i,r- mtl,,im Mr. .. i,,r w I'i'iKle mill fur Mle. IniiW .,! I'Kine, eompice , ,,rH,e ,,or iwrlktilnn imn.lte . l,opimtt ymk. Urn "men ami chihlrm """er l,iitv !1r. of A.turia, "HIO ..( lon. ,,; Mr,, ,,,,ie . , ,Mrn .;it I.uh.Ik.,,, ,, Hif Mik Alva and t 01 tl, HMIKHiu- M, In,:., t, . . , " rvrry, onn "orluhil, Con, l.iv. ami ft., ib .i. '"""hnm. N. A. K-trv.n.l wir, .,,.1 . I'crrv an 1 wil,. .i Hie J, Dale, Jl..,),, (;,4(1 VmiUm(11 ant-lie .-1,1 hahy IVury ; Mr.. Minnie Mr 'Jin, ckh anil baby Coy; Mr .Hue., M. Helen., and Mr.. K. " M'altn. Si'atrtKXw. v",.vei wm-ir Ihrouxlilv and wi.het h r in,r of potBl card. -oieuanonicHUer Jreat olea.ure W'e wi.h Jo nnnuuuce In our Irlend. pairona mat we carry a lull line of "rown and Hamilton celtl,rail 1., ean (Wnttrni.n an, I .... 1. ,. , nu(tiiln ll'iyiuoef r n - , . Koy Malone, chantHl with the robbing "in. 11. j. lake, boiiae near ;bln on the Mill ,Hy f ,,t j,,,.. ... WK. arrai((iMr In the circuit v,nrt ,,re heit neHi.eHd.y, ami on itifcirmiiix the court Ihttt he had enijiiticd rounwl who could not be iUr,.t at that time. . uiv-n ""til Monday next to l.kad. M:.lo K. Hie tiruciiui I vnii,... 1,.. ii,. c... .1 .. . I ... . ... Mm. ... "c 41 fundav The UaU te,m and TUn Ifesldenee of frank lloluiid loinpl. t. ly ItcKlroyed. The rei.leu.e of Trank Roland, the rrettieat of the many cottages built ihi.j vcar in .St. Hcli D, wa- destroyed bv fire ' hiim ,,. wllen h, vU l.i7h0,il.P'' to..o. then, , Culm,.!,, County Theritv l,v ,ri ' ! " "'"re inipnrtaul d.Uil mav aw,Mve ol .... . 1 L . ' '" " ' '"ur " "' Vou will find .'aluU. (h$, Strtiiii, Vnruittir mul n at UcllillKtoil jdrnir,,. here JihIk Ji Mwtlupr i. convalra liiit alter a ai week. .Ie(i l tieumotii. He aa able lo le on 'the tnt-t I.1.1 Tuenlay. tour men weir,ii-y the brrakln,, ; Stain, and Oil.. 'l,.,r j,, ,lw.l ol a .-a(.,!d on ,K l, they wnr i Color. It,mt l-a,,,t i r t!f, j; ,,,. wurkniK at the .juarrv of the Columbia el.. Linoleum. ,eni. ttf.ihe,. c... Contract Comny lat ThnUy. j M (. 1 iK AV, ht ll. !, ii, ! I'alula, Oil., htiilu.. Valid, i.n. in. ! i Mr. I .,.,,. 1 1..1 ... ! "..r ol a -,l e ..Hirer ).,. .i d.i.k, lt,i,l,e. K,( , , KiUt)1K and iii.ikeaiteneral nui-anre of l,m,wf l.t.l , I . . .a ' " rewlicd that .In,.,. 1,1 m-ral tuiplimh. i(1 , c.(lmililVi tliottKl r a-e l?..tlini thrrr n. " III. ,nllld a. . '.I.. jiiiuhl Ii, , -,) ,,.,1,1 ,. ,;,., ,,, uuiiila-r of .itltown lt e.-. hut llnnn ..t "Will Kt d.mii I,, tlie rv,) Tom l.iiivillc, p,.li, ofhirr ,, ,,tv f Wuria H',i! paint I,, thirty color. Ilru.het at Wetlli (ton'a Mr. and Mr.. J viutniK relative, at (ia.tiin tVuuly. They mil prolmWy t. al-rnt live ur an week. Se Skinner and Tiiiiuioih altont yur u;filiK and pa litlUKat Hotiltoii Ore, Shiucic., Nail., IK-k., Unit. etc. M C. I.RAY bfck ndiDif at lliurt;tv evi'iuiijf , W . Allen and fc-n arc ! received iintt- tatinbil iiijuiic. ,v l-r ni; WaahifiKtitti jlhrowu .Slw wm V.'"X it fli .ieed I whrn her horw .lipj,! on the cruictit Ikaviuj; UtHceu the bank ntid the court. hmir. That 110 U.iic. wcie broken is remarkable. I!ie j.dle. Aid will w-Mc I, r crcjin ' jnd cake at Ma-omc Hall 011 Tliurvby ' evening, July '.Ii. ' I nothing .tiiartcr or correct than out- n.. American (leiitleman (nlord. The .up. eriority of tbi., like all American Ken. Ilimcn !!. i, not only in apnraiice, n cover, every detail, in.ide and out. JAS, Ml CKI.H A SON. I 'ti t for Ktt th.s I'oiu,,,,, ;rae for vollllllbia Couiltv meet, ailb IO... V.illty (,r.,1,e on the first ,-aturday in AURiirt and that 1'r.Jainei Withycomlie, director ol the c.ix-rim-tit .tation i the Agricultural (V,,:tK. and Sta'c Lecturer Johnana will attend It aliouh! I tin- hiKKr.t meeting of the county Kfaoite ever h.-hl in Col imhia County. The holduiK of a county f.ur in October will come up for dicu.ion, Ki-wnbmjf Brolhrt. cf La Cam.. j WanhinKloii. eiect aoon to ettablMi ; l"iiiki at jicapf.Kuc. S.-ap-Ixkwc Ii the center of a rich ..jfriculturul and d lining coeniry wh ill at preaetit do aUiut all ol it. Unkmia Portland, j Captain Orin At 1. at the -wheel on the .teainer Aini'rica. after a i vacation in which, accoinjianed by hi. j "i.e. lie had a plcatant time vi.ituiK liteiid. and reUtiva. in '.hi. State and V aldington. w me two loler l,roih.. ... i whome hu afterward, claimed wa Mur Katruvil, coming from the lilakc boua. ami that tli. y gave him the .tuft found on hi. person when arreted. It i the intention of the district atlomeya office, notnith.tandinu tne charge made to the .omrary, 10 necute Mh one In th. 'in 1.I1. Marring licene. have been iuued di.e ' P' week to Lena Davl. and eorne 1'. .,niever. and to Nin 1 Thi ami ueore ncCor, How shout liiruit r(f? If vnn Ufa K'ili to buy take a look in Wellinvton'. tt.p-hon.e U f lip j011 decide t-i pay ex tra freight and haulimr cbaicia. Il deliver, the good, at your borne. When you give voftr twinlinir eontrart o iiiiaiu. you know that vou wit! ot the bett Job that ran be done for he pr- uveiy guarantee. Mti.lactlon In the cis of Muckle Tlrothera atoiinit f ....... , V.OIIIIIOI1 LOIintV JllltL'e ,.n n eunci!iiy ilctnted in favor of tilaintiffa. a. prayed lor in their complaint. Thi. l ike, from the lax roll 2.V),(hjo of note, awwed for the year 1!C. The .leci.ion was on the ground that the note, were Iartncrhip property and were held bv Jan e Muckle on in Tj.,!,1 Tillon'H lank at Portland The Judye derided that to a-ea note ecured by mortgage i. not double taxation. Twenty day. were given in which to file any nio- uon co'in-el lor the county may desire. It i probable the ca-e will be appealed to the Supreme Comt. I'MJiraoVKi.. I.AMS xty acres with, m lo mile, of St. Helen, at i rxt ..,. iui niugcueiu alien the alarm waj given, and they immediately manned the rope, of the chemical enii.i,. a,.. I hose curt, but. though the volunteer dc depurtment did it utmost to reach the cene in time there wa. un rham--. t aave the building, which in le than twenty minute, from the time th- fi.. tarted, wa a heap of ashes.. They did, however, succeed in uvinv the of M. E. Miller, bv the use o' the chemi cal engine, and, as Mr. Mil er. as presi dent of the council, was instrument! in purchasing the machine, he feels as if an nan been rewarded lor nrv1 .b clone. The lire broke out behind the door of a anl winch Was beinsr uwH Mr. Koiaim t brothers Mr. Birch) and his wife as a bedroom, and thev are of tin. opinion that it may have been caused by a match liug stepped on. Other than this there has been no theorv advanct as to the probable canse. Mr. and Mrs. Birch lost clothiirv and suit cav. o lh. value of about fMO. Mr. Birch i. invalid, having but recently nndenrone an operation, and the shock to her nerves 'lune severe. Jlr. Birch is a con ductor on the (Jreat Northern and but a short time ago was pretty badlv broken up iu a railroad accident. The value of the i:onw. in finished condition, wasalmut T1400 and mere was no insurance. The loss in this uw mnvm tn n heaviest upon a number of material r.,.n and mechanics, who furnished work and material and had filed ljcns to tl-eir -sy. The list ii as follows: John i. Wutson. HATS (TV THE PEER OF ALL $3.00 HATS Others, in all Shapes and Colors, J aaaa. aaaat -a " at rrom 5c Up secure aire, neany all can be plowed when c.e.ircd. Kxcellcnt fruit land. M ill Kl j Sherman Bros part or all e isy ; terms. See Laws, the 31 h-Haen real e,u,e man. over the Columbia , I'",,Co... County bank. Will not est aver 40 I ISeVt limmons K. K. Haen I 'ol u m hia River XJoor" Co Portland Hardaare Co.. I . (ill II 50 ...21'J Vi ...IVi 01 ..VS.. ... Hi 25 . . 80 41) -. 2 20 ..2!i.' 4:1 .. a,-w Chiistine Safene' H. 54 mortgage 100-J I A POINTER (art acre to cleau the ereat oortion ol this land. The road meeting advertised for Acme Hall lat Monday nitrht was a de. ' ' ided failure. Two road vi.arr. and i one .uperviaor, tne fs itor ol the Vist t , . . !,,. '. . c ual Total incumbrances.. siXKJ Sa and eight farmers made np the crowd. Roland lefi Sr ir-i . , and they .ere too late for Mr. JUdridge i Ty H l r , V ' , Mo",,,, Ik to the,, and catch ! n I Z er7 n.'." ', .h.? o'dock train Mr Portland. A, Ka,u,,r,he Commercial Club took 1.e ,,, child. In addiUot, 0 he ow ;.ieIT,e.Here,beedor ofthe Mist i and in mher prts of thcountv""" Wall the espensrs while the Com-: m.i ,1 n..k .1 .1 w. ' - i,. :::: z"z:i "arm. oooD roads convention , . ,., ... n.,,., ,'l a a V V V V m V VVTV ay HATS HATS Everybody is particular about the kind of a hat they buy. To please all it h absolutely necessary to carry a large stock of the best styles and colors. We received a shipment this week that includes just the one that you are looking for. Come in and see. WELLINGTON'S ST. HELENS. OREGON" WALKOVER -SHOES- A Safe Investment A imoi t s. cure a "Rainier, Oregon, has let street and sewer contracts to the amount of (M tg-5 $n),000 this year. This is the same iv.umti 1 Jul 1 a uoen years ago was a diminutive steamboat l:inilm :it ; u oeM men to la k to us on an am subject he should be able to hciring j W iih four clerks I am prepared to J wait 011 all customer promptly. We will : endeaver to please you, aud request that ,' vau rcjiort any dis.itisf.iciion to us iu j stead of your We will ad ; just matters to your satisfaction. Thev j wont. j M Ci GRAY, j As Mr. Kd Lynch was returning hou.e ! from down town last Wednesday eve- iiiiix a' about ten, he noticed a bright j light shining through the basement windows of the scb-il h msc. and. eoMiif , to the rear of th buildinj;, found a fire H;duier, Oregon, July umhi. Toe latg-st and mut uaioitaut tioj.1 ltad, Me,-tii ever h.-IU in C'oi umbii) Countv waa held in tiiiscilv nt- il'Uuy. Ibme e-e tao sessions, onej iu the afternoon and one in the evening. tig prepaiations were mad bv Kninier 1 to entertain both th lisiinu shed ;eakers and the visttiiij; twiners who came to the cjtiventi n. Maurice 0. Kld.i lge, nati-nul good rwda expert, of Washington. I). C, Julge Lio iel R. UVoiter, 11. II. Cliap man, genera! wad supervisor of Multno mah County, J. s. ileall and ti-or.e i!"yee, all of Pjrtland, wero a nong the principal shaker. Tliesu men knew VWUHUT lllj 111 IVslIllICl, slIIU with iiooil wnti'i frnnt fru'i'litiovi ml .. r-i . . . . - - - - - . - plenty of timber to work on, tlie Co lumbia County city lias a line fu ture." Orcgouian. n , - . ,1 tv : , v. blail!f availlst the bvmrnl d.wir Tl, ! ri,a ' OUlldinif from a to a. u,,l iierii,t platform just ou'.si.le the door was ablate, "ieir nl",i'n'-, When th'y informe 1 them and th.. fire had evideutly Iven started ".'at Kninier had fine building material under the platform. Several neighbors, n city. The matter of hearing his alarm, came tohisaid, and the I ro:l'1 b"il,,i"!f thoroughly discusseil bliwe was soon extlncuished with i,,i!''"lie speakers in bo'h the m irnin mid ntieruoan si.,i:oi.i 1, ... o ,. .... . v , , ir m Hi industries arc coming to Rainier. NOW is the time fur the wise man to invest. Ior full particulars apply to Secretary Rainier Boosters Club RAINIER, OREGON if 9 9 cf cof of cf cif ofcf r:. Mti.r.iut ATTO RN U Y-AT-LAW H. Helena, Oregon )uKliWINH(,hM, PHYSICIAN & SURGFON !..M!IKNH ' 1 0KK"t" I)11" ", t-uvt, PIYSICIAN & SURGEON Illds lor Mood. ph'Hled hid. will lie ivckIvimI I'Vlhe county court, ol Columbia County, nt Nt. Helens, Or. . mi Thilisday tint Mil day of Aiiu'twt, It'iH), for thr. delivery t the court ImiiMtMil Si) rordmif 4-foot wood. The . Mil to be cut front first growth, sound Ili timlM'r, and to bo delivered oil or before lli Int ihty of October, ll0i. JAMES IAUT. County Judge. " Syrup of White riiieintd Tar, the old reliable cough remedy, l'or aula by A.J. Peinlag, drugifl't. NOTICE i ADMINISTRATOR'S FINAL I In tlio ronntr Court of the Stato, (or ! rnhuiil'i. Cotnity. Ill 1IIC lUfllOT 01 IHW V.uv ,'I rfnwr nuiv.iuii, ! Noili-e Ik h'ereliv given that Kiltar Steven. i tlie l.xiH'iitor nt llio e-lale ol Jattie. Kultortoll. ilei-eeil, Iih rtmli-reu sun pre-i-niiHi inr m-i 1 .. 1 ,il...l ...1.1 ...,i,rl hla Ktial an . H III, II,. rtll.l III, ' . I ,'iiiiiit nt In. ,tiiilHlirii.'ii ni "lil and , that Sulimlay the :M day l July, !', a. iu t oMtH'li . in., at liie court room nl .aid eoiirl. lit the I'Olirt Iioiimi In the City of St. tMena. I cohiiiilil.Coniitv, Oreiton, lm t-jell aiMwillled . I.. ilia i .alii eoiirl. for lilt, M-ttltMllt'lIt ill .aid llnal a.eouiit; at iilih ti llmeaiid idaee any li'iMilee, lielrnr ieroii lunimiever. inloi ,.aed In .ill I eiattf. may appear .nil rile ex iilloti. Iu wrlliua to said luvount aud content l"t"""", RIHIARDTCVIMH. Kxoeutor of tho E.Mte u( Jui t'ullerlou iS.e.wd. 1 other damage than a broken door and a tew lect of walk, but ten minutes delay in the discovery of the blae would prob ably have lost the building. How the fire originated is a mystery. The charter election occurs one week from next Monday II you think St. Helens needs a uew water system don't forget to vote for it. There doubtless aie diflerences of opit.ioti as to the merits of,dil!crent sections of the charter, but they can 1 fettled hereafter. Opportunities of all kinds in farms, timber lands, and city lots. If you want to buy or sell property of any description it will pay you to consult A. T. Laws. St Heleu, Ore. I.osr Silk crepe scarf, white piann.l jpiiik dowers, Monday evening, July li. t-itnler please leave at the drug store and receive reward. Those who know what's what know lirays store is the right spot. j l-'uR S.U.K Man or wouian ASi"0acre South African veteran bounty hind cer tificate issued by llie department of the interior, Government of Canada, Ottawa, under the volunteer Ixiunty act. ItHW. Good for o&l acres of any Dominion land open for entry iu Alberta, Suskatche wan or Manitoba, Any person over the age of IS years, mau or woman can ac quire this land with this certificate with out further cluirge. For immediate sale, S00.W. Write or wire, L. IS. Telford. J31 Shuter .Street, Torouto Canada. Shoes, that Hre the kind you want. Whether it is n drees shoe or for work my line is complete. J. H. WELLINGTON. Good grade Jersey, four years old. for sale cheap. Inquire at this office. Till,' Hl.V1. lll)ll.,D1l'BIM- IOO for $4,7tX). Thirty cies improved. Larue new house and good barn. One mile from Clatskanie. This Includes one of the best span of horses in Columbia County worth f00 ; six choice cows, three two vear old heifers and a well hre,f bull d j , . hogs, chickens, farm tools, ete. The per sonal property la worm tully J.1,000, which leaves the mice nut on the land and buildings at 3,700, or abont 30 tier acre. This isasnan. Ifvon.nant a good place at about half its value look tins up nnaiiiimoin opinion of both the speakers and the large audieiica thnt the pi-otr financial step for building g.xd rtiads w.isthe issuing of bonds, Mr. Eldildge made a very forceful speech in favor of g.iod roads, and! showed that the one great step in the inakius f aiiyconiinniiity aasthe build ing or g.HHl roads. TIu convention did much n:d 111 sp elling go.vl r in formation. After the evening meeting daucing iiuui.geit in on the loner floor, and a fine luuch was spread in the dining room on the upoer floor, after which dm soil 1 Business men of theeomuiunity re luiirod to the lolje room to organize the loiuiniiuiioiinty Good Roads Associa tion with V. C. Krv. nrpsidpnt Tii.v. Morris, Sr., vice-president: J,w n,,,,-., secretary, and 1. K. Dibblee. treasuiie It was this last step that was the bind ing mi iu wje work that will give Co! aniumt.ounty good roads, and which must enlist every man in the county in the treat work. Veiy few fanners ever stop to iuiuk that It c ists them more to haul their farm products to their nearest railroad station than it does lo haul it trom their station to Now York, clea across the continent. There has been much discussion in this county in the past year on tlie subject of gootj roads. Let its now get down to business, bond the various districis and have the roads. We cmt do it. All we need is concerted action. Let us get together. a , t Jiotlce For Bids. Some shoe dealers will t-rv reduced pnees claiming they are -'just as good" as WALk-0 ER. Bat why take anv chlnces -on getting shoes that are "just as good"." Gambling in shoes is just as unprofitable as any other form of gambling. The purchase of a pair of WALK-OVER csnoes is a safe investment. $3.50, $4.00, $5.00 We are Sole Agents WHITE & ANDERSON Houlton, Oregon A. T. LAW'S St. Helen. Bids will be received by Trustees of St. Helens Lodge 117 1. 0. O. F for t,e building of a hall Recording to nhu, n.l spocillcations, which may be seen by ap plying wa.u ropejoy, Houlton, Ore gon, U. W. Clark and W. A. Harris, St. Helens, up to 10 a. m., July 24, l(Xi, A check for 5 per cent of bid to ac-. company bids to be forfeited, in case of failute to enter into contract within Ave days if awarded contract. Bids to bo addressed to Trustees St. Helens Lodge 1171. O. 0. S, St. Helens, Ore gon. Trustees reserves right to reiect any or all bids. A ltrwliififia Minn, U'.n, ., , . "I- -.'. w ren a saw mill cheap or trade same for farm or timher land Annln a, r ' .J... Lumber Company, Houloni Ore., l ltVa&.9r Jt a. Jt. . .a . a. a. - .. ifk fk ."Ii J j j Summer Rates East During the Season 1000 Jj via the j Oregon Railroad & Navigatoin Co. J OREGON SHORT LINE AND j UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD Jj from 4 Portland, Seattle, Spokane, Tacoma. Walla pumis, on tne u. K.. Cv i . line. To OMAHA and Return - . . $60 (X? uji.iauuto ana Keturn . . tn7 en To CHICAGO and Return . . $7250 and to other principal cities in the East. Middle West and South Correspondingly low lares. ON SALK JUNE 2, 3; JCLY 2, o , AUGUST 11, 12. To Denver and return .... $55 OX SALE MAY 17, JULY 1, AVUVST 11 Walla 4. aTl1"" ali.lit l7 11 ..v saiV9 tJUUlt'Ui O J by lTlU Km tickets will be furnishe.1 Wm. McMURRAY,GeueraI Tassenirer Aent. Pn.-,, . ... n The Mist BOTH PAPERS FOR TWELVE MONTHS AND Weekly Oregonian $1.80