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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (July 23, 1909)
l" t Yaw Farm t.l- r ' I LAZY LIVER . ..... t "I find Cascarets so gooa w ' "1 , not be without them. I was troubled P deal with torpid liver an hcaiUchc lysine takingCascare CamlyCamr tie I feel very much belter. 1 natt c cr" nlcTmmeml them to my fnetul. as the bent medicine I hsve ever seen. Anna IWtnet, Osborn Mill No. a. Fall River, Mas. a i.M.r .r,itIWXl L I t, 1ITO t" - . cur oc your money ov. EXHAUST PATIENCE EXILES GET FREE Siberian Convict Land In Alaska but Are.NoCWanted. rWnvn. Aaska. July 1. me. . japan Tries to Obtain Peaceful X'SSC.i1 ..imnn UMth Thlna Russian v.r "nd h,d "? " OUlUClUUiu mi" wuiiiu. Kariao.u.e. exclaimed Mr. rVrgti- Thai George, only half "I could tee) ths bed Looklaar Where ""'"" "So the mulo KicKeu o.f,.... in Reconsider Matter I I 111. I. v: " - - ' and Japan May Abandon All Effort to Conciliate. the result of a Nome muss nwu. but finally Untied when it was found they had the necessary amount of tfbuq nFFFRFn UNACCEPTABLE 1"! Z3 X, 7 'mZu. ILlUUd vi .- -.- M ...! who Among me pany are Delievea u w i...-. - l 1 ....lit .! 1-clllVIOlS WHO t'BCBWU uai..i ------ ... 1 f fr,im rwnal co onv in mi inwu o;l,.,.i. ..vara months HiTO Hlia wno on June 20, were reported to be working their way toward Ui enpe. on u treme Eastern coast of Siberia in an ..... nvu V Hehrins straits and T.,i;n Julv 20. The Kokumin, one! . .,.:,, t t),. most influential of the Japanese . believed to be the escaped . . . .. ..Hu m. i . . .--i. newsDaiters. and wmcn is K"1 convicts are wearmfit oui carded as the mouthpiece of Marquis form( Th((J,e m.n naVe been keeping . ........ i.... in matters oer-l.. . . -..i -..i......... . mm. , . . sall Katsura, me pieiniv-.. ... . . weir own counsel, -yas, sah; good au hard. sao. government's policy, m , u even with the other Russians -But why did you tura your Wk K,o discu8S,d the situat.on X camo down from the North with between Japan ana nin - them Urmiat note. I f -. ru,.rh...1 Nome fnun M it I ... It was expected, says " beria on the Kussian steamer vaarij. ,i, withdrawal of the proposal to I . . .:;! Nome the men re- .r... i, Th Hairue arbitration tri- ...i,. ,, ateamer St. Croix, and i"" - ' " . ,:... i . i...i f.a .lifferwnces Between i , nort. where tney aaneo uuii,i ... . . I value w -- . -j i.,..n nreeeded the axioption ol I , . . thu construction camps of what was hoped would be a conciliatory c r River & Northwestern rail nolicv bv China. Hut tnis expeC1.u.u.. . u. nt heen realited. China now pro- T. ,,:.,, worn hv the men sup- UkB 112 poses wholly unacceptable terms and i(J t0 b( the ,..,1 Hlitical exiles refuses to repiy i r 1 V j show very nam usmrb. " roideration. The article concludes. , .,,,. .re taken from the guards The Japanese government is exer- kj,lod in tne bRttle at Chupotosk, near eisingall possible patience, but is not Arctic cUkW ,B!)t March, when the convicts defeated a company oi i""" gf ! wanted f see where he was send ing me. boSs:--Yonl.er8 Statesman. SKK THE CRKAt Alaska-Yukon-Pacific Exposition FINK ALBUM OK 1'l.ATK- t TH. BUILD KUS AnJ nwhTf lhy' ,.eT SEATTlf. THE "GtM Of THE COAST Vrv HHP. ir i r"-.i IHlr-but'tiff t'.-tnu QnnAvjfii' Kalisrtcl or Missoula and Cocur d'Alene , . t,.l (r,inff to t!ir ornint? OiJr.Tvti.'-nfcit w,U 1 to your ivmiaire '-'! r "t iw tin MR. SEEKERS CLUB 413 Central Building, Seattle, H ashinyton baking powdrt that I d.v all that the b;rh pr.crd baktns txtrd will do " it twttfr. It rairt tbe i e.-li f.i roikw libt cr. slrt nl btte: nwn f Sold Vf (To cr 25c p pound. 11 you wilt tend yout trill t"i r" on hcai!h ni1 bllk'n Powd. CRESCENT BAKING POWDER carrying im enauranv. . sentimentality, uniesa t -i ... K.,f.,r the conclusion of the ,,rnt month. Japan will be obliged to assume a different auuuae. MAY MEAN RUSSIAN ALLIANCE. p.kin Diolomat Sees Deep Meaning in Crane's Appointment, Poi-,v Jnlv 20. The appointment by President Taf t of Charles R. Crane. nt Phii-airo. a man unknown w r.,i..r., world or in diplomatic circie. to h minister to China, is recogniseil in Pekin official quarters as me orea intv Poatfti lc4. i. r t V Tk. i.'.nmnnn wno came iruiu nv.u a. vsel Wltn tne lUHUKim men profess to know nothing oi ineir identity, and share the belief that they are the survivors of the band of exiles who were fighting their way across i, 500 miles of Siberian waste. r.irtalil ller Hoe. A sumll house which i'u b occupied by a brood sow and her uer . best for ralsliiK strona. healthy hogs. It ts the most cleanly and mutuary, and with well art-aimed yards the plK can he cared for with practically o mow labor thnn In a hm notise. leal and uaefui nouse la shown In tli accompanyln cuts. It nutter nuiklim 11,0 1 . . and creanury has J' :;to.iuod by ..... 'i :rz -;:; r.h vat hiii ntiti nm' ., . " tmltmled. ami Quired to maue .I., d,t I, trip " Jj ha rlttl riMrtlll " and raAMKWORK AM1 1IMJ1S10!. 60,000 WANT LAND. Is sot ou 2x6 In. runners and the house If fl ft. 4 tu. loim and 7 ft. 8 lu. wine. A tlKht. smooth floor, with no cracks or knot holes. Is essential. The frame will allow 16 fl. boards and battens to ha ann-atl In tWO. At each end of the house Is a door 2 ft. wide and 2 ft. 6 In. hUh, which allns un and down between grooves or cleats, and Is held up by a rope passing throtiKh a small pulley at the riOK It ts quite desirable to have doors at tin' h ends. A necessary adjunct to a sanitary tn t the v.'iitilator In ths roof. Two of the 12 lu. roof hoards are sawed off Lands DAISY oJC . llr FLY KILLER rv cWaua. -fill vr UP oi DO ioH iniun nTtis:nr Rush of Applicants for Indian Beginning to Slacken, ct.n. Wash.. Julv 19.-The mim ing of new ground as well as the roost hef of sppUcitiona for reservation lands striking action wun reiet-u Saturday was somewnai " for tiM. of all 4ler or .UE ctchw. KAROLO S0HERS. 150 Otaslb ... Brotlr. T. COFFEE' TEA SPICES fUKINO POWDER . EXTRACTS tlUST RIGHT OOSSEiaDCVEiS poftrutNa. out. with reference American representation in China lire 1 . , . . Th Russians and rrencn in me but nese capital have attached special sig nificance to the transier oi Rockhiil from Pekin to St. reiersourg, hnlrfini' it to mean a Rusao-Amencan Chinese affairs, ..... 1 1 ,t,a. Hitrh fh nese omciais aeciuic m u rviins's irreatest enemy, out r.,t Rritain haj unofficilaly warned Thin, that the Anelo-JapaneSJ alliance was never more strong man n i i r,nt. and has ureed that China de- . . , . !.. vise amicable relations wnu oi"" TRYING CALHOUN AGAIN. It k.. !'! 5..1FI IS"1 Irv,fifU J" - ,, S'r ' : nn nrucMlino; davs. not only here, v.. ... r.: -, - ... ..,.1 ht in f'neur d Alene. biimuui ... i.,.,. v.i;.,.ll In Snokane. aooui o.ouu .,,ni!rat.nna were nled : in d!Alene. 5.500; in Missoula, 2,300, and V.l.'-null 1 SlllK The total for three days in Spokane d Alene is a little over 23.- 000 each. The crowds at the hotels are easm off an1 it appears mat many who have come West to file are passing through to Seattle to see tne exposition first and are planning to apply on their wav hack. n v ..,m,. mimo th notaries was tnreav enirg, an agreement has been reached urh all will tret together, Danisn Rrr,n InterminaDie i5 mnetitmn and DOOl receipts. wwu , ,w..., . . Securing Jury. Notaries here say mat auout. Von PMrC SCO. alUlV -v.- i a "--J - - r r ,, r.TC.m nr,ident of the United Rail- almost all cases from the tasi , , . . nra.t in aoa n on trial in mis cnj inpmeiu coi"ti.itu ii"ic a ft? Inches from the ridge. Strips In. thick are nniled aljove the battens. whirh will raise the ventilator 3 In above the roof boards and give amid ventilation hlle ureventlng direct irufts. Karra und Home. plus and un livery ohPr tt,cd fr. ntt" delivery for creaiiu-ry piitrous Poptti'ltneut ol creamery to feed his calves it... rntait . swrei, day. when proprriy u this substitution of cream .i..ti....v tiv crcttit " 1 Z . : and mllllo... of dol iar. yearly lu "T" tr Uulted Btates Agriculture. .. , . . . .... I u it I wish," said ait raiwrlene-d veterl ' ... . i .it .t,., -loth which rrV" : mnuracurl. cud. to replace those Most. ih on. of the drew of auja-ramlon "UK n i.. ...niri tilHi'tpt. mill rmiKi tu ud U returned to .he mouth Inti the nrst stomach, aud lu los lttdlcallon of indigesuoti In winter lug the Iirft ,.ii,i!ill v an ... itr.vttitui hen cows heavily grained. Should i it. are on It aiuiear in summer " ' but receiving pasture. some grain, . .... ...,l,.n for Is well to remove trie i't ' After a nay "r and 2 ounces few days. t ,..,1,11.1 t Knsoiii salts , l ..... . ... I., i a-o ground ginger root im- -:. of war,,, water. After she re- . . .... tt,M on ties ner cu i. . t hi.t uritdualiy ..r.u.,, ipr! ami .'.j. working bf o tn Kr' Kail hot 2 no ma 1 t -an. Holes for tree planting, aocordtna . .. . ...I.,- t(...-ord. have leen to tne r.iiii'"' "" . ...v,.t..l Lv the Uing istaiiu t- t.l.iHttntf with tly imii". h.,l., l,oiit to ft deep u"1 ,lu with a titl,le augur at an angle oi w,t 3.-. wtth ttie loaded with half a stick of o t-r "' ,i..,,.,lt.. Tiits shot mases atwut two feet deep ami iee I. (.. l..vli. the rarttt in hottom nulverUed suitably for plant Ing It l stated that two thus xcaate h"lr l1"1 d:iy at a cost of about "'-j I' bole, ,,n.r a, Att Interesting devrleptltrltt of t!t usb of flowers fr food Is reeordrd l dally tilM'r- ' '""'i"' The tfe of catitlled ' eetmeat has long OASIORlfl J Ai.roimi. s vr,H vvtr AVcfleltililt,' IVriwiH Kf fur As !ml!:illiirirt-K)il.UNliu-!iil IlllVjIlk' SlKKUtlS Mllkf'Bi Irtimoifsnillonfrsfrfil ,.,.,1 IVv lunidlni tK'HW NOT aaik tnu. tU.VntrSlo.avati.I'Un rtft1llaro4rwu- luMaiiaLossorSLttr. SEW WBK. emit Tor Infuntii nd Childrfln. The Kind You Have Always Bought Boars tho Signature of . AW a a lar-uUee tt UMr' "w ' Copy ol Wrapvst. li! Use For Over Thirty Years tat , a m. Vh j In the men can ten hour Many of the men a charee of offering a bribe to a public who apply ook upon . officials to gain a privilege lor rtis ote. x ' " , n .. 1 a, Kofi rtMn n i namAar n imcuiibiiu a 3toTnierr0atronf . the ouUide state. three days of 548 l'earl Street, ew I)R. W. II. " I. j.u.j i - 1 Wiimnain. Minnesota, im- in,or when the first panel of 25 citi- most largely represented. I j - j 1 ti anrt f.ral for - n AKaitsra(i a n n h n aui uuiir i i uvs kihiij sena -. .' ... .k,,.,, kc ruin ment taken until next weanesciay registration - mornintr. Except for the absence oi vnree four notable principals and the prea- .nn. of District Attorney W. H. Lang. Hon aa chief orosecutor. the proceed ings today differed in no parti-uiar from the er!v staees of the first trial, PBonlted in a disaereemenl. it CHINA MAKING PROGRESS. C. Gee Wo The Chinese Doctor This wondef ul man haa iriiwie a life study of the rtrj$erT.ies of Roou. Hertm and Barka, and ia fr-iviir the world th of hu ervicea, No Mercury, Poison or Drug Used. No Gaarant! to rare Catarrh. A'htna. I-arifr. K ';6 r ey t r -u b.w, aii Prival lur4Uis of M a and Women, A SUE CANCER CURE Jst retitfivwl from IJ-k;rt, Cb-'RJi ijfe, luro and re'.iabie. U..fiUnj4 in Sut works. If you cannot call wn'e ffr fyrrptom blank mi circui&r. Inciyw; 4 cenUt m tmf c CONSULTATION rREE The C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. 162Va first M, cor. Morfiion, Portland, Or. D..L t.iit Sa Bovcott on American Products Has Ceased San Francisco. July 19. William W. Rockhill, recently American min: .virt.nt from todav'a exanination ,' , rhina who has been promoted that the talesmen were anxious w w to the position of ambassauor v cus- cape service on any pretext. Disagrees on Jap Case Honolulu .lulv 20. The iury in the nf 13 JaDanese strikers who re. isisted arrest following the riot on the I w.ikahu nlantation on July 8, which sia, arrived here ttxiay on the steamer Tenyo Maru, accompaniea uy Rkhill. After a short atay in Wash inaton he will proceed to his new post t at St. Petersburg. Referring to present conditions in the Orient, Mr. Kocknill saia mv v..... retired at 4 o'clock on Saturday after- was making :great ;PW. and which ast ment reporiea reciion. iw..H"r that it was impossible to agree, came into court today and informed juage ! Robinson that it could not reach a ver dict. After charging it further tne judge again ordered it locked up. An hour later the jury for the third time reported a disagreement and finally was discharged May Be General Strike. Mexico City, July 20. Reports from all oarta of Mexico indicate that the tentiment in favor of a strike in sym- r ,'?t I r W' i i tha industries of the country flourishing. There was r,o longer any boycott or prejudice against American products, and trade relations with this country were of the most satisfactory character. Nansen Ready for Arctic. Christiana, Norway, July 19. Dr. Fridtjof Nansen is ready to start on a new expedition into Arctic waters in his private yacht Veslemoy, which has been furnished with ice sheathing and .t.., m:.u tv,o ,!n Hianatchers bv the otherwise spec ally equippeo i .J . ..l... H will continue h a oceano- railroads of Mexico is rapiny crystal lizing. Many telegrams declare the engineers ar.rj conductors win leave their posts if necessary. rresiuem Stone, of the Brotherhood of Locomo tive Engineers and Vice President Cur tis, of the Order of Railway Conduc tors, are expected to arrive here today. They will decide on the issue. erapbic investigations, paying special attention to currents anu u - of the water at the surface and at great Aar.n These currents, it has been proved, have a decided tffect on the .i:- n-t r.hcries of Norway. Ilia trip will be to Iceland and Greenland. Two Banks Are Closed. San Francisco, July 19. Pending an investigation of their affairs, the doors tt. Union Slate bank and the State Milk und MllklBS. Many people believe that milk 1 ready-made and stored In the udder oi the cow simply aaltlnt tne iiiukp This Impression Is corrected by the statement of the well known sclctiiut. John Burroughs, who says: Most persons think that glvlnic down or holding tip the in 11 H ty me row is a voluntary art. In fact, they fancy that the udder Is a vessel filled with milk, and that the row releases or withholds It Jtint as she chooses. Rut the udder Is n manufactory ; It t filled with hlnod from which the milk Is manufactured while you milk This process Is controlled dy the cow's nervous system: when she Is excited or In any way disturbed, as by a stranger, or by tnkltij? away her calf, or any other raute. the process Is ar rested and the milk will not flow. The nervous energy (toes elsewhere. The whole process Is as Involuntary as Is digpstlun In mnn and Is disturbed or arrested In about the same way In diana Farmer. Sloppau-e of Milk Clow. A very common trouble In every dairy Is to Mud nn animal with the point of the tent rinsed, either due to a bruise of teat Itself or to infection of the milk duct which causes a lit tle scab to form, and unless tills Is properly handled with care and clean l,ne the infection Is apt to raun a loss of the entire quarter. Thoroughly wash the part In an antiseptic nolo tlon: then dip a teat plug Into a heal liH ointment and Insert It, allowing same to remain from one milking to another. In this manner closure can be overcome In a very simple and sat Isfactory way A milking tube should not und If II can possibly be avoid ed, as there Is much danger of Infect ing the entire quarter hy its use. Denver Field and Farm. tho Globe. iti vlul.l a a aw been known, but the practice I now arising of pn'-.-rvliig rlowrrs whole You may now buy a hunch, say of vto lets, for your buttonhole, and after ward eat them. An a matter of fact, a number of Dowers ar habitually (atciv Cloves, raprr. cauliflowers and artichokes are ail flowers, or parts of flower, before the blossoms have ex (landed. fl.-Ule fur I l Meat". Fourteen potimls sail, tour mm'" ltreter. two s.iler at us. live .otinds brown sugar, lai.lespoonw oi 4 pepper. w.-Kw gallons of water, U; mixed l a cold state. Tho bove iuanMty it sum.-iem tor e pounds. If the pickle gets timiuy. win nd cool and ue again, ror U Kiing beef, four gallons of Witter, one ana a alf pounds of brown sugar, six pounds salt, two and a half ounces of altpeter to a hutidretl pounds of w?cr. Rural New Yorker IM.Ia'l l.aok f I..,.. HI tl Mttl I tbsl (! Uwklttl MS"" ,,ki' ltt b,,e.) . , . . Atom - T!t' ,n "r Joy. tils CI t'!"b- 1 l""'.!' mi. , . ( fceaa It I P at . ftiile '.lie iKt'k from lb cltyl You talk about rldltt'! I r--le twenty tniirw on a treet k'jar. n ad' H llie a tib tel. j t't.,-1,, Jed tioh! That ain't ivotlf Itt', Whet, I was ttinr lt J'ar i to llie top of lite tallrwt bulSdlii' lit; It dl.lo t mo a blamed Vlnor la the Klork. period of usefulness of Moors in Bitter Fight. ...j i i.,j;..( .kt fommerciB bank. Of thll receiveu ntre inui. ..." omiun - - .. .utk l fighting yesterday between the Mwra city, two small institutions whith have DR W A. WISE u. kian a T-a'l.T in f-ainlnu, lL-nLB W ork in furutuio. Out-of Town People Should remember ths our f.n-e In rm arranir"l ht WK CAN IKJ THU1K KNT1RB CKOsS. I'M, III.).! ASH Hill' WilkK IN A DAY if neeesmry. 1'0-mVELY PAINLESS EX TKACTiNG FRKK when pistes or brMire. are or deret. WK KKMOVK THE MOST SKNS1TIVK TKKTH AND liODlS WH'HOUT THE LKAi'f 1-A1N. NOSIUDr.NTS, no uncerlnmly. For the Next Filteen Days We will frive you a good 22k gold or porce lain crown for , S-''-V 22k bridge UMiLh 3.5 ' Molar crown tMt Gold or enamel filliniis. ., l-' rii.ver IbliiiK Cotd rubbf-r uliteii 5.0) Ihe b.t r.-d rubber plates Painle-sa exU-uctions H) ALL WORK GUARANTEED 15 YEARS Dr. W. A. Wise President and Manaeer The Wise Dental Co. (INC.) Third and VVashlngton Sta. PORTLAND, OREGON and Soanish at Melilla wag graver than at first believed. The Moorish cavalry made a concerted attack on the Span ish headquartets, swarming down from all directions and firing their guns as they approached. The tribesmen dis played fanatical bravery and the head long charge was stopped only by a deadly fire of the Spanish batteries. Plan for Hayes Funeral. Colorado Springs, Colo., July 20. The funeral of Mrs. J. Addison Hayes, Daughter of the Confederacy, whose death occurred Sunday evening, will be held at the family residence next Wednesday morning at 11 o clock. Following the funeral services, the urn containing the ashes the body having been cremated at Riverside cemetery, Denver will be interred in Evergreen cemetery until fall, when it will be taken to Richmond, Va. been doing business together for some Hrr, thoiitrh not legally merged, were ordered closed by State Superintendent . u.oa Alrlon Anderson today. Co- ui .,,.." - , incident with the making oi mis oruer word was received from Larkspur that William von Meyerlinck, acting pay ing teller of the combined banks, had committed suicide. Radium 86 T 0,000 an Ounce. London, July 19 -An ascertained commercial value of 20 per milli gramme (equivalent to ato,ouu ounce) has been placed upon radium by a contract just enter ii" British Metalliferoug mine" ana vis count Iveagh and Sir Ernest CasBet for the supply of seven and a half grammes of pure radium bromide. This Is the largest order ever given for radium, and it will come from the Cornish pitch blende mine. FNU NO. 30-09 TVtaEI writing to ad.ortlaarw pleas njauiion this paper. Revives Carlist Party. Madrid, July 20. Although the Car list leaders are divided, the majority believe the accession of Don Jaime aa The period or usefulness or goo; sheep varies much with the breed as well as with Individuals of the same breed. Some b'x-ome unprofitable at three or four years of age, others at ten or twelve or even older. Wheneve a sheen begins to show signs of weak ness. evidence of disease or lack thrift and vigor It should be removed from the flock. "All s lost that Dourer I11"1 cracked dish;" all lost that is put Into an unthrifty sheepworse thnn lout often, for dliieased sheep n sy do great damage to the flock, and when one loses thrl It loses Its fiatun.1 power to resist dls eime Nature has marked suci a one for destruction, and the shepher should forestall nature by disposing of It. Orange Judd Farmer. Creamery Hler rroilneMon The 1 1800 census gave the total amount of creamsry butter made In the United States as 420,1 2'J.OOO pounds. In 1904 the flgurus had Increased to 31,480,000, iimf ft Is estimated that the 1910 figures will reach fully 726, 000,000 pounds. town an cent '.- I 'libntfo "I rttmlie Well Vtfy--l bet! net, Hubby How Wiley Well. front lu) uy H ibb I'd rather muth 'down." (rum SJOU Kama. Jj r.aUy f-ed a spflna much? I routd get una for K:io from bow: I ! i! t lu.-k In tl Ke.on.l Zouu.L ! tlaaraea. t T!t:U lro !id wear- ..1,41 - I lta.1 (i.'it !. f h'd but, b J u :t. ! ' tB i t-.-.rli I,. V!I, !' .'f4 lo many f h a o i 1" A t'lea.aat SarprlSa, "Bits ttmtricd lb old fellow for his J money and h hn t got asy " ) I s!i dreadfully dl.appo'nt' . ar ! "Not a bit. Him' got It"- Haiti- j mote A met H an. j S.I. la Ifcw Mill., "V'( lllitlk.lll uf eli . aid Mm. lJiiii' " "''''-' wr as s big -6 M ! s ts pa. Ituiill bsf." M.rthan wilt Had He " -nJ ftoe lb l at ' urn U,4 tkU Stlaa tuiteg ik Utu (wilw). Ilia rswanw'wHwa) Wf. Mr Kswler ouf kuaiti4 ks nxl a eaiiu, .n lair, )n. t . Ye. . bat data s ."i'it d'Srsi.- of -c a..a sl ii.-",g of "b" ba .aa Ktf Arit. mt u't q'lattti e.ff s Httlat bis !,b that," In . S ts'ltt. , Jlrta, II...I trioeg tt et Wat t'.al I )! wtat U tM ho" iM t mm .k VaatWanV. 4::.t;'i r---t .- l. a t.nes M bL ..-.''. . rai ... a t .-. l.-i . It Sm4 t., a.; l'v..' I.. - , " I., n't af af mi t-. a. t'HI-b., A44nat a,lit itaMtl. . V Y. Il.nara al llwnMallr. ; -T .... lo J-el i- &' I"1 I ft f!.l t'U tle? j -Ywu li I -! ! Tb!' lb a oas si 1 'rat l lu gJ lo lb. u: '." ! It ts a molbrf s duty to kprtv .tatitly on bai d soft! reliable rwBMiJy j for u in ease of ldfl acrid"! at mishap to the rhlldrn. Ilsmlih Wttv ard Oil can b dtde.J Ui fo i'w ; such tinnrrrtcles. rileaa ll'fl Whatt l'e w .tnaR b S t .,i,! r. ) f a..i bte,bW bay Kb (- a bit of ft -lit ttsa It And wait, al-o.i lb f Wbits Wf. ,-..-N. Vrh Kti Msil. Coareaal..l Seeda. The National (lovermnetil i becom Ing more to trie agricultural Interests each year. The at.proprln Ion bill lias reported, rovmlng all appropriations nuidn for the Agrk-ut tiral Iiepartmi nt. atuotml (his year $1 J,"T3,27fi, which Is an lncr!ae nf H9.4".0 over that of last season The forestry ervlr has aecured an ncrea of I'.'i'i. W'O for fire ptolec Ion. Last sear's forest fires were att object Iiwjoii. 'ire Milk. Certified milk sell In all lnrste cities for about twice the price of other milk. It Is absolutely clean, no lot purities being allowed to get Into ths milk. A layer of flue cheesecloth Is stretched over the milk pall, a Itfyor of absorbent cotton Is placed upon that, then another piece of cheeeelot!t There Is no s -dimcnt In tho hot toft: of thn milk vetxeln of milk treated In this way, It l not expeimlve, either. War nn Hail Seeil. Good work In detecting adulterate seeds Is being carried on by th ) parlment of Agriculture. Of 1.47 samples of seeds taken last year 102 samples were, found adulterated or mlsbranded. The department publishes tho results of the lest, tngetlier with the names of the tlrnis that sold the seed. It Is tlitliiied that since this work liegitn the trtdo. In adulterated seeds has fallen off greatly. Sail Joae Sea la. The Sun June scale Is ths Insect that should be sought out and fought at all season of the year, tl Is a soft-bodied Insect protected by a waxy covering which can be penetrated only by very corrosive chemical. Owing to Injury to foliage, these chemical must be lined In winter or when tli trees are dormant. (iiiaraoUrd ond'f II far ro Us Friends Every Year Wa'II snnn rmint vntl amonir them. It's just a matter of time. More and mors h.Mi!rwivp8 are trivinrr ud tne 010- style, high-priced, Trust-made Baking Powders, Thousands are turning 10 BAKING POWDER One trial docs It. You'U never go back. S.)ak toyourgrocer. Lighter, sweeter bakinir or monv rrfundtd. I4f bet ter. Costs much less. You wont believe it till you try for your- self. 29 Ounces tor 25 CenU J rtl W.--l KG 'L.r' Jaques Wt- C tmeses 110,000 Barrels of Oil Burn. Bartlettvsille, Okla., July 19. A serious oil fire ragod here toiay. a ff two tanks each containing Do,- head of the Carlists will give a new 000 barrels of crude on b8'""'" " blacking keep the leather soft and impetus to the party. Don Jaime made the Prairie Oi & Oas comPB"v' lH excel!, nt fpr harness and buggy ... j ..!..:. : j: :.. .-C.i- i k..n rlaatrnved. CBnnOn WBS UBCU an I reneaLeu viatui in utsatunsn w uu.m ... order to consult with bis followers. Knullab Harness lllnrklna;. Three ounces of turpentine and two ounces of white wax are dissolved to gether over a slo.v fire. Then add one ounce of Ivory M ick and one dram of Indigo well pulverized and mix to gether. When the wag and turpcrf tine are (Unsolved, odd the Ivory black and indigo and stir until cold. Ap ply thin. Wash afbirward, and you will have a beautiful polish, Thl . .1-. ... 1 nannnll Wfll 1 day in an endeavor to check the flames, wi I'na An iile Country of ICurnna, Normandy Is tin, apple country of Europe. Germany Is Its best customer. The apples which could not be sold were turned Into 7.1,000,00 gallons of elder, which Is tint favorite beverage of the Inhabitants of Northern Trance. Waal In Manure, riling manure In the open Insurs a big waste. The Cornell Experiment Station piled two tons of fresh hotss manure lu tin exposed place, In live mouths It lost G per cent In gross weight, 60 per cent of Its nitrogen, 47 per emit of Its phosphoric add and 74 per cent of Its potash. Hera wa an avttrago loss of 61 per cent In plant fond more than the weight loss. In other words, the rotted, concentrated manure, ton for ton, win worth less than the fresh manure. 1 w I ,i:iillijlilOil L , 'll! ' 1 r A Ornanizc a liiral Tdenhone System Ju.t think what a Telephone Syn f ve you all your neiuhtxtii at"'7B0l .fjctor your vctotinaiian poiiullice ufP" merchant. No matter how far fftwn the Telephone Company, your community have its own luc.I icrvuu at veiy of nuiiitciuiue. Wesfert -fktfrtt Rurnl Telpnhones a. . i. tbt of communities. The pill'"1"' in .pilu. Tliil ine'i m"t " are In line In thoiiisitds titiidiiid Hell Tslephon ...,t ... .... .....i... i ...J... This rinal lelephntie sy.tem Is tttoderat In col a,"f " the reach ol the average limner. If you an InttrmiltJ. cut your name ana aaifrsif on rn margin ana our nearest hou.m. Wm will und Uulhtln No- " how to build rural tiUohonm linmt and tMir eott. iiiee--ii b a-nrrir S J mw WM,tJl1?. Jzb.f-y1 Ra3 LunriVrTaf wivir WIV 1', IfiMtVUII - N.a. V..L M.tu. I, )..l.t- Mii.lnirs. AlUnt. Ithlo margin and moil . -at HLlauli, Urnvar. fas J?' Kanaa.lW, I'allai, b... An"!". vMurtbiB Ktauilc soil M..ii.f.,,i Co,, Ud., Mootiaal ssd Wl""0', .para, . atayaaaaa a WKSTKIt" rblcaK'i, t in.innall, lnJianai(ilU, MuitiaaHitla.