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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 6, 1909)
Tl E OREGON MIST ; vo L xx vi i r. ' " ----- ' . 1 , , . ... ST' "KI'KNH, OREGON, Fit I DAY, AUGUST 0. 1909. VENTS OF THE DAY Newsy Items Gathered from At Parts of the World. PRLPAKLU fOR THE BUSY sLADER Ltd Importanl but Not Lata Inter. eatlr-a, Hppanln;i from Points Oulslda Iht Stat. A I1"" I approaching In gurinlen. Croat Hrltln haa begun building an atrial navy. A French aviator ha reached btiKM of MW ft In bit aeroplane, The whole Mlaaourl I'aflflo system li lo l merged Into una company by Gould. fhirago rurrnrn threaten general Irlli and tKiltra ara drilling lo ba rvrily fr trouble. Tu Italian children have ban ab durud In St Ihik and are bald tut a nmtotn of IM.uoo. The Wright brother ara boy mek iiif further change and Improvement to their a nplana, An official rrt on tha Oaeka, Jinan, tire, any H.SrtH building were destroyed, but that only one life ai loaL Th governor of Guadalajara, Mai leu, aa)t there rr III persona wound kJ In the recent riot ion g there and awe kille 1. A koit ii'K pigeon was turned looaa at (ju Vega, N. M. and mada It way to ( hlrt;i., a diatanc of I, SOS mllea, to u daya. The Snih revolt may spread to Madrid. Tt rtar I In Franca visiting with Prudent ralllere. Count Zeppelin baa mala a Sight of fcu tM.ra in hi airship. Mj.r liurnbam hi found avidrnr la VI-1 eo u( an extinct race. tiuvernor Shaltrnbefger ami ftlj f 60 aid lur tha I'arifle roaat, Chifk"J chool author Itla ara to do Hif a tth high school o iclir. A !re.t.-r alrtka Involving every Una in th city threaten Chicago, Tlit ( hme vice ronaul In New Turk h iMien murdered by a craxy Cliltiamaii. A !r ng rubber bald op a Veiieoo- r, It. t , bank In broad day, but ae rated only IIIjO. Spokane -ollre will overlook tb ir.tld.-ateU law during lh National Irrigetio i congress. The king and .uen of Great Hritaln miej tha great naval parant, ahi;b tiiuta up of a Una of war hip asr. n mllea long. An aij 'inion of gasoline at fit. Paul rud the death of Ave uerauna and injury of aeven other, A four tvld eca enow He d .... ... .. . - .. T owncn "r uosur d'Alen, "-., Aug. 3.n the " "m or ,w l'nge, trait,, on the foaur d'AI"" KlK'kat.a railway Sat urday afu-rno-.n, two mile. wt0f w-ur u Alette, 12 (x-rauria Wl r killed "i iim mjur.,1. About (10 uf tha Ut t. r au.talttad only ,KMl ,jur,M ,, ara not In hoapital. MoUtrtnan Campbell, of the wr. , k. d train, who wa rt'Mjrlad am..v dead lat tilght, ia aliva i.xl.y. .. i, a Umugl.Ul I. only a mtt,.r f a f, mmra until h dii a. H. 4!W badly mangled In the ve.t.buleof ,i. rr, and ia barely breathing. Campbell tatti l.w.l.i n..t i der.Uwd hi wrr to m, r-t the other train at a aiding fv mil... fr,.t wner llie rol mion ocrurrwl It I. learned frum an .,ili,...l .u.. . clinr. t.. b. ,p,M Uml MoUtrman Campbell, of the wrt-lmund train, trie eitra l,uh wa wrecked, bad order from the dlaplrlirli d'Alrneand to Uk a three quarter, of a mile out in order lo allow the regular eaatlxmnd train U, r - i'--i iiiing, eilh.-r lorgeumg ma onlrr or In:.! i.. ctuiu nKe the Ha-jut aiding, atmul n other mil b.'d. It .. between the two aldmita that the rolliaion w curr. d ACAPULCO IN HOINS. STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST it. Horjf build ng waa alao deatroyed. Gol.lfi! I, SVv., mltiea with rapila! for fl9,uii,i)oO have baan enoll- itaieil riota In Mexico are alarled by aipellnl The ant' Iiiai liii to have been (tudenta. To r xr nrh talk of other pnare aalmrg S.a ii in Morocco, w here the Deattlute Inhabitant of Me.ic.n City re r amine. Meiico City, Auif. .1. A d,.,,.t, l, from Ac.jco atate that "a dia Uni t ahorka of earltviuake hav. I,...., fell ther .inc the firtt ahak The city hu been deatr.tyed and the In babitaiiL face a famine. During one of the ahoek a lidal Wave engulfeIJthe harU.r and a number of live were lo.t. I hllpaticitigo alao hu bem t.ractiral- I detro).f, What the earthquake of rntiay raiini to flu waa acromiihahed by the atronger one Saturday, which tlher leveled or rendered uninhabitable very building in the two place. All the market at Acai.ulco were Icatroyrd in the ahockeof Saturday and tba country people are afraid lo take in more pr.luce to the town. 1'efpl are ramping In the public .ur. a and have no f.-wl. The bulldinga are being leveled by d)tiamite, aa they te little more than tottering walla. Ihjring the heavy ahock Satunlay e water In the harbor r.-crtlel li.'i feet, atlj then ruahrd back, covering the dock am pirr rauaing I. Ta ble damage. The ople are aulferii g from eiKure. The tent in the pub lic rquare ami atr.ela do not keep utT ! the heavy raina that fall at Una reaaon , of the year. rumle are uetng raiae.l in Mexico City lo relieve the diatreaa of l.uerrcro. In Mexico City Saturday the ahok wa heavier than any other jrt exp ri ence.1. Su far a known no live were lo.t in the I', tremor. ENQLI8H CROP SMALL, ontiah Qrow.r T.ll, Method of Hop wuilivation. fculem- Davla Jne, owner of a hop yard of aeveral hundred acre, in Wor ceaterahlro, KngUnd, and one of the i.rgeai grower III that country, ia in ... ...y, v,v Kui-ai or Jack Carmichael a prominent Oregon hnmnan. Mr. June, mad the intereitimr Uta ment that Knirliah iiuIm..! ri - --- viiivnieii illlJD ill not be a heavy a cron a lat jar, a, in mat irom ur!;nt nd ca tlOll r.ngllHh hut) will riimmeml . leaai .tu clii ln lnB mrket Lai)t year there were IIH.ODO arree of h... ... r.:.Kianu, ami itua year only 81,000, Thirty rent ia not conaidered a nartie. uliirly high price in Kngland, for it coaL irom in u l cent per pound to nro- w e ine crop. the method of culture ia railieallu different than from that in une in thi. country, and while, it i. expensive, It ia very inorougn anil effective. The tr. llia Kytm la uaed, with Wire one fiut from the ground and anuther near the top of the H)lea. To each of theae wirea hook are attached and the wire, are never taken down, the hnpa being cut off and picked. Thi method of rourne prevent croai cultivation and iiereaeiiate. plowing in only one direc. o, i ne unuer me wire, is worked by hand with hots or forks. reritlirera are uaed extensively, the uul .,uantity being about 20 tons to the e.-ro. During the cultivating sea ton the grout d ia gone over abuut 20 time. The spraying ay stem used in tlnglund ia unique, consisting of main pie four Inches in diameter. from which laterala a small aa an inch in diameter radiate in every direction through the field. On each acre there are two tana for the attachment of hoee. The spraying material ia forced through the pipes by steam power. Hop are wan bed five or six times with about the tame ablution as that ued in thi country. STUDENT LOAN FUND GROWS. RfcBfcLS OECLARt REPUBLIC. r'wtralioii. The Utfhr ftrilatt niw laaauaa . tmU m naof 7f,n.i)ou for nbaobrblng alVnti ylvtm, rellnery. inH .C,'if"r,,i man haa faated SO day Ml "tll lie dtwa. A Chicago nian ha figured out that tittup wl" hv" population B.000,(iiio In 1940. Ta Great Northern ii planning aev ' M,,,lns In l-aclllo Coast elate. -or, crua,da haa started lew . lUv,,1"",l'B" hvt - a ueginnlng. thfl"''.01; ' auccessfully crossed ttc.i'.u .r1,,Hnne. 1 willing to enter ""with the Wright brother.. Al U".n kin bM nnounoed that Siiair colonl", ,n North In Chi- been In- Don Jjim de Bourbon to Lrad Revo IjIiom in Spain Umilon, Aug. 3. - Quickly following meaaagea received here early t.a1y that Spaniah had been repulaed in a rolliaion with revolutionaries at Hnrce- lotia. rame a r. rt that the Inaurgent in that city had proclaimed a republic. Color I lent to the reivort by other diapatchee emanating from Cerbere on Uie r ranco .vpanlah frontier. 1 he so tell of a continuance of fighting! between the tro and revolutionaries in llarcelon. showing the government haa not gained control of the insurg ent, a cetimred dispatches atat.-d. (Mllclala of the Spanish government at Madrid and other point have con tended for several dsys that the rioting waa the work of anarchist and social ist. These claim are challenged by a iiK'sasge received yesterday from llarcelona by way of Cerbere stating : "Nine thousand armed revolutionar ies have formed a committee of public safety. A meeting of t arlist leaili r has been held at Kigueras, and the ur ...... n.,.. rival is expecieo oi me (.reu-no.-., Jaime d H..urtn. In order t" P'co himself at the head of the rebllion. Cigarettes Under Ban. Aug. 8. - The cigarette is an outlaw in Minnesota. lhe new atate law prohibiting meir enie "... into effect .Saturday, and it is now il legal to put them on the market The cigarette market assumed a peculiar phase In the closing nours. inn pro varied, and was as unsettled as the sin. k market arter a nurry street. In the evening thi're was a shortage In popular brands at some cigar stores, and sent up prices He port, came from other sections of fresh supplies, which caused a rusn mere. Uoivernty Now Has $5,000 Drawing Interest for Needy Student. I'nivearsity of Oregon, Kugene The past year has shown a remarkable gain in the amount of the Student Loan fund at tie I'niveriity of Oregon, from a total of approximately $H0O at the beginning of the year it now amount in round numbers to $.p,000, ! and the indication are that this amount will aiso be largely increased during the coming year. Nearly 16 gifts to the fund have b.en made, ranging in amount from $25 to $l,U()0. One of the largest of these waa made by the 11. I'. Thompson estate, of Port land, and was for $1,000. Another git't of approximately the same amount was received, but its donor have re quested their names withheld. Senabtr H, A. Ilooth, of Kugene, gave 500, and several others added amounts vary ing in site from flfiO to J'J'iO. Loans from these funds are made to deserving students st a low rate of In t rest, and the plan is to have ten men guarantee the fund against loss. Since the beginning of the University Loan fund some six year, ago only one loss has been sustained. Creamery Reopens in Columbia. Mist -The creamery belonging to the N'ehalem Valley Cream association, of this place, will own for business August 2, with r'r-d Mann, formerly of a Portland creamery, and L. F, Messing, of this city, as managers The creamery has been idle since No vember, when the former manager ab sconded with several hundred dollars. leaving the nssociation in bad shape ilnnm-inllv. The creamery will cover almost the whole Nehalem valley with milk routes. The Nehalem valley as well a most of Columbia county is fast becoming a dairying section. PREMIUM LIST OUT. Stale Board Promise. Beat Fair In State's History, Salem Premium list, and Instruc tion to exhibitor just Issued by the .late board of agriculture having in charge the atate fair promise fur Ore gon thi. full the be.t and large.t .Ute show in tho history of the state. When the fair open, at Salem Sep tember 13, to continue until September IK, f 16,000 in premium, for livestock. agricultural and manufactured product will be offered.! Numerous additional classes hava been added to the premium ni mi. year, made possible by re cent legislative appropriation of $6, uuu. Among the new classe. will be the educational department where students in the common schools may exhibit their work. Money prize will be offered. Ixioking toward the comfort of the visitors, larger and more commodious 'tuarter have been built and other change, made. Chief among the im provement will be tha increase in res taurant facilities). Printed announcement ia made in the premium list and catalogue by M. D, Wisdom, vice president, and K. A wvi n, secretary oi the fair associa tion, concerning new feature, of the fair. Every assurance i. given the public that the forth eighth annual show will be the largest and best in the history of the state. The premium, thi. year are divided up among a number of different depart ment. 1 hey are: Agricultural pro ducts, art, bee and honey, boys de partment, cattle, cereal foods, county exhibits, dairy division, educational, floral, goata, horses, horticulture, in dustrial, ladies' textile department. misses department, pigoens, poultry. Scotch collie., sheep, awine, vegetable and woolen goods. lhe speed program contain, some good events. Tbe prize range from $600 to $5,000. 8PANISH REBEL8 8HOT. Herded Into Square, and Than Artil lery I. Turned Loo.a. Madrid, July 30. It was officially announced tonight that the cavalry at Barcelona succeeded today in driving into St, Martin's Square, the principal band, of revolutionists against whom the artillery opened fire, causing great lossfca. the survivor surrendered. The official statement further aay that it now remain only to overcome small group, of revolutionist, in the villagea near Barcelona. Premier Maura announced tonight thi favor able report from Barcelona: "The arrival of reinforcements will enable u to quell tbe outbreaks." Thus, according to official advice. the insurrection has been checked, but at a heavy loss of life. After fighting desperately and auccessfully for a long time behind barricade, the principal mobs were gradually driven to St. Martin Square, where they found them selvex entrapped. Heavy detachment, of artillery and cavalry came up and surrounded tbem. The artillery immediately opened nre, mowing down the revolutionist. who sought to escape, but were met at every point with shot and shell. Those of the insurgents who were not killed or seriously wounded threw down their arm. and surrendered. Tha insurrection continues in the neighboring villages, whither the troops are proceeding. Tbe command ers of the soldiers are under orders to spare none who attempt to resist. Jas. Muckle & Son Successor to Dart & Muckle ST. HELENS in hi I Carry a Complete Line of the Best in General Merchandise at Lowest Prices Con sistent with Quality. Country Produce Bought and Sold. When in Need of Gro ceries; Dry Goods, Hardware, Boots and Shoes We Solicit Your Patronage and As sure You Courteous Treatment. Prompt Delivery. WOMEN BUY LAND. 1 If w ii. w ill 111 rr Will 3 Power Plant for Deathutea. Prineville The Crook County Light & Power company, with headquarter at Kedmond, haa begun the erection of 26 foot dam on its p oiect about one mile above Cline falls on the Deschutes, where it is proposed to raise the waters of the entire stream 20 feet Water will be diverted into a flume six feet in depth, 20 fet-t wide on the bottom and one mile long. The powor plant will Lie situated just opposite Cline fall on the plateau. The company expects to generate 15,000 horsepower, and will use the electricity for lighting several of the towns in the Deschutes valley and later may provide power for trolley lines. Chicago Seamstresses Going to Raise Fruit in Idaho. Chicago, July 30. A group of Chi cago seamstresses today deputized Miss Ulenna Lynch to Wendell, Idaho. Monday to perform the final formalities in the purchase of a 1 GO-acre fruit farm which they have bought with their pooled earnings. If all goes well they propose to leave their work here and go out to Wendell, where they will form a little fruit raising colony. lhe young women call themselves The Idaho Guild." Tbey banded to gether a year ago with the agricultural project in view. They secured 160 acre, of government irrigated land. have now made their last payment, and Miss Lynch will go through the final formalities necessary to acquire title to tbe land. Among the prospective farmers, in addition to Miss Lynch, are the Misses Adelaide Jackson, Marie Miller, Helen Miller, Laura Hunt and Maud Lynch, Most of them became enthusiastic over the idea of investing in Irrigated land at meetings of the Dressmaker. An ciuo. ine Idaho uuild was launched with eight member., but a few others have since become imbued with agricultural enthusiasm and have contributed from their earnings to the land fund. 3 3 LOAN You money. RENT You a lock Box. 3 SELL You real estate or farm land 3 SURVEY Your lots or land. INSURE Your buildines. Your abstracts. Your property. Your notarial work. Your money. COLUHBIA COUNTY ABSTRACT AND TRUST COMPANY OUR UJT imm MAKE SELL DO LOAN 3 3 ii 3 3 73 ''iUiMiUiaWlUJUulW Alstka Rod Is Operating. Cordova. Alaska. Aug. H.-The first ticket was so d and the llrst regular passenger train made its run yesterday on the llrst all-Amerlcan railroad in Alaaka. the Copper liiver A Northwest ern. The passenger fare charge is rent mile. Mliy-mree track have been completed i- ..I.... The tracks . .' . '. . i.... At nresont , ,....,. u,.nil Hiivs Vet, Tlckel river in " ,o . .7 i. vicinity will ora on m dlcate ine yiei -- - average 40 bushels an acre. First Wheat Reach. Albany. m i .,k.l a ii. .,., lhe lirai n"'" "u' 16 miles of and placed will reach Council Favor. Frsnchis . Oregon City The differences be (u.....ii Hi., municipal government and P. M. Swift, who is promoting the con struction of tin electrir rmlway system from Oregon City to Silverton, through the Moltdla valley, will probably he ad justed, aa the council has given favora ble consideration to an ordinance con veying a Jfi-year franchise. The first lb years there is to be no consideration, the next 10 years Swift is to pny $500 per annum, and the last five $1,000. Fine G-ah Yield at Weston. Weston Tho Price brothers, James and Marvin, have finished threshing 1 "00 sacks of barley with their com bine on Dry creek. They have a good yield, averaging 66 bushels an acre. Thu are now in wheat, which is run ning between 35 and 40 bushels an acre ami is qui to free from smut. A. J Mclntyre bad 1B0 acres in wheat, north of town, which yielded 40 btish- e's tin acre, Forty-Bushel Wheat, Oregon. Athens -The new wheat brought to Ail,na huvers tests No. 1. f. .... . Mutual Insurance Men to Meet. Foreat Grove B. L. Barry, of Day ton, secretary of the Oregon Society of Mutual Insurance, is Binding out to all members in the atate invitation, to attend the national convention, which i. to be held in Portland, August 17, IS, 19 and 20. Secretary ifollis, of the Bankers' and Merchants' Mutual Fire Relief association, of this city, is sending invitations to all the members of his company. A large attendance is expected. PORTLAND MARKETS. SPAIN SUFFERS GREAT LOSS f ruits Apple., new, xi(ii;z.Z5 per box; cherries, 7 (. 12c per pound; peaches, 75c(tf$l per box; cantaloupes, $2ei2.50 p r crate; plums, 7fcw$1.25 per box ; raspberries, tl.Zh(((i.40 per crate; watermelons, HulvC per pound; blackberries, $1.40 per crate; wild blackberries, 9(dl0c per pound. Potatoes New, Kif l'jC per pound. Vegetables Beans, 5c per pound; cahbsge, lkjftiil&c; celery, 90c(TjS$l per. 'oxen; cucumbers, l&ii26c; onions, 12Si(ii.l5c; peas, 7ftt8c per pound; rad ishes, 15c per dozen; tomatoes, 40c(t$ 1.26 per box. Wheat BlueBtem, $1; club, 95c; red Russian, 93c; valley. 95c; Turkey red, 95c; 40-fold, 96 He Barley New, $26.50(ii 27 per ton. Hay New crop Timothy, Willam ette valley, $12i! 16 per ton; Eastern Oregon, $17(.t:18; mixed, $ 15.60(d) 16.60: alfalfa, $13.50; clover, $11 18; cheat, $13(t 14.50. Grain bags 6c each. Butter City creamery, extras, 80)sC per pound; fancy outside creamery. 27((t3!).kc; st re, 20c. Butter fat prices average 1 He per pound under regular butter prices. Eggs Oregon ranch, candled, 27 8c per dozen. Poultry Hens, 1 4. ,((1 15c per pound; springs, i4H(ic; roosters, H(uuc; Troop Are Driven Back With 3,000 J Killed and Wounded. Madrid, July 30. Official dispatches received here today admit that tbe battle between Moorish tribesmen and the Spanish forces outside of Melilla July 27 wa. a disastrous defeat. The Moors cut oft communication with the Spanish outposts, and the main force of the Spaniards was driven back under the walla of the city, here fighting con tinued desperately in the city. Mellilla i full of wounded. The extent of the disaster is plainly apparent from General Marina a dis patches given out at the war office today.- He tays: "On July 27 the Moors cut the rail road, severing communication with our outposts. Our batteries shelled the Moors, but the advance posts wera en dangered and they had to be abandoned. The situation at Melilla is grave, de spite the desperate bravery of th troops, who are now fighting under the walls of the city. Our losses in the engagement were General Pintoa, a colonel, two lieuten ant colonels, five captains and many officers and subalterns and about 1,000 men. The wounded number at least 1,500, including many officers. The hippodrome ia full of wounded soldiers. Two generals were mortally wounded. JOB PRINTING 18 OUR BU8INE88 "UTE hare the best and most fnUy equipped Job Print ing Office in Columbia County And we are prepared to do all kinds of Printing on short notice and at most reasonable prices I Will WILL CONVINCE OREGON MIST Warfare May Upset Cabinet. Paris, July 30. Private advices re ceived here from Madrid say tbe feel ing in Spain against the war on the Riff coast is strong and widespread. nd it ia doubtful whether Premier Maura will be able to weather thel storm. The masses are described as being hostile to the war, the purpose of which they do not comprehend, and which they suspect of being an out growth of mining speculation. The po- COLUMBIA COUNTY BANK DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS l Portland. Ore. First National Bank, U. S. National Baik, Hanover National Bank, Portland, Ore. New York Hurk. vounir. 12(M3e: sreeae. vounir. "on oi ijenerai manna, c immanaer 9(;10c; turkeys, 20c; squabs, $1.75(ii f the Spanish forces, in Morocco, is 2 per do.en uewiiwu wa uvi.ig .iiiicrcouj. nt. Pork Fancy, 11 ll)c per pound; ' "' Veal-Extras, 9ffil0e per pound; H"'' D6V"tal CrP- ordinary, 7(f8c; heavy, 7c. Billings, Mont, July 30. Word re- a I . . J I A -1 XL. II A. I Hopa-1909 contracts, 21i22c per ceiveti nere vouay Jroni we nu.iney pound; 1908 crop, 16c; 1907 crop, The aver-1 12c: 1906 crop, 8o. Officers Wm. M. Ross, President and Cashier: Edwin Ross, Vice President ; A. L. Stone, Assistant Cashier. Directors Wm. M. Ross, M. White, James Dart, Edwin Ross. Wool- pound; . .... age test is about t pounus, w.e rruu.. r . .. . . hninn Kfl nnunns ed test ior """"". t choice, 24(26c. to the bushel. Many combine are at .,. but harvest win noi w ... neauiia in- Eastern Oregon, 16(iT23c per valley, 23(iC25c; mohair, work, 4.000 men are at w. tlon of the road, Kl.lii Wlih 3.000 Overdue n..e..... Natal. Aug. S.-Soine alarm . . , hu tha non-arr naa reen vr.-n.t-" - . ii.uiah steamer Waratah, ner oi ."" . . ull . U...I London. one Port Natal July 2(1. and since m. .- - , butM, , the acre, indicating a not been seen bv ny vessel. " jf e,d f fall wheat in thi. part of ha. been Instituted lor her J The Wsr- wir y tab. ha 3,000 pert"'1 on board. val ' brought to Albany was received at the U ! Red Crown mill from the farm of George Parsons. Ave mi.ej bany. The wheat on Parsons' farm indicating a Cattle Steers, top, 14.60: fair to good, f-l((i:4.25; common, $3.76ft4; cows, top, $3.60; fair to good, t3(tb 3.26; common to medium, $2.60W2.76; calves, top, $5((5.50; heavy, $3.60 4; bull, and stags, $2.75((3.75. Sheep Top wether, $4 25; fair to good, $3.60(f3 75; ewes, Jesa on II grades; yearlings, best, $4; fair to good, $3.60(i,3.76; spring lambs, $5.25 ((t.5.50. Hogs Best. $96X9-25; fair to good, $8((f8.60; atocker., $67; China fats, $6.767. project In Eastern Montana, which yes terday was swept by a terrific wind, hail and rain storm, places the aggre gate damage at $200,000. Field, of grain of all kind were beaten down and the tops of beets and potatoes were luru tu i.te. uii"ukvwubvwi uiie.r-i at. ed greatly from hail. The wind un- V rooted numerous nouses ana Darns ana wrecked smaller buildings. Americans Given Share. Berlin, July 80. The German bank ers participating in the Chii.ese rail way loan have forwarded advice from Pekin that negotiation, for an Ameri can proportionate share in the loan are nearly completed on terms agreeable to tha Americana. Ladies' and Children's TRIMMED HATS In All Shapes i. Summer wear for infants, wash dresses just received select line of Waists and Summer Goods of every description. All the latest styles in blacks and tan shoes and stockings Ladies' in latest ready made styles. A H. M0R6US ST. HELENS