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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1909)
. I , I The Oiegon Mist Enterrfrt""Kiiffice at St." Iteta rw.ton as sccond-cUs mail matter. B ! - , .. . " ISSUED IiVRRV I-KIDAV E. H. FI-AC.G. Editor and rKoiRthTOR. County Official Paper io LEGISLATURE Acts of the Twenty-fifth Oregon Legislature Presented in Concise Form. TOTAL EXPENSE $4,200,000 Berraiio Producing Measure Kn acted, Which Will Offset flie Increased Appropriations. Salem. Feb. 22. Tho twonty-flfth biennial session of the legislature Is a matter ot history. While It was the most expensive legislature tho state ever had, and charges of ex travsgauce have been freely made, yet, when the growth Had develop ment of the state is considered, the appropriations were not extremely excessive. In fact, the session did not live up to all its opportunities, for bills appropriating more than $1,000,000 were killed, among thorn being appropriations for Johnson's road bill, three norutul schools, typ ographic surveys, Indian war veter ans, historical society building and a number of other nionev bills. Tha aproprlatioss win aggregate It, HOC, Out), or about $1,000,000 more than the preceding session. Three or four revenue producing measures were passed, however, which will partially offset the in creased appropriations. Among them are: The bill taxing earnings of public service corporttiSons.; .the.-new insurance tax law; the inheritance tax Increase, a?.d the water fran chise tax. Theft- lass will add about $300,000 to the state's revenues. The session distinguished itself by doing two notable things: First, In adopting t'tie resolutions promising to submit the question of state finan cing of railroads to the people, and second, in refusing to make appro priations for three normal .schools. Much unfavorable comment has been Indulged in over '.ha numerous salary grab bills passed, which by the way affect counties and not the state, but to off net the. petiinejs of these bills some measure of rl importance were pa-dd. Chief among them "may be mentioned; Acts for the conservation of re sources, the water code, the game code, industry switches, abolish ment of compulsory pilotage, and the creation of ports. Two rather unique laws were pa.vd, namely, the bill for steri.ization of the crim inal insane and continued convicts, and providing a penUty of lift; im prisonment for highway robbery. Attempts to modify the direct pri mary law, particularly Statement No. 1, and the local option law were defeated. The legislature also re fused to adopt .Sunday blue laws, and attempts to take the state in stitutions from Salem were killed. Wth a few n.lnor otafcslons the following Is a list of Mils filed by Governor wph the Secretary of .State and which will become law: House It'll. 6. iDimick For punishment highway robbery. of. 24. Purdin Increasing salary of Jackson county judge. (Passed over Governor's veto!. 25. Bean Authority of real es tate agents must be in writing 28. Bean y0T incorporation of ports. 76. Muncy -Extending eminent domain to drainage districts. 87. ilcKtccey bh.g declara tion admissible; in civil c-ti'-ea 100. HeynoJdx-.-heviU.-.g rates of .inheritance tax. 114. ilt-Cuo liistribtitioa and payment of legacies. 137. Couch Exemption of earn ings of judgment dvbws. 190 Committee on um-wment and taxation state tax I'.-vy. (Emer gency.) 234. BedllUon--nc-toraUoa cf corporations in default. ' ' Senate Hills, 4. Eai'ley Trial !f default in daiuti:;;.' imbr 7. Oliver .App-itl court within 30 days. Jvry after frrm justice . SeholfU-.d J jilting district, mry levy tax for re; t its. 11. Hedges In ttrliuiiisj cas'-s Judgment to be a Ik n from date. 12. Hedges For renewal of Judgment every 10 year.-;. 13. Kottiughtin; -We:;; absent from the state wi.y rtr.iwtcr. 15, JJeach -Hank deposits not drawn for seven years to ottheat to the state. 1C. Kullaber liot'-is iu.d lodging-houses to have lire e;-,i 18. KellaUer Hotels end lodg-ing-hout?B to provide nine-foot Led sheets. i!3. Hart Providing f,r two ad ditional supreme jut t ice.;. (Krner Cncy.) 32. Hart- Additional r.alary for Jddgi) of Eighth uimriot. (Over Gov ernor's veto.) 62. Hart Autho'i;:in;; school districts to refund indebtedness. C3. Bowernian Government may acquire lands for Government buildings. 74, Chase Appropriating $20 000 for fcAtoharles south of t'lilum nir nnr inc U T5. Miller Salary of Linn coun ty aperintendpnt. (Over veto.) 7. Washington, delegation Salary of recorder In Washington county. (Over veto.) 81. Kellaher Costs allowed when real property has been at tached. 115. Hart Fixing salaries of clerk and deputies of supreme court. 11S. Hart Copies of supreme court decisions to be Bled in olttc of clerk of court. 239. Chase Additional Judge in Second district. (Emergency clause.) With the exception of a few un important bills, the following Is a list of bills that passed both houses and tot acted upon by the Governor: Senate Bills. 1. Smith, CmntllU Creation ot artesian well districts. 20. Chase Salary of treasurer of Coos county. 24. SeholnVld For treatment of tuberculosis poor. 26. Bingham Three additional dairy inspectors appointed by the Governor, with consent ot dairy commissioner. 29. Tarlsh Minors not to en gags in games of chance in public resorts. "" 35. Smith, I'matllla Revised military code. ST. Cole Medical certificate prerequisite to marriage license. 43. Miller of'lfttn For aid of Linn county fair. 4 7. Oliver liS.OOO for Eastern Oregon experiment farm. 53. Mullt Thirty days' notice of est rays taken up: 59. Bingham Title guarantee companies to deposit $50,000 se curity. 61. Menyman Defining a legal fence in Eaatern'Orogon. til. Bowernian Supreme court may transfer circuit judges. 6 5. Cole To abolish secret so cieties In public schools. 67. Johnson $160,000 for main tenance of Agricultural College. 6S. Cole For sterilization of criminals and insane. 77. Miller of Llun and Lan! Irrigation code. !2. Smith of Marion Providing for cue normal school near Portland and atHillshing all others. 90. A I bee To establish a fiscal agency in New. York. 93. Mulit Public bonds free from taxation. 99. Abraham Game code. 1'5. ..Albee Defining vagrancy and disorderly conduct In the coun try. " 109. c hoi field For central hatchjyy ou Columbia. - 111. Chase Fixing boundary be tween Coos and Curry counties. 112." Wood Regulating sale of concentrated stock foods. 114. Mulit Prohibit false ru mors' concerning standing of banks. .,123. Smi'h of I'matllla New military code. 12S. F. J. Miller Special tax by districts for roads. J 10. Bailey Ten hours a day's work for females In telephone and telegraph, offices. 141. Chase Regulating manner Of Cling town plats. 143. Miller of Linn and Lane Compensation of county commis sioners. 14 4. Parrlsh ptink deposits not drawn upon for seven years to be paid into the state treasury. 117. t Time for bringing libel suits one year. 119. Merry man Providing leath er ouches for election ballot boxes. 151. Miller of Linn and I-ane Creating conservation commission. 154. Bailey Deeds and mort gage to be recorded In bound books. 157. Warehouse re ceipts to show rate of storage. 162. Bingham For publication of delinquent tax lists at expense of delinquents and not at expense ot county, l'i 7. Kay Regulating mutual fire Insurance companies. 16t. Miller of Linn and Lane -Railroads may be laid for construc tion work on county roads. 171. Isailey For organization of co-operative associations. 173. Nottingham To punish fraudulent representation as to membership in secret societies for purpose of obtaining money. 1 H7. Abraham Breeding horses to bo registered at Oregon Agricul tural College. 1'Jl. Wood Prohibiting putting gitfi and nails in roads. ll).'l. Hedges Providing addi tional Judge for Fifth Judicial dis trict. 1'j I. Schotfield For Issuance of bonds in drainage districts. 193. Chase For salary of sher iff of Coos county. i'JH. lieach Clothing railroad defectives with police power. 199. iiuiley Regulating drain age districts. 203. Hart Weekly report on registration of voters to secretary or state, 205. Smith of I'matllla State fair to have printing to amount of $1000. 207. Norton Relating to levy and sale under execution. 209. Nottingham Voters may rcgi.iter v. ith notary public or Jus tice of the p. ace. 210. K;:y- For county referen dum on (ttcuity measures. 213. Fitat judicial district dele gation -To divide the district. 1 9. Kay and Johnson Voters of county may refer a county .meas ure, 20. Committee, on judiciary Fit-h law f ,' lln Colombia river. t'Vl. J '.-r -pliliso county delegation - Arm i dim; code regarding corpor t'.itoti.: oigauized for irrigation purposes. P. O. Box 63. C. G. HEDGES GENERAL CONTRACTOR RAINIER. ORE. Estimates given on alt kinds of Building Construction. Re-inforced Concrete, Cement Sidewalks Solicit Business Anywhere 215. Johnson Certified eojy proof ot a federal liquor lcn. ti. Caldwell Preventing goats from running at large In Yamhill county. IJ7. Comir-ltte on ways nd means Extendi time for acquir ing Oregon City locks. $46. Caldwell Empowering mu nicipal corporations In other tate to acquire title to lands and water rights In Oregon. ML Waya and means $J0.000 for sf&te fair premium. 252. Ways and means $15,000 for state fair Improvements. 25$. Ways aud means $70,000 for tubeculosls sanitorla. $B4. Ways and means Appro priating $368,000 for Improvements at Hate Institutions. Houae Bill. 11. I'matllla and Morrow dele gations Approprlatinng money for an experiment atatlon at Hermlston. IS. Mahona Regulating pilot age on Columbia river. 12. Barrett Appropriating $76. 000 for a portage road at CeUlo. JS. Jaeger Appropriating ad ditional $25,000 for Alaska-Yukon Exposition. 31. Buchanan Authorising su preme court to appoint a code com mission and appropriating $25,000. 4 S. McCue Permitting banks to advance full value on bills of lading and warehouse receipts. 51. McCue Counties may levy tax for advertising resources. 63. Conyers Prohibiting swine at large in Columbia county. 85. Buchanan Prohibiting wear ing of uniform of United States army or navy by persons not en titled. 77. llawley Providing for rais ing school funds. SI. lllmlek Regulating hauling of loads on public highway. S5. Bean To provide for laying out county roads. 88. Bean Creating the board ot state tax commissioners. 97. Bean Creating Insurance department 9. Farrell Requiring door to swing outward. 106. Bonebrake Appropriating $210,000 for buildings at O. A. C. 109. Bedllllon Fixing salary of Ccos county assessor. 121, Applegate Payment of claims of Central Normal School. 127. Brooke For an Interstate bridge at Ontario. 132. Purdin Permitting county courts to designate the kind of cul vert to be built. 141. Haw ley Appropriating $7000 for state veterinarians. 14S. Iloan Giving circuit court power of parolling prisoners. 150. Eastern Oregon delegation Appropriating $40,000 for scalp bounty. 171. Carter Providing for pri vate projmgatlon of trout. 172. Dodds Authorizing school superintendents to apportion money. 155. McArthur Requiring offi cers of fctate boards and commis sions to attend meetings. 156. Buchanan Providing for constitutional convention, subject to referendum. 195. Hughes Baking powder must be plainly labeled. 201. McCuo Empowering exec utor to execute deeds. 214. Carter Providing art ap propriation for the expense of the state horticultural society. 216. Carter For appointment of county fruit Inspectors. 221. Purdin Appropriating $100,000 for the Crater Lake road. 224. Brooke Public records to be free. 227. Eastern Oregon delegation Providing for a branch asylum in Eastern Oregon. 229. Hughes To regulate breed ing of horses. 235. Miller Regulating fishing In Rogue river. 239. Farrell Providing that conditional sales of personal proper ty shall be recorded. 246. McArthur Elimination of duplica'ton of courses of study In the state's higher educational Insti tutions. 24S. L'crrett For organization of mining and diking Interests. 24 9. Conyers Land board to purchase lands in foretit reserve. 251. Abbott Governing expend iture of funds for the University of Oregon. 277. Jones tPolk) Free ferry across Willamette at Independence. ZHH. Committee on education Authorizes school boards to govern uses of school moneys. 291. Carter Amending code re lating to elections. 300. Couch Prohibiting false advertising. 306. Dimmick Appropriating $1000 for Clackamas county fair. 310. Dimlsk Railroads to fence right of way. 314. Mahoney Requiring rail roads to exterminate Russian this tles on right-of-way. 31.r. Buchanan Revise ached ule of rate for corporations increas ing capital stock. 216. McKinney To protect trout. 328. Greer Imposing license on peddlers. 345. Ways and means Removal of school for deaf mutes, $75,000. 347. Jones (Polk) Repealing grant of state to Willamette Valley & Coast Railroad tide and marsh lands in Lincoln county, - 358. Brady Securing Hens on chattels. 361. Applegate Abolishing Cen tral Oregon normal school. 362. Ways and means committee Appropriation bill covering mis cellaneous claims. 863. Repealing law creating do mestic animal commission. 'Phone 262. New York Store Carries the only complete line of C.cucral Mer chandise, Groceries, Boots ami vSlioes, Hay, Graiu, Hour and Feed in the City. Courteous treatment, good goods, ptouipt delivery for nil. Your palronage solicited. Ready made clothes for Men, Women and Chil dren. Cnnplctc Hue of Gent's l'Ut mslmigs. dren. Cnnplctc li I H. MORGUS St. Helens, t'OfST! tUl'KT lie It lvmeutbered lht a regular term of the County Court o the State ol Ore win for Columbia County, was be gun ami held at the court house in ,'iMM(; j.; u,m,r, , S,, City of St. Helens. In said county nJ , , ,, Kl on Wednesday Juiiusrv Hill, UK1. the sute being the time fixed ty ' for holding a tegular terui ol HlU eouil. when were present: Hon. Ja nes Iit, County Judije Hon. it. West, Commissioner. W. A. Harris, Cleik. Martin White, Slieiiff. lue proclamation being nude the (ol- j inning proceeding wvr bad: j Journal wa tea l, approved and j sigutd. Matter o( teitilioii jI S. 0. TiclienorJ a3Couituisiotr. On thUWii day ol January, ltHV. th.clint, ,lif M..T.ff. Trc.nur.-r and re-ination ol Hon. p. C. llcnei or s County Ootnmiasi. ner on tievoillit of. chafing hi re.idc.u-e to Multnomah , Coutiiy wjs tendered, read and incept-! ed by theeourt, thereupon the Othce of.. county c.lilu.l.VKner 1 .l.canu c,"t- lu the matter of the appointment of a CMiuly cotntuisfi nier to till vaciney: Oil .hi titli day ol January, ltXW, it i ' ordered by the couiltUat W. K. Ticl.e-j nor It, and lie U hereby l.iiited j County of Colilmbi County, Oreg .ii, l. till the un spired term, whereupon m n. r.. i.cnei.or , tiMilt the ouih ol nllice as required by' l.i n;.d en't-rl uijii tho di.'elia'go ol , bis .lulle. Mailer of application to purchase lot 1 of bleck 8 town o( Guide: At this tune c lines Mr. J. P. Arclii - bald and makea application t purchase lot 4 8 io a it ol tiobl for hall . .1 l,enMirt not ll. suiH ,-ientlv advUeJ in the nutter tk the same under advUemcnt. Mailer of application ol newapaper to le designated J officiul 0unly pap-r: On tl.U day come the Clatokanie' Chief, Oregon M.t and Rainier Review and make application to U d.gnate.l .1.. lltW.i,.l I'minli I'-twr nnrli . l .ii.i . ing io have the largest circulation t'h- ill mul c-untv. wl.ereupoi ilia ordered by the court that the applicant fl,;ill e. h deposit itli the county court, on or licfore Saturday, Janiiiry nth, l'', at 111 a. Ill , a Crr tilled tatemiit, HI criod and orn Io before son. ioiii- latent ollicer, Kiviu the name ol the sever . I p Ktollices inn I the number and CI...I D.l- .-..I. ...Iwrri. b m receiving their paper, lb o..heach nl said r Dices, living aitliiri 1 1,0 county, 41. sUtemetll tol In staled nveh, to be opened by the county court. Matter of drawing warrants lur relief by John Uucher I'o.t No. 70 ti. A. H.: On thla day it is ordered by the court that llieclerK mine Warranw in mvor ot .i ... i I ...... 1.. II... u.c r ui off. M0 for lleadston C. CliCnnxUm, and 2j for relief of r'raiicl Jerry, W me n. n. iiiiik. run-i. Mittir of ihe petition of Walt.i A rnce 1 1 lay and maintain water pipes for ilo- n.estic pni io-e in tbu atrrct and alley of the town of Suappoose: On this day this matter coiniiiu on lot hearing and the court being ndviaed lu the matter,; it i ordered by thu court that rwrmisdoii lie granted to said Watt & Price to lay and inainlaln water pipe in Hie streets and alley o( the town of ric.ippoose, provided that theatieula and alleys on which such piKS are laid Snail be put in as gwl condition as they weie lefore the layinff of Said pipes by raid Wutis & Trice. In the matter of the petition of O. Iv. Hunter for liquor liceime: At Ibis time comes on lor hciriug the petition ofO. K Hunter for license Io Sell t-iiiiituour, villous and malt liquors and ferun ntt'd cider in lei's (j inn title than one gallon in Gobls precinct, Col umbia County, Oregon. And it appearing io Hut court that a majority of the Ixl voter of said pre cinct who sre actual residents of said Uohle precinct, and who have actually resided therein at least 30 days preced ing the signing ut '"hi putitioti ; ami it further nppesnng to the court from the affidavit of the publisher of the Oregon Mist a weekly newspaper of general cir culation published in raid county aud staterihat said petition together witli a notice of the day upon which said peti tioner would apply to th court for audi license had been published four connc cutivo weeks in hit said newspaper: and further appearing from the nllldavil of one of the signers of ssld petition a.,d of two of lite reddent lioueehoMer of said precinct that written copies of said petition and notice had been posted for four consecutive weeks In throe, of the mot public places In said Oohh) pre cinct, mid th snid O. E. Hunter having filed with the cleik of this court his bond, duly spproved by Ihe Hon. County Judge, nnd a duplicate receipt of the County Treasurer for th sum of J200.00, ! Si "(v? we gj ' and ll'i-ie O'il'd noreimiitrnre iiilnt the l.iitiiK "f "1 petition oil Ole, ' ' ihecmrt Ittmtu ftillv dvli d In "' . (j 1lri,Kll(1 rr,H ,r (lie cunt Hint cai.l pctitl m I. "! "'r ,nmo ' heicbv giatilcd. and that lu-enw t Hie ilit.ion., ornn'ntp.l I Cider ill ! uilatitltif Hutu H'1'1"" in ti.dle I'teiilKt (or a period ol n iiinitth Matter ol rvpert ! Max Orimdu'l n aiv.mnl ol Clerk, MierilTaud Treasurer, from July lt VA to Nv. W, l'w. tlt lliti day tills matter coming ou lor hearing up 'tl the lUteuiciiW ol act'-'Unt ol the various otl'uvt and the n-potl ol Ma t'raudail, Public Aic.mulant, ell tlii day bird which ii bdlow. "To the Honorable tViln'y Court, C' I UtubU Cellntv. t .rgon. tivetlenieit: I x" ttilditi d the e ., . , , , Bll.u ,u the (.oH,r (i(,)k ,,w,lg ,1,,. fimin.-ul t-an ,Q u.r ,,,,,., 1 ! Witli the euvptlm, of a I. -w cle-mil; 'e,rir illt mouir. luve Urn ptetl; u - i count. d lor. (T b.- iciitiniie l ,.,. ,. ,r. . . i tvrup.M n nnr I h.v reu.i .... ".'i reliable cough ruinedy. l or e.i!e b A I I)ciiiiii. .IriiKKl I. j - j.R Sv(K M!v acrri el (,' I l.i-td . I rliiu- In Unit Ion at a In'. Mill Mil ! oc to lloiilton at r li.i'gmi VIlc,t tllr. s j p,,vi !N',tl'i I. til- Marly Ki.or,, ' , pl,.tint bit'.e Iner tl . : A. S, IVum-g an I S pi-o ' Ii nt e, id v Ml 1 . .... 1 IVWitt'- Kl.lnr) and CI ..I l.-r IVN .r, I e-t f lh d . ef U.-k..-!.e. .-,; l,:"'k- ",llll' . etc. Sold i A-1 'v"'""! '"'t!i't . I . !'- , H.totU at ( old Htrrl "Your ..tdy l.." aaid t. M-. M. K. KoJicr. Iet( ,l.c "'"" ir""' ' v '"' ''! f "''i''. ' Ill an' atl ill," i i,e. 1 u ,. ll-, Km I N,'n ''' ''." th'- -it 1 l, !! j cured." Tbcy .r,-t s .pernio v n.cmv (",,,"t,l""""1. "'' '"''c '.'-V a ll-ml j ' "" ,"'"r ,!,,'" 1 '' dcite,, j - j VI u-IiIiikIuii Oner .aC I p I j ; io incee o k tor. , ,n fcc,r, i i re I let lite eek. I'IkxI poi on Jiiini a I e .,,-.11... . . ! !"" """" 1 Mlf. O.-.-p ri-r lo ! "'thlt9 U Ih" f"i"1' " i " - r.,,e,i. I ; ! 'w'1 ' r"'"' Ml" W'''"!'"'- - iKiMprcviiie, icxd. rur eccna. ihiu., , burin and plica In mipiciue. iiiiU ; ut HdoIioii, den era. lie r IVi.i d ml I H atri n K'.dol let l'ii.i-ni and lnhivi n , doe. the ordmai v ..rk of !l,e toi,i i. h 1 . ' .o 1' bv lukink' a liltiii Ko lol no un I j . VJ C(,llllol tuvl, uy ' t,,,,, or any l.rt.i ol ,t h.m.-I, trouble jSolilbyA.J. DeiiilnK tin I (tappi"e j j (liu((it. Kcnntcly s l.anitiue ( oiu'li Syrup not only iiliay und irritation jof throat a id luniri, it driVi-M mil j the cold from tin; lein by a Ir.e Kentle in tiou ol the bowels. Sold by A J. uuiiiig and St.-ii -pose rlruitt. Kodul i a combination i.f nil tht; rintnr. al diuedive juice lound lit un nrdmnry healthy slouiach, nod it will dig'iU your food in n naliiriil way, I'lietmiiit to tulce. Sold by A. J. taming hii-I l-cippoOMi drutigixt. IFOR SALE! I 1000 ACRES! Logged-Off LAND tT PER ACRE UP THE COLUMBIA COUNTY ABSTRACT AND TRUST CO. T:t Arc You GOING TO BUILD ? Investigate the Herltf of CONCRETE BUILDING BLOCKS The Best. Most Artistic mt Durable Material for Business Blocks, Houses, Chimneys, i.mml.iiious. Oi uaincn Ul Foundations, Fencing, Ftc. phone at our fipciin', J, and we "HI rail and talltliate SANMU. cx rULLl-R MANirACTlHIKS Rainier Oregon DILLARD & DAY Attorneys-at-L-iw rraclire. In any Coml. BiW ot Federal Nrat door to court liuus bT. HKLKNS. OHK. see4 2 :: school ornci;R$; ,. ii. i.i in in mm m - H ' nl ('..iitnid. t placing i ,, )-. tbali rr,l K ). .wd a . lead gride, utal, roni, or pruale tnaflier ante or ttv in lliediatelv and ,n aid rect-lvii 0"in l nlleiill .tl, 202 SWULAN0 BUHOmC ,t Hearse l-'unt ulirl (or a!! j int un tr er r.u.1. l Ii ol UufKt, at irauinat'ic talc. Addict Mr. Jamc-i I se. Rainier -:- Oxe 1 ' 14. j i' ; ! vvve. r row ftirt.AM Oaii.V 9 STEAMER i AMERICA I.. m.'i Si Helen 11 .ml A Arm. ! I'i'.;,iel o ;) I.- in-. I'. Htniid ut 3 tin V Arue Helena at ti 10 ', i ' " Steamer Iralda UAII.ItOAl) TIMK. Kni.e.r -Uilv (i-ir. i.1 Miiiia.oiut roil i'l, m r, . VI iti'(.riii,B IMtn Y. li.-jrii. top lM.k I'...l.ini0,(, '.,,ii,, j M . rmli.s l -I ll. lrn. .1 f, and Fast I'rcijlit. FOR PORTLAND DAILY VOItn.A.Mi, TAYI.OU HI -, . -. TTTTTTTf TTT7T TT f f f f ft - . v CEO. W. VOCEL real estatf:, loans, investmnts, city and farm phop- ERTY. Money to Loan ul Kcanotmblo KuUi, 1 Rainier Oregon K. MII.I.KIt. ATTO RN U Y-AT-L AW fit, Helens, Oregon j yt. kuwin itosH, " PHYSICIAN & SURGPON T. HKLKNI , , OHK(J0 PHYSICIAN & SURGEON , T HKI.KM omtq01 JAI.mVIIf A HIIKHWliOtT 1'ni.ts ano Kmshu,,, tlMra kif funersl si all mm, oa rail. I'biNMslvur.aj'wHl RAINIKII, - pskiam YOU CAN'T 5 AVE 0 Tmetmilr fur. Th It r M C.M f m ml nil lit rmilnU . YOU CAN SAYS In Tint. Tistclihg ritpvriav snd r'stigut ly tiiabiltig- on lh hot lpt IOUI. laale.l I tain nd bl terr. h. dimply m that yotirllckrt read l v...i v: i-:1--'.' TtlH --''-fs O. R. & N. OREGON SHORT UNE UNION PACIPIC F.ivf (aeillty !' lb MltlV. CuUillHt. Bnd K ron.tntain if the p" lifer i I rutl.le.l No i lutlif ol ra i M'T' Mry to l-vnv.f, tin alia, Kauua I lly, CiticaM. I'lfvet cwnneetWu at i,d f.i all wlwr pUii Ht and Isunili. WM, McMURRAY &MHat fw.t Af PORTLAND, ORECON In il t'ireu't C''t State efOt (.m f..r Columbia Cmty, Am I'Uiaii.l, ptalutlfT, M K. P. Wr laud, ilfBlliUit. To K. T. iwtand. Uit U tiamirj Irn.Iatil : In I hi nam irf'lb Hal 4 tfj You are .ciby requited to ief 4i.tri H i ieni,.lir.t tiled aK'luat W Hi the Hlk vuiitted ut', ) ot bm iba d U of Match. lV, sad ll J (ail to to sttpiar ud tir ald m plaint ll.e pltlntlir wilt ('l 'y W Court fix the jrlWf jfytl lor I lOUipUltll. lt if. Kof llwt" dl'tjit' lint Hieuianlage relation i'tili I L.. ,i oi.i.r..f anil iitaintlf! 4 UltUiC. i I inn yon fioi.i idalnilu and lor e kj anil Inrllirr twtlrl S nH i 'i itnd )u. . Th a Himinon I published fursi t an ortlrr l Ihe lloii. T. A MHw Jif!taol Mid CouM. dul'd I'rbrus y'1'' Staitr, In nd by wliittll id njf" Week I ptr0ill H' llu IU In Hlujll ol llils flllltU. I'itt piilill.U n Nlirur 6th. Iw. publl.ailoll Match ItHli. Allot ney lor pi'': SUMMONS In thet'Jrfiill Oon.tof " l l egnn for the Catohty of IVIiiiiihI. r.irtlsiid l.lllllliet t'oii'aliy. Cutpo- llon, pUtnt 'IT, . Karall rHirmlna, ami John ImukU. J liubiiid, aud John HW"'. ',M" nut. . iu To harah lmglat and J-lin, Ww' her liu.Uind, and Jhn HK'. bc Untiled defendants; n llH Ik Tits wan or tint rA r " vim ara herebr tviUlfel to iearo before ihe Sf-tli day of Jfj nnd aiiawnrihe ouipllni Ul"' ) oil In Hm above emitleJ J' ciuae, said date being niora 1 ,11. ' eek. fmiii Hi date of th" f"' fTti tlouofihls ummonsi nd II vo ' iloppr snd answer, m v -"r. will spply to the court ("f n,"'Z prayed for In th coinpln ' that lit defendant nnd "h ' b required to.-t foilli u'l """.i; ctlbe the nature of their claim i tt " proM-rty dwcrlbed In said "fZ wit, lbs nutbl ousrter of He west fiuisrUir of stcllon three (J) l" tlorthwut quarter of lU a'Z quarter of Vctlon len IU) "nswj -ven (7) north, range ,hre ( W.M.,ln Columbia Ooonty, Orrgj Ihttt mild claim ol defendant W ''iLw no cffm-t. aud that thy bv In anlil property, ami lb I1 'n.,L adjudged 10 be 'lie owner In . fJ of said property j that f ImlU'fl J .aid preniUiH. li qlllted. '"' . "Br further relief as may seem to IM u tfltiilubl. , . .mi bf This .unimon. la .rved inJZ $ Pilbllciilioii bv Htlthorlty o m o , Hon. T, A. Meilrld. prld lni Hj tho sliov entllh il court, wld 0 nl' ing tinted Ihe 12ih dayof Jsiim '17-" d and mail snd emoted In hl wn ciiusa on aid ilaie. .frnf Atiorinty tT l'1 Date of first ptiblicaihm J". j ft, Unu of Uit publlcHbn Fb. , w.