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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 26, 1909)
fT.--- ' ;- , ' ' ' I -"-- u. .. ..ii.i i.n.j. . . -, ,j .. , .. , a.,,.,,-,, , ,.ll,.Mmwl, . y.,, ,,, ., . 111 r, i . . r ill ri rniir The Mission Of thai eorpuolo In your blood thai havo boon called " Little oltiiora," If to fight for you again, tho dlaaaea germ that constantly ondanor your health. The oorpuooloa aro made healthy and atronig by tho use of Hood'ritarflaparllla. TtiM meith'lne la a comUnallon of mora than tllifi'wnt rwtniHllal agi'tiia In iimHrtttii ami by a prtiee: known mily t miroi'lve ant) It lin fur thirty year linen rimiiaiitly proving lu worth, ISu substitute, woita "Jum aa-gtMMl." Ilf OM"llul. "I wUb uy denllil waaii't m rallill'," mill Mr. Jmf - Oml-fo. " call bit Jooul i-trlur all drawing room." Tin ttrt ibit no dt-aih from hydro hi I"" wrwded In KjiIu, In, llxi-J Is eMail in llliistrstlun of In prftoi'llx Irwlwi nf ''largsa. It U eilinald that il.l.J person la Krtr York Ity tnaM Iheir llvliif by Ih-lr alia, which nwui Ita buk o wit la IB ; rlhli'b'tlldltig In Japan inploy I0.O) Bun Ngkl, HJI at Rob mil i.c) ti Oaaki. All III Japan yard ire full of Qld-r. Th tiwanW ditrl'-t la f'raiw U ulnl In Hi rilHtrt trait of thai ruillitry f,r ima rry (lffru pro.luiti welituie inj kl4 glotwj. Jam. Warren, a (arm laborer, S3 years i!J. diet m-onlly it I .d worth, Kngtmd. ftf hiring worked u tn Mm firm fur evef.0 yrer. la fl'ly ' " atrtiinnt fur a otuan lypiet lry of -'l5 a , i U.11.I..11 firm m Mar.-b 4 wctII a l.w.r ilwu if.', topllr. Sim York 1,'ny b awr aayliittn, aom.s, hoipliabi aul rganiat!ati fur lli tM of buowu iiifriug ibau aay ihr city In tin world. At 1lhlii, I'ranr, rrhl haiMuba, 1UI bit air, ar dlird to or Tin Jb3. u,V,m " aat tn, ltlm, TO FLEE llUIIIH. tlKl.nil,,,i IT Ull Ifl mn i ii. . .. . : v AltltHI IIIkIiI. A Boy Wil to c,,,!,,!,, ,h, v.,.. nn.IT. dlllUlul limit,,,.! hlllllnfl liil.lll...... .... v ., ." rn:. ,r tad In. Ill .111,1, " .1,01,1,1 Pviirvlliliiu u.M i . "Killing ,; HI W.,,.V(, . Illlt B.l IVm I...... . .. .... .. .. ,.r .M t rw,,... irlllvvrMltt. President Offers Toast to Officers for Great Achievement. S PROUD EVENT TOR ALL PRESEN Splandld Lin 0f Battlathlpi Falalflet Pradlcllon of Ointtnr and Crew Vanl Enlhuilaim. Mn Urow-Awful Furtrcia "Not until Monroe, Va., Feb. 23, K'ina Arnrican fltet re iTT"." n"71 vli;t"flnu from a grat net bat- I f u.t tlowill thr b another auch home nn ith ih. ,i..i. I"l''y, ln't ll 1 ia nun ih t-.iliHMiii noil l'fpy U tu AlV ttfl.l'i-ViJll'M In ..L . "' " "If. 'iothr auch aitcht, aa thla. .n..-HNP.nH flr Hnai,. uiH 1 MrillK Ui Mlrt Aniar mn niui. If HI. I. ,. .. . I ... . ..... uoiiur, min in. Ij..:i i I Ih a waa h ,..ut ,. n I... u I".'... i, ,- - . . iivaiuvni. , m '" ' il "m9Vit ytrday as he atooil radl u. ,.i L... . iV.., ' ..' " rnu hrl'y in thewbln of the little iiiiit.i ,,, ti,. hut" ;.::z:?.r.r " iviMBiun ui uw mvmw and ttie eeromo- nie atlemling the welcome home of in Amt-ncan battlimhip fleet H wa aurroumlwl by the admirula and f..!lin alui Hrt Ma4 la I urlaali l.raiin.J. ' iomtr UtlW I lnf a araral-What ba. U,,,,,,,. Bf lb, .......... ,ru . iln tbi lunch ruuiiiKt i i'i HkiniM Y.i,r r.lrl l'm krr. ..i jw iuiii i ir.ii.f, air T b.4iiry at Tikrui rbiiu.uuk,.. A IWyrnroM .,y on lii.arlii frn aasiii r..r in nri tiiM at l.r.nkruai ttravt-ly finmrk' i "J only tr)ro at nlubt OU tllll," I.lf any mj 1Ut c Ou.wai t.-run la K( I bi la loini'm ow M.tW ir- : tana h lit la an ronia k.HaM, a'l utr ;oi,iu la to fwm buu j lima U a 'lolly Horn of aiiJl ! . buif Jwilba in N Vurk fily rhar- I! la Injurtra lulllil.J by o(kr wrw.j In lb laat fin jura, a StW Ym ! ril raM71A laaaufa ftava nnm tr.l u I bt ktUK4. aid the og your Tbi" ory lar.f.l ar ta fluid for IM In a;nm0!, aiaautor. nititi and ttitr duor (" I tlad. nt W.rlfc KM I., "IWt yu Ibluk. Mr. Kply," "you la anil lata kil?" "Whai" lb 9T al) lb n. man. b mtlnt a tnitwriiry ra.vnr? In lb rlrii-al di.rimint. "I'm only olii to boia Ihl Joh lo wvfka. capumi of the 16 world enclrclinn vi-anrlB, brilliant v att rd in all th Kld lice and iaraphemalia ofajwcial full drtm uniform, and evi-ry kI wbj rain in reiponim to tho ureildent'i UKKntioni. 'We atay-at homta alno drink to the nwn who have made ua uroudor than evvr 01 our rountrv " ad, 11 tha ,rl Tlinl li the dunui-r dent, and attain the toast was plodged. I.. . i i,m iifoi aaiipu irom can Frawlico, Mr. I'reaident," replied lU-ar Admiral Charles S. Siterry, "you nt ua a mvariae saying that oura was a Heavy responsibility and a great nonor. that we have today fuliilled tne reai'onaibtlity makea thia the proudest moment of our lives. I aav we- auviwfdly In speiikirijr of the fleet, for no one man could have done what hw l.rcn done without the loyal and willing co-operation of every man on the fleet." Thui briefly the commander in chief of the returning ihipa made hi official report to the commander in chief of the army and navy, '" Hip Vk laituM l am-a. ini-r I a Urtl, i.-ri.UN alnfr, ,j (.very ..,., i.iT mum lit trii-uili are afraid to lull him n.iiiiiii,.t fr f.-:ir It Mill niaku him mure cuutvlled. -It.t..n Ulol. Maoaiaaa Mranlallon. .. .. u;xivr- nui, n uai..r. In a furi-rn awnt Ilk oura, dun t ),iu IwIIm Id tb prim li!a f ivtaiioo In mb.-at Kul nam Hia-iNiinaa I r!inly do, yinf man. I r a by biva a remlr liJf rbalr In i-i of&c. SLEEP ON ARMS. Mar llanaaa. "Tr tr!l m, Mr. Umilbrrt." lmwHrd Ida Huffy young Ihliif. "tbl you r uulir TI.. lha ..J A.-tl. -WT IHW-r. k .X U!,t b .w Thai, 11,1.. U '"V IfJUHK-. !HI ttl -..i-i. .....i-l k. I , Mla (ilyay - r.4l tb s I lant old t"fu. latin bia band on bi. bari Tbr kwudrad girl ar iap!yMi la ,b f and nklbf a prvfound bow j "I cnitb 'tail Omaha n-coived ordera tonight to Mibtia Ordered Out at Omaha aa Pre' c autionaryjM e aura. Omaha, Neb., Feb. 23. Although a recurrence of last night a rioting in South Omaha ia not looked for, the fueling against the Oreeka there still very strong. Three companira of the state militia kiriima trad la Nt fork, aod Kauiuiky Ua girl Jortry, Manhattan's poa"Sj rRi( aiwubt I t-M.S.'vl dally. Tb t raarb oolt of bora rwf la ai attarjib Ibstt tit KuUah. ilu. b of lb fl and la lily I md lb rsfi af u!in frvta buh tb l baa b DTnacd. I'.'t k o,a: of gnw( Iwtuty ra fuund ll U..ri:.l4!:.. A latraH. l da 6fiy a.l Kkar binl of priobma euwir. losd Kdhortia la tb Crt llrlilab rV liwt attniatrr wba aa av-vd aa f lMitiRn( la rb rotuuin. Ts Urg.i mratia of fllgrlm f j llarr, atari frota ronaln!lu.t'.. d l'a!! pumprlM bt oarona. A t ou( nta ititwrt korlf by reufi.g mini, ind a Jarwy Illy weuuia kf i living by lining lgti. Tba It j; icllr Illta." "ibU TO It- va la lb fa Iran. "Mia faitun." aald lb kuali, ll Mr. Wraton " "IMigbtrd la know yon, Ml Knaton," said tb young nun. ".Nominally, bow 't. awm lo b nllida." "Aituslly, t. rtibl. Sir. Wmiob. ab nawif. hi rfiriamtty Ibat h inala&t ly Ml blnr'f to b i:..Val ml Ira way. Ahaa)l-ruar4 AI4raaa. A lO'iio tMnaa) nl.l.Tiimu at a r viit aUU-riuanl? ui(lng Inquired wlni bad lwme "f in urdi-r lie ba'd Intro (UhmI iviii lime tM fore railing r,r an art' llfilit on Willow nms-t. The rlty rbrk, ftftrr dliigUig Into tila Hint, lu furtuitl timi tttat Ilia oruer naa come tinw IIib board nearly a iii.mth pre- vloua and that he bad voted igalnM It. Maa Urn liar Work. In ItuMla tbr-re l a t-liip reaping mniliiuo which ha a rl, but no an tuiatlr nk. A man alia on the pint friu and rnbea off the grain witn n pltrlifork. Tb nam nf ttil iim. lilnc U .lotnitrt.lka.' and almx "lobo" mmiui brow." and "gnlka" I "a bentiT.' the wbula can ba translated "brow gweatrr." leep in their armoriea and mobilUetl fur that purpose. It ia staled that the order is given almply aa a precaution- ary measure, but it indicated the anx iety of the authorities to prevert any further disturbance on account of the presence of the UriH'ks in thia city and South Omaha. Late tonight 300 Greek were rounded up in Council lilufTi, and, after being disarmed, were locked up, Apiwalg have been made to A. L. Coro-Milna, the Greek minister at Washington, and it (a believed that he wilt come here to look after the welfare of hia countrymen. It ia declared that u it aggregating about 2&.00u will be filed against the town of South Omaha by those whose properly waa destroyed. Iialy ba S.W euunUt t tb oilllloa bbaU'anta. which ia la hlgkt rmri lrKn ba 3.J0 elaba, with a BMaaW iklp of SMa lnti a-lil-iii ir Ih rau f SuO 1: atitiual'y la Iada. Tb an b'(bt ftutiatalaa kaewa ar U la lb llitualajaa. ti. . ,, . . .1 Tbna wh bar wiulrnj la Alaaka uy Tb. ...ra,., .Idl.r aiuat ba a. ,prt I (,)( M h i that I tb banh-st tblng to iidur la tb rum in i.mii turtl of tb t' S'wrti. ftWan i-ouK lb tartaia bU ef ,,r,, I tat In tb Aualrallas hu"b, nrar Purl In I.,-., i ,bltI's hw tVlmlnal Conrt. on ' l"m. for flf dny. iiglnir.iiimudir t id l!ii.'a .ii. ...I....... ni ,ii,..i, ! K. . Milk w found alir d ll by ftoin of Ih aaloina In I.lrrrpol dia l!iy tb "Udlr ran But b aerred without tbir baia an." CZAR DISSOLVES DIET. New Encroachment Made Upon Lib rty of Finland. $L Petersburg. Feb. 23. Emperor Niehola today issued a rescript dis solving the Finnish diet and ordering tho holding of a new eliction May 1, for the new diet to assemble June 3, Thia step is due to the criticism of the emperor'a policy in President Svinhufvud'a response to th speech from the throne at the opening of feb- ruary 10. The establishment of a joint r innlsh Russian conference to elaboraU a new baaia of relations between the grand durhy and the empire haa been practi rally decided upon. lilia mrll ilr to ranch lb do.. A prnfoaao la Cotihgea l'nlrliy Kid to rhlaroforia planl. Aflr av 'I il) limy bud in gra profuaiou. "lV-.iiltlng faahlon Mtrt" I on 81 win union 'i omul. don. whit packing tmnk i tb, irla of anothr. 1 lln,l.r. f.l.. aMIM,llt slarav t-ao now. ';lr",'d of rb liwouga Couttdl eaj liiiallm,.ni Uan. f: Katitor Clark, th Muniana mullt aillliniiaira, out- workad lu tb ulna fur H-2.1 I ilnj., Th ftrt p'natof st waa aad by 'rMilo In H7(l. Nw Vurk City coinpWtea forty alt nw building each dy, iv.raglng I3,000 Mrb. Th iirarig dally g of Norwegian r"ir Is t; cut. Th flr.t dlininae waa printed In Hub Mr In U", Adtfrtlirmraia first appeared la new. auera In lv,a. B. W, Iaj.r, ii, a eonaldra that to n rtit rlomis ar th mo.t dlfUoult of H aiudlra. ' may b blown Into beautiful rn'!"rt.d Iwttlaa, lighter nd trengr "nllnnry glsaa. , N'0,''" awead, u.d a fuel, yl.ld "tr rrmi than It flhrl. T1i tt,t pi,,, or,a WM d k. Ar. """d la 20 Ii. a black trackur. Threaten Life of Priest. New York, Feb. 23. Threata to i i.. ... rin uald for Nw Tori blow up the church and kill the assiHt- ...i .,..ri,,,r haii.M lant rector. Father Liberati, it wa l.iii aithlii 8 .r iitiouiiti to $IJ4 learned today, have Impelled tlie plac aun.iallj for rch twriwu llrlug la tb.-in. It b bB ttd on Hrlllab authority that Anwrltvn luimiriit Into Canada ara liking flfiy inllllon dollir' worth of piouvrty Into 0 tvuutry enu yr. m, r,.n,.ain linn Ii dlplyd by a firm of cyi-l '"! ",nr nianuficturers at Iluroary. England: "lu aarun.ui her for iwtrol." Th gulden created wru Ii th unnlh'it .f Hrltiih birds. It la thr and a half Ini'hwi lung and evnty two of tbeoi aih on pound. Th municipal If af Conhngen hal ltK.i.,d war on rat, and will pay 1'4 mil for every tall. Th brwding of ran fur thlr till' ti a crlmlnil offina. ma poatrorn ot min Inir of a day and night police guard at tho Church or Uur Lady or ixiretw on Klirabeth street, in the lower Euat nd. A Black Hiind letter received by Father Liberati on Saturday demanded tho payment of $500 by Wedneaday of thia week, the failure to receive hl, h tho euistlo aUted. would in Urop volve the destruction of the edifice and the killing Of the priest. Dreadnaught in Shade. New York. Feb. 23.Kear Admiral Goodrich believes that battleship twice the sire of the largest now build ing will be launched in the not fur ciie- tant future. "Over in the UrooKiyn navy yard we are refitting one of the . .- I- a nupr it Pnar Ad ar imani to " . ,Uou ti... i. i. . ....... mlral M tllisnn a lieei. in ioto. ii .. . is. n i CURE THE CHILDREN'S COUGH Wor IicoiuIiK haciing to.ra lli cWk" atemhrana o I throal I Mid ainoaiog thorn to lli raag. ol deadly dia t Hihl to Uk M oJ th trouhl. aup Ih cough. rtnmii lung., and quickly mlwvrc tmhcltliy coadiiiona. BfiiJ J pleauru tul and fiaedum lion dangerou. uirJ!" .u ", , fj f dy lot children. Al Iba rl ayiiptoin. ol a cough or ooM la li hill obm you will v aorrow nJ tuflenng ll you CIVB THEM PISO'S CUKE IrnVSkalL', . " ,h!!i! 1 huUtS battleship, of from 20.000 Tb. long frith of a bird's wing to 21,000 tona If we are spared for a fnateoed to "' " ' ,hl' Wj1''b V1 mor' we n"11 W" ,hlpS f Um th wing th itrength and lurfad 3(,i000 nnJ 40,000 tons." whrwilh to brat Ih alr. - - " , , ... Robt Sleeping Officer. A youth of sv.iiln. whe banged bint f fa 23.After hav- mi'aun, w - escaped today from two olllcera after robbing them of their monoy, gun and watchca. Mead waa captured In Oregon several week ago. The ofli cera, with their prisoner, ropaired to a hotel to rest. The prisoner waa hand cuffed to one of the officer. While they were asleep Mead secured the handcuff key. tb act. . avr.a 9 L MANY ON PENSION ROLL. Little as It I, John Bull Make It ' Hard to Gat. London, Feb. 22. England, Scot land, Wale and Ireland have 696,038 old age pensioner, according to official figure Just made public. Praviou statements of the number have been mm estimate and nearly 100,000 too low. A large number at claim are alio under consideration. When they have been acted on, eutiinating agul the total will be about 000,000. The United Kingdom' population at the last census was 42,000,000, so that about one person In- 70 ia on the old age pension roll. Inhabitant much aa 70 yeara old, the lowest pen alonable age, number only 1,254,2X6, however. Thia mean that nearly half the country' population of the requir ed age I poor enough to claim the ben ellt of the act. Of the f6,038 pensioner-, C39.3K8 receive the full allowance of 11.20 weekly. To rtceive thi amount it necessary for the applicant to prove that his private income doe not ex ceod $1.92. Those wboae incomes do exceed thia amount are pensioned only enough to bring the total up to $3.12 weekly. Of the 658,248 who have been re- fuaed or have not asked pensions, it is not to be presumed that all or even large proportion have private income exceeding $3.12, Anyone who has ever received public relief even to the ex tent of having a tooth pulled at a pub- lie dispensary or has been accidentally Injured and carried unconscious Into public hospital ia classed as a pauper and Is, a auch, ineligible. The same applies to anyone ever convicted even of a minor offense, or who haa been at any time in hi life a permanent rei dent of a foreign country. A illustrating the varying deercc of proptHTity in diffe rent part of the United Kingdom, 38 per cent of the English and Welsh pensionable are receiving pensions, while in Scotland the percentage is 49 and in Ireland 98, PANIC AMID FLAMES. Large Steamer Burn and 200 Lives Reported Lost. Buenoa Ayres. Feb. 22. The Argen tine steamer President Roca, from Southern porta, acccording to report received here, haa been wrecked be tween Puerto de San Antonio and Puerto Madrid, on the East coast The steamer caught fire, and it ia believed the crew and 200 passengers have per ished. It ia reported alao that the steamer sank. Press dispatches received here this afternoon atate the flames spread with great rapidity and the steamer w headed into shore as rapidly as poeai ble. A panic prevailed and many lives were lost, some of the estimates reach ing as high as 200. The President Roca waa on her way north from Puer to Madrid to San Antonio. Later official message report that the veaael sank, but only 20 lives were lost. Three hundred and fifty passen gera and member or tne crew were saved, according to these advices. The Presidente Roca belonged to the Hamburg South American, fane was the largest steamer trading regularly between Buenos Ayres and the North ern ports of the republic DECIDES SPOKANE RATES. RuTiored Commission Favors Conten tion of Coast Cities. Washington, Feb. 22. The Inter state Commerce commission haa reach- i decision in the Spokane rate case, and will announce its findings thia week, it is rumored that the decision favorable to Portland and other Coast points and adverse to the Spo kane contention. The commission, according to report, holds that Sjwkane ia not entitled to aa low a rate on Eastern shipments as are cities on tidewater, which have the advantage of water competition. No member of the Interstate Commerce commission seen today would discuss the decision, and it ia therefore impos sible to confirm the rumor. w. ft: " i- Hp-. JaifU an" v U Billiard Hita Wyoming. . Cheyenne, Wyo., Feb. 23.-A gener- i v.ii..rrt ran nsr over Wyoming a, u. ....... - - .- ITLl.r. I and Western Nebrasna wnigiiu a .. , - . . . ,.i H..n anrl Inaa itAtlona. snow IB " " -' . - j tua '.-.lmtl nrlth u,i.ul.a .,-,,.. IS drilling OWliy. . . ,,.;. tu lrnl,Ho. fnr a.v. ini-m will cause neYjr iv w,... Weavers Boycott A.-Y.-P. Tokio, Feb. 22. Resenting theanti Japanese sentiment recently expressed throughout the length of the Pacific coast of the United States, the Asm kaga Weavers' league at its last meet ing decided that it would not partici pate in the Seattle exposition. The eavcra declared they were willing to sacrifice $l,0U0,000 in export trade rather than attend the fair. A com- mittee of the league will meet tomor row to discuss the feasibility of send ing emissaries throughout Japan to urge all of the weaving towns to join. Castro Loses His Titla. Caracas, Feb. 20, via Willemstad, Feb. 22. Cipriano Castro has lost his title a President of Venezuela, the High Federal court having rendered a decision that sufficient evidence had been presented in the suit brought against him on the chargo of attempt ing to bring about the assassination of uan Vincente Gomes, the acting pres ident In its decision the high court transfer the suit to the criminal court and declares that Castro ia constitu tionally suspended from the office of president. Powers Wilt Mediate. . , London, Feb. 22. One or more of the neutral countries will very shortly offer good offices to Austria and Servia in the hope of Bottling their differen ces. Who wtll direct this has not been decided, but in any case it will' not be Great Britain. The indications point to the selection of France, and there reason to believe that such a pro posal would not bo at all distasteful to Austria-Hungary aa they are on the best of terms. Wlralas for Railroads. Omaha, Nob., Feb. 22. Dr. Fred Millener, experimental electrician of the Union Pacifle railroad, will leave tomorrow for a tour of the East for the He will visit many wire Dr. Millener has bmn Rural Telephones Do you realize that rural telephones, more than anything else, tend to increase tiie earning power of every farm and farmer? Do you realize that ALL of the material needed to build the very best rural telephone line exactly the same as the Bell Company puts up will cost you and your neigh bors less than half a dale of cotton or twenty b jshcli of wheat each ? Ovr 4,000,000 Western Electric Telephones ' '"' are in use In the United States to-day. V."e made the first telephones f;nd we have made the most in fact, we have made more tlmi all other manufacturers combined. We have brought the rural telephone within the reach of every farme-, and with our Free Bulletins before hira a boy can install and operate the system. Our te lephoncs are guaranteed. Cut out this advertisement, write your name and address on the margin and mail it to-day so that the Free ' ullr-ins, which describe the entire plan ia detail, may be sent you imme lately. SOCTDEM 0FFfCS Atlanta CirttiiiMul la4idUUt ta KuavjuOty P'tMVonti hIM lunula) aVaV 112 f ml f,: ar4 xxrtupo Btenc u -i ia lb Contrii tkn, (, . ttiim ija1 (jnnrv lt4evaa fUai. MOTHER AN WESTE PN OFFICES IVwto PnttarMohi PittabMrg Chicago t Aftfelai OaaaaUa Saint fi.d Salt 1 vita-Of Sia f t &eavf Fr Ksamale. "To mik a long tory abort," laid Cn- cle Cblnner, w collected the maple sap, inipiird It lnt a bug iron krttle, aod put it over a big wood fir to boil it down" "To imjce your long itory abort, ancle," Interrupted o- of tbe listeners, "(uppose you boll that down, too." PILES CURED IN TO 14 DATS PAZO GINTMKNT la owantcad Co eara anr caaa of Itrhlna. Blind. Blaadlnc or frotrudins I'IImi In to 14 daya or avmay raf undad. Ux. llatr Kaaiaa;eaiat. "It's a good thing that man wants but little bore below,' remarked the home-grown philosopher. "liecauiie why?" queried tbe youth. "Beeanse that's all there Is left after wouiiin geta what she wnutit" answered tbe philosophy gcuerator. PITC . Vl'"" Iana aao I IIJi aaatlr car l.r lir. .laa'aOnaat Kar.a Ha- alofar. H,m4 for rail It t Ulal boula aa tnatlaa. Wr. U. H. kJlaa. Ld.. W Atck St.. ralUdalpala. Fa. IcraaiBoloar. Offieiou Saleamao Wouldn't yos lib to look at KiM of our overcoatings or aultlugi? lyK.ptlc Looking Customer No, but if you will he kind enough to tell tat wbvr th drug department Is I'll tak a look at your pilling and poroua pbuter- ing." Chicago Tribune. Mntban will And Vra. WlntloWa SonthtB Syrup lo b. at rwinadr to ttaalurUiaUrcblidiaa aurtug ma isouuug parlod. RIAPLEIN kea H A Flarortntf. It mike lyrup better than Maple. 2 J Soli by grocer. A O' Tw'd liki dnri:j a rev. for?" "O. I'd like round." i t Bafcr. to be in Soutb America It ion, would you Wbat to see the wheels go t7atlmrl. laferrapMoa. Orlando bpoonamor bent over th fair hand and repectfully kixtod it. "loung man, criwbed the parrot In th cage orerhrad. "in tbr n) thing the nu ter wltl py lipr've4.eeeea ) V V l mm Farms 60 els. a lb. ONION SEED VriTiUl Per Sclier'i eaulo pace ug. Larrcit arowera of ornoa and veretable seeds in Ilia world, lint cataiocfrea: or, send ISO in I'Jr.i.-l aiid rcctva calaiog and iodo arala eaca of voions, carrots, celerr. radishes, two each letluce. ruiabasa. tur Qt&a. loo o:irsler. too lomaloos. lao melons. zoo charmini flower seeds. In ail iokio r.arnels. eaily worm SI.OO of any man s Roncr. Or. send too ad w ill add one par. of Earliest uep O'loy Sweet Corn. SAUEH SEED CO., BoifC La Crosse. Wla. S'?'f Sii ?'-!?. SS i-i-t-'i New Klako la fka Scow In a communication to th Royal So ciety of Queensland, DoaglfS Ogllby re cord the diw-overy of on new genus and seven sew sccles of fish. Among these sre slender dog shark, Howe's needle fish, long-besked garfish, the aoiuber leather Jacket and other. Mix for Rheumatism. The following is a never failing re cipe for rheumatism. To one-half cint of good whiskey, add one ounce syrup sarsaparilla and one ounce Tori com pound, which can be procured of any druggist Take in teaspoonful doses before each meal and before retiring. Had a RcauHsa. Editor (of Daily Thunderbolt) Toop- er, you have fallen down on two or three (Kslgnawnt lately. Xoxx used to hav the best none for new there waa In th office. ltTwrtrr I think I hd but It's been pulled one or twic lately, and I'm get ting .caulioua about using It. A gO"d, remedy for Rheumatism. Neuralgia and Sore Throat is Hamlin's WiiRixi Oil. Nothing will o Quickly lrive out all pain and infJamma ion. afaklagr Sare. Country Cousin Are you sure I am In the right train? Town lu-latlve (who has had about enough of It) Well, I have asked sev enteen porters and thirty-two passen gers, and they all any, "Yes," so I think you'd better risk It Loudon Tel egraph. Cn'y One "BROMO QUININE" That la LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE. Look for th aumatur of E. W. GROVE. I'aad the wurM over to Cure a Cold In One Dar. loc Its Claim to Insaaortalltr. I don't aoe anything remarkable In your poem, said tb tailor, banding it bar. You don't?" howttd th wuula-be con tributor, pointing with a quivering finger at th word "lost hen" at th end of the fourth atansa. "Did you vr sea a poem befor that had a perfect rhyme for lothtV?" Chicago Tribun. I MERCHANTS I I WILL TRADE Wsll Paper, Moutdines, fP.ciurea and other sim ilar eocds. tor umbir . land, farm .and or cash. $ Lowest wholesale w prices. Write me. E. H. MOOREHOUSE 144 Seventh St. Portland, Oregon The deanest. liahtest. and most comfortdbJe WLVlViVlwlV. ct the same timeil cheapest in the (J end because II wears longest FwaFVlfTinr V utuy wiiw Evtry 9Qrmrll quar oned worerprooi1 Coratoq frw Q V 1 A & I.T 8BL w want tatwrk, wheat, dn'ry tarM frail fa row. Havme; a larv EaMtern txrmm poTulenres w arc in a- pomitkm Co mak quick tuttd. Drop cm a card If yoa bv anythinji Lnow of asy farzxw torim. ATWVS LAND CO., 420 Lumber Exchange. PORTLAND, OREGON 4 if thtnc To IwromlaxTiaaJ 1 H3-arn to 9vciAi'.t, art irvaa. CtallU In nrrMluclnaT tin" bt flMrM and vrtrtaM aeed. Ia tt yram w hav beroma rTptrf?. giw ferry'B SetNto aod rrsp th rjalt of oar cam Per aJ mTrymhm. Rd oar iim catairMroa an proo t bj tmr x pi 8nl fir cn roiueftt. Addnata D. M. FtKRT A CO.. DHBOIT. MtCE. "Ha! Ha! It didn't hurt a bit! Now for my Alveolar Teeth. arW &Wt V v me "tSBa oxvWvc owcs; dcawses asss8 ox(ixiovctcoTVw To 6eXs bevvcuiva Qcuvxxwe, CALI FORNIA Fig Syrup Co. 50LDBYLEAD1NQ DRUCCISTSWaBOTTU The 2 i "FLYERS" are the O.R.&N. fast through train between PORTLAND and SPOKANE WM. McMURRAY, a P. A. Portland la cases like tb abave. ad dentist throw aa their bands, aad say there is ao hope save a state ar false act of teeth, ba th Alveolar y. lent solved the problem and oomt plate ar a4 necessary ao.' all th tcta ar caae. We do dental work In all ita b -inches, from th simple piece of nlline to the complicated and eci entilic A Ireotar work. Let no one fool too into payinr fancy prkea. Consult as. The pricee be low are for the hurheat claaa of dental work. . PerTeotb Alveola-Teelh $3.50 aa Rexular Oald Crown. 2 Ik $3.SO Rcautrr Porcelain Crowa $3. SO Recular Gold or f namcl nils... $1.00 Retular Inlay rulings. Painles nd Per fect , $1.30 Regular f tpert Plat Work, per set. ... $3.50 mm Painless Extracting (Ire with work) SOc We make a careful examination of tbe month free. If you would know mure of this Alveolar work, send for our book, "Alveolar IVntl.try," a trrttie on the tveta in g-eneml and the now method in particular, Tbe book is five. Out-of-ttiwn patient, treated in th ahorteat possible tm. DeniUU of 5 to 20 years' active practkc in the city. The ALVEOLAR Painless Dentists fourth and Washington Streets PORTLAND, OREGON. ENTRANCE UOM FOURTH STREET Lady Attendant . OfTICE HOURS s a. m: to 8 p. m.: Sunday t s.m.Ul!m. PHONE AI17L FNU No. 9-09 TTTHKM wrltlns; to adTertiaera ptsaa If - attention this paper. For DISTEMPER Pink Fye, rplzoolic. Shipping Fever and Catarrhal Fewaw Sure our and posit tv preventive, no matter how horse at any ssr ar infected or "exponed." L.quid. ftiven on tho tongue: acta on th h oodand Glands, e.xpela tbe poisonous aerms from the body. Curee Dia temper in I)utis and Sheep and Cholera In Poultry. Lariteet eellinr live stock remedy. Cura la Grippe amona human bplng-sand la a fine Kid ney remedy. 0eandilabottle;a5andti0adoaen. Cut thia out. Keen it. Show to your d ruirtristj who will get it fur you. Fre Booklet, "Die- mm flltDlCAL CO., i , GOSHEN, IND,U.i A. I lifrv?!"! niu poau TRtTAJtl ponoti tviu Coo AW DO'.rBaTni ESCENT Egg-Pho8phato BffiKPQWDER A FULL POUND 25c. . Get It from your Groceri PUTNAM FADELESS DYES the ' cral months. Oolor more goods brighter and faster colors than any other dye. One 10c package colors all It, wool and cotton equally-wall poet paid at 10c a package. Write for . e booklut MONROE VRVa COMPANY, Quincy, a.UaoUa ui i j ki i r i dM oeeuex, or wewuisenn poet paid at l oca pac ww w. mmmtt ej'.v wWHMM 'stock on the opea range.