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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1908)
Ml, Boa, ft, Or, jj UNTY COURT itlit AIIow.J Nov. ftih. r,.uit Court Jurora kin . ltJn Iti' "... ll! ir irjn , , Ikllif - l'0 . bit ... lilies . , iillU . . . r . .. ia . , . t-ly Uy liry.. 10 00 0 ) 7 10 20 10 30 10 20 9 40 10 SO 10 40 37 20 30 40 34 NO 30 2U 3ft 20 37 m 37 '."0 0 20 9 0 9 0 4 4 4 4 4 4 10 4 40 4 40 4 20 4 30 w 3ft (W 2 Ml Sfl 20 SA 40 SI 40 30 34 40 :w mi 3 -At 3 lu4 tibcn. linu t before Grand Jury Ihntil I'-l i ("r . . . . , iS.gll't . It 3 in ft 4 4 3 4 3 3 My rKr n -vu rid lllliT hull III!!.. Liutiiiii;rr hcli. II . Wt. . . :llCf i.ttiid'. iiWi ilitlr IHsl Alt M nklr team fur Grand 00 00 no mi 40 20 40 4 20 3 Oil M It 3 no M 8 3 0 It 7 IK) 4 3 a ttft W.m Justice fee, .l.ftler. . , , iimr constable Minf,, Jui ti Hint vi Miler ISmaii .'. tsuii. . , n J1 V'. annua, 0 Wituwaja Put v Mutter en run Cik h!tifty, KUlo Vil Ktl- ri Vitnr -m BUte Knglr-rt ant i''il.y i uml, Blm.U..ul. J utile, Huib vi furlilu'ml, dcpiliorlH .... kr Whlmey, Juitlce Hum I'll V CllIlll Mulliiiirnr itnn Sheriff. . . . I'ty work lur sheriff iMtiVKim servlnif ubpoenR I llnrrlit work lur dark M 'A A 65 ft HO 1 50 1 60 3 no ft 6ft 6 60 6 50 ft 50 3 20 10 6.1 ft 65 i 2.25 3 ililackford acting curuiuir. . " owucii uuruuur pnyai. ihii Hlinrwoud mileage t0e cor0' ner , HUrkford telephone to nor- oner Clitrk gritvefurT TlnmiiiMfn l"e tnwiu lur tiurlitlof Tlionf 6 (I 2 80 I' II KliftwotK. flilnml supplies mul coroner R V. Mmililuor)tir'i iliyilclitn I M )v work In a.srssors offlra Kltlmm Hirtii.inrry & Priming do. supplies for surveyor. , Tim Irwin IIoiImmi Cj up for tilnik mul tlmrlir , ('ltkitiii Clilol upiilim fur wIhhiI mipt A T l imn repmn (ytnitf(r"l'l Ornji'iii Mi.t uli court lrooil tHK (fU"li Mint (Ullunrry lur dark Orrxon Mini inllltliiiiiiiiiil-mi- niiul rKirt Oir((iHi Mint HUtloiwrv lur llimnl ul KiilnllMtluii W A llnrtll MMiiigH imnr W A lliinit hwIi;o clrrk ullii-n Mint iuti, mil lur Viki- tlil f'rrl Tm iiiiilli fur Jutilmi Jim (It'll wwnI lr JokIkii . l.llml A Mct'nutor Uiillr 'fur I lot I M Him kfunl rut lr llopklm N I'iiii'kimv iiipplln ir MclHm- M K McVoy iipplic mm A K Hutu oxl lur Mums ..... Kl. Mrny'n IliMplul earn ul Will lUUun C 11 lliiKlt' iippltr" fur Kutwtki W J Kullwtoii fruUirrlnic elwt- 'tn . J M illnrklorJ rrgliUrlng lct- or C J rMrtrlawn mn , J.ilm l'rlnlg miiid... G'u A rni'll.'jiniiiM ttlrcll'in (UttpHnl OrK" Mi at rlrvtlun ImlloK . T C Wmli tlivitun rxollit ml lull rmt. Jut Itantrr iu ami liall fur r!Klin ...... ftt.rr llirkeulrlil liall f"r rl- ll-ii .iimiihmh A I'uii'gsti t't.t rlntlun . . Klrflli.n IVorJ Ai'iy O K Wt.i.iti'ily V I. In .. J li M. . i v - J lliii ki'i Im ') - r fnlik C A lirt Anliurn K V. NUkniwm John K.ll.iiliii J r hlwdry W rrti.l - t, II hlnafl I 8plir T lleavrr KIU John McA'Inm W McC'ilimn W II Kvwr Ira I'jrrhrr Wilbur M'.trn - C Normiiii - CUlakmiin J A lUrr S Mcrrtll K liTl. i.rti'ir J V MrlHinalil J K Julmaoii J II Tullma Win Bla.klurJ J N Kir C L tVmyeu (i w lii-y - A M Merrill A It MHIrr A W Ulmkiorl IVcr Iilan.l C A Merrill M Krwh S A AnlrM Jut (iailteu W K Clark FT Admin (iulile TCWulu M Link UC Kowlei K I. Kenny H Va-r - J (i Kennnly Marahlanl H Mllrmum (ieo Frentwt " Tliua Hoylo 0 A (irnliam JK Oritlinm Mark Klll'-tt Nfliiilcm Frank ."eleraon J A Vmi " J J lb liter J II AMrli! A H Mdi 1) V Free umn Oak l'ulnt It S Pnyiiii John Hi)iulriok)n K It King 0 J 8airiiteii 9 U Mow I'VJ Fluhrer lUiitler 8 M tu( K K WMker 1 ft ft 2H 76 1) HO I ft ftO 2 75 3 1 20 0 2li 22 2 2ft 51 10 20 20 12 17 20 10 4 W 3 lift 7 42 70 It) 4:' 4 HO 1 50 3 80 2 SO 29 25 60 10 70 1 1 5 .1 3 .1 .1 3 3 5 00 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 V HO 3 3 3 10 20 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 8 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 ft 40 3 3 3 3 3 3 11 40 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 40 3 0 3 3 3 3 0 (0 3 3 3 T J Fllppln 3 lF,(lii!knr 3 N Ka nil 3 It 1. Lnvalac 3 1 II I oan 3 if lntljr 3 O HHfiKtfln 8 C Con 11 la ; J O W1111 it 3 U W (iruiit 3 W K 3 K I) McKay 3 f''i 1-anR 4 60 M J I'.iiKlert 3 I'liimi It Cu 3 Tit lnt 3 CW KiiHirnoii S J W Allan 3 J II fifxlfn-y 3 Wl'Maclay. 3 W J Mi'lliuiffr 3 (i I.Tatlll 3 CFIIrUm. 3 U W ( lark 3 W A Mclntyra 3 V 8 Dupaln 3 Warren M F Ilmn 3 N V linker 3 F M lluyt 3 A Frevuian 3 W J Kullertua 3 80 I,wliavii 3 How to Treat Hpraltt Hprani". mellitiKi ami lamencat are pr.'nijilly relieved by Cbainljerlaln'a I'aln lialin. Thla liniment mlticoa in flaitiution ami turaneaa ao that a ipialn may 111ml In about one-tliinl tbe iliue required by the naual treatment. Fur ale by A J Oeming, druggiat. Ttaenty yoiinjf pin lor aale, Gko 1'kkkv, Houltun. Kotlee for Publication Jlifpartroent of lh Interior CnlM Hui... Uu.l OflW o. I'orilMi'l Orcuoll. ..U-inlr XV, i'AH. Notlra la h.'I.V vlvou (1ml Jnhn R.lijiU.n ill Vaniiuila, On viin, who on July Atli I'na '". fi'iin.'swi r.ii'ry ri. jiwi, acriAi no. v.ii fur Huuii.t 1; hi ttM iion II Tuwnhlu t Norlh, KaiiKB 4 Wwl of Wlllamett Mnrldran. haa llh.l iiiiii.. of Ma lm-litln lo maka final (lie year woof, t Mlalillli claim to tlir lan'l alm .Iwrllwl. Uforo tna Ki-ltr an.l K- crlv.T u 1'iirtlaiul Urrg.iu, on the lUh dajr of i.iaiuiaut naiitpa aa wltnftaawi: lral NH-mr. John I'rlimle. A. Ntlaoll Karlar. K. bcnl, all of Vrriiiuila, Or.'icin. K'Klalcr. Hearse SUMMONS. In the f'lrrull Court of I he btato of OreKon for iiutniiia (ouiity. M.llu u. HriMiki. plalntUf va txirrtu Ilrooki, rtrlcn.lant To lxrlta llrook, the alrtira named defend ant: In tlm name of thn Hut of Orivonr You ara hurohy riilrd uj aj'iifar anl aimwar tha 'loritflalitt nir1 mkiuijkI you In tha alKiv en ".itirt ami r.nv on or tor halilMajr 0-l. l7th,!!M. wl.ii h la ilx w kalu-rH.t. 4th iwa tha daw orlnJ for tit lira! iiiihth-atlon of thu. oiHlc, aul If you fait lo mi and answer ilia plaintiff will ai'ly for tlir n ll. t pravwl lor In Ida i.otnpUint, ui wll: for a dwree illaaoW. tna tha bond of mutritmitiy now rxlftlua he tw.i ahova liaiMMd iUiull(f and di'laudalit, and for in h othrr and lurther rtllul aa to tbe oourt aema iam.1 noil Iiihi. Thla aummoun la txifiliiilifd lf order of the Honorahla Jnmra frt, Jiiilire of the County oourt.inade and anteri.'d on the 3rd day of Hvp tvuiljcr, PAW. T. B. Mi DKVITT. Jr. Attorney for Plaintiff. Ptrat publication Bcpl. II h. Lul publication Oct 1Mb IVUK. 5ollr to Creditor In ihi I'ouniy 'oiirl of the Htauj of Orenoii for i oi.i.iii'ia rouiiiy. In the mailer l ihr rataie of Malcolm McKay. ih". rMt Son, r l hi rcl ) man li Ih uti'lcmirncl, Urn . lii.mi.u.lor ol Ui raiala l M.. oliu Mc K . . i'r .1 lo Ih. im-Ulon' "I. and all jwr ...I..' I'A.Hig rlAlni. ai(tu1 Mid ptat I.' I'l rot lupin with Ilia I'f'M'rr v.toclifi. within n m..nih lomi ilia .lal of lhl nolli to iha u. ..i.!iii.I"i..i . at Ihr laa oftlra of tilllard Alii at M lUlcll.. I'hla i..Miiiiy,Ot-itill. ih Mine Iwliiit Hie plara- for Ihr Irai.aacllou ul Ihi. liiiBiiicM ol Die ald rtt """" SOHMAN M.M.kAV A.littitii-tr(r ol Hie rftUiv uf Wnkolm Mt K) , tl c-f SUMMONS In the circuit court of thaHata of Oregon for he county of Columbia. AlllliKioii lii.enlineul t.o, I'laintlff Man. Daman, lklclidant. To HaWM-n. ali-ivc uamM dcien.lanl. In ihe name of the ?i"ic ofiireaon you are herd., rciull.'-l toai'l. .i an.l ali.Wcr the com t.Uln. A c.l mlut (on in the eiilllled coim alldc. "ll or uefi'tc the lath day ol N'.vcmH r, ia. end H you fall to ao appear and n...-r the plju.llrl lor want thereof will take Pidumeiit aaatuat you for the turn of los.itt .III. inlcrcn Ihrrn.n at the rata o 10 per cent wr aiiiiuui from the Br.1 .lay o March. I J t-udan.i for ihelimhornii.iof li. iwwtth liiu rot Ihc.ia.ii ai the raleo' in per cent per ...iii'm l'". Ihe Hlh da) of (M-ohcr. mil illilll aii.llorUie lurther ai-in ol IJim Mat to.ti.-y Icea and ..r Ihe wla and dlauurae- mTl'iu''lnimotta It arr'l titwn you by pub lic iiion 'y order ol the ll-n. Jamea Dart J.i.tie ol the county court ior Ihe county of t olumlila Mate of llreaoll. which onier In dated the SMIl day ol seplelnlMir m and Ilia dale of the Ural publication of thla aiiminoiu la thu id day of .atooer l, f H 8KNN A j R Bl.KDKTr, AlUirueya lor f lalntiff. Sotlct for Publication liciMrtmrnl of tbe Interior V, 4. iJindOIBeeal IVrtlaud Oreson. ttrt lit, lwt. Xoilce l hereby alven thai Fred H. l hapmr.n. of Portland. ttraon who on iiciot'er, nub ltaih made tinilwr land aworn atatcmcilt No. OTai.1, M K'.oiHI'.'.aiidHtv of SKii Town- baa Mini notice of Intention lo maka Una .-n prom .o .'';,',"" ,, ;,; NlMIVV .ICMTUHI. oe.oie w eeiver I). H. Unit Klllce nl ISiriland Urraon ou . ...... i,.,...i,r. tuna. me "... oj .- Claimant nainea a Allrcd U I'earaon ol Portland, Oregon. ...(. I IT.ItfNr of " " J. Krank Kln ol " " W.J. I.iarkwou.1 of Arte -. Wt w AMir.i.v. . .....--...- KcglKter NOTICE TO CREDITORS Iu tbe County Court of tbe State ol Or egon lor Columbia County. In the matter ol tbe eitute ol Jauie Ful Icrton, tleceaaed. v, ta t,,.r.l.r niivn tiv the tinder iiuuc m e. -j liined the lixecutor ol tlie estnte ol t ...lnn ilMaeav1 tn till Cmlitlia ol, ami all person bavine claim ajjainst . I ... tl,.m Willi tllff HA1U fainiir, w . . - i,.ra within aix months from UOlt' , ,v v , . the date ol tbi not ice, to the aiil It- rctitor, at bis resilience ai ocappoosc, t,M thi. nlar lor the j; "1 . a.' ' ,- tmiiaaclion ol the business of mid etate. Dated Wovttmoer n, naio. K1H5AR STEVENS. Executor of the estate of Juuies I'ttl lerton, ileceascd, FINAL NOTICE Nol ce la bcrchy given mat iiw umipiiwiira Kxccutoraof thoealateof Charlea Kngllah. . . . t . Mtu.l l,ulr lllta NCIIl.linl lu the ueccaM-u. o". e ... . - - Counlv Court of the State ol Oregon for Uiliim ila County, ami that Monday, t)ie 7th day of December, IIW, at the hour ot to a. m. ot ai day. and tlie eourt mom ol nal.l court, Iihj been i.f.7...... it, a tl nl n an.l itla apwuiUHi oyaw. .5, - -. T fir IUP nt'ttniiii K't wirj". ii"" : Iclllemotil thereof. All irona having oblee- . ..It . .t am ItllPaltlV rtll Hi FlUl III tlolia Mi aaiu "-- . ?,: , .... hie ino aame in aaiu wn. i-..v- - nxe.l for audi hearliig. Dated and Hist " " l V'v't I V K tiVfl .1 S iV JOHN a'. KNUl'.IXH Kaocutori. OUtiier i Sawall, attorneys, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION United HUtca Ind Office, Portland, Orctron. Auguat, 1W. Portland Mat No. OXJi. Notice la hereby gtien t hat the Northern Pa clhc Hallway Company, whoaa poati.lTica ad drcwla hi. Paul, M lulltsoU. bar thla SMh day of Auxuat IMia Alcd In thla oltico lu application to eelert un.ler tha proi -lalnna of the ai:t nl Con grcaa. approved July 1. law CO Htat. M.tW) Lot Sttar.K.Twn. N. K. I Wrnt W. M. Any and all peraunii claiming adreraely tha Ian. la dearrlbed. or dealrlng lo object bcu ol the mineral character of lha land, or lor any other rcaaon, to lha rtlapoaal to applicant, ahould file their affidavits of proteat In this office on or before the Aid day ol irctobcr, loua. AlXjKHNON H. IRKMWKR tu-glater. Flrat pul.llcailon Hpptembar. i IW1B. publication October i, litn. FOW POkTLAND DAILY f STEAMER furnished for all point on river J or rail, wilh or without horses, at reasonable rate. J James Lowe, Adilre Mr. e Rainier -:- Ore t Hotlce for Publication COiL KHTV IHec. 2t47, K. HI I n ltd Htatea land Offlca Portland. Or.-Kon. October, ir, lgng. Notice It hereby given that Alfred (I. Pear arm, of Portland, County of Multnomah, Htaia of Oregon, haa on thla day filled In thia office, hla application to purcbaae. wader (he provia lona of auction ''41. V. h. Revlaa.1 gUltoles. the N1, of UK'.' of Kectioo W, T. t. S. K. 4. W.. Willamette ll.jrl,llan, Any and all persons claiming adversely the lands deecrlbe.1, or deelrlng to object for any rraaon Ui the aale thereof to the Applicant ahould file their affidavits of proteat In this oftlce on or before the '.3rd day of November, ltaja, otherwlae thia application may lie allowed AUiKKNON s. DKEA.1KR Kcalster JJB.U. R. CUFF, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON 8T HELENS OREGON. JALDWIN & SHERWOOD Undertakers axd Kmbalmie Heane for fiiLarals at all points ou river aoi rail. I'bone at our expense. RAINIER. - OREGON E. MILLER ATTORNEY-AT-LAW St. Helens, Oregon QR. EDWIN ROW, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON BT. HELENS : : OREOC- I.eavenSl Helena 6:15 A. M. Arrives at Portland 10:30 A. M. I..-Hvas I'orlland at 2:30 P. M. Arrives St. Helen at 6:30 P. M. II SOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Circuit Conrt of the Male ol Oregon, , for Columbia County. ... In the matter ol tne citato ol Margaret A.' Wlckerahaiil. dreaa-.. I Notice It hereby given that tha undesigned ! . ..f.i.a,-, of lip.-: nae, oy ior v o, j v.u, . ... .- eon. for Columbia County, been duly ap pointed a-ltllllllMraioi o. hi" coinir v, , ri't A Wlekerahatn. deceawl, and baa duly ; . . k ai. t,i.,i,r clatma ; ,uaii.ieu anu..i, i-. , atraJuat aald eatate are hereby required to pre-1 ih-ui .lie wan,.-. ,. .."i. .......... .. , all motiihi Imm Hie dale of thla notice, to me - t.- i. oat.w oi nuiard 4l liav. at HI. Helens ! Columbia County. Oregon. 1 nateu inia un oaj oi ar.i, '"" K. K. wlCKfcMIIAM, Admlnlttrator mmI WANTED Farm or Dumli for sale. Not parffealar abeal raeadNa. wlab to hear bora ewsaaat.eaiF -a ttT. will aell direct to Dartr. deacriptloo and Hate vata caa be had. Addreaa. L0AMTSH1U, Kotlce For Publication Penartmenlof the Interior. V. H. Laud Office at Portland, Oregon. Angurt 3, 190. Notice la hereby given that Katherine Emily Sloan of Portland. Oreson, who, on August 27 lja, mtule Timber I-andApplicaclon No. 03A7, for Ka.t . o; Southwest 'si and lota t and i ol of See. at Town-hip i North ranite west ol Willamette Meridian haa tiled notice of Inten tion to make final proof to eatablith claim to the land above described, before the Register and Receiver at Portland, Oregon, on tbe 27tb day of November lWH. Claimant names as witnesses: Charles W. Mead, ol Portland, Oregon. Kmll Setter! ol Portland, Orcuon. Peter Hodman, ol Racona, Oregon. Sorco Jeppeaen, ot Bacona. Oregon. ALGERNON 6. DRESSER. Register a T. PRESC01 1 E.E.Q0IOK. F. B. PRESOOT? The Columbia County ABSTRACr AND TRUST CO. Titles Examined & Abstracts Made Non-Resident Taxes Paid & Real Estate Loans, etc ! I t ! I t i L i L DART & MUCKLE Ctury a Complete Stock of the Best in General Merchandise at Lowest Prices Consistent with Quality. Country Produce Bought and Sold. When in Need of Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware, Boots or Shoes We Solicit Your Patronage and As nre YouJCourteous Treatment IT. HELENS, ORBOON A L Clmky. Jhon 'J