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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1908)
The Oregon Mist Entered, aftha Wtortice at St. Helen, OreRon, m aei-ond-clasa mail matter. 1wvk Kvkry Friday 1v R. H. FLA0.O. F.OITOH AND .'ROVHIKTOR. Sl'RStCRIITIOS RATK UH , .(W One ytar..... - tHw month ' Advertising rates road known en appll ation UK' notice 2ft cent per line, County Official Papei ClRCflT CoffiT Ot'KtCeM: Til . M K. I. Tongue n-trlct Jiultf .District Attorney t'tWKTv Orrii'saa Jnmo lirt. Jndtf ft. Ite'ert V A. Ilrri. lleik -M. I let n Mariiti While. Mn-nff. g'. Ilens K. t tichwr. IWw'r Clat'lcan II. W.-Kt. Coumlseioner -Hio K. 1'. Quick. Trenmrer Si. Helen .V T. )-. Assessor St. Helen J. II. iv.iliiis. School Supt (titskanie ' T. 1'rvscott, Surveyor 8t. Helen Flunk Sherwood. Conlier......Kainler LOWELL'S VIEWS Hon. Stephen A. Irell.o( l'en lleton, Jn a letter published in Morula' Ore yorran. refuse to permit his name to no lwftir lhs Legislature a can didate fur I'nited State Senator. He lay, in purl : "1 ! no! know that the mutter re-quir.- att.iiiin, hut I desire 10 go of with havlnu conniutrl In the defeat of Air. Kimil-h h n th latter ran for liovernur on ft hard cash haala. Thai wolt't lout h iff-Hi da I. Ilelter Kepilb licniH thuii h iillioi tif the Oreiionian Rhle-I i.i I iii' i defeat. As the OrevO'ii" i i.ut.iks. the national crisis it oxer, itnd , me all free to follow our 00 i : in ' politic. (iH. and hi ; III j detll tnki the hln'lii.ol. An Autocrat Deposed Smiiiiel ii,iinpT, ihe hend of the Ani'Ttrnn Knit-ration of Ihor, started out With the intention of defetlli(t the re pntdicait party U cause th vtrlv, at its nailon-il tu irenilon of US, refnaed to snclln hi anti-lUpnblicsn and ,1 1 ... ...!... .. .... ,... ... M.l I).. Ill hni. I . Unre that he rtit allml g.lUKi.UH) of vote ll- frightened the Ik tuocraUat the IVnver CinVeiiii'in Into adopting hi police then he took the stump for the IVnver randidale All Ihe wile of t,ld.tira.tilAi I.. it anil iMnloo were . . .. . i , ! neo to iurn m vou rani inr n'r o ; Kan sttion against Tuft and aend tliem to Itrya". The result 1 eeii In the voters) on No vember th Ureal indutrial center like Xew York, Chicin, I'hll idelphla, St. Loul and other rolled up Republi can majorities. Speaker Cannon, whom Umiiper boasted h Would defeat, U re-elected by an immenre majority, although there are larve numbers of YANKTON ITKMS. Yankton l-trr er ate iuvhI rilin. They were loiui at (he polls on llieltd. !' Cnmul ' our uenial clerk In Mr. Iiit!i' t le ia kpt huy thtw day. IhOsleln ,K SiallWiHMl l.umlier I'lilll ar putiiiiic a new road donkey Mrvo l.nia I liiiprovlnit hi fnrin thea, daa I , the aay of (jinhhiliil Uiiii Ml. Ihitta In erivtinx a limite oil hi place j arniili of the liiaiie hall. J. A. W Hiioioiu ha inveted ill frul ill North Yakauiaciiintry. lie intend to emlifriite in nlhiut two month l(v. Ho). I, Veleylnll Methodnt, prrrtchid t Yankton Uptlt church lt evriiinit He aid preach at nulil. n ill. Ilrt and third Simdnya in Ihe nionih, H. C Sliernll, the laptil tlliid-ter, pieuche on the ecolul and f u i tit .Siiiidav, mornliiK and vvelitiix !. r. nee Tarliell of Spilngliruok fitim ttaii.ere I hi apple. They are beaiitir He think he will have alwul one hundred mid tidy tnue The new ii-Ikm! building U rImuI roniplcted. The ctnail If proreiii nicely under the auprrvuioit of Ml Keed a principal and Mr. Lake aa aMWtaiil. Mr. Ik I at the Mapl Hill farm and Mi Iteed at lite Tain Cine lanu. The W C T. I', held a very lulere.1 tng tui-vtuu Sui dayevenliig, Krv. 8. hthor union men iu hi dniru t. New York. Machttelt,Ooiinectlent,l!iio, i V , Slirrrlll delivered a Very Hue a.ldre tndUna, New Jeraey and nearly all the ! to an liueietiii( aud ilttetertrtl audi ret of the urt industrial tatea of thejance. Tii W, C I V. inert ery country werecarried by ihe Hi-publlcan. I ecoml Sunday in each month at the ooie of thetu bv nliuoat unemmpled i Yankton taptit churvh, in tlie cveiiing Si. Helen School NolM. Thnre are U h amid 41 girl 01 the roll nl prerent Whiievef Imrrowed Ml I,elhio' um brella will confer a itienl favor bv t turning It. The di'ivirnlloii In the illltrrilit louum are very pre:ty. Our drawing cltte are doing citil lent work We have U-iiiii our program for the hllda. We have hadiuiira few vlaltor dor Ini lh p't inonlli, and are iiUav plc4e. to lecelve Ihrm Our uiw llhtary l. aie all KU'I, d and ready for lite, The library I a trong factor iii our wotk a many gnd Uiokaara trad raeli III. Oil h am I r tniMoa thiaald IVniing. Ire-I Morgu. Cecil Ko, ( rank Timrp, Harold Maa en, Churlla Iji, l lua Mevena.Aiel OUrii, Mary 1111111100, Mull Hamilton, Ollte UlUre, Mat hew MrKie, Itetnlcw Mat ten, li-llier Weigle, Ilia (leaver, jh Waiei. Carl HatiiilUin, Ann tjuhk. reln M.wipn, ffnil Italian, tilady Waiter, lleruii'e YanOiden. I Clear, li Ji.liii, (iohlie lUtian. rr, liny !., irr Wellington, Uul I.alUre, Ague Wl, ., Ja, k llr rixm, Allen McKie, mw Harnaoii, j.dta IVrmlng. Ijvter jk, Walter liagv, liny (iage. Ma'Saret M a, Mae HuUfH. Kittie l.nirli, A'l.y lUil'ln.m. In llailey, lh Thori, Haruld Iker. Klla llt tan. .ludi Kichantu, Mlicl I vii.h. Jack 1'ieoC'ill, Mildred rrn ltliie. iur Ira Kllia, llert.-rt "'llllam la or IUaaNH) " If you lloli't HulhHly ,m w,. your h.iainra t (,,, l(J ' II b l-uuhla yn ran and keep out of liver and lM ."'.H yon take Dr. King-, K 'Jjl The, keep tlIi.....,M4 Jmindi.e out of your ,'m 'z H..Hn. W.rren. Kr,,,HJOW lalalld dealer It t a entry etm.h ,,. -,.u. : I earner to haud'e u,.,. . Jr.m Klevalila th lian.l. I ... and lha acRle fr0(p t.lw I a'l'h' t u' heir H vooik, and v ii . whit it lit i !' ami" I km m v llle t i rerel.t (,K'"l I ' f'e V i"d p:h:' S aaie I J . nut ii'b to .eact. t:iii' l.ih -tM'i ti vei a m h.iKy ,.f l.ruke.t pledi;e ir dt'reka'ile,l Uf, and I wan! n-iilie' rltence nor word iwi act onninei., inn.ienceani memie-r " ""-tchieN wl.irli hes'nl-tt out f .r a ilt ll3l-llive A"Wil,"in iu ritti.iir ii- ! mijoritir. Ill mot of thol tate Uionur' aop-aied and nu le 'i i.i! i apjea,a Oit ill' aluinp all! tin hi'i hu'i hi iu "line .i I he id h piaer a id of hi in- teutiou to u-e it attm-t the Uepuhh. ao ! ixrty. iiarticnl r! egalnsl certain of it taken hi advice and kept out of the di trict, and sent tittlefleld liack to Con grets by a targe majority, lint (joiiiper tia typical Bourtxn. He learn nothing aud forget nothing. The blunder of two year ago he repeated on a much bigger tcale thil yeir, and hi defeat 1 correspondingly abject. The member of the labor union, like the rrt of the the worker, have the American habit of doinc their own thinking. They re-j-cted (romper' countel for them to let hlui d the thinking for them. Among the be ne ft t which the election of lUOli tr ngs to the country I the extripation of ihs demg'gue, marplot and auto crat who pretended that ha could brand the meiulwia of hi organisation like cattU and trad them to the ballot box with a halter. SL I.ul Cilol-Ienio-crat. CH ICIIC "I III" "... f The dreg-mian' leegthy diairlle n noway affect the force of why Mr. Lowell ha to sac. It i j it aiu.ply a queition of Ii0nely. Ju 'ge Loaell was not an -le of Statement No. 1. and there may l tboae who favoretl it pri r to the primaries who have since changed their minds, tindinir that the June eviction reeulteJ, through the treachery of profeesed republican, in Gov Cham-ber'ainar-ceiving plurality of the vote cart; but Judge Lowell doea r.ul ee how thi can poaaibly release tb member fioni their pledge. If. s the Oregoni eii claim, they were inaincere ind took Staleinent So I merely to aeenre ole, p ohiolv they will be dish iiet enough to repudiate it when the legislature meets an elect the individual, whoever he mar be, in whose interest all this hi Hcinei. is being created. ItCdiinot ! Senator Fulton, because the Senator reeatedly ftated that if defeatel in the priiuarie he would not allow hit name to (ro lfore th legislature. Tlie contenlion uf the Oregoniaa that that there i tithing legally binding Shout htaleni 'iit S i. is certainly cor rect. It may l, also, that thi method ia opposed to the Constitution and therefore the law 1 of no f rce, but the . promise of a representative to I.i con Hlituentsthoold be a binding under thi ayetem as under the oi l one. It 1 argued thit it take the election of a United 8'8tc PjnalO' away fr.m the - Legialatorv, becane Ihe me ni Iter do not il a free agent. Was It ever otherwise in Oregon ? Ws there ever a time when members were not pledged prior to the election, aa to whom they would tuptOrt for .Hen.tor, and tlne w ho did not so pledge t'lemselve a ere generally regarded as Hosiers, whole assumed independence was it pr ext I it extorting coin or other rewaid from the leading candidate. The reprewntative elect from Colum bia Oonnty did not take State. tit nt .No. I. Ihougli, aicorduig to the 1 gie of ihe Wherw now are the Oregon tteinen Oreiollion, his action in pledging him- ! who declared that if lafl ah iuld be self 10 vote for Ilia cm.didaUi receuinir nominated, llryan Would defeat him . .. , land who fought "inrtriietion" for Tail l.i..j..r.ty" of votes cat at Ihe June that rea....? I'roh.blv they .onld election was jut m rei.r;h inih.e aa like to play golf with Tift at Hot lliouji he hud ued the pi. rare "ihe Hpringi liregomaii. irreaifnt uuinber. " As a m ilter of f .ct And "wliere nt" i the great editor the ople of this conn I v bclieol Mr. who iori-ted tint KtaUnneiit Hu I had Colli ra Wjis to pledged, and it h doubt- so dutoigtuied tho purty that there fill whether he would inherit io have I whs dumrer of iryan Carying Oregon. lefei.te.l Mr. Fullerton. Htill hi. pledge j highest est imnte on the Ntnte, kavev. free to Vole for hoin he j up the day of election, was 10,( to n.ny tee fit ' j I5,'W for Taft. Many of the old m- T!io', however, who look the pled.'e I chine politicians of Oregon expressed the uie c rl only IkhiiuJ by il. Thtiy knew tiouipers fattetl een more c..ii-.i.ii-(!le in lUi'M tlun h old in I'.e con grvs'ioual eiium.iifii ol Ileal. Wl.rn he iiiadea eanV i aa.ii the n II popuiar Llitlelirid Iu the o- rra-" campaign two years ago he ,lei,-al.-. th e w liner mpply of dog uiuio . Democratic candidate, alio probably J rl Chiw. I.auikin and dndi irr, of would have been elected if iioiuier hail nwootl, Ioa, arc vitiling hrr l!er, Tie re i genetal rejoicing ll Yankton ii el I' c e-rlm.i ..I Will Tail. !! h in A "Ijii ! a ne ' foi l duiiM'.'' h. 'ii.. and w ill - ,.. be I'v.i.ty lor tiiwiit I ii. C II. I'.ligg I eoc ing an ad trion , In I ul'diugt nun the fo ul us a l no,! w.i ii lie I 1 h c..f h t f v- r at:, nt a'c nniT ii 14-1, l.i.rit and J 'hitntc South hate to ihe .Nri.aleii. r v.t to y in Ihni Ceiaa aa4 t roup , , lMfn "M- litlb Klrl la ,lt,j., a aeVitra atM.ll - ., , . . - ., m .e,u CUHAL,, Hired bar With fhaiulaolalg' (C, llemedy w iihout th. aid of inZ my little liy hn taMii pr.wafcaj ,Z time from having ih trollB timelenwiifihitavrup." t(,. I for ! by A J, Iwu.lnf.dnn Hrkeol Katie My regular offlc days, ft will be lb fir.t tatrrk In tark Swa-v i hall la? la a oilier day, tHg laily, Ml. COIAlx ,iC"'"'ly . Ketinetly' uiiallit move the liwl gently, tfeatetai a opiate It la pleaaaot to Ut, aj children .cla.;,- hk In taato nearly Ilka mw! sugar. H4 k i J Iteming and MaipntM titnsCa. $ aaattt4 Mr. C. II. Urigg. ilev. Fry, of Itainier, prrathe at Yankton llaptitt rhurch th first and thud Sundait In each moith. iu the moinlng, and Kv. Hoyd preachra mi the ante Hunday'a In the evening. , Seven Year of Froof "I have had seven years of proof that Dr. Kings New Discovery Is the medicine to take for coughs and edd and for every dixeased condition of throat, chest or lung Vsays W. N. Hen ry, of I'an urn, Mo. Tk world has hivl thirty eight years of proof that I r. King's New Discovery is the het rem edy for coughs, colds, la grippe, nthma, hay fever, bronchitis, hemorrhage of the lungs, and the early stage uf consump tion. Its timely use always prevents the development of pneumonia. Sold under guarantee by Houlton, Warren, Hcappoose and Deer Island dealer. 60c and JI.OO. Trial bottle free. Hew to t are a Cold IV as csrrlul as you can you will occa sionally take culd, and when you ,lu, get a medicine of known leliahllli), one that ha sn etahlihrd reputa'.iu and is certain to effect a quick cure, rnjch a mrdiclne is Chauilrlaln's Cough Remedy. It h gained a or Id wide reputation by its remarkable cure, ol this m.ait common ailtunnt, and ran al ways be depended upon. It act on na ture's plans, rvli vet the lung, aula -pectoratiun, oena the srrreiions mid aids nature in restoring the system to a healthy conditio i. During the many years in which II lias been in general best i ''Ve l" 'f-,,r" "' "ingle caa Ol COM or atucg ol grip having resulted ill pneumonia when tin, remedy wtu used which ahowa conclusively that It a preventatlva of thatdangeron diai. Chamberlain's Giugh cnntalii no opium or oilier nsrcolic and may be given as contldeutly tia hahy a to an adult. For Sale by A H lu.lng ,Jrug. gist ',,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ass At Portland's Busiest Shoe Shop All I LADIES' A. SHOES PAIR Room 600-601 OREGONIAN BUILDING Take Elevator 8 OPEN m. to 6 p. m. Sat. Evening! 10 O'clock All MENS SHOES m A PAIR WHERE ARE THEY? wh it they Were doing, and if, ufler the piimariea, and prior to the election, lhy found llnit th' wicked liemocrat hud irlcK.d them, then was the lime lo recant. Having accented tho volea id i eae who believed in Htateni lit No. 1 there is no oihor hontt c inr except f .r tl.e-n to carry out Ihe contract, no in 'ti'-r how distasteful it may he wish that the State wouhl gi Kptlhli cm by a lave plurality. Then tuiy could have said, "you tee Htate u.ei.t No, 1 ha done. " Try Kialol today on our gtiarantc. T;.k'! it fora little while, aa that is all that you w ill need to take. Kodol di gerts what you eat and makes the stomach sweet. It 1 sold bv A J Dam. Tba Oregooiao twiU Judge Lowell iog ftnd BcappooseDrug Co. To protect the corners if aliret, table cloths, and blanket when ready to hang on the lino after washing, double u (he center, brinirlng ends lovrther it,.. throw ends over line, pinning securely. T!.ere will I no switched out cornets when Ihey are dried In this way. How Is yonr IMgeMlou Mr.. Mary fiwlmg of ,n. yin. th Ave , San, recomuieii la a remedy for stomach tr.uhh,, She .vs '(irailtude for the wou.hirfn! ol I'.leciric Hitter in a ca of acme indi gestion, prompts thi testimonial. am uoy lo-ivinie i inai lor stomach and liver Irouhlei Kbmlric llltu-rs is ihn heat remedy on thn market to day. " Tl.l ..i ... . n.. .o.ut mm aiiernaitv mullein.. In vigorates il... syslin and purifl s il, bloo.1 and Is e,.,:ittiy 1B,,U forms of fcmsln wuakneis. 50e at Houl ton, Warren, Deer Island and Scnn,o, dealer. - - Watched Firteen Vears "For fifteen years I hnvn wnu ,i, the working, of Buckle., Arnica Halve; and it has never f.iilcl to rum any sir,., boll, Hirer or burn to which it wss ap plied. It ha saved u iminy doctor '"II." "ays A. K. Hardy, of Ka-t Wilton, Maiue. o,'m!. at Houlton. W,.,r j Island and Bcappooiu dealer I'OSI.IIXY NO BHANCM SHOP I.N PORTLAND t BUY SAMPLE SHOES nd get better t quality, Ixttcr styles and better workmanship, also M t $1.50 to $3 on Every Pair! WRIGHTS Sample Shoe Shop Oregonian Building Portland, Ore. COLUMBIA COUNTY BAffi DOES INCORPORATED A GENERAL BANKIiVG BUSINESS PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS! 'iRSTNATioNAf. Hank. - . Portland, Ore. J. National Bas-k, . . . Portland, Ore. iianwvkr i ATIONAf, lit Hank, New York OfiVcrH---Win. M. us9t irPl,'deiit nntl Cashier; Edwifl AssfVicc Prcsiilent; A. . Stone, Assistant Cashier. Dircctow Wiu. M. IW, M, White, James Dart, ; v..i: v ' ' Ron. ,S V I Kd'in