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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1908)
HE OREGO JSi MIST St Helens, Oregon, Nov. 13, 1908. No. 50. ;k. si LOCAL Si vv Fltgg returned home Hut hi i i wek' vi with kin j ft Miner m I oi Legg hat ient I 1'tis n tiltr ( Juhn Hiii, lor . . ....i bmc. jouu n i .on i. ate nctl )fr may etpcel Lnt ill large iunnlltlc and baliiy lo any ri-td In the ISc Slate Telephone Cum Ll largt lurct o( tucn work nUt County tor int llmr iTfinc ii long dUlnc wlrat athiiigion lo IU Oregon id TUit I 'ton to Mvt power, 9 ol which ha been tlcl the Willamette, Columbia VirruuH lilt way la Kalame lit crowing will bt made be hi a aid Gohlt at narrow river. Sunday roatt. beel. pork, or hie new mrt market trial. h i the Mr ol trade, the new hnk building it nor rapidly then heretofore, Kent hat breo doo to how it U rouipleled fit. Helen bank ttructurc teconl to r,fod uottide ( lb cliy ol nd a beauty and durability I any In the uiftropotie. h ia, an olJ plotw.r ol Oregon. retldemr) ol O, J. Thmntt, on NoveniUr 4 lit, aged 78 Tu rpl crnaatd Hit plaine to ti river batln la Wl ami il lor fifty year In Clatanp ikiiiK np hit abode with Mr. iit I a year ago, Mr. Tur (rotber ol .Srttator Turpic, ol ilui represented that common- be .Senate ol the I'mlcd ovtr iM'ty year-, Tlit fit ItrWI Noemlr mil, intcr X jn the NeerClir cemetery. new meat market, In the CJtt- 1 In. The bt meat. in (I returnable price, ui. The Culled Artitao ijipooto wilt glee Wg rally at tlieir halt Prfdar. Nottu- rr. Olniiiead ami Mr. Suplet, W local talent, will provide a krogratu. Kelreahmenl w H uc the committee. The public it rneyt ol tlit Northern P-iWiic re Hit Board of Kituall'atlcn k on a citation refjoeatltig t anl thow raute why their frt thould not be r aed. Alicr to the argument Hit board con- uite oo the railroad frotii.Hi. I.i 0 per mile, and lo lower Hit ..wk horn 15,000 to fa.tWU per king the total aatettmcnt 7,- mite. IncMn ha a etMiipieit aoc n n ' J . rfettlort" R d and Illue brand ( tanned good. rlutiV'H, an Oregon pioneer rl ! at I t bonit at MO I'lrat street, 4l,ontuedHy !'. Inntral Kr- brl at the Kpicoul cuiinn li;tn yrtlcrtU)', ( Iliurtilayl t .'. ii tffrttrnt U-ing on tlernmny V' Riutfcnlwm waa well known i;. (4 St, llelent at lit made i ritita here, lie was born In " York, ami w HA reart old i 'i id hi ittntli. Ht c rotted the t (Mlilornia in 185.1, cowing to ut in 1H5H. H w married 60 io in Iowa. lit took up home- Jlnrk County, Vrliiiigton, but urtU owned and Hvtil on tht plact occupied by Jot Kuluii, at the t' ol the Uwit river. At I ur- v three daughter and tto ton: Kk'hardaon ol thl plact, Dave nnltnu of Portland, Mary Richard- I Seattle, Mr. J. Spencer ol Brtttii- , On , and Mr. 8. Hatletlnt of law Ikatii or Mrii. Hu,u;n-Mr. llrr ill lltlltxli. wile ol H. IUll(tli, lied In Ailuria n Tuvmihv nl typhol'l lever, alter a very ptinltil and eoinpllraled tii kneu, Tne fiiiirml will takt pltev at K-Uinu tomorrow, Mr. lUltagh and hit wile lift rmMrd at St, llelent arvernl niontti.. and their Iriendt her art grrally (rievrd ovrr brr ilrnth. KH'l rti ti.l llii-ir ii-.ntn .l t niit lit tu the twremed IhiImii'I. I)tm i.k M t'l.nyi'.sr-Mr. Itelle CKniriit, lUulitrr l .lnn.ili.ii Muore, on: ill the iouecrt ol ,-uuvivi I.Uiol, died at die hnuie ul hrr ilmmliii r, Mn. Oiln Attel, in ill city th i Friday ; morning , Iepnty I'rotecvtlng Attorney Millir tt called lo Cialnktnle lat Snt unity to Invettigale the dealltiift ol J. C. I.uge with lb laruier ol I lie Ncbalein Valley. Langt leed the plant ol the Nehaletn Vullry Creamery Company tome time agreeing to pay the markvt price in Portland, let one and one-hall ci n't per pound lor butler lul He pim-lined tUiul I.VHI worth ol riutti r lat, III aim laelured II I 'to Imtter, aold It and ttipjied. II oat arretted at Clattkanie utl a be wat boarding tht train and beld to await Mr. Miller' arrival. !ange hadaltn iwued about 1 100 in (beck on the Cltni bunk, but (topped their pa'uicnt, Mr MiHer came to 'he eon clutlon that there at no good criminal e tgaintl liltn. ki ihe criminal action a dropped and a rlvd tult Inttituled, tht latlanre due l.a g from tht bank being gari'Ubred, DtWIti' Ki'lliey and liiadder i'il are unequnlad In eatr of weak Inck, bark a lie, ilirl iuiinit on ol thbllder, rbeo malic pain. Anlatptlc and ad prompt- le. eVild by A J Denting nnf Hetppoote Drug Co. KRAI. 1'JTaTK bought and aold on coinuiittion. Wm M. Kott. Lotus Ilia JlA!i-Pred VVatkint, ol thit p'ace. had ibe mltlortunt to lote bit j right b dbl t wo k lat Tiielayj on the logjln train ol the C. C Mntten . C mpal"'. The train watcoiHiug aroutM a curve, "i I l-'rcl, in atlriiipting to jump Irom one car to another fcir the ,tiric .1 tetiiiU brake, w knocnea oil lva priiiert.nglog. lulling with bit! hand on the nil. the wheel aevernig I , He t fc llt to Hie ho-pilal In Portland I fur treatment. Tell me an I not vtmr neighbor il you do not et the quality you pjy lor. I "ill ri-lund your money, thei- w -n't. I will alto deliver )our u-.n-lt Irrt. give you every ounce o i ay lor, and en dciivor to becourteout, M. C. GRAY. KIST Mr fianuny V.inhl;irio..m vl.lte I the Weed family ovur Rundny. Mr. Herman Cook of K .re t Grovi I In Hit viill y o'l mi exti-ndnd vitit with f'len'la, Mrt. K't. i eli-e'u- 'a y .(tl ur her 1 M'H. Iii i. K Hern Or eon, tu Phil i. , oni m. fo ...t ,a ow ojliliig ilmlng wire' nbi,c.. .iir i(. lid -u ii raw mill pnt In i- r itio'i at t'.U HI 1'iH the p irN .twain u.t 4!HI,(a.0 lot of luitj a-r l.l II. .It ll Igtng or tin tunnel, nnd piling u li-HU driven (or the tlirre high briilgi' iHur ( il i.ingt p'ai'i', The K Ht-ltuat'iti Ti ldione Compiiiiy held their aiiumil mvir'.iiig at Huxt .n .Siilurdiiy hut. Tim bo trd i f manager ei eUiM)eieJ to lvy tiaenuiKu: f or iie. ettry puiKwt an I Ctrl Her w 'p .lii'fd In keep the lin.i hi goo.1 hpe. Mrt II. CliMtliniten farted to Hillt twrn Tu-day for a vitltainonf relative. Dr. Il itlleld ol Vernoni baa been (juiie rick lor wvrral daya. hut cat up a liort lime on Tuesday nftornoon. The Albion poll iflW ha leen ditcon tinned. Uo. Holt, Hit po'tmaater, nned aanr and bit cm ywil did not care to b 'ther Willi il. Cliaa l.ililw clnlint thnt lie hat a con tract lo tike the mail on the train up lo the junction ievn milea nb.vo Kit, on tlie Nelmlem ilver, to begin the flrtt of next May, and that th.-ra will then bt dailv mail Irom tht junction to Ver nnnia. t lllnw conoeded tlinl tht Salmon berry railroad anil bo bulll Biat, and a movement I on fool to lay out a good county mad from lb Hibbcrt p'ace up the river to the Junction. JOB PRINTING 18 OUR DU8INE88 J hare the best and most lallT eaniDDed Job Print ing Office in Colombia County And we are prepared to do all kinds of Printing on short notice and at most reasonable prices TRIAL WILL COKYIHCE OREGON , vvv-vvvvv Mist and Oregonian $1.80 PER YEAR fou can curt dyapeptln, ludigcttloii w or weak ttouiaeb, or In fact an m ol atomaob trouble If you will Uk iol occatloimlly. Try it toilay on I gnariiulee. We know what It will 'fur you. Bold by K 3 Douilrf Ml 1 ippoo Drug Co. D lVlii 0ilKll-d Witcii lltl'l Salve It' ealitg, cooling and cleaning Il I tap 0 'ally B,,0,l lr Pllr- r5o,', ' T A J Demlng and a jipoose Drug Co, l'or the bett in canned good tee Well ington' ad In thit paper. The Scappoote Imodium are at It again. Iat Tburtday or Friday night, nt the Ira n wa patting through that village, a (bower of t"ne waa thrown at the cart, breaking eleven window and hitting ol the pattcngera. It It ii.i. Hut the matter will be thorough ly luvetligated and the guilty panic I rought lo ptiniilitneiii. Clcanline. Itirne, and lull weight at George' meat market. Poa8i.K-0 houte and lot for :!00;ontatW(,"' w" lwo tor3r houte with four lot lor IHM. We alio have choice vacant lol for ale. Wm. M. Rom, Maton Kbrtnan A Co' -Perlcctlon" Red and Blue Illbbon brande ol canned good at Wellington'. f ..m,w-.iit The Mlt hereby .HoK'tot.Yankt;Ki.tCor- retpondeiil lor noi puun.".a ter.t.teV. the reaon being that they came too late for the firtt .Hie ol the . tavrr c row dtidout ol the tec- ond aide by new advertlieuienti. A we mutt print ad In order to live we hope to be forgiven. We tru.t before long lo , i .ni.rira the tuner to it lor- ""' ii ucr ite nd tl commuo mie nrltlt. ....l.l,.., III, nnw turf Knows i eol'Snottgb to wear them, only peopio 15c 25c 15c 25c 15c 15c SI "PERFECT I O N" IN Canned Goods Red Ribbon J ti pl " Ribbon Brand So handy when you want something nice to eat, and want it quick, that they must be kept in the house at all times to be appreciated 2 : THEY TASTE LIKE flORE J. H. WELLINGTON ST. HELENS, OREGON yioU itupld thlug."