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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1908)
POMOMA Grangers Get Tst-iJ - -a-uier in 1 if LI as-..t. . .it, .... , v Ulll 1. I. . ill the ili.ii.iu I. .11 .. , VV 11. v lla.i., .1 .. " VV 1 ui ridi uriii i..,..,i in ulfiiel" U nl, "" ns lh II.I..Ut.Wrr. ,j I th. tun.., 1.. lh ml I a if 111 Mil. .I. ,. 1. (J J,' 0 DfiDartment Store m Rainier, Oregon NEVER BEFORE IN THE HISTORY OF RAINIER did so many - peo ple consiegatc under one roof as there have lor the past week at L. SrTo MnivTir Tfnu'ivnvrX(l SALE. At times we were unable to wait on the thrones of people that attended our sale. hcr) one bouaht witn mat eagerness inai is rhmv " - t V of the bargains. When we told the people in our ads that we needed the money and were going to sell everything in our Big Store at the -.i..s . ir4t.4i tin ii.'Mni.' nf Kninicr in order to raise it we meant every word we said, and the PEOPLE ARE SA I IS ILI) V E ARE DOlISli a sT- a nwl..; Ountauy amides we were uuM lo Wc AFC iHai.lII& VJICUICI ICUUVUUIIJ display the first few ila ol the ftle t i. t?tx't? nnvc miipp v.,.,. r,;Tl,f. it hIp mprch.nulise tit less than cost of production, .e take ndvantaee of this opportunity, as you may not get another chance. Owing to lack of spec wc mention wily a few item, but bear in mind everything in the house is to be sacrificed, ou are being sacrificed, m ust come to the stoic in order to know how things Tiuware and Graniteware $1 . 15 wash boiler 35c galvanised backets 90c galvanized bucket 25c tin pails $1.2-1 eavory roaster . ll.OO granite teakettle 60c Mlt boxes. 10c cork screw .... 50c vegetable sheers fl.SA coffee mills $125 flat iron sets $2.50 tteel front wringerr $10 ntLSh machines 50c clothes rack 30c gmoiU basin , 74 granite coffee boiler 14 qt granite dih pan 12c plint basket Mason Jars. Pint 47 cjnt per Joien Quart 5ti cents per dozen . 91c . 2flc . 21c . Hie . '' . H3c . 27c . Sc . 2Uc . y.ic . 'XC . 0' .$7.M . 2Uc . 21c . Wc . 3'.c . Ho Half gallon 74 cent tr doien Cat lucent r doen Economy Jars Tint N cent per doien Qnarts $1.05 per doen Half gallons It 31 per doien Cap IS cent per doren IV novels 25c novel,... . . ..... 7.' quill center, very latnt thing Calicos, muslins, flannelettes, out ing flannel, woolens sad can ton ! factory price Gents' Furnishings $.' "' stilt rase ft !W at k H)t pant, 1 1 flu working pant , 1.W belt overall ., ..ft 44 Dry Goods ifl tewing morliini. tewing mschwc. ....$R.') .... '. 3fic Utile' white belt .... 50c ladies' white belts tSOc A 75c stamped linen. lrtc barber towels 2.' Mamped rag doll 15c shopping hag 2ftc shopping ban 3ic shopping baf;., ., $t.00 corsMs 60 plain straw hat frame up to $ 1. 5 value... $1.36 flannelette wrapjwr U'c roll of cotton batting Burton hoe, Finest Fur, $1.50 up loc lie 44c 4c .V He In itio awe 10C 7:ic liic Musical Instruments $12 00 tfuiUr. $ ".' 117.50 violin. , , . 11 tlft fill 00 mandiilin -V (o 50 vtlin . 4 3ft Silverware, Jewelry, Cut Glass AM, UKDt'CKlJ. lluy now and aveou yonr X'Ma prcM-nt. X'Mat will xa txi here. 15 Jewelled Klgin wstrlie ...... $4,05 t.,ltc' la. r back comta upriMnily Ctlfj. Glassware and Crockery V ir'a latttlitvf a. et Sike Klaa tumb'rf, r aet ,,,, 4'a- two cift (litM pitrhe'a 4lr. gtaa iw , ttV atoti rhii'u 2T vinegar tMtie .,, ..... Phonographs $15 pIxinograpHs. ptonn(iai $.15 Krai4iuphon0 lC rK'orl . , . , , X5c. rwortl. 2. a reefd , $1.00 rxrt.fil ., . lie Ste I5r J la I7e ;soo $,?. . , m k.le As this space is limited we are unable to quote you more prices, but invite you to tome to our store au sec for your self. Every piece of merchandise in our spacious building is being soul at a big reduction. Nothing is icservcd. You must see it. to know all that is offered at the sale. Be sure and come and bring your friends with you. Remember, wc pay freight on all purchases amounting to 510 or more, or your fare botli ways on all purchases of $15 or more. All Goods Sold Strictly for Cash. This store opens at 8 a m. uud closes at 9 p. m. Saturday it closes ai 10 p, in. L.SWETT, KAisnsr imos., sale managehs Rainier, Ore. HOULTON LIVERY AND FEED STABLE L. H. COMBS, Pro- Good Livery Rigs at Reasonable Rates. -k.v Drummers Trade A Specialty. Houlton-St. Helens Hack. Leave iloulton at 7:30 to nitel iralda, returning meet mirth bound A.AC, train, returning to St, Heleua after train leave, leaving their in time to meet IM8 train. Meet n IH train amUtcntner Irulris in afternoon. RAINIER At two o'clock Tuesday rnoininif flr bruit in the biiflineai block oolong injt to Mr. Kllen Bryant. Tho alarm wa at onc K'vftn by night Ma'Shal 1', H. Strotheri. In three minarets stream of wati;r wa thrown from tbe first hone, bat before the firemen arrived s great blaze waa rolling oat of Fsrris Bros, store front. For two hoars the boys fotii?lit hard and succeeded in confining the fire to the one building. The total loss is estimated atsbout VMW, divided ss follow; Fan's Brothers $13000. inturano fHCOJ. 250J Nortliarn jUsur- ance, of London, (22o0 I'hwnix of Lon don, $'12V) German Amerinan, and $1000 In the Queen City. The next heaviest looer wa Mr. Bryant, on the hnilding, WW with wm in-nrric HOUOIn Lite Northern AsHUrniics of Indon snd IX in the (icrioim American. Jlen Con who I md the rooming house In tli seond story, had S(X) worth of propurty with no Insurance, his loss will probably b:S00. Will T. Mutton, cigar store l is f700; insurance tlfXI in the Fire A"teclHtion of I'liilitdelfdiia. Frd Kra mer could int be wren this morning, bat it is understood Hint tin has f.700 Imur an r with protarjiy saw namage tiy aster, lid CiSik who has a saloun in the sdjoining lmililifirf satil 111 !.. by removal $M). Tm imich lie id hi irjiiof Hie Uiytwho fouula im fire. Tlirln ino 'lueation hut that iUi nier h one of the lxjt volunteer fire department in the Htnte While the three strestit were playing on the fue there was nodiiniuuthm in (his prendre, tlreiim thrown ngiinut II, n r.cif tore of) the hlngls, nud gl 114 in the stole windows w torn out tike titii jisper After the fire, Mr, Attic, the water uti crimen. lent mid the water In the rer voir was lowered from three to four inche, so that iUlnier could flxht r with three stream for days. Mr, Cmj Is the most pleased man in the city . He thought at first be had lost every, thing, but later he found that even Inn clothing was saved n.l the damage nominal. LnstSumlay evening at 0 o'clock at the home of Mr. and Mr Hhreiru fxttimd the wodding of llieir daughter Alice to Mr, Arthur Lnpini. Itev, Clapp, of the Congregational church, prf.jruiW tt ceremony. Irnmediati'Iy lifter (!, bride and groom I -ft for Cortland, arid will visitfcveral of iheccast cities liefure returning to Itatnler where Ihey to keeping hotnte. Mr. I.uplen lis . ready provided a cozy home. Mr. I.ul pien it not (julte IH while Mr. l.upiet, is '.'I, the newly wedded cuiipla are among the m t popular In the rlty and thelx-.l ai. ,,f Ibawhol fiinomnll g with them in llielr ii.atttniuni.l f ventnrB Tt.e t.ity i ouivcil and memlwrs of lh" ; t rmoiuii.iu met In Joint meeting at the room of ilm council, loi-orfnr r a to the Ut wavvand mean to InrreaM the rpveruies nf the walor ricm of th cliy It wdeeided a rummltlr cm.nti,, 1 Judge Uoan, Mayor lIugtiM, "in. ih-iu, ir. ivl ami fiMtmader Knitter font, ruwt Mr. Neom and find out what h.. woiil.) take lor bis water system, ami if tl,e earn cuul.l pur rliiwerl t reasonable price that it be lasen over by th waier eammliotiera BUMIIONS " 111 iliel'lr.nli :n l tbSil of rrim lr ( .i.imhl. i, i, " V Willi.m t'olirti, Kin, a. i,i lI.'i.iU ""'" ' '"" ',', In iiu- iim r ih ti nt Orto' Vou tn ',":,',"V'I"", '" Wsr .ml .,..r he m,m. .iiutn, ) r.ii,.t .. ... ih iVf .iiii ', i.ii i,i ii, (i, tH ,),,, fimmmtf ' 'J'.h '"'" k" irl. l iwmii,. ,i.i. -Mr-4 ., Il.ii lirl ,4 ii'l ,1 ton m t-i ,r tint .ii.wor u,a i.r .'.,ni,.ii,i, l.-wli ir . ,U,-t I. in. the U.ul. m.trli.v,i,y num ,i,uii tewten atutenniiint I'lalmirt n. iteien.iem" n.l li.r jlrh mli.r ,n,t ,ilof niM , voun TW. iimmi.i,. 1. publish t,rr.ler Hon. Tti.. A. M. llri.1n, lM, i u, ,v. nsinwl wlL,"!, n.lerwt in a,, -I.Vt.f. Ui'iuttniK f 011. J W AiUisirwhg. '""''- j0U'll-i lU4t t' 1111 lMWHlblllld .... ... . Bt giSllfe We niUum,,! Vsil Uralig trH,.u it rl gl, an li,. M , Jj hv .IM.f 4 ...,., , BOotirl i.l . ..... Mil.... 1.. . "I pU - l 1 i 1 at itlS t U'eii( lv,.H In gi-i vWi diig, .,K . ' t J. . V4..U' 1. .1. . . IXUSI44.U t kM.,l, VtitMHiis tiranu r.pottttl , HI l 'iS i .SHMHI ft , ha4 130, vlug hh pK.ft2 NaUl Oiange rriwri. n Mti (owl stao llng j vaittf o4 lajls 1H J an smut m iro) pivjiwu,lu tt on liirdy, Uuble Uraltg rvpuit g'd ttandlug. sn imrrnustf q iIkt but qvarur. lautffjl piviM lor lh fgiur rv; pvjj 1M IsUttd t.rant num. u mit in gou.1 tndlrij Ma,fW viUimM Mi lW, pnteni k2 inao ever, ClaUksei Uraeg rtsark) J 1 Irt fuml Uoliit( 1 setsskA s iWsvwr VslUy reptwts M Mis good standing. CWr (irt r porta It guod stalMliiig, liM4jiajt, port of 10; moMSf en hand pi, Mlt vain ul Ml IliU). trnot. Wherv, Wild ;! sr Ua, qiliit nuweruot oil mimII mv It g no bounty mi their a)t,tMs bell lUwi.livd, by CidswUs Cmi I moo (irsrtge. that fisarikiss tipulatlai a tetiais kntt) t Sralp of . lW !, fm bear, lo b paid by tbsnwM!) they r killed. UMal ba animal o b aaifofw UmstjsBtt Ulatt. t tl fvirth-c wbltlalJtl rttrewlali, K. fnn ilur and tt bi lalteiK tsTtba sag tt SUch a bill. Adapted by Nl dt lb I and anhmtttrd to lh l'- Abpld by iVatan. WlMMtMMi, Vail (iraaf, U ol Watrwa, (IrvgM. iMak I to our ewinty t sUUi) I county fair, iherefosa b R lUaulved, Uiat Vil0rfiW of OuhimliUC'xunly aatiRia lair a id feir g t4biW Kmlr, That r b county tuna o Clti ing aotbit Mll Ui, mm they may dm tnftleWOl. Wf" and tract a Mitabis Wi&H 14 lair. Kdved, that Ibis tv1 Its hearty spprtclattoa ft nianaer Is which 11 hat l,"'t by IWt UlauJ No. $M, as tatM (lie people of toiss' win SV" r.--- - j pt two year, d iwai7 rction l a brawiiN hoot btiibilng. ... ....... i. VsRssar hutiiniiteiJ 10 rooHMvj ;t l'otplied, ' Kleclhm uf offirtfrifur l!ir. years resulted a MUf T j Master Wm. U,ofNi - ' Overrer-Mr. Jrt Art (lohle. vj' Lmurw-W. J. rnt-rtofc , KUward-Joho IT."! ,1 Awistant tr-i. t -v-Cedar Urws. . J.j1 niaplala-Mri. Una "" llwiver Valley. , ' . m Treasurer-Joerph WT "i fkretary-J..WII'CWJ (lata Keeeper-.'so w kanlt). . Cenw-Mr. 8. A 'Va, lVmona-Wa Uss BsW"" Island. j M FUia-eMri. Kmina tm w Island, Ijul AlUnl 8(enl K.I...A. nf Vorimhl. . . 1 .1... tf.lftMhwll. J' i.ill II ri... and J. W. km . Hvi mm 1 ' A class of 19 Initialed In lb degrst). T f , VjrvV ''" af.-'