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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 28, 1908)
Nkw Rani ni'it.oiNv.-Tlie Columbia County Uank has let the contract t. Jack uiucny ior me construction of a new bunk btiildiuR t the southwest corner of ne court noitse pia Ud tle tmd, jt wilt be two stoties, built of St. ItolciiN stone, and will cast, with lot and fixtures, tu the neighborhood ol ,000, The con stantly growing business of the hank necessitates that move. When complet ed it will lie the (Inert txmk building in Columbia County. Coax. Minks Nkar Sc.UMwsii-Savs the Oregonian: "Coal of what is believed to be very Rood quality ami milimiteil quantity whs discovered last week on n farm near Scappoosc, owned by lr. lilaoh k'fil, t this city. The ledge it terev fei t in thickness ami lift been traced ulong a a bluff for distance of :UH( feet. The deposit is located about 2K. mile from the station at Scappoose. Yesterday V. Gerrobrant, who rents the farm from tr Blatcbford, came to I'ortlmid and an nounced two more ledges have just been i discovered in the tame neighborhood, i The new veins each measure three liet in thickness and are sepaialc.1 by a sand stone ledge three feet thick. Assays show the civil to posse 4..". per cent car bon, -P.'1, per Cent volatile uintler, T.;! per Cent water, 4. 8 percent ash, ami A per cent sulphur. A sample of the cont iv.a now oe seen at the otiicc ot the Portland Trust Company. No arrangements have ret beeu made regarding that develop llent of the property." Mention ot this discovery was iu.vIc several weeks 110 in the coluiuus of the Mist. Another double hcivler will l played on the St. Helens ball grounds next .Sun day. The games will I between St. Helena and Briinti's Beavers and St. Helens and a team from Rainier. A.I. CLVTSKAXIK. mission Dkath ok K. 1 Wixtov Older res ident of CoIumbU County will be inte rested In the new of the death of V. I). Winton, which occured at his home in Astoria ou Sunday la-t after (ll..,; J... ....... . . I"'' years ago Winton live 1 in S IUI "t ' !? one of Columbia Coun'.v's t ionerrs e i I t;Mt:..tfiu-r fuller. (' IV. Jt.,-s ThlliK tuv btigiuiilng to look brighter. It is i. ported thai in ttu m-at' Inline lil '( the nulls n 111 i,n t up, Mr mid Mis. llii, irldain Portland and 'Mib Pa'les this week. Mrs. IXdlio KUott cam., In m.. tn.i.i th. Siletit Saturday etaming. -Mrs, Walters, of Ktu-liM. has lrnlcd Mrs. I'. Snnnk's luiiiso ,4, il .,m... Uudr Intiit,. home here, Mr. Watt, is will (still lu.t.l his Kwitl(,u. .Mrs. II. McKiel mid children 1H-Ii.!iiij u few days tlv ,,, Mi'. II. t 'itjfjftMi has u Ijiuie hack mid is taking it layoll' this week. Clatskaniii has bit, h'i slum. .r drum inem this week . Miss Prnm l.,.t- went i, Astoria M.n j day. ! lU' -i ii K pli'tilK-s'inw was in tun n j Mil-day mid Monday eveiiiinr. i -'allies Van h id a tlio oil! Sa:ii;.Ii, j I'" liinif. : lashing, whirh ImiilcI out :. pie. if the tliuiis- that runs tlirmKh l-i-diu.j It will U-.iiii(t a j.di reisillii; it Mrs. I-!. Aiusw.irth went t. IHmii pia M..ii.'iiy to visit her son, : 0 . i- d "I I fntuids. S. h.i.. SotH-riiittHideist J. II. foil i ns CUiie home for lew ..,js, r.'turiinu to his duties Mond ly. Mr ;uid Mrs f. OrwiK, atv-mpunu.l I V .Mi. Orwitf'n i'Mtiu-r, J C. Vu i g. went to tho N. h.ilem Monday M. K. l'sr,'.. an I liuiiilt liiv,. inst -! turned froM nil mitin up the Oatskn-j wnere t!u y ham been .ampin,;. J. K. V.ait(j;iml wilo of 4 ,.)! t ao e dow'j Sntltrdav cviMiintf mi n viva Mrs. Yo iiny'.s sist. r, M-s. K. , ;..,,Ui. 'ilm l.ndies Aid S km t. ,.f I CI mreli, (,-aee ii lawn nm-inl Nt the Arthur Mail Much eu-dit i- .lu,- SIJECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFF FREE FREg WITH A ONE-POUND CAN OF B lanche .. Baking .. Powd' -M.. ... MV W:(''"-' 1 1 1 i 1 i I i ' ' l (oiuc t our store ami mcc it. Wc will explain i 'you can ict it ent irely free of cost. OffVrtd Kmlusivrly Hy WHITE & ANDERSON HOULTON 0REG( oyi. ne tauj;in scIhhM lu re . was pastor of the M. IC. church. Tl- Jrlv. one years ago he moved to Astori 4 ! engaged In the practice of law nc man of very marked alii'iitv a1,j those who heard him say he t'i- Vl,r). eloquent pulpit orator. Ik- ,,v, a' .,. ber of the Masonic order, o' .... L . ., .. tb. A. O V. W and o, w A. Jv. Tkoi'blk Klma Kl' . , , ., . ,. .IS has caused the arrest of Henrv Mo ' , ., (us. iharuiiia tliat on August 2 st , , . . . ., ,, , JiaC said Morijus did willfully and un' , ,, .. .,7, , t- wfullv "cuss ' the Haul Elma Ellis, a- , . ' , , , , . , J.1 also and likewise has caused the ar . . . .isri oi ,i;iry .iiorus, euarg- . . ary called hershockinij uxmes, uuht to ' . , , , ., je printed in a family parwr, and ll'-llH- tiosi t m I. e . ! I' Sr.ttir- i 1' M's. ra-tiiiaii rit'ino-d Week (i.ilu a few werl.s bids. lVrcy Mouaii fell from h he.. IU l U1.1 til f.-I.-,!s thoil-i,.; ,U (1,, .! jho was ipiit.' lerioiuly itijur,-.!, i ut t:,,. d-a-tor soon N'licv.d lit- r ii. , Mr r.-rc..- nas scire I thar, hurt I'M Marvin, of Mist, ).;i-v, XI, r.,t;i.;!, iou .-..luir.i.iy on i,n vi:iv to ', rt..!iii I. ! Mr. Mat M.itsoo, who ha in Asloilu li-l,:nn tt,., pay. few week., r.-- j l'41'lied bnnie this neck M,u's Aj.,-r- j iiuav l.shiri.- thiy .-..,.,!, wu ,'t Hiilt ,, j afu r t'ai'i! ...U . ! U-t, II. ,1 o !o : i l'. I . . ill t .w o 11 l. i.... Mr ! .:.-. r tl,.--.-' II v t !o rr o; .; ti ,ih' i: ' v:i;.,im .1.. ,i-.i l u !.l !.t'!i-t t i -.vim FARM FOR S, t nt- h'.sr.'i-ni .i,.tr-. . mutter f tt! frum Sc ,t!". Tii:tty .;.) " it! IHU ;, the tMMtkC isfe turv ; ii'u-.o .lii-i I'.tru it ml three k1"! jItn S'.ltif 11 . ! -A.ttrTf,'- lnlMli' lltill:lf,r hi t' Lr- tA ij V hr.'.i o! mt:!c; j (, vhivketix, jneh;ttr uiu! brockkew ! !!..; - i;i i tt: t in ttu" it t: !i,tv ami j,;r.iin lodTjs IV.m- 1 l.ils' c.tsh, h.tUitve i'ii t;t;ir .tt uui-ic-.i. U'iU mII with sukI; r utthout. Forte !u nl..:. i.ili i.ti ; utile t J. 1'. WICST.Scaffi u.ik'ht have Iwcri. ."..rK'l! (.'olivet w. I'urt .,,( vul! ,. rnnlrr In flu. r,li .... ... l tl,.. : I'll'dny. .cy ot M. Helens, which are . rl-ad I l- an l- ic.-iiian an I wii'o h iv. ij?ainst hair pullim; and cussing. The j ' t' to n. r.'nun ..m. Mism mditor will hear their domestic troubles i emir's hoti". wmmi . ... , ... puueo ine nair oi satu i.imii E'.li' (, contrary to tile or.liuauces of tlic noved Ti.-h- I this (Thursday) afternoon Mr. E. C. Giltner and wife are spend ing a portion of their vacation in Colum bia County. They took a trip to Bunker Hill .llomlay last, to visit Mr. and Mrs Saturday IVny Cm had a pav,. ,,f (fold he was ei.tirij around town thai ! he found it, a w.'.d du- lc Tho ore ,.s ' ani.-e bright gold .-.,! ,r nll. ,,u , I thoilljii ll hrt I ..,!, wo,,,) itntrc lir.nd-' ! H ivv a lu -k ! ,!, -t,-f!i-.:iu tlotl to U,.;.. (he u til a s .rirty . h.o. r i;r rro . t-r-.h r'cUUf-, . ti, I tri. I.r.t-!:',-'.iti ai: I .;ui--;ii w ,.re -'.-.-!.. I-'ut in I ..i!s. Mot-.i line H'ld N'.tT.S I'J. and I t.r.c'iiv . I .re. Lite ,tr..ti M I hiav. Ulllll..ll mi l .ilii r ..f It, i;l.trtloB 'If I and I it. I OU I-OK.UM) kl . I i . ', I ..III I I' STEAMLR AMI5K1C uounan, wlio are camping at t e lug I tnjf. It n aiiout h,. ,,( spring. Mr. and Mrs. (iiltner are pre j ' '"'d has been f.,rii,. if,, lv ..v .,,v Inng to build a house and lay onl ! tini'-a in the put, mid in .t ti,, grounds for a cottage home at Columbia i diiir.-tioii.,the most beautitul resuleiire site in Oregon. Mr. ( iiltner has full faitii that before many yeara the electric cars will connect St. Helens and Columbia On Tlio pnimcw arngivintf Ka-prr K. tine's bunding :i new . (, !i r I ,r -riii; Mi , ' M I :.i.-: -. .i. U-r ..IS I! ek. Wif.i Silet., ,. , , ,., ; . ll.orrson ;t, will become Portland suburbs, ' i ., , , . , A Skasidk KiMi-v-On the evening of .(H U j, ,-, .,, , , , Angus, W,h an unusually merrv ,., of ,J. s ' , T ,' ,"" ' "' Scappoo ,.-.p!e met at a W.,Cre on'the u Cu'" Ijeach, built ly Asa Hobiday in honor of ! ..." .. his father's eightieth birtlidav. Hra.,,1. 1 "tl and HtM pa has been at Seaside about ihr. e ,,..!, i ''"r'1""'1 vUitoi, tins w.-ek and is enjoying the U-st of health nmj caitcrt W!,s-v : lie. -la .I II V tit ! "i-iils for ! e s h , ? tall. V.I -.1 ..Ihci, .".In , ..i V.. '. ; ..Hi.-,;. i:i t'ollhtV' Mr. 1 lu.i to. -t : ci,..,-i, ,j ,r ' Jll'i' ! uii.-.i lfi;i:t and il.ini;l.-r. MrJ was one of the jolliest present. He wallt, ! iu""''- ,'"t I" KoLs.., U'aii... to several milts each day, thus creating an I lr' " ;ul ' r, woo atinetite tliut rrim.,.',r,-. (.,., ,...i,i i. ..: ! the l'i'U. , , ............. ,,(-, neighbors'. Each one present was in j W- II. (,'oiiyers hid lot. the happiest mood and extended his eon. i ibis w t-k for i-lrc-li ie litiht. gratulations and best wishes Tor the com-1 Miss Can. liil. r,,,,, ,il8 vears. After a generous treat of con-1 ft summer m hool and w ... , " "'" feCtioncriH the party joined in song to i ning M Iv. ' ": '' X"K'n' close the evening - The following were! tra ni . u. prr.sitnt:, Grandpa Holaday.. Mr. audi..,! . . H' "' I'orl- ""r u-r ... I Co'.ii liapi,!,, low, , tl-. r ,,! t.. :., . "'. Hill, l,.at., in j V,.,, 11 ""in.! Mtnr.l i.y H.inday illi her parent" Mr. ' .. I). i ..: v ,n I. ,-, I nioiiisd for bis tsr , n Jaek f.nfli-rtv i ! b is.-iii.-iit un-i.-r hi ; Mi'.rs, in til.- l it St il-k, ..I t!l- Hunt ' Welling ton's in w ! K. iiii. I r' Ii-..!,. I-.-.-iili'v r.-i- in j tat.- n t iny .i- i- ;.-.!d i,y i ! I'll! ' Co. "I, . I ETV. I ) O'ti!! .1 till.' M(,!i(- lo .v h ol .-, .'. uiodeit and t'ln-U .'-.oi, .mil, ,. .ricri, nt or", .-I. Hrlein. ' ' O0.-Il W lj. ,., , ' I. I i o . !,. lie,-, . 1 O'l ic .pi.. ,,ii;. ( loin ; in,. .,:tt,,p il I. i NO. ICE !0 MWH l uiisMrt." ! lil i t ' i .., ii.',.. istiV Ajri.r. t I' id'od It'i'l I' ttH. It J? Almes .-I lt.trMJ'-'t I, t..- is. I I'flM.I -O. r I ..ol llr l.s.O- ? ,. . l-r. t ...i.trfti r.. ii. I ... I ' .ti.e.' .,,. . (,r s I , , , j All tM hs'll'S tin-!. .....Ci-O. ...0",-t ri nrr " - 1 1, it it .! ,.,ii, ooi jr.i, i. '.i MI... lii ,i'i i.. r lit- t oi I'ii. !n .,. mid !- atari.!.. I'.nu!. a- in ) hail, i a. !i iii'i-k ! 'I' mi, ix. uiniuersoii, .Vlrs. B. M. Watts, ' ,foi,,ls., auss siaricana Mamie Watts, Mrs. ,J, If. I I'lyiin. Mr. and Mrs. Clns. Ilcuson, Mr. ' HasliniaO, .Mrs Macleary, Ifael mid Helen WatU, Master James Watts, Mr. and .Mrs. W. i. J'omeroy, Miss Susie l omeroy, .lames roun.roy. Neva lioyl Mr U.I ,1 1. 1 III i"-'"1 i i .imi i: .rellenl M..M In, f . i. i .1 I'.l-.l.i iiUool, who fH f , ...-! I-.' . k "4 r fin .ii I a o proiKM Heallli I J.-e, Cr , t l'i in i, for Ic'iol, ii,. I !.. l.l 1 K. Ml. I III, I I IT .Of f l.lil- "l!o V oil I.iool.. I .-tt, il'-il to ... .1... .-(',,. ,,. I. ' Hi . 0. Jtl.-ll. i I. , -i Ir III, llr. na.,,'. I. I I. :- ..;!.( I l.l It.u ; i'l h: .11,1 4 I i.l Hoi ....or, it Im op; .i -l Hi i ..I j. Si s h. io, uoi' . -'i l.i ..I J. ll, s I, C W ." '1 romeroy, James Pouieroy. Neva Jioyle, ; "" "(" du. a . U) . ' ,.. " , ' V""'' , . " - 's V'' ' ' Mrs. IJ. W. Price. Iiyd Price, Watt iuri.'itMt-. thti C. I J. LindgiHi' I thiis. ' , ' , """ ' '" "' fi X " T , , Priee , Vera Price, Mrs. H V.,,dcr,,,o,t, tl, V h ,1.,,, V. y , , ! hereW u tTT " KfPH Ul ffl fpQ III Miss Marie Vandermost, Mrs. Mildred tu'u U 'di"li t rlair) ,,,,, - ' ,! '"r 1 ' ' 1 1 1 kj J I 1 1 j , i 1111(11 Watts, Victor Watts, Uwreu'wl , A of hall w, , ! . , Jn 'ZlllT HaiUtt Miller. Kdna JienM.n, Jl'arie i'lymi' I e"J"y- .t Waa ,a. ! .-ca,.,,., so ;, , ,, Vest ll of Scaproosc. Mrs. N. A 11 t tlusgatno lh;n , , I , Gladys Perry, JJeryl (in.liam. of played tliia year. Tim r .'. .. . ti.. , Indigestk, n n.....iit fasti! UUr iiihiiuih j i 1 ifoladav filsie S.n'lI ea,2:.,J.eJ', 'l". of :ydl'yer. Thr ,rr. stood M . .. .. . '"" "' sou Kii- .i in i,i vor OI I l- l)l V 1 .. ., pert, Miss Oilman. Miss Prauei. t'lv of : ... . In tlt Hfli-rniNti f Ml,;n.j, iiMi- ""I! ilm- r .lull, i, "'... st ,! ' II.-Iiii-.iIi,, i,,,,, "'H "I "I. I.. .. .. . . i '-iiii'i.ivir.r Is,,! - l"..i "l, II, l. ..n nt r...Hni,. ( t jj f Bl 1 IIIW! I- I r:i,.r ,.l,,r.. .1 ... if ., -''. ' 't i i,ii ti it n uoi. ton's but n,. i ,. ... . j I) ,....,,,,,,,.. I M . .. - .. v usl If. .finf miss a iiM w " tin l,iilr H " 7jT' ll nfunj rwf n't- or M ,1,.. ,..!.. . "tt,'"' ii.i. ...omiii ii i tad w "ill itluaa f KM "' Town -r BlllS . J DteslsWhMTR Portland. ' i e WM ,or i c-loek hot - .. .nor niut ! i i,,,i , iut, ,iini r u i I'.. I rs I. r l . . ' :'.-';;:.'o r -ril