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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 21, 1908)
J ::THE OREGON MIST a. xxv St Helens, Oregon, Aug. 21, 1908. KIST r t x-t s-j 7'yia . Wi --"It ( H? X k . i .' s fink U colling, ur.iin for lvtti Uni an. I otliria tills Week. Liit nl timothy, I'luviit, hihI grain (ml lung win rniuiin iroill Iho mlo lull. v Wiltmi linn sold III llm'ier nml i'iIi. John Allium place, t,(irttriiuY,sjiil Kllii l Wri'.l viri 'nl ti tho teudum' t'saiintiattoii llpNit limt Week. Ni-lialum ba oul utl nuiliv teacher tlit Inol twt'lvu yean. Kiit tlirtlii'rii)tu am iC't'i'X at tnitineta. Tlixio In liioiti grain h here tin yrarlliaii ever bclnrw. Mirln Mmniiithm mum In I lip Sail Saturday to villi Mend ami ,.-t'n mii'ii im.i Monmouth iitor and summer icIhhiI in I'urt- i:i Mo nml family ari alw n.liun lifting at V.riionli. Mr Mow innooMiiiie lo f'l li it led arm mil In hand ha.llv chopped up b.gia ar two or three wx ki ago. nml Mr. darker, son-in-law 'lliii-r ol Dr. IIuiiIhI.i of Wino- r mi oil tended VKiltt irl ed lot kiiiin In Indiana on I'leadiiv of last I hey luailo many Irlomla hern nnipllt llul Knllgloll.hocll'lV llllil mil stand o much In nrnl of. lliinnliiwmul hiathtee brother. furling the- unml siieerntful inum i j llntt tint brn liulil at Vermiiila keral years. There have lieen 12 iiveislous. VERNON I A. Ixtttt KelrfMrt, who hat b-M-n vis- l'elilile t rk with die McDon- urned lumin MoinUy. Urn Enilii'ins It ui 'uli'.il Cre k k. ilolnic roiiil wnrk. Uote and D W. KcM'V h.ive lr- k on lilt' M'hool gruumU. Nit-korwin ml tin fstoleiia ninlim U'.-n helping In (tin II ill iik i( a alio n Cullman trttUy. cr ten baptisms at llm camp Itff TileMiltf v ItV lltinifti tint. rv liw aprtllkluig. uiueeluig oldie 1 Wed'Htulay eve- ' ill ui-'ii, ii i nml nit mikir nro. mouths mfii. vii on our r-4-l' oil erir. hft. sii.r.xci-: Uk Kl l in brirliiiil nil Hut til' kt nl I it r,M 11 U,i m i.Hli'.l .voudlnw tlixv IIuIk ntliik lo wile I li wi t.iku Koilol n lui'iffc j iul your tlninn li in iT'iil Cm - gam. 1. 1 I oule nl K' rtul I"- '"(ilfl tiv I J tlii Inii MM t Knit - 1TIIK" I "llol. Ini'l It!" lit tlio i lii.i-ilnl ,ii. lull rvi-ryoiiB KHH'tml with tlivmi lUyn. Mil John nml family It ft "Camp Ac urn niinoii) lur.n. ncii'im. AIkuii nix lnriiiln of the l'ittiliiirir riuinn miii urivinif kiuh lumin a rpi'orU l'imkinmiii to Mlxt Tiii'mlny cvmilnif. A till 110 1'r.iWit frnlll MUI tmiMiil ihrntmli inii imi hum r fliiv to uriiiuihi in mnoiti l'lllillifllliU Nmiilny, Vll t'll l'il I'll lllllilc IiIh r.'ililnr Siiinliiv iriji io i.imnnniiio. Mint Anno (Icoijn )li Krliliiv i minimi. Ililli'n IWliwiii nci n i n oirnlnxilH MllllilllV. Mr. I.ovi'll, llm Mi.t liiilrhiT, lumlti nn worn iv rotiiM up lliii Vni,.y hatur ily. A Unix rrow i u( l'orilii'iiliirii me i'iii iiiK nv I uimiiirn Mr. Hot hkit'. tin) .(Hlmniiti.r, In iiioviiik li i io ni fiuct ii ar imiiin. I'rtNl Alltoi nn'l wvuriil li liult from rortmiKl r c.iiuiliig nl rltuliur(. Whiil't niiiiiio ? J i in ilii) ii' t go lo Kuiinwk SiiuiUy. Mr. J. V. Ariiialionir ! In llm vallaiv for M frw ilnvn, Hn lixiku i xi wvii)ly i oiiiiuiiitliii J I in. Tl.'r.lJY ( liroulr lllurrohp llrllrtnl Mr. K lnl llury, with llio I'nitcil Htnltii llnpruM Co., Chlciiifo, writi, "Our Ui'iirl Suiicfliili'iiili'iit. Mr. (junk, hunilnl me a lttlc of Cliamlim Uiu'a Colic, Cholrra, ami PUrrohra Hi liU'ily minm tluiK ago to dim k an olil ihloliin iliarrohi'a. I have uacil It ilnco tlmt lime u oil cun'il uiany on our Imlm who hnve Iwkii irk. I am nn uMauMlur who Kivi-il Hh Kuthvrforil II. Havr hihI William Mi: Kiulny four yean In the lrl Ohio Ui'ifinuuil, ami liavB no alltneiiti rxccilrliroi.iciliarrhiH-a, whlrti thir tiip at ouc." For lain qy A. J. IViiiing, (IrUKKt't' DILLARD & DAY Attonieys-at-Law I'racUot s in any Court, SiU or Feilvrnl. Next door to court Iiuum 8T IIKLKNS. OHK. EW YORK STORE 3 ) ) Just at present we arc making a SpcciaUy of E S II 0 s wc continue to carry the largest and best stock of General chandisc, including everything needed about the House Farm. Wc have made a eat Reduction of 25 Per Cent all Dry Good and DrcHS Goods, Ladies' and Men's Shoes II:it On ruprifliimr cxccnt Stanle Groceries. We must Lee our stnr-V mid in order to move it rapidly we make I unparalelled offer. An opportunity never before given e and seenre the pick of our great stock. 500 TONS OF HAY WANTED Wrru-i- r( cii?nc1a mi lisind. Iii our Grocery Line wc t tf frnr1 :inr1 WC lll.SO ll.llldlc l'loUl". I4CCU, pniturc, Hardware. Compare our prices with any and all of competitors. LOCAL Hamn i'oh RitNT-IiuiuIro iitlliit of fice. l'M-KRH Ohantkii At the tciichcr'ex. aniinrtlou hrhl at the court Iiuum: lint w:k the following certlfii'atc were Rriinteil; 1'lmt Gruile-Knte K. Konilc and Kathcrlnv l'rveniaii, Hrcotul Drailc Thoniaa II. Iluuicr, OohlejKatie C. ll.ik r, W'nrreu ; Oncur O. W'reil. Vernoiiia; Lena I,, linker, Wurreii ; Klliel Weed. Vcruoul: Gertrude A. Weed, Virnotila; tiolilie M, Duncan, ScappooH'i 1'iiiinle Sharp, Kelno. Third liraile-Chrliliiic K. Wilnon, Rainier; Hiirrii-tt V. lliuh, IiiKllni Lin y M. Howell, Kninirr ; Carrie 1'. I'.ilrrtaon, lithel M . Ilaniei, ClttUka- Ahaolutely luirncm In weight, a you can aee for youraclf, i auurcd ull who dcnl nt WrlliiiKlon'a. LouK Orr 1'om ScAi Chap mam Timlirr CoHiMny hat a force of men Imck-Uyiug uciir the hljjh llnla hImiiiI eiKht mile title weal of Warren, ill M towuahip i north range 3 weat. I'UNlmig ia In ,i north, 4 ct. The mail ia leiiig coiiatructril in a firat clou manner, ami from Kcappooae to the prea rut kiut of construction la a better roml than the Northern I'acific. The lieople of tlie Nchalem Valley, who have been tl on hot air for many yearn, may liml that the Portland and Southwestern Railway will he the lirat lo connect them with the outniilc worhl. Tlit ilittmice from I'fttahurg to I'ortlantl will I alwot thirty ai milea, ao tlmt the Nchalem Valley will lie within 4" niiuutea travel of l'ortlnnil. The roail la now rlolug a aiuall inaacuger ami freight huniiicaa, iiiikinj; ajicclal tria for freight on Tmt dnya and Sutunliiya nml carrying paancn gcra ev ry ilay. , Si.aiuf Loss llv J'irk The big ilairy ami hay barn on the lli'gcla farm at Scap piwie, waa .'.utroyeil by fire Inat l;rllay allrrnoou, together with one huiulrcd anil filly loua ol bay, three ailoa, and con ciilcrahle fami machinery. The barn waa locatcil within about aixty feet ol the ctrauiery building, and had it not leen for the good work done by the lire fighlcra it, alao, would have been de- atroved The Una In ctlimanted at $10,- 0iH, The canto of the lire li said to have been apnntanooua comhuatlon from hay not thoroughly dried when atorcd. The Hrgi'lc'a are eiiterpriaing dairymen and have brrn of i .i iaiderablc benefit to the roinui'.Mitv, therefore tlit ir miafortuiic will Ik: aiucerrly regretted. The Mctli'Miit Church jieoplu at War ren rem lo be out ol luck. The church mid paraonage were ao located na to cauae a curve In the county road, and n jieti- tion waa circulnted atking Unit they lie iiinvcd ao tlmt the road could lie atralght- ened. At the aaiue time the NHlor, Rev. Lew Ihivlea, waa given to undi-raiiiug that 'ouic proviaion would be tiiiulc by the county for a aite for the buildings juat acroaa the road, ami acting on thia belief, he aigned the petition and moved the church and pnraonagc tothe old road. Thia had beeu iart of the Noon estate, ami when It wai abandoned by the county aa a rond it reverted to that eatnl1!. Rev. Daviea haHjtmt received notice from the Noon people that he iiiual vnente their premiiiea.ittid now he would like to know where he I at mid juat what the county 1 going to do about it, if any thing . It afemi evident, no mutter who ia to blniiic, that the church people have been badly aliuig. Mollifies, ft. Ii5 mid f'.'.OO )cr thouiuiiid. Wellington, St Helena. The ferryboat Tiicotna will be with drawn from the Columbia Uivcr in on aa truiiia Wgin running into 1'ortlniid over the Hew bridge, but its usefulness will by no menus be ended. It will be taken to Seattle, and run between Unit city ami the big mills at I'ort Dlnkclv. Heretofore nil lumber from tlieae mills hits been barged to SciUllo mid there loaded on the curs. The big ferry boat will lake In the neighborhood of 8ti cars, or n (ull trainload. The empty curs will tie taken to the mills, loaded mid shipped back to Seattle, whence they will be sent to their destination, thus clt'ecting au Immense saving iu the handling o( lumber. Your PLEASURE it our BUSINESS That ia why we offer you now and then uch Bargains It it the "come ,'again" trade we are after We have just received a full line of Boots and Shoes Of the Best Quality and Up-to-date Styles. Whatever brings the customer the first time, it is the Quality that keeps him. That is where our Foot wear fits in. It is the QUALITY - that has made us Famous. If you don't try, you won't know. Quality First, Last, Always. J. H. Wellington ST. HELENS, OREGON. COLUMBIA COUNTY BANK INCORPORATED DOES A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS PRINCIPAL CORRESPONDENTS : First National Bank, U. S. National Bank, Hanovkr National Bank, Portland, Ore. Portland, Ore. New York Officers Wm. M. Ross, President and Cashier; Edwin Koss, V;cc l'resident; A. I,, btoue, Assistant Cashier. Directors Wm. M. Ross, M. White, James Dart, Kdwin Ross. Lumber Dry and Well Manufactured Lumber Flooring, Rustic, Ceiling, Stepping, Door and Window Jambs. Furnish Anything in the Lumber Line. DOORS, WINDOWS, ETC., ETC. BENIGNUS LUMBER CO. Y I. MORGUS ST. HELENS HOTJLTOISr, OBEGON 1