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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 1, 1908)
TO THE VOTERS Of COUNTY COLUMBIA SOCIALIST CONVENTION An Enthusiastic Gathering Norn , mates a Full Ticket Tnt&x'Uli t-oiCiluiiib Co n y . et in mass Couvention at bpeocs'S Hall lulKv a personal assesmentif el.cted In Houlton Uat Saturday afternoon. Tuerw juue, ,,! gist fair warning that timber wars) abo-tMorty in attendance, men, lumbermen, corporation or farmers S. 8. Uong wastHected chairman and I will receive, no favors as I shall um D. T. (terdes secretary. I property on uniform and etjiilulile basis Tlie following ucatH iu noramtw: r(rnlleo( peraonn. t urn asa cUted I urge uttiUMt publicity of nil bus ineu brought before til Hoard ol Kqunl iration, that the vote ol each ntetnbrr le matter of recoril, t piedite uivneli to Representative II. Oleen Commissioner Louis Sieert, Juim 1). T. Gerdes. Clerk JJ. liirtr. Sheriff S. 9. Long, treasurer IVrry Caher. .Assranor James Harr, (Surveyor Marion Hutchison. Coroner V. A. Kyser. Nomination for SchoolStlperintendent will l tilled liy the con ny central com luiitee, wnicn is composed olA. v Blackford. 1). T. Gerdes. rred Gill. I. V KofTmaii and M. Hindus in, there twin live socialist organisations in Colutuuia County. Kmh candidate nominetjd by Vv convention sianed a resigiiHtio i. to b with no rin f or combination auil wilt 'give the people, at I have heretofore pledged myself, just, honest, and equitable assessment and I mean anil will do just what I say. A i. faun S. Harrison, Republican Nominee for Aiwuuf, Death of Mrs. Hazlett Mrs. Nancy Jane Hatlett, a pioneer of Nehaleui, Columbia County, died Sun day uuruiiiK at S o'clock, at the home ma 1 effective whenever, if elected, the ' her lghter, Mr. Jessie Miller, 7M socialitt party conclude that he h I East Twentieth street, t'orllaud. Mrs been raise to Ins trust. lU.l-it . rrt v,.r i ...,t with ktulMi,.! tr. ,1. V.kjl..M Villi... A 1 IN I Yj U 1 30 years ago, where they livi d until four yean ago, when thev sold their faim and "When a Man is Single' wai given at I moved to Portland. Mr. Ilarlett died the Opera House last Saturday evening I three yean a;o. The following children by the Margelet Dramatic Club of IVt- re living: Mrs. Jessie Miller, Mrs land. Hazel O'Brien as a society hadrr, I James Neeley, Mrs. Agnes li:ck,of I'ort- Clura llabecost, a New York belle, and I laud ; Mrs. Miririret Arthur, of Vn- Maraie Oiirkin, an Americao Iwuty, took Icouver, Wash,; Mrs. Matilda Young, ol To School Teachers You ci see t thinolllcc the liucst H" ol Commencement pMgfJiii" '"" Al' imuncciiiciit i minever 'M " ''' " t-tiKrrtviiiM o.:-txmy. We ate agent the linn ami n tumuli auvtlilng in the line of hue .tigwvid " " school is K'iln:; to hold commencement eicrciscs, don't fail to call ami what we have. - Kive hundred thoiinuid dollar will I (appropriated at this scmion of 'i . gress toward participation I" the inter national esi'0itioii lo 1 held at Todvo in UUi, II the llou-eif liepresentailve coiii iiis in a lepoit rt'mnllv itiadu by the I'oiiuiiilti'tf on IiiiliiRinnl Ana ami Kioiliiiis. The senaie has acted al ready, rhii iMiuiiiittee recommends, also, that a siitmiHUi'iit apirontalliit Iw irniile, nut to cji-et'd,ist. a SOTIt'K TO nm'lUt'TUHS Scslcd hid will he received fur the cm turn ol a public vhoul building, IM- i pul Irii t No. 7. Wurrrii. Coluiiihu l ounlv, OrriMtl, iu 4ioriUlH'e with the plana ami secilicatinnow on ethibitmn at N. r lUkrr's. Warren, l regou. Hid will tie clowil on the :10th dv ol April, Iw 'N, at I'.'o'cliH-k iiioui I lie right to rrjivt any ami all Iul reserve,! nvomeroi the 11 ard ol Hireitors of ScIuhiI lii.tlti t No 7. Attest: Wm. IIOI.T. Clerk. Ellsworth. Wash. ; William Uailett, r( Seattle. Wash. The funeral was held last Tuesday afternoon at 3 o'clock. uirir rts well. Willie ttodwsy, a countryman, Lawrence lavage: to, a law yer, and Merle E. Strike, a bachelor. cam-) in for a good share of the applause. Anthony Campbell, with his long, gaunt figure and Uncle Sam makeup made a typical doivneast farmer. His witty savings aod droll remarks made him a firorite with the girls. Nettie Hahecotl asan Irish maid brought down the house with her brogue and songs. A distin guishing f -ature of the play was the clear and dn-tim t manner in which the members read their lines, and showed that much time had t een pat Into th w.iiK. The liou-e as crowded and standing room was at a preminm. After the play, ihe young folks enjoyed danc ing until midnight. Misi Nutt. Mr Davis and Mr. E. Nutt furnished th must,: for the occasion. Father Servai desires t ihsnk all those who assisted In making theaffaira success, and especial' ly the people of Rainier for their liberal patronsge. The proceeds will be used as a nucleus fori fund to be raised for the uuiiuinf or m ennren I -r, - - . -'"" I The hccreUry of Treasury has trans- earner nervaia ceieurated higtt mass milled to Congress aueMlmateof 13 atGoble Sunday. The Kaidier choir 000 for the payment of messenger ol sang me mass aod aus tiel LeDuc of the resjcive states for carrying to 8t. Helens, presided-at the organ. Waspington the vote, of the electors for The patent medicine mania In evi- p mueut and Vice I'reaident in the deuce this week. Many good people I cowing election. Twenty five cents a availed themrelves of the opportunity of I mile, one way, li the basis of payment pnrcnasmg a two ounce bottle which The laviih enlertainuients of riih American diplomat alio bave taken this nieauj to es'abliob a socls! stand ing abroad, have been severely con demned r conyres. Mr. I.ongworth President Roosevelt's son-in-law, de dared that Kniferoi- William had bnel his objections to Dr. David Jayne Hill as Ambasi-ador to his court solely on account of that gentleman lack fortune, and the fear that he nould not be able to maintain an estubliihuieii equaling that of tho i resviit American ilplomatlu representative. Of course tue aim of nil the speakers hits been to show that all these difficulties and em ariMsments could be avoided if con gr-ss would provide residences lor It diplomatic leprescutatives and compel tiein, iiy low, to oc upy these hcus luring their term ol official service. only cost a dollar, aod included a chance for the fine gold watch. The ladies also use the soap which they say cleanses the ha.r. The gate valves for the water wrrks have been delayed, in consequence of wnicb many ditches are open in all part ot we city. The gates are expected to arrive in a day or two and the evil rem exiled. Archie McDonald was to badly crush ed at Stella Monday hat when brought lo Kainier, died on the operating table. Mr. Grimes was brought up from btella witn a badly crushed "foot, Tues aay. ur. McLaren dressed the wound, ana me patient Is getting along fine. The Jury List Circuit Court meets on Tuesday, May itia. roiiowing is the list of jurors, Burto i A. Leg, St. Helens. JJ. F. Bi.k-r, Warren. Frank Lonkey, Mi-t. J. S. AdaniK, Ve i o lis. Cbri ti in Jensen, Warren. Burt Wext, hcaioose. S. M. Boals, Myger. Frank Malmb-s, Mist. C. B. Harris, St. Helens. H. Kratz.Cluteka lie F. A. liuriinam, Clataka le Ernext llrvnnt, Cl'tskanie. Edvart Kil.-rtwn, Cl itskaule. W. C. Cooler, Warren. Geo Murry, CUtskanie. Turn Greweli, Warren. Otto B. Malrastn, VVmonis. Wilburn Hall, Vernonia. Fred Langasher, Reuben. F. D. Kainmeyer, Scappoose. KTOonnell. Deer Island. IVter Meyers, Kcoiipo-. Albert Johnson. Hcappouse. U. M. (Seea-hler. Vernonia. David Henshnw, Hoiil o ,. Wilh liri Rickeit, KcipKow llios. A. Carter, Clntokanie. A. K Morgan, Rainier. 3. F. I) nerlicll. S api-:. W. K. dmver., f:l(i.Hka i. John Dibble, Rainier, the recent tour of some of the larg est cities of this country by the distin guished Japanese business tmn and women, has served to call attention in more ways than one, to the rapid pro gress Jsoau is making in competition along Occidental 11 es. it was signifi cant, for instance, that each nienilier of this party of sixty or more Jmane.e had his luggage marked in Ktiglinh let-tars. It looks as though that active little p-rson with the maximum capacity for pestering other governments, ("resident Castro of Venezuela, were about to re. ceive the much needed spanking which Senator Hale has so frank I v ,li-,-i.r..i wrshisdue. Congress seems likelv to give to President Rooseveit a free hand in the matter in which case he would speak softly and - ." I'KOI'OXU KOIt III US lliils will l received by the district clerk ol school ,!itricl No, i. Ci lumlu County, for the trooed cttcmion ol the school house, iliitrict No. 3.V tolutn hi county. Ore., up lo noon, May L'nd I'.H'K. i. e., an ad'litiou lo the present cIhhiI house -".'il.'V, out Iioum-s Slid IX".1 shed. All bid to t handed In to the ttitttkt clerk ol siitl ditt'ict on the above date. at the Nrer City school home when Ihe will tie oiied The hoard id director reserve the right to rrecl lie lowrt or anv old. For lurlher (urticutar apiilv to O. 1 Thouias, district clerk, No. :Ki, Columbia Loiintv, (Ire Hy order of the llmid of Directors. O. J Tiiimss. clrrk. 0TUK of ntnu t'llitr.) Utr 1.AD.I C1O0 ... I'urlluu.l . fwa. l. t Tn W horn H wi ottrnn Nulli-a U hrrrl., l ru Hid ll, N. fllirt,, -. cine Kiit i',iiiiiuf ii r.;r.t h, ti,t m. nvl ni uii'l, llat. in me twnr,tt ,lr-(il-.l below, an. I hi, ir-1 (ur txOlil lot i. UrilU. !!') ItUt liM lll l. l.i tt t,l....- I'W lnHr,'ll,ill AII.I ,'wl- Oirt-,.1 b, nj.litw illh.IUlll.lll, hi IMM-M lNrt(p.l lit liVUtr:!.,!,) I'U, III DO, ,iin,w I, if Ihr iii.(i.-(. Hearse l-iiihlshed lor all point on liver or tail, with or without horse, at reasonable rate. .Vltlre Mrs, J nines l.owe. Rainier -:- Ore (it (tit t'trviilt t ,.ti s.t ihr "! of ttftttjoM, Ut t ttltltt) .'I stIHtlU Kirst kitt, r;it.ii(i v mr kalskv, tsrtVlt Unt 111 Ills Hsjms? tit ttifi.t itt Drvftltl ,t.. ksssUkt, r tsfatb r,MlfV1 lit 4iif )tirr (' ttsril-Ultt ft)! aafssttttl tt hrfiin xn r ttw tit Jh Amf f JM IHn, ttt 'UiP ImtWt til ) ttm lbs 0 uf'is.ti.m lr!ii, ml (' mi lit .fii .til itsf ' lirI". I'Uiliti'J Wilt t Ihtt i tif( H.f tho tr t ff iu ihj rntU(tl rtlr-J ItetrtSlU. Alt I tstr tsftr(il'ttiasri 4lUstl t 'f..f .tr,ro frimt (bU ! .(Itwsanlt tttjf lh UiluU .if tlttlnllt U vtiatlUat IwiMsf III ((sillUl'f ! ilffWtVsaWtl U Ifsst (ttMttt! ftf t-ruai it4 lnhotitati trrtitiuciit t''inraml Is r tt (UtU( ttihsl tfi ,)Iaiut)f(. ami to attll uitttr itl (itthsr tcitvt t mt ! HliM u-it OtswwK'i ' Hit i (h th ti'-f.M Wta( tie i I ttut.Httto4 III lh oflilU -I ohttub laU wl I'twatil. til hm fh f.-iiHtF -ti I h-h ut'lti 1 l;nt lbs iJfs ! ,. 4t'U. I I ?i -Uts? it! till flrl stitr. i.U tf li-'- tit m mwt it U ;itb slf u( Aiitt umm-'Ui U trw. XJlb q,t rf tft Ht'Maf At.. rr.k is, p,,,; To rrsns t on an.! iu ,u" " iT:', In th onl.r I.,, Uli,?1" a7y??i i.i.i.iii, A t, ,?.l,!?w iJL nr lh V, .',"",' sua, , io-wimiisi m b.ui-.5. "''iktsui' 4 him,,, i.u",, J41! a I Ills SIIIBBtulM I, V i ll..n. ., vimT ," St.. A, III. .... M too ,,. i,u .ti' X1, .. J ""swy ' ,ML. r .i...fai. hla iii nrstu:r i,.l!.,oi tiir i.,t. ni tin liuiirt ir,itpia. rrutr,t aain.i iiaiu, ,u inn conifaiji tuau. I.a, ... ...,(.,. llIU Wltllil) 1, ,r Iwfl .,f a.,1 .1.. w-rtra,.-t In ttlr Hit. ,,u thr..'ni. (hat Oin M,;,r la luor valiistilr for minaral IImh u.t airrl.-it( i rl .'l'l-. will 1 CI r. I ,,, , rrrt UieiMiiersI l.u, (iirir l Waa.o,,. Ina, IK C. lirr r w iitnKK. iuk,!,.. lisliwajr l.ii.l. '.n!a,,.l (il NiMhrri 1'a. ill.. I'lurui. urrr.ii N'a SKi, N-iiin H.: I i 4 1 l.l . M-.i. Iil t Lot rUr 4 tlr mmS ittm t t ill i tttart t( th t itil t U'ittn tnh. tt tkl tju(s, t4 i tie Utlt ) 'j AvrJi, ii m ctl,.n fitv 111 Itto U'lt iiga f4 , rrwkf li .n svs l:l!i(ifl faaV'.'t-v-HFr-t jti-(iwr,(i ayvoilMal tlitt. I-.f thv ttf file Wt JS HI); K(itrt, wllhiuUrcat wilh mt rt !f stille A Jsj-irt lt u.f tt,c l, Ihrt tRt .r Tiiifif i uM o . u an,i ill. lutrietl at M m rU oi fi - vwtt on. ii)t ttxrm (fti twh tun whi i , i, .him, sal atnl ttl Ut Hi ' r. ii' llir Mh tif i (.fil, 1 , il wm r tctrit Im ti-l Ju lt,cul tt (bo fff lut (-'IJ Us hr.l U 14 iUe filM.1 Ik Mti'a h9 S-tnh rl tufir f M ,i an. I Mov f k.:ll i" t .n 111 - tlf If want ., t.'i .li. ifU i i y I.. .'r riifvskiifuj rtl.i i m.ij w . t ;s n i s iii f au.raa C'tiif (It N-th nl ifi; lin ill t eat tl ika iwitimirw ntt uu. ;!ih. it t 'umh, imitl). Ofrvn, hm ...! j MtUff mii lutl Hiri.l fiMUi u knht t.i fn Mth'! Htl tbss"tinitMutla of e. ics- uli, . j, 4 tf n "suiHil "M iiM 'III i; as-at ;. ifc,. e inn ir-.tu . rt live .s.ti .( H -ft. it niuiitf m it cant, t niitmibtt t nuutt Mrv r " 't H ritl ltU .1 tuHrf-4 . M .1 rsl rr. i.v.r?'r (q M:t4 Uhltl l, h In hau l t, t, tb im mrssjtiU stxfVitiio); Witn, CUtM f-l il f futf. r'SJslaw, ma. It si's; wtrri;. H'"M ..rf. y fir mtft l.u U) , t JJ SUMMONS. 1 Arli Juiic gf, .'"Uli :.( Sotlre For I'shllrallou lx-,arlinhl il in,, tm,., Lsn I 1 ntli l I'urtUh I. ur, ., I. " In IIhi Iimm l lb. !,(, h 1' .luBt,i I .iilriit Wa,. I,. VI a,!.. 0 l iaiol. t" utiu UaiM K.o tuna ul III Ihp natiiff wt rifY natia. .Wren) r ma i a,..t U,a rw I I IW lh a!.,,, notial I U !, Ma, ,,, 1 E,UHlll....- V . . . 1 . a 1 " iai ..... ... ,,.4, ,& , r ,wi aaln,t rM.1 a.n.1 i-ayar , , i, ,.f.l,7. l I . "'' fdl 1 IU lh.,1.,. u I I , T i' .rf ttita Bi i.a. . . ",r a.iai r,r.j .... ... wll ,,,, in mat l.u . I. . vlIBM.k. vi-iioiv. male ol o,.-. H - III Iii. l"H'i tlllV Il,!.. ika-Ts lt henl,.-.. .1 Mi.l Mi . l".""t"M claim. Mt4 IJJs; mi aw-ltto( a,lB,.L ' '.mer h cash ull ltl I WW at II,. 1 . hou. oi foluu.Ua .L"1 St. Helen. Ill, lol7.:.7V' lwoiwrtv IU. ,,V waatncri VlH ;Xi ....i", (3) We.(vult.B,;i,7 ln Hit h'v a.-,.. 7"!t trty ..., cslwt.a iMItsJlhU M OayolVJ it.tr4imi yeTLl AdmlnUtratris lthtst tt 'lstUI, deeea.1. tl ol lif.l l0!lll l lh. r leraii (. ,,- J iMiiaUti.,!,, ""wasi Miy 1 l4ilaUa,a. talUl( SUrksnt I i,:ail.,, tra!a4 In lb bmm mi ik mm oJ fc' l"Mla,w 'T rn. niui,hhi,JJzTf lh u-laa. l.. i, j, ! U-. M II to ..JI. J f H"''MliK?J i it i,teh, .,IM, TT." '"" a..l w Z ft. l.. a4 h,m,Z,"l r ,!, 1 tossauooa H MUlafca! w .! at. 1 tatataat oNf ii ' 4 n so' altMWnla' r .i!ifiia Mm u la J ri, M.frh, "th m - x 3.Dq you remember, ao a boy, hov oeiigntca you wcro with your fiat STEVENS? Truly . event ct that time. Give YOUR DOY 8TEVEN3 now. Will a,!rf . M. nappinsss and education. MAKB A MAN OF YOUR BOVI ir r (aaaat aMala stitiss airus- saoraras- ustoi raw SaaJw, wsikllnrt, sssnH snpaj, Snaat( Calaiaf ?rlaa. rr S ant Is Haapi u ptrraaUc., w, wlU wa( ra uaaatM. 'S-SMa fir. snsOMala. J. STEVENS ARMS It. TOOL CO. r. O. Box 40. Chlcopee Kails, Mass. tl-e la hrr,-l.v tfUpri that 1 1 ... . . L . .nki.iti. iirr.,u. i. n,i ,, .t,. ..:.. "" ill lt iiiak,- nnal 1.1. ..1 1,1 ..... .'. V 1 lin M, II , i. :. "".'l--'- "l hia l""l-l. , , 'i ( MW'a Sa-I. Si.llii, . "I Mi', u( frrti.,11 f,i.,'. est, an. I ll,t al. ., lh.- II. 1. 1.. , hetrli.r.l I' Ml Mv lit, r,. if- - . . . .. ..,-. tniiowii,,, t In .llaa.,!,lti Hit ana.iki. 1 . - . , ,.,,, 'Irten-lanl aal I... . .... . ail I, Jwtiaa, it.l l.,f frll.t a. l.i , r.,,. .,, i t-la Ion, r.- .'I ,., '"fill tariff J ; nia-Io llnrm j t':ali,t,f! l.aum l li ...fca, aW, lutlharf aiaai a.i a'im-..i,a I. ..... ..' ... rn.ji u. n.i ,. ..'.::''.'"""' ' afcl..l,lltl,,,( , A(,,,, IV t int .iilm. atl.iu ,( tli'll Mat -n. Iia J stllllA HIUlK,K. annc to, 1-lalMlir . M, li" Uat (,it.l, It.,, Illlllai;.. Ilia of. Ih Ian. .M'-ilmti l.aini,, f V.,ki .. . KmSt-v v., , H. Mll.ut Halar in III I 1 '!'ttu',i l't M hiiiiosh I the Htala , U'l tlt I'ot'a, Cialullr! t Orgift f,i fa lrrtaht t Iimr. Iha a.1.1.., h,, u, t!,;T?,': ... SrialnMalal S,i Iu .JJ..-7". ' """"' "f urnehia, atA, IM iT -VT..L u ""t ssiw, uW, ''V iin r 1 1 t Hiarti llaintMl In tlm i,atilo ( i""' "i t-,, ! I.aliil a ...I .,a-aii,,t "01 1.11 .,, " at I 'll" "t Oil. 1 ii,. 1 tti ir .Irt lift ah,,t l(nlai,( .!, tl, it". 1. , llaMi- lt t,i il,r., v.. "' sm.t,,,,, I '"I It, (l, . - - '. 1 -I, - -.... ..! ,au 1. -'(--aiii- 1' ei.trt,,! mil Maine l ,,,, , ( 1 " 1 t"t . g ,!,, l't-f Sellee fer rsUrsaa fttk&htft I h.1 1 . t..i wa t SSlIaot I 4 o(a, WUtli a. 3., iai.M. I ttaltr la kttahf laai Ik aaj with lh t'mt,t,a ol lh art at -uat UB m. la; tttlttaaf ' . aal to aad tlmlaefUt-la Itt Id staaa w t,4am ao l aahioal. a, TamtMi a t il -ot4lc I a.-., I aialoat Mai lW?. Umla l a ranaval a tta. M ittmdtm feaa da It ill IhlsuAW kia .. auuaaMt tt lh ailrtbaai l th ayxM iaataiai 4 'l-i-r'-f ul aaaUaa aa t . sahlp ha I 1tl kuM Ik I ti talll .Hat s a to ,ht !.,! SU a is motta taiu.Mfli . Iu lit t lot a-ttritllittal p.,,.am, ao ktaSU r)., aal I U:i. Kc(tMMiai at l.!tUn-l life, ntl tsita OtS "I fill, law dim ! , I II. Ik,.- W h lwt.114 r-uil4 t)rr.m I Aur tJ (-,. in rUlwIOl ar lj,.-ilaarllal lah-r f lla llialt claltat lo thi SV a Mlafcasa. la, ol Aftil, J1 I UB0IMlsr krs SUMMOIS In th C'ltvull t mifl nl IS su i a l"f Iha I muiiI, ( tHSatUS, i U, Mai, MM l ui.i.t.rr I a VlBlallL. to lh lU'in ttamt-.! ,laltUa Stole In lb ttatna ul tha ml HHP I" hth fa.iulN! It, anwatr tint ae Wal ni S)r,l aaaln.i toa la On ttf rotft M attll titt -tt baksUM su Hurl I A ll Uat aal.1 'lata Ms sua nr ii ntH ,awiiiia"s I he 11 ta (.Mtilirsltiitt nl ISil mmwm lh Mil .la, .,1 Ma'll 11 l .atmll ffa, aa IhsKof Iha .!aliiliir lll sllr "J tha, mIIb aa b,.,nl f,f In atala4l "l l,l4ittl una , Mr Mi aalil out. f o I'laitiinr am (lh bunila ol maitin.'ti) n-l sw"1 eaiaitna: laian, UkIi. I b.lMt M I MSI a ti' I II l"U tall Kaaia -I 11,1 am tlh Ili'll II III ll (!,. , 1 I,, ai tll,,.. it,,, nia. I., ill,,,,, , ,, ,, "It-ll l, llii !riiit,lt,! Ill " t'-r ,l th .-, "I lif hialltii, l;..l.l..l.a. l, ra,r , , '" '". "' " ' " 1 ottrl ' rf"M fttf ( .1111.. 1 I I ,.,.l J ,W. hh"h OS. . 'moil,.,,, Ih, ; tm in li linn. "I 11, all , tl' , nil , -il 1 t-'il.lli uli. ' rim ii. in, u,,. ,( ' .ml lliv ln,, a In. I, II titii-i, . tacir ,,r I, llfnn 1, ,11 .... ... ..... .. . '-" . ',,,1,11 At,,,,, ),, hi' t I'.ii am ,.. , "' siii-f ."l , . ,,.' "I'llffl .wl.ll..ll,, l'"-'0.r.l III ,,, ,, (( KILLtmi COUP.W and CURE thi LUNC8 w Dr. King's Now Discovery FOR OS.uffJHs IU ''H.I.AHIi a tuv, Ant rim,, u,x fuiimrr Nona; to cKiiuiroKs in Hi. 1 I'onl.lii'i .,111,1, itiallrr 1,1 11, III I In- 'ooy t mi ,1,. m... ,., ,, . "i-ann nir 1 mil eiUleol l;in, Iltisvc lll,'.....l -.III,',. t'..l.., ... '"-.'it -Inly ' ''', "' u'hlrsiii.l IV" l""'-m it,.- .,,, r '''' kiii 'ii" i ittr iituim n, HIIU I, lll.'.nlliu t.ulrU "''""i" h'.in ihtt ,1,0, V V: ,"",',iiiin .is "' " .r.' in I v , I .it 1 ! '"l'"esll..n ..I " I fli.t , 1 j , , ,' '"'"!, ',' ''l-ilrwl. a -a I f ab V a a . .... ......... kij to ate- mti ii'r ,ii.,, . . . k, (Slats .lallllirl he la,i-r IHoKa "t SHI. a; tll 111111111. H.I narttnl M??i lltill tlir,..( I., ..III. I iW lliW'J,, lit.lav l Ihr al. i-hhV" fit llto l.lli ilar l tl'1 loan.. 11 ll,r,l,. in.. """Ti. II. e an.l .tl,.v..i.. 'l1,U,2ri. 4 Kigali wtirl rr-narsl 1 ln r 'lll'l ftrilllas ! iw- 1 j, r m! trierssi arr. Kiral ituhlli sil.m "Jtyr 1 oiiat), tiirj.ii YOU SPEND Too much ilw t" t. ... f HflMrtall 1 iiiiuriuavioii ii"i" CM, Unless you r B,lnl ' lit-tlr of Oreuon swl '. i I' liifortwll'r! try town in 1 1 io8W chtaslfltiJ lluslnsf tt"' H' iirrJi 'Wl'v'Wr! tanaa tnrtnaaiit fv'W-'"l'e's-lt,."' TWf w'''M'..'jtlVi , a,.,,,;,,, j,, sW. .,SWntfkjaa,