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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 24, 1908)
1I1K OREGON MIST Vol. xxv St. Helens, Oregon, April 24, 1908. No. 21. LOCAL ? e r t t ! ' ' ' . Ti;. I k W " Cluint'lsCounlv Hank. Shf'.b Wilt JtfMCll " HOMlttMl Int. 'l'"'Kl"r'- r .... i . W. I-.HkW. "I '"'. ,1 ....... ..It ft IIPUUV 11. HUM. "r " "' " ,,tbttir with IM1UI-I l-oy. ...iiniitirittsliavelweil riert- SOCIALIST CONVENTION The floriiiUatt ol Columbia County will meet In ma,. convention t llmiltnii on Sotur.lrtv, A nl m Smee'i Opera lluuw. J'.vny Snciali.l In Columbia ( utility Imulit do Im heal ,i ,c present Theru will be lecture by I ir, Sanders. I.. II. COM US, Sec. Houlton I.k,.I r.t.I Mi lal Watkius icJiottic I"" L.rllie elate r ' .. ... .. ... il. 1 1.1.1 ir.l. l!r'ii"' I ""''' Company. .f ila lull rafiAfitv iwa, ti i"""'"" ' ' L (j-ingrr anil iricr nmirrii scry. 1 " '' """ ,( , (r itavs Willi a capoa-ily "' ; Jiiy. W, H J'o-'-l. hairing. n'""' . J.. I t.. I...,,!...,..! it, A ti .trjtity ii.KK I attorney. f 4 .lllprr ( the C. (', Li Co. f'Tivr.l quite a wrvrrr i til brad Ut Wednesday by it io iu maple and ivbotmd- IT Mum llr h ta-rn wrvni ' " . . .... i... i... i ... krjrt III IIH' ,tl ,"" t tins mi . IVI. I'l ymn, one ! Hie llt Lsenucit tl C!imtl'i l.'mnlr. to she Mul olll tn Mmi'Uy 111 . 1"H lr(jlUll ! '"- Mi l- l t "I '!' "'j'Uiiun Owl ll.Ml liHANtiK-llic next lUrrtitllf "I llic Ciiliinilil Cuiiiuy I'tmioim (iiainjf III bp lirl.1 nl Vaiiklmi. Satitttlny, Slay 2, Utr llicniilr. tn tie vntcil oil at llic June clet'linii will lie in-iiMcl t (III! IlicrtliiK . H. C'ii.i.inu, Scrrlry Krv, Ata Mrrili will miIi t Hie C'.iiKfrijatiuiul cliiiah in St, Jlrlriu, Bc Ml.lwil, itiuriiiin; at n, m. (jl- UUl m-HoI m 0 a. in, 2 We ay 1 ul rrr.l ua Tunc lrMit. C!iutt'i Cmiiitv lUnV, Si. Ilrlrn 1kI(i; So, I IT. I. O. O. rvlctiralc Hie annivrcury ol tlir luiiintiin; "I llm itntrr i)ii SrtliidUy m-l t.y jwymit iit Li llttir wmrliry l Wairtu, wlicrr tlirv will la!T all ilay iillnuviiii :ltc i;r.'iiii'l. I i u ttr r will I arrvnl in Kullrrlmi't kut At iiikIiI Uiito will i)- ruririv in ii Uiitr r mm al St llr'.ni.i, AH "i!t Irll'iwt lr ir,in tril tu 1 ,trH nl i On- criiicleiv ait'l litmv. mc worklitj ltiiilriiiriil atilh tlicui t"l Mrt iintialive uiraMirra afr It it t.n.tnl.'.c liianv Wi'.l !l altlr. l.y Mr. lull. ktsl A In r -N.i.if foi-ni. (. il. 1 o. Ikilik. u! tr l astrr ll. al lllC a! .tiUli'l .11 SI HtU'l't rl ; ijiite. V A M Pwk, tr. Sm.'.ii jii I li'.mly, i.f i:tiniUn. I 'Vl'I, "tr v!i 'ill,; 'tl-lltl 1 ' lr ul m, llririi. Mr. fMtntli c- Wf- in Cil iiii'i c wintv llu m'.rt ( "ir wuitliv alirrtil ha llmciii i.. -it aixMr. i tu the Mni e ll Tm i,iy .! iiwk mile t. S." r a.nt ' kft II '. nt " I 'I I il-n tnrrc I li.ur a isiU li-k of tlrtrfiniiu (m In ii ly tltr tr.i U- uli a Viitt' tv ,t j;itn crtrt linh vrt;ruli!r ami liilil" C.ranitr, till aii.l ir,rrli &te. ISrf.U, )iuiU anil "ll. Mirtor uailnif ami N'llm, anl I liraftity ajv -!tvUtr viitir L4trini;c. M. C.OH AY, Ic'.l a!i,'.i J Willi lua ! atlon that l:xtfii.l hit mct!in n: unlit he ixownrinl aUnit Imii-lir lj I ll.!l!i,!rlt Hut in lr )n ( I '.iHiHlt" Use vniiii- f lit buMtiij( ! I:t'! Cm kv,i, i( Iiili, i !- ; 'Ci'.i-!n!i! ,y Ju'ln Mi l.llte lUy Ut, L'.x'Muai i ; i in in lii tm 'YiititiK ," nt i, ik tune iiiltc liinmiia III fltvir, at I ik k llutlltull tUU I ul n at untr liar tTtltrr ol a l I !.ir .i',l i- 1..,, lin aie am-' Its li. mnr mtx-il wit!) tln-tf : l'(iTt ric maitp In induce , 'lc a wr" mi.l tiMcli tl'.e yutin '.lie Hucttra nl the in.ititv ail ill Wailmcl riii'iiiiutunt'ra but ! I emu ;,!c. he iiiulit ilu hettrr , -ftr.'l-il i. i lie Uiintril t lie ! ( !ur tn k I '.illuiuii unit In j tclliii,; the Nuillimi'lrn nil ) ' "I. ti. In Iul I'ari-rr, l ai knuH-lrilea reorilil ol tile "I I lie hatter M-rvic t l!ie I'rr ',1 vlriian Clnitvll, nllil ' the r , rllrnt iiHuu .il iirnifrtitii It tin- ilueitioii ol Mm Miiiv The ulrclloiia were ul I lit? 'in. Mint (.'onyera reinlirinit virr.ituii," (ulier iiiiinher , "'..ii' rrimilM'," hy Mra. l hiin. i'; m,o. "I'.inl l.ulil Mc ll," l.y Mina Minnie Kire; lliirk. Iluik, My Soul"; lo, He n Kimh," hy Mta. I'ninU I mln, " t here it n l,mt Mine I1' Keen," by Mra, -:,,S. Ilootl). fiiliilen a iri.j;riiiii aiu lt in lew hn in (t,ii,,, iMiuhl Inrithili llu iiiii ,tiihly leiuler, ninl re- irnlit ii,,,tl tiisle u,s i'l' I lr lliimlu, 1, In II f nit Sutiinliiy eiieli week. t" llimltun or Si. Helena, mile mmleonihyN. 1 R. lty, In r- A. l.illie. l'lluler will he re- f IcavluK Wik at olllcs oi pl-rgt Co., Houlton, Oit. i.Vi'.'.' K'lltirT mi I I'.lt.l.h-r l ri are ,.1. Allll Sliiil'l."! Hil l Will HI il h"lt lima li nhli'ii ekfie. kl lne in 11 .'ihe. :iii'it. It, in Kill iiii'lUui' . f H,.. I It l l. i hy A J IVmli.H ml We(HoMi lrvntl'. Mm. i:lui Ki' all! Mr, V 11 l'i'.- Inr.l wilt -tc ti t ti Clml ' rn i;n! i '!! 'i .ill ! other M ini 4H111I at the imiii'iiif i, Mr. K..i. Ir jn '.' I' 5i,et W cine lr aitetrnK'H. Com!'!, te o:',i 1 leluri ol the ii tn.iry elretl'iii will loiniil on the liltti t;e. A i'"t one h ill ol the ief,itf-re I RetmliHi nil" "I Cul iinhw li.iinty ftU-iitl-eil'Kie ..! Mr I. II. t',.l!iev i iiine h.iine It kii Ti- lf,,i to a, t li("l the t'n-v.liill loll I la-t hli'Uv He :r'.iiiii nevl Mnint.iy, l,.u.l4 - 1" rfnl'rrv liture lor a.i!e atjir.'i, flix) 1I1. : ii ilowli unit I ilance on term Cahinrt .m l .t.unii c.iuicrav tal.tnet, alaniji aii'l H'oiin lenn. tui L Kroiiiiil. l-imh.r, ami everything com I'lete, Aihlr-Mi, K mihr Jeweler, 1k-U U. 11 1. (.or Si'i Money Ui.Vrj, nno.l any where, low iitten. Col. t o. Hank. M Win. Kosi eiltettailiei! the l.mlle Ai.l lail Weilnrwhiy nlteriu-oii at her lionie, theo.ta-.loii Ih- ii.i; the iir! aiini- verurv ol the m letv iiii'l election ol 011- Icera Aw esi'tlleiil liuii Itioii wa aerveil lo tt'hti' h all ill. I inilice The fullowini; olllcer weie eli-cle.l. Mrs. While Trii leiil;Mr, Win H Vice 1 re.nlenl ; Mr. Jolin. Secretary, Mr. Ill.ikesley, Treaaurer. The it i iti .11 lu nccin- tili.lieil 4 K""1 ,M "' "" iiiirtiint lui-tor tu church 11ml clmiimhle uiiittcra Mr, 1'reil I'.iUou, tin' ntiniiiakiT, h iiKiiiil vlMitinit M. Helen. Whenever i ri'il mIxmvh lii luce the hiwlo n;.!u ol thtM Ireitoii Mitmvi i'l"1"1''" - He liim n t' itilrni t lo I'miolruct pi"" rrot ol the court lumi'. l't U'M ,'v' only lieeneiwhl wot kln !m- he look the. joli, nevetitl tnonlhn t;i'. The aim liita ai'Viml tiiii'' illeni.le.l In Hhitii' whlln l'ri'tl 'iih out ol town. '"'I tint inointuit In- li '!' " the nnil OKI Ju.llcr HuvIuh tke o!iri'. Wenilier itui il 1 i K Mr. h'tUon will iitiw ruwlt the work t ciinipletion. 811IMH.1.H kiii Sale 1 enrrv 11 Block of cuilitr l.illKli "'"I "'T'T l''m P1,lu "l (ron.l.W lo t-.36 'f """IBI,U" II. MOUUUS, St.lluluUl, t'oMMii-riiK Mkktimii TIid Uiubllimi t'uiliity (Viitaal t'oiiiiiiilt.H met 11 1 St.. Helen, lui-t We lnemlay afternoon, cllit thirteen i!i)iiiiliteeimn Iielng I'reaent, J, , j,ull o( KuStiiir tu neele. ehitirmau llli.l T. U. Wiiltiof lUmhen, . er..lary, h ill-muu wf,r elec t i'l il.'ll'KJti.K o the Stale Coaveiitioli: T. C. Wtt. J. i, t; Ui tioulhcr- Uml, J. Warren quick 11 ml Allien Froe man. l.i!eKiite to ihu ConKie8ioiml Cunveiitioii: K. II, J-,iKl Walter Mor i, Dr. K.lmu liM, uny Weal ami t'a.l'r Mini. The ilelealioii lo the Stale Convention c lei toil SV. K. Slevei mate central (Miiiiiiitt,.c man (or Colilm l'i County Tin) eoimly retitrul com liillteu uieeta here j(.iii on till) l.'illi ol May, ai I o'i .K-k p. 111. The Slate Con vention will U held oil Ihu Mill. I'eWilt'a Little h'arlv Kiaeia. the'liini- (IUJ little liver .la. bold ,y A. J. Deic- I 14 M'l'l Scin, iruj (, lluineM lol for sale, Mx llK), Ix-twcen 'Vie.t'a and'i imIoou, lor J.".."i. lu.iiirB o( Aueunt Wict, SeuiitKK)e. t're (tun. BACHELOR FLAT NOTES KiiKf p 'I'Vjmin vmltiil in TortUm! 0 ip ilaf hoi Wiek. S.h.Hil . r,.iined Motulay niter a two wee m vacation. Mr Chan. Muiin, ol Hoiilu.n, la viauiK her ai-t.-r, Mr, SautiT. Mr. J li'.uin haa hit men working 't the mad U-lwevn Houlton and St. Helena. Mr. and Mra. Heit Tarbvll have re ' in ned holiiii after a four luotilh viail ill the east. Mr, mi l Mm. John S.uluii had for :hfir n ie Nii-i I iy, Mm t. lanwoixl iml Mr. C. C. Mover. Mra. C, C. .Mojer entertained al Itineh . 111 tin l i l iny In liniiiir ol Mi Minnie 'liubeit, of KidKelield, Wash. Kdanr.t Mover, wiioh i Ueu ntteiid i'iK the iratiiii'ir dioo nt Salem, in en- 1 iving it iiouilh'a raeation 11 1 the ho:ne of lib lather. C. C. Moyer. I.,ll 'I ho M.l.i ulnleorklli h.'H t film .. t';e fill nt the IVspulii liri L-e, Karl - i! lllli. t iniaf iriicie to liave one .f hlaliorM kicked H'lile severely hy 11 i'Bi'tt .tia ho mi ta ti it'll ua ..rkuij; h.' .1.1 oi hull. M" Kiwi Stan w ml, who hi Ikmii i-iiiii; ulth her .ari.H, Mr. mi.l Mia, C. I'. Mover, for Hie mt week reluriietl in her li 'inn ill Yankton ml I .a at Thursday Mra. t'auiiie Sleeves l ink tit.' Sunday school ehtl In n on ;i picliie to Ihiuuindiier's yroie. A line 1. me w:n rr jm :-, hy nil, ItAlNIKK Juice lll.itii hard had til' t'laanure of rweictiiK a money order lor J'.'O Irnin 11 liille ton n lint a thiiiiMiid miles lioiu luic, "i . iiscieiic" Moivy." The .Iiultte .i the only thilin lie can remcniU'r wa a h iv of aliiita thnt mysteriously ilis;i- t-.iie.l tiottl hin .Hlore 11 short lime heft le he olil out. The writer suiil. "A Iriend ki-.l me to wil l vim this money, " Mr. l'n-1 Trow, the ioneir nicrchntit ol tliU city, liita enlurued lua store to dotiiile iH lorincr sire and lins a large 1 ulia i. e on the inside hetwet'tt the two hnihlini;. Mr. Trow s.iysllia conalnntly ini-ie-i-m; luisinesi ih iiinuila tnor siace lor Kooda, This apt'itki well for Rainier luring these times. ii.i!Ii.t car load of ei;ht inch pijie arrived a lew al.iys no lor Ihe new water avstem ol this city. Tin) jirimrry noltiiiiatiou eleetioil was held in lilts city last I rnliiy nml tile uc- slnl eiiiiiliil.itcs are jiihilcnt. Out ola total ol - votes registered, only I'M voles were easlv .ii.irun uue lor sherill was the most ..uiliir cuniliihile, hiivinu received UU votes. The County linlneship wus Ihu most closely contest id. V.. II. I'UiiH receiving M 11ml W. II. Powell B'J vol.s. As 11 whole the eh-ctlon vvuii verv iptiet, 1111 1 little intereat taken the contest. Mr. Jithnson whs arrested by the water works contractor, lor tukiiiK possession ol it wooden roller which lie hail Hri't).l lo iiuike for the contractor. When brought before the Justice of the l'eaoe, the cast) win thrown out of court, and thu con tractor JvUed to pay for tuo roller. COUNTY CO UKT Wodnenlny, April lat, 1908. Court ciinii) piirauaiit to ndjournment. All olllceri belrifr prevent. Km. proclamation lie inn made the fol l.'Wihn iru(veilitifg i-re had ; In the in utter of llie resignation of Tho. lioylc, Sll). of Ron 1 1 Diet. 11. On thiaday thin ui uter coining on for h.-ariiiK gml the eomt being advieed in the mitller, it ia ordered that (aid resig nation tic, and the aaiue ia hereby ac cepted. In the mailer of appointing a UL-er-ylsor for road dimrict Ho. 11. 1)11 lliit day it i oniered that George Freeman he, ami he li hereby splinted upervlaor of Dlat. II and that he duly pialify as aucii bufore entering upon big I tit its. In the mailer of the balance of the special Hu apportioned to the Millard road for which 110 contract haa been let. Oil this day It i oredred by the court that the balance of the apeclal road tax apportioned to the Millard road be worked out uiid,-r the iujierviaionof Mr. Ieliu, HtiperviHir of Dad dlftrict No. 3. In the matter of blJs for sjeeia! road work advertised for. On thiaday the following bids were Opeiifd for iecial load oik Bond District No. 2. I' II I-uiiil, spec 1 and 1! St. Helens and Wnireii road for .rtsj.(.x.k). W C Cooper, .ec 1, 2, 3, and up to Uno to Copland's barn, $131 QO. lien, iiruiit, spec 1. I5"K).U0. Wui. Skiuio, ac I, 2, 3, J'.'l'yi 75. Bridge at eisuiann'g place 1' MaygerHud A Hauerud, I'JoO.Oll. W D Case, sSim. Ceo. iirntit, piers fr.1i.50; bridge, 2..O0; llll ut -10 els per vd. Spec. li. B. D. 1. (leo. (Irani for 2.75 per rotl. And the court aller ilm- ronaiderntion of the avernl Irils, award.d the con tra t as follow;. WC Ci;..ptr, for spec 1, 2, 3, ai d up lo Latin at t'oiK.I.uid'8 h.trn for $131'U.0O. lieo. Cirnnt, for Biei: 6 K. I). 1 for 5-. "8 JH-r nxl. All bids fur the ZeiMiianu B ide wi re rej 'clt'd, and it isordered that 1 ins and IH'cillcation he pn'part-d for a fill and culvert instead of the bridge, and Unit i.ids he advertised for toe aauij to be re ceived tip to April 11, 11)08. Whereilp in eo n t iidjOUrned Until Sat urday April 11th. UK'S. Saturday April lltli. 1U0S, Court came pursuant to adjournment. All officers being pieseut except Coin iiiiwiouer C. Lib".. Due proclalnatioii being made the fol 1 iwmg 1 rjeeedins were had: In the matter ol M ia for special roaj work udvi ttis d for. On this day the following bi Is were opened for special road work : Road Dist. No. 3 Fred Wat kiln to furnish crushed rock on Columbia City road for fl.61) per yd, county to furnish crusher and on.'itie. 0 K Rniley to do the grading, cut and llll on the St. Helena and Houlton road 011 y f. l f 1.10.00. Kill and Cnlvi rt at Zoisniuu TIhcj W I) Case for ll, : i 0 Maygcrtfc Haiigerud, tiOO.OO And the eourt UMng advised in the premises, it is olderetl thill the following bids lie accepted Btul contracts awarded us lollotvs: K Walkins to (uinisli crushed ro k on Columbia City road for f 1 .00 pr yd. Mayer A llangorcd, to make till and culvert forifiilKUK) And it flirt tier nppeni ing to the com: that thu bid of O E Bailey is for moie than the vork is i..rih, the Htime is hereby rejected, ami it is hereby ordered that tha work bo done under l III) super vision of the rond supervisor. In the matter of the petition for local j option liquor election for Union precinct, I Columbia county, Or -. On this day this matter coming on for consideration of the court upon 11 peti tion of the electors of said precinct pray that a local option liquor election elec tion bu held in said precinct, which pe tition ia as follows to-wit: I'ltTlTloN foil LOCAL OPTION UU.VOU KI.KCTION We, the uuderaiirned leiral votor. ft Union Freeluct.ColrjmbiaCounty, BUM of Oregon, whose boundaries iocludtg the following Sections, Townihlps and Ranges, to. wit: Township four (4) 1101th range one (1) west, being section! 3, 4, 0, 0, 7, 8, 0, 10 and parts of bee 17 aud hi along Scappoose Bay. Township Ave (6) north, range one (1) west, being the south half of sections 16, 17, snd 18, and all of sections 19, 20, and part of 21, all 29, 30, and part of 28, alt of 31, 32, 33, and part of 34. Township five (5) north, range two (2) west being sections 19, 20, 21, 25, 28, 27, 28, 29, 30. 31, 32, 33, 34, 35. and 86., Townseip four f 4 1 north, range thretj 3J west being sections 1, 2, 3, 4, the east half of section 6 the east half of sec tion 8 and all of sections 9, 10, 11, 12. Towiifblp four 4 north, range two 2 west being sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,11,12. Township live 5 north, range three 3 west being sections 21. 22, 23, 24, 25. 20, 27, 28. the eat half of sc 32. all of 33. 34, 35 and 30. Would respectfully petition that 00 Monday the first day of Jdne, 1008, an election be held to determine whether the sale of intoxicating liquors shall be prohibited in said Union Precinct CoW uinbia County, Stale of Oregon, and each for himself says I hare personally s pied this etitiori and my residence, IKMUdlh e and voting precinct are written correctly after my name, And it nppearing to the coort that the list of signatures attached thereto hse been compared by the county clerk with ' their signatures on the registration books of the election now pending, and that said petition contains the names of a number of registered electors more than equal to ten per cent of the votes ca-t at Die latt proceeding general elec tor the office of Justice of the Supreme Court iu said precinct. U is therefore ordered by the eosul ilut on Monday the 1st day of June, IMS, on election be held in said Celoa precinct, Columbia county, Oragon, te determine whether or not Uit gals of In toxicating liquors shall be prouibited ia said Union precinct. Iu the matter of the petition for local option liquor election for entire county of Columbia. Ou this day this matter coming on W he heard, ami il appealing to the court that a petition has been Died in Ihe ofl- co of the county clerk for a local option liqiiur election for the entire county ei Columbia, which ia in words and .Scares as follow.-.; l'ettiion lor Local Option Liquor Elec tion. To the Honorable County Cewi el Columbia County, State of Oregon. W e, the undersigned legal Voters of Columbia County would rtepectrally petition ihut on Mondsy the first day si June, 1008, an election be held to deter mine whether the gale of intoxicating liquors shall be prohibited iusaid Col umbia county as a whole and each tot himself says : I have personally sigued this petition and my residence, post ollice and voting precinct are correctly written after my name; And it appear ing t.. the court that the signatures on said petition has been compared by the County Clerk with thesigualuresof said petitioners on the registiatiou Looks ol the eiuliiig election, and that said peti tion conliiii.s the names uf more than ten per cent of the vole cast in this coumy f r the ollice of Justice of the Supieme Court at the last preceeding general election, and the court bt)in4 fully advised 111 tlie innit-r, it is there fore ordered by ihu com 1 that ou Mon thly tue 1st day ulJuiic, 1 . US, an election be livid iu the entire e vul Columbia to determine w hether 01 not the tale of ililoiciittiiK liquori thall be piohiblted in said county as a whole. In the mutter ol issuing a. warrant to Mai tin White, sheriff, for the amount of the tax on lauds bid In by the county (or delinquent tint)'. The sheriff having i?sned certificates of sale to the county I r thu land so bid in by the county at the delinquent tax salt) in the sum of ft;!ii.6ii, it- is ordered by the court that th clerk issue a War want iu favor of Miirtiu bite, iheriif for the sum f 433 60. Whereupon court adjourned until Monday April 20th IDOS. Syrup of White 1'iueaud Tar, the eld reliable cough remedy. For sale by A.J. n