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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1908)
HE OREGON MI ST LXXV St. Helens, Oregon, May 8, 1908. No. 23. FOR ST. HELENS US TAKE THE FIRST GAME ilerwting Ten Inning Con test at U Center. ,ntt"r ttl nixr snored a vie tlw I '""lcr I11 Sunday i I'enfrr ufmii'U, All thoac ; m.i t" fc II game. Rfl the i t, ilic r nine ti'l money, for iiiaHh tram UK AlllWah the "l,:, !' l ('. Lu II ty f that II latitri f .1,11 llirlv -. II" tlUle lull mull i in tlotiht. jtil 1 1 '! eou.luton mi l Tic vrfv iHlle heavy i c : !rnii the l I, THr tfaiiic l irt ,.!t ..I 'n:l out. M llrlim UMI I II 111 III lllll-l Itlllltll', Ui the il'l l!'" n lit'., I "I li end "I lie (rl til I Ih '" tied, li M umh. si"iitn"!iity ev.. oui : . !tu ! hauiuirrid ill the I t that the I.4 (Vnlm traiit hii i'.u "l III ill in V k plated good lull anil lllrm on I f-' Ir am lut mt up !!) litn h k nrtr, pit, hrr, ant Mtsrplcaa. it v cc huhle, while Pat Kane ami lu wutlt at lint dial r aa. tc ili.i I'nt ! til Hie M t. jti fUr lull, an it thai lilt ttt trim this year tli4t j r( (rata i.ll till? flVCI Clllac I'l ! !!! I, Htl'l Jnfk l-f. it, jUtrd 4tuc Hint was) inn M Pratt pitrlird li-iir ; l.iil iii. ithnit. Nal I i k M. Helms Pine S I'lK 1 f tvt '.'rr ) :rtl d:amolld ( Death of Mrt. Ilattan. Ors Oerahliiie, wife t, R. H. IliiiUn, County Judge at Culiiuitiu County, did I Ihclr home ill St. Ili-lrllt nil Sallllday, Mity p.m 7. . m , i.l heart trouble. Mm! Italian's ttialdru ,,. taa ( Itetttirf, umt lie Unit InOliiu, un July ;jt,, ml niiltcil in mm.K! with U.S. Il.ut.iii ml Nnxloilm, Kauwu.on Mttlifltb. )KM), niuviliK ilnirlly thrrrallrr to Dili comily, ifcllrre lliry luvt una ttmilr tlivir Inline. 4lf. lUlUll Ma. etluouctl ta tile ytny. of L-huu UhcIht mnt Uught nt V If Ot Cw.Uiim llaltaa Natal aitj Mnt, ill the Nilmlcm Valley. Slir woiiian l timcli aliility nn I tare .jfth. a hum; ili'votf! l!c fltn! tuxllirr. Mic if avct II litul.ili.l at; 1 nine li l.ltrn ir- ami a bti.tticr anl itct (V C tlvmtutl aii.l Mn, Cl;ttils M hi! Iiit, ! tVmiirll. WflliliilitiJ lu inutirn lirr lm Kry Av.i Mt-ftli ilrliverrd llic lilurl.i! (tiKuurtr at tlur C'lliKtrntiuNiil iluir '.i nn Turxtav )!, tlir litd lininl taltiiiij iate at llir Watrrlt Ccmrtcry. Tlir nttrirUm" s vrrv lit;p ami the flutal ollrrlii); .ilu. At a Intuitu nt hT i -tm"y ali i ihr irrm in wliu h hr uti lict.l. ami In ,uvnLill. r wilt) ttit"iii, t! r l 'iK M'li couti liuiim an I h l !i mtJ luvr licrn at liall niaat IN MLMOKIAM I tin rrk. I llulnd.iy, Sr.. of Scap- pof, Called Home I(!l,i.Ha ,.f w ui Sr ij.; ,t! .,n t'n M .'l'.lv Utt II .. on M'iml V, j runt or i masks. i I .'-tr l i li'li viC n my family, to i till, rrrly ihoilit 111)' !tl. l ! nt n l(jli--is U V n k'-n ai t mil iunt!iy lilii'ii tl i Ial lllm-.a itii.l luitftal '" ! !.. :t i t HIV li I. I!. S. HA ITAN. COUNCIL MEETING TRANSACT IMPORTANT BUSINESS Street, and Water Sy.tem to be Enlarged and Improved. Tlu St. Hi-leu ,-jiy cini,,.!! n.t in H'it'iiiU' fc-iuii In-t Momliiy t-vmiiiiK uli ii (nil iiit. it.i.n:,., !",(.ili-i.t II. It, t.' In ll.viliHir. A (tiKi.1 .leal of iui- pUlllllll l)llaitl,.aa Mil. llu;.iM'tl.'l. S'.-tiv mi. 1 iiit't Kjij-r-iviiiK tlx- IIIIIMll... i, t ir.-V!(,l) Ill.Clltll!, I lt In.i il i,f Vttn'i iii niKc, iiiitnlnl, m il J. Wjtr.-n linn k, f.-c,n.!rr, wi ii-c.iih.iIitkI an I aivi.-,ti.-l. Ti l! cmnidl t ,nli mijcr lOii.itli'rntiiiM Hit' u.aili r i,f l.uil.lina a he tluni at llu- lira. I of tl t wiiirr main, iill.l t'..nii-i. limn Mi Km- :n inMrn, t,. t() tt In u'i' tlie c t 1 1 nu-'.i a ilrim k( would l nt-t'il- ctl. I nr anitir lima i.ut mi rutt liii l tli Malf limit s In iK'tti Imlly nvilxl iiaiiiU Ui Hit. ii.iuiy n n tltttilliiig put Up lcr l!v. ilif a a 1 1 i,r,i-'-l til Hilt' III 1.1V 11 two , fll IIIUUI Jr.l.ll III.. Kitllti M !. if Wiinlilit ltO nrri'l mirth tin fl tl.. of tVt'nii I iclrovt m :t C H. i!!;iln Iut ' irnii. -tire. Almlroiii Tiytlaiiit mivrl kmiiIi lis lr I'liuik linn kt' mt in r and a out- tm-ii uuiiii n lar atuitli na a rtt.-r In i w Utl. Tim narrow ntt ill (rout of VV. It. f'iilaul'a fvtitlt lire is t tmnilu IH) fn-t ..r inti'f a Hi-, that tennis rati tmh tiinp Iir.una i rf onlfttf l pni in in (mill n i. II. Wellington and A. J. I H i it at. Win. Hons. J. II, MrKiV ami Mnrtin Wliitr ttrtr n iiniilf. attft'l Collinnttri'. .No t r. 1 1 n inn.. k(f.iii)( u .wt oil tilt) ftrn t a ai-tl. riiuioiiniil nirvtit njj'itin next Munday ttvt'iiii.K. ValUrd Niliiir a tiuli V li. M..att, a iiii'iriiitiit of Olnr Vit. Mt.-i , r.ns; "1 tt'll tnv iMisliiini'in in ii lliry liny it li. of lr. Kiii(;s New l.lit- I'lIU (li.-y K"l Hi" worth of tliat iiitii'ji jriM in w -1 f 1 1 1 . if nilin-ii-il uiili t '.,i!iiwtiini, inaiiirln or t ilitinnit'Ki." i.ilil iiiid. l Kiiniantft" ly lloiiittin. War ii'ii, lrrr Ilitinl suitl !-f,i,iiot. i'5.'. U.i u m Mali a, j A " U t,ij '. ia i rnii; inaitr lief r to or a l.a! tfaiu that will I olilr to - with thr '! It. una in thu part I'liitlv N"t lir yrara 1m there ii. m h u.t material ti'irlt Imm. U Stair, al.ti I l.a JinU'lay V i"v lrat l. I vnlrr in a is. it i r nil te-l if mtiitiij """ tiicir willni)iiiraa Hinl h!.i! a , i, Mty l i. Kill, hint Mfnt jK'Hilfr 'l! ci. I.., I., i, , Kmiai., i "ll! . ii .rt .1 I'.-r-m't r It'', j"' """ '1 II'. I i'i i. , Aa lit. if tiitlv If I' ' ' 't ;n.l In li if 1 I,, ,i;,,.f .. una it v ll.illlallili. ma .(iitii,,. ttii't'itlt m. j id'1 For County Judge j JamesDart! '.li.riiv In rl ii' I'l'l. A K'"'l hall Irani i ian B.tvrrtiiiii-iit (or a lowii tliul ia haul j, Vic li.m-lint tiam mid whclher ;irtl"ti: a'.li-ki tt'r.'tllir .Hid Hvr lllc ilta'nl la-oplr aoiiif K'""' rahihitiona of ! Iwll l now nil.'C.i'tlirr nji to the until mil. i .'it, ,.1,., 1 1'eople- Hi''- !"" '.ll lt' v t-. III ita ivti'lt i H W""'1' l'v "liim r, ami if Hot. jthcti It will pr..i.hly mam hf a thini; ol tlm pnal, -! in i.-, .,:, i.t j,., in )' htr I .mill l KM, whi n "!iy a n ,ui,..i' th (n . ittil.'t a ".;i,; hi .1 rh'lr. li ill K-. Il '"i'h to ' lull. Il i.latl illillll.l lt"t;V. Hi. i aj Well known to all old rcaidtnita of ' J lihinili.i Tout ty na u man who 'J l;a pr ivrd hmiaelf ahlr ami trust- ti thv in the nilmmiMi.ition "f all J 4 ...... .. 1 ... .1.1. 0,..u..Mlri, hi. 't 4 !'"" r...-..- 4 nl to him. 4 ir LOOK AT THE FIGURES At the primary election in Clatskanie precinct, on April 17th there were 189 votes cast for the Republican candidates for clerk; 189 for the Republican candidates for Judge; and 197 fr the Republican candidates for assessor, while the United Republican vote for Representative in Congress was only 175 and for Supreme Judge only I52. What was the cause of this unusual interest in the nottri n.'itionof candidates who, if elected, will constitute tie county board of equalization? Tlie figures show and we are reliably informed bjr a prom incut Republican, that very many of the voters at 'the pri mary in Clatskanie voted only for the judge, clerk and as sessor the three officers who constitute the county board of equalization. Let the voters consider carefully what this means. Clatskanie precinct is the place where the men from the Benson lumber camp voted, and there is no doubt thetr voted. with very few exceptions, exactly as they were led to believe their employers desired them to vote. Many of them were transient laborers, not paying taxes nor haviug any permanent interest in Columbia County, They cared nothing whether the burded of taxation wI placed upon the farmers and business men who have helped to improve our country or whether those who are exploitmf its resources for personal gain only were winners by ( re sult. The men whom they helped to defeat had stood for 9404! taxation of all property, including that of the timber 14 millionaires and the railroad corporations. 1 These iuterests desired to punish those who had the aeT to stand for the people, and, so far as the primaries art aaV cerned, they have succeeded. The Mist does not assert that the successful candidate far nominations will, if elected, betray the people; but it dow assert and there is no contradicting the fact that they recoil ed the support of the men who are to-day invoking the aid oi the courts to enable them to shirk the payment of their just share of the public burden. This is not a personal fight. It is merely a juetio whether the '"iuterests" or the people are to control hefW in Columbia County, and. regardless of the result of thajsa election the battle will be continued until people of all parties thoroughly understand the issue and vote accordingly. The following timber owners ate endeavoring to erada final payment of their taxes and have appealed to the circuit court. Benson L. & L. Co. Jeunings-McRae Co. (.). K. Logging Co. Chapman Timber Co. Western Timber Co. John West. "Detroit Trust Co. Blodgett & Co. These are the "interests" referred to. The Benson Company has for its vice president E. "S. Con vert, of the law firm of Coovert & Stapleton, of Portlamd, aad one of the members of this firm visited Columbia Couaty fc fore the primaries and fixed things for the candidate favored by the "iuterests." i 4 Por Count v Assessor - .a, , II If: i.M I I I. t .In Hinl lot ui (rli-inl '!l'.!i-.','j !,.,t U 1 1.1. iiii lil-"'IlitniHul- lo w IimiukI, '"'Il l.v Ii,,r I'tii-erfm iniin l"'h''n .,i. Tin. Iimt'lal Hf Inali Ml hi-r Imnit' " Una., Iter, Mliorh ' l'"ll wnli lii d ,, 1 iniitiyyenra, i'llii- t l,,,,,, ,r d iim. ' '""'I p;i:or, imiiio from "hi I'llmlllftdiBaniyi,.,., 1 laid t rti.t in thi. twin. hei Ii ,ii,c, tilt) jiMe ,(.. 1 hfauir,, II tal ulfn """.vi'ii'l f 1 Inula. P'Mve,l l,v hnt hiil,il ii,l '''"lii-11111I liimciii lloliitlay, ",iii.l,.,, titiat A llota- F""n ii'tltlitiitaol thl.i'oiinty. 1111, mill living, Jt,),u r' K"ln,l William Whvial. "h'll, MllfllUW!ttH, J h.ur 11 lull nlt k ol th ti-riiiinn-tloil to mpplv the tr.i'U- Willi II vain ly ol i ltoi.T (irth-erira, lieah vrtJi'l'ihle ami fruit", t'.raiiilr, till ami tiHTii ware., (Minis ami oila. Motor naa. l i . Hinl Naplhit. anil I heartily ii 1,1 relate voiir patronane. M. C. tilt AY, U. W. CLARK I llllainea lot lor hilf, .VI x ItW, hetweell Wlet' iiml Cilmaii't :iUhh, f"f Iiii,nlre of A..K"t W'iet, .Sciipp.H.n.', Oreauii- At its iini'tliik' Momliiy eveiiinK "ie city rouneil foiinitlereil the mutter of putliiitf rotiple of himilrcl VitrtU ol criuheit toek on the streets, ml tlouhtlrM thu atreet coiiniiitteo will ' 'I" ,01,le action in th im" A Fair and Noii-rartisan Administration of the Office. A'ote lor W. J. FULLERTON f VOR REPRESUNTATIVE A Native Son of f'nlinnliia Coiinly. A airniiK an plainer ami talvoeam of No. I . Who tit'llevt a In stale aiul fiovcrintienl itiil In t-iiii.iriit'lluli of Ktaiil rnaila. Who, v,. llnil llslilnif liulnairv sin, ill, I I' toBlertil U prol,eli',l l,J alnilhltliiK all ael orMiitiiinar.v llt- liik' near. Who lielieves In pmitreaa alio iniviinra lllrtil ill, ,111; all limn mill who Hill tinikfor Ilia la' Interei'ta of al l. the. people of t'olinnhla l oiinty ami, llieHtala ol Ori'gou. aJ r: Yoiidr nien who desire to earn congenial work. FED better salaries and do more If able to read and write ami ambitious to succeed, Iwe can quali fy yon for a position as mechanical, electrical, steam, civil or mining eiijjiueer, architect, etc., etc. PARTIAL LIST OF POSITIONS FOR WHICH WE TRAIN YOU BY MAIL. Ad Writing Show Oirtl Writing Window Tiiiuniiii); ltookki-t'pitiK Stclitn'rapliv I'oiiinierrial Itw lllustratiii); ( irtiumentu! nesigtiiiii Si;n I'aintitiR Stationary Engineering Mechanical Kngineering Mechunical Drafting Teaching Navigation Sheet Metal Dntftini; Klretiicnl IiiHinfering lUectrirnl LiejlitiiiK I'llt-ctric Railway Work 'JYlt'Kbone Kngiueerinfr Architecture Constructing nntl Uilding Structural t)nKHietring Architertural Drawing Heating and Ventilating riuuibing Civil Engineering TtritlRe Kngineerin Kaii road Construction Surveying Mining Engineering Metallurgy Chemislr , Textile Mannftfetorel French (Sermon Spanish English Bra na-bat I'reparatit for B.S.CIfil Servic JKaaAlaatien. For Free Booklet, Course of Study, etc., Address H. HARRIS, 42.S Washincton Street. Portland. Orep-on. renrasentiticr tlie Y , . . ' Q V - i-rf--wwwa-aa-aaw