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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1908)
OREGON MIST Cadi TV ST. HELENS OREGON NEWS OF THE WEEK in a Condensed Form for Oar Easy Readers. A Riwmt of tha Less Important but Not Less Interacting Events of the Pact WNk. The London Time has macb praise lor President Roosevelt. Rossis will gupport Italy In the pro posed reform in Macedonia. Ruef'a lawyers have again bad hii trial postponed on account of technical ities. The Hajtw; president is again ar resting conspirators sgamat bia govern ment. A line of tint class steamers It to be pot on between San rranciaco and Alaskan p .tints. A Kansas City lumber company baa entered a plea of accepting rebate from railroad and paid a fine of 113,000. No more bodlee have been recovered from the burning Hanna, Wyo., mine. AH"'. entrances have been clostd to mother the blaxe. The steamer Pomona, which went on the rockf a ahort distance north of San Francisco, is fast going to pieces and will be a total wreck. It ia still hoped the engines may be saveJ. The senate inadvertently printed a report on sealing which attack the In tegrity of Vice President Fairbanks and many other prominent men. The doc omeot baa been withdrawn. MESSENGER 13 KILLED. Stanford students want to remove President Jordan. The German wants Grlscom for am bassador instead of Hill. The National and Mexican Central railroads of Mexico have merged. There is no material change In the condition oi Senate Penrose, of Penn sylvania. Sir Henry Campbell-Banner mann, British premier, ia in a very critical condition. Many Japanese are being caught at San Diego making their way into tbia country from Mexico. The auxiliary cruiser Prairie ran aground at League Island navy yard. Np damage was done. The absconding teller and auditor of the Pittsburg Farmers' Deposit Nation al bank are beld in $250,000 bail each. Twenty Toledo, O., lumbermen have been sentenced to serve six months in jail for violating the city's anti-trust ' law. A Russian anarchist tried to throw a bomb at the police of New York during a riot of unemployed. A companion was killed and he. was fatally wounded. The assassin of W. D. Steven has pleaded insanity. "Secretary Taft will deliver the Me morial day oration at Grant's tomb, New York. President Jordan defends the Stan ford (acuity and denounces the students' movement as a revolt. Congressman French, of Idaho, pr jphesie-i that no immigration meas ure will pass congress this eeeion. A score of persons were hurt by a heavy wind in the vicinity of New Buston.'Iowa, and Mrdison, Illinois. Pittsburg bankers admit that th paying teller and auditor of the Farm ers Deposit National bank have stolen $1,105,000 during the past three years The British house of commons has passed a bill presiding that all clocks be advanced 80 minutes In order to use more daylight by promoting early ris ing. The general assembly of Virginia has adopted a resolution removing Judge J W. (J. Blackstone, of the Kleventh cir coit, from office on grounds of immor ality and gross neglect of official duty Indana Democrats have declared themselves for Bryan. Rhode Island Republicans will tend un instructed delegates. Tramps are causing much trouble on 'I Pacific coast railroads. The largest dock In the world will be pat on a soap factory at Thomaston, Conn. IV e dial is 28 feet in diameter Robber Than Loot Express 8afsof Valuables. Newton, Kan., March 31. A. V. Bailey, an express messenger i f the Wells-Fargo company, w killed ly an unknown rerson on Santa Fe train No. 115, hetaeen Florence and Newton, early Sunday morning. The nmrdrr was veiv brutal, with robber? as the object. Both the local and the throngl sales were ransacked and at least 1 1 two In money and some jewelry taken The amount the robbers secured is not known. The df-ad body of Messenger Halle; was found at 4 o'clock Sunday mo'iiin when the train reached Newton. It was stretched on the Boor ot the ear the head beaten to a pulp and lying i a pool of blood. The lck of the skull was crushed snd the end of the car where it was lying was spattered with blood. The plood spatter reached tJ the ceiling. There was no evidence of any ft rue ale. the indications pointing to th commission of the mutdei while th messenger wa asleep, belore be could offer resistance. Bailey wa teen aliv at Strong City. At Peebudy someone opened the car dixit just enough to throw out a package of waybill and then closed it quickly. The custom of the messenger ha been to go to sleep soon alter leaving Flor ence and it i possible that he did this Sunday night. After Ming stioc while sleeping, and rendered nncon scions, his body rolled to the floor, snd ths robber, after beating him on th head, covered it with the dead man coal. One blow wa struck at the man's face with some sharp Instrument apparently a hatchet, which broke tl jaw bone. From the dead man s pork eta the keys were removed snd the safes ransacked. Then the keys were put back into Bailer's overcoat, the coat folded and pnt in his grip, where it was found later. CITY IS DESTROYED Heary Earthquake Followed b? Fire lo Mexico. ORDER RATES CUT. Tolls Iowa Democrats have indorsed Bryan and the Piebraeka platform. The Illinois Republican convention has indorsed Cannon and declared for tariff revision. Admiral Evans has answered the critics of the battleships, saying the armor belt is not too low. Railroads have decided to attack the rats laws of Illinois and Missouri un der ths Supreme court decision. Commission Finds O. R. & N. Are Excessive. Portland, Mart h 31. It ia nn ler stood the Oregon Railroad oomruision wlil sustain the complaint of the Port land chamber of commerce against the O. R. A N. company and will issue an order this week requiring a materia reduction in ciaes rates over the mam and branch lines of that road through out tbe state. The extent to which existing tariff will be affected by the ruling of the commission cannot be learned, but the effect may be to disturb transcontinent al rates and, prolwbly. to require an ad justment sll slong the line in the inter est both of the railroad and the shipper If the decision of the commission is at' tacked by the Harriman interests it will be assailed undoubtedly on the ground that its enforcement would necessitate not only a wholesale revision by the railroad of it tariff bat would serious ly distnrb interstate business. It i expected that the findings of the commission will be made the bai of litigation on the part of the railr company positively to test the power oi me railroad commission which, un- uer i ne act oy wnicn 11 was cieateil, is authorised to fix rates. The members of the commission were cautious and thorough in their investigation of the complaint of excessive freight charge. It is said the commissioners feel confi dent that their findings will be found u i iair an.j reaeonaoie anil sm h as cannot be considered sn abritrarv exer cise of the authority with which they are clothed. Closely Guard 'dims. Telluri.le, Colo , March 31. A the result of the attempt to murder (ienp ral Bulkley Wells, general manager of the Smuggler-Union mines and mills at Pandora, Sheriff fitipatrick is taking precautions to gnaw the tail in which Steve Ada ins, charged with the asres natlon of Arthur I Collins, emrl WeCs' predecessor, is confined. The feeling against Adams Is becoming more bitter from dsy to day. Feeling sgainst Adams has slso been engendered, it is said, because of the fact thst during the past two weeks fn. I ly a score or more of miners snd other who were deported during strike day have returned to the district. NO LOSS OF LIFE IS REPORTED Thirty-four Shocks Rscordsd Within Twsnly-four Mcurs St Msalcsn National Obsarvstory. Mexico, Otv, Marth Sit. Chilapa, a town of 15,M inhaliiiant in the tate af (iuerrero, ha been shaken by earthquake and burned. The ahtvks, two iu number, occurred ear'v last evening and were followed by tire, which originating In a down places among the tumbling buildings, ji.ined.tu a conflagration ttual swept th loan. tiovernor Darulan r lores, chief exec utive of th state of Guerrero, who is at present in tbl city, had at 9 o'clock this evening jut tecelved the first nth eisl sdvievs fn in Ctulapa. The mes sage tav tut, although a number ol the buildings of the loan wet leveled l,i the ground, no lives were Kwt. Ths police quarters and ths mayor's onV sere destroyed snd the jail badly dam aged. Ureal fiures aere made In th (reels snd open fields . In the neighbonug town of Omelet, Ih jail was destroyed and 30 prisoners made their escape. Troops are guaM ing the public bulldiug that are stand ing in Chllspa. but jwrlecl order pre vails. later return from t'hllapa show, howevtr, that the dltth received by tiovernor Vloie wa uitr conservative Ths town was practiiallr destroyed though no live were lost. Most of the building that were leveled war rnh denci. Thirty-four ihock have been record ed during the past St honr by the set. mograptiat the national observatory at Tabnyaea- Miwl of three ahork, how ever, were Impeteeptibie except to the lelicat needle of the instiunient. NORTH POL E IS fcHlFTINQ. Making America Warmsr snd Siberia Colder. Vvtoria, II. 0 , Manh IS -That h north pole i shifting and the -lunst is changing, making th Northern terri tories of this continent warmer and .Norther Asia colder, Is the throrr to support which Mose B. fx 4 worth, of lork, Knglar d, h been gathering evi dence in Alaska, from where he lias re turned on hi ay to Kngland. A curious effect of this changs, II Is Id. may be a numlwr of boundary dlflicaltiee between Canada and tlie Untied Slates, especially in the Kastrrn port'on. This boundary is fixed bv latitude, and If tlie north pole is rrally moving, the latitude change also, len- lenrg it advtrable that the boundary I speedily marked everywhere by permanent monuments, whrre It Iu nut yet been so marked slrra ly. ins rnovsinent, (otamth savs. is canned by the Immense aci umulairnn cf ice along the Canadian shore ol the Arclic ocean, and Miwciallv in liallin'. land and trwn!and. IXPLOaiON IN MINI. u.n gi.nlna Firs Caught In Undsr ground Workings ll.itte. Mont i M",h A Hsrlal i.i the Miner Irom Hanna, Wya, say l hl ramp was visitetl by another big holocaust lutay afternoon and Ute l.vea of SO men wet anufle.1 out by an expuwmn of gas In Mine No. I, of the I'tii'in ra'lnc uwl eompaiiy , A lite had been raging below the 10th Uv.l aiik-e last hatiiiday, and ths force of 200 miners bad been laid off lor Uie day a a precaution. Kuiwrliitendent Aleandr Itrlggaand Koremen Joseph Jliirton, Allied IKxlda Jaim Knox, ' Mines 1, S. and 3, with . . 11 . I S crew ot in or n men, an r"niOTi miners, with gas men and Rrs-ngltteta went down into the working" early I the im rning b tight th ntnfUgraliofl which wss rapidly eating II way thronith the win king ai a o'clock tne men above lit) work tugs, the Idle uteri In the homes and the toit,i.iipte wtr stattlevl be an awitil rwr, ioiiowwi ny a nmvy i"nn and the sUklltg of earth and treiobllng of bulldiliis All knew what bad happened, and ihrr was a rush to the mine. 1Mb entrances ha I caved Iu, and Ibe mine tllliUia had Iweit bloan g'Sat dlslattce sUi'it the outside aotking, Th Mtd eapl.wlon wa wore sever titan Ih first, twlng lit In an parte the town, and it is lean! that 60 to (U) name hav been added fc tl death list 0OM8 OH WILLS. Attempt Made to Blow Up Manage Of TsUurtd Mine. Teltiitide, Colo., Msrch .10.-Finding tlie n it: It I guard sfstioued SI Ih Smug' g ler rnlofl mine, at I'sndora, two ni lire south id Telluride, and tbe svsichlghl which is omstantiy Uirown ahunt lb premise during th night twn the nigh tor of the mill as a pfsra tttunary measuie, an unknown ptn wlnel ae cee tu the rridwe of lieneral Bulkley Weli. general manager of lb riUg !er Uuna Mining comrwny, Haturday night and planted dvnainite under his brd The ilvnamlte was eiplixlol by lighting s hue on the imisl ie of tbe buildir-g skmt 3 o'ebrk Suiulay mom ing when tne victim was aslerp. IU was hulled BS list the celling and a!lghtel iin-lrr a o a debris, hut ewejird with ii arratehew and bruisrs snd impairel heating Altho-tgh a STttrmsiic mn'li ha been matt by ffierlft ritsisitrtck snd d'patire, ali'el by hundinf of rltiaen no ciue us ivii .mud in the (wrpe- trator ol th devl. One man who Is chargwl with having said Uiat W ao ild t killel has lwn arrested. tter.eial Well biuk a leading (.art in th anpprimiion of labor iMttbls In thl ii.i. in l i't and 1 . and wa pr..n,inrtilly ,ntilil aith the retwtil pixwm-ullon of Ih nlhcers ,f the Weet ern re.!eratlt.n of Muter Ihiise on the .hrg of complicity In (he aasaae- i nation ol ri tiovernor ria'tk hleunen twrg, of blsliu. MINERS HELD IN CHECK. Many Days to Reach Bodies. Halt Lake City, Ula March 31. A special to the Herald from Hanna. Wyo., says: men are known to have It their lives in Mine No. 1 of the Union Pacific Coal com pany, although 64 names are obtain.. ble. rieventy-one coffin hsve h.n rushed to Hanna. The rescuing party is wuraing neroicany, nut the bodies will possibly not be reached for several dajs, as it will be necessary to close me west stope snd smother the fires lie- low the tenth level and then draw off the large quantities of gss. r-SSCS bommlttc Hsilrairs Striker from Rioting. l,,.w... 1 I..L- II I .- ia.u uarcn n. A rrionuh nere nas neen no violence as v.t at th. jr,icn riitnes, the hoo men on striae aie oniy prevented mm mkit,K ii ouioreaa ny tne commiai on of 2 men trotn the union who ha VA It,-,, cai.e.i me peace committee. The U-nn-.n it so high that the Irs.i ord will ITing s Ik. ill trmihle 11 i i i . . . .on ir.-r OSVS afll II. I toon l reirain irom drinking, but bllenes Is rksome sntj the m.,ri are chafing under ' "'ay oi a rrllleinent, es!erially in . oi mi iaci uihi tne company has wlare.1 that never anln will ih- i- any oi tne present leaders employe-! bv the company. Another Plot Dlscoversd. Port An Prince, March 31. A fresh conspiracy against the government has been discovered In tliia city. The leader of the plot, General Larraque, who was arrested on March 14 on snsniclon of oontplring against the president and who wss released with four others on March 24, took refuge this afternoon In tbe French legation. Csnnot Deport Bignsmi. Han Frsnclen, Mn-h 2s. Paul l!g. nami, ths anan hist srrwtiH yestr-rr'ay for incitirg to a-f.intion ami to de struction of theflt, when examine.) lfore Acting Commissioner ol lmi gnttion Ciaaford, sl.u.) hat he, am. , " ""'J iroin nal 111 iwu II this is a fact it m nia, ,, , the Fevleial depoiUli.m laws rel.tlngto ananhl,,,. M. Crswford has wind to him there. More anarch!,,, y. arrest,,, in tt t few ln ' '"""f c"'rf" dh vagrancy. Orsat Strlks Is Ordsesd Kansas City M.rcb 2H -Thirty flw thonssiid merr.liers of th. r, i...t ' ...... ...... .oine- i America, emp oytnl In dls trills Nog. 4. 2 ,l -jr. HAS MODIFIED ITS RULINO. Inlsrststs Commission Will Ha anan fortlsed Ostevssy Ksn rrannsrvi, March 30 A tele gram Was reiviived at the mineral nrtw-. of the Moothern Pacinc riimpwny in tbl clly tolar rm t.hrl K. rer, paosrn g trarlio manager, wlm it at prrnenl in Chicago, anriounrllig that the rrrertt admn of the Intrnitale ( ommerfn r m. inmalon, whn h Was Interpreted aa c.. " r oiiiarid gsteaar and rieceml tating a h ghe (MnawnKer tU l y the ri'Milhern I'acltic t i t-r.1' 1. .,,.1 .Northern p ni.tK, via Portland, has been modified. The ot.jr.-llmi of the cm ""'"" 11 PIrs, islated only to the rtiartner of publishing Ihroogh rates. aim r.n..e.i trifj4 c-ml inning l.i Uie,.,oo . wi.he, j ,! so.n as -..he, Tl - ... new rming will lteclvrd with urea, sau.iactlon in Portland, which -w.iik a.iver.eiy flt. bv the higher prenKer late. chrgr, f,m i, ran K,r.,ti V, ,,,.., .:o..Ke.ii,m,niBover the li.,l V.,.,1. - ... wienorjiliern IVlcfl I equally , ,, u , tirrn ,,. -.... ..K. arm prestiKB hav suffered by I III? fTl Ifttf lav), l. I ... a ' wi. vii un now isMnn otgwii t . i ' Dunn Is PrJdlesd "o rranc aco. .Vareh in n H....I . i , . moniiatll """ay ,lle, stll.lavlt Ihlnnuh f,l,.l. l. I - iitw Itt II laiiila II Iu (J... .i . ,J . (., ,,,, HINTS TO CC; President Sayici Allowr Trsffie Ag, , Kadrosdi-i .. Whliii,in, Man . thatwrlalnimpxirtaw be tauMKl b ih. . Went ll.. LTT. W Ml, houars Ibe n,eg. in p.,, ' Child UU .hu , thrmmhoiii itu. ...... ttwalel child Ial,sm4 . lh. I'lstricuffi,,,," I renew my leniuaJZ lmili.t. reZTT liability las, innl J aast .1 i . Within tbeti! t lii law ahnu l 1 wigh snd ewnpt.lwnaiM Jl ,i.u ,..i 7"". " "'f"7 wi &,! tbS evwigieas ran lte4, t. to a U. ployea of mimm, rania.1 tneni should show lis hsii J a faith Saw givm taJ!i its own emptoy. f,, "l , . . M ,i. sprvKw, i I also urge that aril ks J era' the recent eourt. th court the line of the rsieaaiaVJ n h V 1)"nn 'rm preiidlng M.ise brllH-r v.l.k-1, , as. will an ,,n .oiiowing s rlcclnlon ings of division vl.- Jhsre today. bg s April 1. reached st meet president held joint defendant with II. I mhsen an,t I, W. I. Itrotwk, I'll llreen. In i.iaaiii,iav,t i(,.. ,,r,n i,i;,. . .i -Kew mas ami pre U '",' J'"lK Lunnesnd 11, ' '" In which hs - v. ..,e snwe. anllpsihy, bias and :Wllh.d.leB,h,U In ?or. ner trials. Alshamt Law I Klllsd. fhotnas U, Jo,,,,. , ,,,,,' i '' that ll, " ""oiiBi; also are ,t u , . ",B "'lmls onal men.lmerit, not belne st the He've,. ... hi mlnnr Via m. V "ytn ' ohlst newspspsri. Invalid. " ww km to l at JNAUrson pap' "cW", alreavly made cc.newtHe, J ing tn..r should fw bewsaJ itboot notice It4 th a permsnenl inuwiU spa J trtip.a,r Inlunciic. k,. J . t , 4 . . . ' now in pe iwanl htik.., !' ens within a iraMau. say not Ui tred wwk, I again rait attantkw (t need ol amending IU Ukem. merrw law snd ewpswially Qta taw, aioog ti t line lrhage last nireeag. The latstswtt J raw iui ut sjttswaW. aniiavlt the light ata agrewn.etita, subwal Is Ik. tnents be'ng approved by kad tumiMls commlasUB uU J n ait uriaiot. In addition to th rrskiy urgwl on rentusttd now bom Impiaiaal ttat aJ b an ameixlment of a as law beratuw of th aanrti L . a. . a aw now wtia iaw anecti m4 among lal.rlug uwa sua araej combination ha any tilct liiterslai eunawita ttieae eoaibinsllflDS, If t4 U ing for and engad Is tt ad of Innorenl and (jgopsw papa be rectigniiril as regal, M I to edly pointed out. rhe time has eotn sbata reiierw f .g a rvifa-s ) This sh.mU Iw, snd ImI s prwwlr.1 b naicfui lanslfM la jwuliar y the piovlg IrpteaentativM to xti.Mi 111 and lo determine spca a nd this I fnliy real!, yet aj me thai before th r !( &4 trovihm rhool.l b msdle)4 ill material which will w-j nmg'res f In-led Bet till b ditlely after II comes Into Ai pie provision thsnal kt a ixrinaneni waterssy tw wlrh whatever rower ) W make it effective. Tb Ptli tvti.t- in fullest flil"i' I he subject id th rjoosrftsttS "1 nsinlal rrsritirce wilh rU1" minion dealt I litrmlltiM future of Ibe nation. Nittwfotts bill grantlni lights on nsvigahl strsso Ibtnalursfl. Nn of ll" n goveiniitrnt the rigid t taij able charge for ihvaiMMF vrante.1. Nor I any itcfhils M" set, a should slway bs J eases sul I shall hsobMn In a,m.r.lance wild lbs r!?" a leceiil meeeag. w tsw-l p..wer bill which does W r7, a time limit and the colesnw- Snd reasonable chsrts. Imprl genera leath M.ew Traitor SI C I'.lrln Marsh 2, nt8l ..i . ...i. ..i,.,ul with tnWT V. l"TI.O, ' - - , apt govelnmenlal tecrst l ""l guilty and sentenced 10 W .... -inisl iruu '"' lly eonsldeird t b It'.l splran'y against Ihs snr j widespread, and Ih. W i considerably alarmeiJ J lees than 30 Imports'" VTTuM mint held In eiisUfl M fV ''Ig hat the chief of polles'H slty I among thsiu I Kill Off AnsrthW Wf. J T, M. J.. Vu&C2 wa Intioduced lo .'st ng It a jnlatletneanor w 'Jl, nrou tenuis.. WiWl