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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (April 3, 1908)
DART & MUCKLE Carry a Complete Stock of the Best in General at Lowest Prices Consistent with Quality. Country Produce Hought and Sold. When in Need of Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware, Hoots or Shoes We Solicit Your Patronage and As sure You Courteous Treatment w III Iff Hi JU w fA Shoe Store for Shoes" ii ST. MiIl.liNS. ORKOON Xi I ANNOUNCEMENTS OF CANDIDATES Of Interest to Columbia County Electors. For Assessor I hereby announce myself ai a candi date for the Republican nomination for Assessor, subject to the decision of the Kepuollcan voter nl the direct primary lection to be Held April 17th. llius. A 4 , UWI, R, the dictum f the ex, jwriciiml. It in a matter of nIhiv- history that the ;lcjaituuut stores which try lo soil nSkk-s f the des we sell do not make u tuca-ssifit. The reason is that a .shoe "depart- fc.ictit" i- i'mulamenta! ly lacking in the clement of pKKVu v. that must go with the ak- of fine shoes la make them realty w orth the price asked, KNIGIlrIf BIIOK CO. Wsllitlgt ill lnl ThitJ "AU Around tht Northwest Corner" KtW.for WALK-OVER Only exclusive Men and j children's d'p't. Women! SOR OSIS J in Portland! 0 For Congress T. T. GEER Candidate (or Republican Congressional liouiliialloii In the Second lhat'lcl l.ilminl appropriations f ir waterways, Ivpiul iMjrttiiiUi'it mill privileges for l-almr mill Cnpital, lino Governmental Control of Cot porat Ions. Iw County Treasurer I wish to stinounce to the voters of Columbia County, Sutc of Oregon, Unit I am a candidate (or iioinlnntlon by the Krptililirmi parly lor the office of County Treasurer, subject to the will of the voters at the t'rimary Klection to lie licit) on April J7lh, 1U08, J.!. E. Quick. For Hrhool Superintendent I hereby announce that f nm a candi date lor the nomination, on the Reptil licati lirltet. lor the ollice of School Sup erintendent lor Columbia Couniv, II I urn nominated unil elected. I will work in increase the efficiency of the public M-hools to the cud that the Uvs ami girls mav receives higher, bromler oml tetter education, J. If. COLLINS. For IHstrlrt Attorney In submitting mv name to the electors ol tue 1'iltli Judicial Instrict lor their consideration lor lite ollice ol District Allornev ol mid district, I desire to my Unit it 1 mil nominated ami electee! will, i Win l! mv Irrui ol ollice. honestly. vigorously mul Impartially perforin all Die oil, i nil duties pertaining to Mid oft ice, without fear or favor, eiulravoriiiii always to accord to every individual, Ir reir !ic ol pmtv, politics or pt;roiili' lies, a niinire deal under the Law, keep ing aiw.iys tipivriiiusi in my mind the inleretol tin- Ui payers ol said District anil Mate. V. II. TONtifH i t t JOB PRI NTING IS OUR BUSINESS WE have tlm hwt wl most ' fully (HiuippcdJt b Print injjOmcfiinColniiibia Comity And we are prepared, to do all kind of Pri on short notice a) at most reasonable p rives A TRIAL Will CONVINiiQ OREGON RMIST i i i t 4 St. Johns, Or. 'I'lir 0pp"rt unity ' yi' '''' ' ,v o l"i-rsl, Xotcin St. .Johns. I ll'c Vxprricun and Wilt '''' '"" j!l I'xst JudJi went "ti 'riees t md l"(ttiois ' " ' ' J. 1 COLVINs 1 off car at Chica ft t St. J OllI IS, i . lor Nrlioot Superintendent. I liercliy iiniiiitni. c to the voters ol Coliiinliia Cotiulv that 1 mo a candidate lor County School Siiiieriiitcridciit. I advocate modern mlumis, modern uiethoils, a ira tu al and mwii lc cduca loll, equal srhool pfivikjjcs, schtwl visit hy llir stiijeriuleiidcnl, and the "Square" to pupils, patrons, and leai hcr. If elected I promise em nest and dili Kent elloit in the dlscliarjicol my ollicial duty. J. W.AI.LKN. For t'onntr Clerk Vndtrictird retprtclilUr offers him sell to Ihc !ej;al Ke pub) lean votern ol Columliia County a cmididiite lor the ,.iTuT ol count v court. If I am nominated and circled I will dun iiv in v term ol ollice, faithfully dis charge all the duties ol coulitv Cleric economically administer the afinira ol said ofllce. 'anil will not employ any tnciiiUr nl iu' fttinilv tlierein. C. II. JOHN'. For Assessor 1 Iierehy announce that I a;n It candi date the nomination on tue icepuo If 1 should lie elected, I promise a just, honest, mid eipiilalile aacincnt to all Will not employ any member ol mv fum- llv as deputy, and will submit all es; ,Jn ,, ,, nl l.i the Hoard of Cominis loiters fur verification ami approval and l.l,lri tltpir ili.ei.iotl. AI.I'RKU H. IUKKISON. foiFc i.i k k I hereby announce mvsrlf a a Kcjml)- HCrtll cailUlillllC lor tue nmvc vu vmiiiv Cletk of Columbia IXiunty. t)rc(on, sur I,. tl,K nti,lor..ttie tit n( the Rfimbli . ,. ,tprs of this count v al Ihc Primary i., t.. I. Ii,.l,l Atiril I Till 1WI8. II riouiltmieti ami eiecieu, t proiuist" careful, economical adiiiinistrnilon of the tiaira of ihal ollice. cflicient service, mid failhful performance of duty, V. A. IUukis. - - - FOIl Ol JiTV JtUUB N. E. gandal for Assessor I hereby announce myself as a cadldate for the Kcpublican nonilnanioo for the olllic of Assessor of Columbia County, subject to tie decision of the Republican voters at the primary election to be held nprii win. N. V.. bANi.ia, Kaimer, Or. Ganderbone's April Forecast Copyright HKM by C. II. Rietti The A pi it rains will put n bit Of Irish in the lawn, And a new and brif(Ur auKury Will paint thueast afdawn. The sonKa of birds will fill Hie day, And the night be full of frogs, And every time a cloud blows up II will rain cats and dogs, ind water newta and other brutes, Antlalfo pollywng , Andtli biowu tlirush will return to sing its song at even hush, and the kind eyed cow will tni iilt and rear a new and redder plinth ; the young man's thoughts will lovo to dwell ujHm his lady love, while he is not the one at all that she is aotiisg of. The railroads, iiirniiwhile, will retrieve Their spirits and elate Upon (lot knock-out blow the courts Iluve dealt the U cent rate. They'll ail lebsit their hooka again. Aid drop llieiii In the pool, And when T. It. sets after them. They'll all cry "April looi !" A atl then (here will tie doings in the presidential race, for everybody In it will aetelerat the pace. The hoofs ol Mr. Johnson will put up a cloud of dirt, and Mr. liryan will put up a most ter- iflic spurt. The presidential bee which luia been tip in Bill Tail's hat will be re tn.yed by Koorsvelt from that high hah itatiaud when it seems the field be lli nl imperils Tel ly'at Isets, the bee will e slipped in iheseatof William's trons erettes. Wlierpat the very eerth will rock. And sod and bits of 1 mm Will ibftiscuic the hkv each time Trie tt UK i driven home; And u liile to nil ihe ollinrs' onca They nuss the trallil-tanil twice. Hills t. and 11 will blaidly ask. J "Whom shall we run lor vice?" Aptil was named for Venns, the Ko umn gialdesa of spring. Him was the mi tin r of AenS'S. and attended the firet Mother's Congress w ith that young man in her arms. Hhs was a very fashion able woman, and invented divorce MV aa nt diffeient limes tin wife of Vu -can, Mars, Mercury, Adonis mul Anchi ses, smt held III? matrimonial recon until Lillian Uusell. The planet Ve ill was named lor her, as was tha city ol Venice. She is also the heroine ol "Three weeks. Ts lishl player will ressmie With letters on his suit. And tin- inn oillsiloui III the su i And violently root. Hi- supper wnl prow cold and sink1, Ills wifd a bit. A net the cook will make achulkmaik on the kitchen door and quit. The (draw but season will come in, and the oyster ill go out; tho lint fe 11 1 i sol buck wheat cakes will sort oi hang alajut; the spring elect o i will re lied red tire sijniiiHt the sky, anothei goa I shine ol the ear;h will suddenly sljv, and the Cs i.'ieits will dclate upon relief laws for the liver and lay a reser vation out for our unhappy boozers. The milliners will meanwhile, show Those iroiireons Ka-ler hats, With lauesonp I'tuii'bes pinatd to them, And vat ions dine bate; And while the Indies dance for joy Before this linn of koih1, Their lords will pack an extra sh'tit And lii!lit out lor the woods. Persons born onder Tan r ns art boll beaded, and bsvsdoublf cowlicks. They are suspicions, and think the gas Deter Is fast. They are self willed, tmt theis wives can nutks tbem vote dry. Tbsy are very intelligent and understand rail rood timetables. The sweet Elvira will go to ehorch In rustling silks and tulles, Which she will lift op to her knees In passing little pools; And Just because a few men look, Not one commits a sin. For else it were not koowo her clothes Are new clear to the skin. After the 23d, April wilt be onder tbe influence of Tsurus tbe Ball. Wall street, which bss for so long been under the influence of Teddy the Bear, will be emancipated. Mr. Harriman will give a dinner at which he will make public the details of his plan to lock up al square deal fancies np in round booses. FREE. Igorrete' Pazzle FREE. To Introduce. We will gie away five thousand of these Igorrote's Double Cross puzzles, msde Of Fhilipine mahogany. Difficult and fascinating. Write quick snd enclose four cents llnj ttsrops t cot er cost of mslliag puzzle, that's all. Address, Domikocabds Co., 1807 Cbou eau Aye., St. Loais, Mo. REUBEN . Mr. ar il Mrs. A. Winans visited Mr. Wiusus' pm ntt at Hood River Tliu re lay last, W, 11. Bukirk,of Woodland, Wash,, visited Mr. and Mrs. Winans on Wed nesday last. Mrs. Seaton, of Baker City, and Miss Lesile Lsrsou, of Rainier, are visiting 1th Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Jordan. Mis Nellie Wise is visiting with frieuds in Portland this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. C. Brown, of JkUhama, are visiting with friends here his week. The Goble Milling Company closed lown their camp and mill on Monday 'veiling on account of the bad weather making It d tlkutt to get logs lo the mill. PITTSBURG Did you get April tooled? A shingle mill is the next indastry (or Pittsburg. Orville Young, of Clatskanie, Tisittd thee parts last week. Miss Edith Peterson returned last Wednesday from Portland where sh has been visiting. Some of our boys have leased the Wedrick Hall and Will pat in a skating r iik. Miss Gladys Powell, of Astoria, is spending a few months with her grand ma, Mrs. M. J. Powell. Q lite a numr of strangers are in this neck of the woods, many of thttn sq uuting on the Oregon & Calif rni R lilr jad land . G. W. Mattsoo, formerly a resident on Mtpel Grove Farm, is in the general merchandise business at Khelbura, Ore gon. Mr. M. is also postmaster at that place. Rev. A. E. Myers will hold services at the Grange Hall next Sunday, April 5, at 1 :30 p. IE. There will be a mass meeting held at the Grange hall, Natal, Sunday after noon A:ril 12, 1U08, for the purpose of discussing ihc nineteen differeat amend ments to be roted on at the June elec tion. Everybody is cordially invited to attenl and take part. We pay Interest on Time Deposits. Columbia County Bank C. T. TKESC01 E. E. QUICK. I. R. I&ES003B I herein1 annum ce my candidacy for the primary nomination, oy ine n ptio- :. .,.rt' f,,rtl,ltie. of Connie Jutlire. llt.OI i'tOl, ......... V.... . T - ,. - . and submit the following ptatform of .,.., it, .. ,u.titi,,tl principles, v lotto ot It t ..... ,.,,tooit,.,t tool fleeted I will dmliiK my term of ollice, exert my best endeavors to seen re an eiiiciem uniincw administration, uinl will pve tint same attention, care and citerKV to till matters connected with theollice of County Judge us to tiersoiitil midlprivatc busincKs. ' . W. II. I'OWKU.. Por Representative I hereby announce mvsclf an cnudi ate for the Hepublican nomination for Hie ollice of Representative in Hie .State Legislature, subject to the action of the Republican voters nt the primary election lo be held April 17th, I further state to the people of Oreiton, as well ns to the people of tuv legislative district, that (hiring my term of ollice I will always vote lor that candidate lor United Stales Smiator in Congress who hus teceived the highest ntimlxTol the people's votes for that position nt the general election next preocedinirtlie election of a Senator in Congress, without regard to mv indi vidual preference. Ei,MK T. CONNKtl, The Columbia County ABSTRACr AND TRUST CO. Titles Examined g Abstracts Mam & Non-Resident Taxes Paid )& Real Estate i? Loans, STC Groceries i)rv tioods Hard warn Crockery Flour and Feed Hav Notions Candies Stationery Fancy Gtxulu H, MORGUS Carries a comjilete line of all the Best in General Merchandise At reasonable prices. Yotrr patroff age Solicited,