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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1908)
rriTsuiJKCi Rain, :iov and uiialilne. Virgil V"c ia"" Mit-l'iUlU!g md rwuie. Fr.mts Tracer, tee rod etut- "" " 1 former resident of Vetiioma. waa i" tl valley last week. Mr. Johnson, th. 1; IurUi ."HI m of Mist ami Clatskatic, in these pari, this week looking for cutlar timber. K. L. MoCuuiey, Joo Bon"'"-. Jones, Leo Osburn and Jones, oI Ml-t. spoilt last week on their cl .tints on East r'o.k ami Bonk"- 1Mb 0. W, Ir n ro f 'd f "ir of h cs la. we k I 1 ' J. Mil'-. ''- '" hU regis eia Jer-ry unit to Coas. M 1-inger. Jim Hill, the ro.l hews of district 13. i) la this neck ol the woods Monday ot last week on business. Postmaster J. V. .rm4ron has been on the sick list, hut is recovering at present writing. The fit I tens of Vernoni and vicinity held political ma rowting t place last Saturday. t?,omi.r iK"l',i,r lVilnaV in the ....... - - - - TJ - Granire hall at Nat. I, Saturday evenieg March U, l.WS. Attend if you want an eujoyable lime. James Kerr, formerly of tlita cominun- itv.soent last week hking nan.ts ana visiting with old friend. Jim left the valley more than ni e years Evervbdy is f r s ateui nC No- 111 ti,.. nt ! i)m ' .!. Our voter b '- lit-v -. in ra ii oritv rule. iti4ed ot ma n,ilitieins. Candidates ' t',e "Hod son style" will take a back seat on ii. it.), , f Aunt, if this precinct ha anything "T "bout ' SiTFs T IMs 'I have found out that thcte is uo ne todhr of lung troible as long as V'U can get I'r. King's N.-w Hi-cvery, Mr. J. P. White, of Kushb r , IV Would not te alive to day onlv for that wonderful ni-dicine. It Ill-win up .i.h (meter than a'iv:bmir el e, and Cures lung d .svastss even alter the ca-e is c onoutic-d hopeless." Tin uw-l re !!!,!.. tvioeilv I, r r,.uith'. aid e Id. la- grippe, athma, bronchitis an 1 linage nes-, i gold nnder guarantee at II' u'tn Warren, SC'ppoO-e, and Ier-r Island SOc and $1.00. Trial Urttle free. Commercial Club' Meeting. The lloulton.St Helens Commercial Club will hold i next meting cM J1o.h1v evening at t'ac place. ilioiiKotlicrhu-ine-.wi',l he the election oforliccrs. All nicmheta slionm ocpn ent. I Mr. J.iln. KihK. Of VildllB. la , wy have been wlltnu IVWilfr Kidnvy a"J Bladder PilU fop alwut a year and they ffivr better Mlirctioii than any piU 1 v..r aol.l. I ha ued tbeiu tJivaolf with tinertmil a " S.,ld by A.J. 1. til it g and Scapp Prng Co. t all tor lioad arranuta Notice is hereby Kivea that all county road warrant endorsed, not paid lor want of (unda will I paid on premuta tion at my olhcc. Interest will ".eat after thit date. liDWtS' Kt'SS. County Treaurer, Kodol is a acientitlc preparation ot vgt' labia aelda with naiural diitcntant and Ctltalu the aame juicei found in a healthy stoma h Kach d e wilt dig-tl morn thai. y.tHK) ttram of go.l b-t'vv fo.l. Sol,l by A J. IVming and Knp pooac Drtit Co. School Report. INFORMATION. Amounts Levtcu ". ecteJ for the l'a w Yeare. iv.- tf:l!;C ,civml. hhovthe aniuum . . nit.,.. U. thia county during. h ir''" vear : vitt K ft.rifs.s'.'o. I ti.PMH" State.. .-neil School t'onntv Sperial Sfh-n'l K.w.l -iiv ol V'-r "iua ... ft S. I nd Kiind.... ;,oi u VII V1 ' n.:!'i il I A 1 pi.l m Poll , f .vi.s ia " Total .IVNax r.. P-1. ' YKi.t t.K' valuabl, Information I. kV to varloiia aoureea. im-iuiiin Historical Naiety, The fioMtlpie.e I ft lialiioiw p.. ... ,f p,.i. hi-' Wiiui. or hoil Arm. a full M...H IH Yakima inu.. - tloiw are lb rr.'airniK.ii. .;.. ...t.ira to the rum; . .... ..:.. t,f iIh. awaalica. tlw eram- l.HHI.M. W , .ill pona being t" !"! the w. al.Md of the Pima Indiana, or ogee .waatlea Navairt Indian aaild painting. lle mantle of InvUibillly uf h., A.,. hea. the mcdicli ah.rt of tlw 4 ...... the eltoat ahlll of th Arapa- i . I, ami n IMUT itnii"-'". -- --- - 1 wienn or ' lirand M.-di.ii Unlgo of the tljihwayit. l ..Mition I t-eltur a tn.t Inlereal i .rtatlve. the eonelualotiauf the ' . .. I.L ....... .. . ,,th..r ar' hllttrea.! won ...-v. . uatum which muat ap(al .troi'gly U tl. Cla of r-akr f-r whom the laa i ileignej.- P.velilng Telrgram. In tHa I'lreiilt (a.irl at H, n, 1 mr in i ui inltut " la. Krl)ii o.k, rtalnui , Jama K. Ilk, PrlrmU 1 j.a,a K I..I.M p ,to, In il. aainr i.t ik. ttrn-l.r rwpitiwl l...I r4n e..n i uf i-,ii. it,. ...jrr, 4m Il..utan4 !! Mo il.l. ol ih-i, .. ltlnimm..ia lu l ,r(llH .ta ..I A ffll t,. h J , w.ot III..... I III .I1M 1 0 " . ,...M Iw i.. rrlnt ,.lmM ,llr tiuu. ll.. .Itl. n.l niiri w i oJTL ' u,..i n.l-.iniitiilo """.. YANKTON IT K.MS. Mrs. Nettt- Litupa is spendl ig a few days in Portland. i. It. Hyde haa been dargerouidy il1 ror aotiie dnyi but is better at this writ ing- The La Grippe which ha viaited near ly every family in this liclght'lnd. U - slowly losing its "grip" and everyone is improving. Thete will be an interesting debate, next gr.inz" meeting, Miicn 14 on Wima-i Saffrage. the men Uki-.g the afllrtua'ive and "he Indie the negative. All tfranifers are invited to attend and help make the talk intclesting. A. II. Tarb 11, w ho with his family lnve bn visiting old friend In Ma ne and New Bru!Hi.:k for the Iat three Diotithf, writes that they will return to Oregon the lat of this month m C. Jensen U preparing t build a new bO'lse ou his place in South Yankton. Loo Burger' new cottage is nearly completed and will be rjuite an a Iditi n to the town, aio ftoljert J-fTrie is build a mall d aeliin house on his p!a.-e next to Mr. Bar-'er'n. Wat' h Ynkt..n grow ! I'liepoaled as a Cure for Croup "Be-hles Ix-ing an exc lh-nt leundv for colds and throat trouble, ChainUtr- lain'u Congh Memedy is nnequnled as a Cure for croup," fay Hurry Vi!on, of Wayiietowii, I rid. When given a soon an the eroupy congh nppearn. this rem edy will prevent the atUek. It in used euccessfully in niany thotiiinds of boiiico. For sile by A. J. Miming, druggist. The following i the report of the ReuU-n School DM. 'M, lr the montti ending Fchrnarv PA'S. So. davs t.uudit ;V No. .lavs at eu.laiice So. .lav aWuce " ' No, tmie . Total nntnlier Ivlonging " The following were neither abu-nl lardv .luting the tnoiitU: Calhunc ao Jack Krlin r. Ltjrca and Harvev Jordan. Vxitie TTuntcr, Jennie King, Mary Slooliire, bertha NiisOiiunn-r, Mora H'.w--h, Helen Wann on m;her. Charlie Wassrr and Hnrty Mug mi. JoHvNN V M MlM'SKS, Prill. H A k K I I'.TT I Iks. Prim, fcicli (iood for fcrerjbodj Mr N..riuari H. ('.od e-, a pr tnii e t arrlntcc!, In the K lU rt Ktiildin. S..n Prattcisco ay: "1 fiiilvendor'd h i lawn aaid of K'lCtrle tlltief a a Ionic lu ill. ine. It i g .! f'.r ev r I... 'V It o.rtecta atomaclt, hv.r and kidney disorder in a and elli. i.-nt nnn' ner and PUild lip the i-yte u." P.l. . -ir c t'ttter ia the U-t Siring inr ever ...ld ver a druitgia ' . lAuit. r; h a tdood puiilier it i nneipiaie d. ,Ve il! tloulton, I-huid, Wnrreu and SctpMe dealer-. Stat- Coalite li.oiv-r.i! m"'0"1 i;t.n. ml It ad S. ,. S. hi I. Hmd -pec ,il S hool -ih'C.aI Koild Poll T..ll t'J PN I1 i;, ij H' L iv."."-' :;- ol ir. A." I. 'd :t;."'i 'it ti i v oa Pm. ."'! vt,i a U'.-W.!'''- State utity I .I'll -Ml S.-IHMI lienet"1 Ho I ,t. llld. hlllld S,"t'ui! S-tio-! ..I'cnil Ka-I p.d I'outlty Suivcjl' t.ele Jto p.. vi -'" f. id-.' ir.t . : Il.IV ill (-irlM.ltfcul Witch llalel v.lvr-lt Lw -l f 'f I'd' ""Id by A J. pvliiitw and scappoo-f I'm, Co. AMitNil tllK Mtl l. The Vct lw I umla-r Company, C. H. Wak'.e. ma'iK r. utartcd tip ila planing noil at lhl place MoinUy ....,.,.. 'rhe .laitv capacity t fmm SUMMOK! Jn.l,..n,Vjr! IW J ni J.. . - l l..!?. 1 1 au.t llm ZZ? ni ih ati i,f iu..t. m7.' t..,liluo,. ..lit.l. mi i. iT: ? ' ..lit J -1 to ;yi.ti. Hi aawnuii ami l...-K camp beUHigmg I" r"" oi:v I.H-nt'd four liilh-a ortithof town. t I vi - ti. 1 1 r-t '." I.:i fx Total MHU.UI o.l I !,'.. urn; i .i-.'r,fC.. .'I i MXMOH In tt.nrnlM'nmial HkH.uw ataniHiN r,,Mlv . '.,.r.i I w IL.. ife .i i.. a.. ,,i i'.u4 (,5 Tit n Hrfttt,)tt., J.,t.,il k... la. il. .. mHtrU(wi NciMtj Ik t. tm ,1 II,. m.lanvvM li..llr rv,ii,..l .- (.. Md puiat au i. to l .( ' -. - .. vm at. w al t.iei. it. 411.1. , la .li(i l ii.i .utv-t,i.i a u ..... - .... .i.,vi 11. l, .., u.iit.l ln ijm i. r-t til II, .j..-.H,l. I ,l, ( Ov.l kttM lv 111 tunt l,,l.,t..Wtt ""WW H.I. .......I, ... U t'till. fcrvJ It. . M a Ii.ii.m t m.i.-.. 11,, J , r-..-i t m. wt ii .... tmt r.o Iv1. 1... 1 elf fmrim Mlt.'t .tlM.woM.. In Ihl. ?.W a . to it, l... .1 4 . c ..II. . in II-. h -f ' fM.I .Ovo. ..H, t . l;r... .. . . .Mf IIH. a.l) W. ...i. If. i4(n l.llr.l..n K. rr.I Ihc tin. t.. -. fr-Mif.-a o. ... ... fe It.- . -I,f Ml lft bM W la . ,.l. t-Hi .I'II.ub. J 1 b 41 "I tl 1 --;1 :! W t ro'i ii ) tttUBl Alixawki "tam i ..'lie.. ! s, Ihk'1 ,, i;.-m! U -ad S. A S. tod.'. Km d I ' .inoy s.-hoic I It.riuy C'.ni houe Kuod r..,miv M..-eiiil S h ii i.; i ,; i" is.;-.- i1 t;,al . t, .d Vi". U -a. uiitv Snivel or' leu. a. Total J.UIIMIRV I.IU P.'.. .lll vit.t t f.'..oi:,ovi. i,i QUINCX S. Bin has ni' Ids donkey to the ea-t end of Heaver bridge and is riituing a drag caw to cut Pig" into nhingle blocks for their shingle mill here. Clurley Jonea, of Inzli la reported to have sold out hi old home here. Thre are several tnall fields of alful- A Card. Kniroa Mist Would you kindly me to giie a few aoi ls ol ixil.mi tioti through the medium of y.mrexe 1 lent paper. Tmrc y-eclii to l,e a lilt!. iteueral n.isiinder-t.iiidii.g r-; ir.lii.- me and my hn.ine-. I wntit the puhii.' at ' pr, etit to know u.e only a a amill; man and Hot an a d ct ir, a I alii only Capable of do'iig one kind of hii-l-tie well at a time. When I rune, to Hotilt .11 hut year it a an arti.-le in the Coliimbi .n that ilecid.-d me, wiyh g, tint Houllon iiceile I a druegitt anda doctor. So wien n.y present partner wai.tcd j me to do a little Hiili-wrl.-ht toik for tl.ein it ope...-1 a way for me to .e the) country and settle he-e if 1 Wat mnt- d.! but luo.ln-riirg s.-. iiietl to oiler tin- t-ttcr j iiidneemetiP than inedienio . I h oiht ; an mtcret iii tnu mill ntid with my; psrtuer are trvi it to make it a Hue...... ' Wlii-n the tiinb'-r is cut and our mill' di-po-c I of or re-e: I may then turn n.y : attention to ti.e.ih n.e and open mi otli.-e . ROiuewhere In the county, until then pi-ae r. liiemlier that I am not in the medic n hiiBinos a'id U.e little st'; I ; l. ..... i 1 :.. I. . . . i . ( ii tin ou iiiio.i ia tor pi mi e it oiii v . ) J. I. MO.SH.OMl-.Uy ll!e Set. I.ihrarv s. A . ImI, Kurd-. I linty .. ... ' ieiie..ll U'..ld.. w. .ll .Cl..i-d Special Uoild l ilv of It.umer "it v of St. II.-Un Cut id Vernonia mil rot I-" in full running lr week or tell da) . but PorclliBll I. S. Huiin;ardi-r i a hiifth-r atd WtH keep thoiga m..te ft-r they atart work. Mr Waikle tatr tlu.1 hi htngl.' mitt, insUlU-d during the temporary shutdow n, wit! t ready t" 10" rutting a so. n a m- can t-c t.rcutc-1. which will U- in a very eh. rt tun, tm "" j ....... ..... ...w..i ' i tittct up wnn ine lwr. ... ( ....... .Simple lu.i'.e inachoie afd nth. r na . him-rv. A!il men are civrn cm- lliji.-; ! : ploymrnt by thtow T. - i" It i t nil 1 xt , The summit i ... i . . i and W. I', l'.:.-r, owner, rc.oir.'d, l.r perHni uiunt jwr, aw , ....I. i.., .l .,,.i .it ' scptii larrmii, vuttawa KIFI, ,.F, .,11. . 3., HI ,iV -., . , . , r-.oi n-euUriv from now en f ;i.c- llaj 'plant shutdown !l fa!!, a !b rod- pi .s.;s to wyyr haa hem put in and il.-r niwr ti.:;n n i tti. nt made. Ti e mill ha a ..ti a: .! i" ir pay n-u piaj .- . .1. 4- ... ' import a".l part in t miir.- o.v ,,, ! tli wctio M of. j MOTICE OF tMTEMIION It f OR LIQUOR IICU2 Tll trai. '.-a al tan ..1 t.L. m ... ... ft... I..1. J 'ml,im" i;.fii Wi will, oo 7, pam, appty to th II kj i'urt of Itt Male of tl.rf t. t.U iciiiitv for a lucaw law.?:; malt and tlnou lt.pM iaii jri'l'. in . - .-.n.....,,. .'. Uneoti wliwli pp.wiwi! Uuio the Mluwiua- ;ll, A. Vahht I r'S tit IliTtTlOX, the Cowntv alftfcli daily capacity . f ll.ww e-t .r..l ""' "JL 11 ' , , . itialin tI the i p.;, ata- m eoniirvtiwi itn " igtt- ramp, f , tinjttr. tt , 1" ti '; m ii Total 1'KM.tHV " !'' VI I.t K ,',' II IV. ,tV. M ite I .elu-ral .-i to 1,-htai v ...... s a ,: i i. t'ortnty S.-ri;il h, i- s ceul l! tienerul It mil City of Itiinii-r. .. . Cltv ol M. Helen .,1 I" till 1 .,i".'!.'.'. f ''Vi : Vtl.".'! 7' -I .. 1 Id " .I I furnl-hra rmph-ymmt to at. ail 31 men j A i h, p. twin rtigin J lat.' in .",.1 atailed at the Wiilard Cane m'l. 'Iheji luiiali reientic p; stall. d a band re "saw giving them a greatly iiwrvaArd : awacit). 1 A n. w hand rew and a aoftintf j table ate l-a-ie.g p. stalled In the t'reg-rtt ; noil, Use null will .rtuiMy 1 U.rt..d tti.-tit April lt. TO OVH SUBSCRIBERS iota f!Ui... In ti c l.H.l (ttiinlnrli)- !! f r tin new court hou-e was inihid.-d i i II . levy for coinitv purpue. 'III. Cftll-e for the K'..:it imri-a-i. it, tt e levy f -r I'.r'T i a ih-licit ncv In tl.e lutol for the bin! lirg o! the court ti-itio an 1 the cxfci," .( lie tiinl.-er ciiii-e imoilnlii j to '..;2 J". In in.-.iid. I ir t; the iiimii-nne ifrria .. fi t pi-w ,i:l .!ioarine. fhould I c lo.i.l.- for the f.n I that the t i.X' s Ion.- iticr.-.iw-d on i tl.iifm, l.ei,. r.-il S ho, I taae l-.'.i.a.. SM-i-nil Seh -ol l.UM, Sp-rii,! ;.,, IVK.'H"), aiel that ill-- c ty tan-, me ira added to the win -ssment rod. Hast Healer lu Hie Hnrhl p..., l- Co. ,.i.;.. I ..r I..... t, . ''' ';'""""-;. pii-i, ,,. t..ike. s-.i i by .io, db;,. . , !,,. ,1.-.1 J, RJCIl h ' Keiindy's l.timiti-.i- ('..ngh Svt.ip m-t-! g- Htly yet promptly on t!,e le ,w.-1s nil allays iidl-tmati-.n at the nune sin,,.. t A. J. II. ir atl.l Si:.i,p,o-e Iirug Co. Toe anal! leu p- .'ai laws of the I If V.l v Ue--, h-. - uei.t (fill ffet t btnuary lt l''S. te-piire. that Ii- ppr I .-e.t tin Hjii !!. iiui. r.el i.-u t'.e pavn.i-nl trao.irnt rt'.nid !! -!g.i Hli M l pa"! lll . a-.thl;. a l ... r of the 1I.1V of l.ath'it. ft-i ii.a'.e it i!...ary I r us to n-1 ike fio.-n o ir ii-t ad .irlitppien! nl i r;!-. and, i ip .h ni p.,il,:e, put Hot nil, -.. -ij '.iol ha! on tt e-l.-h but , u. of r-.tsrie, .- i-e ti 1 aff -f-l I" par ixxriAgc ir .1 !;ite the h a t-. a- r- -in -lam tin' ! ore in arie.i-.. Alt paj-ef have h'l-ii .'iv.'P a t.-j .i,i.!iii. time to adjn.l their biia.ii . ti Una t.ea lai eo we tiU.l til'-" of )o i who joiuwivta to l.'e l.-i-lrpd w.t!(.-nr iil.crlplioti Uini.n mi effort to . I tit. up, and, if I !, l y oi .. rr jn iat.,e. Thr Mist in no the .-Ifiiial pipef (t theroniity, and it Ik o!.,.i tl, b.gge.t" t mni in- paprr in tl.e r.eiutf i and m.Hi. Iepj ad kmnv 'ui IrM ipi.tiiiir.. tbaa pi j tv pu. S..pj- jaii;s j....i!itv. Irg..n. I T thw llom.rat.4f, tk Caw" (., Colambw t Vunty, tst W 9. th mi.UinisiJ4. artiai ol JKapp-a-H" prtdintt. W C tit-. t'rrg... tom(rtmtl m.rtv of lha wh-- wj ..tef id wi I I'"'"!. lu.lly iel1ed In prauadw thuty da luioif.ltalri " date of ll .snoi awl l--l1 Hiion, hcrt tit'.' tw W County Cim'H l !s Stattal in CotomUa Cmmtv l graal., nd l.rortre V'.it.t. a-s 51 apinl.nw.. '! mid Icfiiientifl -'-cr ' ' than one gailo-'i. at .VM- wam ircinct. Co'wow .,n, f.if the Jcr .-I f t lie date of t-' ' t!n!ljf at ItAtrdand ienrd I ?'' Nmr- R-.(-lciK .Saaf-pw" Colllil.t.l IViunll, '"t . i; Tilote, P M vttii.".; W K Mrei.. H 1 llak Mimidl. Je M.f- An lrewC.rov,. I". . 111 kaelt. Arnoid ''ff.'l A II Mitchell, v ai II irtaUJ t.eo. Han". IV'cr l ..ttalgnnt. C H-'biby ; Mr,- A rnmji r i , ran., ..i I IN'ItlAN MASHNUY. Z- ..II I , .1 ... . i fainthi. vicinity, planted for expert-! "'" '"' " ".i"':n, ..ic, a- ment. and it look, . thorn,,, we need s. i Uv-j,hi. heart burn, .our stomnel, - , ..- , , . old army wound, and other obstinate sores, and find it the be-t healer in the worl I. I use it too with "rent in i-e-s 1 in my vetriimiy l,iisii,eB." Pile 'Sh:. ! 1,1 ly Ismnd and volunie, at H niton, Heer Island, Sc .pp ,oc iiml fr"fl" fr"m press of the ,v!ir Pub- iiBiitt.g t.ompnriy, of Ann Arbor, M:,,., iiiii-ntiihlitimi-iit ilevot.-dto pul.lin.lion. of a purely Mnaonic imt'ire, ltb..rt C, Wright, of Portland, has Kiven. his "Brethren of the Craft" information ...i '. t -lit i . which Willi both pleaimriihle and prof- We Hitei d tn.o it .hiU It. Ueter won) thrmoiev Ciilll lit l. y tilne in Its !.) "" V I be i t! (.1-k. dings will be piibul-ed Iii hp.l, tl... real taio trail' ""' i- given an Uv, and ail lieaa el iliterr lolii all pnrta ol tli county Will be f. -un I in the Mi-t y.nikiiow yon nr.. Iielehl. ,1 lo t. B, , ,v ,.. iti' lu tbi. aiiio-mt due anil on tear In a i-.llln l. Warren dealers. Koilol is today the bet known remedy' Notice f,.r Publication Mayer.. Pclrr Ma-.'?. j "Zi Itciuiillrr. J-" ""hM j joiinfoii, j j iurn HMcK.v.CK "Tpli I. Knndle, John "fkV; P. llwk. TCurti., '"'.'H l.eckrr. R A M. Kay. HVeale. W I. 1'i.t.tT. Wall, Ib.wanl. ui Monaliite. J P Mver. .J-r TMrncr, A M "V. ' tJ tleo If Mori... N' l9; I i.:'. 0 . I ..,. V t I lat.l " f" on XL ti"' ...i v s r ' t 41. I 0(IR I-. .-HO!1., ill II, from thenn.iilM.rof car load. of hay that ' e... oere ,,y a. j. t. .- ... j. Mill, u itiii. n.j.i il- il.t! loilit l.O. o our fetation each winter. 11 ' tl' The dykers are here ng itn talkh-g of! dykina the marsh wen of the station. 1 he lui l' i""r,''r There are ah .ut 11,000 acres of it that; Is the oii you pay out for n box of would ba very valuable land is the water j 'Jr- King's N'. w I.if,. Pilln. Th y bring ,Couldbakept off so that it culd Ije j you tin; health thats more pieeio m than worked. . j Jewels. Try them fot hi adai hit, bilioim Kr .. kson and ton have finish d burlt- ' r"'H eoii-tipation and miliar .a. If f bey IngB-veril thousand feet of cedar poles disappoint you the price i . , ,H., ttnd piling that they broilgiiUlowtl with ""i reiunoeu hi iioiiltnn, Seappo the bark on last summer. -H.ll.IC. II," t,i,k l.i entitled, "Imini,, ' Mii.-ioimry," rmd shows iliuly ll,;it the .author broiii-ht to hi a work Uier.,,i!u ot painstaking labor and fllHtel llle.nH. , tin l.s' '. . u " ' : . . d It 11 I.I. 1- irnnerg, t U,i la .. ne i.t rout n A.i.lrrw K"ii I l. , III i ,.... ol i ' ' ... , t.iiitit"i,M ... t'.mtu, , .. , I - .. ..,.-CI" .too li.lrl.o.t n.enlu.l I I, l,,,,,,.,..,. Solill . Si l.v .!.( AWH i f. .., . ... I. W t.ii"" .pl.t..! f.i,.,.. ,,,,.,,1, ,,( l.el Mil ;' " , , a t' 1 An tl,. , tr lit ..le 1,1 i M lllincai.. ,.lir..,i,i. tires...., i It McColPK'. id ii.veatijfatioii. 1 -to,, i i I II, 1 in. All'l l.ll p.- I. I... It,l ,u. in..,! - .--'it ' ... '.-..-i.i 7o.l: "I it,. 11. .it., I, r ol ,, . i ,,, I "I I II lO dirr S. W e.l met I i-t .lir.t tlotl t, a, ,nlil ( - ' I T II. l-iai-.-f or Mini, tlotl! -! . .i-..., -., a, ,,,i,., ,r I o, 1 l . l.e.. Ilrvl.ti-r aii'l 11 .-. el ,-..r i C'-O .... I ).!.. l.l) , 111 pltll Oft' li.iliu. . Wl!lfn..e r. flh.hi.ti, lM -- . o j e hii'i 'V! 1 Wjrrcn, and Uuer UUud dtuicm. in i.u. j.retar.. u. Wn,,.,. aiuu.ft,, ,, that f.u-t , may yet be found in th field of study tum,UK U(, au.f,,, ,! race, "which will m:u wr Masonry look like a Broadwnv store l,..ll,l,,. i ... .:, .... . '. , Sil, fltel nil ,.,. .... 1 o. . ... ... ex,,!!,!,,- briefly t,u dilliculties imder " ' "" "r hi"" " 1 B. whKih litj labored. WuhtcdtHiM for Al.oktiso.v iittgsaKn. I i ' JtaUr 1 Jfrn ", V ii Pla....d .,5 work in road ,S W at the Maxger ollice, and with II liimj, w,J. twik.nli