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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1908)
HEUMATISiSi LIUUOR UXDLR BA. In Eighty Cltl.a of th. United ' FrohlblHon Now Hul.a. fmler th. r. tide of rml.lWtl.m. mm CAN NOT BE .RUBBED AWAY Tt 1 trKitr natural to nth U frt that ; hurt, ami t1 s. M.-h hi ) Impresaneij Mhrumatmm t!e fu'JVrcr It at'i ity? I eJ it. power l- xXv , ki rumat.nm t!.e oullcrcr It at-t U trtt lo mm imiHH-n toiiir, ct - riaaalaa Ik Hmmrwrmmm. Beca una of tUe pertnaueucy of habi tation oa a tana tb greatest cars need to b takHi la deciding upon plan for dwellings, barn, lam ami tree planting. I'ullke tbe towa realdeat who U bore to-day and away tomor row the owner of a farm becomes at tached to bl home ami can look for ward confidently to tearing It to hl 011 and grandsona after blm. Tb Kite for the house having been Hied the other building will croup thennelve to the aid or In the rear. It la not to be expected that In tb first few year after taking up homestead that the a aiiciTxaco hove. gardeus, drlvewaya, lawua and shrub bery should be completed In all tbelr detail. Indeed fur beat result It la well that most of thl work be done gradually though baring all the time a fixed plan In view. Land la not an valuable that an acre or two cannot be devoted to artificial adornment. It I the rule of life to provide drat for necessities, then for comfort and finally for pleasure. Moat of our coun try la too new to permit of much atten tion being given to landscape garden ing. The effort of the people bare been directed to the acquiring of land and building. Toe Illustration glren herewith are Intended to offer sugges tion for Improving the appearance of the farm borne without any consider able eitiense. The first ahowa a farm borne well sheltered by aurroundlng tree. The apace Immediately around the house la clear to allow of circula tion of the air. The view from the front of the boiiae la unobstructed. The necond to an example of what may be done In planning the borne ground Tba amount produced acra have both In encouragingly durii year. On erery that I to ralae all tbat la needed for bonw . 11wt Pome coma under consumption. Alfalfa. Hertnuda grass. hbmon statutes, aa tb treorg Johnssm grass, erahgrasa and cowpeaa , b , , funilah an abundance of hay of tbe pror very beat quality. Tbla bay can to pro- . Uw duced much equal quality Northern and better tranapoi Increasing demand, become more tbe and the yield no Wf4 , the .... iweH. Ixmntrr-in.tat.o-o.i-. - , V--i rcaacd atead y ami lu aerenteau Htai " . -ri y. but Can "" . . . :,W,b. few .JSuJ P-MM..,n la-a on hand It I admitted mh.hlt.nU. and of '""Ihan kia dcet-l -ZZ,XZ ...T"" Wf a) ,.v - . . . itwiimmi u jiii 11 t U bolh jKMwIWe rw iKXHwry Bllncintlw thirty miw .h, .a th Jeor! ' 'he aomulati.n i thaayatem pi m ,Mt. M 'J .r. u,v! i iii, w.t tli IWwaU KI4ny, ht H4 t tarry et n!' of them bar. t Jrf J boJIlr ,7"lVlnV U Cntat with th different -clda of thtWl2 ... ..m ..4 GhMimatum fel Pwmiuvi .u-ej-v. . .. m Br M more cheaply tnan an Aa(11,o. to the n m u., v... - w, ami tUough they War I lk-atteJ r ic im4 fc . caa be .hipped In foldurra. 1WT UM: ALbamant. won MJV,,, . th, f,rt .pn.r U TcJft Weero Stated WHh lrm,ngh.m. Hunt.v. 1. y ,Uet t Jfc rf b1o pr eih lu,,, rtatloo faclliuea ana an . yontginiery and tk-ima. o. -.- --r rtM mnrnUy cure4 whil tntrirMUtloa ttmaiaaMtgnw , th. pr.Hlu.tU win ik,. oeorgl a -Athena. Aiian... ; , in pnl. iflf i0 avcid. polatMI. The iitrxm will U and more profitable. At U,,...,.. rtruiwwlck. loluiuwa. 7 '.- I. r toiat la lolnt wtUir CO th Brrve r ...... borne plantatlona. and hen.-e cheaply , J(l(.killrlll rbna. Italian Territory , and readily arallable. lariP'r quantltleaj,)urtnt Mu1M,re, Tulau, Wr-n'f me time, with hay ralaed on th. ,nd BnTInl),h. Illlwla Oamiilgn. .wrljinif ati.l rh pain that t!i twrvoai w I . v. il btalth uodetmlned. na tUap lha raticst kn.1 ,-trt "he clirvlaliua If,tra!ulnf tht cW and iprtliaj a fc luf a. fid and tommiv matter la Ui are being used tlon ato.'k. In feeding th. plauta- rmn Milk. Manaacbuactta- Haverhill. I.ynn. --e North Carolina -Anevi iihi,v.ri Okla- crater. Raleigh WlH-never milk la -arce In tb. cttlc. n'"u'V t", n.rkIHr metly com., forward and .ug.a.u ltll"". ur, ng that it be .hlpt from distant potnta Jaaon. hno.vlJe. ermont Har.lng lun. I'rtlculr wat.b hat been kept on Atlanta to dlacover Jut bow the mtk-h In a froaen condition. Tbla Idea baa been frequently ilea, nerve, Joint att.t boor. CkIwIjuK and nonrtanva Vf ivn, Health uUi Uoukl which cooipIcUly and r-rfiiau: rami Kbeumatiam. tt. 8. 8. i tomeru wipriv VEGETABLE ffyn " tonic iwpnaJ .,!. I. rontaini . IUh. alkaU tAUt wtneral bctr-lt, Ut3 b Con.,..u.ion. whirl, did favo, ,,r entirely t healing. r.Ua -M,N M krrta far below tbe melting point of tea. The to o. uu . .......j, '. Vuur .,e an.l or .hy..cina Ir.t. any InCwWrikiJ geatcl during the yean, but It d.-' Atlanta " not aeem t. to coming Into practical , dirndl tieorgl. law M u. The lateat augtl.a la tbat the Thl. watcb wa. kept by h. Atlanta uae. me lateat auggeatiiMi freah milk ahould t frot.-n b merging the ealed cana In brine chilled .ov IJ ... ...,T- Iv. niun hill 7Zi be ..ed till further to a h.Mml that t. '"ndn-eto, of k, dry Ice. which. It I. claimed, would re-1 ban "worked a relation In the . tty . main In tbe aolld form after removal ! cart.r. and a. 1. alm.t In.arr aoty tne caw. ine jivin-e .t--.m-. that the public la actually aavlng m-fi-y by th. operation of tt "dry" tat ote. In Atlanta, on January imT when the high llcetiw law w. In ef. feet, there were aixty three jwllc caiea. thlrtrtwo of which wer. nainected ianUlJeut.HrilclaKnJ wmaendwrnpa-cUllrratiseen khcuautav thc wnr Mtcmo atiaxta. tv for a day or to b-fore the entire ium would rlae to a melting point, the keeping qnilltlca being mif-b tr perlor to that of milk bleb la merely froaen at common temperature. Tbe otieratlng plan would be to ea- tabllab a freexlng plant at tbe cream- erica aixl milk atatlona. the frown "n orun.enne ..n , pr-Kluct to be abtpiied In orllnary can.. )" "ajr ,b A" U" thus doing away with the prent high Into effect, there wer. Juat aeventeen co,t of refrigerating car.. jP"'1 ln A,!D', l", " b"1", It la claimed that frwn milk kept . 'or drunkenneM over a month In a refrigerator room The, fa.n will t uiwd la argu .hl no rhne. In lae on thawln menta tlng brought to bear on t oo- and that mixed throughout the aolld man A A!a' "li at lil"i" Wkea (! ( !'. Hut she si I at ;.tt! Tkr rail kr "luag and kaa.' lloultlM I'lMt. tfM(iOa Um'i fxa-faM rnrf. tit. a:i.a cvtbi l ..." T 'Mllu, ivoli.n, btn It fir.c. Irk.ttng ft.'U u4 Mlfc H4tv. UU Willi. V I tf aoj ullll!.l, "lio m to writ, a bwk. kr "V.a, tboogbt I would -i.etig to lH iibout your atrlt ry -Sop ; aeeef bad trlf alranM: 4 a t gel naarrtOTl till I iiiki HuuMoa nal. OMHt I mmmtmj o aua. Tt. aniM a. touting at tk a. i mm rnr h i af nn to maae in 1'tw ine cream remaineu eveuij - - i - ,-m,ii. I nnf trlct or colunitiia dry ana to lorom ' rising. .. It would when milk la merely Inferat.te cm,merc. which will T V.,. ..... tke .li.. C.air.1. i. Jliimn nrl(tiMl Honor Int. ' ' kejit llijuiil at low teniperamre. jih - v -.- :h.r h. 4 for freexlng would nol to tie In mu. Ita WtMt CAW HraAMItt trm IWI I M tm U Mk w. M a teeawtM. t:aikaaiie Aadlier lal la n Htn l U A. (hat 'l ! ItMrtling llaww Urn IIJi! ugkt i. War Ikal eu gni orohlbltlon territory. clean nindltlon when fMien. el ket)ltig perll would be very short after melting. If tbla plan ever onnc Into favor. It would grestly Increase the .-omix'tltlon In the limine of up plying milk In tile great cities. aaipei.a i hh. For shipping live mltry to mnrket the following alw of cot are moat generally used In the West: l'oo should be 4 Inches long. .T lin-hra llarlatt Ptwefceri. Kaea War. That there will eventually b. a roelrt between !h jIlow and th h!l rsis tbat will shake the earth is lbs opinion of Jaitlcs Ilar'sn nf the I'nltni His'm Hu pretne Conrl, a eiprwwni In sn sl'tres hefor the Nsry Iagn SI Wsahlnztoa II. aald: "If I taaJ the oppnrtuDi'y I wouM vol. for sn appropriation uf "", (SSi.nrO a yar fnr a prl.d "f fo ra for a larger nary There l an urt fhlog aa friendship between nations at tetarn men. Nations tnnk no wrifls to pr -tra." said tbe a!4 mtset "H'mpkf K I". are ilk Iks va klsrgiasl" Chusga Tfitws. I!U- ii 1ml.' n J t 4 tMhJ ! a4 Si H W Wamffii l MirMHIw. taaMliMkak U 4 kaaa tfat im II ft tlblt was4tvl s tHIMM IHMIlUrtll r'Mai, IM All It. M twflt ei4 a I'd you trifle rttMft'J iwgfm! To4 Tuffoid KouM l!-U'ii!t5i hift r- with v k. -. a.a. Il I riaj'lllln. hMtVkaf aajllt ''T BnlF in - la, ast .T-.. a h i--. mnrimt mm mwmf 9 ro" i'-r jr tr t a ;! n that r.-oemt. i t ft4 I) II sUri f U9 rttH. ! Ilbat II E l.t ttl tk4 hl lab. r-MtcvsW tta iltaMa tb Bk'n .wrta, .i;i it(ii.. Moi.c,f.i tvCatM mm t-H iwti try tir t UN, pa ai Se-M lakrat taaaa .A 1 fr-a, ni1 rltifk mill 1.. lnrw- h)ih i4a rrlln thin -- um the i nfll .. . ... "tl Vf PfMtmW 7V. Wv Wr - 7 , f,,r ,urkf' iu.i--Ti,vrp,m,T,'r,;:,',,n; ..wbi.rJ.-..-,..- u- " tj.zJz!zrm i a 4 a',!. ) la I aa follows- Two tie two for rnr. w refer to the prople of Aula as th to! i ' . ' 'VV, IhT.. .!! f; Th.r.(.r. .t.........iCh.n. rar.. . . .b.; ifMedh,. v, nfW . - vIPaVaj I L I ..... .1,.,.., ,,...,,., as atrong menla !y and phjaeal r a .,',h',,. '! Ibe oust flea t.1 thai Ike boua of . arfl aa -aH-'atrV I I" o. "t six l.l.-1-s .nunc!,,, long ,b,r , (- , M lvnmn f..,8, ,. Al(!..r!.,B m,ii:,. Ie.l-d porvk. with f.ohties 1st akr wiu rixjiro gbocsds. not a model to be followed la detail, but embodying, aomc general principle that may be adopted. Straight line and wpiore plots so desirable In the laying out of fields are not the most desirable for the home grounds. Curved lines eijei-lully for the driveway take away the stiffness and add naturalness to the if-ene. In the Illustration the double driveway In front makes t.s. complicated a plan for the ordinary farm. A variety of trees and shrubs should be used around the bouse without having them too close to allow free circulation of the air and a view of the roadway In front Mon treal Star. and nine pieces u or l.i incne long for each coop. Nail tile short pieces one at each end and one In the center of the long ones, using ten -isniny wrought nails. Make three of these frames, one for each end and center, for the bot tom use halMneb lamrds or lath, make the bottom tight, using six penny nails. Cse Inch trls of lath for shies, ends and top, put them 1 Inches apart; the width of lath Is about right. I .cove two laths loose on top In center, or make a door of them to oen. In order to put poultry In and take It out. Now nail a lath around the coois, ea. li end and the center, outside, the three frumea maile first. This will keep the lath from coming off and make the roM stronger, for broilers the cop can be made 10 Inches litzh and 21 Im h es wide. This will make a good, strong, light coop. I', II. Sprngue. yellow ra- and the lil' rs-s (hit will shake the earth Wbrrj It enaies I aant to this rmitiirj altb a nar on b..h "v '.An. rlint 111 t ilrf.r " I hat wii!liitr ; !etrtog bs av I. a'ar Parner'a Bath, All farmer do not feel able to af ford a bathroom and furnishings, lint what class of people need an evening bath more than a farmer after a busy day In the dusty fields? A good l.nth at night ahould be a, Bejssity that . . . ... .... ......i .....fc.i i.A I.... 4 nugni i.i .o o . -ie ., u,. r f,KxrWi,not all the ne ,.ary '"'""..r I.....I ,,l l.nrwl. uliontd I. ft V u a Kt.rli I" J I every night during hot months. But how?" Well, get some empty oil bar- la the sgrleiiltursl l.nt ri. t of ia: wsg-s are only 30 centa a ilny for s tiuin. i ami lis. fnr wuim-n and !,) j Ttie tnke of mariti- em". ,ner at Honolulu has heioi ai-ro-.l hv the aceptanre of a prupomiioti to arbitral grie.ani-e.. '1'iie lotrrnatlonal ltroilii-rh-Kl .it St.sin Shovel nii'l i tructei a!ue ti tmt r j... j.'t, llraalar Peenlna ana Variety. Uua n n,, r,!Mt i,f !!). untnnlai Two things are essential to the thrift 'p callirma v.... , of anlmiils a variety In their food and has ..e,i,,,,,, .ir.,,,,1, ,,,.).., ragnlarity In Its receipt. One article Ing I'r.-ni.-nt II ,,!t ,,, A,..-,,.,,,,. i in. I l.l.r M-i, n If f. i,..,r sustenance, because It may luck wime attiimle in rrlnii.m i.. .lann...-. rels. kns-lt out one end and let oil evaporate, and your bnth barrel la ready. Fill barrels at notn. (half or ...I... ..... I... mt In ,.n . IllWir, -..IT,. ... - V ... ,!, f..l U II...I ... gallon of hot water lu each : : . " .. " ' of the essential elements, and Is almost, mire to have some liistihVieut iiiatitl-tl-s. Anlinnls do not thrive ih well when fed Irregularly as when they cct : their food at certain season. The I. :i7 I il n.iti night put a barrel ami when dnrkness ha fallen then take'a bath, and wth thlh gnu? undershirt and tlruwcra fheyiiri ready fv.r heif. Their alecf will 'tsi, . avwter t. rii ' : - '' v. iv'l"ter Foraare. 1 T!iequitloti! (yf winter forage and pasturage la oiie of the greatest Im jstrtanco In the Kouthern Htates, and (iarlcton It. liiill, of the liureau nf Plant Industry, wa sent by the re part incut of Agriculture early in ttie year to make aa Investigation In sev . eraJ ot the Gulf Ktates. In hla report Mr. Hall nay, amongst other things: "The production of Southern bay ba been a question long uuder discussion. better the results. Repairing; l-eakr Hoof.. Take coal tar and sift coal ashes In uetll the thickness of sllff mortar. I'lns ter It around leaks. If used on slatit roof the snow and rain cannot blow in. This cement will harden like a stone and Is apparently as Indestructi ble. It answer admirably for paper room and If pmjierly put on It ims to be there forever. Vaerlnatlns f'altla. In Germany the vaccination 0f cattlo against black leg, a fatal disease, 1 becoming general and very effectlv,., At the Sc.itn.ii d.iti.-; ,.,nfl. tils. it-, w It ai .liit,-. I i!,j,i H.,..., cresiu-d hy In !s n ,,,, , ,.,. , li' J he nveniK , i, a week, atll il . ,..,.ri, annum ne ine mini mn m IV. Clark of ltmlm?, M-,., former ire.i.lei,t ( ,lfK,ll(!l.f f gr.K-err Hn-I .rn,.,,,n cli-rH, n, lw named the e Ka:in, rMil,.-r ,,f th Amalirsinstril .J. r I u, BI,, llutcher '.,rk no I nmu, On Jnn. 1, liniT, there vr tt operative aocieti,., ,.,!,., j,, (.t tiisny, will, a tntnl meint rf-riilt, ,,f : io the eoiTes,ii.li11( ,,lu, f,,r being 2l,tl.-,a .,! :..j.-.s,.i::7. Th, ,r, majority of tlnne er ,.rj, nsso..tio, with on SKregnie nirniberaliit, ,,l n.-,.r 2,(Si0,(Si0. ' " "rut fruit f rwn eftli.ii,i.nt In England Is Dm n.tlnn f th. Midland Knilway fompnnya nrd..r r.Ull,... I. un.l.. .. 1 oner Cheapness vs. Quality In thc matter of food you can't ofTord to sncrificc Quulity for Chciipiatm Economy Is right and good but inferior food products are dear ut uny price. aSa.t KG M(P BAKING la economicalnot Cheap. Try it. The best nt any price or your money back. JA01F.S MFG. CO. Chit ado. Guafaatt Pat. aa4 WOOeM WfUk la I only three losses In Ave year are re- ""hi the gradw required t vnrk r "' ported, ,day a week ax. to raclvt tra i. ton iT . w0"n. anaata sno cHtioait at. iiL ."uaat aa.aoi Hnodar duty. 14 tt e-ae, m4 " I at I a -T " """" wwara-aay .. JM t IV.trl ha. C w -.-...- ' aa-a- m " - - , d vjscv;i I siaUiTTlaV- mmmm