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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1908)
The Oregon Mist Entered at the I'ostomce t St. Helen, Oregon, u second-class mail matter. Issued Kvkby Friday Bv E. H. FLAGG. Editob and rRomtirroR. ScBscmrriox Rants One year - .s Six months - -75 Advertising rates made known on appli ation Lcxil notice 25 cenu per line. OactiT Cocar Omenta boinas A. McBride DUtriet J miff G. L. Hedges District Attorney Coi-xly Orru'tus R. S. HatUn, Judge St, Helens W. A. Harrit, Cltrk St. Helens Martin Whit, r-heriff.. 8t. Helena Casper Libel, Commissioner... Mint H. Wel. CoumLionr Soappoow Edwin How, Trea-orrr St. Helens A. T. Law.. As-e-sor St. Hflens I. H. CwpeUnd. School Supt... Houlton F. B Preott. Surveyor Rau.U-r H. R. Cliff, Cormier.... St. Helens Legislators) an J adoim! with practical unanimity by the Republican voters tf thia State. Of course It it ail ad vantage for the mlnoiiiy party to the eiteut lliat hen the Republicans put up a mail whom the majoiity of the people of thf Hnte do not aant he can te defeated at the polls. What is there to worry about In this? Will the Orrgnniait or any other op ponent ot Std'enielit So. I please anwet thiaquestl n, If a majority of the people of liie State ol Oregon eipirmics n pn f rv c for any paitli-iilar candidnt for United stales Senator, should not the members of Hie Legislature, whether pleJged or unpledged, respect their wlsht W. notice In thia connection, that Senator Folton has said if he il defeated a. the polls be will not be a candidate before the Legislature. County Official Paper... MR. BACKUS KICKS Mr. John Backus, of Rainier, is not one of those who suffer in silence. Hav ing been called upon to pay an unjust share 6f the public expense of Columbia County he protests vigorously and wants to know why u h an injustice has len done him. There is no doubt Mr. Back ns baa good cause for a kirk. He has been assessed with a few million feet ot timber that doe not exist, and he can ' not see why the asear, who practical ly admits that Mr. Backus is n the right, does not correct the error. As we understand it. the fault is with the cruise, and not with the asseisrir The assessment was, of course, uiaile on the cruise, and Mr. Laws is in no way responsiti'e for the finding of these mill ions of feet of nonexteting timber. Mr. Backus need not fla'trr himself that be is the only on - who has a kick coming. There are oth ra yes hundreds of thetu, and they have all exercised their Ameri can privilege and made things a pleas ant as possible for the assessor. let there are four candidates now in the field for 51 r. I-aws' job, and none of them will dare go before the people ad vocating the reversal of the policies Mr. Laws has adopted f r the assessment of all property, including railroads ai d timber lands, at their full cash value. The Lor l hates a coward, and any man who would cringe before the storm that is being raised in this connty by the representative of corporations and non-resident capitalists merit the contempt of every honest nun, and Mr. Backus is as honest as they make them. Mr. Laws refused to correct Mr. Back us' assessment (as he refused lo correct many others) because it was made ac cording to the cruise authorised by the Bjard of Connty Commissioner, and he, as a connty officer, did not think it to be for the county's interest for him to dispute the cruise. Mr. Backus has been temporarily in jured but not permanently. The cruise is admittedly so bad thut it must be cor recteo. ar. ttaexus' land will be re cruised, and any amount he overpays Columbia County must be refunded to him. The Mist is not engaged in an attempt to defend the inequalities of the last assessment, yet it would not feel that it was doing justice to the people if it did not say that the general policies aI opted by Mr. Laws for the assessment of all property at its full cash value are not only right but they are strictly accord ing to the law of the State and any assessor wilfully varying from them per jures himself. ANNOUNCEMENTS OF CANDIDATES Ot Interest to Columbia County Elector. EMTl'TOK'S SOTIfK 01 U0 MT..TI. rwiiiorx'ttt" aliri"rit I II.. ""'" "I, ,, . ,..,, .,i :io-o "v";' ., ',"... M. thfl l" ' " ,,, Ulllsra- illy IB. t.n;; . ,,,, N rile I'm .wrii i.l ('.hi .III. .11 nir . , .,..,,, . ,,,IB For School ttapertntendeut I hereby announce that I am a candi date for the nomination, on the Rcpul lican ticket, for the office of School Sup erintendent for Columbia County. If I am nominated and elected, t will srork to increase the efficiency of the public schools to the end that the boys and girls may receive a higher, broader and better education. J. H. COLLINS. For DUtrlct Attorney In submitting my name to the electors of the Fifth "Judicial IHstrict for theit consideration for the office of Iitnct Attorney of said district, I desire to say that if I am nominated ami elected, I will, during my term of office, honestly, vigorously and impartially perform all the otficial duties pertaining to said off ice, without fear or favor, endeavoring alwavs to accord to every individual, Ir respective of party, politics or pcrsonali ties, a tfjuare deal under the Law, keep ing always uppermost in my mind the interests of the tax pavers of said District and State. K. B. TONtifK. RULE OR RUIN. Why, certainly; if any Republican candidate for the Legislature wishes to pledge himself, In advance, to vote, in a contingency most likely to arise, for a Jiemocratic Senator, let him do o. Cer tainly .', certainly. It is a free country. But If such shouldn't b elect ed there miidit be no occa-ion for sur prise. Moat persons when voting wish to know just w hat they are voting for. Oregoniuii. J)o not bs alarmed. Statement No. I advocates will have a majority in the liext L-gislxture and all that its oppon ents cat do will not prevent this result. Statement No, 1 inak:s the legislature practically i.onpirtisan, so far ot least, as the el -ctioii of United Htales Senator is co icerned. The rnvinbera signing th'S statement ngrjBe to vote for the popular cho'Ci for United S.ates Henalor, and tha is whatthi l0;.li want and are go ug to hive. We are gla I lo i-e the opponen s o'Stnteme it N ). 1 standing Up to he counted. The Miejsuro was tmntd to the people by a Republican For School SaperlatenJrnt. I hereby annouuee to the voters of Columbia County that I am a candidate for County School Superintendent. I advocate modern schools, nuxlcrn methods, a practical and usa' te educa tion, equal school privileges, school visits by the superintendent, and the "Square Deal" to pupils, patrons, and teachers. If elected I pmmise earnest and dili gent effort in the discharge of mv ollicul duty. J. W. ALLEN. For (ouiity lierk Undersigned rcspetcfully offers him self to the legal Republican voters of Columbia County as a candidate for the office of connty court. If I am nominated and elected I will, during my term of office, faithfully dis charge all the duties of county clerk, economically administer the affairs of said ollke, and will not employ any member of my family therein. C. If. JOHN. I'ror. II. A. Howell of Havana, to ha. Recommend Chamberlain's toogh Remedy "As long as I can rememlr my mother, wss a faithful user and friend of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, but never in my lifo have I realiie l its true value until now," writes I'rof. II. A. Howell of Howell's American Hchwjl, Havana, Cuba. "On the night of Feb ruary 3rd our bacy was taken sick with ! 'C"'.'",,'"'.," a very severe com, the worse ami the following night his con dition was desparate. He could not lie down and it was necessary to have him In the arms every moment. Even then his breathing was difficult. I did not think he would live until morning. At last 1 thought of my mother's remedy, Chamberlain's Cough Itemed v. which Jisnrr Uii-I corner ol ' , i l.i Ids . i. il,. "- "''' H.i...t... m 'h"" . mi. Uih. ....IKtu V.ii "I ' Hue l Ih. r tM.UU'ls" ! "'?'' j i,h nl .' hwii-l' l L,,,,. .l im. i "I -'';. lalnitia ta '. " "f " ""v. ,11 lr ltis h ! - "tlr-I Irt V iouiitj l t ItUtnlnt l 4ul IT rhh. ,h rim la iirrt:..H AS, Thli N"- ftr ..N th north !( H ,n eHh- Uu f ihr N I' K. K MM f ' V K K. ti.!it"t t. -m i nr,t trlnrrAfh iwic I ' mat k- ih.j. (,. xhr crutrt n( lh M. Hrl.iii i i.unly f"J mr ' iici- ivmi, 4t.uv lh ruirf ol mu4 nmoljf U lh n!a- o( U-sttrtuiof A!ihf ( .lrti rr. pt"V'T " mi1 i'.i:tiintisi rmtf. Tewi rornrr 'nri. t Nr--n 1.vtm t(f t . K. M !- . l"--u - I"' ; ti-l fn''if'1iil C ( '' '" ' Kn-iinhiil Inm-.1- ( - .iu,rti i iullf, Orru. Ihrlir rf Nt Ih1 tioiW.wtn b'tin-lf I ihr .la4ttn Uit l cUlm ol ''rurt 1 T U-t ) n-li. tlirm wamih liiir ii;.l th( Unm u( JtM Bvitn l:v-i. o rl thrO'sf Wfit mi lrl Mutt with IN oMh '.mivtar? )h trmi T K-!r s.iiuu !! fUim. Hie Mttfttl oi Ih1 t-Jf- ,Urv tltltf t t;A Jmr Hsruu Un. h(i't' itifr'-l f"l l fttv o tsrsrltiDltt. muA Alw ltlinirw ( lh nortSwwl rMf of Ih tsttiti ti cUirrt il tifiif( T lr( in I'.iti i In i.iwuahlit t N.irth i( Hut. if j rt f (fir rt );!mru Mi-fl ltu In i'"i'ivt-i ,o.jnt 'rr'tl- (fint'w 't in It) iuftflfru l'tnUri litis- i( Mil ! I. " thihi it' I! n-f'.i n ix'litt Owner tl n-l iH:l lt!i rt. Urt liti ni !' f I- ' ttisM.r It..fth on ttic wtfti .itlmlry 'irso If I. t T.Hetisvn In Ih t'tsV if ttliif Bunt i'itititiltial X Is fri lt iV III ti ' I tMWtt'hll' N-fth. IUusb t Wrt, ml In lt aUtc lrv fitwl i ct; ii Jtnf H lU fo.'l. hi hrlf U1 svsaltflii. fUhl f JU frt iil'.h on th titi !) hi th isi'l guiri inttf for rrri :'( r ), nt-tti tro Itlittii (lisii I jtnid !i4.iwt! mtt mattiulo tm at tit h r J u( tli l r'.(H wf Alto rjrrr-tlOat fTHrfTln !fm IS Ut atje-vr tirfc fi'-'l fmiM Ihr ; nr 4rtw ri ' r-J ttrt1r hrrrlndifys r itr- l ti I Ej itna I MT-'l. I"J" in H k k o( lfsv l r i sj oM.arttrf T, F.twIi P Ifj II hipJ N-'flh. Hai.CV - Wrl ruiitilii t,li.-n tti thr l.tvu'!iip luir 'rlr-;i t'jwitN! rth. hnr t Wsy nu rial, ! n 1 N,rli hnr i W"-t, tfiiitr Mi't'd on svt'l t"w (istm. Hue." i f hatiia l-hM t i val lo U.e rt r. ir.-i ry ilnsy ot r I' I- lit -'.l..u 21 t - i 4 North, Kanrsi J mr n , nofit n no weitniii'iii'fj nn' r mm k irr i 1 U. (.Ut- wl t--it(iiii, it.I f.MtUiui trfrs) f i th'l. nmrr it sill in tve-iimi u Town hibN..rth Kat;-r I Wr ( Kh W lliamefta Mt-r,-liu, lm s-'lumtrU tttttr, rrnij Thr tifrmi' lal atr m f;.! i lti( Ui ra'atr U'i"f mil in n.uJt) U. in u- Kh . I N' fid kautfi) I lirtl. tai-! i.iUuiifia rinnty, i ii ! t lie itiihsaat )tt'-r ti sr:,n - in T-fi flJl. 4 N iftfl of Kailjft- I I rat r.I (Iim M ,IU,.,.ii, A U ti acr.- fifT stml t,it nf (h .u'h raat rtiriirr . the ii,ei(.iii ;aot clatm .if Sr-isoti afi'l Mry Mil iu 1 tiM an j tir it iiaff an-1 frtii Idr mHi .MH .( N;4,jsir ( rcrli ihr itfii.Ut 4i Misi ..ut!m lau'l miiri briii .Jr'rrlf-vl aa f--jlisa. Ui it f he fi-ilh ;lf .( thr txilfi rf "utt-r "t t-s Hon -U. thr ttrsit tm(f .,f ri-U"ft tnr ! half of thr .,. f,.-at (uar(rr au-t i..f fiutii'srrri I. a. M'i "t "sra in ( lt ItJ loWIHJ.ti, j Nmlh .if i: !,- 1 Wi'.i mi tl.r W tliior'.tr tf rl'llan Uir wliulc ttf M c 11 m ruiititum r..t, arrra. Ami atra t of ianl ronlahil'ijf a. ul bA ir-rr Ihr Miiir rirliitt W; h,il o ihr foilowin 'liWfif-! tra. t of lait'l ) 1 he 'lonatitjft lu I rlalm II l y.mlrr itijf Ciaitu No 4aut1 whu h la .tr riu.f (tlf, rmt half of thr el Ittll .Jllir h M 1, r.i ((,l-r. trrof Ki'li.rti ,o f,', Lht riortni'et ,,.ir(r. wriion No ,V: lh fra'ii(ii north Cuif .,( thr n-tfth of Hir i(tiMi -i ifimrirr of i,,n Sit, .TJ. !hi lr' tllial ( half iA i.f.K,,..i VUfltM.I iirlhfl Sn, i in r-.wn.Ml. N., S.inh of hwiifr N.l I ttr.1 of t(,r wljam.'ilr Xrrt.lUii ami ciilaiiiiurf in lJii' who,,: ut m I'lailll S3) arrrm AI Ihi" fottowlljjr (tM, rtl-., .,) .,.,,.riL ... ih, folUmllitf i4M'tllMM Ul4 1U MM Oil- aWAlVhrUV4'f ttw In ihnlh bt nt ihp ..utiiTtr! .ntartr ' ,,orlhw. irlrr nf ftl. i S.inh Hi 1 ,h' H4 i,, wine it rtiMil Uwisff t'lsWsi la ' lrlrst Willi t Ullrt, with .Hhrr laH'U, waroin) br J, WJM', Mhfttf ul tiHVtMmt'ia ( Mmi. al in WUf J Ww.M Irualrt. I .lrl .Ulral aWlHtfrntwr mft li"tfM i, "I Mtt ' nl h" Krarl ul lvf.1i ol ia utsiMbu ('"'inly, M.t4 ! iii ! fct wr I t.4i i .fMwtt 't lorwfc l mo .,ffUrJ nt Uy lwml f rlir i-i.viu i al lblMH mI It.? rtaaii t, tj iMsruatn wl ai Kai l (.-...wr i will Iw 4', IftWr!. In H' rrl tm niH -un n(M"i "w"'" ' ' W ... M.S..W ir lUiroti:I.VfM. ) !wii 1 el. Notlkaii Mrtlif. Alluew SUMMONS In ti nn uii v,rt ia. tu tf (tosra, fs" ib ..uiiir ul i .MiistWa. !( M. lO'S'l" fl"Ulv H'.niMi lr sfcs'p I .IU..1 U .h.rtt Ih. !.. Mil drt .nl to II.. !,... nl III. ! "i S hrrvtiT wi'ilt4 la Hl'l' " " I". (otnnt.lal Sixl ll " " . . IHt.l enutl i of thtlln sr-lr.O" of . . r.,M .lir Ih. .l.t.ui la. Sf.l !tS' llt-.lti'tt nl lhl Mimni.ft. In .11 ih. am .Ui ! M.a. !'". ' " "J I, , .as.rr l ! la.rswl ! rUlnll .111 ti.t,:y su ih. i i. MtiM i'.r4 l Iwl tvr's' ari l . u rrr. nl 4I" Ifm 16. llUl nJ ! ii. n oth.f ai4 luriiwr l Ih. rrt nir mim mwiu4 ftuiui,.. liiis t,i.i.,is is t-iiiiiLhl tr rilt f II. it Ihat s M, i.l. Ju-lj. ' Ih. lectin r..jfl ! II'. .! "I 11.. I". IMlMHfc4 iv,i,il sn4 ! ".'' la lh lull il)rl Isnn.rV l ."4 Ih. 4sW tJ llu (IrM (. .1.1. i.,u ol Iki. sussniusn U Ih. """"'"'""'"Mnut. 4lsJity f" 1'Umtlff. In l',0 llrrtiil omM tilth tl us! lr(y tha i uwnty i f I ttiuttstw t n.i.rf. i-ihns f(tr.i. A f if tutsT iupB, ttu-saUn, -Ul. ll t 141 To lha A fir I-JflW ..mHnM raiMu ttalrn lanl Iq tha nana l (it Utr ol Of5t; "n ar Itafvh nrl l. aifar 4a4 w twr Ihr rtiffltUlnl I! 't4 lull aa' llt(iM( Mltatar ( Uf bsr-J.rt tha TtM of tf.rvh I'iut. IKat tlrg tltsj .( I tba KDlrf i IN rvurl tvrf o4 .( SfMrstf tw IWCf. aitol IWorsa hH ait ir.i lfo Bti fulllrw.l fl Ih'i tMtrttUM. an I if I owl. I i- ,-tw aol artawsit th Jattll i; ta )lirnl sjlttt im ' tha us t.f f v '4tult lii(rr-( thsWMi ttm iwiil 3 Wf' l lha fW ! lf twui barf atntititw b1 Ill luti abtl it" txifswumanla uf lbl aa tion a t .mnittxn It ti-trI In 'Jut ttrwm M.t -ivt Wtx-k lor m tsii'syvacl cki. ' by tu4t tit Hon H. llattao. i !( J lb j ( Htu i s.-tft l lh 'ja 'l i f iff i s I uniM i vanl; 4l4 Ua Uh 41 ot U rwlbf I I': - I r.nt faIirilxi iao. la4 fanUitti Matt ft I AM II toniri. ! AUo'uet t fUsnllsf 1 STATED rhvw - wUflHJ' AINIERl0Rt "P" lUrJ lllhHllldMl " voiMiciioaa MaJ..,.) FihT Oil I Columbia Count IX)CJ Ccnrnl V.. . m&L I'ritKijwl ConssfatJ First National IUhi. a, llanovrf N.livtial Raai, Wm. M. Ross,PioJ PT. IIKLt-SlUSt PHYSICIAN & Stf T. kiUjl, i i a ).m turr. PHYSICIAN & SLY T MKt lHS J I'aosartatss J llss h luB...;, MIJU mi. rMaUWuy auKira, . . . , ; NOTICI OF FINAL SlITlf MINT Notice is hrrrlv ((iven hy the ondvr sijiicl as strsulfii ut ill. rst.t. of I fnrst n.irrrn, .trver., that slir lv dir. I m Ih. C. iiiilv Court nt t'.r Si. ol OcroQ tnr Culumhi (.'ixtnir ti.r fiu.l ar Count ol hrr ..l.'liinmrs Ion u' Mid c.Utr. toKrtlwr with hrr lia.t rrjmrt and jirtiiion lor ilistclnituiu thrfr.,1, o I that Ihr lion It. S lUtUti. J...'k-. n M,t nmrt, hs p.inii-. ihc '.'nth day tl Vin h . al 0 o't'lus'k In the loir nimu thrrrot. as Ihr time, an I the cwrtfuxu nt said court In St. lirirns, Urrk,,o as tlic I'l-u r . lor mr liriiui ami srlt rmcnl ol said account, rc,it sad ctition. at which time and auv lvrsin lo- trrrstrd in .aid rstr may a jirr and bit oTirrtims In tw r i c i a if lo ihr stne of any rssri Ihrrrtit. A N N 1 1 ' HoRlitlKN W. It. I'owcll, atlorucr to. rtss utrii . .... .Muium UUNN1NG l imnli l'U j I r. sn,) (, in tt(. u. .,..1 ,ilw 'illl.rnsl .,llafl.f tr.lll.ti I." next day a as j " h.u ,, li wv,., V't .", .i ;iii...,h:i,f,l,xrr?,,;.v :rt:,',Tr:,:rr.vv,,;:.'''. hl.innii(s;ii ,. , , ii. .nl. i ..i i .. ... Urns' .Ii.iiiiUiiii i.h'l rlalm i ...,,i.. i 1 , . mm rl.iuu rii.i . alwi llliy m-rits , I""' " ""k.' "-I'lInK (r.,,,, if, !,,., ,, we gave, audit sffordH pumint r-ll.;f. ' hi.ik i i . ."'nt'll'?''! "; lATnow, thrre days Inter, h ,. re- j CilS l:C:'TJTZ,i'r:l covered. Undor the cirniinstanres ii '".T ' H . .. """" ' would not hesitrte a moment In en y In if ' m''iumi!,'iIii!mii, '"'i'"'rh. that Cl.ambDrlaln's C'High H.-m.,ly, d 1 .WuVi'.f ."'.l" TS' "' "" that only, fttvc.1 the lift of our d,ar lit-1 ' '"' ""'".. i',,1",!"' tla tor." For s.l. by A, J. !!. ! '. '-'" drugliNt. ;,r:!. 100 candle power can bTT.,1 on any I Xt '' !" -! "I!'.': common coal oil Limn ! .! it.. M -W links: ui.iu. r "' .'' . . "" i...i i, If y.,.i .i!,. ,R Vn,milf,,H ,. Holarr pinitirftur am,,-',, ii..i jrii.4.,.ii . I... . u.... . . ' n , ,i,- iu Index" burner. tricity or city gas. Hrijjhter than elec-1 '" "north nuti Cheaper than you- nii'l 'I link.; id.. rttt.l m, I,,),. p . ., '""in i.i .ii-ff present kerosene lamp. Odorless, noi. '''"s, lin n.!,! i,,",',,',,' less. ?.o wiaka to clean, ahsolutely sulr Price fl.OO, Will pay for itself iu a short time. Agents wanted in every com munity. Write for Ictritory and imrticur lara. mill il Vfi, Ii n I o. '""I, 7 ' IlKllK ; '"! U mlii. hull, -,, ,. "' I r Hl, hi I, 7,1 . a ,71" TV" "" I'lsrn ,,l ln'ii ii ii lia ,. ,i I Nk' '" lh ai:r. ...,m.v7..l ... T J '.':' f t "T.-lr, wile l. ,l,.,l ,l,,.,i . . Vf " N.k 1k 'it ft ,,i ii... ,' lwls.,1 i.l.ll.iii,,...,,,,,, h. win... ii THI NCW NCMt ItWIHa WtACHINI COMIAI ornnii!, Muaai. II,.- .. , ,,.; ,, ,n,.tUw ,,M .i'r (. ..i. ,, ' .1 l"lrt,!r Kr.1 ,,HS ,.,. "ll l smlisiliH iliMilrr. anl. ' . I),, ( ,,,,1,1, . LllllSlW. UarnM tMiim. rismtl" CffiQTTiatl II uiuuiugi m KAtt.niuDTntil haiM.t .m i.smim IsHMO M.a.p.,Mhatl .Mr MM.rSkint hsi. IV-.S. Ua.ntl.t m. Iiuia Paueiier. nitm roi poiruun It'MTUMt I.AM'I.NQ, til NOTICI Of ICNSOl SlllCIIDI I BII.H U'- UnJ oty.. rVwaf "WO Hi, I." J Mulhr. . h.,( UmI S aa .bust. is. rsrsMii . I. nl IDT I 1 I II I it. u mSm . ins ( s,f,is lawrj In u.iowa smi l Ul IS Spit n Ih. mMM hH M Any aid .11 STiw-M.MissI abus. tinrtiiaal U'xk4 Ufa lhrMt ,4 f..lmt... I;,, mm s.tsl lasts, fr -tra.ili! uMs wM a Ui I.i. I. f ..sml v Ua.l lvMn ;. l.l SI. (." ". m,Lrll r,l,f.,lrl o.'J M MlSUf. ht 4ttl U1 f " ' au.i; ." J .(U . Kit! In Th. J.i.i ir. iviitt la ifH in ih. i i,.,ni, nM.aanlwsM Vtcvir rui' i s.iiiiia t-TStr. A ft UltWl CwBIMIll Mi.'iifi.hfa T ih. aeiMr a I'lf tmsWUtiait lli.', ih.lrn.Uht I l II,. Niwif wl Ih mwmmi im ar. h.Mtrt minlfsa . s ... Ih. SI. S"" .ItltlllMI ar.w-" Warrh, !! ihsl l-IM's rli,. ,ilk. M.fl I.., tnfl In SISW1 ami . than sl s Im. a,.r sii.t smsm ihr ""'', rmlsaiitl ilUborsc mauls ' .2 thlSsionlHiiw Is I'th,! Miss ' mri a w Matt",, In and lr I ;..n I "lw, sisi. ul OMfiiu, lal MX p" , IM firs. i.lillrilo iB ttlp Mslra a, Iws f , fi ItsiHflll j vrirt I In Hi. t lirall i iiars to i J. S Crane, Portland, Ore. NOTICE TO CREDITORS '" 'Ii::,";',1."; "' -'' r.,,tu.n. i..t,!:;.;..,;:lv'.r !:' 'rr.iK..r.i Hi' li ..,,!.. . , 7. ' .' r .'illol ill ai:ri-a WIIC liy i 'or'li'.l si K....I.I Ji i-.i liK tl,-r-ir.ti,i A. II, IMMISCIf Bcapuocrst, Ureffon, ' Jirn Wet si. I" ill. I ... l "I II... oil) : al ll J. K.illi.,1,,., i... u " .' " '"'"'i-)..,! I., Will I -t sx-ij n( li L.V' .u .' J'':' "."'"I'tt'.l at I ' 'I'." '"liny I nor. l llm . lair liy i.r.lcr "I iOi'tii,!, r, j. , p,ai. l"K Isllli r 'ir.i i .., .,. il. JoZ 'I "I: H'I.hs. Urrton. nnnl aa, All iraiiiis lia. .ilo ar. ti.ri.lii r islll. .r,i..r 'l"Ulv I.) I, IIUII'lll "i nrr anil iiiil. ,...iii..i - . sslihin si a i,,, .mi,. I..... . " V, T' " III. II. Hi ' t "1 hri.i.1 f ,l,n,,y 7!h Xi-lllo UhIm liiina. lJ III ff.lll. fAlillSff IIMM " tlalil . . l ..... ..I Ih. WsM sf HI!. "I "."..Hfl r"iiiiri"i han- " ii iiiaini nirn aam"i in! ill ami mM'i ' Vrl auli iwsii ami II ,' ant ihr V''u"rLyZ0 for IH. rrllrl M '".Li,' i....... an tr a itrr'i i Lit nisl'riHKint imiw ulsiw I th. I'l.iniin iii.unr; flil. ..millions Is pnMI'Ji 1 1 ,lrr ma.t lr ll' 'V1'?UirtWit ...n, ..r lh. I .uiiiiirrf Till, lit. aii.l ahirN "" t smniitims III llil ""fTtei" l.v i,iii,liiiallifl "" ' mils wtts in 'J '.."lii'. r... I, II, . t .,n l M "r-Vf. J ImUlhallKll Man Jnai f win ii. r Nnt.iKii. yj'MSlA. ItMiiLl.M f -V..