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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1908)
..-'-' 1 nine miP nFlllSICI nf t Advertisement Mlel-a of Mi-dlclne Biid religion, wblili ar too f .......ii n.anrilnl aa mutually IIIUU. ""l-''--.",.ne Why Refer MEMBER OF U.S.UUNbHwa . Wal Known an tha Pifk Slop.. WaaMngton AAlraaa la 13 U tli St, H. W., WaaWngti, D. C tagonlatlc, aliould be mutunllr compl- t nerve. "mvU "d r T Nuti.ii ol'"" to Doctors It cures. L iLn if"t,,"V.v:M.iliu on w ft. ,. "-" .enabled 'for UuWHt ' Kirll ..ulleB. I, ,-"; ,,, ( ..t meatier P'rJ.'. ''..!. '' a - . ia and averrwner. rrrr ::- ur .im llMllM' ' . .. II U.u U bbI; by t 1 ,,oua vv- B.Ij.ia.d leBee-Hr. -rtb . .......rb m.. , I-! w -- '' f )aeU M VM taaea, r rtiimiLta. '.' i im ...Ttl. " " ". '"" ' t-ltal ll "" 'l",r k "4 a-ll.r. proudly MMt b P.? a Km Urbotor brother. L, fuMl" " "b- U, b,,. ! " ia'-l I h .. nrr in 10 M DAW ra. " - ... . ... ... n. u. iii ...... I M !. u- (;... II iwakln cmUt Ah. t v " ..... Kt ,1 t-r rmtM (pr-"l- vmnm 4V. ilr C.t9tll. llawttl. V a IVtll tnmtlitfr In uun-nUlii lined MUctll Imlf run cmli of gralod rluiill, t04- milk ilitl brown miKiir. Vbu llil'li erfoiii. Ink frmn lle Hr ml wH ii(i to iimII. Criwiu Imlf nip of luittur with uri ciiji ut bnittn aiiuur adil lu Mnll Uxilrll nfci nt lo(lilrU uf ruii of milk mid; vanilla Mnviirlii Inlu llita tllllturi ImhiI lb Imllwl irlliiii uf lli bnttft nit ilil two rutifillt of Hour Rlftnl wIlU lr. i-(niH.iirul uf lklii( diT. Ilnliii In lnrr ihI ml li(i()iri when nail, with Uillnl ldn(, (nviirliiy Mi Imi pf lb milt with Uw Mm. ralala milara. On half puimt of naiknl mtati on uuitt- uf l.niirr. ixM.i-T am aalt. unjrtilk a tut two wlillra iif it- Hub ! tBliim tlinmih a lr alrro. jii-h diii Irr In a Munimn. ami lilo. yulk ui ... Itix-r aial aull, ami tills wmi .nl Km tthlln lu l!ff fmlli and mil thwn llnblly Into Um ttatu inU Mrw. init tlw li.Ulura In lnv alml Ida Im uf a walnut Inta bulling al amt fry until nl-Tly brwnt Uft out ltb a i-Hutulni H.n. drain o pnH?r and arrt In a but oian. ftorpf ttiralv-aalada and arab fllalt brvad brail crumba fur roll ln t'bawto-rarolilta. rraiera. wararunt UrU, bmira, tir.a aiurk t for anntta. Htrwnl liMtialot - arallot oUP flavnrlnie. Utihnl nntafirbrrakfa(t balla. Innfbvuii pulta or auulBint. pumi. crual fur Bj-bI !i- Because we mike medicines for them. We give ihem the formula for Aver'i Cherrv Pector.l, tod they prescribe it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, ooniumnilon. Thev trust it. Then you csn afford to trust It. Sold for over 60 yesrs. A alawa'B fat taval A-aS U a ljia lAli tKmmM W in ? ? f ivmm I Umf w4 ft rU U1 wf It fa Smi 4 -)) ui4 MMi, ftnal I rtui( ,'( ll I Mi.if.w-lAai. UiaU rti, MM. juW wshi vf jarf of ft al.MAAlMt I A r'ai rill raaily aid lr Crtorry facto al In braaklns up eolcf. a AtOt I i;tflV0 Ml fclaa. W ht H b- mail abuutr b klrkmt laat tht U ku b b4 Bt ba ft lr, kaU In bb b to bl a-rii Ya; ur w iiutnl It 'lari-r ball."" Itou- k r t- LatMft a III M wtaww .. b, lu laalf aiOfa ia laauoa ilti. It am m t.vtay M bad a man HrUi rafr " lb K If. HmIm ,Ifr ( tka li-ntb lt.fomid cbuw. U tJaiaJ loalk t alkali- Brlaal koad, bul wb-4 Iba l,rtalaal faith in4 tamsM a tatuntar? il I" Uibral Ur. k rtir4 ta b4 b Kraa- Jrtl,rl tain- if-ff Ika rarolutloa) la Ha)itual lonstipaitou C"irvNll iWurl Mitlttr 0Miit iuV,..).. I. l..t. iluily .V) tint owuAwarv (o ihi 1 I ' . I II I . I (I KutV tiny l? gnutllMl IliajHtiaiM ln iw UijVrr iuhhKmI 0tfUnt ut rvnailnii.rilu'r) rrtjtnKl,or'tooH riiur uiu) iut to u((Jnnt tlie rwitnr. aljinntiiKiy fclni-li niu!.t (limMl ulti muti'ly itjKm iitHMr rmuri)n.nt, pnijwr ijoi tlMiixl i 'it l',nR JJitimJI)4 To J-t it. l)tMM't('ial jjl t. 0lJ California Fio Sriuri Co. ONIY 0L0 OVAU UtADINO DRUOCIST M MrUlly, I CJKIUH MI( !wl f Utt". H33 Ralta. tt. Iim. Tbtaa Btaa. Maialalalr laak raaa4 la laar I I r.nt l.l Wlllaan. II Maa H4, fnla.l,ram J aaVZilUaMI tit I All i , TV AT FAT T WlrtHT Tilt MTWMint cofiroui Am PK0TECTI0N eifoniedby a. afVtb SUCKER 1 Durable) Ouarantecd .Watnrprooi ( Hal aba. fr-am a lump ft tmit-r tha ) ot an m wlih a run uf tmn cr and ttaiirul at cinnamon and una nip of flour. IWt lic furthrr. tk fr.n I bl mUur a lar ai-xHiftil for frottliif for tha mkr. Add to what ramalna a taaaimllfut of rlo. a "IP of amir milk, a tMwtoiiful of dt- a,lii,l In a laWrwuxmrul i noi wm, a ran r annlnl ralalna. and. If nrM, n,..r ltir. tut Into a an. a,rinkl ll. tii with tla rrrTe4 fwttn nl Hak. Maak Vvalaaa. fbak a Ut of lamb In bulhrtntlk or i...r.t.rararahl tli former ami lmi for two d. VI rx dry and ml in tU mrat Inrll"ia about an Inrb In Irngth, awl put In racb hole a nan milon. add a llttl- IfJ-f ni aan. u tha mat Id tb pan. pur half cup of (..Ulna watrr otr It. and roaat until . BMif aiaiut tha roait a IIW M. . - h.ifi.tnt of proam. and almmr ror tboot t rutntitra t-for eorrlng- IMt two (totind of raire llwr In a - ..4 with lvrtlr and Mlt. ra ati. -( ... la-o rtrn.ii ami thr mrdiuni- .1..1 and nut with tha Hrr, . - ihiim itpn max a um- aiit a t" ---- . i lug of atala bnad rmmt'a with I'"' "l In I ha pan with the add a pint or "" n.,. ,!,..! anil nane ior a. ... . . a a I. a. Mil naif hour witiiont inning TaMalrH-. Till Jlaaalaa. It., II tiie taxallHi thirty mlnutra In tnltr.1 watr and drain. Kara rwuly .ui ..kl lmti I""' inrougn ,! anil .nia.lir.l to 'ut the o.aHl. in a IwkliU ln and wver with imiato Jul.. It dot f t-'''T over U. top and make thirty lulnuto In a iul-k ovvn. lll.h Praia Tawater. . .ti.i. .iminar. wiili'h la a "'l ....... .1.... f..rl.atn bV ltlt InotlP, with fire abort b-K. makw dtHlM ioaatrr and holda f lifht " " tf plaiwl on top of the More the bread ' 1 a . aaaaa.ll aallaafl will bat In ttir nnnni-. a ut prerloualy drli-d lu tha ot-u. a...i- o"' ro.-io.. ...... ....i .it. two ixiumui of para irfi iii . . Mied ( i-i'- " '" tored pilddltig !" ""r " run .... by IH.IM-K ' .a ot water and one cup sutler and bnk In a nuHlerala oven. kiai Hiiina One nip of flour, one cup of wrn meat, two tnWr-unonfuU of ". . ' ..nka a thick butter water enon- . (or anr milk l Nttr) I mU t . I (he morning add two tnl.teaimfiil" of roHtwl tititt-r taiKnful -,f whIa. rk 1UCUKO roiio"-. .. nfi..r tlnnl Natlnt llentlng motion abould alwnja bo laat .1 It'la aald that If little N.rai la put InU,. w.terU will nMiKiv. fruit from tha hand 1 . . a into tha water tiaalaalewl. Miaa rtora l'aoa. Jak told BM tb lkr day tbat you wouldn't bll b dad tnon.y raouih to aupoort m unleao b abewfd It lo you. Ha b don Itl I'rodmt I'apa y. dr. Ha prored It by lb tMilnwny of lb rorka. mentary. Thera ara uinny aiwaw-a which tha uiedliln of tba soul la powerful adjuvant In tlia trentmeut of tbo body. Mrltlah MedUal Journal. C'kaaa'B Ml MI-. . "Wall, what are you doing tlierer aaked tha My, addreaalng a traim " had Juat cllmU-d a tree lu time to a rape a aaTage bulldog. "Madam,' replied tha bobo, "It waa . mianiinn I., nak for a liBluliut, but In tha Intereat of huninnlty t now re qurat that you give any aurplu you may have on band to my canine friend down there." I ' iaear.llllaa. Mia AapumUou't jou really be lieve In dream? Ml OHull No, Indeed 1 It 'a auper itltloua and bealdea lt' 'a'0 when you bellnv In them." for It ! waya brlnga you bad luck. I'bllautl phi a Preea. . Mat O.teaalblr. at l... .1.... had a eurloaltr to know what bora mrat to! Il, '" " . ii..a .mi tnir u la r ninviuri. r - - Not aa aurb," emphatically rpona. tk. Hew to Make Yeur Milch Cowa Mora Profitable. Wflta Pwlfle Cnaat Bora. Co., Oak i i i-.i ... "Hiwvatatnl Dalrvina. tauu, 1 . ( - being valuable Intormanon on too nw-i uoditb i a act on or eowa. men I.. an1 eata. the handling of milk to yield tha blgheat prlca product and tha p rot action ana piverrvanuu vii, (mm ilalarlortlon: with artl- .iaa in iliaeaae of BOW1 and roclpea tuT their aura. Tha bcok la frea. A poat card raquoat only la neoeaaary. laleraaalloa. "Paw. what 1 lb 'great white plague' the papera talk about r Baked Johnny. "A olg aoowaiorm. mj am, bl father, waarlly reumlng the tk of trying to find bl front eidalk. .J 7 i - . "&A ;. - i V A 1 0 1 ' VI - I a J'M)fX miMren make life lota brighter and haiipl'r -Vea," atiwred Mr. Rlrlua Barker. "If It weren't for children wa wouldu't have any eimne for going to the dr eua lo aummer nr for fooling with me rhanlral tnya durlug tba bolldnya. Waablngton 8tar. 14 Llakl aa lll.lerr. s The carkling of tb geea bad aaved Rem. ... 1 "How mortifying T eirlalmed the no- man. 'Toaterlty will ft in impreit.ion ih.t a averied dealmrtinn by following lb advice ot lb tret cororr orator V Tb buteriena, bovr, hav oeen rmra fiil lo plre tb credit wber It properly Seloog. X, Heaa far raetlaaa. Orandtaiher crlng tbe turky) Tommy, what part will yoo bart Young 0raoaoo Wll. they' all of ot her, grandpa, but 1 doo't want aa more'o my har. I'll Irav It to you. tVV Ha. "BROMO OUINlNt." .....vt ttnurt OI'IHISL Ltek World otr lo tor a Cold la On Pay. . Of Caaree Ho. "Io you keen a oervautr "So," H'an't you afford toT" "Yea. but that'a got nothing to do with 1L" Hounton Poat rWaTNe? W off' On Hundred DoUar Reward Iw any eaae ol t'aiartk tbal eaaaot b cured by Ha l a Catarrh Cure, p j CMKNKYACO.. Toftdo, 0 ar. .k. aartanlanail. hav kB i f. 1. ior la. f ' . . ' " : honoraoi la an tuwat '"".T, CONGRESSMAN TMOS. CAtt . Hon. Tboa. Cmle. bo elected to eongreaa fiom Alaeka, is well Unownoo the Paclfle alope, wnera ne Ilia Waahlngton auuiea w a W., Waabingtont . - Per una Drag Co., CoWmbua, Ohio. Pemaa a. a ry affk-tM remady for Coot b aed CokK. Thome, tale Hon. C. BUinp, rongreaaman from Virginia, writee: "I b- JV valuable remedy, Peinna, with benefi cial reaultt, and can upbeaiUtingty rec ommend J oar retneay aa an ioyiSv--log tonic and an effective and permanent cure for catarrh.'' Man-a-fin the Ideal Laxative Cheney I parlarll; Mule Team end ananrtalty abla w carry ol any oblige- Uos mad bB ..., .., V. DrnarUU, Toledo.O Ba'I'a Caiarrah Car I k lniarnally, i In dirartly up. th. blood aed muemja ur a! ot lb. irtiam. TeailmoolaU anl In. rriean iwBwrWantil Bold by all Wniatiau. Xak Hail . ranuiy no mm w."a" Thtaa that Had Itelaed Hlal. Kepnrtrr Senator. I have heard tbat you got your tart In lif by welling new paper. ' . tenator Txtmn Not quit correct, my boy. Tb fact la but tbia la confiden tiat. you know that I got my etart by buying one or two nwpper. 20 BORAX. (ample, Book Id. Pnpolari eGf"J'lt'm loc. faclllc Coal Horai o.. Oakland, t l. SPEEDS Va' Porrreb 9v , . I 11- abiaiv.r rry1 la a Clata or iiwa- art ret. p.rmera hTCCOnndeac iBthcmbrcaBa thy know tbry can be relied p em. Iwn'l capcrV. erc! yoerMre- aecdtarnl out by a comcrcniiou ol t.-uetwortby mm. aaad Beaaal far laaV- - KKK. Addnaa aa.rum4Ca.iWi.-a a-v-rrax-rrv T FF.TI iKri lUJttjC. Q KEPT OPES Sel.rilarl Grubber m affeaaaaW" - - PW- .W--a. UY IMPURITIES IN THE DLOOD WUcncA-cr . ao refuse to teal It is because th blood ii not pure and Uoo4 1 uint which bas corrupted and lh clreuUo,,d ' -U MOR8 M-allr ffllctcd vilh old sm nre iht9 !o haw reached or passed m i AIGER UcSt The vitality of U Uood nnd 6trenCUl the .yslm ta ""If LVt n to decline, nncl the Hiaoni rrnus which have wed Ucmm , lxny$s Which hM llilUcrtO ftll I Cl. ' ".7.. a. - . ...... SS.u JOHN S. BEAU. RWa&ure tlleCT. fed and kept PPen py X"C impi . .. " - til tl.alkara. A... ror.Iu. Oregoa v7 . 1 ,! A mptcchI)! than a stubborn, non-healing- aore. The wy f u t that ft resists onli.Tary remediea and treatments b rood reasoa ; I ,3c on the mo cerm-producincr cancerous tilcvra is back every for BUSMClon, 1.1c o"'"" b, .J. . ,,,,- n-. i.iliritnl one. V nsuea, aui vea, bu. v t noCKi . nclthcr will remov- ; mm mm JCWST II Vav Vi are do any penuanent nood ; neither will remov i7n"i1k ineT the sore with caustic plasters or the at Gnt It Bunreon's Vnlfc mnVe a lasting- cure. II HA BOrt VV M V 1 a-ve. aWb a a M lafa M V . toVrow wora. .aawB.O,. ad- ElOOU U Annul (& ;.?tiwd 't . o:"w!LT,J V !! Tho cure must come by a thorough clcans EaUi.r.'ir Vrn'd VWooXr. ing of the blood. In S. S. S. wilt be found WWW"'?''. :? i, ivoin tho a 1 ..I,.--. -f .omv trim! arr( rtt; , -wa- w. ktaV 1' iki.ii mnv mimn v ior lno THOSaOwaac rt If U. PV'ivj . .va - - - no Mtntll r " , i, It lean uneouallcd Wxd purifier one that W..hoot Oew-bave, J"rhA'lS" f." roes directly into i::e circuuuiuu u Gee Wo Tb wall kaova raliabl CHINESE tool ind Icrb DOCTOR i7,, . nM .,d, a nr. wir o J and borl. .! 1ft In. '.9 tiJy li.vwrMl nd la alfc Inu to th wlu but wondar- LWA-ea lul ratraJitia. -HCrea raaiia. Poloa or DrepUscd k. B. B. cured It. Wt TJnioo, Ohio. Il I.IIIT.I.UV. I Vr lrro.Ain, una. liftiimtlUm. rwiia.n.;,iiiiv, tiromptly cleanses it tf ell poisons and i-'JIiaWw"oaa'naiHviv.i.iiia. t vints. It rets down to tha veiy lxttom of A SURE CANCER CURE the trouble and forces out every trace of im- M R.ivd iNj-JUeki-a-ia. Sera purity and makes a complete and lasting-j WTort ark AH.u-rm iWTjtut. 1 11 O Q O the) ounlitV of the UUJkVS AKK lAjiliUU)l'. cure. S. S. S. changes me quality oi consultation hwkh blood ao that Instead of feeding the discasea It yon osukBOi eil. writ itwp" MfcnJt nJ eln-a. parts with impurities, it nourishes the r?$tf4W&$Sr,i?mco. f ..... 1 ln.l f1..ol. r-itli health V blnod. 1 1.11 vi u. (w Uorrlaia. Fonlana. Oraaoa. . . 1 ' 1 .11 .tM an.1 intlammatioili na) Maattoa TkU Pmtar. Ilth.r?beCltoh,liew leaves, the place ac. - u j. , dni 8tore9 IZSZZX&L onS.o-nd and any other tuedica! advice . irtr iha rnK or aavicc. trail desire, wo maito no ciuuB. --"--- PURELY VEGETABLE P. N. U. No. e-oi no cnarjfc 101 . THE SWIfT SPCCIFIO CO: ATLANTA, CJU ar M w-wiaina. n tarl ar41aairai il PUTNAM FADELESS DYES W . iomth.nanvoth.rdva. On lOo package color Uk. wool and cotton equally well 'ritak f -kr fr A hakMlaSA WSSSmXr- AK d. or w. wlU nd nxToUP. Quiucy, T-Unotaa Kvarywhara bow to dy bitMQwU1 a a i aaota t"1 Jt f. til otJattoabl ranan- - Maf-.aWH(.itloamvr: mmaMMam.tomH Cal.