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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 27, 1907)
Aram- CONGRESS Mood Ba sarpaaoed MlNu4trH. tt nmn, sre M it bai bee a, tu ap. Hniill only juel becua. It baa received by actual ermat nor tbaa SXSDS tMttnoatali la two rear. It parlfiee tha bloo. mm all blued die MM, all anmora ud all eraptiooa. - It trMthen th (toaaaca. err aa appetite ao balMe ap th whole trttera. . It emrH thai tired teelUi and Buaea tb wkatm la aaaal liqnld fona ot la chocolated tableta aaowa a SarMtatM. MS dotes st. atorvlr a ruler. ..' Parry (reaeking (or, bla blue panel)) Aaythlng la this story about railway War? Oral Tee font llpea. rM Sa. TiW Aim an an krrra twwi f.l A iiuraa.iellr corad It. UM1 Jtim hm MM ftar t'HKK eairlai botu. en Pettfgrei Says It Is Owned by Big Ccrpcratlcaj. CAM BAD AS TEE OTHERS Railroads War Aided In Stealing Rich Lands In th West Senator Allison Helped. A riuw riiaa-. "Still rootle (or tb Cwrlieie Indiana. rs yea Wbat's th eecret of your toadnee (or tb aobl rd ataa "I'm en tayeelf." "So? Tea don't look it." "1 belong to tb Improved Order ol tan." PHtS CURED IN 6 TO 1 4 DAYS. ratO Q1KTMKST ta tuarenreed to nn n? MM of llrhlrtf. Bliad. jledlr,f or r-rotrudlq run la a to l aa.-a or money rvjunuca. ouc. Jaaaraaeat at reierlt-. Teacher (of night school) It h ' scarcely oufwarj for mo to say tbat Ttn ayaoa rank dwrredly aa on of tb groat of Enflieh porta. ' 8hgy Haired Pufll Sore. Ilt'i tb at maa tbat could rhyme "oaward" aritb "hundred." and aiak it (u. Matten arm Sad Vk WraalaWe Baatftlaa Syrap la krot raraedv toaaefcaTiaelrcaUdma a ma tao learnine panoa. Washington, IVo. . -Ex-8nator Pettigrew, of South lakoU, whoa de feat for K-lrotton was on ol tha things tbat most gratified the lata Hark Uanna, has com out with a floro de nunciation of congress aa a bly, in which ha peraoaally attacks Speaker Cannon. Ild declares that Mr. Cannon aided the railroads to steal public lands In the West. When the charges were brought to Mr. Cannon's attention, ha said: "When I am attacked by a man ol reputation and cbatactet I will de fend myself." "Congress is owned, body and son I, by th corpoiations," is Pettlgrew'e opening snot, continuing, ne save; 'I was s member ol the senate for IS years, and I do not hesitate to say that tha railroads control a majority of the members of tha senste and they own the house. BARE SUMMKR FALLOW. Agricultural Celiac Makes interest ' ' Irg faperlm at. - By A. L. Kaleely, Ongoa Agricultural Culleg In taking a wslkover the fa'tn at the Oregon Agricultural college, looking for in arreting and Instructive object les sons, there may be seen north ot th old tsrn sad just to th south of the path leading to the orchard, an oelot are containing tome very interesting xperlu.ente, , This enclosure eoutains an oblong bos probably tea fe long, thru feet wide and three feet deep. In this box are Installed four galvanised Iron tanks or pots, each holding s prox imately 600 pounds of soil. Keen pot is provided with a drainage spoilt to that all water leaching through th soil in thee pots, may be eel looted and measured and snahaed. Many farmed practice bar tjamnti fallow and the q oration often atls as to tli go d or bad effects arising from this practice). Should th practice of bar summer fallow be discoursgedT It was for the purpot of answering this question that tbete experiment in tb galvanised iron pots were itarted. in ltwo all note were filled with the earn soil thoroughly mixed so that each pot w a Identical with th others. I "TAXIS" MtXD A0KTUrtAJf, Why Refer to Doctors Because we mile medicines for them. We give them the formula for Ayer'a Cherry Pectoral, and they prescribe it for coughs, colds, bronchitis, consumption. " They trust It. Then you can afford to trust it. Sold for over 60 years. " arar1 Caarrr fawatal ta a iiit that aaaaM aa fa avarr awaa. t aava aaa a rr aaal at H (w ara aaaak. aa aoMa. aa I feaaw what a Itlaadta aahlna H la. laaa. aal raaaaiataaa It am alialyaaUB aV voaaa. avraa rata. auaa. flu ay . O. Armr Cm LawaU. alaa anlimra ol vers ttlSAPAtAU tmt. aAtsvNoa, yor'e fine greatly aid the Cfwry Petral In breaking u cola. The Matatml tioaalt. Pa. What whan rail mail oinw wai time parsoj sne puts nave fri are teleavonedr Kamaaea laaaau. at a aaua f I t.aaraa.1 aa.Wll.t) AtL I . 'It! been bar summer fallowed, whilat oth ers hare been growing crops, usually of grain. Tb leaching from each pot during tb rainy season hav been eare- tuliy saved and snalysed with tb result that Invariably th leaohlng from tha bare summer tallow pots can led from two to over sis times aa much nitrogen in 1898 that 1 endeavored dw hching I" h pot that -rtaaBaaa." - "Deah 'me," Vita Mahals, who's da aretl gemmen wot doa' tuk yo' out walkin'r "Dat gemmen I lie's ds one what Is Baa need tub me, UtsUh Jotmalog." Baltimore American. The cows odder is kept in a clean, healthy and smooth condition by watti ng it with borax and water; a tabhv spounful ot borax to two quarts of water. This prevents roughness and eoreneesl claimant t have a law psssed that would pre vent the railroads from stealing the public lands. Finally 1 atcated an amendment to the sundry civil bill which would have operated effectually to prevent the railroads from entering public lands, but Allison and Cannon were both onto their job. "Th bill was reported back to the senate about S o'clock in the morning th last day of th session and it was paeeed. I did not know until after' ward that Allison and Cannon had in terpolated a phrase of a few words. whicH virtually made nugatory the In tents and purpose of my amendment This phrase was 'or any other or psntentee.' Under this or cracked teats which make milking time a dread to the cow and a worry to the milker. ; CaJliaar Kottle A rustic was sitting on the bank of stream when the parson's daughter came that way. Punch gives the con- venation: "Welt, miss, I be fair 'mazed wi the way o' thst 'ere flshermaa, that I be!" said the loafer. ' "Why Is that, Carver r asked the young lady. "The owd foot has been alttln' there fur the last six hours snd hasn't caught notbln'." "How do you know thatT" "I been a-watcbln' o he the whole timer . Mule Team 20 BORAX anpla, Booklet and Parlor Gam. WbU ICe racioc ioaa norax co., uaciaaa, cat. wording the railroads were enabled to enter the choice land ot the West and tbey lost no time In doing it. It was the tame way with the Cnlon Pacific railroad bills. Hunting ton jammed through the house a bill to have the government give op its second mortgage, which wpuld bsve given the read millions of dollars. lie had a clear majority In the seoate and the bill would bsve passed thst body had not some senators talked it to death "It was the earn way with the rail road pooling bill. It passed the house and would have gone through the sen ate had it not been talked to death Th aanators opposing these bills could have had 100,000 apiece to quit talk log. and would have been allowed to vote any way they chose, because the railroads bad enough votes to pass the measure without us." RETURN VIA 8UIZ. ENGRAVING Write Us L PLATES TOR PRINTING HICKS-CHATTEN Oregaw I Pectins' II lA W rrTTt, f fT 1 Walla. Two Sua, Tkraa St. as, aac aaajalatair taark aa taaroalaa ta loar liaiieo rtwa; wai wimaa. IB m aia Ma. fonmi Oraaoai Pick of Evans' Ships to Make Long Ocean Trip. Washington, lec 2i. "The pro gram of the return of the battleship fleet is a matter thst has been discussed among the officials of the Navy depart ment, but as yet no decision has been reached, and will not be for some time to come, says Secretary of the Navy Meteall. The secretary's remark was called oat by a wireless meesage from tb flagship Connecticut, stating that Admiral Evans bad authorized the Ai- eoc-iated Press to say it is his persons! belief that the ary department's pre' ent intention to have the battleship fleet return by way of the euex canal next summer or fall. As the presi dent, through Secretary Loeb, previ oua'y had spoken to the same effect, it seems clear that Admiral Evans' state- SPECIAL HOLIDAY had not been bar summer fallowed. The Bret few weeks of leaching in the fall carry moat of th soluble nitrate nitrogen. Th amount ot nitrogen leached out of the soil in on month in the fall was equivalent to approximate ly 8 pound per acre la soil not summer fallowed and over 40 pound per acre where the soil had been thoroughly summer tallowed. From th plant food point of view bare summer fallow cannot be recom mended Summer fallow aerates th soli, coa serves moistnr and oxidises th organ ic matter of tb soil, converting much ot the organic nitrogen first into ammo nia compound and then into nitrate nitrogen; that is Into form which eas ily leaches from the soil and is lost to the humer, whiltt organic nitrogen does not readily leaoh out of the soil. At times bar summer fallow msy be de sirsble but usually it is to be con demned. BROOM GRASS. Director of Experiment Station Says It Ha Been Overdone. By 11. T. French, Nrortor Experiment Statloa aiuarow, luabo. In response to numerous Inquiries regarding out experience with Brornus inermis, 1 take occasion to present the following brief acconot of the result thus far attained on the experiment sta tion farm. . Broome grass tias oeen growing on the farm in small plats, and in pasture fields, for six or seven year. Where it hss been allowed to stand unmolested it has produced a dense sod, and 00m paratively little growth after the second or third year. Where it has been re-seeded, or the ground disturbed by harrowing, it has made a much better growth. Around the borders of field where th land is cultivated the growth is rank snd eosrset My opinton of broom grass is, tha. it has been somewhat overestimated for general use; but that It hss s place aa a grass to be used in out-of-the-way places, where it can not, on account of the nature of the soil, form a dense sod each a place would be found on stony iana, or rocky hill side. It will produce one or two good crops on farm lands, then it should b either plowed op and a crop of grain taken off, or else given a good discing to pre vent its lorming such a denes sod Tbia grass, like most of the others, will do best on rich moist land; but at the same time will withstand revere "I suppose the paawngers so star."" Baltimore American. BEST PREGRIPTION CAN BC IASIIY MIXED AT HOME AND CURES RHEUMATISM. ftat Drctlens to Mat and Tab Thai Slmpk Ham Mads Mttrure Makes Kidneys Titer Out Adda. When an eminent authority an jooaoed in the Soranton, Fa., Time that he had found a new way to treat that dread American disease, Itbtuma tlsm, with lust common, very-day drags lound In sny drug store, the pay tic tans were slow Indeed to attach much importance to hi claims. This was only s few month ago. Today nearly very newspaper in the country, even the metropolitan dallies, are announc ing it and the splendid result achlev J. It is so simple that any one can prepare it at bom at small oust It I mads up as follows: Oet from aay good druggist Hold Extract Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargoa, on ounce; Compound Syrup narsaparllla, three ounces. Mix by shaking la a bottle and take In teaipoonful doses after each meat and at bedtime. These are all almpl Ingredients, making aa absolutely harmless home remedy at little ecst. Rheumatism, as every on knows, I symptom of deranged kidneys. It is a condition produced by th fallni of the kidney to properly filter or strain from the blood the uric acid and other matter which, if not radicated, either In the urine or through the skin pores, remains in the blood, decompose and forms about ths Joint and museles, csosing the natold suffeiing 'and de formity of rheumatism. This prescription is said to be a splendid healing, cleansing and invig orating tonic to the kidneys, and gives simost immediate relief in all forms of bladder and urinary trouble and back ache. He also warn peoDle in a lead ing new York paper against tha dis criminate as of many pa tan I medi cine. oath Aaaerteaa Taloe ol Marvelea Bird Hatisea, Prestdont Huosevelt Slid Mr, Bur- roughs are needed at one in the south' en part of South A merles, fur even in that distant region utn "nature faker" Is appearing, with uou to say him nay. In a recent number of tb Itevteta d Jardln Soologtco d Bueuo Aires sr a number of short srtli'le by tb director of the garden, Slg. Cle ment OimIII. One, dealing with tb habit of birth of prey la geuersl, reads, after tranalatton, ss follow, lays tb New York Post; "Our privateer aow turn his vll y on a dssed group or uiti cuua eua. and toward them hs direct bis Sight The anxious mother succeeds In covering all save on, which, petrified with terror, gives pitiful little 'plo plo,' but Is glued to earth by ths gleam ing and fasclnstlng ayes of th pi rat bird, which drop Ilk aa arrow, and. without so much putting foot earth, eerrlv off the unfortunate chick, "Many time bar I seu this seen repeated, I bsvs even seen hawks tb power of their gas stun render immovable a chicken which tbey had selected their victim. Therefore cannot doubt that th gas of thee re parlous blrde has a hypnotic power, snd Indeed this sgree well with th popular belief, current In the province, about tb little owl, It I said that tbia llttls tyrant doe not even take the trouble to hunt It food, but tbat from th branch of a tree, by means of its cold and Insistent gas, It lure Into It talons th trembling victim of Its choice. Perbsps the heron possess ths same hypnotic power, tbelr ey producing tha aama dlaacrveable sensation SS too of reptile. Their method at th margin of the water, which at first eight seems to ms toe earn a that of tb patient flabenusn with hi rod, re sults In a very different harvest. The aeberman often waste hi time, sine th Dab do not car to be converted Into a savory dlab for tb table. Mean while the heron, after two or three minute ot absolute Immobility. Hs evil sale fixed on the water, Invariably rap tures It finny prey. "I have seen a greet gray beron sur prise s dove in tb earns manner. Tb dov seenied to me to fell asleep un der the gaae of It tormentor, and Utile by little to sink to th ground under the wetxbt of thst steely look. Th poor victim came to Itself too latex Alast tbe strong, cruel beak bed pene trated Its palpitating side." Argentina I a progresslv country, These taloe fairly utile th wore of our own "faker.'' WB&VB ment was not snraested by any definite the opinion prevail.-, that tit motfc onlyl n ti-j. -t. a-, u-u fi . annaJaA. .ftmn-iJ - - " I Wi ffHJCK VOTUJ U TO. ISO Villi aa wvj wautuai wui); .jvaj vj geisvaj TTDWJiaf ggeT tbe voyage to the Pacific shall bsve demonstrated to be "tbe pick of tbe fleet." will be sent through the Sues canal, while tbe remainder will take the shorter route around tbe Horn. Only One "BROMO QUININE." That ! LAX ATI Vg BROMO Qt'tMIifK. Look w wi. uHKurf 01 a. w ukov a. UaM tba "ww war to vura a tola le one Irey. 4m. Cerleeltr T notice yoo are prematurely bald," ibsirvad tbe Inquisitive paaaennr. "liar I ask bow you loat your bairT" "I loat It by doing too much bottles Into other people's sffalra," answered th eteer naamena-er. Cares Wafla Vaa WaaV. M.I alcivra vita a or4ar for Kt at va will aid jroa a PMDitrai nHo aa. Urvn..t at wm. framed in a haad- H. rraaM Itka ma. oataiaa aiaawira o' fr.MiM 15.1 i nr.M h all kia'aof VMaralaa aad kodak Dm.ama. naa u. fonr II nfl la ba da vrloead aod fiaiatMtd. fee aay iwtara acav &E0.K. 5TR0JC lii W. rark SL rerttuat Qtrai I er the grass or hay mad from it if it is lent early. m WW KNOW THE VET WEATHER COMFORT AND PROTECTION afforded by a iV 'rssw Sucker? Clean -Light Guaranteed .Waterproof 3oo Everywhere a j iv-wc. ca aaraw u , . Makes N.w World Record. Ban Antonio, Tex., Dec. 24. A. Toepperweln today completed a ten days' shooting series daring which he shot at 72,600 targets and missed nine. This breaks the world's record both ss to nomber of targets shot at and the number missed. Mr. Toepperwein closed the exhibition in- whirlwind fashion, shooting at the final 6,600 target and missing only one. Toepper wein need a 2Z-csliber sotomatic rifle snd tbe blocks were two and a hslf inches thick snd were thrown at a dis tance of 20 feet from the marksman. C Gee Wo Taa wall kaowa reliable CHINESE keel sad Berk DOCTOR iHl sBtvlt) ft lift) SJt.rJf Of I ro Kg arid lirtM, and In thw I oWtjtiy diexvrad gut Is mlt ' ltiat to th worisl km we&m I f ul rwiratl. Hm Urtmr, Poisom r Drurs Utotf li Cme$ Urn groetriuitaMM to Cur Vmturrh, iMhtua, Lnnm inroai, tthvunaiuii, rtervouatnnsai. nrvoug im.ihtr rjHiBjKD.iiivBT, av 1'ixury 1 rvaiMeaa tviao xai xaf gtf FmuI WsHtkn'MS sad All Frit IKswmm. A SURE CANCER CURE Mat tcceived from Pcklnv, CMeeSafe. gen mwm ncviaoMB. IF TOTT ARK AKLKTTKn, IOrVT tXAT. ' CONaSUUTATIOrM PRBB tf torn eaajMit call, wrtia for araipcaa blaaS aadalfea .. lar- Inriiym i cm. la ataai tm. . TWKO. OKR WorHIKMtatKIiKnJnsCO. Ml tlruei St.. Cor. Morriaoa, ronlaad, CiaaraL Flaan ataatiaa Thai Papar. Preparing for Strucgl. Sacramento, Dec. 24. In this city there are indications that the Southern Pacific railroad will not siirn an agree ment with the blacksmiths, machinist or other department of the rail read's (hops, snd that it is prepsring for s prospective strike. A stockade eight feet high, topped with barbed wire, is being built and in the enclosure a bunkhouseCO feet long and 40 feet wide is finished, snd a dininc room. cook houee snd outbuildings are going np. 11 is (relieved tbat nonunion men will be cared for inside the stockade. Fruits of Grand Jury, Helena, Mont., Dec. 24 Amongl me Z7 persons indicted by the Federal grand Jury yesterday, two were made puDlio today with the arrest of O. C. Dallas, chief clerk, and J. D. McLeod. at tbe head of ths survey department in tne omce 01 the United States sur veyor general in this city. The indict- Publications on Farming. Ths following publications of interest to farmers snd others bav been issued by tbe Agricultural department of the rederai government and will be fur nished free, so long as tbey are avail able, except where otherwise noted, upon application to the Superintendent of Documents, Govern men t Printing umce, Washington, V. C: farmers' Bulletin No. 48. Irriga tion in Humid Climate. By S. H, King, professor of agricultural physic, college of sgricultnre, University of Wisconsin, and physicist of the Wis consin agricultural experiment station. rp. it, nga. 4. Treat ol the neces sity, advsntagee, and methods of sup plemental irrigation In humid region. Ciraular No. 65 .Irrigation From Upper Snake River, Idaho. By H. G. Raschbacher. Pp. 10, figs. 1. Circular No. 87. Investigations of Irrigation Practice in Oregon. By A. P. Stover, Irrigation Engineer, irriga tion Investigations, office of experiment stations, j'p. 30, figs. 4. ' Croaaaoe) Orators. Cook together a tablespoonful of bat ter and one of flour, and wnea they bobble pour upon them a large cup of cream er very rich milk, to which pinch of baking soda ha been added, and a gill of oyster liquid. Stir In smooth saoc, lay in th oysters, m sob with salt and whit pepper, and cook until tb flges Just begin to curl. then potir In gradually, stirring sll ths time, two well-beaten egg. Cook for only half a minute and serve. alien a root-Eaae la a canal n aura for hot. eailM, callu., a4 twoll.o, arhlmlaaT Solrl Or all bruaaiau. i.SlTr. a" '- "r a&tz -, . w7, w. a. Vaelo A Ilea. "I used to think." Merred Uncle Al len Sparks, "that it took all klnda of people te make a world, but I sometimes think nowaday that tb worli would b just aa eomrAets without tb man wboa liver Is slways out of order snd who s wsya want you to knew it" Stat at Ohio, City of Toledo I LnNifjinnt. tea. Frank 1. rhaney aiakae oath (hat he la cantor oria r, J. minor 4 Co., flotoa buelaerala t beCltv ol Tnlarlo. (:,. .vi a,.,! . .."'I mm. arm win pay loeaum Of OKK ilDNDKKD DOLLAkH InTaaVkT VJ3 . ... "BAUK 1. CHgWgT. ' m w wTHirrB. ano ituimrjarj in rn. ..m. euee, iblesth day ol December A I. lar (Seal.) w- aukirm. Hall'i Catarrh Cnre titakaa ...A WUdlreirtlyopon tbabloKl ani rauroueaur- 01 toeareiani. nana rortaeitmonlale free. aM k. .11 i..,i.;.v;. - lak Ball's Faully fllla for eorutlpaUoa. We know as "talking wster" Th greataet bobs a-hat la. Too long, by half 1 Tbe stuf ws aaaS When wealthy is "obla Has." Puck. Oermany hs 40,000 poetoBWs. Borneo hold tb record for moequl- toe. Tbe dally consumption of pen I oWO.OOa One hundred and fifty Bremen are employed on some of the great Araert- caa liners. , Germany's populstlos Is Increasing more rapidly than that of Oreat Brit ain or Franc. Of th entire population of Odessa 5 per cent of the males and 89 par cent of tbe femsles are Illiterate, There has been a revival of th haling Industry. A few years ago the annual death bad dwindled to 100. Between Jan. 1 and Nov. 1 the fir toss of tb United State ws $ttV 706,300, compered with 142-MOOtfOO In the same ten months of lOOfl. In th lsst ten years tbe iivrres of price In Germany wss 39 psr catut for cereals, 27 for animal products, 00 for textile, 00 for mineral products. Olsagow was visited by great dark- t noon th other tley. Street lamp were lighted snd shops hsd to witch en tbe electric light The dark ness wss ss black as night Autogenous welding Is successfully applied by Robert Hopfeldt, a German electrician, to the soldering of alumi nium wires, a direct union of alumini um wtth aluminium being readily obtained. Stimulated by tbe measure of suo- attalued by Zeppelin In Germany, snd tbe army snd private experiment ers la Englsnd and France with diri gible balloons, a German electric firm in Berlin announce It readiness to construct airships for mttltsry use for sny nation that applies. At th annual dinner of the corpora tion of Ilsnley now councillors, In so cordanc with custom, drsnk chsro- psgns from a glsss a yard long. Those who did not succeed in finishing tb draught hsd tbs remainder poured down tbelr shirt front by two stal wart cup besrers -Loudon Evening Btsnaaro. . ,t , Habitual f.Hlk Ne. S27 W wr-uinr to a4rTtlem plaawa If raaaUaa tbia yaaar. Make a paste of the whit of on snd th yolk of three eggs, one ounce of sugar, on ounce of butter, a placb ment alleges forgery snd oonsDirscv to of d enough sifted flour to make defraud the government of the United into a paste. Work it lightly roll out Stales. Both are well known citizens I to tb thickness of a Quarter of aa of Helens." - I Inch on a floured board. Lin som patty paas with it fill with uncooked 8nstor Mallory Dead. I rice and bike In a moderate oven until Penraoola, Fla.. Dec. 24. United I done Remove the rice, fill with any States Senator Stephen R. Mallory died fresh berries or fruit sprinkled with st 2:68 yesterday morning, after sn ill- sugar. A spoonful ef whipped cream ness caused by a general breakdown on en top of all ts a nice addition. Pro No ember 20, with Mralygl ol th left sarvaa or lam mar ha tiaad when freah id. , I fruit are not in aaaaon. Constinalioa May he permanently overcome!, proper wjWval efforts withtKe osststanco hfthe otH? Ituly betwilctal laWive remedy, Wo A fjg, 0rU DutrefSmn, wri irn onililoa nna tn v. I habits dflUy so tjwt dwoefo na t"18 may w graJuiiljv' dispeoWwith vvfien no lorijpr ncedctl oi the best of remedies.wliin mjutrerJ, are w aisT nature ana not to lunnlintlko af., ol functions, wriich must dermj ulfi malclv upon profier oourisKmtint, orooer ettorl ami riOhl litine Ooll To get its benoficial effects, oIms buy the genuine Tbe Beaalitr Maa. A New Yorker who does Us bit of "globe trotting" tell of two odd r Itrie that be ssw In theVlHtors' book I of a fashionable resort on tb Rhine. A rew yesrs sgo one of tbe Paris I members of tbs Kothschlld family hsd I registered as follows: "B. ds Parts," It so chanced that the next visitor to i inac-noe bib nanre to in oooK waa I Baron Oppenbelm, tbe baslior of Co- logne, and he wrote his nam beneath Rothschild's la tblg wis: "o. d 0 togne." - ,.. .. ,,, Ji roewiujactoreflbtth California Fio Srrnup Co. oniy m ua wpjwftffipnS fwtj? A Bjeaallfal Tratb. . ' "Mother, oh, mother 1" chirped tb young fern! sparrow, "why wss I not created beautiful Ilk th otiol and tb cardinal r "Daughter," ws tbs soleras reply. "rejoin that you were not Which would yon rather b-brown and eat ing worms, or red snd plnnsd to on of these flerc .fall bats?" ;ier eland keadsr,. '"' f ' ;J tf Ats AAvaaiaaa. - . "I'; what special sdvanUn la ther ta bering rtchr ' , 'Well, my boy, all men have the rla-ht I of appeal, but only tbe rich man cao afford it." Detroit Free rreas, FEB AND KEPT OPEN i&Y IMPURITIES IN THE DLOOO Wlirnever a sore refuses to Leal It it Wcanso th Hood is not t,r a. a healthy, at it should, be, hut l Infected with rrolsotjoua Retina tvnt blood taint which ha corrupted au4 polluted th circttlnllon. Thoso ino nsually afillcted with old sons gra trroni who hav rcMhed or fiastwj mij, die lif. Th vitality of tlio blood o4 gtrengtU ol th ytem Lava naturally begun to decline, and th poisonous cmti which hav accumulated becsus nf a aliifrtrhth and Ittactlv condillott ut th system, cr som hcmlitarv ! which has hitherto been field id check, now tore aa outlet on th .ice, arms legs or other part of tho body. Tb t1itc prowa red end onpry, fester and eat into tba surroundlux tissue until it becomes a dirotitc mid stubborn . - . - iT. .t.- .11. wilt. . .. I.l.t 1 . . . nicer, ica anu tijiv pm vj iiupantiw " v amva - u atuuratdl, Nnthlnr ia mora trvin and dlaarnveabU than a tuuborn. tion-lieallnrr a Th very fort that it resist ordinary rented ie and treatment ii pood reasott fur suspicion: tha sama cerm-prtxluclna; cancerous ulcer is back of every old sore, snd especially is this true if th trouble h an inherited one. Wsshcs, salves, uor indeed anything; else, applied directly to t'i sor, cart aa an y pcTinnurm gwra nr uurr will rctuov , - .i. A hI.v a uta a aaaf at Srat but It surreon's knii tuak lantlnir euro. If TTiX&Vlt ViSSS every pvikU of tho diseased flesh wer ajarwiett about it aad eeaealted taken awuy another soro vtiuld com, be. loarow worae. I aaw .at, S. a4- BIOOO CAMNOT BC CUT AWAY. aaplafly eorjd. "Mf Woed 1 ng of til Wood. In A. 8, 8. Will U Ztn VlfSJSlS. nol a reuiedy for sores , and tiUcts ct cmy BOW baa a aay aivrt ef tb sot elaue s. a. a. suraa it. West traloa, Ohio. A thorourh cleans. found kln.l It is art unequalled blnod purifier on that goes directly into th circulation and promptly cleanses it tf alt Hitikms snd taints. It (re's down to Uio very bottom of tbe trouble and forces out every trac of m purity and makes A complete and laniing cure. S. fl. 8. changes th quality of tb blood so that instead of fceillug" th diseased parts with impurities, it nourishes tba irritated, inflamed flesh with healthy blood. Then th soro brclns to heal, new flesh is formed, nil pain and Inflammation a a a sr an A SL.. )a Sat. as a - - leaves, th plac scab over, ana wuen a. o. a. a irarium ma 1.1004 in sore is permanently cured. 3. & S. is for sal st all tint class drug store. Writ for our speewt book on sores and ulcet and any other medical aUvkt fm dealt. AVo coako no charge for the book or aJvUe. naf SairttY SWa-rrrM aA'T Asnra t!M- eeaa. ev ware aea awtriv w ww niMniaa eaaaar PURELY VEGETABLE tteforraatlea. "Geoffrey," tba said, seal Hag rloaer te m, "mamma iblaks you're a bit wild sad bulaieroua. You're not, are year 'Ne, love," asewered Geoffrey. "I d te be, but I'm aot aow, To rw tell your Btaaxos I null playing tb syl pboo leug x-" la ttaaeaw. Uom did you make out oa yeur run through Kaoaaar qtierW tlie friend. Pretty rough," rvHled tbe motorist "Cyrlou came along and carried the marblue Into tbe belt county at tbe rate of sixty mll-a an Wtir." "Whewl fW-t you wer sboriedr "Well, I ebmtld say so. While 1 was picking myself out of th mix-up and counting the brule constable cams along sod art-rated me i t speeding." The coarh I abUb tba Ixr4 Waior of Ioodoa rldva) oa state on-aaietu baa bee la aa alace 1797. . Soraeiblo Man lateroallaa Th eld darky ws having bis syes IMted for glaasv. After tbe oruiut bed put up several cards of lloma letter, whl.b tbe negro vainly sihImiv orxl to call off curna-tly, be looked over at tb oculist and akd, with SUM disgust t "Whar d'ua la look In' st den) tings!" "With tbtia I'm trying to find tut bow far you can am distinctly," re turned the eye iwlnliat, "Wsl." dm-lre4 tb old dsrky, aa SStlaOed, -dry sln'l truth tryln' f n,B.t stit. Put up er wateruilllloa. Bob. Btlaa. . ' Kb ef lb . InSueatial rarl.blooer ltnr, wbea e you start up tb work aalnT Tb Iter. Ir. rarttily tw:tk freal setrarlty)lMla r,k-e will be reaa4 Bit SuoJay Morning, ilr. li(worky, st II 'ebvk. "aawaaanam ..a ,, 1,1,, 'lh Kind You lUvei Always llontrht lina Mr,,r it.. .iM.. ture) of ttuta. II. t-'lrU-lirr, and lin been made) tiudrr hi jH-raortal supervUlon for over HO jeeirs, Allow no one. to drnvlv you In this. , Coiintrrf.-lt. Irutlatiott a it a t. Jl,,.".lT.'YKf . "",t ndanger tho beiUth of ChUdren-iaprlruce aKaluat KsiteriiueuU What Is CASTORIA Castorlis la a, tutrmlea aubatltute for Castor OIL lrw gorlf, lropa and Hoothlng- Hyrtipa. It U I'lr-aaeVnU It contains neither Opium, Slorphino nor othr urootta uhsunr). lu air Is Us gtivrt.t. It drtroya Worm and adlava I everi.hne. Ut cure DUrrlxra and Wind , z ,1. r,,l,re Jet-thing; Trouble., cure Con.ilpntlon arid Huttilritcv. It tho Food, rrgutoua tlto Htonwrh and ltowrU, giving liealitty and nalurwi alocp. . Tho Children's lauacv-TUo Mtititer's Frioud. The Kind You Hare Always Bought nears tne Bignatnre of SaW SBSr SW AT aaraaaaaaaaWraWaaFr aW aW J In Use For Over 30 Years. . V avaaa. araaae, an , The best in the land is not always the most costly. BAKING POWDER '23 Ounces for 23 Cents Jsthe result of modern Ideaa. Costa csDcttcrwork. You must "y niuscc, uet a can on triaL x ' wuang win be vastjy better, "6 tasuer or we pay UttMAMft' anl for the can. Jaque Mfg. Co. Chicago. I nriifnii a r BaWB Baafoa U 1 A- 1 $3.00 & $3.50 8HOE3 ,V"B fiBa,tHots ton tviav mimsi orZJ? 9 avs ai. -.--'-"'"wiiitjr msii.ngw I fir iterS: ahnai laaa. ..r v ,'!,''"" waa tau in um rmt.ton.Mi aa.i luiaeiwy, ittnivefyUarby ruaiUUleiu In,. W. L. Oeaghia, Ureckta affef ml auty mrtom. .aniiwfi on iHifiuui, i 4