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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1908)
w. r 1 1 THE OREGON St Helens, Oregon, January 3, 1908. 1V11P no. t. Vol. XXV ... . I a., all ti Mb. n. ad,... or h. w. Mi una ... i i tit i nraM mnoi Klin j inc .... - new year by .luring ige -- -r7 German-American I. nut lurni. tnsainir ii - ' .. . u..i ,1n ........ v... u.,.1, I. u, take over III Urekon oa.a largest, cheap.., J H -; u.,, lU.t no.dy I. .0 SS I .rally read paper published In Columbia mm. ,,...,. .lohe v; - ...... -.r.j.M I .. .. . i ..l.t.,.i lor I low uni"""! - ' i fc. C,M""y' . " r 7 ' Zw.Zk .h. .Ill be uuhsppy. ,. --- Itwrnlv-SX years anu K . .. . . .... .. I ' .". . . - ..I li. I Xt N. I.. CastUlaV. 01 tue a i Li n.w vcm. i.uuv noucc ?, - "-" - : .;..... .Mud hi. r.ik to Rom. Column. coumv or 'r.. I.' i. .1.. .1-. I i. hu.bend. Mr. and Mr., ...... ... I .uu... M.iiiiir ttwntm 11 wikii 1 iptw.s - Ml- u,rylMmkUUvi.lll..grivr lllU count, or o jo,.l CUrk. of thi. city, thi. week, Ulhtociiy. th. Columbia river between Portland and sending New Year's l.y luem. M, mtil Mrs. Jame. Hheldon ii" A . dort m,t teem so very long Mr Christopher C. Marker, pmiueni New Year's Hay r''" JOINT INSTALLATION Interesting Ceremonies and Ban quet Last Friday Night RA1NI1 The school meeting w. i week ago Uttt Bsturday antly omitted from thet our lst Issue. Mr. A. L dent of the board, called order st 2 o'clock. Af ie. inn . motion U made an a (our mill Us be levied f 1 'IS .... t- la til- C r tO St ill Ig aS .. .id . or Antorm. 11 aon n 1 air. v v- .... ....1 ... it., rli.iiira that have taken I .1,. p,nlnula Lumber Company, pif 1 I sist J " - -- -- vi ..I . l.M.tan I . . . t sl..M i..1rinl 1 , t. ..i.n.iu Ints-fMlA It. Ullf a. a mivai i . . ijiwi hhu .---- la.i ui- rai 11 tit ill K ipw -" I bbjiih. II aa - ...nt'fhrl.tma with rUlive at Rainier ,.or(Ull,i WM ,),en an III kept country . . t... I ,.. . .1.1.. ii..i.iu.I .inwtcar avt- Mr Claude Jon s1" " village. w . , . j .rfc'wkM are vUillHK relative. l ten., uoclectrk llgbla. and alKiutaagood o t,.n.l.Hi. are LlwW a. Rainier ha. toUy. Vel. Helena. 1 .1.. rivrr made It a , lnui ev.rl day. -.,--. wth .lltt..p- retailve. In IVrtlantl. . thrreunto brlonalng. and It l'.rcv C.erfe and mil spent a ww 1 ,,M,,i..r.!v (uf anyone to attempt ..... ti - nwi.w'1 1 ww-.-. - day. tlila ww " - l0 p)l(Ce , limit upon hi-r growin or cc- merclal gre-tnes.. mm.,.. v, ttUW thoM oay. ni a .m....... . 1 tweotynve hundred. Now It has over tlHH.aa.ul. St. Jl.en. . .. . r .h. Review. In the 1 - ..! Ih aawm 111 Ml lUlt I " " ...I. ill thl. litV. ....1 m t. Warren Qiikk tnl ChrUaw. week with Mrs. Quick', parent. .1 iklUa. I'olk County Mr, si, ntH.."i - WUH.O - - - county, died on board s train on hi. way to the Kaat. Anyone having money to loan will do well tocommunlcate with Ceo. W. ogle, ol Rainier, a. he ha. several loan, that can be made at Irom one to three year on good firtt date real euie stcuruy. ru. mortirauea bear eiitbt per cent. No ,.DN to oerson furnishing the money. I I have money to loan on approved W. H. POWELL, St. Heitn., Oregon Mrs. M. Rleh.rd.n, of Pmtl.n.l. t. prlnclH town and the aawm .Jer l.,gherW. l. W. Hkk-rt-a. n ltte. .un IT;. I.rT I.K v? I"- thi. MM. at the St. Helen, scnooi . . s I a . -..l.U.I.ttaHf 7liW 11ICTV NfV I - Count, Court is ,1. - a - - u burning ou. U rpriaed . V nrvsa. The tun pnK'' t - - ' ....-i-, ,1.11- in read in unaer t -naimer Ctl in tl MUt. '""" '"" J. .15 ..- Rainier ha., new school build- " ...1.. 1 . . . 1. .iula iMiiriiiiti isaai usaiirsi 1 - --- . levied S five mill . " "TT. " ".... .ki.l.. in and an excellent on, bnt the p.ciure v ti 1 vie J a iiv - v . ., ..... - - , . , ih,ereelt Wrfl.over ui . 1 a :., ul -oa.1 ts -ml rl",::L Zi ther. Ihey rested until the . last week". Kv.-- at.uct alwot H.ttM ' . u. v0- there are it. wad ...iiii....r dollars Invested In camps and Christmas in Columbia County sppear. O, 0. VsnSat.s. s prymlnenl i..n. , nJ , , horni bliVC bcu very generally olerveu .1. .... ..... .... i.t 1. . Miitt I aa a .... . ..r.. .1 ... ........ i. Kt. mn 01 """ ; . I4111I tits UMM'iuo"""1' m 1 00111 iur v..-. the I.Miily l his .u. J. W. VanNatU.ol r fuldwln locomotive and lw ,lc,cn, ibere were numcrou. tree cele- W.,rn In those eood olil Uvs ..,,!. in t he homes, wttUequios a Bum- ,...i,....i,u Counlv wilt lv state Uses I u.. Umeht the townsita ol celebrated with relative, m otuer . .... ii.,.. mm, ... .1 . . ... v... fr. I v. - . . Mrt a much Ui the am -n ol fli.iw". "r I Rainier lot less tuan yo ww...v i,wn. 1 ' - iwv now for a single mlUsite, n " ii,(r tnilo llwn uwisi. m s - 1 . .-i-.L.U w..lh tl.l.. .... ..... .1..- rrrll better stock.- tlinvliitf cny iiue " . . . n..t.i .n.l I . . n. .h-i. .iL.nt.inff at the borne bank, buslnewi nouw.. nr..-. . A nuwocr u.u - rr -- , waterworks can ba who lutneno na . ..I. u ... 1 ... 1 . . . J bran upon tlie map. iiouuon 1 uxmry 10 i w in existence, snd tus Wg. l.moer npo the S.PP" strip, ss a rule, came oowu to within a strort dlsunce of the bay. A "cow was a cow" In tlwwe good 01.1 nays and notwly cared a ban forin petligre. b u.Uti. Indire No. 32. A. P. and A. M., snd Mlxjnh Cbajrter, Order of the Eastern Star, held s Joint In.Ullation st ...... ... - f . V.lA-m the Masonic Hsu m mi. cuy . ioa M, Burnt: In the presence ol sooui seremj ,... .... . , members snd invited gue.U. The in- .Ulliog officer.were Mr, t.. u jonn fl week. on t. for the Star, snd W. I. roweu . Tu M.-. '.JS T- we i sS SnTsnd advise shal. The work of both orders was well a high praise from th. JtZ victor.. Alter.... lh.t u WM no ,.0U of ti. was .pread in the lower hall, by the llies of tb. Star, the bill o far. - M.,ro.rt turkey, b..,led nam. cases, M lea cream. coee, Wl.t if children we,, and orange, .11 '.Laduatlon at U.S pro,W , relishes. It wa. a most decided gsstr.. u. nomical .uce-snd rejectee grea creou . npon the. slewsr..., mc-r.. v-.. Muckle snd E. H. sgg. rr- f - nd Inner nw-n snd aM" '""7 teacher, be not .Mowed f Mli.Oed the newly Installed Master, Bro. Asa Holladay, called for short talk, sno ... responses by. number of the The sud.c.t, snd nerve o: -a members. Including llros. w. ... ro. .. --- . C. Watu, I'rincitail Bylana, muk - . . . . . ..1 c-.r.imii. liifion lt tfundar morumz t uii-m. . Rainier scnoci ana iniin . - .floru wre ml to induce some of the Unreh. was the an sbsorb ., , p c oa MiestoUlkbuttbevseemedtopreerto v"--- rerve their flow of language tor ----- .:- .Z,, consumption. To the regret olall. rton. "V"' ' Dean Blanchanl. Marter ol the Kamier - o..- : . . Lodue.whowaeoneoftbe visitor., wa. lVmisaioa was given s... .U..rer . ..i .. . .liM Wl.nosition to eulogixed the sermon, mid ve a very , is .. t1nJ. 1't.e.s ait IM.ria)IIM tat. 111 . - at he I., nd ey 1 rs lot .Id cet lo.t ter . be ... -ua- leave for home during the ceremonies. installation k.i ...,.r- ili.n Urt year. As our valu ation h-. Neu .rrblcd the average Us navrr w.ll i"v ! than Ut year Por8l Cheap-One lyton comput ing stale with turnlablr, one grocers coKrc mill, one ehee 1 sod knlle. one suty g4tlon oil tank and pump, one dorea square caudy rs. Iniuire of L. 8-rlt. Rainier, twe .tlirr llrt. daiighier of Ovaries R. ml Mar e Hrt and grauddaughler ol . 1.... . iLuon. ol Warren, died at Portland ou A ednesday last and will t -..i-.i u'-rrcit t. morrow (AilutdayJ, funnel Vrviies being Iwtd at the Warren H. K. church at II a. ui. A letter Irout MU. postmarked le-cemla-r 31th. was received at this otlke ) 2h. The ClatOianle t mark is t. dim to b rrad. We don't 1.. k l.,u it serins as tl three days was raltu-r lo If"" ,l,e etwlrm vallry to the county "t Mr. l-rel Vivim. ol Cotumhis City, la at the l'"d Samaritan ltMi "l Portland, sullerlng Irom lrtit lrslyi. Mr. Vivien U a ol St Helm fcalge .A. K. it A. M . and it would rloiiMlew Pie smi him U have any ol hi. hrollmrs lr..m t ..limit U County ifive him a -all The A'l-Oreg'K. Prult Show take. ,.Ure in 1'urtl.iud on Tuesday ntid V el- Us. iKU.rv llth ml IMh. (he j.iiViiiji ivi I 1 d..ue by a govemmrnt . o,'! e .-mi,1 tint Colnm bM-o'i n he ie;-.ri-entid tl ' ir. .... cvl. '. I "I live N thero Spy The Taxpayers of District No. 3 Levy a Special Tax of 1 142 Mill.. t have money to loan on good security. LEOPOLD Uli i wi. Ysnkton. Ore. Mr. Nelson Plnckoey, of Csrico. Is cir- ROAD MEETING. ofm. wellknown .tr.m awi 1 " - - - Leuuture shall , Cunihi. Cr,V , a. the theUg been mslnUlnol in competition with the l the L'nlied flatcs. 1.1 many KW H'V other ways Columbia Cownly Ivas pne gresd-in its school. Its cuurvnea iU social life. The Mi.l lariieve. u 1 . 1 .1,1. lattor in this tirouress.and that it may tie able to increase It useltil- ..... ....1 .oread the knowledge ol t.oium Wa Countv's great resource., it .lielt your support snd assi.Uncs. IMKP-At her home in Portland, on lvcm!cr;,'Hlh, Mrs. Ada Allen Holcomb, motlK-r of Mm W. B. Uillsnl of thi. ettv, aued M years, Mine months and eleven dav. The luiier .l took place on Monday la-t, iiilermeiit Iwlng in River v.ew cemetery. Mrs. Killard was Mrs. illolcomh'.outy child and. during her last dav, she w t in slm.Mit constant at ,,nd.ince at hi r mother's ltltdc. Mrs. HiYnnihwai a trcqnent visitor to St. Helen and had m..nv scqnalntttuce. In jthiscntuniunity t. ii.-,.re 1'errv Its sold to the Port- I "J I ' I hv do powrr Ui tuf nd it in wy P' . t:a la 11.. licular nor 10 repeal or moony . .. an to remain cxcluaiee.iT i .... -...1 voters of the Stats One of the-e petitions ha. been left at, where .hose desiring to uo it. . Rainier's Waterworka The Wa-er Commissioners of Rainier have ju.t revelved the Sefilkstions from the engiueer for the waterwork. lor ihis ciiv. They consist of elahtsen pages to.Tllim with seven pugesol uir .1... ma to the contractors. ..-. .... The coiuiuitsioner. resetve the rlgut to rejrd any d 'l o11- The die lr the completion of the work l May 1st. 1'.. Work iiKft tam w lO.ln ten days from ll. tiuio I'l l is nvwpted bycouimlsion ef. e.... ..,.l.- r ...Hat furnish buiidi to J. l.V . v.... cent ol Die i . .1... isl mouth over tl.-nin iimt o( thil'.v por l.iU'1 no..:" ' 1 - - 1 , . i ninety dollars worth ot egg rom .0- .!. .. u,. - . - ' ll.,rre.l livmottllt KiKi Hen. ,H ' The ,tHV.,l erv.ees at the M. Kclm-.-h . . ' ' i. ...... cent. ......'. rwk. 1.. ..,...,. 1 nt H1ml.1v wer. well ittieivl-1 The nftirtiiti l") . . - .... - .,.,, th,H forfeit twenty a " ... t .as HI triil'I Hr ! a iiu ." ,,r..K,,m be l!.e en-rj - - lr. LK,,M,., ,ur euh d.v. eX.tuK ......)-. set R SlerH,'.;egsnd takes al e i w t,, .r ,i,n ,.f co-ntd .tl-m of so.k sxp.w. . ."vls. s..d raise. . few ,... held r.bW I. U- , of the sys.em tor " " - Pursuant to a call the Uipayers of Road District No. 3 met st the county t,,rt moms on Saturday last at 3 p. nv The niM-tinir wa. callled to order oy Supervisor Faaoo snd Mr. Harrison ws elected secretary. Tha followinir. on the motion or ux H. R Cliff, wss sdopted s. the sense oi .1,. meeiine: et.. .1..M im one ana one nan -.ill tax levied on the property OI tne .. k. ..n-nrtea as follows. .11 .11,11 li-w w -1 ..v in he done bv contract: The um of 2,000 to be eipended on -u.t is known s. the Bachelor Flat road at Mrs. Bakers, at the ;...... nf . he uid road with the main . . I road at Houlton, ana eiienumK nl mtid romd St the Nelson piece. The .urn of to be usea on wnai known as the "Millard niad." coinmenc !.. the Northern Pacific crossing and continuing- west to the junction with the Bachelor Flat road. ti.. ...n, nl rm to be expended from the Watter. house at St. Helen, west to the Matthew, hotel st Houlton. ti,. .n... of t-UM to be expended upon the road from Nigger creek to the rail road crossing known ss Meeker s cross ing. Meeting adourued. fine Christian experience, -K-h had on- doubtedly been given by he lakir on many former occasioo.. in- iai woros were "1 have been a Christi n lor thirty four years, snd for evenuw ) ears 1 euf femd from rheuuiatirm. but now thank thel-ord I am cured, and if a .y one l ere or yonr inenu. are suneier, can as room No. 4, Lee', hotel, and I wilt cars tna. " Tha andianca was so dnmbfouild- td that they est aghast at the glaring audscity of the lakir. f.ot so, However, vntlt the minister. Rev. Fry immediate ly sross from bis seat and in his quiet wav aaid. "Tlis peculiar incident which we have just witnessed remind, me of a story," and thn repeated the following: Hark ! tha herald angels sing, aeechsm'l pills are just the thing. Peace on earth Bud mercy mild, Two for man and ons for child. The storm of applause that greeeted this spontaneous, quick, and to the fakir, withering reply, has seldom u ever ueen besrd in ths church before. Ir. Forbes i. .aid to be the most apt minister in the church when it is necessary to say something quick st the right time, but he wouldn't be deuce high, it pitted .gainst Kev. Fry. K1ST Frank Wilson visited Nchnlem people el, Til..- mi aemifUIM it l ill nierSy j! I !'' Chri - I lutnltv. 'Ilieie neru also services at the; Uiivilal !is.-li'. j H-h.UUI. 1: . ntid Kiel Sdv. of Xaiiiie.'. ' Hv ' visitor l.ft ' Mom! v. wl HMI t!i editor sho'l mil. Ti ev .i-t! !th A. 0. students and lira ej.. In,; sholid.iy v:at!on. M1--5 Ann.i J. Ketl d Ml'" 'l!l Ketvl. v,l.j ..-ire te.-,'h.-r In the Wnrren uiid lhi.!..-n wboid siwnding the holllny v,i-itmi with their puenWin Ht. llc'.c-n. I.eiL-iill Kc. ll. ol :'UIWe llflll'I. died on Sittun'nv UI l pt.nuaiue I"" "'""" . ,,iai.t . . . . .. ...... ...... lie niter sickness mi anon. i-ni. - ...... 1 li ...v... . . t K.nith li-- Mn. Popcoy of,1"' ' iVer Ul ni.l. Mr amei Mnck!e mid MrSj C. Livid Little of i"r Iloll id,- ol Scappoose. Mr. D. J. Swilr ntSilem. Heau Hlar.chard.nnd Mr. and Mrs, llvland. ol UVmier. Mrs. Hetldcrson ! o( Woodland, VHliitM. Mr- M,,11'c Fuller of ll.chelor Flat, and Mr. S j RaaUr of Hat were among the .iteii.lanl ui the Masonic O.U HI ..." ii till. Ill ."- . ; Joint, institllstiou and bAtiquet tanl 1-rf . . . l ,uir. nl I Ms n lu,dhe,.,.tJ'o,t!1.d. and It I thoughl "r.- KM vWlin,, Mr,. where ha hud l)eeu Clttlttt. lr. t-litl worked tiiglit mtd duy to fight off the taiisou, tut nil Ills effort! v, unavail v.i - Mr. W. U. roweu, during the past seek, and lelt on Mon day for .he Nehaleut vsuey, w v.... Nelwit's molher. .e. I... 17 h. rant snd live aim. - Ulna-, ruwl dH' and inaohlns batltleU wooden plPtf wut t . " "'" n-neryolr. Tlie reservoir will hold one nullum gallons of yWltter. i u-..l,... .,ii must have a tensile strength of 00,000 pounds per square inch. 14411 tl. steel pipe and 1.X:U ft. wood pipe will be used. ti,. .Wa will irive some Idea of the ..... Tha liest material U ' a. . ..V. .h.I BBwItttt uss.1 In all part, or ins wui. -completed, with pine nd tire plugs m all parts of the city, Kainier will hays s ..y.tsut second to aoue la the state. diirinc the holiday... Born To the wife of tius llult, on December 25th, a baby girl. Christmas R't ) T. K. and K. B. North and Tom An derson have ordered phones, which are .1 n.ivtn.l. H..II i. --- , Road districts No. 15 and 1. eacn . voted a three-mill tax. The committee lor road district No. 17 laid out 471 rods j to be graded and graveled. Mr.. Weed i on the sick list Tie followirg table, taken from the records of the Registrar's office, shows tha: the studeuu of the University of Oregon come from practically every county in the .Ute. There are now ia attendance in at Eugene, of music. 400 students, which ia the largest body of students of college rank enrolled in any institution in Or egon. That they are not from the homes ol the rich is shown by the fact that nearly 70 of them are either holly or partially earning their own way. Most of tlieui are registered tr mi the smaller cities of the state support , good hih schools, me lonowiuff conn- tics are represented; Baker, Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Coos, curry, iwng- las, Gilliam, C.rant, Jackson, Josephine, Klamath, Lane, Marion, Morrow, Mult nomah, l'ollc, Sherman, Tillamook, Cnuitil!:., Union, Wftsco, Washington, Wheeler, Yamhill- Don't Take the liisk When you have a bad cough or cold do not let it drag along until it becomes chronic bronchitis, or develoies into an .ttneknf niieumonia. but irivo it tlie at- . . , . !..h. nl nnw here tenii.m itdescrves and cet rid oi it. Take l nere is auouk vi." .i.v..- - , . b,l I I . .'a A,i,nl, llulliuik1 At at this time Tuesday morning rt.ri.tina nassed off very Quietly here. There wa. sn entertainment at Beaver school house and several trees st private houses. Syrup of White Pine snd Tsr, the old reliable coagU remedy. For ssle by A.J. Demiag, druggist. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and yott re sure of prompt relier. iom a smiUl beginning the sale aud use of this prep aration has extended toall parts of the United Sutes and to many foreign countries. Its many remarkable cures of cough, and colds have won for it this wide reputation .nd extensive use. Sold by A, I. Dsuilnj, druggist. ing. MsUad. ' ' (l.n.t