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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1907)
THE OREGON VOL. XXV. ST. HELENS, OllEGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1907. NO. f. MIST. NEWS OFTIIE YEEK Id i Cciccd Fcra to Iter BAP PEKESS CF TK3 CCTTOBTS A Rseuma) of thw Last Important but Not Ctta Interottinf Evwntt f tha Past Week. A Montana foroet motet hat been killed lor deer. French tronpt have repotted an at tack of trlbeeiMMi "ear Aln Ufa, Algeria. Tim J.pantea ambaesador to Kianca denies that bit ooontry It after another foreign tuna. Ctrorgle would bM the Istus ol pe pt tnoney oo tho ola rt serve ItuUad of government bond.. Tbt Notthttn Pacific railroad will re duce train rale from Montana point, to tit. Paul tad Minneapolis. Hndtey, Ohio, waa badly ahekeo by the t ipkion ol glycerin factory Mitch property damage wu sustained, HIM told tho . laloratal Couinwrce eorumltttom thai II means a loss of IHO eat to kaap too old lumber rait to e fleet. Hecretary Toft to having roogb peta tga kmi tho Atlantic tod ble vatael alll be a day Of two lot In reaching New York, (loldfleld mlnsownart bsve asked the anvaiumont to dlaeolv the Wattora Merattofl of Ml oars sod proeacuU It tt tree nable. Liquor meo prop lo flght river and hatbo appropriations by congraas (or dry ttate. They aay Iwftbltd of the national revenue la derived from tha liquor boalneaa. England baa joal Loa visited bjr a sevci storm. Tha Colorado 8taU book, ol Durango, hai suspended. Tha revolutionary agitation la grow ing In Portugal. Tba Yaqul Indiana ara again on tha warpath to Mexico. Tha National Hank of Commeroe, ol Kansas City, will raopan. Japan and Russia bav combined lo frtH China out ol Meoahurla. Tha bridal glfta of Matshsll Flsld's dsoghui wert stolen In Knglaudr Tbe pea oonferano ot Ua OnUal American republic b been concluded. rVotrhtnan la lwdoo aro again adopting tha kilt aa a regular waarlng apparal. Tho East hu Jutt txeprleneed great tortn. Heavy tnow lall and many wire are down. Pramlnme ara balna- offered lor tha mo gold plea wlihoot tha motto "In Uod Wa Trust." A pat It loo to allow woman to vol on municipal affair In Parle waa greet ad with laoghtat by tba council. Oncers) Fitn.ion finds tba QoldBald altnatloa aarloua. Commissioner ol Indian Affaire Launo aavs Indiana ara luting million! yearly la tlnibar landa. A hnusa-to-houts ranvaaa at Monon ga W. Va., ahowa It itilt ulaatng aa ratull ol tha mine dtaaataf . plana aro eompMa tor ra-oruanlilng tba Hfrciianu- rtainai " land and It la tipectad to opan aoon. Plal riot Attorney Langdon, of Ban Franclac-o, alaoadmlta that tha aldnca of Ruel will ba wquiran to oon? ic v. hoon. k. i m..u.M rvn mmnnr haa ton trot ol tha Peelfto ooaal, having bforb- ad tha Cnllod Can oompany, oi ou Framrlaoo. WilnAnwnara haffl with drawn-their new aoala and opened nego i. i... -(. tha a m.r lean Federation ol Ubor. Tha object aeeroa to be to get thla organliatloo Into a fight with tha We tern reiierauon oi miuoi. D. L. Andereon, praaldent ol the vFohow onlvarelty, who hat i Juat re tutned lo thla oountry, wye China la n. I.. .if klnml levolution utll -in t..a ..tiuM Into tha DOfll Will ' . met of tha world ana power to ba leokonod with. lha oampalgn agalnal U la being kaut no loroualy In Ban rranoiaco. Tha Mtihlg'an atata treaauret la to ba ramuved for putting lunoa u vw bank. ' The iraat fleet of warablpa liall m.,i. ty .i.rk nn ita vnvasa to tha la clflo. . Tha preaenoa of General Funeton at Goldfleld la beliered to have a gow effect. I -t Inn Tlftl bMII with drawn from tha aenato aa dlitrlot at torney lor Oregon. Qneen Carola, of Saxony, la dying m Tian.tih haa nnderBona an operation lor appandlotli, but there la no roar ot ne reanna. Kurnnatkln haa taken the wltneaa Un,i in tu.kati ni Rkw.iel and the BD aial atanda better ohanoe of being Cleared, Tarn mall nnnrhia nnntlinlnff TalU' ablo pankagna wero atolen from the Omaha poetoflloe, and no trace of them ROOBlVtLT A8 A AiN r, I Rvitian Paaaania Worthlp Picture of I Prealdent Kan traiuiin 1i. it i i- think a grmt di al of I'rraldent Theo. dora Kooaevelt, but It hai been reterv. ad lor tlie liuaalan peaaanU aottled In Kaitorn Hllwil to reveianoa the well known plituie, whlih ihowe tha gleam of tenth, aa that of a Mint. That they oo ao la BMw-rttKl lo be a fact b Ali. ; a n. Up 11 l)i.liUI. h ar.ii ... ti.. ateamar Hibnrla, and li now (taring at 111... U4 t' . I . . . . I Mit! rn . rraiivi. lioiei. "The IMMinla tliara ara nf tha tnoaat claa of lliiNilan peaaania, and know nothing about the cuUlda world," Id Dttnhliib. "In avert bona, no Itiallar Knar twinr It maw Ka llmva la aura to be an Ikon of tome kind, and If ii ia nwaiDie tor uie owner 01 tne plare, iiealao haa a picture ol a taint. "The !! t ure of our orealdent baa gone wet tha world, and can be found In many quetur placet . I rememher aaking one of my turn from the Ural mountain diitrict, who had never heard of Rooaevelt, what picture be had lochia tent, lie at once told nut that It waa nna nt HI. Plrwlthiint the braid and with apeoa on. Cuitoui to ere euch a picture. I went to the hut and lound that It waa a chmmo ol the preeldtmt ol the United Hiatea. Tbe man aanr! ma that he ha the beat ol rood foitune i luce he ld obtalued tba picture of tha 'buly taint.' " Mf XICO'S ANNUAL f XPEN8E What It Coata to ConOuet Affaire of Sou them Rafublc. MailMtt. rw. 17. In con I rani yotteiday the report of the mlniiter ol finance waa teaa and tne midget tor ma coming year waa made public. The ta li ta led iiaelpta lor tha coming year total IIU3 Seo 000, while tha cxpendU a . . a a.AM aanta um t - ft urea win leacn aiuj.suj.nii, ihiiui BBvatimaJadenirilttiof 1181. 188. Tbe total Inornate of thla rear'e budget la t,ftw&.7&, Uie iartet item in me in rnaaa being lor $1,307,68. for mala tananoa of lha deoartmant of war. The revannra fur lha flanal year juat ended total 1I4 0A2.0OU, the eipandl lurxe ltKlStH,13i, leaving a aurplua ,J an 077 SHU. Tha aurnlua ot tha rmv oua rear. I'iV.lXH.UHl, ana me raiiina off of the mat year, waa due to large etiai oponi in puoiicwae ei, aim nn Mm iter Llmanteur main' talord that tha recent eiitl In tbe tlnitaJ 8taUa would make itacll felt in i.h. Afiitktna i aar Id Musloo. In that In aaaitllMintal faVmill I ha curtailed. Ink-r ent ratea ara higher, but thlt would on i. aw. mlnlna tnilualrtfa. lie oeuer t tliat In the end it weald WOlk for good rathei than aril. II OREGON STATE ITEMS HF INTEREST I I WANTS ANOTHER ROAD, I Sueeeetful Two-Day Convtn.lon He'd Southern Oregon Hopaa for Letttned in roriiena. . I naiee in wompwuuen. PortUml The moat Important mctt-' GranU Para The announcement ngen. oi me v. . mm wm mu. Ing of dairymen ever held In tha atata through tha pr aa that Moflatt A White tba Inertia would drive them out of of Oregon waa that which convened latt are about to extend tba Oregon Elec- Denver, Kaneaa City and Chicago teirl- inurtnaj sna rriuty in wooamen oi trio line inrougn iwu. mm nncj In Woodmen of trio line through Rogue Elver valley , um.. i. . .4.1 s t.... .1.. t.:.i.i vi .1... . 1 1 1 1 1. 01. n.. 1 IH. TTUIIU WHIla UU AIVVPUIU lliaill UN im inaivfu UOIV W ..wr . , ... . -.1 .l- ,v ;. u..- ,..1 u l..i.i.i.- 1. i m I reouea inaiine new iBwa weraeawerr 1 1.1 1.- .1..111 .!..- m.i - A, . i.t aAmA .uMIim I mantal. and if the trade won J llano ventlon hall waa crowded at both daya' UrantpoiUtlou oompany would find Ita tbem they would ba maintained, bu, If !. . . - i I i-L- 11 Innt atufantw tha vatna arnnld ba re way low we vwiwj. , T , ------ Tbe annulling 01 traina 11 ana 12 Dy aroreu 10 to omoi"- " " . tbt Bout hern Paoiflc company baa opinion ae well aa Mr. xiatriroan 1, u- 1. ..i-i 1 1 lnmharman were extremeir Droa- MVUIW Ul. UVUIII. W Rimwi J I " ' . inaUCO-1 perooa, ana tun uisn igDjou..v. The re-1 jutunea tne raiae. reaaiona with deleiaitra and othen in- tereeted In tha develooment of the dairy Industry. The ball In the bato- meni 01 tne woodmen Dunning, in which dairy producte and tha mott ap-1 and to itand ready to offer an pnneu uairj Biacninarj wera oi.piaeu, i iuou vu vuuiijovimb nn. attracted larva crawda. . Itourcet from the ml I It and minee and Tha convention waa called to order tbe product! 01 tne neio nave oeen car- at Id o'clock Thunder by fretident K. x. J oaa, 01 tne artociaion. 10m men- ardann. of tha fVimmarrlal elnb. wel- 'aarmhI tha dalamtMi to Portland on ba be If of that onaniiatlon. In reapond-1 Want Graduatee tor 1 eacnare. In. tn lha ajt.lrAaa l avatnAtna Praaldant I fTntwArHll rt rtratfnn. K!tlkTnA J111M thankait tha nnrnmainlat cltlh for The ITnlveraltT of Oreton la XDer- ila Mmanllftn MnA lla aftnrfa In makllia1 lenclne th lanceat demand In Its 9 LIU.U a..a.laa twit K m An n l4 11. a ..a I-m ll a aaaM altnn ai atiaaa- iiuiur lur ElalUUItkCRi UVu aaavaa aaa Ull UCT'iMlM VI SaWWIsaiWU auv - . ----- - J tful ooe. The tpeaker referred to on!?n. 10 kp"nc,.p",BJr XX . , lMiaiii iiiiim itiu:iii-i ai iu t,uas ufg-aa the important pom lion dairying in ime '.,.,. . ,h ... r .t,- nr... tale baa reached In the latt few yean, ,h, namyr. nt i..t .r' ciaaa. ana tald mat mil waa me nm ume 10 twentr are teachlnt in tbe high . L. 1.1....... - 1 1. ....I. .1.., .I.iw . . . . . . A wu miiwr ui u kwiv Mm j acnooia ana couewa oi umuu tan Induatry bed received tba recognition the Northwest, and tbe demand waa lit tmnorUnoa ahou Id command ana iiiucn lariter man toe tuppiT. ai tne won Id full nav theeott of Droniotlon. pretent time there aro a number of ' . . . ...... I. Inn. ni Iumii,. Ihara la nn i'apera were reaa oy promineut - - , dairyln and other, from gjf parU of ia TJ 'ZX; RELItf fOR VICTIMS. Commute faking Contrlbutlona to Be Sent to Mononga. , b.i, W. Va.. Dm. 17. Tba nermanent Wllel committee, beaded by Governor Paweon, to provide for the widowa aod orphaita In distress wrougn iha iMwnt rxnloalon at the mines ol 1.. r.inum tial nomnanv at Monon mh, today prepared an appal lor fundt that It being win to cnanioeia 01 com and k m nd omnitaiiont an HI-.-. ' - . , , over tho country. uonwioutione 01 clothing, toya for theorphanaat cnri ... tima and .1 in liar donation! ara to b arnt to W. 11. Moore, mayor of Mo nontah, and chairman 01 tne commit tee, looking after tho temporary wants of the vlttima. ..... The appeal aays that fully ti wiu on and l.WW chl'dien are left without any rmons of sopport. As near as can be duteimlned. u,uuv iran an avuru 1... kn .nh.rlhiHl. The committee feela that a total of 200,000 will be re quired lo tarry on the relief work. All checks should ue maae payauiw w -Mononnah Mluea Relief oommltt, J. E. Bands, tteaturer, rairmoim, w. va. DAIRYMEN MtET. RATE CASK HEARING. Lumbermen Tall Troublea to Intor -; atata Commiaslon. ' Waahington, Deo. 13. Two Oregon millmen yesterday testified before tba Interstate Commerce commission mat when it waa rumored that tba rata n PaolAc coast lumber was to be advanced they aaw R. B. Miller, general freight aoent of tha O. B. A N.. and told him C. T. PitESCOTT E. E. QUICK. F. B. PRESCOTT rled for years by one rallrtad eompaor, with cbarges running np into .inoa- aandt of dollars. Later, when tbe aubject was broached to James 3. Hill by tbe Paget sound millmen, Mr. Hill loot bis temper and retorted' that, while many mills bad haan trlMi tn hankruntcT already. still others would ba wiped out before . . V 1 ' -1 - tbs commission coma aiapoew ui um casa. . " W are going to give yon people out there a chance to cool yonr heels," be declared aa ha turned away. Mr. um, uowara cuunc, . i. Stubba. J. M. Eannaford and many other railroad men will bo placed on tba atand before tba bearing closes. WORK IS RtSUMEO. The Columbia County ABSTRACT AND TRUST CO. Titles Examined g . Abstracts Madb g ' Non-Resident Taxes Paid Real Estate v? Loans, etc set TMiTicIt ';sa St Tnhnsl! tha tute. WANT BRAND ON ALL 8HODDY Woolgrowera Working for Protection of lha Industry. Pendleton In accordance with one of tba resolution pasted at the recent convention of the Oregon Woolgrowera' would be able next year to place aa teachers some forty or fifty men and woman. If Ita araduatlnc class fur nished that number. Tba class ot 1908 now numbers about sixty mem' bers. New Road la Under Way. Grants Fats Tbe government is . . l j 1 coovenuuD ui iiiiv vicrum mazing goou crogieae ouuer ioe uuvn ateoclatlnn, the tccretary has srnt to IUperpvitlon of the local forestry terv iko I trakiMin enaVtSawaal Ifinal dalaimtiun a I 1. Jl. . mmA 4amh fimmi tha Oraifan eoncieational deletation a requtot for an act compel unguis orana ice. in exteudint a road river into Curry county. down Rogue Tbia parti cu- No Trouble at Qoldfitld Whan Non union Men Takw Charge. GoldBeld. Her., Dec. 13 Tba first day of tbe attempt to re-open the mines of Goldfleld without the aid of tbe Western Federation of Miners has paased, and there haa not been a tingle instance of attempted violence or d la order in tba camp. Unarmed pickets of tba Gold field minors union have ap- moached as- close to tba scone of tba operations as the armed guards ot tbe Mineownera aasoeiauon wmiiu permi. A GILT EDGED INVESTMENT! . , $ Situated between the rivers, with deep water frontage fi on an siaes, surrounaea ana crosseu oy uvc tiua.uuU S cental railways, it must become the manufacturing and s snipping ceuicr vi ruiLiauu. MONTHLY PAYROLL 650.0001 si 1 Invest now, you will double vour money in two years. S 1-1 MCMhCnCAM lie ULinUUIJUll I02 Philadelphia St St. Tohns.Oregon rtTyaTf reTTjuuuLaj.TtTB'TrmT a e e a itt 1 1 n e"Q ITh it w.1 a. w.r-..-p . fim JUUI Villi WHU;i aas mmvw- "V - ina of manufactured goods and clothing, !-r .tr-teh of road will open op a wide I at d have eocoeeded in inducing some ol the objiot being to protect the public latitude of oountry rich in mineral and those who had signed the sgreementto from shoddy and cotton counterfeits of p,0lific of tbe beet markeUbls pins, retorn to work, to violate that agreo- ..t-n Tk. nnra fimit law la rrrl .1.:. U . . MmnUJ I mant and laava the mines. cited at an exampla tliat it it right I. r 10 per cent of the proceeds will be di- II waa stated lest night that tbcleaJ- the government to protect tne peopie verted, to the school lond, lb us incrtss- ere oi me eiriae nave accumu wu.. . ,nla.f..ila anil aitllltra. i .1 Wl.. n I ilava thaw aunt tO ProeeBlltO SOTOC Of lions ol all kinds. 'schools. About 15,000 has been appro- tha mining opeiatora under atatuto tl . m.u ! ihi um. l- a I Um a Nawada-which makes It a tlmaallafnrtha ratantlfinoltha ImOOlt t,lnk.. and tt la arnartad that Min. I crime DUnlahablt b t BnO Ot Dot lOSS duty on wool, woolen fabrics, bidet, grnM w n g get ssidt 6,000 more to ba used on this project. meat end meat animals, with the ob iict of eontlnulnt the present prosper- oua condition of tba wcol and livestock Industry. Men Do Mora Work. Klamath Fsllt, J. D. Church, ta tittant engineer ol the Southern Pa- clno. htt lutt returned from the end of !Ded (mit. These care were all for tha California Kortbeaotern railway points on tbs Northern notno railway than t50 or more than 9300, or impris onment tor not leas than 20 nor more than 150 days, or both, to require an m. - .i n; . a I amnlnaa tn nrnmlaa or aarrea DOS U DO- CtWCCTC uinw Mrwwi bwh. . v , j - r Freewator-Tba month of. November corns "nbei or remain u a rrd breaker m the WalU ny labor organisation. Aneeta may ,.rr..- "V.7:., .- ha axnacted at any Ume. ttatea or nana vaiier iraciiua cumiauj i,u. . .. ..- .. . They bauy o. this city oyer 00 im - ! 7 J can loaaea wn nay, appiea ana an-1 Rich Oil Strike. Santa Barbara, Cal,. I)eo. IT. A tel. ephona meerage from Banta Maw, ot miles north ot nere, orougn matlon thlt afternoon that the Unltn Oil company had struck a wonuemi usher which thiew a rati eueaui oi ..I a. tlatii m nvaf the derrick and contin ued to flow at the rate ol 7,000 baireli a day. At the piesens pi ice oi on means U 500 a day from thlt one well. Thla Is the second largest gusher ever .truck in California. The largeat was a lO.OOObarrei wen, witumaiii". declined ooneldcrably. Btlll In Rsca for Senate. St. Paul, Dec. 17. A special from rv . in., aava uiatuovernor Cummins, of Jowa, refeirlng to his tug- gested candidacy tor ww t presldentisi nominni '" - no thought of enrrenderlng my candi- . Untied Ktatea senaior. and states that the t50 men now at work lor Erloson A Peterson, the con tractors, art doing more work than tha 1,100 men they were working last sum mer. The grade between Bray and tbe first townslte. Mount Hebron, Is about completed, and Mount Hebron may re main tbe terminus of the road for this winter. However, as Dorrls is only 13 miles distant from Mount Hebron and tha grade rery easy, that town may be the toinilnns. Embryo Farmers Intarsstsd. Albany Linn county school children takina aiAit lmereut in we new .nhint nl aarlnnltnre. the teaching of whwh was begun tins tan. no eapen- ment work has yet been ognn in mit county, but in the seventh end eighth gtades In sll the unooia oi uie contnj , nna rerliatlon each day it requiied in an agricultural text book. Reports re ceived by County School Superintend ent Jsckton state mat piooaoiy g.i Interest Is man i listed in mis smuj tluin in any other bitn.h. Water Raachea Hsrmltton. ilermltton Water in the distribut ing ,sjtetn of the government projeot hat reaohed HemisUm. A good How in the A line heralded the coming of water for irrigation next season and activities under the Umatilla govern ment reclamation project are under full headway. Tha water traversed the big feed canal a distance of 26 miles to the Mtervoir mile, where It waa mrnea Tha annla im hat been excellent thla year and every apple of any account has been marketed, ice aecona-eiass ap ples were ditposed ot to tba Freewater ftannur. Tha total value of tho fruit rroo in this vicinity la estimated at 1500,000. " Rcqusst Railway Service RalnmA larm number of farmers and thinners reaidina between Tallman and Shelburn, in Linn county, have complained to the railroad commisaion becane the Southern Facine baa attan doned ita train service between tbe tain town, named. The comrjlaint (re cites that traffic was abandoned becanse a hridire vhed out about a year ago. farmers want the commission to MEET IN DENVER. National DemocrarJe Convention la Called for July T, 1908. Washington, Dec 13. -After decid ing vo bold tba next Demote tic na tional convention at Denver, and fixing the date of the meeting tor July 7, 1008, tha Demoratla Rational commit- a lata veatardav enWed nrjon a toir- lied debate on the propriety of accept ing more ot the iuu,uuu, onerea uj Denver for tho convention than ia act nail naadad to nav the convention ex penses In that city. Tha opposition to the acceptance ol tha oontiibuticn took jne iarmera want uw ouuimmiuu w i jne iorm oi a reeoiuiiou vj nuiraour order tho railroad oompany to renew I tive Clayton, ol Alabama, declining .1 I - . - I t .n. U .ulul tnm tha Ann. Soroaia S Wiw.N-? You will find Style, Wearing Qualitie, v Size, and the Comfort You Want Sorosis Fall Shoes Have All Arrived. Everything, from the Heavy, Flexible Shoes to the Dainyy Evening Slippers. Sorosis H A nnMnrii fa fini" w armg:-,wa.rvaw.w - - OSiery Every Occaaion KNIGHT SHOE CO., THIRD AND WASHINGTON, PORTLAND, ORE. umMM''''''""''t"'tttt' PORTLAND MARKETS. WhaatClnh. 82(3830: bluettem. 84(85o: valley. 8283o: red, 80-81o. Oats No. 1 white, $28: gray, $29. Barley Feed, $27.50; brewing, $31; rolled, $30. Pom Whole. 132: cracked. $33. Hav Valley timothy. No. 1, $16 per ton: Kattern Oregon timothy, $20 23; olover, $15; cheat, $16; grain hay, tlKfltlfl! alfalfa. 115: vetch. 114. ' Fruita Applet, 75o$2 pe' b! peaches, 75c9$l perorate; peart, $1.25 1.75 per box; cranberriet, $9.6012 per barrel. VeireUblet Turnips, 75o per sack; reaervolr guto, where r"B"'e,rrots, 65o per sack; beets. $1. pe thiough what Is known as the by.paia J Y9c per pound; cabbage, . II J!. LI il I n . B.I.T.1IVI .11 niU'UM. I ' - .. - . 1 IllvO ne uitinuumig jv in no. rmnnd: ranliflower. 750(911 dot: colery. $4 per crate; onions. 1520o Anm- nanlnv. 20c ner dot: Peas, lc .itji"1 j. mnn. not actnallv needed for the con vention, but after a long debate tba resolution was laid on tha table by a vote ot 81 to 14. Mr. Clavton, Representative John flharn Williams, ol MieslsslDDi. and Governor Hoke Bmith, ot Georgia, all poke lo favor of tha passage of the resolution. . Mr. Taggart advocated tbe acceptance ot tho $100,000, saying it would be needed now even worse than it wsa needed in 1904, and that at that time It wonld have been practically Impossi ble to open headquarters for Judge Parker if the committee bad not had the extra money tccored from St. Louis, where the convention was held. Bodlaa Ara Washed Away. Rlnnmahnrff. Pa.. Deo. 13. Owing I to the bigh water in tha Susquehanna I ... . .A. . . I river and too lerrioo zoroe oi un cur rent, no attempt wat made today to re- DART & MUCKLE Carry a Complete Stock of the Best in General Merchandise at Lowest Prices Consistent . with Quality. Country Produce Bought and Sold. When in Need of Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware, Boots or Shoes We Solicit Your Patronage and As snre You Courteous Treatment ST. HELENS, OREOON Nawamhar Ideal Month Burns-November wt a inomnoi p.r pound; peppers, 8(17c per pound; fa MiM of the men ideal fall weaUier In Harney. There pampkn., ii)o pet pound; rad- ne1 yeBterd when tha Mifflint- were two flurries oltnow, on November 20o p do.; spinach, 6o per ,-00 The water roe. nn ta...4 thaw wiam fnllnwVMI DV a. a. Oa na Miiinrli ainaan B r . nleuant ninahine and the mow dip- laiiWct per nound; tomatoes, $1.60 1 i i- . There has been i . pearvu m " -j-. - yi w rapidly until noon, when it began to hatda. With tha flood at it It at I . . .u- MeL V Lr " .Vi.:,:.idn,.vlt new k treat deal of fall plowing dona and 0n,ont-$1.752 per cwt. . T iTnVVntll-: and .robablv Both nihAr iUtM. I do not miena w uu ymr I Z i iiVT r,T"7 dyto aii oi im. teriouBiy ia- anythlngthat will taxa m. u r -: w-n5" i.. SSUtaSRc urea are expeou w WW g a.a...i..aa UaB D ' T bab Mnnrtjl D r isnuiKfiv tsessa -------' tmi wuuui , . iahiandAnnouncement hat been Veal 75 to 125 poundt, 88)e; . . . I H. W BFA S. OfWl i -a ti.. .t.rA nArma iuhr nr IB tn 1DU Dounui. i-oi iou w.vai rnniie u uio . . . Hun KA !. Vl. w -a v M1Vra. vnii hi M- waAitndsi Ntnl-tr... prominent broke, ,a,f now- - , -.7.10 160 pounds, llnnolu 111. Wlltieon ma - -.. , .J .hatrant iu.. naokari. M&RKe. " nl friend, last night, full and win naaaw '"T- "T' ri ''.ij k. iiwa through a cattle guard on i tba narrow "'.unty Abitrwt company, 120 per pound; mixed chicken ,11 nge tmckspf the Nor hwettern Paoi the; ' t A,hlMld ,nd .. ohiokena. 10Xllc; flo rallioad anuwog... - - lnK .nd -111 open one at Jackson- race for aenator. Fiat Money Savaa Lift. B.n Rafael. Cal.. Dm. 17. Stewart ol 7Z ' ' i ..- Kaun nrnthed to deaill jueaioru buu n... rt- ne woinu ------ , , , . . . u -n .nnnanhinff ntuuuai n . i..ifd a niear na hoiwo certlflate and uted it lot a danger tigual Forty Uvea Lost Timber Made to Pay Tax. Oregon" City The atneneed valuation nl Clackamas county property it very i,... ww... - ,innnnnn. The figures were d Bl Oil.. a.alO Bt lina niltftaw IU Bll,UirVIV" " . London, W. 17. V !" '10.;. ,. rn.d. mibllo by County Assessor Nel th. Brltl.h W on Wdandfctnr. ,n in70,e..e of shout iy,mhUih.J ;anow,n00 over the valuation oi latt Jameron, 01 ine " ' ZliV :ew. This Inorease is all on tne prop- the lots ot soma 40 Uvea roosters, 80; dressed chickens, 1213o; turkeys, live, 14(oloc; oreaaea, cnuioo, 17(9l8o! geeae, live, iiuoi oucat, is Hf18,o; pigeont, $11.50; tquabs, $203. Kggt Freth ranch, candled, 7)o per doa. ' " , Hope 1907, 6(97o per pound; olde, nominal. , , Wool Eastern Oregon average neat, 1320o per pound, according to shrink ago; valley, 1820e. according to fine neat; mohair, choice, 2030o pound. Roosevelt Sonde Commlaalon. Washington, Deo. IS. Assistant Beo- retary Murray, ol the department 01 Commerce and .Labor, Commisslomr Charles P. Nolll and Herbert Knox Smith, commissioner ot oirporaiior.s, loft Waah natnn at S O'C OSK UI. .Her- rinidflald. Nev.. to make a thnmush lnvestlntlon of tha trouble between tha miners anu mma vpemvuia at that place. Mr. Murray and Mr. Smith made this announcement after a conference with President Kooaevelt. Mataichutatta Ooss "Dry." Beaton, Deo. 13. All but one of the 354 cities and towns ot the state have gone on record on tho question of per mitting the tale of Intoxicating liquors, and tabulation show, a no-license ma jority in Maosachnetts ol over 13,000. 1 11 JOB PRINTING IS OUR BUSINESS WE have the best and most folly equipped Job Print ing Office in Columbia County And ive are prepared to do all kinds of Printing on short notice and at . most reasonable prices A TRIM Will CONVINCE OREGON MIST . ( : .. gar IS M '!? 4 W 8 I I Baa Deen lonna. ; lOrSa.'Jtawitwltt