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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1907)
'''iwi-'-'fi ffl M ,C3 n AT toiSi M l-'V-'UA L M ... Hi) fja"jB4i ' Talk to Rom. Colnml'U County Itnitk. 11. II. I?aii. ol Hood KWr, Or. eaitie itowin here lt I'rWay to nUeiM Maaoiili: loiljte. II, V. 1'owler ml Jimie Kennedy, Jr. f dobla vlUt In Rainier Hauinlay iiIk'h Mr. Amlrew Kinu n J. iv. iiim-K were lralla iMtwnger (or Portland hwt Tuet- ,(,y, Mr. 0. H. Ib'Hey vltlted Portlaml till week. All I he fithermeil are Imty nmkliiK nrrimration for Ilia oiwulllk of the autumn eaMii. Mr. Hhi-Mon Ini built iii duck out Into the rfver even with that of the C. K. P. A. and the ware hornet are nearly completed. Syrup of While Pine and Tar. the old reliable eoiiKU remedy, l'or aale by A.J. IkmiiiK, drtiKK'l 8TKAVKD One three year old heller, white with lirimlle it. marked with two mider bit In left ear. 1 freuli or will I ooii, I'ltuler pleat notllv owner Jm. 1'. McUoinitijju, SeapptKKW, OreKon. Will pay reward. Muiklu Hii'v have mid their ranch II, i, tide of leer Inland to aonie 1KK"K company, the name ol wbU-U we are uu l,te to obtain a yet. Thit company it buylitK up land everywhere in that tici)(h Uirhotxl, taklnif not only timber laud but alto the farm. Their loteiitiim i Mid la be to bring n-ltlrr onto their Imi't- -to rlrar the lain) at Ihey tog it and nit it iuto condition to he cultivated, H would be a great tltiiiK for tltit comity if all the logging cmpanlc operaleil In tin way itittcad of clearing fbe land and lctv);ij( II In a prtetieally worlli'.et condition. And (ruin a commercial lundiioint it look a though it would lis well Wort!) thn lot(cr' while to Ira re the land in conilltion for the plow, (r then He could wit it for good price, whereat with the itump on it the value i very tmall. The Murkle ranch i staid to have ld for flu.UMO. I'o 81. I?K8 lure Mood Ilatretl 1'lyiiiiiulh Ktak chickent aim juiie IiIkh1 whit Irgboriu II 00 r tet ting or .l jr hundred. 4o: CPO. W. PKRRV. Itoultoli, Oregon. The Str. Rciblic. of the V. 8. line, w.n nit out of comuiiwion by running into a nag near Linton lat Monday, The boat wa run abrv in lime to pre vent her going clear under, The firt iwuc ol lloultou' new rir, Tlir Columbian i ejted toapjiear to day. The itr U jiblilied l-y C. V. Ilrruian and 8yletcr Mitchell. Krad Hie tnhtcription offer in thit lujwr, V 600 new tnbrilw anil make thl offer la ave the ecnM of a c.inva. In other word the ubwribrr vct the money thai il would Co.! to K;othpr wUtmll in , mui)ufaclure of ail over thi rounlr. Pcwl in your j ,.. .i..i.i , .i, ,.i... u. iiuc ami aldrr imtii-ilixlrly. a thi I oflrr it good for f) day only. Iiilrrnt jmid on Time Oejxwit Col umbia County lUok. Atwutor Ijwt and hi deputy jietit Ut wccK w.irkmg In the Clatakanie neighborhood. They are now at work in the ofliee. preparing blank to trnd to the taxpayer. McMir K. K. Quick, Chat. Muckle and ! J. 11. Sheldon commenced the work of j divi.lin, 'P the old Taylor place latt Tnetday. When the place wa purchat td by S. Schupach he did nol buy the j one third intcretl of Willie liutly, wbu li S w iKHiuht bv llarrinifton & Hoc. who could not agree with Mr, Schupaih at to the dividing line. Suit wa brought by S !ui. li, and the court appointed Mr, i cincitmatl, Ohio, and other eastern cit Uuick, Mr. Muckte and Mr. Sheldon to j,,. wticro ahe vifitcd relative. dile where the line thould run. The barge Wallacut i loailtng lie lure thi week. The Wallacut I one ol the lurge formerly used by the govern meut to carry rock to the (city at the mouth of the the river, but be ha tx-cn fixed up, and i now to be used aa lumlicr carrier. She will bike nearly a million leel. Columbia County people are invited to (MtronUe the Vienna Cafe, No. ','M Mor riton, lc twee ii Second and Third, kept by Cut Ingr, of Scappooi, Peit tm a In the city. Next Sabbath i liatter. Kev. Ami Sleeth will hold acrvicc appropriate to the occution at Houlton at 10::ll) a. tit . and nt St. Helen at 7:30' p. nt. The chnrclie will be decorated lor the occa sion and the. Sabbath acliool ut Houlton will be reorganlncd at the morning nervicc. It I doubtful if their U another taa roll In the Slate a well collected up that ol Columbia County. The total amount to be collected till year ! fllK, 078.1XI, Of thi101,2Hl.()tl ha already liccn paid to the alicrlff. The lnrgcal amount collected in one week i -!.-aiia.03, and Mr. llemton pay the largest tax of anyone; hi taxe till year amount lug to Hl.000.65. The reUtc ha been taken advantage? ol thi year more than ever and amounted to $2,070,(17. The Mate tax ol 10,806 ha already been sent in, Nothing could how more clear ly how prosperous a condition the j)Cple ol this county are in than the promptness with which the tnxe are paid. I have money to loan on approved real estate security. W. II, POWEIX. St. Helen, Oregon J. A, lleegle, ol Warren, was a St. Helen visitor ou Veilnedny last. Mr. John Dolan.of Warren, paid thi oflice a visit last Wednesday. Walter Watson, who live near War ren, wa In St. Helen Wednesday to have hi Injured leg dreiaed by tlio doc tor. He cut himself with an ax while Chopping wood about a week ago. Win. Elliott, ol PitUburg, wa a St. Halin vUltor yeiterday. ' . Ar,,nK,,'M,' ,,"ve ' IT(Kt-.l t " HiiiUliC uit(inK in Houltmi Werl- . newlHV ftvonliitr A nr. .1 nln...i ) , to t1(, ,r(,1Kit(, , f()rtll lira ih.ui .....i i .. ... "'"I'"iin i.nnr ur iiiiiiriivirinrll V.IUIJ to itiii the growtli of St. Ifc-li-iit llmi'ltm hi vnriout tiilii-ni ami rciicnl lliii'i of U'lviinccmciit. Aiiioiir mote wiio will I prm-nt to iimM In the tiioveiliMit U Tom Kiilianltoii, Secretary of Die Oregon l)eve1omicnt UaKiir, n0 he M III iiuiiit out the benefit other placet nave uerivvil tram tilth nu orgatilMttioii ml wlmt It 1 cIiik done by virion co- ihimib none m ninny placet In Ore Ron to appraise protective lioiiietcrkcni '"t Invetturrj of the advantage of Ore- j "" (irocpiicH. Etc., Feed, Etc. All (iiiitnuiiocfl. Etc, M. C. (J HAY. Mi llein Hnttan, who i attending Pacilic ruivemity, nt a lew day with her arrtiU till week, Road work I being puthed in thi tli trie I. A gang I now nt work on the road at the old Corn ton place, Matting down the hill there and putting the ruck where it it needed. The "Poverty Social" Thumlay etf mug Hall. March '."Hth, at the Odd Pcllow Itcnefit Congrcgatinnal church. tumcit Mr. MoutuKut', of th Warren C-on-ulrocttoii Company, which oHratc the rock cruidiiuir plant at St. Helen, w n visitor to Hainlrr Tucodoy, for the j purMMwi of cutimiitinir the eiwit of per- mnnontly improving our atruvta with i-runlitil banal I it- rock. Ho gave it a hi opinion that a ixty-foot atrwt could Im mi.rtivi-d thi way at a coat of nUnit two dollar per front foot. The mailer will b taken up by the council in the nar future. Th liniualo unloaded three carload of Quniuiia wood at th whurta of the Columbia Kiver Ooor C.irnpnny on Wcdiiewlny laat. Thi wood come from South America and i valued at about tl.fiO per tii-k. It in uiud by the hop - trrtiwrra nt th Willnmetto Vatlev and i aprayinir llipiid to protwt friirn the ravaitea of th hop lice. It will 1 cut inio ahavinga hero and hipM.'d to the W. I. Fuller Company, of Portland, who distribute it to the dealer throughout thi Statu and WanhinKton. 1'urwr lilaneeard cave iimtmction to the deck hand to be very careful not to allow any of it to full overboard, a one atick of it would flavor tb Columbia river from the mouth of the Willamette to Astoria, and effectually prevent the aalmon from coming up the river tin itt-ason. At inl that i what Mr. Itlanchard atml, ' reputation for truth and veracity !a never wtm ucauoncu. Mr. II. B. Hill returned to this city ' Momlny after a three montha vnut at Mia Christine Wilaon left Rainier, Wednesday, to continue her work at the Pacific University. Misa Wilaon tcnt her week of vacation visiting her par ent hert'. Fob tiik Lawks An event in Rain ier business circle ia the opening of Mrs. Hell's millinery parlor, in the building recently occupied by the State Hank. It ia something to Rainier' credit that it can maintain a business of thia character, and the display made on the opening day waa very gratify ing. There were hat of all degrees, nnd suited to all puraca, and those of leaner value were just aa tastefully trimmed and na becoming as the more expensive ones. The place was thronged from morning to evening with ladies who were generous in their expressions of praise and gratification at the fact that it Ih no longer necessary for them to leave homo to secure tasteful and elegant millinery. Hon. Dean Hlunchard haa presented .to the Masonic library of Rainier about 15U volumes of choice book. 1 lua, in connection with previous donations from the sumo source, brings the library up to about three hundred volume of the choicest literature. Tiitc Nkw School Housb The al torationa of the new school house will l,o in exact duplicate of the present building, except that the hallway will be wider and longer, and the main en trances will faceast and west. There will bo a new basement under the now pnrt Thi basement will be well light ed and ventilated, with a flight of stair inside to the upper floor. It will prqj) nblybeused aa a play room in wet weather, but can, u neeucu, w for class room. The bell tower will be on the west aide of the building, and Immediately beneath It, on the upper nnr will ba the principal oflice. There will also bo cloak and hat rooms on both floors. The new aumuoii win v.,,-,, thnn double the seating capacity .. i, i.nil.llmr. Dana of the now building can be seen at the oflice of W. n im-w. It will make a very hand some structure, and, the district i growing rapidly, its construction seems to las an absolute necessity, Robert Gregg, who for the pant lx months has been an employe of the Co lumbia River Door Factory, ha passed the civil aervice examination and secured a position in the Portland ixtofflce. Mr. Gregg aprx-ar to have made manv friend In Rainier, and they expect to near or hi steady rise In the employ ment or uncle Bam. The Rainier Commercial Club, at it meeting last Tuesday evening, dis cussed several matters of importance ki me M.'opIe of this community, snd it ia to lie regretted there was not much larger attendance. The condl tion of our street and water front was taken up and it wa the opinion of all that the council should take vigorous measure to see that the city is ren dercd more attractive to visitors by a thorough cleaning up. Vice-President iMtman told the club that the Portland partle who desire to start a shipyard here were thoroughly in earnest and that he had forwarded to them the price at which they could secure cer tain tract of land adapted to their pur poses. He doubted, however, whether they would be willing to pay the price asked, as the owners had made a very material raise over last year's figures. The matter of a water main for fire protection, Irom the Door Factory to the Rainier Lumber Company's mill was discussed and committee appoint ed to present the matter to the city council and ask the city council to con fer with the water commission to see f the latter body will approve of it and agree to make it a part of the munici pal water system, when establised. Communications were read from a num ber of parties in different parts of the country, asking for information in re gard to Rainier and Columbia County. A the club ha no literature it is at a diadvantagc in answering these inquir ies. It wa decided that at the next regular meeting of the club there will tat a "smoker" and entertainment, and it ia hoped that every member will be present. WARKEX SOTES. (Too hie for but week) Pac ni A Larson's business it constant ly Increasing, they handle about a car load of mill feed a week. Mr. Bert Tarbrll bs built a new barn. The builder were N. F. linker and W. , Cooper. The Freeman residence U alsjut nished on the outside and N. F. ftaker, the contractor, i pulling on the bith nd plaster itisiile. When flnishetl it Hit (.nu of the fluent retiilvlices in tin part ol the country. The rural mail auric r lias a new mail Wilson. It come all the way Irom in- linn. Uuill for (he mail service, it ita beauty. Mr. 01 sen and X. Jensen have been ulte ill but are on the mend. Itnac Craig wborn in Ohio Nov. H ItHHaud died at Wairen Mar. 18,1907. Aged 5K year 4 month and 4 day. Funeral ivice were conducted by Rev. Lew Oavie from Hie M. K. church. Text, P. 00-9. We spend i-ur years as a tale that is told. Tbera was a large attendance a Mr. Craig bad a large circle of frieudn. He wa married to Autia Crane in Missouri Jan. 1st, 187(1. Three children were bom to them two of whom are still living, Hsnfor.l Cialg, Ol Enid, Oklohoma, and Mrs. Lulu Heaver of Warren. Mrs. died in Kansas Oct. Slllb, ltfitt), Craig Mr. Craig came to Oregon in 1902. KEl'UEX. Jest Tompson moved hi family irom Jloorvill to Sea p noose on Tuesday, (ieorgj Mecham and family moved from Moorvill to Clatskanie Tuesday. II. S. Davidson ol Hood River is down looking after his mill and timber in terests located on Jones Creek. The Columbia Timber Co. received a a new Miny locomotive irom vino on Monday. The Surnrise Club met at the resi lience ol Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lai sen .Saturday evening it being their third wedding anniversary. The evening wa spent at cards and music. Mrs. Ray linen won the prise and Mr. U. U, Snyder the booby. At a late hour a flue luncheon was set and enjoyed by all. Prime Cake. i cup butter 1 " sugar 1 prune 8 egg (yolks) 1 teaspoon cinnamon I " " allspice 1 " " nutmeg 1 " " soda dissolved In 3 snoonfuls tour cream or milk. table FJour enough to make proper consistency. Three laver. Hoiled Icing. MOST EXCELLENT School Report Following is tho report ol the seventh school month in Dist. 20. No. boy enrolled 311 No, gill's enrolled ,.. 30 Total number enrolled 60 No. days attendance 027,'n' No. day absence. 113,'a No. time tardy 7 Those neither absent nor tardy during the month were Cathrine Khrllnger, lleryl Cox, Willie Snyder, Jay Potter, Jenny Bell Link, Thomas Maginti, Flora and Anna HociboIi, ClitTurd, Orval and Hilda Mnklnster, Wanda and Carl Win elewits, Mary, Berlin and Dora Nusa- baumer, Harvey and Gladya Jordon, Lorell and Bvron Jordon. HAY H0VEN, Principal. JOHANNA MAGNU8EN, Primai y. 4 COMMERCIAL CLUB. Don't fail lti innntlnir tn h held next Wednesday atHpenoe's Opera ilouneror the purpose of organizing a commercial club in Ht. Helen and flout ton. Thi section need such an Instlu tlon badly. We have manv natural advan tiigi-s and there alioubl be some oriron- izcu uoiiy to moke a nerslsteiit effort to can ineiii to the attention ol capital. It is not reasonable to expect that In- i uxt i im will come here when no effort I ladng mode to attract them. Other place with lur natural advantage but with ome organized body to exploit what thev have, will uitm.-t tl, mien. tlon of prospective Investor every time. I-et u all get together and innke an Itortto build up our community. THC ST OF THE SAILS. It it true that late, or Cod, destine every one ol ti to cro life' ocean, but howone ahsll crot it, worthily or un worthily, tuccesftfully or unsuccessfully, happily or unhappily, it left very much to herself. The fact i that no one has a right t'. be resigned to any unfavorable thing or circutnttance that she can by forethought, by will, by endeavor and industry. change. So-called resignation it often an excuse for a flabby will or lazy habits of mind and body, or both. We shall have a most effective factor in remaking the world for good, for happiness, for wholeness, when every one a soon as she is old enough to think seriously shall tt-t her face and Ix-ml her effoit toward romething that will not ouly give her a living but a life, strong- pulsed, Kimuluting, adequate life; when every woman purpose in her heart what the will be and do, and, in spite of all that others may any and urge, casts off every detaining cord snd sets and keept her course toward the chosen port where she shall successfully do cooking or c-mi- past-making, law work or literature. painting or photography, housework or horticulture anything that she feels the can no well, ana will lie nappy, ana therefore strong and successful, in doing. Lidia A. Churchill in The Delineator for April. How to Iteiiialn Young. To continue young in health and trenuth, do a Mrs. N. F. Rowan, Mc- Donoiigh, (ia. did. Stic ay: "Three bottle of KU-ctric Hitters cured me of chronic liver and stomach tronble, com plicated with such an unhealthy con- iitlun of the blood that my skin turned red as flunnel. I am now practically 20 years youngt r than before I took Klec trie Bitters. I can now do all my work with ease and assist in my husband' biHinens. Otiaranteed bv all dmgglsU'. rice 50c. PORT OF ( 0LI MBU. An I'ndertaklng Which Mean Xnch to Columbia Rirer Commerce (Timbermao) The Portland Chamber of Commerce, with a view lo the growing importance of the Odumbia River, prepared a bill which the Legislature enacted, creating the port of Columbia, which consist ol the counties ol Mulinomab, Columbia anil Clatsop. The objects of this bill are set. forth in the following letter to the Tliubertnan by Kecretaiy Giitner, of the Chamber of Commerce. He say: "The object of the creation of the Poit of Columbia was to correct the diffi culties heretofore experienced at the mouth of the river, particularly growing out of the fact tho pilotage and towage wero managed by different heads, the tow limits hems run and man. aged by the O. K. & N. Co., and the pilot controlled by a Commission. Thi act contemplate the building Of as many of the finest tug bouts that can be constructed as are necessary for the trnflleat the mouth of the river, and the control of the pilots, all under one Board of Commissioner, w ho will in all probability appoint a superintendent tbu putting the entire scrvio under one mHiiiigoiiieiit. Another benefit to be derived ia that under the former system, it was no ob ject from a flnanc'al standpoint for the O. R. A N. Co. to keep their tugs cruis ing oil the bur at all tiuuis. The port of Columbia U not incorporated for the purpose of profit, but absolutely for the betterment of the service at the bar. The tugs will b kept out looking for ships nt nil limes that it is considered necessary, which it is hoped will make a material difference in tho delays at the mouth of the river. It is presumed thnt the appointments on the Commiss ion will bj men who are not only ac quainted with tho necessities of the matter, but who have direct interests in efficiency of the service and therefore will from self-interest, see that the ser vico is innintHined to thii highest stan dard ol excellence. It is believed that the incorporation ol this port will aid great lv in Ciiising the removal of the differential between the Columbia River and Sound ports, and what ia of more importance, tho giving of a better reputation to the harbor. This bill had tin support of the O. R. it N. Co., aa well as the business in terests, and the O. R. AN. Co. have agreed that they will abrorb the differ ential on all shlpa loading wheat shipped to tills port by their cats. It is possible that the expense, might probably have been nunc equitably borne by all other counties in tho Stato that get benefits from It, but this aiomed not feasible and it would teem that nobody could have objections considering the benefits derived from the email maximum tax ation thnt this bill calls lor, Viz., 25 cents ou $1,000 ol assessed valuation. Notice ti nt this is the maximum ex panse, and that in all probability the service will be prautilally sell-sustaining and we informed that at different time it has paid as high as (10,000 to the 0. R & N. Co. Yours very truly, EDM0ND C. GILTNER, Secretary. II the Columbia tiver 1 to maintain a position a first cla pirt, every effort must be put forth to reduce the pilotage and towage rhirge to a level with thoat ol port similarly situated. Ia the com petition for commerce the port which ha the lowest fixed charges, all other thing being equal, tecure and main tains the businei. Every reduction in fixed bar pilotage charge ha a conse quent bearing on the price paid for commodities to be exported. The im provement of the Columbia River and decreasing It bar and pilotage charge are by no meant local in their tcope or effect. Every citizeu in the great Col umbia River basin, draining an empire in extent, has a positive and vital in terest in ittaccoiiiplisbinent. Itseflec: are far-reaching. Within the next few year the extention of the great Eastern trunk line will converge on the l'c He Coast. The links ol commerce will be welded in favor of One port or another. Thi Is a form itive period. The oppor tunity of the Colombia River to main and occupy an impregnable position must not be neglected. The experience of London, Liverpool, Glusciw, Hamburg and other great port of the world ha demonstrated that in the handling of all matter concern ing towage, pilotage and dockage the undertaking become one in which the spirit o: the broadest community ol in terest must govern. The element of In dividual profit or gain must become tub- servient. Tne betterment of the service nd the reduction ol all charges to a minimum must be the controling idea. The result of indifference or lack ol appreciation to tecure lor commerce eeeking the Colombia River the best and cheapest facilities would be dis astrous and well nizh irreparable. The citizen of Astoria, Raiuier and Portland should join hands in thit splendid undertaking. Whatever posi tion the different ports along the Col umbia may occupy by reason of g -o-a-raphical location or natural facilities, are all reduced to one common lev 1, with inefficient, impaired snd expensive br facilities. To the lumberman of ths Columbia River district, with the steady growth of foreign and coat ise trades, this sub ject it ol vital and abiding importance. The Tim tier man hope to see the commission purchase one or possibly two fl rat-class steam pilot boat to re place the present sailing schooner now employed In the pilot service. To W. B. Ayrer, president of the Eastern and Western Lumber Company, and other public-spirited citizens who gave their time and knowledge to the f urtherenoe of this worthy and commendable effort the commercial interest of the Colombia River basin owe debt of gratitude. Their effort will be more fully appreci ated in the fnturetban they can possibly beat the present time. Worked Like Charm. Mr. N. D. Walker, editor of that tpicy journal, the Enterprise, Louiea, Va., aays: "I ran a nail in my foot last week and tt once applied Bucklin's Arnica Salve. No inflamation followed, the salve simply healed the wound." Hials every tore, burn and skin disease. Guaranteed by all druggists. 25c APPLES AKO IRRIGATION. E. II. Shepard ol Hood River iy of tiie apple market a follow! : "The buyers demand a uniform pack of sound fruit- The six varietia com manding the highest p ices last year were the Spilzenburg, Yellow Newtown, Jonathan, Arkansas Black, Winesap, ami On ley." He advise the setting of a larger per cent of Yellow Newtown, as the market lor them is more extensive and the trees more prolific than the Spiitenberg. A market for the latter is somewhat limited and competition becoints ex ceedingly keen, which would perhaps result in a lower price in future years. Mr. Shepard reccomends as litils irri gation as possible, nnd deems once or twice a year sufficient, aa apples grown with excessive irrigation, as in the Yaki ma valley, would decay more rapidly than non-irrigated fruit. He cautioned growers not to irrigate late in the sea son, as this would keep the sap flowing and causes serious irjury lo the tree by the bursting of the bark, Moderate irrigation enchances the color of the apple. Potash is a good fertilizer and its use produce a better color, larger trop, better size and longer keepers. Homestead. SAVED HER SON'S LIFE The happiest mother in the little town of Ava, Mo., is Mr. S. Rupye. She Wiites: "One year ago my son was down with such serious lung trouble that our physician was unaple to help him; when by our druggist's advice I began giving him Br, Ring' New Dis covery, and I soon noticed improvement I kept this treatment up for a few week when he was he wa perfectly well. He lias worked steadily since at carpenter work. Dr. King' New Discovery saved his life." Guaranteed by all druggists 50c anu $1.00. Trial bottle free. On February 10, Cap. Charles W. Oldrieve won the world's championship and 5000 by walking the water from Concinnatl to New Orleans, a distance of 1000 miles, in SO days, S3 hours and IS minutes. He walked only during daylight hours, using cedar shoe 4 feet 5 inches long, 5 inches broad and 7 inches deep. His wile rowed beside him all the way. In a gasoline boat preceding Oledrieve were Capt. J. W. Weatherington, ol Dallas, Texas., who backed tho water-walker, and Arthur Jones, representing Edward Williams, ol Boston, who laid the wager. Found at Last. J. A. Harmon ol Lixemore, West Va. says: "At last I have found the perfect pill that never dissapolnts me; and for the b?nerit of others afflicted with torpid liver and chronic constipation, will say take Dr. Kiug's New Life rills." Guar anteed satisfactory. 25c at all druggists. 8UMM0H3 lu the Circuit Court nt the State ol Oregon, (ur iiumraa eoiinif. Ralph Rogers and L. A. Roger fl.ilniifls v Stephen haurnan and Mrs. Hti-ilicu Haurnuu IftifanrlttlU Mnumsn and Mm. fltephen Hsu man the defendants above Darned: In the Dime ot the Slat ol Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and antwitr too com plaint Hied aralnrt you In the aliove entitlvd suit, on or hfore the laMt dty of thn time pf-r-serlbed In the order lor the pubUcaUoa of thit tumiaoiM, the said period ol Hun- hvltuc nix wmktlrom thsdsyof tlia flrt piihllriUlon of thltiummona andtald hurt day ot pnhllratloii belni ihe rd ittr of May, 1MI7, and If you fnll to to appear ana answer ttud comiiltint, the plalnttRt will eatiM your default to be entered and apply to the Court above named (or the relelf demanded. In tald complaint, to wit: lor an adjudication that the defendant hare no ini4f."i i ii ine a w y or tne n v 01 te'-uon "Ia lu lowfiahlpt north ramie 4 weat iA W illam ette meridian In Columbia Couuiy, On-gori; evoeialiiK therefrom a two aero trad. de-r(t"l on iMtniineotdiiK at Ihe H W corner ot Raid tract of tii. and ruiinlnf theuce north 1 chains to a point; theac etl 8.16 enaint. to a point; thence tooth t.33 chant to a point and thence west . IS chains to the place of beginning, and lor a decree quieting plalntlnV title therein. Thl iimmom It published by order ol the Honorable K. S. Helton, Judge ol the County Court ol tha Bute ol Oregon, for Columbia county, in vie and dated March Is I'JOT, which order pencribed that service o( tummoiia In Ihlt mil Iw made upon you by public atlon, once a week for tlx conaecutlve weckn. which time will brain to run Irom the day ol the tlr-t publication hercif and the time within which you are required toanewer aald complaint l on or be'oro the lost day ol the time pewribed In aald order (or publication, to wit: May 3rd, 11107. The date of the Unc publication ol thit turn It Friday. March ti, iVn. DIU.ARD DAY, Attorney lor flaintlHi. j STOMA & COLOMBIA RIYER XI RAILROAD COMPANY. OAILV. Bit BOWS! STATIONS TV 7 00 00 t s M (M t M t M 1 17 100 to 0 10 2 1 W a.M. 00 0 It M t 4 U 1 00 M 10 t 21 10 M 10 67 11 OA 11 1 11 SO 4' Li Portland Ar A. iif. V. S ' I 00 7 4 1 M 7 U 7 2S 7 17 7 02 42 il 20 e 10 it ie 10 oS M 44.1 Ut M.I (2.S M.4 71.1 ni M Ml to A MS:! . Ooble .... .Rainier ... Pyramid. .. m us i v 17 08 I 02 I SS I S3 S IS I 07 7 M T ii ...Warner.... .uaincr .... . . Claukanie.. Marahlend.. .. Wettpoit... ....Clifton.... ..Knoppo.... . Sventon... . John Dor..J ar. Atioria .it All train! makt clot Mnnactlont tt fioblt wtlh northern Pacta tnint to and from the Salt on Soun points. At Portland with oil tralnt leaving Dnlan depot at Attorta with I. R. A N. Co. a boot and roll Una and Steamer T. 1. Poller to aa frost Uwaea and North Beach potato. Paasenten for Astoria or wot polnti matt flag tralnt tt Houlton. Trains will nop to lot poo irongeit off ot Houlton when coming from poms vwtoiOoM. J. C. irlirt, Oca. f aa. Agl. Astoria, Or H. HORGUS ST. HELENS Carries a Complete Line of Groceries Dry Goods Hardware Crockery Flour and Feed Hay Notions Candies Stationery Fancy Goods In tact, everything usually kept in a firs class General Merchandise Store. M price will be found as reasonable as an store in Columbia County. V'our trade solicited. Steamer Iralda C. I. Hooghkirk. Master. RAILROAD TIMK. Leares Rainier dally (except 8nndav)for Port land, at 6 A. M.. departing from si. Helens al . o'clock. Keturniug, leave Portland at 2:'M P M., arriving at tt. Helen!! at 4:4a. Passengers and Fast Freight. FOR PORTLAND DAILY PORTLAND LAMll.NO, TAYLOR ST OREGON Shoreline Ujhkm Pacific AND UNION DEPOT. jj Leaves jArrives. CH !C AliO-PGKTLA N U v:io A. M j!: r. .n SPECIAL for the tat via Huntington. Daily. Daily SPOKANE PLYE H, 615 P. 34. 8:00 A. M lor Eastern nosnuia ton. Walla Walla. Iw Dailv. Da IP-. tston, Coeur tt Alenel aud Great Northern point. ATLANTIC EXPRESS: 8:15 P. M.'7:li A. 51. for the East via Hunt- i Dally. Daily. inaton- II I Lower Columbia River. Steamer Hoaaolo leaves Portland daily, except Butidar, at 8:00 p. m. Saturday 10. (U p. m for Attoria and wav landings. Returning leavei Attoria tt 7:00 a. m. daily, except Sunday. A. L. CRAIG, Oenerol Pooaeuscr Aaent. PORTLAND Ore. JJR.H. R. CUFF, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON BT HELENS ORKGOX. QR. EDWIN SOS8, PHYSICIAN & SURGFON ST. HELENS OREGC Dont forget the Congreeatioanl Church ! Social Thursday evening, March 28th, at j the Odd Fellowi Hall, Ba i3& NOTICE OF SALS. Notice l hereby given that by vlrtne of an order thi-. dy gninl..-. l.y tliu t'ounly Court of M nUo.tivoili tli.tii,,..- I,...,.,.,, tin. n,lA..In,l I will thi! following real estate ol thn estntn I of I'lliiilet tlill-r, ileei-ased. ut prl'H(e trtlo lor, Irom iti.fl utter April I'J, Ktrl: N u f s K , SI Tp r N H 5 W Wtltaiautu Morf.lian In Oregi.ii. , i). k, rut,rirt.y rn, Admlnltirator. '-loOrcironian ItldK,, Portland, Oreguu Dated March Kill, WW. GUARDIANS SALE Notice Is h-rehjf irivi-n that hv virtue olsa nrilen.l theCnnntr Conrt of the stale of Ore gon, lor the County or Columbia. mnlo and entered on the IDih duv of Miireh 11X17 in the matter of the eotate ut Willie L. II. Monke. a minor, the utiili-r'lKiie'l, nt tuianllnn of tha eitateof uiid minor, ivill on the 27th hry ot April lii.,7 at inrhotir nf lllo':l.i-k In the tore li.M.n th.-re..f, at the front. dKr of tho Conn llue In Ht llolena, lircuon, tell al pnbllo aiiethni, f..r In imnd the followini letcrlh el real pniju-rtj- helfins;ina to itaid minor, titii ntct in the f ''iiiiifv of ColumhU, fltate of Ore gon, to wit: the Northeoat nuarter ol nectlon -JO In Townnhlp live North Runae four West of the Willmm-ire Meridian, tuhj.-ct however to th difWer riuht, title and Interett of Mary E, Bel rich who la the mother of nid minor. W. A. HARRIS. W . II. Powell, Attorney for Guardian. SOTKE 10R I'IBLICATIOS. Department of the Interior. Land Oltiee at Portland. Uiegon, Feb, 7, 1907. VOTIf K lr HEREBY filVKN THAT i.V COM plhtnee wuh the provision of the rt of CoiurK-Mi of June :l, 1m"s. entitled "An act for the "Jde of llniljer lands in the rttaten of Oreiron. t.'uiil'.rnfn, Nevwia and Wafchirurton Territory,'' H extended t all the puhltc land Htatet by act of AuioiH 1th. lava, l.iirollne K. Kriaica of t.iatit. county of f:ontr Coma Ktate ol Cali ffiriiia, ha" this dy filed in th j a oflice hi aworn jitju.-metit. ... 7'jtJo tor tiie ptir:hae of the K ol rW y . and 6 and 7 tif ee. No. S In Town hip ?. Nf.rlh S Ve-t and will offer proof to iiiiow the land sonant U more valuable for or stone than tor airrieiilttiral pur xjei nnd to esniiiiUh hlf eliiitn toaaid land be 'ore the Itegit'-r ud Heeeiv.-r at Portland, Or., on Tuesday lhe'-':rd lay of April 1907. He nmnes as wilne-e: J. c. Burlte of Port land. iire.:ori, C'harle O'bom, of Portland, Ore iron. L. II. otor. Jr. of Portland, Oregon, Ed. Harke. of Portland. Oreiron Any Hiol a!l person t-iaimlni? adversely th d.eribe.i lands are re.oested to rile their elalrns in thit othee on or before said 23rd day of April 1-A7. ALGERNONS. DRESSER, Regltter SUMMONS. Irr the Circuit Court of the State ot Orejjo n, lor (.'..rtitbt Count v Jus. If. Smith, plaintiff, Ti John Holme, le- To John HvUne, the aMive name1 defendant: in the nrnMf tb f-tate of Orgon ysu ar hc? hy r.jtiirHl to appear and answer the cora j'iitidt itU"! andirist jrn in the above entitled ratiM. aii'f ih nit, on or lMjEre the expiration o( -ix wetKs from the 'late of the first publication othis Miniinons, U) wit: on or before the 29 'lav uf March, lyOT, anl i you fail to bo answer, ior want therf. the piufntitf will apply to the f.jtirt for 'he relief prttye'I fr in hi.1 complaint, now on (He herein, which tvitef m prae! (or ii us ftjijfmir. twtt: tht you be reU.rel to atiwer hpin within the time perscribefi by iaw.artd hy this summons, ana to set forth fully the nature, character tui extent of the interet orrlaint h'l r assorted by ymi to the tra't of hind ieM rit?d in said complaint, to wit: TheSK 'iof Sec. 12. T 5 X R $ W. W M. that jtaid riuht mar t.e subject to iuveMisration ttv .ittid court and that upim the hearinteof this . cane. that yon tn tet:red not to have any rit!ht, tilf, inttTest er estate in said tjremie4, or any part or parcel thereoi, n.1 thai the plaintiff herein e decTced to the owner iu ice of (Mtid prem ise!, and the whole thereof, and that hi title hitherto Ik forever quietest, and that pUiutitt have jtidim.ent against you (or hN co-and dUiiurMtn.entst herein. This .-ummoii-i i ptihlished by order of the HouoraMe R. Hattm Judge of the Connty Court td Cohtuihia 'oan;y, State of Oretson, which slid ordr w wade and dated on the 13 dav of Fef. ItfiT, and the date of the 6:H pub licktinn ni this uunnuii$ U the 15 day ol Feb., mi. COO VERT 4 STAPIXTON Atty. for Flaiatifft NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court of the State of Oregon, fotCdt.m!ia Cmintv. Iu the matter of the estate ol John J. Quinlan, lfK;e.tstd. Notice is t'vreby triven by the nndersiirned, admuii'-tratrix ot the Ktute ui John J. tiniulan. U't-crtsed, to all persons havina claims aK-Uust the estate nf wiid tle ecd, to present them, with the proper vtMiehert within six months frtmi thn date of this notiite, to the undcr-dKued ndniiuifrirntrix. at the Law offiee of liilard A Dav, at .t. Helens, Colftmhia count v. Oreuon. Adintntratrix of the Estate of John J. Quin lau, deceased. CITATION. Ia the Co'inty Court of the State of Oregon for the county of Columbia In the tuaitcr o the tstute ot Samnal A. Boggs, dcceaeil. To NiUhuii Bjsits of $r,ow Camp, Stat nt N'rth Carolina, and to all other heirs and devi fees of samurH A. lli.-t:j;s, deceased, if any such there be. and to ali other pewuis interested iu the real property l.'elonjfiniij to the estate of said decetiM-d, tircetiiitf : In the name of the rotate "f Oreeon: You and e.t-h of yoi are hereby c'ted and repured to appear in the County Court of the Statu of Ore iCu t'orihe county of .oinn bin, Rt the t'ourt rotun thv-rotd, a; t. Helen, in ntdd County and state ou rtii;rday the 'rd day of March. 1107 at uti o'clf-cfe iu ihp icrcuoiMt 'of said day: ami then itnd th.rv to -how (.'-ft'1, ii anv there be, why an ordt-rf td certain real property belonging t the e-lutc of said dvH'tfasv!, in the Ciomty of Mullliotiirt1! und State ot Orcctitl, siioidd not K made as t-rayed for in the peti tion of ( lou ios Muni, the admiiUBlmiur vi the otitic, on hlciiih'd.i Cotirt. The rual p:o)n-ny doMTiUnl and petittotied to be stdd in said petition n t'odows, to-wit: l-ofs K. h nnd M in M. .;-: in I6h (toy.- Sub division to tw Citv oi l'orthutd, ftituntcd (n the t.:otinty ot Multn -in ih, Stnie ol trcirnn. W tiH tiie lbii. i. s. Itatmn. .Imtst of thn Connty Conrt of the Stato ot OreKon for tho County oi Columbia, wiili the neat of siid Conrt affixed, thi Jl tlay of Febrnaiv, A. I). 1W7. Altfst: W. A. HA RUM, Clerk. Sea) of County Court. V. H, Powellt Attorney for Administrator. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION (Timber Land, Act June 8. 178.) Vnitt-d HtatcK I.nd Odk'e, Cortland Oregon, February W 1W7. Notice is hereby iven that in compliant1? wvth the provii.ini of the not of Congress of June 8 1STU, eutiticd "Ait act for tho nalu of timber land in the t;ite-8 of Cnlifornia. Oregon Nevada, and Wa-dmuTtnn Tcriitnry,' aft ex tended to h1 the TubUc hand States by net ot Anient 4, 12 IVter Koit "man, ot Hivoita, county of WahltuTion, state oi Oregon, has this day riled in this othee hi sworn statement No, ?2i for the purche of the NWI of Section No. H3 in Township No. A North Rrtie S Went and will otler pnof tt: how that tho land sought s more va'uable for it timber or -atoTto than for aurieiiltural puriOfes, ftBd to pxtnb lh his claim to . 'aid Imut bwOne the benUter aud Kveeivtrnt i'mUan i. Oru 'u. ou WtjdtiOT day ttif f ii day of May li07, tte tiames as wit iicjj-e,-: i- C Neloij, of Kucoun, Orenron? 8. Jcppt'iioj., of I! u'l'toi, trciron ; A, 0. Hotchltlss, of liaeonti, Vkcou; Torn Mucha-n, of, Mountain, dale, t.tnvoii. Any and nil persona eUtrniiut a'1verely tho abovri-ilc'ribt'd luida arc re)Uetud to rile their claims in this ottieeouor before said 8th dray of May IW7. ALGERNON t. PltKSSER, KcKidter. NOTICE FOR PUBUCATIQN. fTimherhaud, Act June 3, m) rnlte-t Stales Uind Ortiee, Portland., Oregon Deeeiub r lSt P.W. Nonce is hereby given that in compliance with the tr(ivi.iniii of tho act of Conre! nf June 3, lTi. entitled n net for the sale of tiiaherlauds iu tle finte,sot Culiftmtia, Orenon, Nevada- and Wtushinston Territory,' aa ex tendwl to all the I'utdic Laud Statea bv act of August 1SW, Charles L. l)ty, of Portland, Cmiuty of M lilttHniu-.h, btnte t f Or!(too, has this ilay tiled it, this odiee his wom HMitemeut No. 7iiJ, ior the puivtiaae of tho j ofhh'.. see. 6. and N W 4 oi NK, of Section No. 7. Town.vhip No. 4 .soith. iiaoe No. fl Want and ill ofl'er pivot' to xlmw that t fie land nought is more VHluaiile lor tnnhei' or stone thnn for ajirk-ulturrtl pnn,M--t and to tHahlish hin claim to cm id land he fore the Kevin! and He ceiver, rtt Forthotd. Oie-'OB. on Monday toe ith dtiy of M-trch. hu7. Ue Htintcw m wltnewa: (Jeore Sitt-, of Kertc , Or.; Jcjhn Prinule, of Vrrnonio, tn ,; J, K, MeCrea, ii rurtirfiid. Or-; R. V. Cox. of Pottlnd, or. Any and i;llperMUt chiirnlnir ndverielv the alHive-dscribcd mnd are requeMed to tile thtdr cij;ims in thU othce on ot beforo said 4th day of March, K'UT, ALGERNON 8. DHKHHKK. ' ."'Money to kuu at Kiht per cent, uiubia County Iaulc. Co!-