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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1907)
pou t forget tb. ity election Monday j : (rem " to p. m. I i . - S Mr. Kraok Meeker, hiving sold hi , . ..... .. ---------- iMma. 1 hn near here fcas, ni "'her re-; OREGON ItHST Oregon, as second-class mail matter. Issteo EvEmv Friday Bv E. H. FLAGG. EDiToa vt FaofaiETC a. t remove, w - r. ! make their future borne. where tbev will , M BxlttlTtoS RlTKS One year 8i months . ..l..V . .75 Advertises rate made known on appli cation Leial n tx- i cent prthnc. C. riiCHER, ATTORN EY-AT-LAW. OREGON ROSIER TO NEW SUBSCRIBERS . 1 i f SOTUEOr tH45K 0r5aE SIBiTITlTES I OR HAY Porioi tbe year fm;rs should not overlvkthe inal'fr of gTOwi:g lh M Xotk-e t heebT r" i '" . i. ,,-... f hr ihat n - err of the tuorm Court rf the at well-known W'UUtHi nay io u , nf rocIllr , on,bu. ' ture oniokle and v:H eil. so h al oai. -, ..a the 11 -lay . f; fodder co-, M Ut and va peas. 1 ),,.,, . , , : men.. oau it intended -1?LH?1TtJLLiiV m.-V'iJ.'Jw'- ... t th ,oaitrof the et f the: WM: . a.' Ham, i;rt widCr. ! purpose of tecariw yield r''. MARCH 29. SUMMONS . .lit IK rrv.nonlr when it is in tbe milky state, or j jst f revioo to rpeiiinf fW r.vnr' -m farmer, obi ft to wba' they .e; rd a a nefl thai wtaiU the j t. im,mm4m a'onaa- " CIRCL'IT COl"RT OFFICERS Thomas A. McBrioe . .Instrtct Jtsrtge . f , v ; b9i o t frtil farm . .aM. rtttatit ALt-EK wncx c teMnlf , uir cri)p vf hay. Hwfjrtu ,v,,,. COl'STY OFFICERS : on liaht toiU ihe farmr niut re- Tj MKrtftt en, wii.!Bt abo rtto':ci ab-titjt iu! tr.v the. , ,aT uait o the ute ir"inoa tab are til., 1 cat JH". l--Ion m-jij'j,, i in is St. Helen tim f t:tr,ini. vieU CT-p ol e.-.rt n wi. M "lie i! l ar-i. w.. im c tt.ttiv. tai'ire ?t. TIelens W A. Harrss. Cierk St. Ke'.en best rMuiia. MaRTIS White, Sbcntt St. Helen tn time of Casper LiKEt. tommiajrjer., ..M:t , mw tir.c ihe ' pefweine-l ' ! H. West. Comsi'r scarP Etm tN Ros, Tre!.rtT. St. He'.ea A. T. Laws, Asscr.,.. St. Helens I. H. Copelavi', School Scpt... H.Ti't.n Frank B. I'urscorr. Surr Rainier H. R. Cuff, Coroner St. Heen Un-ier, keeping gB .r,Jb!ch will b j "'.'".r .n., re!ii by the cattle a-..i h-rr. T rlV-Vr.." nMJe of feiinz i to take the lmaJ of jtMiii-t bwi tor iim reisef 4aii4e4 Mwreia, oat (or aheafs' anJ them thrJgh "'VTiw'o.Vrf l aaM e-.UlM U ', aeutter cii.Ttinz Straw ar.d IiaIs to-! an ,,nitr anJ ,J-r ol :b . Eetl fr the whl lading a taas of lni-; vtj ai piai.S l !!fr,Jani brrrtn I A rmaii cn-' "Z . ,1 - , : : r .a 1 , v, .m Mh.r ' tt .., ty tU rteai-ient f :asu h , maiu-c grain in rnm. . ,,ir. iirt laerem. aM fcw otaer "V m - U,iS eonnt.v f.iU X keep bu,y in Prac-1 tity of groand grain aiIto the cnt ; ! I I fl P Y Pfl I . j,,r.., ntu and fed to tlie Stock. Tl.e dvv I t w tUihe4 k oeie f tht Vf 1 1W A f Mr. CievelanJ'a latent phrase is "tin-Us ; ni..i!n " K,w v?rT-lT 1 can be pcrjwes "riBgliag" w.U continue to j na do good fr ce. . . ; . ' H,n. T A HcKHIw. Jl of l! iO ell tijeof ItiCS narvesi.T.g ani p.'l""t ll Wfml a entered therein up the; thit Ihe hile Of the ftraa i ia:i lirJ ty fa-ncs rt.B oo lisu J oj ui ; m in .1 iff. . ' S Aitomet fr raintiff. i Lt jatiic::on April l 1. TELL YODR NEIGHBOR For sixty days NEW SUBSCRI-j BERS to j The Oregon Mist AND WeeklyOregonianj Both Papers $1.50 JOB PRINTING j 13 OUR BU8INE88 f K have tlm bi'Ht ami niont V full v(Muiii'd. lob Print in Offliv in Colunilua Cunty Jnd ur ore prepared to dotillhiutho) hinhnU on short no fire and at most reasonable- prices A TRIAL Will CONVINCE OREGON MIST I 1 5 4 - VI r ctiiueil, hi the time re ired fx groatli i b Bter.ed. Even 011 rich heavy lands this mie of har vetine is a so one wh re difficulty e he o,ld buiUl i th.,uSh the crop LOiiug U .oail, eC- t the I'nama cana; if be had tiie cham-e. j conntete-i But there is no troo! trial uc,u:a oe dote by tiie hvdrau'ic tytm. MIX THl AT HOME NOTICE TO CREDITORS SoTK F tj herM fitta that ih ouJfruic.- I tt ha tn i,.p,,in;?i a).'Dlnl:rt'.r of Ihe! elal of i,,hn FrfTT, ti-vaet. tir the . Honnntle B. s Hatsaa. Jmiire ol the t'ottMr , Two papers for the price of one Send in your nam'; and address at once, as this oiler expires .nay n. 11 00 1 Wall street is letrnirg that itiups, j down and ineth rif are n A. the basi ui j prosteri itr In the Co:.ti slate?. The foUowir simple home-made iTCriVVvM-.i B!i-;,reis -aid to readily relieve and j ' T'' RJeTi. I overome an form of Rheumatism by t t hi u at . Helen.. Orexon. duty f 1.- m- sn.w, t filter from the i """r-' f 41" wUaia " moD"" ! j iv,vn.5 ,..v - - - j trow iae aaie urre:. 1 U.xid and sys-era !1 the uric acid and - .1 roisoncus waste n.afer, reliering at Ths time u ilea- at hand to plant j .vlrp!.,m, ls Kvkache, weak tree, arrd tbre ta iw opsrauoo. at I kjJneyt ,t j Mlhjjer ,cd Wood disease.. kill.? Cel. K'." l,,:r u...J-. i Ba'ot Feb. ilT. A. H. CtXNINC.Il.tM StTJlMONS. of OrefD. T it . a it dofn't ct lunch to make ! 1 ! , ". , Vj,.t,., i t, .,,.,!,. . , ; in iheCiretsit ronrt of the State Iif.e ha a great habit of evening i J.omscv j May W. t. j'hri r.ainuff cp. Shoal! Mr. R-ett hap-, Ugt Jhe f.jlio-a tnj? !i.trml ingruli-. f.,k x rithri I)fo.laBt. p. n to i intheser,a-ehe wilt b ! ents f,oa, any cod iWiacY: Fluid T f- an PP'rtanitV to tscile fom? of senator j I... delion r,ne half ounce:' In the na m of the -tate of Or -em. y.m are . . ' r.wii 1 ' -"e ( brrliT M re-iuirci 10 .j,prtr herein Tuinta. pet measure wiiu a iuraeu , (-oaiiioocd Kurgon, one onnce : Coa;- ! . , w(,,r thf -n,ttayi Ai.m iat. ami an ct.i. ' , . .1 ,.-r-- iKr Th r. ajraiu-t v,,u in tht. 6Utk' i poond sypop Sarsapanha, three oor.ces. , WKlrf 5,M1 ,, , ,W ., . j m;t lr shaking weil in a bottle, and i a-reia at that date ihe fioowT , , 1 . . tit u. the f..r a dtvurea feta ya and THE GRAFTtn 5 rltmonat. i tike a teaspvjtiui alter eacn me.u unu , (r eenra reiwf. 1 dKaiu , t t TO Thi i'jmtTi'ta is t'i'Hbl orlr o( Hon. R fUtun J'.'l "f th Co-mxr f oui tl 'r cftn f-r .!:nbi 'inty. tnift rharatnf utl-Mefb Uv of Marcii 17, iiitr!jinE the I'ljfCtuonof t-kn u,nm.'t in th t rsr r k.idne fn.u-. :IWl,n.u, ,4 xa :. Tnettae rr.h.d i;i in wJcr diret'UM ihw Mto tl m 1. a . t 1 t; vi., i ... 1 w-, aci-i tne Mt r.v una iiru witi "I-"' ; . forrowiai prucew.i ui uereii mi Thete are ail tiaimiess, eery-uay i bereia i it, daf after ihe ear-ration ..i na 1 tiafc'-.u 1 A sermon in pictures is the border ; -jj,:. fjmp'.e uiixtare is said to give wrwa of la-l Sar,.ia"s Oregotnan. : prompt releif and there are very few The rule "I graft la tne L nite-i .3 tearly over, bat It is leaving in its wake m. . ;t 9-t fi to cure tnianetit:y A'tcriwv for f'lainliff. tealize too late thai ace of micd. a j dru, anl -,jor ,iTuluit siionld keep 04:e "' ,1"r Sm pu''" denarttuect: ' EOBEKL G. MoKRow faritue, an honorable oil ajte an-1 a death j jt n jt usvt. m or,),.r tbem from trie bed free from remorw are worth more ; ,,ja-.e jrcg hous-n for yon, rather ; - - - than the deliriO'is pleasure purchase,! I than fnll to 0,e ttli., if Tu are atfiiod. ' Vma cigars ; two for twenty-five cts. with Uinted monrv as t-e trice of : 1 Leader m qnalitr. Bnnn Eros. treachery i. PObrc ofic "I wish I NOTICE FOR PUBUCtTlOH were hies to the I akery wagon, said j or.e of San Fraucisco's seif-conie--d j booilers. Elected ta serve the people 2 TRAINS DAILY 2 TO M Ll'T 1 1 M I N X K A I I 'M sT. l'At I - liKVVF.R-UM 'O S-OX K.VN- It V-T loll THE KAST Oihcial The Regular Yellowstone Tafk Route Via Livingston and tiardmer Catewiy. the (ioverament Entrance to the I'ark. SEASON JUNE I TO SEPT. 20. k iuruoiMO IK YOf WILL, BI T SEE AaMl-:HTCA FIK START UHiHT. SKI- YlCLOWS'l'OX K PARK NATURES li RE AT EST VONtKRLANl riKTICTLAKS AT2 MORRISON sTKKET A. D. CHARLTON Assistant Oenrral I'aswnger Agent Portland Oregon j oiiick: A. M. MOLTON Tmi Columbia County ABSTRACT AND TRUST CO. 1$ Titles Kxaminko V Abstracts Made :j ; Non-Rksiukst Tasks Paid t Len l'ctitc v? Loans, etc r ".: " ' j i r -.- -?' r'r-ft'ff ! SECURE FUTURE IMPENDENCE 1 . ? Kv Investing iii OOOl) RKAL KSTATR c - n InliiK .VmHv i the lkast I ; v tk. r riiiit' mm.wa.T v ! ? t... ...... . ... .,-? in mi tlip tTotitnl floor: v ; ' 1 ii t v-k tiMi iiti. j t't vn v ... X j ; Tomorrow may t to late. Correspondence wmuca s 1 from tlioj-e sicking invest incut .itul promptly answeretl. V J 102 ! 1 I'hihuk-lphia St. St. Tolius.Orcvron r ' In v 1 'Timber Lan-t ,1- t Jnc 1 17) f nite-i r-tat. Land odtce. Portland Oregon. Ker, 11. l-Af.. V..iif-e i her-bv ;vn that in e.vnt.l'an- ha was subject to temptation by tar j J'V'Valit' a" J!: ;.r Zt sreatcr rascals than bltufeil. ana oe- i tta.tieru.nds to the state of :) (reno C fWI ff JTJT oTrSTffoTf TbTTB Y f If 1 9 sKT SYXfYfm t t V f t "Q Kt P rAHA r i c clpPINCj Nea.3a ar.-l V'Ab inl-.n Territor7. ; a. titfii-i- ki Ait p'iMic la(i.t :ate. (,v a I -if Ai)u-t 4 rt .-arah E. I-.Tl-l-nof Forllaii-l c-"-';i.!y off Sf . -.iiof.a-, Stiite of i.-r-i'.-n ba th:i !-v ! . i j in lh orhr her -worn 'atme:it No. Tr- f'.r j '.h D'jrrijae of the ?-''V ?4 t-f ref lion in j T wti-nif, No .', Nor'.h No. 3 Wert ant j Wiil l(ff?r i-r'.of v hoir mal Hie lart-1 ,ii.'h! j ilBi-i'jvi.w.i f--r ita lira.',er i f un tha j for ifr?e'.itnraJ p irif, au 1 lo ett,ii-ii h.-r : i-Ui-.i !o ai-l iaii-i tMfi'-rv K-rj;.r,jr and River i at P,r.!sr,l. ortn on -aturday the -lay ,f A;.r-1 I.y7. :i; naie a. ;tri?v.- J.y.:'h i ia-tn. of fort, an-!. (r--iron, w . I. ' a-e oi pntsMjrv. rr,-e'.-ri. Mr.. 1. W. i. f i':Tt,- burir. or--iron. ''l.rr -h.r. of Ra'.rii-rr. Ort--n. Any and aii p-r-M.n. riai mills a-ii;r.')' the a'jveie-rr:-'r-t lan-l are le-i'i.t'l lo t W thi-ir ciairns in this offii:e on or before feaid -jUi -lajr oi Ai-nl l'M7. ALOEP.NO.V S WOi-T.-F.R. Hauler. came their tool in a gigantic scheme of robbery. I; was eay money and it loot ed go-d to him. It is an oft told tale, but it ne er loses ita sadness. Here in Oregon we have teen tbe last of pleas are and ambition bring to the prison doors and to a dishonored grave ine-i who were leaders in the nations council. Money is not the only fi,rm of bribery. The public ' fficer who stands in to grant franchises to or reduce taxes of a corpo ration in the hop? of a reward .of any kiodisjuit as surely a grafter as the one who takes his pay in cash and just as truly an enemy of the people he has sworn to serve. San FranciscifO is not alone among tbe coast cities in its sham? and disgra-e. Graft prevail in Portland and the State .Striate was packed with its disciples. Whether they took pay in cadi or in printing contracts, or whether they n.ereiv trusted to the generous re membrance of the beneficiaries of tueir treachery ie immaterial. They kilhd nearly evety measure of public relief passed by the House, and w hether they were fools or knaves, or a combiuation of both, the result is tbe name. Thev betrayed their trut, anJ belong to tbe same class as Hoes Jloef and bis a-soci- ...r.u ir, Cur. Vr i 1 ff. V... it lm that they a-e uot the chief crimilals. j r 0,1 . .. ..1.. .1 r.t .1... ! Sjl i.ii-y are me.eiv xuk como,.v vju, ...: Will C.rrr V.tiiing b-it Paisen- great grafters who, by their dup.lclty, I frA and last Freight. have secured itirnnnity from taxation j p a MO DHLS THE SaUAKTIiST E FOOTWHA.K FOR WOMEN ig Spring Tics and "Ox funis 53.50 niul f ..oo The most up-to-date hosiery ilep.irtmcnt iu the city for Men, Wotnen and Children, If or have t een confiiu.ed in the poesenrion of their stolen franchises. It is to be j hoped that the exposure of their crini-1 inality w ill not 1 lonj deferred. There are forces at work in Portland that give protoise that the day of reckoning is nih at band, Wasington's new primary law pro hibiis paid "puffs" in newpaiers or ?q f OB PORTLAND, DAILY ft alj -TSAMEIT- k a j "America" JJ; h .- Willamett Slough Route Leave St. Helens. ... :30 AM Hi hi Arrive at Portland.. 10 :S0 A M r la Iavs Portland :30PM ZZ Arrive at fit. Ileienl. 6:00 PM f Mi a m I Jtnes COOD, fla.tar. f, NOTICE fOH PUBLICATION. I ARE to Itl ll, This Space taken by David P. Taff, the Land 31 an KNIGHT SHOE CO. 3rd and Washington Portland, Oregon tir.. 11 1 .1 . .1. : uiKovtT aim porosis aiore S The largest specialty store iu the Northwest CjLi-i.8 8 8 H 9 HalMll t OStlfinsosseiiiiflBOeoarjaeenaaaoasOOS SJIJ I THE BIG STOKE g DOWf BY THE BIG SAWMILL Receiving New Goods Every Day! ji In ihe Week. F nTTli' ".,WWTwrw .iw arik131?i Vuii ko? lnr Office-, J'vrtU:i4, Oregon. ! NMi:.e f)rff-bjr xtvtn that Ip ctmiUiin'" : i with tr.t j.r",viiii.f o( ti ai-t (f uri-nj of ! J'j rs l-7"s, -ititifl "Ati art (or the of i tin.U;r UO'l fn tli- fatfrf of '.i j(rU. Ohf'oh, Ns-Yitfl and W ri-.ii iiiKfn f' rritory, " kb r.xt-ii'l- J noiiicm- oi uie eiau; ana any eauor, j M.t if j tcanUKe! I Confer Of (riniiloye of a ' r''UK'.f nuovt'n. .-Uof'iron, litiil, : ! 'l;,v tn;'Mn ttfi otTi tfirorTi MMemw.t No newfpaper or iJiTiwiCal mho elm II be Tit;. ir,r th mrt o( tin ', sw: l.,tt Huj.'P S-t. 4 V. ali'i will fpfr.-p ji'iti.f to-l.oar f arjf) t(i tiMfj,ih hi tfrtijii to j'.jj't laii'i Ufor; . ; trie k-(fifttr n l fc:ier at Hort!ti'!. "tre'fti. j im i tit-iMittv irte "j.n jy or Af'fii l. lift l liainfi wjlirJ"-' A fl'Sf- Hnun-U, ff I liK'om, f jr., A. i. H'Hfhklwt, of Baoiirt. Or., Ofio -Tjr'ir'fifiMiin. of JiuijotiJt, Or., At:rl lltlu-f mi. ff AHif.o. Or. -; Ay iaikJ 1I rrii '-Ittlirjiity jtvTH-ly t aV'ive Jtrr-r-riU"l Uiiii ar- tnnpi f fit'? th-jr Umii iu on or t:Jrjre n vlit lay , of Aprti, l'jo7. i ALOKKN0.V S. IfcK?Kfi. i lUfUtur. i , I JUsa Ueimtntion of Un Humling for Only the itest in guilty of "puflinu" any candidate f-r nav mar be fkieJ in any sutu not less that the iwi-i iwht i. moo- rmuahie (or it. ' - - - - tuohvr or .t',:ii- that, for a limn yj or more man f -atu or imprision eel not less than ten days or moio than tx tnnnths. "Puffs" plainly taxt'i-d "pahl tdver tif inents" may apiar, however with out liability or imprisonment, for which the newspaper men of tbe Kver prcen state ouht to feel duly thankful. Just how fie state is going to distin guish between u "pufr' that's pai-1 for In some mys.erioits or roundabout way mid Ihe g"vd old freo kind is not ap parent, hi d unless it can do thiH the lnw ninoiintg to about as much as a fool's who-p on a hih hill. There is noth iif nbotit it fhat any self respecting pub lisher will ol j':t to, but ut the snme tin e any gibbering idiot of a lehlat- r iititiht lo he oblo to see that no bribe tiikinif ptiblinlii'r is ever golnjt to be taken in nnv stub net, onliss he is a rij subject for tht crazy-bouse. Eagle. iGeneral Merchandise! g . I, Dart & Muckle. i !St. lleleiH, - - Orejroii-J mJUiUiUiUittiUiUWJUili iUiUiUittiilJUiUittittiii NOTIC: FOR PUBLICATION- I f.and Office nt Portiaii l, Ortzoo, Manb Zi V17. Noll';e I. heri-hr liven MnU tho foil nwlnr-I nainird wlllf-r in ftll notii-e of hip. liit.Mioii I l'i mtt. rina) ria,f in aui-ooit of ill claim, ai.'l ! that raiit r.-.f will he ii)a..j h.,f,re the ll'rlrll--r i nl Ke.eivi.-r at forllafi-t, llri-irol.. on Uy li r.ji, viz; joy mirtra-jr if. K. .No. n (or ihe K 1 j NW !t a d Urtt 1 ami i of See. V. t N. K. 3 t . lie name, the followlwr H-lriM- ti prove hi. Ciintiiinoti rc-.f.leucQ upou an-i the e.iltua tioll of. .ai'l IhimI, vl.: W..I.-V ri.tUTie.-, of Oohle, Orexon: X.-lo:i, ofMayxni. f'- 3 on: J-ttiu luirnrher. of Varuouia. Oiexou; oh n iili.U-iu, of Veruonla. AU.CUK0X . IlRE'fiKR, Ssautsr. ! STATE BANK OF I r RAINIER ' j RAINIER, 0,"E. CA,,,TL,,5,00 l'our pi-r cent iiit..r.-t rM ! '"'vinif.h;plllt.. j,,,,. I '.'i ",,:"l!"l,',l.M'm'-"""llv. j M,", and H-plemU-r 1. W. 11. I.0TTMAN, CasHota Collectlona Mad.. s. Draff. Mucd -a. - ....... I Buiy on drccHM thin $60 Machine for it m mpaiai " , , fiio!.".; ntob. doS JfT? ( autoiiiallo M,ie a, o.hrr to" " Ktl manl.. 1 W '''I , U tl..m. ri'iff"'4'1 aliu-hina ""if olf ma.-l.IM. Ji',,,si'i - .i -a.ii " - ., .iii'"S Wr llatflSK In. froa ru.lllllll tl W!1, ; ,li.HW Iwiant boiiMholit (...!. ' ro" '' hj hm nisi on las, rsmtnts-our i ir C ivtilx rurnlturo C"J. HS I7I rir.iau w r-"-"