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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1907)
r PE-RUNA A MEDICAL COMPOUND t . mnonnd a much doixmds upon the manner in which it is compounded upon the Ingredients ued. First, there must be a due proportion of the Ingredients. Rich drug In pharmacopeia hs ito special action. To combine any drug with other dr k that have slightly different action, the con.b nation must In i made with etr a reference to the u for pH m' well selected as to their efficacy, but the compound ENTIKELA bRULtu ux THE PROPORTION in which they are combined. It takes years and jears of experience to discover this proportion. There is no law of chemistry, of pharmacy, by which the exact balance of proportion can be determined. EXPERIENCE IS THE ONLY GUIDE. In compounding a catarrh remedy Dr. Hattman has had many 5 Jenoe. In the use of the various Ingredients which compose the catarrh reme.1) , Peruna, he has learned, little by little, how to harmonise the action oteaclt in gredient, how toeorabine them into a stable compound, how to arrange them two such nice proportions as to blend the taste, the operation and the cbemkal pe culiarities of each several ingredient in order to produce a pharmaceutical pro duct beyond the criticism of doctors, pharmacists or chemists. WE REPEAT THAT, AS MUCH DEPENDS ON HE WAY IN WHICH THE DRUGS ARE COMBINED AS DEPENDS UPON THE DRUOb THEM SELVES. The compound must present a stability which is not affected by changes of . . -. . 1 l. t tk. .Ir nut afWtA.1 hv SUP. It IHUSt lemperaiuro, no autvwu uy iwouiw w , - - j , , . be so combined that It will remain just the same, whether u?ed in the logging or mining camps ol Uie nortnwesi or me conee piaumuuuj ui mo A complete list of the ingredients of Peruna would not enable any druggist or phvsician to leprodnce Peruna. It is the skill and sagacity by which these ingredients are brought together that give Peruna much of its peculiar claims as an efficacious catanh remedy. y v. :-... ArtAk Pat-nna. mr TWYMMVfl. the Value Of nowever uiucu tihubu .6.m . i - - - the compound depends largely upon the manner and proportion In which they are combined, The rigm ingreaienia, pu. logciurr us, -"-j "-j -medical compound can be made of real value. HIGHEST ON RECORD All Flood Records Ea 3 Been Broken In California. DfTottom. "Maggie, how many times a week does Clarence come to tec you?" "Never less than seven times, and gen erally oftener." "Mercy! I should think such persist ence as that would bother you to death." "It doesn't bother me in the least." "Then you must be as far gone as he Is." "I don't care a snap of my finger for him." "Then why don't you stop him?" "Because he amuse me." "Poor fellow ! Doesn't your mother ob ject to his coming so often?" "I don't tell her." "That doesn't explain It, either. Where do you receive bim? In the kitchen?" "I don't receive him at all." "Look here, Mag. Do you suppose you can make me believe " "I'll tell yon all about it. Regularly every day he passes along hers on the other side of the street. He always looks over, and I am always sitting in this window and pretending not to see him." "You heartless wretch!" Chicago Tribune. Moat Coatlr Wood. "French walnut is the finest wood we have," said the cabinet maker. "It comes from Persia, but It Is prepared In France. I have seen French walnut worth $8 a pound, and It Is a common thing to pay $2 a pound for It Of course It Is used principally for ve neering. Only millionaires could have chairs and tables of solid French wal nut "Mahogany, wonderful as It Is, rare ly fetches such good prices. From $2 to $3 la a good price per pound for this wood. "Ebony, If It Is In a particularly large piece, so that It will cut well, will often bring S5 a pound In the wood market" Philadelphia Bulletin. Pins have been found among the Egyp tian mummies and in the prehistoric caves of Switzerland. Skirt rrnteelar. When a man buys a dress shirt nowa dr ha ran denend on the bosom be ing absolutely spotless, since, owing to a new device that has been ttiougui or, the shirt Is protected from the touch of soiled fingers that so often were wont to leave their mark on the rut Hiirfftre. This new style of protection consists of an envelope or transparent paper that Is large enough to hold the shirt, keeD it absolutely clean, and yet en ahlinir one to see the slxe numbers through It. Without sdding much to tha wr. the envelooe is a crest econo my to the dealers and makers, since with Its use there Is never any cause for the return of shirts to the factory that have been soiled In the handling. ss there is In the case of collars and cuffs. laSaemce. No human being can come Into the world without Increasiuz or diminish ing the sum total of human happiness, not onlv of the nreseut but or every subsequent age of humanity. No one can detach himself from this connec tion. There Is no sequestered spot In the universe, no dark niche along the disk of non-existence to which be can retreat from his relations to others, where he can withdraw the Influence of his existence upon the moral des tiny of the world. Everywhere he will hare companions who will be better or worse for his Influence. rlllnlaai Go to Hawaii. Filipino laborers are leaving Manila for Hhh-aII in Dart! ps of from 50 to 100. These men and their families go to Hawaii as contract laborers on sugar nlantationa. Extension or sugar rais ing In the Philippines can not be car ried on while the door or tne great American market Is practically shut sgainst Philippine products. IBAB B1LOOB TOE SOURCE OFiUX DISEASE Every part of the body Is dependent on the blood for nourishment and strength. When this life stream is flowing; through the system in a state of purity and nenness we are assured ol pexlect ana uninterrupted neaun ; because oure blood Is nature's isafe-truara aeainst disease. When, however, the body is fed on weak, impure or polluted blood, the system is deprived of its strength, disease germs collect, and the trouble is manifested in various ways. Pustular eruptions, pimples, rashes and the different eltin affections ehow that the blood is in a feverish and diseased condition as a result of too much acid or the presence of some irritating humor. Sores and Ulcers are the result of morbid, unhealthy matter ia the blood, and Rheumatism, Ca tarrh, Scrofula, Contagious Blood Poison, etc., are all deep-seated blood disorders that will continue to grow worse as long as the poison remains, These imDurities and poisons find their way into the blood in various ways, Often a sluggish, inactive condition of the system, and torpid state of the avenues of bodily waste, leaves the refuse and waste matters to sour and form uric and other acids, which are taken up by the blood and distributed throughout the circulation. Coming in contact with contagious diseases is another cause for the poisoning of the blood ; we also breathe the germs and microbes of Malaria into our lungs, and when these get into the blood in sufficient quantity it becomes a carrier of disease instead of health. Some are so unfortunate as to inherit bad blood, perhaps the dregs of some old constitutional disease of ancestors is handed down to them and they are constantly annoyed and troubled with it. Bad blood is the source of all dis ease, and until this vital fluid is cleansed and purified the body is sure to Buffer in some way. For blood troubles of any character S. S. S. is the best remedy ever discovered. It goes down into the circulation and removes any and all poisons, supplies the healthful properties it seeds, and completely and permanently cures blood diseases of every kind. The action of S S. t. is so thorough that hereditary taints are removed and weak, diseased blood made strong and healthy so that disease cannot remaim It cures Rheumatism, Catarrh, Scrofula, Sores and Ulcers. Skia Diseases, Contagious Blood Poison, etc.. and does sot leave the slightest trace of the trouble for future outbreaks. The whole volume of blood is renewed and cleansed after a course of S. S. S. It is also nature's greatest tonic, made entirely of roots, herbs and barks, and is absolutely harmless to iny part of the system. S. S. S. is for sale at all first class fJtrug stores. Book on the blood and any medical advice free to all who write. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CAm : PURELY VEGETABLE W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 AND $3.50 SHOES W, L DOUGIU (4.00 GILT EDGE SHOES CANNOT BE EQUALLED AT AST PRICE. SHOES FOR EVERYBODY AT ALL PRICES 1 I Man'. Shoes, 5 to SI .SO. Boy' Khoea, S3 to Women's Hh.H.i. SU to !.. Mima' A Children's Hhoea.a2.28 to S1.00. W. L. Douglas shoes are recognized by ex pert judges ol footwear to be the beat in style, tit and wear produced in this country. Each part of the shoe and every detail of the making is looked after and watched over by skilled hoemakera, without regard to time or cost. If I could take you into my large factories at I Brockton. Mass.. and show you how carefully W. L. Douglas I shoes are made, you would then understand why they bold their shape, fit bette Wear longer, and are of greater value than any other makes. W. I IKiiitclaa nam and prlc la stamp! on lh. tottoui. whlrh protrta tha wtrn amfnat hlirn PTloe and interior .ho. Take Ho ttah.tltut. Hia tiy lh. abo. rtara Trf.htrf. tit Volar ttiteu wed uclwutiy. Catalog matted Jru. W. JU ItUL ULAM, llr.M-M.luN, Ma . 1 The Finest .Gardens Are always reported when Portland Seed Co 's "Diamond Brand" Seeds are planted. Why ? Because we sell you the kinds that grow best on this Coast. Our handsomely Illustrated and descriptive Annual tells all about our Seeds, Plants. Koses, bpray rumps. Fertilizers. Incubators. Brooders, Poultry and Bee Supplies. A far Booh No. 260 Wa alio bv a fcM caMkt of Tmaa. Samba, Eie.'. Bwk N 2bl aa raquaav PORTLAND SEED CO. Portland. Orogon Spokane, Wash, si COL LOSS OF CATTLE WILL BE HEAVY Crops Ruined and Thouaandt of Acres of Farm Land Inundated Worst Ovar. s.mnwnhv Mun-li 26. With Ptao- tlcially all of the down-river islands tin .1.,. u'nNl flood In the his tory ol this rich attrlcnltnral district, not excetiting even ttiose 01 inoj 1904, is now a waiter of record. C the Sacramento si'le of the river, Grand, Suiter and Sherman islands are the onlv ones not ImiivhUcd, and on the Yolo side, Merritt stands as the single rovk which has withstood the ravages of the waters, t'nn th TWntnn district, where the hardest fight evet made by the river lands has been going on for a wk, Is not submerged, and while at Kantian isiann me iran levee whs still standing at last reports the struggle has been given up. While ironi an poiiuo wmeo mo word that "the worst is ovei," a vivid nicture can be drawn of the awful de struction which has ruined crops and put land worth millions ol tlollsrs tem porarily out of comiiiifflion. Th atiwm.T Fruto has been sent on a second mission of relief ami she l momentarily expected to return wun a cargo of the stock rescued from the Pearson district. The rearsoii aistnct i- f riia lOiiflf .Inirvimr nsrts of the county, and although the residents are making a desperate ngni to piwti their homes and cattle until help ar rives, it is prouabte inai many nun dreds will be lost. The water was reported to be lour feet deep, and rising rapidly. The break is widening and it is feared that there mav be destruction of huiium life before the flood subsides. HENEY NOT INVITED. ABOLISH RED TAPS. Sacratary Garfield to Start Reform In Intarlar Department. Washington, March 25 .-Secretary Garfield is organising tho Interior de partment with view 10 fHoilitiitinn public biminess and eliminating iod tape. He is transforming an obsolete governmental machine Into a modern business methods, Injecting up-to-date methods and doing away with fully one-third of the labor reoulred undoi t ,e old regime. lV'giniilng today, Mr. Garfield win abolish the public lands and tmuan Territory divisions of the Interior de partmxnt, divisions which heretofore handled all business coming to the sec retary from the general land olllce and Indian olllce. Their functions were superfluous and bad no good efttvt. On Ihn cftntrarv. these divisions inmw - necessary work and delay, and were largely responsible 'o friction and trouble between Secreuiiy Hitchcock on tlm timid and the land and Indiun .(11. mi (Via iitlnr liantl. J. A. Parker, former chief of tne Umla division, who has a thorough knowledge of department methods, is in lw made Mr. liarllcld's private sec retary, but will not participate, in the formation of department! policy. Clerks of his and other divisions will be absorbed by the land and Indian ..rti.-.wi These reforms were return- m.n.l.-d hv the Keen commission, of ahi. h Mr. Garfield was a memtier. The piesident heartily approves oi the change, and looks for great im- nrovement ill the department in conse quence, especially as the changes bring the new secietary in clone uiucn wuu the chiefs of all bureaus of his depart ment. and obliterate! the bothersome intermediary. GREAT DEFEAT FOR BONILLA. .., ho, our numln the graph Innt tils"! .Ililn't annoy ynn. '",",'',.rt"."'1,,.',,.:... f he fourth floor uai, i" irimiiwl. . . , "I wiy it s a nn iu"'"a. the other. Into the irniniwt. pnistiwto IN to DAVJ- AKO OINTMKNT l ...iet.l "'' "'' Lot lenln. b.lml. b.m, or ..mlrud.h, pll 3ut Has His Opinion of Certain Port land Officials. fian Frani-iiicn. March 2ti. The at tention of Francis J. Ileney was called toduv to a dispatch from rortianu, which statetl that a fund was being ruicu.1 rlir In finance an investivntion into civic conditions and that Mr. Heney and W. J. llurna were to be re quested to conduct the in juiry. Trt nrit.iiiitiir sni.l that his time for the present would 1 taken up with the San r tancisco I n vest igiu ion. neauuiKj ihat he had received no official offer from Portland, and therefore could not either accept or decline at this time. He added: "I am not very familiar with civic in Portland. I have mv opinion of certain otficiliis there, however." when Mkn' what sort of craft mii:ht flourish in Portland, he said: "You know Ilalsey makes visits there." HhUpv was eeneral amnt of the Pa cific States Telephone A Telegraph com pany, and was recently nnlicieii lor bribing the fs,n rrancisco supervisors. GO AFTER POLICE NEXT. Burns' Announcement Dashes Hopes of Immunity, San Francisco, March 20. As soon ts the larger matters are disposed of, the alleged corruption of the police o pertinent will be thoroughly delved in' to declares Detective Burns. The state ment caused a stir among the officials, who were disposed to think that in the excitement over the corporation inves tigation, police matters were to be for liotten. So closely have their fortunes been allied with I hose of the grafters that, when the present crusade was begun against dishonesty and corruption, Die trict Attorney Langdon, instead of re ceiving aid fiom that lxIy, has received nothing but Btrenuons opposition. Capture Honduras Capital. Washington, March 26. Senor Cores, the Nicaraguan minister, tonight rc neived a dispatch from President Ze laya, of Nicaragua, announcing the cap ture and occupation ol Ieguclgalpa, the capital of Honduras. The fall of the Honduran capital today wa4 ptedicted by the Nicaragunn Foreign office yester day, following the capture of Cliolu teca, the most strongly fortified town in that country, and the flight of Fres id;nt B nilla, of Honduras. Only the bare announcement of the capture of Tegucigalpa was received. Think He ia Train Robber. Grand Junction, Colo., March 20. Aliin I). Potter, 35 years of age, was arrested here today by Sheriff Shrader and, though no information was given out regarding the charge against him it is understood that he is suspected of being the leader of the band which held up a passenger train on the Den ver & Kio Grande railroad three years ago near Parachute, blew up the ex pri ss car and got away with a large amount of booty. Potter, handcuffed an 1 shackled, was taken this afternoon to Glen wood Springs. Refused Right to Land. Venice, Cal., March 20. Yameto Kasbibiki, conun'msicner from Japan to the Jamestown exposition, has re ceived a telegram stating that three Japanese actors are held at Seattle, where government immigration officers refuse them a landing. Kushibiki says these people are to appear at the Jamestown exposition. He believes that the refusal to allow them to land is a result of the San Francisco school incident. American Gunboat on Guard. Puerto Cortez, March 28. The Unit ed States gunboat Marietta and the Nicaragtian gunboats Ometepe and Ja cinto were at Truiillo, Honduras, Sat urday night. The Honduran gunboat , Tathmbla has arrived from Ceiba. The Marietta is expected here today. After Ten Hours' Fight, Army Flees Abandoning Camp. M.inairna. Kicarairua. March 25. Advices received from the front Uxlsy, gay that the army of President Bonllla of Honduras has been ttacei aim uc- feated near Nariata by the Hondiirian evolutionists and Nicaraguan aimy after 10 hours' bard fighting. llonilla's troops, it is S.ud, left be hind them caiun eoiiipinent, artillery, rletls and ammunition. Among the prisoners captured are several leading officer of the Hondiirian forces. Many were kilied and wounded on both tides. The Hondiirian revolutionists cap tured 301) prisoners, three pieces of ar tillerv. also a supply of ammunition therefor and :I00 rilles. One estimate of the casualties places the killed at 200 and the wounded at 160. Two hundred government soldiers ioined the revolution isU during the tight. Tiie disaster for President iwnllia now coniDlete and It Is believed that Tegucigalpa undoubtedly will lie tap' hired. The towns of Canygu, I -a Kspe- ranza, San Padro and Hula have an nouneed themselves in favor of the rev olutlon. STORM RAGES ON. Had to Slam Hucon-Tlie leader of that orchestra Is on his Ml neariy Isn't he? . .. , Egbert-Yes; It really seems that ho tins to stnml ror turn Yonkors Sfnlosnmn. Stood tho Test. I ....a.Aitlv Alice' I'iH-ier " ., . . il lie: their virtue, have never been f I11"11"' bv the iiiiwriipuloua im talnra tki ' .ought to tram, upon the r.'Pl AlletH'k'a ny niaaiiiK ""-i -- hem, claiming mem io w " -- Alle.H-k'.," . . . , ........ , AlletH-k's platter imm umv iv not onlv the IhkIi t minlual autlior- iuea but by millions ol giaH'im '" who have tmivcd their elflcacy a s lnl huKI nliivdy. Eva-Yea, dear, on this old settee niy greai graiuiiiuovi great -grandmother. my grandfather courted my grunaiiioiiier sou mj ther courted my moflu-r. Jack-Great Cupid: Kid you say ii was a setieer Kva-Wby. certainly. ut u"1 IUU think It waT Jackt tliougbt iwrliai-s u was a spoon cuesi. lioihrr. win nd Vr. WlnsloWs H.thloi jrui IB. N-.t Minnlf to ululhair collar. J lurlDf ibu Imtblus poiloa. Aw ICapUnalloa). An alleulst came wandering through an Insane nsyluui's wsnls one day. He came upou a man wtio sai m a utvu study ou a bench. "Mow do you do. alrr said tne sneu st. "What la your name, may I sak?" "Slv lumer said the other, frowuliu flenvlv. "Why. Csar Mcliolas. coil me." Indwil." said the allenlot. "t the lust tune I was here you were the Emperor of Germ any." v.. r iour.. sa d the other. quickly, "but that was by my Brat wife." Argonaut. n-.. -... m.m r.f mrt h In (hla aarlkm of eouuiir man alluib.r ill.a uul .saih.r, and until la.l la w u.l l"l Inourable. a ral MfaJjtra pro ..,,, .1 it a l.H-ai iilaa. and in.H-rllUi al No Let-Up of Rain Apparent In North ern California. Redding, Cal., Manh 25. The heav iest storm of the season raged here all last night and until early this morning For a few hours it abated and then broke again. A terrific wind is now blowing and tiie ruin is falling in heets. Itepoits state that snow is falling all through the Sisklvous and Sacramento canyons, the precipitation tx-ing neav ler lhan at any time during the past season. All the anon plows in this section have been put into commission and have made but little headway. A third snowslide occurred at Can tare, am) the wrecker from IluiiHinuir hastened to the scene. Tunnel No. 8 Is said to be caving in and Dunsmuir has an unverilied report that in the SiskiyouB many rave-ins have occur red, Conditions could not be worse along the upper roule than they now are and the indications are that another storm will break tonight. No Sheep Quarantine. Laramie, Wyo., March 25. The state board of cheep commissioners today revoked the onlnr of April 1908, tliat sheep entering the state from other states or any territory shall be quarantined for a period of 30 days al ter dipping, and ordered that all sheep in the state shall, before entering the shearing pens foi shearing, be dipped and any found infected or that have In any manner been txpmed to contagious disease, shall be placed in quarantine until all danger of spreading disease has passed. Will Be Long Drawn Out. Washington, March 25. The trial ol Ringer Hermann on the letterbook in dictment will not he concluded before April 10, and may extend longer. Tl prosecution has a number of important witnesses to place on the stand and may not complete its case this woek. The defense will require all of two weeks before it goes to the jury. Harry Hob ertson, Senator Mitchell's private sec retary, who was once private secretary to Hermann when he was in congress wilt lie the most Important witness called this week. ' Damages the Prune Crop. San Jose, March 26. Colonel Phllo Mersey, president of the Santa Claa Frruit Exchange company, is authority for tiie statement today that this pres ent storm on top of the preceding one hag destroyed half the prune crop of the valley by washing the pollen from the blossoms. The Guadalupe has broken out of iU liariks south of town and the wild, deep stream is flowing through the suburbs, stopping street cars and threatening itsi Jences. Reaches Tegueialpa. Washington, March, 25. Mr. Corea, the Nicaraguan minister, received diepatch today from Mr. Uanes, the Nicaraguan minister of foreign affairs confirming the press reports of a great victory for the Nicaraguan army near Maraiti. In additicn, he says the Nicaraguan army probably will tuke Tegucigalpa tomorrow. , lu t to U l) r inoiien rsluniM.te Banking by Mail WE PAY 4 INTEREST On savings deolU ol a dollar or more, compounded twice ..very year. It I. t f to open a Saving Account iU us by Mads II yon lived net door, fend lor our ""k l,t. "Hanking bv Mail and lesru lull particulars. Address Oregon Trust & Savings Bank Portland, Oregon SUth and Wnahlngton St. ENGRAVING Write U, PLATES TOR PRINTING MICKS-CHATTCN Portland Ornm PAINLESS YVNTISTRY 1m lit hi. sVaf 1m U Ii. tXAfwiAiKNS mrt Unlit -rn.Mi ,!. Wnra af limlh SWI Uul ati rial.. Hi suit, tuilZ will rilling.. II. 11 H flnt " TAIX DENTIST roiuiul.Mi, oiucoqh Much of ia couiiiry Uiromh which lli Siberian rlly M ur !"" trcrcd l while wru bfor tli ur.y or cni. AUSTIN VKLL DRILLS Maila I all !. al m a. a) l.a,i.i-. I-M iuiia tK aad iut aaa- HI Jtswthome Avw. forUan, Qt a-a. and i.r.-rUuli a li.lanllr lallltIS lu run -ii, iri tmimmncvd 11 lucurat I haa .r,...u ralarrh u l euniOlu lloual cll-aM. and thatK.t raulr- cinilltt llonal iralm.lit. 1111" ' alatrh I ut, mai.u mrpd br r . 1. 1 nru.y am , ii'im, 'ii- lh. nnlr oifiatllulliiual cur. on lh markal ia lairn Internally ' o.iaa imin u.iru taaatiuonliil. 11 vu nirai-iiT ou in. in- 1 h.v olTcr ona tl tall tutut. it a aurrjfa or in h,iiilrr,1 i1,liara tor anr fmm a i i... .I....U,. Bfi.1 Aldr?, r J i ltl.,iftl uw., iviwhi w gold l.r irUflala 1.". Hall's laimlr I' Hla ara in Hab Aa Kvvrraar "The cl-rins In ronrt of tbf rrlfr of aiol.n (iMxIa wa a homtly urt of Irl- uui'h far til lawy.r. ""In what way?" "It wa a of ID fene." Ilaliiinor Aincrinn. Only On BrlOHO QtSSINf Tnl la I.AXATIVK HKuMo gninin Slml larly named r.mdlp. m.iinif. rtwr-u. Iha Ural an-l nriallial Cold Tabtrt la aWIIITK rAi'KAiiK won Mat-s and rrt trtt.ring, aua twara lh. aisnatur ul K. W. liHUN Ii uiirf io qj IU) Xq 0Sj v ihSiiuj tkiuo J.HjojI iia.nll puculii s ss jllimb ui.mjon.w Pip oj jjjux 'BIMS ll"Po.Vl K LUMBAGO S ( ANP I SCIATICA 1 of i -j5rrtvfirWri x i mm I JACOBS i OIL J Penetrates to the Spot B j Hlght on the dot. 9 PrU S3 and 90s fi fe. Moant lh I '.I fof af aa Hill d r aallllw l l.a-1. 1 Halt l-Mliaa ! till ul Ikill ixinuaMali U. yi.lda of .Llltio". 'l.'-Ura Waiauritl Bu.. was in.ia lu. ao4 bi 4 Iha h.f. aald fc all lt.a MlMll ntiy. 1 Ki. IT fl tlMM4. . m. nut 4 to., la II I- I and MULETEAM BORAX Is k lf tl UkltsstsMifal I s ,n t aill is ssKkty clrs UrattM tthtt. brU, istl U awtal mm ll I -H- fMliia. Alld-air. a.mi'tr rl.ifa ak.inenli rtrlaas IH l-s r..l--. U.fclt .V and d'al'i'a aaia. I' II Ii i.r IX'H A X t. . i .! 1. 1 ai SulSl.ra ! Mailt. "It Is Important to be i-t snd If Minmirl at the Ih-.IiiiiIiik of a fight," wrltm one who has coitmi.nidwl nu-u In battle. "A snon as tlw nrt shut Is flrrd men lieiuni serluu snd to Into action with s calninws which I luut lmirtl. Itiiih tlibalv lill. with their di-nfniliig nnt. make IIm Wot lmiirrliiu on Juiliit ud Uim-il onnt sulitirr. while siirapiM"! (Ti- t the old sailillcrs tb most. 'Ytv wlui , Imsglns that It Is Mlbl lo a tie- role look on men' fc" st a drvlaHe mmnrtit r rtxiiplt'tply ui!tnkrn. Their fmH'S are ml and hnv s hard look laiut thi'in. The atniiul which Is : (Dlnit on within tliem betrays Itaolf by 1 fir nervous hast of thadr Bring." HOLD UP! and consider' WW IT" il W L4v tiltsi r&M POMMEL NOaZ4VIUVa AU CL0THIN4. h el Ihe Wst toHMnt..s rtaaWiiMiiimet, ail TltT0rsc SIONOfTMl riSH Rl. Vtlua' fialli ans all N.rvona flaM IH.rfn.i.lillf curwl nr i'r. wnn.a iirM . f.M...... Mml ,t t'lll-'K Sltrtal botll. and Itaatlaw Ur. Ii. jLHlia.ii.,u.rva k,i uua.ra l.llffrial laforaaatloa, "Did the doctor cuuti rlre that dug's bite for you'f" "No." "Ooodiicss gracious! Why notT" "lie seemed to prefer to caulcrlie the place the dog bit." liultluiore American. I llamas . ttslr. I In s troilcy airlilput In Now Knglsnd in Iri.liiiiuii wa badly burl. The nnt lay a lawyer culli-d on him snd aknl If n Intcndnl to ue the company fr lumngi-s. '"liuinoirr?" snld I'at. looking feebly hit hi bamluge. "Mure, I bar tlitui ilremly. I'd lolke to u the railway for repair, sor. s Je ll take lbs cane." -Youth's Companion. P. N. U. ha. tl t tl'MM rlll.l l 4Mlr p 11 aH.ail.a iwla s-rf. Atalial. "I fw awfully sorry for Mabel, dual your 'Why orrrr "l'be .ir girl cau"! blu.U."-Ws Ington Kur. 1 One of the Important Duties of Physicians and the Well-informed of the World Is to learn a to the rclntive atamlitiff and reliability of the lending mnnfactor. era of medicinal aienta, ai tho moat eminent physiciana aro tho nnmt careful a to the uniform quality and perfect purity of remedies preHoribed by them, and it la well known to physicians and tho Well-informed generally that tho California Kiff Syrup Co., by reason of it correct method and perfect equipment and tho ethical character of it product ha attained to tho hi(h standing in Bcieutifla and commercial circle which in accorded to aucceasful and reliable house only, and, therefore, that tie name of tho Company ho becomo a guarantee of the excellence of it remedy. TRUTH AND QUALITY appeal to tho Well-informed In every walk of life and are eaar-ntial to permanent min ces and creditable standing, therefore we wish to call the attention of all who would enjoy good health, with it bleasinKH, to the fact that it involve the qucation of right living with all the term impliea. With proper knowledgo of what 1 beat each hour of recreation, of enjoyment, of contemplation and of effort may bo mado to contribute to that end and tho uho of medicinca dispensed with generally to great advantage, but aa in many lruitance a Himtilo, wholeaoino remedy may bo Invaluable if taken at tho proper time, the California Fig Hyrun Co. fuels that it .lib. truthfully the subject and to supply tho one perfect laxative remedy which ha won tho approval of phvHicians and tho world-wide acceptance of the Well-informed because of the exccllfinco of tho combination, known to all, and tho original method of manufac ture, which ia known to tho California Fig Hyrup Co. only. This i valuable remedy ha been long and favorably known under the name of Syrup of l- iga-and ha attained to world-wide acceptance a tho most excellent of IT 'J tw1'"and UilUu ,"Jat.ivo Pri'"lpl. obtained from Benna, are well known to phyHiciana and the Well-informed of the world to bo the beat of natural laxative, we have adopted the inoro elaborate name of-8yrup of Fig and Elixir of Senna-a. more fully descriptive of tho remedy, but doubtlLly it will alwky be J! ot S.P ?f to get it beneficial eff mU Jway. ... 'UI,;",in"Ki yio iuii name or the Company California VI Rv.r. Co. V VritotnnZ every pacltagc whether you .Imply call for-rfymp of ne uaurornia mil nvmu rn ,r.A ., v....a.. "-""'"Huron uy I r """S uro Km wn W name-Syrup of Flmr-whioh ha irivon at- it " a i o. . . in, K"milt Tor aalu by aU lading dnigitkta throughout the ceuileKlo!1 ng,Utt! I,!ka8C8 f 0a0 "Z0 0Dl 'XotZchim tcretaryTf ricXr? at"' Wf B?nortrI-l""'"' of the Company, filed with the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. Loulsrllle, Ky. San Francisco, Cal, U. H. A. London, England. Now York, N. T. Uninitiatu .ui., -