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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1907)
i LOCAL $ m .a Talk to Rosa. Columbia. County llnnk, l'rutik llnoarn' delr to practice the ...I....I..1... ..( Ilia I. W. W. led lllni to break Into a bos car nl Oolile Inst Turs .!. and ntr(iirlti 'v,u Nutile whlskry I'mnk '' r'obably h.Ml ilia doctrine that creates .vervlliliiK '! Is entitled ! creates, snl )" ,", ,,e l,lltl Il,r itiictrliic tu III Use ol whiskey. lp. utv ulicrlff t'owlcr. who seemed to think ,,r gl, UlonKr.l to the man who atid,..iii. escorted Mr. Hanson to 8t. llclrui mitl turned him over to tin keep rr of the county battile. Unless he can piove thai he was the ylctlin ol brain storm, he will probably he given Irre trutiorlaltntt to Salem Syrup ol White I'lne and Tar. the old reliable coii(h remedy. I'or aole by A.J. lirmluK, druxK1'' MaswiMC IhilNC.a All Maton diould luke notice and uveru thcuiMlvci actordliiKly tbat thia (Kliday) tveiiinx, St. Ilrleiu IikIk A. I', and A. M. will Iw honored by the presence ol Itrothrr W. T. WilliauiHin, Grand Master td M iMn fr th juriplh iloa ol Or.(jon You are all raprrted to be on hand, and when railed from your labor to rel.tiU iiirnt your wive and rhlldrcn arc in vnr. I lo irliiitc Let lit ive tlx Crmid Maitrr an old laihioiied St. Ilrl rut welcome that lie will reiiiriutrr nlraMiitly wherever lie tuay travel in f(irritn lauiU. .STRAVi:i)tue thr year old heifer. white with lirni'llc ti. marked with two under hit in left ear. I frrtll or will Iks noon. 1'ln.ler ilec notify owner Jit. I', Mclkmough, Scaows, Orcxon. Will pay reward. Mr. MaSTKtt'n Nrw llot'sK Carn Irrn art at work on the reiiilritrc of Mr. Charlr Matten, healed, on theoM rhiin-li hill in tin city. The btiihliiiK i to tic on the bungalow ttyle, 61 a b'i feet, r cluive of lite rear jrch On tha firm will be the rlor, dining room, !ivisi! room, kitchen, bath, jwnlry, two IrdrMiint and toilet, nil the Decoud floor tlirre will be four hrdrootnt, clooeU anl titllet. A look at the plan wilt convince mivioic that Mr. Mtcn wll have a home that would tw a credit to the bt-t rri ilciue uixrict ol I'orlUinl. and the lte. with the View ol Ibc Columbia, it crrtdiuly an ideal one. It will take eon idrralile work to pot the ground in Iiav ami build the aprotchc. The entile cott will prubtbty not lull li ir! ol 17,001). Mr. J. S. Mitten, (other ol Clurlet Mattcn. it turrinlmdlU( the biiildiui;, which it hriiiK done by iUyt work. hi. Helena i lo tw congrrtlulated ujaiti Mr. Maatcn't enterptite. SU.K lir l'l!aoN.l. I'MOI'fKIV Oil the premitet, Ave and one hull unlet bo tow 1'itlttiurK, on March '.'.I, bejtnniiitf at 10 a. m., will be aohl the iern il projcrty of the cilalc if lint I'rteraon, jon UH) ind home an I harurtt, It cum, 3 ttcert. 8 tout bay, II two old ttcert, mower, acwinit ui ichinc, household kikhU, etc. Terim. under ten ilnlUrt, rath. Over that amount, i umuthfcredll at tlx lr cent on approved security. Prank J. I'etrltoii, adiniuit trutor. I h.vii money to lo tu on approved rcnletutc tecum v. ' W. II. I'OWKU.. HI. Helen.. Orcein Columbia County jicopte are Invited to piitronire lh Vienna Cafe, No, J.M Mor rin, between Sctond and Third, kept by Out I.a iige, of Rcappoot. nira in tho l itv. Intcrrtt (Kiid on Time l)epoita. Col umbia County Hank, I'ok Su.K Kku Irom pitae hld lUrred riynioulh KK:k chlckent alto pure blood while legbornt $1.00 per et tniK or fii.2& xt hundred. 4 HO! t'.r.O. W. I'llRRY. 1 1. Hilton, Orc(on. ST. I'vtku k'S IUV Rev. Sleeth held Si. Palrick'i ldiv tervicca al Hie M. l. church In Ihit city on Sunday lal. choot iiiK the life of pin't patron Haint u the uh)ect of hit ditcourac, and rankiii I'at rick at one of tho greatctt of Christian inliBiiisniiriet. The church wat twtuti fully deronitcd with tlowcm and Kttcn foliage, and the choir luriii.bed ititmlc for the occasion. The nltctisliiiice wa ipiitc large, and no doubt all were edified by the maimer in which the pisitor bundled hit theme. Mr. J. 8. Clonlnger, of Kaluiiin, waa a btttiiieM visitor to St. llcluit on Sutiir day liisil, The Knlghltof I'yllilaa will hold their district convention at Seatide on April II The district embriiccaSl. Helens, Rainier, Astoria and Seaside, Tlio occasion promise to be a profitable mid a pleasant one. Signal. Mr. 11. I'.. I,abiire, wife of our deputy clerk, and children have been visiting relatives and Irlcuds in Cliitskunie dur iug the pntl cck. District Attorney Hedges, of Oregon City, has appointed Mr. W. 11. I'owell, of St, Helens as deputy for this county. Mr. I'owell has had Hie appointment under emmiilxriitlim for souic time, and bus decided to accept, lie bus served the county in that capacity for several years. The MlHtandtho Weekly Oiegntinn f2 per year. The Columbia County Logging com pany filed articles of Incorporation with the county Saturday hint. The capital slock of the organixatlon la -ViO.OOO, divided Into sharei of f UX) each. The principal pluec of business will be Port land, and the Incorporators are 1'. W. Hllia, A. I, Veaiie uud J. C. The coiiipony will oK-rate in Columbia witty and lll build a loggluK rouA acrose their luud cotmncuclng at Peer Islnud, In Hie Peer Island slough. Rev Asa Sleeth preaches at Warren next Sabbath at 11 a. tu. and at Houltotl fi the evening. Mm, Winnies Wuv Imiesof Pottluinl I visiting Mm. O'llncn llilu week, Miss Alible llliu-k nl I'ortlwml I spend, the week with her grandmother Mm. (). It. tlnlly. I'ur lint Hid! tiniH in IU history (.'...t,. sop County dcslris t. ,o opnrntB wills (.'oliini hlu, It wiiiiuour Comity Court UiJiiIh Hith Untlr Coniily Court of Hint county In mi itu tupL to have tli I' .rt of Cloiiilil hill ilurr. uiKvinmuu- lltmsl. As wo Iiiivu no pull or inllueiue on I tin coniily court tan not tisll how thlsy Will llHlk Nt llil rODllloll, hut we hope Umt they wilt turn it down. Wo believe tli law 1st h hi soil one, mid will hsi of ureal hi-tn'IH lo Coluinhlii ,,, , 0lUimllU fhvf WB f() lAMiiny. n are iiiusns.ied in Ilia coin s ... . ... vitally Interested in tins nr.miMiritr of tins City of rortlituil. Tim mini Mh fruinrd thn n pr,.w,t. thr -u iu,r,.U o, the' inHropoll.. T,hya.l.r,wdhu,i.,..,a,u, an, . lug llui ahum- that lmv fxl-tixl In lliis .lhslsic mul t-iWHKc HI the moulh of thn Coliiuilila river Iuivh eaimeil u nw riiiiiiiiiiiiiu Min iiik th) owner MuintintinK in many thouaaiuU of tlollnrv aiiiiuullv. Win!,. Imnhiir la in ureut d.'intiid ililt iliC'liiiinnlioii iliri not prevent iililpt from comiriK heir, m (hey ctiitiot vet the cai'K elww ln re, hut at mum at ihit di iiuin I thu kriia we will ho at a sll-ft.U.iiiUi; at couipan'd with tint Koiind Kilt. An lumber la our Kitt ludiKtry tlii In a matter in which every part ol the county la Wttlly into itttlcsl, If ll.i eir.'ct ol the law la to to letai-n lite rharifrN llow placed ills' m hliiin It in n ti it fill U bnm-flt Csl- liinhla Coiintv, proporlionntflv to the Ux buuleii, J urn at much a it will Iiii-II t I'orlhmd. In other worda, If the lw ia a kh4 oun fsr I'orllaml it It alto a goxi nils' for I'olumbiH County, I'tiiuls, Ktc, UriK-oricH. V.U;, Fccil, Ktc. All (iiiaraufi'cil. Etc, M. ('. (MiAY. The funeral ol Win. O (Irian wilt take place at Cathlamel, Wn, neat Mimlny al I :l p. m. Mr l I'llrien died on the tirt f Ihit month, but the funeral wut put (I to that hit fiither mihl reach here frtiiu I'uirbiiik', Alaska. uvuarv Sin-i. There will lor a Poverty Social" I'risUv evening March JtUh. lor the bcurfit of the CongreKalion al church, Kvery luxly come and have a olly lime. Two cent a loot aduiiMiun will 1 charged. 1'enny fillet II you drcMtofinc. I.uuch will I terved lor which a tuiull clurne will be malc. See next week't i-r at lo where the social will U hcl I. It V. V. K TsLXI. Judiie.T. A M. ltrido apeiit aeveral l.ivt ut hit Peer Itliiud larm Inut week. too. I.uskev and fiuiiily of Coyote, Ore, use vimting Henry Council on the M tickle place tbia week. Mr. I jiu It. Wnlmacly was called to Sal Int Krul ly to iillen.l lier utile daughter Alia who la vt'iy ill with pneu monia. Mm. W. K. Cbtik reluiiH'd Irom Woodland an.l IVirtMiul wneio mie lias Imen visiting relntivet Ilia hint wick. Utile. Vern liaittent' burns lire Im- . ..I. ...:n i... ........I plMVillg lltC'iy, OIII II will IU ""im weckt yet before nl.e is enlirtdy well. K. Oibbiin on the N. Merrill place li old Ilia leate to Mr. ropejoy ol att vlct laltild. Mr. will lake noateaaloll me ' 'l'1" ., .i... t i ...ii Itev. Cariitiiitiiel il Hiiiiuer Will Itohl a,.rv i-Tt at Peer Inland hclioot liouto htin.liiy ill 1 1 n. m. Mg, c. II. KngllMh hut been coiillned to the house the past ten dy Willi tonsllitlM. Mm. V. J. Tompkins and on of Port- litml spent Siituhiy with h-r jikIu n. a. Audii'Hs, MissJenniH l'iiieknoy win a Houllon Visitor lat week. Mr. Sidney M ilcolm w ill movo buck Uid.ihln the lu-l of the week to the farm of J- V- Tiimmii. ' liiandnm Heaves l iiinkitig her home with Mr. Malcolm's family. Ileo. A. Iliuclclt and f.tuiily of West minister,, has rented tho W. K. Clink, placu nt Us-or Inland and will soon move In. Mm. lf. Kelloy and Mrs. Fred Kcllny of Houllon, vbdted with Mrs 0. H. K.iyllsh Wednesday. niTSIUJIMI PKILETS. ltullroitd talk sill In order while the N, N. rompaity't i..-n nro trying to iv .i.,i.i wuv through our lmd. Hones of hearing the engine tooting aru urowillg mpldly The second tains havoosiused another ..i i.i r'.,u' IllnlTttiid themoam man ,mH lo lay over while II i being cU-.ire.l ..... i i. loud work to clear it too, (Mil,, ' m , .ho around being a heavy clay. -r,... i,',.,li Cieiun Separator Bgent ..tat tsrlillllll ilus other ibiytiyli'K to make ...... i... l.u nomiiftllV. He mill" t aithtM. P, Norlna work is "Klily progressing and cropi will loon be In. ItKI'HK.V "oiii, to tho wifi. of It. I), Tiislon, in Wi nt Hmihisn, a on, J. . VanDoliili iiml family moved iroin Here toCHnl)y, Or, Wednesday. Martin llnveu ami wife have moved into the Frank W .Iter hnao. j. Iloveu wlio ia watchman on lint li- W. Klllltr. callln linnm (. ttlull l.l. wiln and fHiuily while the leiiiiir it In iViUnd. Mr. J. iii,., , wlfM o( Wwmj. land. vlalu-d with Mr. and Mm. A. Wlnaria Ktliidiiy. Tim Wlnitns Unit hava ol I their mill und tlmbi-r hol.linKi locitad on Jame Vn-uk (known in Ilia (toblo Millinx Co) ia imvi,i,ii .VIWsllol II.Ki'l Kiver. Tlit) 8urprle any on tlie tlup ." "'" , "'" "rrjl","1 " J' V'2 a'.,, " fV" a , . " tMp T l"1- i.uniu ivuu at tlm Warrjn dock on evonliitt, ending with a lino lunch. There baa bean toveral cUnngm In the Jalry llr.nt ihii week, Kuiilo lanbr li renttxl the M. Oilura farm and will have about 25 cow. John Cunt who baa been running a diary on the Albert Meli re place the put two yenrn, moved ma cowi and dairy outfit lo the Colum hi a tloiiKh earn of I'orllitiid where he baa rented a farm. Hh hat 105 cow. Criitl KaulTman and lVter Hubon who have bovn ruiiiiijr a dairy on tho K. It. Kotocr place will move their cows nu to nit aieiert puce, Mutim Cole and Veat ol Tacorna have lcaml 1110 feet of water front at Keuben and will build a lare dock for lite pur paie of thipping lumber from the mill on Tide Creek. COUNT OURT. Curt met Weilneadav March Oth, and transacted the following butiuees. I.lcinee to sell liquor In Goble pre cinct was granted S K Butts. In the matter of the I'inckiiey road, ordered that the viewers lie (oiced to view the same and determine the dam age and report their Ollslings, and that they meet March H, at Peer Itdattd. The contract for furnUhinj bencbes, counters, railings, platforms, etc. for the new courthouse Wat let to F. A. Krlion for the nun of HVi. Inthn uisilter of accepting the new courthouse building. Thecourl having examined Hie bu'lding and Hndiiig tlut the eontraclot lut completed tho ramc in a scordance with the plans and spec ification, it I hereby ordeied thai the a mie be and 1 hereby ai-cepied, and ibnl the suretit on liis unslerUklng te and Ibey are hereby released from anv further liability oil said undertaking; and it appearing to the court Hut tlu-re ti a balance of $-.".7 due and owing lo the contractor, It is ordered by the court lliat the clerk draw a wasrant upon the couuty treasurer for that sum in favor of Mr. F. A. Krixon as payment hi full upon hi gnid contracts. In the matter cf at'ttling wiih Ileu drtck A Tobey, an-hiUctt: It appearing to the court that there li a halpuceof K-1 J", ordered tlut the clerk hsr-ue a warrant uputt the treasurer for that Hum Adjourned olitil Friday March 8. Court met Friday, Maicli 8, puinsuatit to adjoitrnmeht. It appearing to the court that C. W. Mellingsir, who wos heretofore apoint .d decline to accept stud appointment it is ordered that U 8 Melleuger l ami Is hereby appointed upervior of rojsl district No. 14. lor the emnini year, anl thai he qualily according to law Isefore elite ing upon Un discharge of his duties. In tho matter of appointing a Colum bia County Fair Commissioner. On this day It is ordered by the court that W J Fulerton lie and he is hereby appoint id as State Fuir Commissioner lor Colum- Cotinty. In the matter of approving the bond of J W Armstrong a c immander ol Jolin llucber Post ti A It No. "0. Said bond was duly approved. The petbion ol A M Berg f r county roasl was continued for the term. The petition to reU-aie rond tnrvey No 44, Iwlween 8 and 10 mile atakis, wai continued lor lb term. Tho Journal for the November and January terms was read enJ approved by the court. In tho m.ittr of a change In location ami graile of road survey to 4 1, on lami of Win Wood and Albert Wood, tec '.'i attsl Si tp 5 n r 4 w; Ordered that the viewers meet at tho resilience ol Allien Wood an Tuesday, the 1Mb day of Mar. IW7 anil proceed to vie the change In said roasl as follows: Beginning at a sUiko marked II on the county rout northeast of Wm Wood's mill In e hf se qr sen 28 tp 5 n r 4 w and running north east to a stakt) nmrkt d X on county roid close to Albert Wow' barn, In sec 27 tp 5 n r 4 w snil determine the value ol the land Included in aid survey and theduiuwes, If any, that the owners of said land would snalaiti by the appro priation of said Und for uch road pur poses, and report the findings to the Court. In tho matter of the Itock Creek road', Ordered that the viewers meet at tho resilience of Albert Wood on Tuesday March It) and after surveying the change at Woods' place, proceed to view the ch.ingo sh follows: Heglnniug at a stake mniked A net In aid o unity road 21 .ml west ol the bri.lira across the can yon at the foot of what Is c tllt'd the Tucker hill, on w hi tie qr see 82 to 6 n r 4 w thonoj running east and north on a good graile, not to exceed 7 per cent, and Intersecting the present county mnd at a stake marked II, near Ills) mall box of 8 H Hasford, and determine Hie value of the land Inclinled In said survey, and the damage if any, the own er of sahl bind would sustain by the appropriation of said land for such road purposes, und, leport to the court. Court a ljonrnu untdil fiiitiinky Mar. Court met piiisiinut to adjournment. The clerk Is ordered to notify C C KcuHy and his surety that If the work In his control t in dist. 14 I not completed within sixty ijuti his bond will be for feited. A franchise was granted R O Ammo to erect a pole transmission line along the county road between Houllon and Hi. Helens. K (I Hhnnulmn was granted perm'sslon to erect telephone polos along the coun ty roasl between Vernon la a nl Kbt Ami now cimes on forhtariuir the petition ol Frank J l'eUsrto i and 88 others allowing lluil the ro.d from Mist to Clalskanie is practiully used by all the iople Ol the Nelinleui Valley and its tributaries, and that Hie heavy fiia le between the valley ami the Columbia Itiver Valley ia in rmd district no. 13, and that to maintain this mail respiires far more expense than a like dist nice on level ground, and asking tha' an appropiitttioli be made to b -lp ls,-sr the expellee of tmiiiitaisiiug ta d roi l, it la ordered that the Hum of fir,) lw and the same is hereby uppropnasesl to road district No 13 as follows: lot) t lt taken from the Stale road fund f V) ti be taken from road district N . 1'.' and $V) lo be taken from road dislrct o. 14. A rebate of taxes wns g'ant-d to J as-. Muslola on account of wroiijful isssosj- merit. I There was apportioned lo ili several! road diftrtctH, out of the roasl fund, the following rinuunls No 1 $1212 78 2 WW !l' 5 151(1 Mi 4 720 Kill 6 t'T.t 6 447 35 7 112 2 8 f.:i 8.1 K8 D31 10 KI7:t'.i; 11 :ws7l 12 Hl)7 ") 13 7H0 70 14 :7 1)8 15 778 U7 In the matter of tin right o' way from the new court houoe lo Columbia Street Ordered by the court that as won an the City isf Ht. Helens procures and deeds to the county a strip ol land through block 11 from a line lti fee, li irth of the new csiurtlmiise t ) a point 10 feet south of the new court hoti-e ae.d extending through Use block to Columbia street; being a strip of lind 132 feet wide tlirsiiuhsaid block 11 to Coliimbiastreet it ti the exception of the lot the county now owns, the btiil.lings on sanl property l.j be removed by the city of Kt. Helens, the cotiti'y court will at once put the same in proper shape for a street by putting side walks curbs, grad ing, making a ce jter wish a founlaii, anil in general improve the s ttne in a proper inantier lo correspond with the new liiiihlin.-. In the matter of onsid ring bids for special ro;id work. UiJs were ma le as folio: Xo. .1, Wm Wntter4IO cubic yards for :KW. No. 4, F I! Adam for cutting down hill I0. So. 12, K K Iloglserg, on Fishhawk road, stake 1 to 4 at $2 per lod: J F Johnson, slake 5 to 21 fur (220. No, 1.1, F J Peters m, spec It for 18 rods a'. :l.75 per rod: Wm Pejds spec 4 Miet tol'iltsiiurg roasl 12'0 rod at 4 ler rsxl ; Win IVeds, spic 5 Mist to P tts- bnrg roml 01) rotl-s al 3.(10 per ro l ; Wm Deeds spec 7 Mit to Pittsb-irg load, 64 rods at $2.80 per roil; Win IVtds spac 9 lit to Pittsburg lO:td 18 rols at fl.90 per roil ; M M Harvy grasling from A to U on Itock Cre k road fG5; M M Harvy corduroying same al ilM per rod Oliver Harris, Mist to Pittsburg spec 1.221,,' rds at $4; spec 2, 6 rds at $1.75: spec 3, 10 ids at f 1.75; spec 4. 12 rds at f.1 ; spec 5, 12 ids tit $1.5o; spec 0,0'.) rds t$l; nwe", 54rdi at $2.2-5; sp-c 12, OS $t. KJ Mills, Mitt to Pittsburg road; spec 1. 2P4 rod at f.20; sp.c 4, 12. nl nt $4.20; epec 0, 6D rdt al f4.20; spw 12, tW rols at $4.15; spec 9, $2.50 per mil. No. 15 Wm Duglns spec 4, from Vernonii et $2.50 per id; A 8word, saiiieatf:! per rod ;0 U Ilult, fpec 4, Uoiier Nelmlem div, $3.09 per rd. A Sword bMilste at Ad;tms plac, ono at Hess pi ice and one nt Bill Lewis' place, all for 30O. Geo. Parker spec 5, er- nonia div, 119 rsls at $4 per rd. I T Adams, bridge at Adams place $95; bridge t Hess place filQ; bridge at Lewis, plaos) U"; flec 2 Beaver Creek div, gratis! and culvert for f 15. And Ihe court being advised in the matter it is ordeied tint the bids of the follow Inj; bjs nccepttd. No. 4 F 11 Ad mis cutting dow.i bill nt f 10. No. 12 E K llagbeig. Fshln wk road strtke 1 lo 0 at $2 per ro 1. J F Johnson strke5to!2 for $220. No. 13 F J Peterson spec 11, 18 rods at $3.75 rer nl W M Deeds Mist to Pills- urg spec 0, 09 rds nt 1.5o per rd ; sp-'c 7,64 ids at 2; fpec 9. 18 rds nt fl.ttO. MM Harvey, grading from stuke A to Ron Hock cteeK road, $05; corduroy ing sttma at $1.50 per rod, No. 15 W M Psiggitis spec 4 Vernon U nt $2.50 per rd. A Sword 3 bsislges for f 100. J T Ad uns, gravel and culvert spec 2, lieuwr Creek div for H All otlior bid ivjeoted, ss ill the op'ulon of the court tho work co.ild be done for lers money. The clalnis a docketed In tha road claim docket were examined and allow ed in tho sum ol $1221.10 and the clerk ordstre I to issue warrants til payment of stiino on the general rond fund. Am ounts rejected : Warren Lumber Co. $3.00; M Ellis & Co $20. E S Lynch was unpointed jiiiitjr ol the new court house nt a (alary of $40 per moil tli. Money to loan at Elsht per cent, umbia County Bank, Col- IIBAD OUn GREAT OFFEB- TheOregonian la the leading paper I of the Pacific Coast. I The Mist I the leading paper of Col nmbia Connty. mm competition ia desired, we propoto to make it as interesting possible, we want five hundred new subscribers just as soon a we caa get tliem. it costs money to canvass, and we propose to offer inducement that will bring the subscribers to n. The Mist publishes the county court pro ceedings hot from the griddle. We also publish all tha news of county, including the real estate transaction', cirsfiit court nou s, ret At the price it is the cheap ert newspaper published In Oregon. Tho offer nolds good for only sixty day and wo hope it will receive a liberal response. Worked Like a Charm. Mr. N. I). Walker, editor of that spicy journal, the Enterprise, Looisa, Vs., ays: "I ran a nail In my foot bat week and ft once applied Bucklin's Arnica Halve. No infumatlon followed, the salve simply healed the wound Heal every sore, burn and skin disease. Uuarun:eel by all drnggista. 2Sc W HAT 13 A BASK FOB 7 It is established to afford a place of 'rapine security in w nicn toe people ol its community can deposit their money, It fu'nishes means for the transaction ol business with the outside world and in its own locality. It lends money to assist the Individual in private enterprises that work to the general good. It is a powerful friend of every man who establishes business connection with it. It support him with its confidential advice and it far reaching influence. . If you have no bank account, start one at once. Deposit all your earning and pay your bill by check. Don't think that you must be wealthy before yon can afford a bank account. The poor man can derive more benefit fiom a banking connection than a rich one can. HAVEl) HEH BON'S LIFE The happiest mother In the little town of Ava, Mo., is Mrs. S. Rupee. She wites: "One year ago my son waa down with such serious lung trouble thai our physician wad nnaple to help iiim; when by onr druggist's advice I began givirg him Dr. Bing'a Sew Dis covery, and I soon noticed improvement I kept this treatment up for a few week when be was he was perfectly well. lie has worked steadily since at carpe liter work. Dr. King's Sew Discovery saved his life." Guaranteed by all druggists 50c sun $1.00. Trial bottle free. AS IS UAL. He and she in a twenty-horse motor car, Once started a country trip; She was a girl with a street kiss-curl, So be tooted a glad "Pip! pip!" His hind was glued to the steering gear Ashe smiled at the pretty miss, While without a jar he kept the car Iu a dead straight line like this. But she smiled back at the driver bold When the streets were left behind; Then his arm he placed round her slim trim waist, But the lady didn't mind. And he slowed the car to a ten-mile speed. Quoth he: "Ah, this U bliss! As the motor ran, as a motor can, In a wobbly course like this. What cars he whether the road was clear. With a waist like hers to squeeze? With eye so blue, which said, "Oh, do- And horder-if you please!" So he bent his bead to the girl's sweet face, Add he snatched a honeyed kiss; Then a Brewer's dray got in the way, A S UP .5 n mixed g l!na 5 Found at J. A. Harmon of Liemore, West Va, says: "At last I have found the perfect pill that never dissapolnts me; and for the benefit of others afflicted with torpid liver nnd chronic constipation, will aay take Dr. King's Nw Life Pills." Guar a n teed satisfactory. 25c at all druggists. Nl'UtiETS. A laugh is worth a hundred groans in anv market. Anxiety never yet successfully bridged over any chasm. Genius has a twin brother whose name if patients. True merit i like a river. The deeper it is the less noise it makes. We postpone and postpone until smiling possibilities are dead. You will not find poetry anywhere unless you bring some with you. How to Heinain You ns;. To continue joting in health and ttreiiiftli, dsi-as Mrs. N. F. Rowan, Mc- Iknoiih, Ga. did. She Says: "Three botilcs of Electric Bitters cured me of chronic liver and stomach tronble, com plicated with such an unhealthy con ditio:! of the Wool that my skin turned rediisllinuel I am now practically 20 ear younger than before I took Kleo- trie Bitter. I can now do all my work with ea-e and assist in my husband's business, uutiranteeu by an urnggiaw. Price 50c. Optimo cigars ; two for twenty-five cts. Leaders in quality. Brinn Bros. Utist and Weekly Oregonian $1.60 per yew. 8UMM0N8 la IheClrenlt Court of the Ditto ol Oregon, fur Columbia county. Ralph Rogar and L, A. KoKcrt Pltiutlfts v Stephen Bauman and Mrs. HUipheu lisuuiaii Dtfetulaiitt ToHtephcri Hatiman and Mr. Stephen Bsuman so Qfiiemianit asinva narneo: in ins name or u mala ol Oregon, yon arc hereby ratiulren! u aprsssar ans snswer tfsc corn plaint Sled txtln.t )ou In Hie above s-ulillcl v kii .My mi uiiiu I'Sir- tchbedio Uie order lor tins publication of tumiannt, Ihe (aid pennd nl time being tlx wtsekt Irons lhadtyol the first .siMlr;aiin of tins umiRnii nasai'j ibik nny cm puulicittlon belna Ilia 3rd Ur of May, linn, an.l II von fail to to appear and answer snid rsomplflitit, th plalnllflt will cause vonr drsftult to Im f.nti.rrt and apple lo tha Court almvt named lur the releif demtnded. In aald complaint, lo wit: lor tn aojnsllcation that the disfeinlanbi htra no lut-rrl In ihe N W 4 ol the H W of sc l lon in u.wnniv Dunn rniisre s wei oi ninam Stla mvrtrliaj, In Colninlilu l.'ullnlv. Orf-in; n therefrom a two tsris trad. dearriiMHi at cominenclna? at tha M W s-im.r of ra1.1 Irart ol lao-l and ruunlnf thruct north S Si chain, to a Eanni, inence east isnaiDt, to a point; ihence ssintb chant to a point and thence weal J is chains to the place of IwRlnsiln?, and for a ilvcrse quieting plalntlfls' title therein. This ummon It pnbllthed by order of tit H.Niorable K. H. Haitan. Judsra of the rsoimtv Conn of the State of Oregon, for Columbia eountr. rna.1 and dawd March la Kurt, whl. h order peracrlbed that service of tsimmont in ihit anil ha made upon you by publication, ouoe t week for si a consecutive weeks, which lime will begin to run from the day of tlie fin.! publication hereof and the lime within which rou are raoulred to answer aald comolaint In on or las'ore the last day of the time perocrlhed in said order for publication, to wit: May 3rd, l'JU7. The date of the Irat publication of thit sum Is friday, March it, I9V7. IsU.I.ABri tr. DAY, Attorney for plaintiffs. J STOMA A COLOMBIA RIYER il RAILROAD COMPANY. oaitv. TATfORI DAILY. r. r ts s OS s ss 4 st s s 1 1 tl ! is s M a. sr. S 0 t Partlaaal Ar'lt la Ia. m t a t f u J SS a . U S a at J 1 2 M M .. M tl 71 J Ml at 7 7; li a ttai ll u ta t il se n.s Oobl loss a k S 20 S 00 7 7 64 7 U 7 2S 7 17 7 02 42 S2 S 20 10 ...Kalnler ... .. Fvramid... ..Mtygsjr.... ...Qulney .... . Claukanle.. . Marthiand.. . Weilpolt... . ...CllTtan.... ...Knappa.... .. Sveoaoa.... M S ii 17 17 08 S 02 S M S S3 S 16 S 07 1 66 7 ti ..John Day... Ar. Astoria .Lt All I rata aaak elaa aennacUeni at Gobi trhk Xorthtra raelfta tralat to and from tha Seat aad Sou ad polnla. Al Portland -with all train laaviag Cslen 4tpoC at Astoria with I. . an.v. e awat aaa nil una and steamer T. i. roller u aaa (root Iiwaco and Kortk Seack paint. raawnnft for A atari a as? war polnte mntt flag tralat atleultea. Train will atop to let pat sag art off al UeoltoB whea coming from poloa saa4M. J. O. SIrN sa. r aaa. agw, aatona, n H. HORQUS 5T. HELENS Carries a Complete Line of Groceries Dry Goods Hardware Crockery Flour and Feed Hay Notions Candies Stationery Fancy Goods In fact, everrthinir usually kept in a firs class General Merchandise Store. M prices will be found as reasonable as an store in Columbia County. Your' trade solicited. GUARDIAN SALE. Notice It hereby given that Ihe nnderalsned, Anna K Woodburr. guardian of Charles Wil liam Paul, Delia Melinda Paul, Melissa Jane Paul and Zenith Harold Paul, minors, l.y an. thority nf tha county court, of the State of Oregon, for Multnomah comity, will on the 11th day ol ilircb, A. !.. HM7, at the hour of eleven o'clock a. m. at Ihe In in I door of the Couuty Court House, in the Town of St. Helens hi Columbia County Oreeon aetlallthe inlerest of aatd minor iu and to the eoutheast quarter of the northeast quarter and the north half of the north eatt quarter of the southeast quarter ol section 26, in township fi north of raue o west, sitsnae In Columbia County, at public auction to the highest bidder, aald sale Wing made subiect to confirmation by said Multnomah County court. Terms ot sale, cash iu hau.i. luteret of -aid minors, the nudivtdea hall or sahi nt'ttcrittt-'i land, subject to the doner right of siiid Auim E. Woodbury. ,.,,. Ouurdiuu. Dated Jm.aa.ry 3tMh. VJ07. Steamer Iralda C. . Htoghkirk. Master. RAILROAD TIME. Learea Rainier daily fexcenl Sunday) for Port land, al A. M.. departing from St. Helens nt 8 o eloea. Returning, leaves I'oniana nt i:m i M., arriving at l. Heleua at s:so. Passengers anfl Fast Frciiiit rnn Portland daily PORTLAND LANDING. TAYLOR ST OREGON ShotLin Union Pacific AMD tJyiolTDKPOT. i Leuvea A.n,e-. IJ"A."U 5"2.V P. li Daily. Daily 6:1S P. ST. S;)0 A. H Pally. Daily. sTP P. M 7:ITaT"M. Pally. Daily. CHIC AUO- PORTLAND 8PKC1A1. for tne tai vlajlunltnswn. gPOKANB fLYKK, for Kastern Washing- taton, Coeur .VAlene j "l'..0"' Nrthe"1 ' Atlantic kxpre- j "j. nu'" Lower. Columbia River. Bteamer Haasalo leaves Portland dnilv, except Sunday, at S.00 p. m. Satursiay 11), IK) p. m for Astoria and way lsudtiiga. Ketiirulng leaves Astoria si 7:00 a. m. dully, except Sunday. As L. CRAIQ, Qeaenvl Passenger Agent. PohTLAND Or. NOTICE OF SALE. Notice it hereby given that ly vlrtno of an order this day granted l.y tlie County Court ot Multnomah County, Oregon, the nndertlgniKl will ncll this folluwlug real estate ot the estata ofChnrlcs lllllcr, deceased, at prlvato sale for cash, front and after April li. ll(7; N H of S E 'i Hec, 23 Tp 6 N RAW Vt lllauictta Slcrhllsii la Oregcn. D. I. OAt.RR.AITH, Administrator. r.l.'sOregonlsn Bldg,, Portland, Oregon lited March 12th, 1107. GUARDIAN'S SALE Notice Is hereby given that hr virtu of an order of the Conntr Court of the Stale of Ore gon, for the County of Columbia, mada and entered on the 1.1th dav of March 1907 In the matter of the estate of Wlillo L. If. Menke. a s minor, tha uniler'lgned, aa guardian of the estaieofsHld minor, will on the Mint dav of April ,7 at the hour of 10 o'clock In the for, noon thi-rcssf, at the front door of tha Court House m. Hslens, riregnn, sell at pnhlto anctlnn, fur cash in hand the following describ ed real property belonging to aald minor, situ atcd in the conntr of Columbia, Slate ol Ore gon, to wit: the Northeast quarter of section 20 n Ts.wnshlp fire North Knnge four West of tha dower right, title ami Interest ol Mary E. Heln- .....1 wuu ia uie m.nner or sain minor. . .. . W. A. HARRIS. W. H. Powell, Attorney for Guardian. XOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Iiepartment of the Interior. Und Office al Portland. Oiegon, Feb, 7, 1907. VOTfCK IH HEREBY (ilVEN THAT COM plinnce With the Drovlal.inu nl thn act nf Connrcse of June 3, 1K7S, entitled "An act for me sale ol timber lanns in the States of Oregon, l alllornla, .Nevada and Waahltieton Territory.'1 as extended to all ihe public laud ttatct by act .'igust in. iisw, Caroline k. nrings ot Olsnt, County of Contra Cosu Btate of Cali fornia, has fills (In. Sled In this ofllce his sworn statement No. "3)0 for Ihe purchase of Ihe K ! ol HW .. and Lots S and 7 of Hec. No. S in Town- o..,. . .-i,rui nKiicnensiiqwiii oner proni to show that the land sought It more valuable for it timber or stone than for agricultural pur poes and to establish hia claim losaid land btv 'ore I lie ketiisteraud Recplvr at Portlaml. fr.. on Tuesday the Zlrd day of April 1W7. lie names as wimessea: j. t;. nurte Ol r fin land. tlrcL'on. Charles O-born. nf Portland. Ore gon. L. H. (, ol Portland, Oregon, Ed. nmie, 01 I firwaii'i, uregon Anv ami all nersons c'.aimlns ailverselv tha above dewrsbed lands are reonested to tile their claims In this office on or before said -3rd day of ALGEK.NSJ.N S. IIBE-HKR. Register. S13IM05S. In the Circnit Court of the State of Ore gon for the County of Columbia: Virginia I.. l!over. olaintiff, vs. William T. Boycr. (lefenilant. To William T. Boyer, defendant in the above entitled suit: In the name of the State of Orecorl you are hereby required and commanded to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit be tween now and tne ina day ot Marcu, U"07. Said suit is commenced against you by fslaintiff for absolute divorce, and if you ail to answer between now and said time for want thereof the plaintiff will take judgment against you for an absolute divorce and dissolution of the marriage now existing between rou and said plaintiff. This summons is served by publication in pursuance of an order made by the Honorable T. A. McBrede. Judge of the Circuit Court of the State ot Oregon, for the Connty oi Columbia, dated February 7, 1J07. aald orde provides that tda first publicrtion cf this summons shall be made on the 8th dry of Februtry, 1907, and that the last publication be made on the 22nd day of March. 1907. WALTER H. fc.VA.N5, Attorney for plaintiff. SUMMONS. the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for Jas. II. Smith, plaintiff, ts John Helme, be feuilent To Johu Helme. the above named defendant: c t-..ii)irt cosiDir In the name of the state of Oregon you are herebv reiiuired to SDoear ansl answer Ihecoin- plaint hlesi against you in the above eutiited cause, and suit, on or before the exptraHoa of mx weeas frssm Ihe date of the brat publication of this fummons. to-ssit: on or before the 2S dav of March, l'J07. anil If you fail to so answer. lor want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relie! prayed for In his complaint. uow ssu tile herein, which relief so prated for iau billows, uvwit: that you be resiuiresl to assswer herein within the time perscribeil by law, and by thit summons, snsl to tet forth fsstly the nature, character knd extent of tha lnteret or claim had or asserted by you to the tract of land described in snid complaint, lo wit: The SK .4 of Sec. li. T 3 N K 5 W. W M . that said risiht inav be subject to investigation by seid couitand that upon the hearing of this cause, that vou las decreed not to have any right, title, interest or essate in aald ,ireinise, or anv part or parcel thereof, ansl that the piaiutiiv herein l decreed lobe the owuer in ice of said premises, and the whole thereof, and that his title hitherto be forever uuieted, and that plalutitl have Judgment aeainat you lor his roi and disbursements hereiu- Thia .-uinmosis Is published by order ol the Honorable R. . Hattan Judge of . Ihe Couuty Court of Columbia County, state of Oregon, which said onlcr was made and dated on the li! day of Feb. 17, and the date of the first pub lication of this summons it the 15 day of Feb., Ht)T. COOVERTJt STAPLnTON Atty. for Plaintiff XOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the iMusity Court of the SbUe of Oregon, for Columbia Cuuutv. In the mutter ol the eskite of John J. Qulnlau, Deceased. Notice is hereby given by the undersigned, administratrix of the Kstate of John J. Qiltnluu. deceased, loall persona having claims against Ihe estate of said deceased, to preseut them, sth the prs.per vosichers, witblu six months fmm the datu of this notice, lo the unlerigned admiuiatriitrix. at the Ijiw othco of Dilhtrd & fiuy at St. llelens, Cotiunbia ceuutv. Oreuon. MAHsiA KKT NBTn.KTON, Administratrix of the Estate of John J. Hum-, deceaseil. School Report Notiet of Mention to Apply for Liquor Lictnsl. To nil Persons: Yon nnd ench of yost. llt tese notice that John Wlest nml lleorge Wlest will on Sattinlny M.sK-h 1. 1507, apply to the Honorable Coinitv Court, of Columbia Csninlv, sifili- otilregou for a license In sell sniriluoiis, malt ansl vinous llqstnrr a"d hard cider, tn less quantities than one gallen. for a period nne year, ut scnpiH.sw.e. In s'apioose Precinct. Crd, umbia County, Oniion; which will be based upon the follosvitig petition, to-wtt: In the Counts-court of the Mais ol OrefjOn, for Columbia i snimv. In the mailer ol the application of John WvMmid lis'orge Weist, to sell spirituous, ma't Hud visions lispsrs. ansl fermented cider, In less miintUics than one enllon, PKI'ITIOM Tothe llnnorablc County Court fnrCiiltimbla osmtv Stale oi Oregon: We. 'the uutlersigued, actsial residents of Ss-appsHise Precluot, in Colutnbla Coiintv, Ore gon, and having actually resisted therein more than thirty days Immediately preceding Ihe date of the signing assd tiling ot this petition, and couiprisiiigau actual uiajoritysd the whole number of lciiut voters uf atiid Precinct, hereby l-etitiou the Honorable County Court of Colum bia connlv, Oregon, to greul to John Wett aud Weist. uartuers. a license tsi sell snlritu otss, malt ansl vinous liquors, and fermented cuter, commonly auowu as nam ctoer, in leaa qiiautisies than one ksiIIois, at Hcappoose, lti SciipiKHSse Preclnet, Columbia cosint) , Orego , from a period of one year from the date ol the granting td pillst llcesise. Dated and signesl Kcbrsiarv llth, 11107. J Hushmtssi. T 11 Hiasiw, ii Hairev, Will'atn Wiggins, VVillisin Heanian, O H Diirleani, J K Morgan, J K Miller. K T llore. .1 W Jlctioen. 1 Koss, K vs'nv, K r Iteichow. c II Sasidsleri II O Larsen, Wm Ternaban, tieo. Kimball, M A Bachelsler, Oeo Soloimm, Tom Brvatit, f H Moutelite, J Hegan, J II Wall, A M Welst, E M Oibbs, T Hansen, ht Mfsusague. L Nsliv. 1-ntl Teller. Fred comfort, A .1 Cain, s K Northiup, I'hasC Trojell. Albert Selfert Orville Uncoil, w F llageinuu, A H Liinib. A H James. L C Lamb K Nulsiiu. A Aililesson. Ward Hiinller, M Had dell. K Larsen, H .Inrger-en. lh-.rge Slssim-.iis, John A Wilson, Win Keotn, Thud Vi Sien'ou, HeiirvC Tltou. Kd Putter. I. T Plner. II While. j Hurt Uarnelt. Frank Pipe, K O Iiryant, Jas Koblns, Dave jaurotvcoti, 1, iiiom-ii, am i Olllett, Harry Hover E C Smith. L l, H A McKav. J ll McKnv, J W hite, .1 Freiimsn Noah Hill, K W Weist A Stoi kcnberg. Fred Adams, John Kellev, a M Waist, IK Sisussiin, OL Ituusile, V J i.vman. John HelniHller, ll E tlerhart, li N.-wsoiiio. w Tell., I IV tlratsf, A Zelsman, T C Mlslard, William Shave, O Is v ills O C Kabinsky Hciirv Habius-kr, A Nefiman, K C Baldwin. C Alleu, Peter Alayes, U Johutou as;w. :.'r.;;;wssrc