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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1907)
- . . - , ,' ' I . - .- v OREGON S ii "i". i HOTICC FOR WllCiTIQ. i m v S I Am ' .!. ...... t. . ;. . . l .t ta 4 4 r a . i T a i r Enteral t tie PowtSce at 1 1. Helen. Oregon. a waJlscsj.. :'.ter, Issrso Evbby Fn' ' v E. K. FLAOC. EmTvjr and rK.;'R;i: ?. ha ! ! ttte ;;i i - 1 the One year A'.r.;;ts rite rra ': kn.vao cn cation Leirai M -s c'n- !r MARCH .-.. 5 ' ( f iv: '. f r. ' f"l i'. n t i- .'-r lie Sam- t- it s 'H " r c ( ! it t vcun i. ' ..... n's ! i : fiif action liaJMAttlU Eva Krum e Ut n, Vlin the lv. j i f .it kv !) I 1 l! of .. r " -p .. f S- v erd- B jr of e 10 5 4 :!..! .' ,'!, in c ; , 4 g I Rade u West r-.i lire if SiMit'iri'l. C"Ut t qr ait 1 Ue ot r.i m .H it iw!mr.j n. ?rfi);!. ts r.iJi :!- r c."..;,--. IVm p:inc.j ,0 j H Pomewr ; !.,, jv th-ai m j M 2 lk 15 IVachri add -f-'tr ft". I .,R.ii,, u e rd T c::s'.n u hi O' 1-srrs il I c I6t.) rr tin vnWr t. I . . . . . thai in rom".r jv st ; t )0 B SI -.d li LCjtW 10 ih' B-w 53iv : 1 : . ..v " ".M-yS.: i I: a i CIRCUIT COURT oFr;ci:K: THOilii A. McBstsE -I'":r"-"- ;' Uarkicx Autx tnttnet -;.. COUNTY OFFICERS: R. S. lUTts. Jo. s'- I! V. A. His-.s. Clerk u M-vuns White. Sr.r.3 Casts. Lmx. Ceaasu!xet- H. Wesr. EDris R- Trtiarcr A. T. L'.. Aws- ? I. H. Copehvp. sci:..i Scri. Fkaxk B. r-KE.scoTT. Sure H. R- Ci-lFF, Cccooer Then v- U t. ,Uff-it i: a pra is fa-u : t) t;- ; Sioe Aijlstn Xht C: i 't" 515 ere tiMt iO pr ns.:h. ct a-r ci thai wa s:t i of by .; tx ai.:f ' dirsr fcst ipaw. T-i !t a oae. It I sar.-i '":t' 4 i" oaoer tupay h -riU . tii-.- be hi Etsier rf i. tiisuc is s. case evOT:gh V Nwina ",.:. .: hia U Iht ir. nt fc ' 5 la. 15 ts it if ewfiiVrcf e r.iii fi: -ia-kta tee iiin-I j i:: of iedraaitr la c.- o; rv.k1!-. pt kzt M ti vc. si t; t .;r .tr . u. a txipsvrr l-ei.a '. a rc.i: r".-. . tif.nn h.c!i i-t as:...'.:..i : : - . cm! Have :. e n a jui'i'isri. A vat ia ti:i$ nw.y i...-'ti- os ttis !. I: appear t- a: - ' r.a-i leea tvQi:siu i ;a t: i ?y ' c5-.;i e-i is w. ' PjrtUrsu, 4 fir trui :'rTi. TberrOpcn ta C-jcc:t Jiife - '" '' that 15 r tu::b U .a; t:. tnan'f to tie gt.t -ca. We spp.: i- irv : ajf-'-int s gturi'un. a:-4 f making wt pafr. ?.. :.J J; ' ; -Piid cot o! tb;t Tuit is f. ;-r:i- aJty tte b.m p-J"5 i r !;:v:::: savhg. HaJ fee "a T : cr a drackir-i fce wocl i I.-st ; caxA it by the ?:at to: of Li : -. -TidM" by the tax p)"'- T::e ais :r.: tared t th taxrayer ( C ' - ' --. ccntr Vy this 5 .;? of (e;i-D;:.-' i f axaU a to b uao t'-.y f e -r; ---- "ts'-i The Ia, hid as it "15. a never Jo'.e&JfrJ to t inT.:.t-i for 'h- fur? f -out the smili f.riur? al a We don't believe the pcojiec-f C. '. County 9td the RiOr lit W ared tha It t1'.!-" trjn-a-;:ci. "A"-.-tiiick they aoo'.d rs'.ief Ur.i :'.-ir fhsre of the uperw! art! i-trv '.- mac's saviE rexals ia ti-" ..n, t ': h3x!ed oter t? hint U he U tvi-.- furc i of fcU tcectal ik-rarg-.-.-:.t. f : i H..VC . f : c.- Bit!; t a!t'.-:f t to n H -. stie i ;. (. in . )' wtr. a i !. 'i'le -ai't t'.'tn 0 !'(-l.. t-t rfj ii -t"S it 3. . :i M.-. K a,-i t Ure u;-s.-.e titv.e In ?"-, p,,r.! -.. of t b'S-i- itlSSiatX CStCEPTIO SUCCESS. OF V " J s y 'i.: .a?t; s . v t e s p. ',1 re a it:- ' - L ami U Co a hf vt ppcISS . J T Cti! ktiBS tVliin 25 cne svl25 ; C Hat-1 M M Etslisli t fls n rinckney 1 t 4 bit 6 Tver Is- ad J O I ;aeta to J ho anl A Hen ; tint-kio t rotf 5 A rve qr o w c;r w 2 S 4 5 ! J an I L ilatttera toW E B I M ! t".a-k ptrt M L HarriM d I c I A and V L ! .-ia t E M Wat t j k5arJ6 b-iotk 2 ; d-l to S i,-fv-. A aa 1 Green to A V MatatMfia ! t oi i qr t 3 4 4 ' a Hanier; to the Srfcaieoi la 1 T-tmnt Co I t of qr c ISC 5 ; A I. and J HenJerick03 to Jaob 0a2a acres ia Zi auJ 2 S ; 4 . L L aa I W L Ja.-vboa to the ; Western Cedar Co w qr au l mqf of ti qr2S7 2 Rid Co to Western Ce dar Co e id of ce qr T 2 f huts ; A Kent to th IWioit Trti't Co n I hi and B Id c-f hf of n q if Mr. Harrsxan si:--!.-!: ; .it a:o 3 4..) fc.M 1,. .(..-a a. !.- f "- altwi 'aite i ' 1 mi y ?; 1 1 R tv K a ! . dr-tJ are r . . . .' ... .. 1.. .j u, nw:. He ' " ' j V"1:...,y: i K. Mrt'rwa. ol Wrtia-I. tW c wo . . . 4Trwl. tb i '-.;lt'. , Sr,i .-.I ti-.K.-.) fcv. U. ' 40 la. vi " A Hark:-, t'. a : NOTICE FOi PUBLICATION v . . '" " T,' CtimVr UV t . iat i .? tnnuot An art I ,.: I 1 C'-rt r.t, r e'O ' fa:' rn.-. i. iii o Mrf, r. arva.-. li , tj. i. :. Ttrfcr " ! V j. ar. t.ti t&at ra e.a5:(rr : v. ali KiKk U4 inaia. fct . f' ' .t 1 ( ..;:feM ' i t; .-a lf -. ! a r.rf'.ji'. ! p"al .l HOTICt TO MUCiTlO 10 est !y i tin" br-rt' r.i Ittcea " Atit. jtt a m; cf t ; ... k ;'- the i, JI, rtatu is re- t--::i'; r:-;- At t . r.; utvt; i pie. to : . r vf- . -:t u.i-y tint. tt-.-a ta '.to.d ki:v,-. :.-v- wei (W g'.orr-f t;j L &..:! iti tt raaity oief ; i.-j f re : r. .';-:..:.; : o f ; 1 "--t jna'-t .vo 10 ift?-! ii : T; v tan ! r.ieti hm .l ! : i x i : i'v ; ? t -v in, ftt "ri- rs' , ' ; 1 v:.,i';""T ., '.'f.'"i. t.t ' ' .' t,- ; i r .-. . ; t c V : , - v' I- H s.' r :;i T-' '.".v. -t'k Ki-f S . . -i i cr!f i-t u i.'fs tn :it L, wj-or lTh-t iS UA it J1 rVarx OQ KJarlf '- ( i,.l.-;lr(r."'l . U f 'itirl W .!aj m A. r.i IC JOB PRINTING 18 OUR BUSINESS fKliHve lh Ih'M am! mwl fnllv 4jiiiitiM't!.Jol Iriut- ins Ofllce i" lumlia (untjr V .hid wf me prepared to do all kinds of Prtnttf on short notice and at most reasonable prices I TRIAL Will CONVINCE OREGON MIST LLW jj j taA AAaVA Adfcana r fit .y firsad tt.'i'.J-. and bad t.-i t :.t;': .. f (tr , : ':; ;i afTrcti.'. fr at ; cros f.e . ' ut: .vi n ? f t til- U : ti-t: 3. we n'.i l - : c. t:i3L y ttrAtt rft t :.:.'. -i : ' . it . tJeverr.e r ii-rB. i t-- i.-tt'ii it re i o hi". ai-d ar 1 : ; et. t:-h : : o. t-- ai h.v! iir-d a'i .: at ttn.r? riiaa ied Utd aal e-.-a-i rir.ii c .r.d-. r:i --a that -rt:i fie C e !i:i-" it cr-i'.e if r. " tte Ha'iiinar. ... i T. - :f.:h a -i.:.t -; a- li r. r: :ii .vt. i-f i- v--i K i r h a:.d tee -if the jjnr.t r the 3 ri :. . !; i-r far :: SALARIES Mi) TAISS. The theory of dts Or..-o.-:i'i. -JSt eoticiy c: urt 'trie-aairi the ;tit. cMEBittooe' s'tn's-M have the to recnlite the faiirirS oi the m. cfScen is ertaia!y a novel nzt, vU such a la were in ft-n-e, i:. -.-; WMi'.d nadoab'ed.y crrat a ia tiii ar.d ttttr pju-As ejut-'.y jadj SiJ csus-Uvot-.1- : fffi.e fijT rcr y-a-; thy m;,ii : cm hcites j 1 .' t..-T-- ; iti. rr-.rtt. -f. t r.- i-i .;-.i-;t bi t.j-ar to the li.t"i- ; : ; . t. e tA : -t; I t r h A the f?st rst'.r-vid ntaitui -k i. ii::i:.: t" ' .r crt . r t'.ar. j .: : S'.-U--'-! f -.! statt. Ti.ere i s..';.!'!-1."..! it u.. c t rn -i f.-.-.-.i-! .n :t.e H.'-rri-stauass i. .riiii:;.; : M t.t cr:i'.z.t lieSgr. f r - a; t-;.i' :.t", ; r t. treittu Z'-. y.r, ;:e si. i .; -'y. ice ri to -'. -r-.- -ittird at; i rs-j a:tif. it"ii3ii?s.eit asi cijaiiltty ttiiht t-;ntir,e.. Th- ii fti : ut. p.:-- ; - t; tLi : ;.;,rr.-i'..c ar.d i a; Vir-;;ir..: mithi : U-ieit. A.-o-rit's to :t chief f- i i:. orB t,:;u Ha'fiutaa .et U ?hi.rt-i, .hi w jrl i, ,r at less. ' it '' '.. t; i it V . r. . ! - - ' . . ..i . :; tr.e l :..'ri tatei f ; of n rr 31 5 4 . - ! R W ar.d T K:rkdto J VV Shut i qr of tseqr sec 32 s hf of n q- sec 03 4 4 A C ar.d X Larsr.n to Nefaiem In- t 4-n.ent Co. se qr sex- -J 4 4 V- X I. nd to Frank Car er end hf ir.t ia U 3. bik 3 F.Ma .t 1st and t. flat iV sni J M. d to James Tailor kni tf int in ihf of qr "itij it hi of o qr ec 2i 4 5 .... F. Van i W H 1;S '.o ti.e Eea s vi i. ai L C j s qr cf n qr ec i7 in-1 qr of re qrec 2 5 3 SinU F.e Pat-iS R R C- to th? Xehs'eia Inv'Stxejit Cona qr t-f se .,r a,c 22 4 4 a'.d O Sttte-v- n t the Ci.ap Tiaiter Co qr set 4 i 3 ' ; L Tarudl to E CJeffervo 14.45 arre 5ew 641 ... - ' Ja VaabUriw-m to 1 hn iVt- ?!e Vem r.i a I" rd'.ed l-Jtt. to ErSe Y Poei! s qr of ttw qr fc 27 ar.d qr .'A e qr ev 2S53 U':ht-d Stste to Merri: p.jtreroy e hf oi sqr, f qr cf se qr a-d e qr .f qr ec 1? 4 2 . C G, A.J K. R R. W II. A M. 'i W. Ii T, attd M B Cftoo tc A H Z'd f jrd, seTrral tra : .n ? 3. I'a.: V. i, f 1 ! - i lie It : a r- t A". In . ', : . .e x rl!rti !- H H X torn rafUB. llt. -Tiaat- ffl aa al fa 1. E. F- OUICIv A. m. IIUUIU.N The Columbia CourrY ABSTRACT AND TRUST CO. Titles Exam i skd Abstracts Maik - Non-Resident Taxes Paid " Real Estate l," I-oaxs, etc Lear !. HeVra ... JO A M Arm at Bertlacd 10 J A M Lwt Bort arid I 30 P M Altlil at M. tle!u 4 P M V -. !.?; lilt M (tUI. ( arrt Srrfhirt k-jt Pi lra an4 Fail Frr(fai. bSOO, aiHr. La . NOTICE OF SALE OF OLD COURT HOUSE. y .c'.vcn tr..t at t! y5 SECURE FUTURE INDEPENDENCE By Investing in (KOI) REAL ESTATE St. Johns Rc:ilt' is the lkt Invest no while you can girt in on the ground floor; Tomorrow mav l to late. Correspondence .solicited v ; from those seeking investment and promptly answered. COLVIN & liliiNDlikbUIN vt s" y r erj t.-4 - i 'Vf fe a:" , ArJ A"i r; j s .I-.; AA"k . be i m ijs i Ii T'Vi b rt K;i.A. IC 1 At J I03 ', rhiladclphia St. v X St. Johtis,Oregon ? . or: ! v.:.- Ar.i th.: i v oi L T' C ( at ... :rer.i c..y itv Court. 13 ... 1 ..-.t. ;wte!l f h!str; ii . f V.rtr. .i;r-ti;; Ifea ' I'.' . .n : s s twr. i(rir n ! . Vji; . ; X'; i;r-i t tt.i. f.' - !! -o a I f. i a. it (vr ti it ff ta. t;"u.a i.l i:i ' i.te ..I tar -t a'.iea&.v.a ; a lor l'Ut&'... w PHYSICIAN it SURGEON TELL YOUR NEIGHBOR frmrrTTixrrrmrTTrr! rrm TrrrrrjxtTrrTOTfimm : KvJ I 3 MODELS i THE SaHAKTliST O ' I FOOTWEAR FOR AVOA1EN r. -a. re- tee -i ii tr.:--:v ti. r tie ti tens the-t tnerrr. X r oS.-er' a'a-T fhtViJ it. crdim nisi.'rl dur.sit-.r t-rr : .t he is e!cti a g:l i-zt in ,.'.i protected the s at Pri:;tr' g' mcy years and is :.!; d: errice H fonetiaa-s L work an sr.ji.itie?. It;? o?.;-r .ht -s-'.i i to d t e 'k hi -. -rr ititeni. Tfirn it sh i,: that his r,:t I rot to ' t ths L-vi;-cre or y mj., staiicis. The ri.-iit r.;!e i basice h-.tld !. and loiejt nB c :-.;;! :..r f rivale bar,. I'ar; e-. ; I .-- r ; a mart to do ce-tii.: :k s '! faan i.e can:; .-. !.;'. ie li a.-rk 4 i t - -u t I :i r :'.-..",; pay. XettMf i'a.c'A u i -.!- . : - i i t oSrhd. to d. a srrar a..;.o 'i .; x; a ork aith.-it est -a ! r.p . r h.ii' 1 ;;r. Th ihti . .' r .. t!i' Oittnty w: re ii 1 ty t Us'tlat.irr: Ut.a- we !;. the: as t.v i je'.if r i.'.; .. -' to the !n, t;.ii -:-.;'.- ar h jf ther J. dr-i.r.-, to :V. t:.e ref. tiln aiitir! ''. Vi's ;...'.. i j : . . - ; any great r.cia r-f ihr i '. ; x- pueri ate ;; i to ti.e r,ii--. .".. inrT"-d di'iei an 1 f.e h.-r.-t-: ...f z hi 1 r- i . ! ; - ... ,-. ei-ruin ffSc?f a-: 1 - ! -v c ia.- r t'.a ra-. a . root; ieat ill i-' r.or t; .'j rlivr .... t '. Uai'ia c;:i y i- ivia: a-ife t'. a p'. per (-'fK'tua.- tiH ::. Juti. t .e to. I: .wr.e f o ae ti-h! acaiitn ta r a!a-i fa'.d ti.eir j;i-t ,bar ol tbe tasea t?ie ta-dea w-oid t va" dis'riU;teI. i :.e ea' . t e i t . car ? . e : : that it . in. t- w a-d li. iirr: :.i'.h i.e v ioii',s:e. ;v,!t;.'e ae.ti'har jcti". :' ;ir ie U4 revijite-1 at. .i ;,":;. t ..o't;hita-i..a t t t;..-r t 1 1 1 d; r- ; rja. e-j:s e.ti, PHYSICIAN & BILES. SURGFN For sixt v BERS to the !' ) ia IS days NEW SUIkSCRI-: Spring Ties and Oxfords $3.50 and $4.00 The most up-to-date hosiery department in the city for Men, Women and Children. 5 The in " r.v. -C.V-t. ; iritri the' riirii'ter" ar; r-r.:xe- i.ettet! yy r. r:HEa. ATTORN EY-AT-LA W KNIGHT SHOE CO. Z and Washington Portland, Oregon Walkover and Sorosis Store 5 Tlie largest specialty store in the Northwest Veekly 0eoiaif'rwmm'rmff',m!ffmw", mmm'1wfflww', regon Mist AND X0TUE OF l' HlSfrE 0FM1E r.. if. '. --r ar.. ITHE BIG STORE E ... 3 D0W BY THE BIG SAWMILL SUMMONS '-a. A Both Papers I: One Year, $1.50!! Receiving New Goods Kvcry Day! : Iwo papers for the price of one. ; Send in your nam ; and address at THE MUCKLli fc-Wol4:Ki 7 1' Aftj w ing Pinnr.g for Only iU rl In 3 I'f-al-tt-: r :-t m. A A"a.t-f 1 .. j-j tti -it' ft-l A ; I- t.-.a- , .;. w - ft'-.; I . -j, V f ' - 'i. - . "h; i,' A, . .U fi , ; "t ' .vr i-.- Ka. ?. a. ; - 1 . , iltrt.'J! lj--r.S ii,, li A .'j' ' tl-S j,V - t-r 2 TRAINS DAILY 2 TO I 'I Id.' Til MINN V. Alt ild- -r hu,- t'f ! s .. 1 is t1ie'east--" VU L.vir Tae Ke;;aUr Ytihs'Sr)t park Route '' i!i ' G.'.l:aer Gateway, the 0eni3kBt Official Ketrxace to tbe Park. SEASON JUNE I TO SEPT. 20. Uj . r. .i-r 1;: e he t.i-. ie - - t! .. a ;Kotcti,; - t; ;vc :j ; 5J4i. BJSW$S. llKil bllli- ThtVxfEilS. The CwU it y Cart .d O.-lcud "a C..-J-. ly itaa ordered t'se C-J'tnty Cir c 5 -, fu(Ulfl the C5-ul f.KK-ef : ;;t fttwr eici-t the t'.'a:aas;e Ci wfatrb lia leea de-laid to be tin- i :h cialpaoerof the c ai-ty. Hi? o: jei t i.-i ttil. oi tzuaie, ii topanij tie elito: tj -" tl.; tra;i-Vr? re?J ; J in ; .- :r. e . f ri f ,r t .- . end . g "Ijr. M.ii3 r i.-et ia tee - 12 3 2 ' .- a.d Ad ;;..i 1 C V an ! F f. Ad in. to V E JIj iu ; a.rn ce qr cd tie qr tc94 4 .. KOTICE TO CSEDITCRS t-it rf( -,--eH ji.iHf-,T frf r f-, ' l. --rj .'. i-(r ' . ,-.. ::. liAif. i-,:: tt i ;n ..-r .r r.-v"i. '...7 '.h t '.'-r.'-r.A Ait.r r-i4 a ! t-T-. b . ; r e t t s I- ft- At H.t"o-. tJTx.;ii . ' !:-t'jx til 4- tt-f L ski-: Kunopi: IP VOf '.Vim KIT ski-: am i:uic.v fir t START EIGHT. SEE YJ-LOWS'iXjXi' P.V IMv N ATI'S ES c, NEATEST WONOESI.AN'l) PAKTICl I.AP.t AT25 MORRlsiJX f-TktET A. D. CHARLTON Avitnt Geaeral raMeeger Agest Portland Oregon General Merchandise Dart & Muckle. STATE BANK OF RAINIER - - RAINIER, OnE. CAPITAL tas.coo Foorper ceot mtereai on MriBf dep.-n.t,. (Manded H-mj-ann,,,,. rch I aod Se,.t,niu.r ',; W. B. LOTTMAN, CAiK C4lctJoM MaAe.:.Dfu Uiut 5Xy 01 Credit! tills $60 Machine for $25 fKlfrUFtC. It It a htiiarm..P atilrfc. doubla Ire'l, ''' IlireaJina ahuit.'r : a aulutuaiu U.libln alt""' an.l other laiml linp'"' ttirtl. ThU 11 Ibr ' IKI'nr MAttlllNK " ' lha Mtn uiwhlti' t"'t, r a.klur rmie1 1"' L' atlai tuitilil,',' markliw. N'M r1u TtSM ht 1 m m..1M MtUMM '"''"'"J !Bt aoutak M amJ. ain .btiMFreUM rMMIua tati m.iyii-ai - t!il V ' Qovuru rrlitrro Oomprrf araM. UKlLaM.