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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1907)
1 "3 :l 4 tf 1 .aa . MS . KIDNEYS pLADDER W. A. Aiiicneu, aeaier iu general merchandise, Martin, Ga., write : My wife lost In weight from 130 to S8 pounds. We saw she could not live long. She was a skeleton, so we con sulted an old physician. He told her to try Peruna. She gradually commenced Im proving and getting a little strength. She sow weighs 106 pounds. She Is gaining every day, and does her own housework and cooking." According: to Hli Fotljr. The present chief Justice of Ontario. Sir William Meredith, is a man of fine presence, with a leonine mass of wblti hair. One night he was siieakln; in Toronto at a turbulent meeting, when he was sharply Interrupted by a stri dent voice, from the top gallery : "Aw, Wlllum, go an' get your hair cut!" Instantly Meredith threw bark bis magnificent head, and, fixing the of fender with the stern eye of the prac ticed examiner, exclaimed: "My friend, If my memory derres me, I once bad something to do witb getting your hair cut" There were no more interruptions. LIppIncott's Magazine. Same Old Feeling:. Gladys I feel sure he has never loved before. Penelope Oh, I felt the same way, dear, when he used to make love to me! New York Press. FADED TO A SHADOW. Worn Down by Fiv Years of Suffer ing from Kidney Complaint. Mrs. Remethe Myers, of 180 South Tenth St., Irontoii, O., says: "I Lave worked hard in my time and hare been exposed again and again to changes of .ik.. t .' Z-fcf, ai 10 iiu nyu . X lip, mv ki.lnt.vil a.wa pieces at. last, tor hve years I was fading away and finally so weak that for six months I could not get out of tliej house. I was nervous, lestless and sleepless at night, and lame and sore in the morning. Sometimes every thing would whirl and blur before me. I bloated so badly I could not wear Tli Itasavnuia. Here are two essaya on the Hugue nots by Chicago public school puutls: "The Uugnnots are pivple In France that are followers of Victor Hugo. Their leader Is a man named Jean Vallean that was a thief, but ot m verted and turned out well. The Hug imts are very good invple. A lady named Evaugellne wroti a long poem about them, but It don't rhyme. The Huguenots la tlw name of a big thing like a steam roller that the mo gul used In Iudla to run over people. It squoslied them to death and was very terrible. It bad eyes painted l It like a dragon and snorted steniu when It was running. They are no Iiugueuots euny more." Flavaao. "Senator, everybody Is commending that speech you made the other day on the subject of the trusts." "I think myself it was a pretty fair effort." "Unfortunately. I diilu't hear it. What position did you take? "Bless you, 1 didu't take any. I man aged, however, to assure each party to the controversy that Its position was the only correct and logical one. Time a K. Gunner There was a bad, bold bur glar up In the girls' college the other day. Guyer Xou don't say. And did the girls yell? Gunner I should say so. They gave the college yell and the burglar hasn't stopped running yet Bat the Otkr Side Objected. Attorney (for the defense) Do you know anything about the merits of this case? Venireman I should say not. It hasn't any merits. Attorney n e II take this man. xoui honor. the Hiaorlil, Mr. Pepew threw aside the paper in which he had just read that as a Senator he was a joke. "In that case," he said with decision. I will not resign. I wouldn't spoil joke for anybody." Philadelphia Ledger. So Ulaarram avltk Tali. 'Smythe. you railed on that Boston girl, did you? Was she at home?" 'Yes. she was at borne, but you Yes?" 'She was at home, but you see Well?" 'She was at home, but you see "Go on." "As I said, she was at home, but you "Ye, yes; she was at home, but I see" "Well, that's the answer." Too Maeh. ' There couie times when the desire and need for a vacation are quite over balanced by other things. When Mrs. Hanson had nursed the children of Herryviile through au attack of scarlet fever, she resisted all suggestions from irateful parents that she go off for a month s rest at their expense. "No," she said, with weary firmness. "I m obliged to all. but I haven't got strength. I could either get ready and stay at home, or I could go without getting ready; but 1 couldn't do both anyway In this world." Cynical. . "Permit me to ask you, madam." said the lawyer, who was a friend of the fam ily, "your real reason for wanting a di vorce from your husband." lie isn t the man I thought I was marrying," explained the fair caller. "My dear madam," rejoined the law yer, "the application of that principle would break up every home in the coun try." GRAFT WAS RAMPANT Ruel and Secured Lare Sums In Bay City. TOO SOON FOR FAIR. Sign SUPERVISORS TELL ALL ABOUT I Traction Company Mulcted of $450 000 Money Taken from Two Telephone Companies. Still Francisco, March 10. lU'fore tomorrow morning dawns, Abraham Kuef, fallen boss of San Francisco, now on trial fot extortion, will have bee indicted by the grand jury on varlou counts, aggregating nearly 100 in limn ber, covering n period of ninnv month and bused on bribes miming into lain dreils of thousands of dollars. With him will be criminally involved Mayor Schmitx, almost a scot e of th official of the city government and a mitiihe of millionaires of prominence in San rrancisco ami in the Last. Seventeen of the 18 county sttpervls ors went before the grand jury today and confessed m detail graft operations and their magnitude carried on during then tenure of office. Principal among these was the a wan! of n blanket frnn hise to the I'liUsl ltuilroads to trans form its cable lines into an overhead trolley system, for which Ruef had mulcted Patrick Calhoun, president of the roitiimnv, in the sum ol t.i0,000. Rut the corruption surrrounding the history of the franchise granted to the Home Telephone company was even more dumnahle, and explodes the cher ished proverb that "there is honor among thieves." The board of super visors was bought twice, once hv the Pacific States Telephone company which wished to keep the rival coipor. ation out of the city, and once by the Home Telephone company, which was righting to get an entianceintothecitv The Pacific Slates comiwny paid the most monev. This was brnuirht about bv the pur chase of Mayor SchmiU and Abe line by the foreign concern, and they, with their pockets well lined, cracked the whip over the etipemxurs uml forced the granting of the coveted privilege .Most of the supervisors bad got $,,IH.I0 apiece from the Pacihc States com puny. A little later the Home Tele phone agents paid a number of the su iiervisors I.1.U00 each, but Kuef and Schiuitz, having been seen meanwhile the sum was considered enough to com plete the transit t ion. The confessions revtaled details also of the Ocean Shore railroad ftiinehi.-e leal and others less extensive, but in volving in the aggregate upward of $1, 000,000. It is believed that the super vigors who confessed have been prom ised immunity from prosecution. HERMANN WROTE ANSWERS. Many Land Dabloas. Stippler Did Miss Kutts admire your paintings? Dobber- I don't know. Stippler What did she say about them? Dobbler That she could feel that I put a great deal of myself into my work. Stippler Well, that's praise. Dobber Is It? The picture I Bbowed her wai "Calves in a Mead ow." Aaeleat Instance, Moses was numbering the children of Israel. "What are you doing that for?" some body asked him. "They wouldn't stand for a referen Hum, explained Moses, "and I had to turn it into a census." Not even his worst enemi'i. howrer. tight clothing, and had to put on shoes ecused Moses of doing it for political two Bizes larger than usual. The urine i vurvotK. Letters Received at Office Sustain Case. Washington, March l'.l. Yesterday oiieueil the sixth week of the trial of liinger Hermann on the indictment harging destruction of 35 letterpress copybooks alleged to have contained olliiial correondence of the general land office. The prosecution will prob ably conclude by the end of the week and it is expected the defense will occu py two weeks with its witnesses before the ca?e goes to the jury. To date ap proximately 1,OU(J,IJOO words of testi mony have, been taken. Yesterday the prosecution placed on the stand seven chiefs of divisions of the general land office who served under Hermann, and all identified original official letters from the land office files which were answered in peisori by Her mann as commissioner. All testified that they have been unable to find in the files copies of the replies to these letters, the memorandum in each ease stating stx-cilically that the letters were answered by the commissioner. Then- were no such letters. was distrlered and passages were dreadfully frequent. I got help from ! the first box of Doan's Kidney Pills, however, and by the time I had taken four boxes tlie pain and bloating was' gone. I have been in good health ever since." Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a box. ' toeter-Milburn Co., Buffalo, X. Y The Old QoeatlttB. "Say, If you put all your money Into building a house? "Yes?" "And an earthquake came along and shook the house down?" "Yes?" "Wouldn't that Jar your' Philadel phia Ledger. CONTAGIOUS BLOOD POISON NO LIMIT TO ITS POWERS FOR EVIL Contagious Blood Poison has brought more suffering:, misery and humila hon into the world than all other diseases combined ; there is hardly any limit to its powers for evil. It is the blackest and vilest of all disorders, wrecking the lives of those unfortunate enough to contract it and often being transmitted to innocent offspring, a blighting legacy of suffering and shame. So highly contagious is the trouble that innocent persons may contract it by using the same table ware, toilet articles or clothing of one in whose blood the treacherous virus has taken root. Not only is it a powerful poison but a very deceptive one. Only those who have learned by bitter experience know by the little sore or ulcer, which usually makes its appearance first, of the Buffering which is to follow. It comes ia the form of ulcerated mouth and throat, unsightly cormer colored suata. swollen r)nA in falling hair, offensive sores and ulcers on the body, and in severe cases the uugcr nans crop on, me bones become diseased, the nervous 6ystem jsshat tered and the sufferer becomes an obicct of nitv to hia fellow t T?cr,,.;. ally is the treacherous nature of Contagious Blood Poison, shown When the infected person endeavors to combat the poison with , mercury and 'potash. These minerals will drive away all outward symptoms of the troubles for a ti-Ti i 1 o .wl f 1. , ..." , : ... : j : i . , . . . , . . - .-i.m is uuxiwu imo uie oenei inai tie is cared.. When, however, the treatment is left off he finds that the poison has only been driven deeper into the blood and the disease reappears, and usually ia worse form because these strong minerals have not only failed to remove the virus from the blood but have weakened the entire system because of their destructive action. S. S. S. is she only real and certain cure for Contagious Blood Poi son. It is made of a combination of healing blood-purifying roots, herbs and barks, the best in Nature's great laboratory of forest and field. We offer a reward of $1,000 for proof that S. S. S. contains a particle of mineral in any lorm. e. . S. goes down to the very bottom of the trouble and by cleansing the blood of every particle of the virud and adding rich, healthful qualities to this vital fluid, forever cures this powerful disorder. So thoroughly does S. S. S. cleanse the circulation that no signs of the disease are , .. , .... cver 8eea flSa'n, and offspring is protected. Write for our special book on Contagious Blood Poison, which fully ex plains the different stages of the trouble, and outlines a complete home treat ment for all sufferersof this trouble. No charge is made for this book, and if you wish special medical advice about case or any of its symptoms, out rs re w vo lurmsu mat, too, without iiarge, WE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA. C A Smallpox Hits Paris. Paris, March l! The appearance of a few eases of sinalitox here has greatlv alarmed the people. Thousands f persons huvo been vaccinated during the past few ilavs and the hospitals and academies of medicine are besieged by crowds ol people anxious to I vatic I nated. The authorities, however, say mat were is no real "lunger of an epi lemic. Dr. .ilesouereiir, director gen eral of public service, informed the Associated Press that the retsirts that the sitimtion had grown worse were untrue. California Qovsrnor Wilt Not Bill for Appropriation. Sacramento, 0l., March lit. Clov ernor Ulllelt will not sign tho Pacific Coast Kxpositlon bill miderunyclrcum stances. No amount of Influence will lend to change hU resolution In this i os petit, which, he says, is unallumhle It ia not beeaiiso the governor Is oppos etl to the exposition Itself, but because he Is fully convinced in his own mind that the project has beeu sprung too early and at a time when tho taxpayers of the state will he burdened enough to repair the dimiHges indicted on the state institutions ami on California cities bv the disaster of last April. In espieesing his views the governor said "I told these people from tho first that I would not sign this bill, thut would not burden the taxpayers of the state with a tax to raise 1, 000,000 at this lime. In the first place, this pro- posed fair Is six yea is in the future, and it will bo plenty of time at the next session of the legislature for the slate to tlo her share. Another thing, it absolutely foolish to begin operations now, when labor is scarce ami materi als high. "It is foolish for a man to have hollow arming before he builds his house, and for tho next two years, t say tho least, the streets of San Fran cisco will be filled with bricks ami de bris. The bill provides that the people of Nm rmnciseo must raise some 1', 000,000 as well as the state. I .el them lo this and then the slate can acl OVER A HUNDRED DEAD. Catastrophe in Forbach, Germany Mine from Firedamp. Forhtii'k, ticrtiiunv, March IS. An explosion of tire damp in the coal mine at Kleinrossein, near here, last night, resulted in tho death of over 100 miners and the injury of 12 others. Tho dis aster occurred between 10 ami 11 o'clock in a small gallery in which 80 miners were at work. As the work of rescue progtesses it is seen the disaster was more serious than the first reports indicated. I'p to a lute hour 117 dead men had been brought to the surface, while 40 men were still missing. All the missing have been given up as dead, as they undoubtedly were buried under falling wreckage. Of the wounded two have died, ami the do. tor. think that only one of the remaining 10 will recover. The Ic Wendola brothers, owners of the mine, have given $25,000 to relieve the im mediate necessities of the alllicted families. One hundred an. I seventeen others e 'raped into adjoining gullerUs. Two hundred and ten men went into the mine at 5 o'clock last evening, and about midnight the news was spread to the nearby village that a terrible disaster had occurred. Almost the whole population of the countryside gathered si the mouth the shall, among tin mi the fainalies of ttie men below. Ihiiu began to fall heavily, ami distretsinu scenes of irri wtre wiintsseu as. mo tsslies were brought to the surface and laid out un 1-r a blaze of electric lights. Many of the Ixxlics were so dislliruied thut they were si artely recognizable. The wink of bringing out the injured men and the bodies of the dead was very slow, the galleries being choked un wreckage. The lieWemlels are one of the richest mining families of Alsace-Ioi mine. flow He Knew. A witness was being evmilned M to the aatilty of one of tl "''1I,,;M' asylum. "Yoit hold that this Ummto l insane, do you?" a hiwyor ssk,M. I do," was the Unit reHiiii. 'Why ari run si'tvr "The limn." said, "goes nlH.ut asserting that he Is Santa Clan." "And." wl ; . ... sit. it u-lis v I H von hoiu. no J"" . ... !.,.. tluil be Is goes bihuii iiimi,u. -- yer, man Children's Suicide Pact. St. Imis, March 18. It was devel- ped today through testimony ut the coroner's impiest into the suicide last night of I.iehling Sloruui, agetl 10, that he lul l entered into a suicide pact with iertrude Harper, alo 10 years old. Gertrude testified that she had told her mother thut she was going to hike her life, and was prevented. J. P. Klinger. eilrug clerk who soli) the carbolic id to the filocum girl, was uirested bslay. lie asserts she Isire a note pur porting to 1m from her mother akimr for 5 cents worth of rarholle aebl. PURELY VEGETABLE X Rays on Governor. hanfa he, S. M., March 1!). The fight in the lower house of the h gislt ture culminated this afternoon in tin atlojition of a re)ort to investigate the governor's alleged connection with the disposal of 78,000 acres of timber by the territory to the I'ennsylvaiiia I)e- velopment company. Ibe report, which is bitter in its arraignment of Governor Hagerman, finds that he Hgned TA deetls conveying part of this timber land and allixed the seal of the commis sioner of public lands thereto without warrant of law. Will Tell About Land Dealt. Seattle, Wash., March 19. Henry Kj. Kooertsori, a court stenographer, anil A, G. King, former deputy clerk at Portland, (Jr., wire stibpcriaed Saturday night and will be sent to Washington tomorrow to supply data, in the trial of I'inger lleiiiiuun, ex-commissioner of the general land office. Uoheibon and King have full data of all the circum stances relating to tho land deals, and their appearance in the trial is very necessary. Civil Service for Porto Rfco. San Juan, Porto Uico. March lit The legislature adjourned today, after the most important session since the American occupation. 15 bills of the 207 introduced being massed. A mom? the measures approved is a civil service bill which will become effective next January. Appropriation bills finally were passed In the form presented by I the governing council. Steamer Suevic Ashore. I-ondon, March 18. The White Sti.r line steamer Suevic struck on the ris ks and Jwent ashore near the I.inr.l in a thick fog at Ili.'iO o'clock last night. Two lifeboats have lieen launched and ethers have been summoned to go to the assistance of the vessel. The H it vie went ashore on what is known as Mueritere rock, under a lighthouse. On board the ve-sel were 400 passengers aim ino mourners or the crew. No loss of life is expected. The i-asscngerH and crew of the Huevit: are being landed. Xo lives have been lost. Santa Clans It's a clear proof of his lu sanity V "I .W "VVhyr " ;';'i-. aatd the witness, In a loud. Imhnt voliv, "I Implicit to be Santa Chius my self." l.lmtt.. Tho trnln was called the limited, but what was limited uuoiit IU It ran at an unlimited speed, the Inclrlllty of the conductor aud the brakemen was unlimited, as was tb rupsclty of the porter. It's a mystery!" exclaiiucu me m tiarty of foreigners. Hut lu a moment they eiuereu nw Jrawlng room car aud liieir wouuer vanished. Of course. It's the good tt ' W lecvratloiis!" they whlierod. "!. re uieiiiberlng their manners, preieuueii not to notice. Puck. PIUS tllHtO IN 10 14 DAYS. r-AZO OIMMKST U (Hrfiiln-I ttffiit rsteot Irlilns. blind, bluntm or irolrtnllu lllf In t to It Jars or 01011,7 ri'iioeifi ioe. Mrs. Wylile Mr. Wink by Is quite an unusual nmn. Isn't h? Mr. Wilde-Oil, I il't know Mrs. Wjl.le- Oh, but hs l. Why. 1 saw hint leaving airs. nmv street i-erner the other ilar, sml be lisik off his hat and wa just po1" '" h'r f they hadu't bta married. mur ville Joiiriuil. Mothers will fl oil Mrs. WlnfloWi looihlai Syrup lb Isil rvmedr toUMlixtlKircJiUilraa turlBg 1 ho Wethlns eriud. Ilnliblna l lu. Miss Krdpepou sre letter, ars you not, Mr. Feallierliip? You wrerr not look lug at all well the hist limo 1 un ou. Mr. Krathertop - Why, mhra did you ee uie last? Miss l!flpev-At tli Swellham recep tion. You rr nullnni, 1 llouk, with Mla KluttcrlvT. ' Skka kiia Vow Slmca Ailen'i Fiw,t I A pot'ler. It uialtM tiaD or now Klux-s ca,,, it l a rrrtmit rum t... j twi'atins. raliotti ami hut. llrr.1, a. Iilns l-l i SoM l all PrtititUt. i'fti-4 "it,. Irlal tia.-k- I K.-tnail. J AjJrvM Allta S. Violated, UiKoy, New Vorx. t'oulila't t lllm. "Speaking of silovus lu life," re- nuirktvl llojax, "there goes a man wlw left liumlretls of ptiile behind de spite their strenuous efforts to omrtakc him." "Itideetl!" exclaimed Tomdlx. "Who Is he?" "Ob." replied Hojax, "he's a motor uiau on a trolley car." Worth Knowing About If you in-.. I a hmf- tin- LitniivH. Ihfre l i thVis t ler nur safer II1.01 ,l-l fo.. tly n-nicilv. llruinirt'tli ' I ol . I t,. Ii 1.0I conlni i one Kra it of ot il eilr.i. t f kar.-ap:ttill:i, w l.-tl, with ollti-r .tlua b v iff HO I (.milui'l.-, imikc It a MotM pur ili'-r of ft nt rhar.irlrr. II yuo ar troill li-. with c 11 1 1 1 ill mil. olio plil ut night wi I I gr.-i rch. (. ilraudn'tli' pills am tlis miiiie line lax ' '"i' pill your g-atidr-a rets u... thev h.if U-cu in 11 r for uirf a i-i-nlnrv and are tnld in every dittg n l tnrdirine -to.e, cither pi iu or sugar 1 ortte-l, A Memento. 1 A gentleman was culling upon the widow of a valued friend, says lx- KU aro. linrlng the ylslt be said: j "I was a gissl friend of your late husband. Is there not -rliap aome-: thing which was his it mi which I could! bate si a memento of him?" j Tearful widow; "How would I doT Does Your Heart Beat Yes. 100,000 times each day. Docs It send out good blooJ or baJ blood ? You know, for good blood is food health; bad blood, bad health. And you know precisely what to take for bad Mood Aycr's Sarsaparillu. Doctors have endorsed It for HO years. on. fr-nii.M ' tw'l lul.' .-' tli.M aUa.wi.l I""' Ow '"-" li..".l..l H.s in. I..... I. . l- inlll Art' fill. '! All ,all.l. A iers SOS HHI. Aut r it vr. nuinii rtviuKAL. PAINLESS TENTISTry txAMiNATtoNi rttrr tlotil I'ruwna.fli n,l,iv. w..ti UU u.nj rmiiiaa, l, "", inH lrIWitt TALC prNTIBTi lt'tUl-A.Mil,0lr,o0 NGRAVING Write Us PlATtS TOR PRINTING IIICKS-CHATTtN I'ortUmd FREE SAMPLE MULE TEAM BORAX WUhni-aa llll.l..l lH,k , and . ouv.oir rtttuie, iii,w I'at'ine Coaal Moia t liailali.l, t at, loos fRUIT TRIES, VINES, PIAN1S BCRKSMIRC SWINE, Kefwrd' SMOKTIIOKN ( AllU, Hriiefd BARIiLU AND Will! t ROCKS PA triC NDRNtHY tO. CaaliiM rt. Itiw. tWasatt Ther) la no 5itiafoction knr thftn btno dry ftrvd comforldl when out In Uv hordt storm. s KKVYOUAM STOC Of THIS VA YOU WCA rx . x r r. zrm. vOHFD flOTHINfi SlAtX OS TtUOW " WIMUWRlnMaj A i TCWIK0 SO3I0S MASS U St TOtti USiMAN CO.likM lOtOMIO (Alt f . Kt Ru' m lM. 1 ' !. t"t wititiitwj,,-ni i V IT ' " aaatus auv aa jf I a-i, lllt, . , g al ptattttiis n..t VM.iHlHiHta at lmt,..,t t-.c-i Pk f l"t M. aittal, haal f,n,-.J tfA a, all.Ual'ia I amutiafu, n,a, M JtV v y-aia. I Hll aail Aaaaai V iT.k lta MS f I . Vtii m. rtsiay to.,jr 1 I DtroWa Wtdfi J r..i m a- fxT1? mrikhyM AUSTIN WELL DRILLS llsvl In J! W Jr t it4 . ttrftr f 4 4f Owe thut IMJ, f-n i" r lt t"M ntuui!tt,f itftr1 - tt uni jmii tit. .HI ilrtAm tlial. Mr.! l(.i.Tx''? Vi tli a)t ilu jmu tho in! i!tt U!UfY j With u a crural t(uiij;r bttl t I liM-w thM trtis Mittttirnr. j I .a M v r it, f! y .lu, tU, k J i'at you tix-til .0(1 n !, ifii' intaft r ? j Vnii' , n, (ttr. Vim r fii.utJ-r, Mr ' KMitiAtn -u Ut ti. (In otbrr Ut that ftnt lA' IfcM-n omf m a )$r. Well, I ImJ ilr.timr.l (h nu'h! b'Ut that jr.m n.ft Mi- n t)if trr-ct ntitl tnt u. mn Ultlt I h'lllfr.i .!t (tu tti Ortt (ljir. tou Tntuin. j OR. C. GEE WO Voaieilul Host Tfejtmeat 1 HH WMfv tttU h m ':isM f mi tMtaas hm tar- I lK'lSm W t llalMI t S'P I 1.1 il - ii ih mm m-mtmt ' hwvv (mhH tft C4 Ti'a'.S--l hi stfctjr Ut. - m-M 1 . ftmfsi t-M-H, th .. W .fk sX" ,, tt 9a4 Mfe Mp -' if :r ia 4 ,.4 4, i w tcm H. H b mm. iti $, h th uMi mm, Wi 4is itf, " M t1f w4 litMti(it I J (( "wsl-'tl, (MlllftjlMl. a, V aajt I I lt. tpi.f wfl f.f 1,1- Hf mi w4tna.k U'JiMt I TAIiuN UUa A.falffwist) Th C. Cr W CMacm Mfclfi Cib lU irintSU IttCtr. Urte Wrtii.ii , ir rti4, Onm r, H. U. Onh On "BROMO (Jl.lMNf " Ttiat la I.AXAriVK HltiiMn UultilM Stmt - ' larly naiiifil ri-ma.ira a.inrtlmf-a il-rt, : 1 1. 0 rat an. I nriainal !'..!. I IMri la a 11 III I K I'Al KAi.K wttli an-l r,-l ltli?rlti au-1 . a,a lltt, aliuatura ot K W. t, Kov t , Maafral. j IIIrkaMUs flatly aan with mui-h ftflliiK nt tilt? ojn.vrt lust lili-liL j Wlika-Ali? Hliks-Y.n. S,t. ,,. ,,( or ,!l8 time fifllnir for tlitf rllit tiote.Sumi-r- ' vllle Journal. J FIT? v'tt"f "aD and ll Narrmia Dlaaaa I 1 1 n-rmananuf hf ir. KUna'a Urra4 7r, a ItpaK.rar. Hnil fur l'ltl.-a: aii,,K. k..i,ia . lioatlaa. Ut. It IL aim.-. Ii.,Mi Arcli at.,l'kUa,.l-a, I napprrf latlt,. Mrs. nmuiT f n-iiillnj) An orl. nary nlano coutalns nut a wile of wire. llomor-Ilul,! Tli tmo nt-xt ,la,,r sounds Ilka It ooiituliied a wajon loin) of tinware. Finds 2,B00JPeopla Destitute. CoIiiiiiIjus, O., March 1H. Ailintant Oenttrul Critthfinlil rdiiiniil tonight from (ilotpstpr, O., wln-m ho wnnt ut the reiiii'St of (iovcrnor Harris U Invi-s-U'lflito the fliKxl situation. Tho adiu- fant K'JDPral rotiorttil that h friiiiul uhout 2,B0J fltKKi BiirfiirMrs in i lotunti-r ami olhr miniiiK towns in tho vicinltv In . 1 .( I. .a . . . f u .iiK. iii iiotii 01 re iii.'i. no piirchiiMftil ciipiiliirs to the amount of $1,000 at (ilot'cstcr anil turneil tlmiri over Ut the local roller wmimitteo for distribution. Muriy of tlia minera lostevervthliu Do. noon coiiiinii upon inem so quickly. Burton Will Tell Secret.. Abilene. Kan., Murch 18 Ks.Hi.n. mor Josepti K. Ilurton, who is exin-i teil to return U his home hero this week 110m iroritoti, Mo., lias endued the iwai ineater lor March 23, wliere ho will deliver a public adun-HS. Keriiitir liiirtin has for some time threatened to expose llioso whom he charged with ijcirin responsible for his c,mvii,.i,. uno 11 is naiii mat rns remarks on next batiinlny will prove sensational in H,n extreme. Thre l more Catarrh tn thia ail..n ,.i 1, 1 . yy ",' ' ll.-a.-a put, ami until th Lai law .,. .,,,,,.r,i t., no iral. a a sn-al maur vara.l..i:l.,r. i,r.,. tiuiiiii:. ,1 t .(1 pri.a.-rlUillO'-al I.V,"k !"', '"' "''atillf talllnn ti, ,-ure Willi loi a tmilmitiit i,r ,;,..l i.i?.. . ..." ii, .. 1, 1 ...'rrn w " tiilialllH. una IIWM, a t .orelure nHiilrSRunaillu. ll"iillretml,. Ilall'al alarrh I ur, r:",rr' ' "r -..t..i.i... v.h" ". I. ii'?Zt':"'.""l"!!"".1r"""n markal, 'it ieK,r,tl. 1, i lailuBtllai,,, the bliK. l and S '"' ' a ItlalUt-.cura. " fr circulars anil ii-aitnionlala. , 9hl".T' ,'' J "f-Mtlf 4C0.1Tula,lo,0 ' Sol'l Ijjr lirinrirlara. ' iiall 1 lamil I'lllaare the Uit. ,,, ..iwuy iiuitiit ha iMirnn tint a I c mi ni n- nt C In.. II. I li t, lu r, 11 ml , .,. IUiMlw uttl,.r MToiiiil ntiM rll..ii i,.r out ;ti j,.r, Allw nu iin .."1..". " ".",.,,, ' ''"a """'Tf.-U, Initial Inn itii.l 1 ,,1 f'iT,' ,,r,, a'"'1 l'Hnieiil. ntnl . . ImtcT tint iHHllll i,r t llllitrill-l..,-ir uKa,l lU.,-rllllfllU What is CASTOR I A Ciislt.rhi I a Imrii-lf siihslliutti fr ititr 4111, I'nww 11 iIiih iifl l.r (i,,, l..r.iiiir i,P ,tli,r ,,rctln r... r. , nVV ,u K'iriiiti... it Wttriiis ,..,,v,,r,,;'",'V: It uria IHrrli.i. uml WUi.l 1 i'i ,,, l' nir Tr.Mil.l. , ,.r.v Ct.iiHilpiitlt.ii a I.I I liitiilriifv. It uaalimlatt H tilt. I, r. Klilal tlin TI11 C linttVi'n'i i' KU',",ir hJrUhr "! ".V.irut alit 1.. lln llilltlrt n a ruiiitceii-'H, alutli-r'ii i rlt ntl. The Kind You Have Always Bought uoars tlio Signati In Use For Over 30 Years. tut eaaiaawf. 8ix Die in Virginia Mines. Norton, Va., Muifh 1H. An firnl!i. sion occurred in tho mines at (Jreen ouli this morning after aeveral miners hml entered. Tho mine Is seven t,ill,.a east of NtTton. As fur aa ,n u. learnetJ, tn minors have encane.1 lightly iniuied, two dead hav til (All tuken from tho mines and four aro known to bo In tho initios and aro sup posed to be dead. Tho can l il im plosion is unknown. Ol'l Kullt-riiliiuks, who ilj,.,l wr two ag, iJiiln't 1,-avo liniV t .1 . .. . . . minikin ut wns a oi youra." a niunth J"'ii anyililiiK, near ri-luilve Niar? Iln n ,.r ,mn tm irulk. W'kot, on n alxtwn in i, , i- Mica Axle Grease Best lubricant for axlci In the world Jong wearing ind very td hetive. Makes a heavy load draw like a lilht one. Saves half the wear on wiE""! snd team, and incrrases the earning capacity of your outfit. Ak your dealer for Mica AxU UreattK STANDARD OIL CO. aa.a.i.m W. L. DOUGLAS $3.00 AND $3.50 SHOFQ,11'"" shoksJ' a,. . :. . - --.i. , iiim ii i mill ran . NhiM... SI.HA .u,l. 1'iiri jiiiIkk. of tiailwimr d III thia miliary. KmIi Hlma, a,4 In il.,1o. W. I, I.iii:;IihnIi.i.. i t,-tfitix. ,y, ,. .... "i.nui,i thim r ,,t If I -ihi I Ii! i V ", "r"' VU"mi '"f "'1 " liot-n rn nt.v n, v mi wnuhl !,.. ... i . V ' . ' "' " mi'ii iinitrn rn wftur Him mar nw irm, U . I IMII i LA. llruVituH,MM Ft p I W. Alts. iKiKi'ft aunt ifiinri,,, bi,,.,,. -..t " Z ,,fT n v" '"'Mom f An The Finest Gardens i"15.'" hen Portland Seed Co. 'a "Diamond Drund'' Annual t.i ! Sf't Ur "daomely lluslrflied and deKrtplW Keriiii .,. . our, bee1'- ' lanl- os"- 2pry Pump fenilizers. Incubators, lirooders, Ppultry and Bee Suppllei. " l"l Hit Uapk lit . I,- ......m PORTLANn Qirirn m. PUTNAM tolor more aorfa hrUhi.. SpoKstn. Wash- FADELESS Color mOTtH mnsiAm k.If. .... tumrmntmmA .VI 7" - 'TrT. "nfl WT Color than ..t.- a mJ color. MoMwtr fiiftfflK.ww will .art nr.l?J "iori .ift mnA rAl(nn .oi VIB sunuu aj 111 .. ... . avaaifj BU IM aa .a,. a. - ... ,. -- - ; . a DYES I 11 aa,all BOi ' vFi( MinkourL wte for lies beaklet kew t rr