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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1907)
WHAT IS PE-RU-NA? tm it a Catarrh Remedy, or a Tonic, or Is It Both? ; .'. s. rwvii.U mil Vornn a ereat tonic. Others refer to IVruna as a great Which of 'those people are right? Ii it more proper to call Teruna a catarrh remedy than to call it a tonic? . . , i.. i. i,.t pr.m. Wh a tonic and a catarrh remedy. Indeed n . lT..t,,al Nlarrh namtmv that ig not al0 a tOtllC. In'order to thoroushlv relieve any case of catarrh, a remedy munt not on I have a i)ciflc action on the mucous membrane affected by the oatarrU, hut i- . hmie action on the nervous gvsteiu. r.i.rrh nvon in nemuis who are otherwise stronir, is a weakened condition of nine mucous membrane. There must be somethinit to strengthen the cirvu i.inn tv aivA time to the arteries, and to raise the vital forces. p.i... n TAootutiln ivmedv in the world has attracted so much attention tm ...i:,-ui write HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS. The wonderful etlicuc of this herb has been recognised many years, and is growing in its hold upon th mni ,i.,.inn When joined w ith CTBKBS and COPAIBA a trio of medi oal agents is formed in Peruna which constitutes a specific remedy for cutarrl Uiat in the present state of medical progress cannot be improved upon. Tin; art inn rinfnre,vl bv such renowned tonic as COI.UXSOMA CANADKNS1S C0KY0AL1S FORSiOSA and CEPROX SEEP, ought to make this compound an ideal remedy for catarrh in all it stages and locations in the body. Fiwm .'tlp,.tiel atnndnnint. therefore. Peruna is beyond criticism. The use of Peruna confirms this opinion. Numberless testimonials from every quart ' of the earth furnish ample evidence that this judgment is not over enthusias- tic. When practical experience confirms a wen grounueu meory uie rwsuu is truth that cannot be shaken. r--.l.l-. Ika Bald 1lmd. I Th End f Dook .WJrfTila cousldered that scientists hat Brings about uie end or dooks h .tn.i. iho hnir haro riu.-orere,! Ave I Is It Are, water, worms? As ererv r six causes for its fallitiK out. wltb:hlp launched is I subsequent baldness. It doesn't seem j every theater to be burned, the finis of rnrth -!.t! fi-vinu tn kn i on the the book Is Us reduction to ashes. skull. An; one of these "six causes" is quite sufficient to reduce au af fluent topknot to a billiard ball sur What became of the Alexandrian It brary? Did the Saraeeus burn It In C40? There is this question asked face: therefcre a real benefaction for j Was there any library at Alemndri mankind would be the enforcement of containing "00,000 books? Gibbon In- a mighty fashion render! ng its loss tt" most admirable thing In life. No gen ius has ever thought of this alternative and It Is suspected our ultra-clvlllzed nations would revolt at first, but by de grees the world would adopt the Idea and Anally end by cultivating It con amore, Bctn Herald. ' How' This? Wa offer One Hundred Dollars Reward tot an? caa of Catarrh Uiat cannot be cured by liaiTa catarrh Cur. . . J. CHENEY A CO.. Pror. Toledo. O, Wt, the undaraigned, have known F. J. dines to the opinion that there was no such library. Canon Taylor Insists that if there bad been a library It was burned In the time of Julius Caesar. Tradition seems to Indicate, however. that there was a library In the sera peum, by no means a large collection, but whether destroyed by Theophilus or Theodoslus Is not known. It looks as If the charge brought against the Arabs rested on no foundation. Explo rations of Alexandria in show no traces of the serapeum. The sea Cheney lor the last is rran. and belie him ! port of Egypt was built on a damp eX.".T.SilS.. foiadatlon. and granting that there lig-ttioni mid by iheir arm. , was a library. If not destroyed by Are, then the papyri might have suffered Wist t Tarax. Wholesale Urureli W aloino, kiknu, dt liaavui, nn iti. Toledo. 0. 1 . tuleaei Drug- erirtle. Toledo. O. Hall's i;rrhCnre Is taken internally, sit ing directly upon ins Di.mki ana mucuua aur facea ol the icem. Prtos 7oc per botua. old by all Krunfiiu. Testimonial ties. Hall's f aiaUj tills ar lb best. from decay due water. Hooks of to-day taken to India, to the Southern States and to the West Indies perish through mildew. Shows Talao of Heredity, A parliamentary candidate was belnj - Moeait'e Qalek Work. On one occasion Mozart was making m.aww .,h Ilia fflan,! mt n.l.l. i..t,f when not a single note was written of i heokled: e of,.th. " had ref- the overture to "Don Giovanni," which was to be produced on the following evening. When he bad said good by to his friends he calmly. went to bed and lept until 5 o'clock in the morning. Awaking refreshed, he set to work on the overture, dashing off sheet after beet with Incredible rapidity and dis patching them to the copyists. The opera was to begin st T In the evening, and a few minutes after that hour Mo aart was In his place aa conductor, baton in band, while the parts with the Ink still wet on some of them were be ing banded to the orchestra. Steel Iron. rusts seven times as rapidly sj BLOATED WITH DROPSY. The Heart Wai Badly Affected When the Patient Began Using Doan's Kidney Pills. Mrs. Elizabeth Maxwell, of 415 West Fourth" St., Olympia, Wah., says: For over three years I suffered with a dropsical condition without f. being aware that if. m ti,a tn Li.l- yfe ney trouble. The v ear v" stages were principally back ache and bearing down pain, but I went along with out worrvine much until dropsy get in. My feet and an kles swelled up, my hand puffed and became so tense I could hardly close them. I had great difficulty in breath ing, and my heart would flutter with the least exertion. I could not walk ar without stripping again and again to rest. Since using four boxes of Doan's Kidney Pills the bloating has gone down and the feelings of distress have disappeared." Sold by all dealers. 60 cents a box. Foster Milburn Co., Buffalo, '. Y. crcDee to the religious denomination to which he belonged. I Well, ne said, "yon asked me an ! honest question and you shall have straightforward answer. My grand mother was a Scotch woman a rigi Presbyterian." Obvious disappointment wis shown In the faces of the audience, so the candidate proceeded : "My grandfather was English and therefore a member of the Church of England." Still no enthusiasm, but rather the reverse. "My fatner, on tne otner hand, was a good Baptist," went on the desperate candidate, who was still unregarded by applause. He grew anxious, so bur rledly added : "But my dear old moth er, long since dead, was a Methodist Instantly all faces were radiant, so he concluded: And, gentlemen, I follow the pre cepts of my dear old mother. I'm Methodist and I don't care who knows It!" London Mail. ntiftia Bread. Bread made from banana flour Is common enough In Europe and Eng land. One pound Is said to contain more nourishment and energy produc Ing material than one pound of the finest beefsteak, is much more digest ible and less than one-sixth the price. Sir Henry Stanley was a Ann believer in the banana. He went so far as tu advise that Its consumption would cure rheumatism, gout and all liver affec tions. When lying at the point of death from gastritis a light gruel of banana flour mixed with milk was the only food he could retain and digest. The secret of the banana as a health and strength producing food lies In Its high percentage of protcids and the great number of Its calories, respectively 20 and oOl.TL It Is a perfectly balanced ration If sliced for breakfast and serv ed with milk and sugar. New York Press. RHEUMATISM CAN NOT BE RUBBED AWAY - It i3 perfectly natural to tub the spot that hurts, and when the muscles, nerves, joints and bones are throbbing and twitching- -with the pains of Rheumatism the sufferer ii apt to turn to the liniment bottle, or some other external application, in an effort to get relief from the disease, by producing rvinter-in-itntinrt rn i tii flcVi C...1. Mnf.A- n I ,i . .. s, uuia utoiuicui win n'jiti i" pain tempo rarily, but can have no direct curative effect on the real disease because it coes not reach tne blood, where the cause is located. Rheumatism is more than 6km deep it is rooted and grounded in the Mood and can only be reached by constitutional treatment IT CANXOT BU RUBBED AWAY. Rheumatism is due to an excess of uric acid in the blood, brought about by the accumulation in the system of refuse matter which the natural avenues of bodily waste, the Bowels and Kidneys, have failed to carry off. This .) ,u luiuoti, wim uie uiucrent acius ci me Doay, lorms m.v. utiv. vuii.u ia ausuiuca jnto uie mooa ana aistriDuted to all parts of the body, and Rheumatism rets possession of the svstem. The arhP ami r,n!. - pre only symptoms, and though they may be scattered or relieved for a time py sunace treatment, ttiey will reappear at the first exposure to cold or ilampness, or after an attack of indigestion or other irregularity. Rheuma tism can never be permanently cured while the circulation remains saturated with irritating, pain-producing uric acid poison. The disease will shift from muscle to muscle or joint to joint, settling on the nerves, causing Inflammation and swelling and such terrible pain3 that the nervous system is often shattered, the health undermined, and perhaps the patient becomes ieformed and crippled for life. S. S. S. thoroughly cleanses the blood and renovates the circulation by neutralizing the acids and expelling all foreign matter from the system. It warms and invigorates the blood so that instead ol a weak, sour stream, constantly deposit ing acrid and corrosive matter in the mus cles, nerves, joints and bones, the body is fed and nourished by rich, health-sustaining blood which completely and permanently cures Rheumatism. S. S. S. is composed of both purifying and tonic properties just wear, is needed in every case of Rheu matism, It contains no potash, alkali or other mineral ingredient, but is made entirely of purifying, healing extracts and juices of roots, herbs and barks. If you are suffering from Rheumatism do not waste valuable time trying to rub a blood disease away, but begin the use of S. S. S. and write vs altout your case and our physicians will give you any information or advice desired free of charge and will send our special treatise on Rheumatism. .THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, CAm. PURELY VEGETABLE NO TREVTYVIOLATED Senator Gearln Speaks Against Roosevelt's Policy. POSTAL RlCEIPrS LARGE. SENATE GALLERIES ARE PACKED Japan Children Get Equal Educa tion In Separate Schools, bays Senator From Oregon. Washington, Jan. 8 Senator Oearin covered himself with glory in his siieeeh in the senate yesterday, In w hich he advocated exclusion of Juihii ive coolie, lie exhibited exceptional ability and clianh as a sinniker, and presented arguments that wero eye openera to even senators ana tj tne throngs in the galleries. When the senate convened nt noon, the galleries er crowded to their limit, in antici pation of a lively debate on the Browns ville affair. But Oearm had given no tice that he would speak immediately after the close of the morning business and senatorial courtesy demanded that he be heard, notwithstanding Foraker and Lodge were eager to resume the light over the negro truon question. Mr. Iteiirm criticised the stand taken by President Koosevelt on the Japanese mestioti as to his InteriTetaliim ol the existing treaty with Jan, and charged that the president's position in regard to the introduction of cheap lalnr as applied to the Chinese was inconsistent with his recent message to Congress in regard to the treatment of Japanese on the Pacific coast. lieplying to the claim in the presi lent's message that the treaty with Japan guaranteed protection and right to attend public sellouts in all states in the l'n ion, and to attend them in com- pany with white ohildren, Mr. Gearln lenied emphatically that there is any provision in the treaty which by any sort of construction can he made to sup port such a claim. He says that noth ing is said in the treaty as to the nnht to attend public schools, and that the specific enumeration of what was in tended by the framers of the treaty showed tliat nothing should be left to inference. He quoted from the treaty to show that the Jajmnese residents in this country may have the privileges enumerated only by conforming to all the laws, police and customs regula tions of the country, like native citi zens and subjects, and that this meant tute law as well as Federal laws. "This government might as well stand upon that interpretation and de cline to consider it further," he said. In advocating a modification of the treaty which would restrict the Immi gration of the Japanese coolie labor, Mr. (jearin said that so long as Uiese laborers are permitted to come into this country in hordes there will he con stant and growing dissension on the Pacific coast, which eventually must bring about a restriction. He spoke of the influx of Japanese cheap labor as a threatened peril to every industry and enterprise of the United States. Increase In Business May NsctttltaU Incrtassa Appropriation. Washington, Jan. 8. A proposition to increase p stal clerks' salaried and the proposed abandonment of the "back stump" on lei tors nro discussed by First Assistant rost master General Hitchcock in his animal report just made public. Parts of the rcxrt given out in advance liave already boon handled by the Associated Press. The report Va tlutt at the close ot the tiaml year 05.000 poetollieea were In operation, and that the total number of employes, not including postmasters and assistant jostmusters, was nearly 150,000. The total personnel of post oltleos of all classes aggregated L'OS.-Nrt Tho gain in poslollice revenue in the year, about 115,000,000, wns uiioxKvt edlv largo, and the returns for the pros cut yiwr thus far indittttc that the unprecedented gain is hetng mum tallied, ho great is this gain, Mr llitch"ock points out, Unit the addition al appropriations required of congress scarcely will be sullicieiit to maintain the service. The detmrtment has established uniform rent for isistotllee boxes, elim inating entirely the dissimilarity of charges heretofore prevailing. The rate is made according to a carefully graduated scale, and rims from 10 cents a quarter in small fourth elaa otlices to l-t a quarter in the New York t'itv office. Mr. Hitchcock retorts that use of specially equipped aulomobihs in the collection service has proved so successful in Baltimore- that the de partment is now planning for a similar collection service in several other cit "It is believed that in large cities automobiles can advantageously ln substituted to a considerable extent for the horse carts now employed generally in col led ing .mails. By the use of automobiles a much sjxtslier collection service can be organised without added expense. I'liqucstion- ablv the motor vehicles can tie made an imixtrtant factor in the lxistal service as it already is in other business en terprises. RECORDS BROKEN Work of Congrats. Washinsrton, Jan. 7. President Rogsevelt's dismissal of the negro tr-xjps was again the subject of eonten- ion in the senate today, and Indica ions point to a protracted debate be fore any of the pending resolutions on the subject are voted on. Ivxlue devel- ped a new phase of the question bv presenting a resolution providing for an investigation of the 'affray at Brownsville and, by silence, conceding the authority ol the president to take the action be did. Foraker accepted Culberson's amendment authorixing the committee to visit Brownsville if it lesircd. His resolution was supported y IxwJge in an address and opposed by oraker, who followed, and spoke until :.iOo clock, giving notice then that he would conclude tomorrow. Washington, Jan. 7. The house to- lay passed a bill providing for judicial review of the orders excluding persons from the use of the Cnite.l states mail facilities after a debate lasting most of the day. Make Cars Do Mora Work Chicago, Jan. 8. As a means for re- ieving the shortage of freight cars, rep resentatives of a number of Western roads today decided to form an organiz ation to be known as the Car Kfliciencv ureaii. The purpose, of the bureau is make a concerted and systematic effort to increase tho use of cars now in existence, by insisting upon more prompt loading and unloading hy si Thousands of Foreignsrt Driven to Our Shores by Unrest. Washington, Jan. 8. The fiscal year ended June 3U, 1UU0, produced a re cord eclipsing all former figures on the subject of immigration, according to the annual report of frank urgent, commissioner general of immigrution During that per.od, tho reimrt savs. the population of the I'uited Stales was increased by the admission of 1 , 100,735 immigrant aliens and K5.01H non-immigrant aliens entered at its ports, making the total admissions 1 lbo.itftj. llie increuse over last year s record of 1,059,755 was lllfl.ftyt. During the fiscal year HH5 the di partment rejected M.4H0 aliens, and during the pst year 12,432 of the im migrant aliens tlutt is, those wtio in tended settling in the l' nited States. "Without exception," the report con t nines, the countries from which we formerly obtained the greater part of our foreign population, and which are inliahited by races marly akin to our own, have supplied us with smaller numbers during the post year than dur ing 11)05 Ireland, 17,1)50; F.ngland, 15,218; Sweden, 3.281; Germany, 3. 010; Denmark. 1,229, and Scot land, 1,111 less. On the other hand, the four most considerable gains are: Italy, 51,641; Russia. 30,708; Greece, 8,974, and Turkey, 5,1 05." The Immigration from Austria-Hungary amounted to 205,128; Italv, in cluding Sicily and Sardinia, 273,12'); Russia and Finland, 215,005; China, 1,544; Japan, 13,835, and the West Indies, 13 050. The commissioner again recommends penalties on steamship companies for bringing aliens alllicled with danger ous or loathsome diseases. The presi dent's suggestion for doting tke Mexi can border to all aliens except citizens of Mexico is also urged. During the early part of the year, tho resrt says, the "white slave" tmlhe was exten sively revived. Many of the girls and women imported for Immoral purposes were brought through Mexico and se cured a right to citizenship by marry ing Chinese born in this country. Lumber Output of Coot North Ilend, Or., Jan. 8. During the year 1000 Coos county shipped l4, 038,888 feet of lumber t the Califor nia markets, the shipments being di vided us follows: Coos liay, 40,78!),. 0XJ; Coqui lie river, 21.!H)3; t'mpqua river, 17,731,OUU; Suislaw river, 8, 020,000. The total production of lum ber on the liy for the year was 52, 004, 000 feet, of which amount 38,4 l.'!,(si(J were turned out at the Simpson mills up- 'at orth fiend and 13.121.000 feet bv pers and consignees. The headouarU is the Dean Lumber comrsinv nt Mursh. of the bureau w ill be in Chicago, and it field. II he managed by an excccutive com mittee. Scrofula Fow are entirely free from it. It may develop so slowly as to cans little If snydlstiirhnnccdiirliiR tho whole period of childhood. It mav then produce dyspepsia, Cl tarrh, and marked tendency to con sumption, befom cansintf eruptions, gores or swellings. To get entirely rid of it take the Brent blood-purifier, UnnriNs Snrsnoarilla Inu.i.lll.i..ldMrmorl.ul,Hvlte1tlhlet.itt.e girl reluelantly sgrt-cd. A young mlllhniid huvlng lost h swetheart through hi own hotheaded folly ltit threitlcucd to commit suicide and then beciiin vulgarly Insistent III his demands for the return of the pres ents ha hud given her. "What good will they he to you If you're goln' to drown yourself In t' j mill putulJ" she scorTed. I "Never you mind; I want them buck," ho replied evasively. "Well. I ll ses that ymi have them,M i Weak Lungs Bronchitis tnown as Sarsatabs. lw doses tl. Of rouras, Gunner I stw where s man In the tuuthwest bud twenty-lliree chlldieii and theu dltMi'l'vared. What do you tbluk of that) Guyer - Why, that was nothing un usual. Guiiiirr Whatf Cui tr Why, twenty Ihreeskldoo 1 Keep Your Blood Pure. Nn i iiiM's-i b Imi'iiv, ii'h -ImiriiHl mid ht-olt iiy with a U tv ti II ul Moo. ilmt ci, , t ilo it duly to iy 'iri ! 'stise ,tf its imptirily; ilierelote. the hot n I imt lirp 'i hin work in Ii iinl I" to t ui fv fir M-Htd mi lii,tl rtsrv rusn will get the mil riietlt of a lnullliv i liviilation. llievfiH ii . nMurdv we know el mi ;.k,1 n- Hint ol.l larinly n-inrdy. I'nonlr tl 111". Ktteli p. II cuntuiti o r gt-uin ol t r i'l:..l ex- I a i oi a i'np.iriiln iilemiiti h mi iwogi amis fit combination ol iure oii until 111- isl-l pnKlm i, mk nit I a Moot pu iner nsxi-eltci 111 eliaiit, ler. iitie or IWvi laki 11 every tor nwli. e iU pr.lue ur- pni g re iih. i.riiu.ireiii rui nnvf ii 11 111 mrovi-r scenery nnd are Id r v ry ilrug snd il Hid t.Kue. tillier pliiln or uciir- ivate.l. Tks O.Ir llaublful lillara. Ererbody It telling exactly what you win uo ir you are eiectea to or- fli-e." s," answered the c.nidldats. Well, what will you do)" '1 dou't kuow jet." Washington Etar. St. V'fcii l all Ntrvmia pia af r 1 1 A M.rmtiiiiiy currd ur or. Ktin-a or .,s. fl.. ,.r. .-n-l r..f 1 Ht I ISIoai 1.. III.. ..! umuh. Uf. a. ll.Kna.,14..ul Arcal..l'UUa..l'K A (hair f KIU. Landlady Would you ndvlw me to tend uiy daughter to a cooking svhixil r to a music school T Roarder (re.1.vthely)-Well, 1 think I'd send her to a cooktng school. It mny be more fatal In Its n-sulta, but It Isn't anything like so noisy. Vm Can Cat Allen's taM-lu tKTl. Writs A'.lsa 8. li!iiii. -.1. I n X. v.. for a trwmMu( A lien t,ie - ,.,.. ( rr-aM-al US. li-'l Raio-tl, a. ito-tf -i t. It litak. 1 le.w er ifctitftioen-my. A 'Tla tt e'ire l.r r-'rn. Ii, ruwoi haiUaiet t,oulo.-. A t.lrugUtaaull It. M. lMU'i a'cayl aujf a,WtiU.l. from IS Rnrk Krnet, City Hoarder- old est nude an iwfut ooUe la the back yard last ulght. runner ieeiiaw ia:ts; rver tenet 1 be nuide a meal i(T III' cuimry tut' win ter bv got til' Idee In his bead as lusnv he's a oatur'l burn, b'gosU.' Mathara will find Mrs. Wlnn.m'i liHiihiaa lyrui tb tkal rmlv to Um lot cbuur4 luring tha iMiaiug pariud. A l)rII 1)1. Cholly Of courae. I admit t tnlkeil bout uiyneif, but ttn-y talked alxjiit trade all the tlu.e uud, f course, that was wore. Mils lVpprey You were perfectly right It's U tter to talk aimut nothing than talk about trade. Philadelphia 'res. Itut live days passed and the young mail still beuiniined the loss Of the for- j felted trinkets. Once nure be rcuucit- j ed their reliini. "Oh. lad, 1 wish you'd slop worry In' I me," sighed the girl, anxious by no ! for a reconciliation. "I've given t' i presents up long slues, They'ro wnlt- ; Ing for you at t' bottom o' t' mill pond, 1 tied Ui In a red handkerchief; you j can't help but see 'em when you Jump ! In." 1 Then the humble young innn apolo- ; glred mid tho quarrel was patched ll. In the old tweet way. l.ouuou in lilts. For over sixty years doctors have endorsed Aycr's Cherry Pectoral for couchs. colds. I weak lunts, bronchitis, con Bumptlon. You can trust s medicine the best doctors ap prove. Then trust this the next time you have hard cough. I an awful uh fix atar a aar. aat i,Hi,it ir-mml In Su ma aim bm4. I bias A 1 Hurt f , .,-ior-i ai u auHi tH,4. I IftHtiiinim. ,1 1- .ntuimaHi lli-r !. a "Ull. W ..IIIIINIMH, 11. i Inai'ilt i-.i..., tliw M. Maiaaa. A alaaakrJ u irmi, , I. .11, sm a .w aMMMraatuiaf a ar Ml II haii vno. iers 1 Ayur's fills hoth bowals miiular. All veuoUbl and fitnlly lasatlva. r AYi'CetaUcPrfpofaiionrorAs- j 5lir.ilatir.1J ttichdodamUlciJula I tuii;UetU.'ai;i3tullkmvl3ir Promotes DigMlionChivrftil-; ne? aivl Ri'Sl I'oiit.iiiii iwiituT i tinim.Morptime nor Uiu.'xal. KutNaiictic. 11 af mm trja rim Aratfccl llcmedv for("ontllrwi Hun. Sour Siuuwic (. Iiiirlvucrt iVorni.s.t't)n'uNaiiis.lovvrisl iu-93 niul Loss or Sleep. facsimile Sitl'Uilurt cf NKW WIJK. hi i OR A For Tnfantw nnd Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought T Al - soars iuo t Signaturo KxT of PUTS CtRfO W t TO 14 DAYS. PA7.0 OISTMKST It uan-!ii.- I n rura any am ol lelilns. blind, biec.litu ur iirotrieliug plies 111 0 tu II day. or m.inrjr rcfutnluii .loc. CavtlnK. Why do you avoid making tpeeehrt your-lf J" asked the friend. "It't ts'tter to have so'.iki one elie ttend to the oratory." annvered Semi- tor Sorghum. "In Hint way you can soertaln which of your opinions urs popular and repudiate theui." Cleveland Plain Dealer. tXACT COPY COT WRAPJTJL in Use For Over Thirty Years tm wsm( mmmmm. Mew fmm iLT.",viNcs. manis RUBBER STAMPS lLIrv.-IHUL OfTliilL, iKrgKlcrcd) SHORTHORN CATTlC. Rr, M,d BARRED AND WHITE ROCKS PACUIC NURStRV CO. Calaloaut fr. Tanc.iS, Oratoa MsaaaUUtws) W ti nn iat nrUffra anil rt'tlaii,r Rsttv Mii-i., .ie. w) nutnuiactut our own goodi, loir oi4iti'i 1 ti.a naat n -I I" i ran Imf. W toa tu4f tt awf "ilulilwl iait)i t" TI1C 1ICWIN-KODSON CO, Pomand, Ongrwt CROPS NEVER FAIL in h" I Mf.-r 9 it u It tMtlry, Itlttlitt, Vk Jktt h pi V iU'V It i.r, Wrr 41. i to gt rtt " tit,i r.i.p 1. ifil l Uir ; lifl AWtlH ll tA-tl-f . H l l n t( 1-t.l Wtt Cf.. 'lili1' ft tN" fn itl, k tur r Httr . tin Imi- , tin en (ni f rjl . iliiir iu At w J (). ) t ' It v ' J -1 .f UfH.m , It ix. ttr j ttiiir.1-1. .4 li I n ,iri-i( tart I, rt.(i i. i , Mini : iti- !. 1 t rr i M V AS Ml. rlllItMy tIMtt AftlltuU, III gill Wa MAKii MOIUi MONEY ON FRUIT CROPS 1 KUt-rMrJk In 1 ti l tp-Ti 1 4t' at t) )rt. MttMitJ Is l0 Hi ggtV-M tt-fi' fWtN lli tfg LARGE ENGLISH All the brM brr.l Inff ami IrHlivuIuaiilv. Veu'tg ataih an hamt at aO title'.. I 1,1 r,. Irllre aolleilvl. nlllta' (i-in icuarau- U-l-'l. A'lilre.. d. 1. mvr Parrvdalc, Urcgon Stata To Buy All Coal Land. Guthrie, Okla., Jan. 8. The consti tutional convention today authorized the appointment of a seLTaimted coal and asphalt commission and defined ita duties, it is to inveHticate the value nd extent of the setrreKatcd coal and United Slate it Third Vahington, Jan. 8. A staU-ment isiueil today by the bureau of statistic. or the dejjurtmerit of Commerce and Labor announce that the Country ranks third in the value of manufac tures entering the world's international commerce, tho amount of ils exports for the pant year havini; aairremtted asptiait land in the Uioctaw ami more than 1700.000.000. The exnnrt Chickasaw nation, and make neirotia- have novpr Avon Mrtrirriviinni'oI tlwHj tions for the purchase hy the slate of : fixuros before and the value of Amer- all the lands. The commission is permanent one. It is believed the suite will make an attempt to own and opeiate all of the segregated coal lamia the Indian Territory. Coal Land Frauds Again. Halt Lake, Utah, Jan. 8. Interest in the coal land question was revived to- iay by the reassemblinir of the trruntl jury, which lias been Investiiiatinjr al leged land frauds, and the commence ment of a government suit to recover to the publit! domain 5.504 acres of land C'urbon county alleged to have been fraudulently aeMnirtil by the lato H. IJ. liner and the Carlxin County Land omiiany. The wound was taken up agricultural land. experimental Irrigated Ltndt WaMhington, Jan. 8. Senator War ren has introduced a bill providing for establishing experimental fnniis on all government irritntion rirnircts. to be under the supervision of the secretarvy Dcukin says be ii ican trado in the foreign markets, the report adds, is twice as great now as eight years ago. Will Hunt Revolutionist. Panama, Jan. 8. The government of Han Salvador has informed the Hon duras government that it is mobilizing its army to destroy the groups of revo lutionists headed by General Olntiisic Guitesier, who has proclaimed himself president At Kan Marcos ami Colon, in the department of Usaltiin. a trotm ,. - ,!. . " vi iniTii mil n iiiiiLiiiotis criaraeutr en gaged the government forces, who do feated them, killing one, wounding three ami Capturing 1 1. . Seeds prove their worth at harvcut time. After over fifty yc.inof success, llit-y are proiiouurrd the brit ami aurcst bv Careful planters evnrywhric. Your iicaier wtis iiirm, rj( srra Aanual free 011 rniirt. U. M. t LUU V I O., Urtr.11, MMa. hl3 ...rl I 1 h;.-.s , t ft nty tgaiuraaiMN In AmfV hwk it fmil. llat.1l.l iiin.ti .5 l , . A 4 ((- v'-h H:ittih T! tltb"t fr " 'd all ai,U ao ga.ill. ImI frHICWa, U iottAllMktt I "Hi tlA--tL IsrM lit tilaiaaasv Three Months Free " ii-i.i.aii..i..iiT M,nl s,. ui ft ti .,n to ur i,.a ti ti tutH iwd I n.if ( .Miv. r ( Kin la, Hi J-i.h, Mo, I 1 Mil t t.,w Hint ..flcr. Al lwt..flti.. lit ill! I, at I HU'lb.r - tf ... n.-iirj o tt'-i' i"r s-r. tn t-Mf.rr mn i).rtttul JU Kht4tvt II. Ittt MumbiS UltU Hm$ - - r; it vi P. O. iU Numb-) MO PIATES FREE SAMPLE MULE-TEAM BORAX With ri i.aa llluiran-l lionHet, kiviiiit I fmo '"r I'orai In tin. l,,me. Kami mi-l Imlry ami a Souvenir Picture, 7jIIIii., It) t-nloiM free ..r Im- ainl .,nr tleali-r'n imme. A.lilrir.n I'aelhf ( i.ant It-.. n Co., Oalilnitil, ( al. I of agrculture. Givt Tahiti to Great Britain. Melbourne, Jan. 8. According to the Ago, missionaries in the I'uciflc islands declare that France has ceded Tahiti to Great Ilrituln in consideration of territorial concesiiong in Jiurma or further Imlia (Indo-Chlna). Premier is without Information Ion the subject. Vhcn you buy VET WEATHER CLOTHINO you want complete protection, and long acrvlce. These and many other good points are comblnod In TOWER'S OILED CLOTHING Tou caret eJford ' to buy any other lri "isuu i CO QOt vl wt CtOi"S CO r 'V I ILY DENTAL CO. W S-s 1111,1 off ri-xular .rli l,,r .l,.,ti uir lir. II A. Hliir-li-vatil, el 'I Im lialli ami Ur. H. K. Holler l, m.;ly l A fllt,,: sr.' lit tl. limy will l K. , ., ,lr Ol'l IfM'llilii. thlril and Couth Slrcrla. P or 1 1, it J, Orrgnn. DH G. GEE WO VoncJerful Home Treatment ntla Chi. UrmtJtZiA rn-.-a li..-t.,r in rntii. VkZJrf V r. al liM-uiiiM , ,.r,n . H jiY'S l.'in thai an. a vi.ii ti.i jf lll"o ..i,,l.-ill ( ,. rfji rii". n. gfii t .1 im... IUh, LI. I 1 I'll im g.r M mm , r,ii -(MI ,,,, J( The C. G Wo Chines Mtifklne Co. . lM'trirK 5ls, S. t. Cor. Morrlton 1"T A r gggt s . """" wgony i lmri"i 1 (''IL Ot til K-nd gUi anking by Mail WE PAY INTEREST On saving deposit of a dollar or mure, compounded iwtet every yi nr. It la just ratf to open s Hiiviukb Account With ua by Ma 1 us if you lived Halt door, Send for our fret book let, "blink iik by Mail," sn4 leiirn lull paiticulur. Ad Iratt Oregon Trust & Savings Bank Portland, Oregon Sixth and Washington SU. I'. N. u Na. 3 tr WIIKM wrlllMK llieml,,,, thla to aitaartlsara gaga lwiar. 3 PUTNAM FADFI F ; cr rwrQ Colar mart aada brlahl.i. mA l"mm Ua aTj M T .