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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1906)
11 T or. AT , Talk to Ko. Columbia County flank. Tlw 'l',k w"lk twe,n HoHlton la Mltr l nMA of wl",r' TbU w,lli connocU ui with Uit rallroa.1 and i. ..wit b vtroiiB. l'eopl iroin all . count Iwvt to ko over It on r liera and II ilwuM I p. ,.!, ar gotta lit soma placta awl on .il..n wat Iniri-ad away mmm uiiit k. Now l a K1 tlun (or khim public plrttetl lmllltluiil U st liiyanl taka u,, collection tolvtli repair made ....i .n nrccMury, to anaula ColuinliU County'! iapayra Ket u ,,,e col,rt house without gelling tlielr lt wet. Kacli wee bring u new depositor. Columl'l County Bank. Tlie ttiree alill loading litre will take about ltt,0M) lie. ltcll He contains .lout 33 leet ol lumber, ao their cargo. will amount to 3.W0,ttW let. ScvtB room Uoufe (or aala or rent. Im quire ol K. K. gulik, 8t. Helens, Wahtko One hundred men to uiak iiitv tlu l f MO per cord. Kind claaa yellow fir tlmtier. Cull on or comniiinl tale with tlw Western Cooperage Co.. Houll'Mi. Or. TimK l MoNaV-And vou save time l,y inking the Mutlmmmh when you bate btiainraa in I'onUnd. Leavra 8t. n,ir. at 7 a. m. Reachee I'ortUnd at 10 a. w. Warta home t S 30 p tit. Vou hve plenty ol time to do your ihopplu g Mr. II. I. Watklns. ol thUcily, I ul feting troni rver attack olpueuuwnia. Mr. aud Mm. H. Co, and Mine Lob Clear at their Thanksgiving turkey with Mr. and Mr. David lavU, (( I'nrtlund. Mim Hetll linn, who ha position In the public aelioola ol St. John, visited willi Mr. and Mr. Win. Rot lt Sun Mim Dunn lorutefly lived at Kvantvllle, Wit., wnert Mr. and Mrs. Roan came Ifom. I have little pig for le. evn weeki old, at ttacbclor flat, Gable' place, op pjtite the arbool nouae. GI'SSKIZIK. St Warren, Or. Mr. Wm. Roaal having the bank building remodeled aoaa to wake room ,t In. Ro an offlce. He 1 alao having the building treated to a Coat ol white punt which make great improvement iu it tuuka. The new court Iwmae I to be equipped with a aiiiall electric light plant. It would I a good thing il there wa turn c tent power to (urnWi light lor the town. Mr. and Mr. Martin White viaitcd Portland laat Saturday. Kepurt car.U lot tale at lh! onwre. liet lorm. , Mi we Amy and Anna George apenl Thankoglvllig In thli city. Mm. Cora Undiralt wa I'ortUnd miur HatunUy. Mr. and Mr.Corneliuarrrlrand Mr. W. II. Powell fltlted the wetropoll U week. M Aait5i At the home ol Mr. N. M, Parlane. at Hcappouae, No. 24. HWO. Rev, Uw Davie oflicUtiog, Jeic I'enrl MvParUneand 1're.lerkk S. Cooper. CoMMRBClAt. ACCOi'KTH-W are gll to Uwn checking accounU with individ ual, dim, aucletle. corporation, and Link., and give careluland iwoniiit alien tiuti to alt bunlne, whether Urge or mall. Columbia Counlv lnk. The Nchalem Timlr Company ha old to Mr. Kerry, ol Seattle, Urge tract ol limber In the Jichatem Valley, in townahlp S and , range 5. The con aidcrallon In the deed I 4ced at U. WW, but there w a mortgage given on die land in the trncllon amounting to ftM,ttH),o the consideration wa piob ably ill the neighborhood ol -.1W,HW. Ilig tale o( timber are coming thick ami l.t in thi county. The apecnlahwi are clllng, and men who will do aometliiug to help the county are gelling in here. Dr. Cliff I having a launch built that ia going to be " 'f1,1; I.. The boat will I U loot IKTUC l"rS ",,v" The engine I IS horae power, cylinder machine. three xtrm M.nln White IcU laat TuemUy lor a vlait with relative, at Mioula Montana. Mr, H. K. UlUns waa bulnc vlait or to Portland thi week, iv. nu'.mi a Timdku Claim an TiMBita.-We will buy lorcnah any good .i.i.r trtbiitarv to the Nchalem river. Will deal with owner only. No other eedan.wer, Write giving (nil particu lar to bo 8, V. P. Station, .Oreiron. Portland, 2 20 Mr. A. T. Law vlrited Clatakonle thi weak. Teiiinte. Rathbone Slater, had election lust Tliurday night and tha (ol lot en lowing ollker wereeieciea iw uw Richardaon, M, ulng vr: Aim K. C,! Kliri HUkcalcy, Cliff, H. ! Lucy Gniy, n..lrV. M. o( R. and C, R. 8. Clara A M.olT., S. M UiiaH. Dem inf,M.ol K.iAmyR. vStone. rrtnector .?. 1 Ketcl. Outer Guardi Ida M Harri..C.!PlorenceL.w.,Tru.tee. KuAvitDA dark red two year old teer, pllt In le" r lufor- million to tut onice. The St. Helen. Hotel I oon It will In the .team heating plant in.taneu. undoubtedly ba the be.t hotel .l.i- i tt,aMit.awe annouueed Ueek will b.t.50per year alter . . .r n. .iitncr be now and January i. . . in advance. jwjr - . . ... r.,,i,i, Tiluirer D Hirer wo, , oi iuo -v.... lo U working In the mouth o the i.h. trvlna to recover omeo( the Co, i.inoii. trvlna .....I.. nverluurd recently. The uiwm w - , ,, , , block were cut at the wutow nuarry aud . whole cow loaa, won" it nnn um lot. 1 no woi. t... k-TJ .,v .ucctMful. and. nearly all Optimo cigar two (or twenty-live cl. Leader In jtilltv. llrlim Ilroa. A stranger going ,y (he,,. 0II ,,,, and aeeing three nhl loading here lm,i fine atone court liouae going up would think tluil tltla wan a pretty good town. And II he iliuulil come Iwrk hire a....n. time In the near luture he'd know It win. 1'ure bred White Plymouth Rock rootp lor mle. Intiilreat thli office. Dr. Rom' itl,., will flnd here alter In the hunk building, having moved Into hii new quurtrra yesterday. Valuta, Klc, UriicericH. Ktc FwmI, Etc. All (jiiui'iuitiM'il. Ktc. 31. C. OKAY. The MiT ha lieret.dore been printed on Thurtday, nllliouKli dated 1'rldiiy. Thi ha olirncauicd a niiiiidertitnd Ing, o hcrealtcr we wilt go to prt-a on 1'riday morning. Alway miii! item in by Wedncwlay night or ThuraiUy morn ing. Mr. Mathen Kal wa brought hern laat Momluy to be examined on t'hargn ol Itinanity. Karly Monday iiiorniua the inailii hrrn-ll conrpicuou n Rainier and gavu clear evlilence that her iniinl out of lm In lire, en iweially denirliig to lake chargu ol the team belonging to Sliorl'a nirat wagon. Mr. Kali lia lor aevvral week U-cn working at the Rainier hotel, where her laughter la dill employed. She ha a hii'hand living on a ranrli near Kalama. Dun't (orget that our rate on all kind ol printing are under Portlaud price. Mr. Shiun, ol Portland, and Mr. Fred Caple. of ColumhU City, were caller at till oilier thi week. Ida A, I'lrii kmn and Minnie Mattaon, n Uuincy, ciHinnilted auicide in their roimi at Portland- Tuesday night. They kung quilt over the door and window and then turned on the ga tove in llicir kitchen, and died, locked in each other arm. At it meeting thi week the city coun cil decided to levy a five mill ta to jay the city, ei peine. Mr. Pott. tve aawycr In the Weitern Cooperage Cotnpanv' plant at Honlton , had one ol the finger ol hi rlglit nana cut oft lt Monday. At the time ot the accident he we trying to pull a tplintcr away from hi w. In lt week' chool report ol the Vatikton school, it read, "average attend- " and iliould have been 81. The mistake wa our, but we are alway gun to correct any mistake il notified ol it. Mrs, Kliaabeth Perry, ol Honlt-n, i visiting at Vnlversity Park. RtlMEB. -...-;,. M.linn Kmltli ha sold hi residence properly In this city to Mr rtevtnoiir Tuiris. Ciipt. Smith has pur- ihsd hi mother' place on rroni tni. where Mr. Sandel I now resul- intf and w ill occupy after the tlrt ol the vear. Mr. N. K. Saudel haa begun the erec tion ol a new Inline on hi lot just eat ol the Masonic Hall, ami back ol l . w k-lv' I,, IU Mra. K I. Mossmail peni seveiu. . I,.vl.i I'ortUnd the first Ol mewee. vi.iilnir rulatives and friends. ti.. I.uid Sialto. WHO lias oeeu laying with her sister In this city lor .veral months, tix.k the morning train (or University Park. M,.rrlnm, tie.llSU 111 W'Cn ISSIUHl 111 Portland, December 3rd, lor the wed ding of Mr. Ueo. Stone U Mra. Jiuriiia II. Rudd, both ol Katnler. ItottM-To Mf. and Mr. A. Ii. ivop.i". 1 Heaver Valley, Nov. 28, a girl. Hoas-Tothe wile of W. n. of Rainier, Dec. 1, a airl. The bovs in the Rainier iron nor.. ... .. 1.....I.. Tl, have bean "going ome bkh rush of mill work ha compelled the es tablishment to run night nd Sunday, and ha taxed their endurance to the ut most. Hob Rollierger ttke the 'o with 111 hour In a week, Herman Blaiikonberg uit with 00 hour, and the n.,.rlv the Mine. It w tough .tedding, but Hie bos treat them right, ..,,1 thuv reBiiond ctieeriuuy. Tlie Epworlh League win no.u , i.... .,t Kimdav evening at 7 ut a..rvlce next Sunday evening o'clock in the Methodist church. A cor dial welcome I extended to everyone. TI.& MuIilatliMI of Edward Hpiunoglo, .... mw aniith ol the Masonic Hall, hud a narrow ecpe from destruction by lire laat Friday morning. The blaxe caught i ,i.,friivfl fine, and bad it not ... ti. work of Chn. Silvn aud uevu iu, ... - wife, assisted by Mr. Both, It would have been a total lo. Mi Liwie Myer,ofChilkanle, pent few day visiting friend in wanner 'tliia week. ..... Mr. Candle Wanly ten nionuay ing lor a few dny' witit reiiiuve .. ITl.,UiiallV IWaC. l UlllVH"" rta-alaa t.. -..,1 Mra. Jack btlU'V. ui vno"v Hock, Wash., were visiting IHenda In Rainier over Sunday. ; Mrs M i. Kutherlord ha returned home from Vancouver. Wwh., where he l.a. been visiting her sister, Mi. ll.,,.ru-ll. Mr. and Mr. Nolaon Downing were Portlund passenger Buntiay. Portlund Mr. J. 1). Short I Visiting on busluei tM week. . Tliomsi Hlcharuton cameuow.. Portlaml last Friday to visit relative. "'HiKacock. of Ostiander, took In . A. il.ll bars laat Satiudtiy. tlie luasijoew w..-- - Ml. Beryl Graham and Mlii Do... o llotillon.wera gueati of Mia Ruby Jack oii ovvr Butiirdny and Sunday, The MiMxia Htone, ol Kalama, were among the dancer Saturday night. A pniltioii 1 In circulation asking that the water franchise recently grnnUxl to dipt. Nuwioin be ubnilttad to a rcfre- cndiim ol the IvkhI voter of Uitlnler. Chitakaule river hai a little appropria tion of 1600 In the proposed river and harbor bill, and w will guarantee that mull iiim will do more proportionate good than many ol the larger one men tioned. Little old Columbia Conn I y ha, ac cording to the ttatistlc, about one tenth of (lit lumber mill ol the rilute ol Ore gon, ami over nu third ol theae ship heir produce from Kuililer, on the Col- iimlila himI on; the railroad. There will be more neat year. D. H., W, J, nud N. Iliirns, sous of K, I'. Itiirna, stnitt'd tor I'ortliind on Saturday lust, to altend buaiiii-s collrge. Tlicy have rcntiMla tlatnnd tin lr iimtlier goes with them, leaving II. P. to the tender iiiriclu ol his daughter Ague. Mr. K. W. Thompson and wife ol Mill City, nru visiting with the futility ol W. II. HhihIki, the two families having Ut-n nelghlxiri at the former place lor a nuni ta r of y i-ii is. Mr. II. O. Howard's n-.ill Is nearly conipllrd. It will have a capacity o! about fiO.lXK) dully, and ha equipment will be be tip to d.ite in every reaiiecl. New machinery is constantly arriving for the Rainier Iron Works. Work Is progressing upon the rooln for the foundry, and soon Ruinier will have an establishment that will ba able lo handle heavy castings nud to manufacture all tha part ol a sawmill that can lie made in Oregon. It will pay you lo visit this eslablishiiieut ami see what is bring lone. The masonry work for both the new bank and Mr. Kllia' store building is completed, and soon Rainier will have two bimii ess biiildinira that will lea credit to the city. A W rater Wender. There' Hill at Howie, Tex., that's twice as big a last year. This wonder la W. L. Hill, who from a wehtht of 00 pounds baa grown to over 180. He ys: I suffered with a terrible cough, and doctors gave me up to die of Consump tion. I wa reduced to (HI pounds, when I begn tking Dr. King' Near Dis covery lor consumption, I'ougne nno Colds. Now, after taking 12 bottles, I hava more than doubled in weight and am completely cured." Only sine Cough and Cold cure. Guaranteed by nil drug gists. 6H'-anUl. Trial bottle free. VASKT0X. P, F. Brown made a trip to S. Sand- l-ru on Hunker Hill last Monday lo purchase some beef cattle. G. L. Tur'ocll and son last week pur chased five head of thoroughbred Short horns from the celebrated herd at Scott' stock farm. Milwaukee. Among those who pent Tluinksgiviug at Yankton with Irienu anu relatives were, Misses Minnie. Rose and Cad Shu- bcrt. ol Ridgefteld ; Olive Hyde and Mrs. Bessie Truman, ol Uoble ; and Mrs. Mary R. William and sons, Richard and Claire, of New-berg. Don't forget the entertainment and box supiier at Ihe Grange Hall tomorrow (Saturday) night. Kveryone invited. Klcveo new member were added to the Grange at the lust meeting, and three other have made applications lor mem bership. THE SEVES RICH MEX Chicago University has attained a rep utation for trotting out some lingngnlnr conclusion or combination of fact qnile out of the ordiunry. Tlie latest of this rort is an assertion by a professor in that educational institution to the effect that lour-lllths of the railroad mileage of tins country is controlled by less than a score ol corporate organisations; nd that iKrven men by right of major ownership. direct and control these corporation. Whether thi assertion ia absolutely cor rect or not I of comparatively little im- utrtance. It indicate a condition that r . . , rtnallv exists Ihe concentration oi ownership nud control ol the most im portant agency in National muusiry. II from tlie ownersnip oi one. uuuurcu men, the process of centraliitation may goon until but fifty men are chiefly in terested ; aud Iroin mat mere re uu aecore of owners; and then ten and even, why 'may it not continue until there i but oue? What step are laaeii to check the process? What prospect ir there that it will be checked? What will be the result If it I not checked? These are tUfation which put life blood Into the advocacy ol National ownership; they afford the basis for it discuesion. Unless we close our eye lo the danger that I always associated willi overweening one-iuitn power, they hold our attention and compel u to ad mit that we have a railroad problem on ... i. wluither we conclude that National ownership is the proper iolu tion or not. The Identity of interest and conse quent concert of action, where ultra corporate principle are Involved, i ,!..! to a power that la extremely dan- gorou when ft mere handlul of men or, worBO yet, one man practically controls tlie transportation facilities of a great Nation like this. To announce the dan Dr l not to Indulge in Idle and unneces- sni v alarm, we inoiuu as unnenn, it, wo anorectal the gravity oi me in tuition? Have we been iiiflkieiiily in- listen! in oiu demand lor regulation r I the measure ol regulation lieudy provided for, rigid and far-reaching enough? if .oven mon practically own and con- trultle railroads In the United State, ii,nu uenii men are richer aim Uivn than any seven men . .! 111 tlli country ought to be. The inherent hu man lelfishnei that 1 bound to be op erative In tock manipulation, and In territorial adjustment, that are for the benefit ol Un corporation rather than In I I II ' o 1 ). .' IT( JLZI ZTS LZ LCl ZoaV i-l lb I the interest ol the people, converts the seven inlo a private junta of taxgalhrr ers. It affords litem a power ol levying tribute upon all industry, upon all sec tion and npon all classes, which was never contemplated by the founders ol Ihis Republic, nor even by the stutes mamhip ol It Uter history. Wl.atcver our view may be as lo Hie ultimate out come, we can wisely conelude that un less this concentration of ownciship I checked, we will 6nd that in the enact ment of rate legislation we have but touched the rim ol this railroad question. Telegram. y 0. FISCHER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. K.UNIKR , OSEOOK JR.H. K. CL1FK, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON 8T HELENS ORKUON. D R. EDW1S ROS8. PHYSICIAN & SURGFON ST. HELENS, ORKO0 ' H0TICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. In the Counlv Court ol the Slate ol Oregon, fr ! ' I'nnnty. Iu Ihe mailer of Hie estsie oi uaininia " xS'tX? give that : Joha ;"r ,lln llieeseeuinr ot th cuue ot Mathilda w hir. Ilia, usees.!. wndered and i.rt- le I '" t-llleiuent. and tiled In Mid eonr hi, a . ..eount. ol hi. admlnNlraJlon ol hI,I .ial snd that Samntay. the t-'ali day of Hee , im at li o'clock in Ihe forenoon, si lie emut r.Tii a tke eon" Uouse. In Die city ol M. Helens In "sldeounty and lale, has been sp iflnl! yt"eJ"'" "' """"' eourt for Ui .Stleniont ol ..Id onnt, at or Wore whlrh or iwrson li.lor ?.l.d l"iald estate inayapwar and file ol.J ii. ... to ald aotHiiint or any Item thereof. T ill utalc. I. by nnlcr of Ihe Hon. R e Italian, t'onnly Judw of said rouuiy, Ei.i.1. order hear. ul Novenilwr 10, I'.Wtl; and Hie Drat publleatloii hereof 1 rmay, lymi. JOHN B. WILVERIHXU, Kxeentor. SUMMONS la tha Ctreult Conrl for Columbia County. Stale otoreiton. Fre.1 W. Bearea, Plalutia', v. Dor Bcnrce, Ho rn nTiralleiire the above named defendant: rn v"?..'::. :, ,; entitled K'elonortor.. a'r.Sdl.n.llouTlVl lo so appear ami answer the lorlhe rlllel prave.1 lor In il hlilHIH Will illl llnu. Tho. A. Ml-llllllO, jniK-e Ol I lie named eourt, made and entered oil uiooru uai ol November, HKXi. ,;v(.h sky. Attorney tor Plalutllt. NOTICE TO CREDITORS KOTICB Is hereby given thai the uftrterslnd has been apiH.iiilel adinlnlslratrix ol Hie , a naa """"ii . ,i-,,u. hv tha Hon. IBI0OI firms II. H. llallau. Ji AiTv andall liarsoiistiavlria eliilma against said ',-l: ,re beroby reuulred lo present the same to me. verllled aeconllng lo law , ai my wmtm lie eiTs. Or.goii, within sUmoullis fiointlie ""uaWi .th o'n.rr. W. H. Powell. Attorney lor Administratrix first pub. NOT. KB. Last puu. vee 1 1. w r II I'Oinpiiiini. to- lu,.u f ittntri- 1 "sr.T"" v. , . .ni m- .,id..r r the -. IIIM Klllll,...',. ." If m I PortlmidV Clothier , I t ?'', Y.r i 1 '? -ft K !,; r a 1 1 1 1 s o I WUSell a high nudity of clothing ' of 7 ' 'i t.i.. '..e i,al,:,.,: lll'Jl lll'llllU UI LlUtlVlll 7-..'..: ...1 ,..,.,., I 1 VX. exclusive aeatn-s unit uil uim(h j jaj j clever styling and fitting that gives the ha' wearer a, distinctively refined air a l$ 87 Third Street aaaaaaaaaaa' L. S. FRAKES, DESIGNERS OF PH.NE PACIFIC 348 -3FINE VVJVV'V vvvv. SPECIAL HATS MADE TO ORDER jtJTColtiuibia County Teople are especially invited to Call and Inspect, 2 TRAINS DAILY 2 TO UULUTH MINNEAPOLIS ST. PA ti L DENVER 1.1 Xl't'l.N- O.M A H .V Kansas i iTV-sr. i m is THE EAST The Regular Yellowstone Park Route Via Livingston and Gardiner Gateway, the Govemmeut Official Kulrauce to the Park. SEASON JUNE I TO SEPT. 20 SEE EUllOPE ..IF YOU WILL, BUT SEE AMERICA EIRST START RIGHT. SEE YELOWSTOISTE PARK NATURES GREATEST WONDERLAND PARTICULARS AT 255 MORRISON STREET A. D. CHARLTON Assistant General Passenger Agent Portland GEVURTZ & SONS 178-175 FIHST BTKKKT 210327 Y AMHlLli B'tKKET Hit imt JV Asf K1 Jf ' f VAAAA ,WV 352 MORRISON ST.. PORTLAND, OREGON MILLINERY65- Oregon J Royal Oak Dresser. No. 68. Wlien vou sec ' this Dresser you will have abundant , and very tangible evidence- of tie fact that we seli furniture at lower rates than any other firm in the city. The sue of this dresser top 20x;U inches, with oval bevel plate mirror 19x23 inches. , It is made of royal oak with beautiful quarter grained top aud Iront. There are four drawers, top drawers having swell fronts, just like the illustra tion, and all are fitted with cast brass pulls and locks and keys. A very neat and attractive design and one that cannot fail to please. ' Our price is only S1G.OO PAY S3 CASH. $1.50 MONTHLY i jfF"Send for our complete furni sf sarT'ture catalog, showing the fine J'syfurnitiirewesell on the instnl"uieut plan. We pay freight m PORTLAND, OREGON STATE BANK OF BRAINIER RAINIER, ORE. CAPITAL $J5,ooo Four per cent interest paid on saving deposits. Interest compounded temi-annually, ' March 1 and September 1. W. B. LOTTMAN, Cashier Collections Made : Drafts Isaued bi.litLLNS bAKbM bHUr D. P. HEELER, Prop. CLEANLINESS SANITATION NEATNESS Hair trimming neatly done At the old stand. St. Helens ' sras F-ffw tv 1 ROBERTS BROS. BUTCHERS I Free Delivery. j jf Orders by mail for choice j j me u promptly attended. J jj HOULTON -:- ORE j RCAliM! Seventy acres in Dutch Canyon. Over forty acres in crop. -1,000 cord of wood on uncleared land. One hundred bear ing truit trees mainly Northern Spy ap ples and Bartiett pears. House cost over fSUO. Barn cost over f400. A cement root and fruit cellar that could not be built for less than $400. Horse power in the barn for cutting fodder. Hay baler, funning mill and hay rack go with the place. Good fences. Scappoose creek runs through the place and a portion of it is easily irrigated. Scappoose station two and one half mile?. Three mile to steamboat landing ; good road ; rural free delivery. .Apply to the proprietor on the premises, or to E. H. Flagg, St. Helens. - FRANK KELLER, Scappoose, Or. Ffin PORTLAND DAILY Steamer Iralda C.I. Hooghkirk, Master. UA1LROAD TIME. Leaves Rainier dally (except Snmtsy) for Port land, t 6 A. M.. depurtiwt Iroin St, Helens st o'eloek. Returning, leaves 1'oriland at 2 30 r M., arriving at St. Helens at 4-.-W. PasseBisra mi Fast Freight. IPOKTLA.ND LANDING, TAYLOR bl' NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Notii-eis herein- siren that Hie andeislirjied I as administrator of the estate ot CharleB o. I Capes. .leceasetl. has hied his linal aocoutil iu me ori:(-'e ot tue iouuit " . Couiitv, urcsoii, nod the Mouoraoie ouni. Uouil for snid Cmimvand Stnie. hus appoiut-U .-utmdnr. the (lltii dy of January, 1!J., at the n'.-iu.b ii, tt.n fnrt.ii.ioit of said nay ns the lime, and Ihe court room ol said court In ihe eonnty court house at SI. Helens. Oreiron, us ihe nine? (or the neariuir o. oujei-uu.. said fluid account and tne Mttiemeni inereoi. Ailmiuistratnr "ol the estate of Charles Ciioles. dt'ceaseil U. Firat pnb lec. lii6. lditW tu. JHU. ,; 1W7. K STOMA & COLOMBIA BITER fl RAILROAD COMPANY. 5 7:00 8 OS 8 20 8 88 I 41 8 SO 8 68 9 OS 19 87 10 00 10 08 10 20 10 SO Lt Portland Ar 11 i! 10 as 0t 3 4 9 IS a. t 35.63.5: S 40 S5.9 SO 59.8 10 00 & .... uorjie ... ....Rainier .. ... Pyramid.. . l m vfr a m t too 1 48 T64 7 a 7 28 7 17 7 01 42 fl a so a 10 u 86 t 27 9 17 ,. .Quincy .... .. Clatskauie.. ..Marshland.. .. Westpoit.... ....(Uilton.... 90S t 02 8 58 I 88 8 16 I 07 7 65 7 45 10 10 m.ti 10 21 71 10 78 7: 10 57 66.6. ....Knappa.. ... Svensont. ...John Day. 11 03 .90.31 11 18 96.4 11 80 99 8' Ar. Antorla .Lv: AH trains maka eloso connections at Gobi aith Northern Paoitlo tralai i ana irou. East aud Sound points. At Portland with all trains leaviug Union dapot. At Astoria with I. U. AN.tTO. s ooai anu j r. J. Poller to aud Iroai Ilwaco and tiorth Beach points. PaMeugerefor Astoria or way points must nag trnius at Houlton. 'ftains will stop to lei l- iifreis off at Houlton wnen comma F"'" .aoftJoble. J. C. Jlr. Oen, Pass. Aa. iatorta, Ot H. riORGUS ST. HELfiNS Carries a Complete Line of Groceries Dry Goods Hardware Crockery Flour and Feed Hay Notions Candies daily. I "tpcr . u I 22 5 n r. a. I a.m. I I S 00 .01 Stationery Fancy Goods In fact, everything usuallv Jcer'a first class General Merchan- V My prices will be fount1 store In Coluip1 solicited. " IS 11 if tha ttoek will b recovered, rL Jrv.jiaaia.iaiiairj