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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1906)
OREGON MIST Entered at the Postoffiee at St. Helens, Oregon, as second-class mail matter. Issued Evkrv Friday flv E. H. FLAGG, Enrrox and Propkiktor, One copv, one year, In advance. . . . fl 00 Six months. , 50 lRal notices 25 cents per line. FRIDAY, Dec THE OXK-TKKM IDKA. I NOTICt rOH PUBLICATION. It tho President of the United States r - limited to one term in office all fa trim presidents would bo ns independent an I tairlcss ns the president incumbent F.-fHident Roosevelt dechred that he would not accept arenomination, and by this declaration he placed himself in a position of independence that has en abled him to fearlessly carry forward the reforms in which the people are so vi . tally interested . and in all ways to ad minister the duties of his office in ac s. cordauce with his ideas of justice and a ' square deal for all men. No man whose '. thoughts wero centered upon his own " ' succession would have dared to antagon ize so ninny conflicting intereft. In . spite of his popularity among the masses . it is very doubtful if Roosevelt could be j ciciu-i, uiuuii ue woum prooauiy se cure a majority, or at least a plurality, of thi popular vote. The solid South is ' still solid, and its votes in the electoral college can conn" lently be relied upon for the democratic nominee. Then the battle will rage in New York, Indiana, Connecticut and Illinois. New York is 4 more than doubtful, atid in the other States the Democracy may have a fight ing chance. Why should any Democrat 1 vote tor Roosevelt in preference to Brv- ant In the matter of controlling the corporations they are as one, with the exception that Bryan goes much farther than the President, while on the tariff the President is a Republican of the itraitest sect. In the close States cor- .. pore t ion influence and wealth might torn the scale in favor of a Democrat, as the corporations are shrewd enough to know that a Democratic president with - a Republican congress would not be able . to enact any very radical legislation. Doubtless President Roosevelt foresaw this and his declaration fora siugle term i was a declaration of individual inde pendence for which the common people 01 this country may be truly thankful. It has enabled him to demonstrate that no corporation or individual is so - wealthy or powerful as to be above the law, and no individual so humble as to be beneath its protection. He has brought about the beginning of a peace , ful revolution which it may well be has averted a bloody one. He has taken away the excuse for anarchy and shown the American people that they have within themselves the power to abolish by peaceful methods existing evils and prevent their recurrence. His least, and one of the greatest dem onstrations of good faith w as in causing , to be mustered out of the service en tire companies of negro troops because i ,friPArtirati?0f.',,POrtT0f,.t,bem fAKMER vTSIES WITH BEAK, in a riot and murder, those who did not . take part refusing, either through fear Dave Ka-ve a farmer living four miles or a false sense of honor, to make known above iIi-t r-. on the Nehalem river, the names of the guiltv parties. The I na atI eitren"--ly lively experience with President did not have any prejudice I a bIack bear near nis ranch. He against them on account of their race, I tilat ,jears have been numerous in and would doubtless have taken the I tllat vic'u'ty this year, and that he had eamecourse with white troops. ,Yet his j xt 8 nuaJbr of traps for the animals, course has raised a ttorm of protect ! 'n mak'ng n's rounds he was suddenly from negro preachers and politicians, i confronted by an exceptionally large bear, and doubtless, were he renominated J 'rom one ' 'bose forepiws dangled the the negro vote in a number of Northern s!e:1 'aws of a 'up states would be massed against him. ne ixiiT apparently did not admire Having no desire for re-election he does the orna"lent which had been attached to not fear the threat and will pioceed with its P3, and was very angry. When it his plain duty. ! beheld the farmer, it rose upon its hind The stand he lias taken is a practical I leS5 all(1 attempted to smite him. Kaye, demonstration in favor of the one-term ! w1k was sUirtled by the sudden 011 idea, t iough all will regret that he has ' 5lau!lt of bruin, managed to get to a aot a longer term in which to forward I nearb' tree 'bere he had left his shot his work. ' 'gun- Taking quick aim he pumped a j couple of loads into the beast, tearing ELECTRIC LINES WANTED. ! away his lower jaw. This exhausted his r .. . ,." " , 'supply of ammunition, and as the bear - Isit not peculiar that the attention was not stopped by the injuries it had re of 1 nrtland s capitalists seems to 1 di- ceived, but kept coming at him. Kaye reeled almost exclusively toward the who is a perfect Hercules in strength, Willamette alley and so little is known the animal about the body ad be- of Columbia County, lying at the verj gan to wrestle with it. The injury 10 aoor 01 uie metropolis.' There are I (i. ain.r 1 .1,.:-. 1 Avoid alum and alum phos phate baking powders.The label law requires that all the ingredients be named on the labels. Look out for the alum compounds. NOTE. Safety lies in buying only Royal Baking Powder, which is a pure, cream of tartar baking powder, and the best that can be made. NOTICi TO CREDITORS ,a. ivcii w ;" 1 ,, uon. M. .,fSlllul A. HOlim. lll'i',Wl.M ,,, in.-Vhi; iilJa w-lS. ..I hi. )" i ft S iKVtHVcUt. .!... "";;' 1..-I . ,.. .. ....-i ... 111. .'I11I111. Hlltl I r" 1 . . . ...-.. i 1111 aiUII.' lit HI'' " IHlrtinoiil of llio liilitrlor. I.aiiil Ofr.ce hi ruiiUhil, Oivmm. Si.l. W l;KM Nitlloo la IhwIiv itivott lliul "hi fulkiw hk nlui.i lu.l,l.,l HI...I llillli't, ill 111 lllt.'lllli'll ... ... ..: ..1..1... ..n.i , n. " v. : t... ...i. hi tin' 111 H1HKQ nilHI IMIMM 111 U('IHHI "I III li.i ; uir,.ty ri.UltiriHI 1U llirni -"". .,1 II iHll I Will UiailV winni mr ni'Ki"" ,i.,.i ml nil In lW. m "- Ihul il.l i.isuil trill lui ami KM'vlver, l I'urllitiiil, Dri'iKm. oil Nor. U, ismt, via: Jiilui P. I fticai'lifr, II. K. No. I- fur the B 8K A K ), BV ol Hi. W, UN. lli'ltmi- (h followlii wllnera In intve hl eoiilliinoiia rv!oinv iikui iiihI eulllVMiiuii o( aulil Ininl, via amiiitl I'. Hnlliml. ol Cilia ttlllll, llrciiiim Jy jliirlriiw. of Voriionl. lire iiouj Hrv tlUhn, ol Wtiiniiln, Oniton; Unity V, MolehklM, of Aiioaka. On-mm. AUiKliNDN H. HKKSHKH, Id'Klnlor. Ii KMl'LOYKIW LI.VItLK, following is an extract from tin President's message to Congress that is of interest to people of a county, which like Columbia, have so manv men in jured or killed in developing its resources: Compensation for accidents or death U ne In any line of industry to the actual conditions under which that industry is carried on, should be paid by that por tion 01 me community (or the benefit of! which the industry Is carried on that I is, by those who profit by the industry. i me enure traoe nsK is placed upon Clemtnens Mailer to Lewis mo rmpiutrr no win promptly ami properly add it to the legitimate cost of production and assess it proportionately upon the consumers of his commodity. It is therefore clear to my mind that the law should place this entire "risk of a trade" upon the employer. Neithet the Federal law nor, as far as I am in formed, the state laws dealimr with the question of em plovers' liability are suf ficiently thoroughgoing. The Federal law should of course include employes in Navy-yards, arsenals and the like. Doubtless there could be arguments put forth on the other side of this ques tion. Upon rending what President Roosevelt says, one naturally thinks of the many accidents that are of almost daily occurrence in the logging camps of Oregon and Washington. The men employed in the camps receive good wages, but the risks in some parts of the business are considerable. The President says that if the entire responsibility for accidents was Dittoed upjii the employer he would consider it one of the necessary expenses of his businesi and put it iuto the price of his commodity. Anyhow, it seems that those dependent upon the men injured while laboring for the advancement of an industry and to enrich his employer should be aided by said industry and emplover. Sew lure For Epilepsy. J. B. Waterman, of Watertown, 0., Rural free delivery, writes: "My daugh ter, afflicted for years w ith epilepsv, was cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills. She has not had an attack fur over two years." Uest body cleansers and life giving tonic pills on eaith. 25c at all druggists. A U and B Miller to the Hen son L A L Co w lit of se qr sec 32 6 4 J M Miller bv shvritr to C U Capler lot 1 blk 44 Columbia City Peter Miller to F and W J Morri son tw qr and s hf of sw qr of nw qr sec aj 6 S 1000 F, L. W, K B, and W J Morrison to Marie II Uradley hf of sw qr of nw qr and sw qr of sec 2tt 6 S 1000 Mont gomery sw qr of nw qr and se qr of ne cr sec 6 6 4 J C Mullens to I wis Montgomery n hf of nw qr and w hi of ne qr sec 22 4 4 Clemens MuILt to Lewis Mont gomery se qr sec SO 3 5 F and S Nagel to C O Masten option, right of way C L andM F Parks to Nicholas Uroy nw qrof sw qr sec 20 5 4 600 M A and L U Pirtle to James Peterson nw qr sec 11 5 2 3200 W and M Pringle to the Nehalem Investment Co ne qr of sw qr sec 5 4 4 040 John Pringle to the Nehalem In vestment Co w hf of sw qr sec 4 4... 1280 Kninm Prahl to the Benson L A L Co timber In sec 15 7 4 1 C F and II Rabinsky to the Title liuarautee and Trust Co tim ber sw qr sec 8 3 2 V and A Reidt to J If Tompkins e bf of se qr sec 1 5 3 00 C F Starr to G L and J A Mcpher son lot 2 and e bf of nw qr sec 18 5 3 State of Oregon to Hex Caples hf of se qrsec 7 5 2 St. Helens Lodge No 117 I. 0. O. F. to E. P. Pick lot No 2220, I. O. O. F. cemetery The Sisters of Charity of Provi dence St. Vincents Hospital to James Dart nw qr of nw qr and ee qr of nw qr sec 13 4 2 2000 The Great Northern Coal Co to the Nehalem investment Co tracts in sees 22, 23 and 20 all in 4 4 E D and G (i Tichenor to T J and J E Brink hind in North flats 150 C A and J A Vanvolkenburg to the Nehalem Investment Co. n hf of sw qr of ne'qr sec 15 0 5, less east 5 acres 437 50 T and M Walts toj Harduian part of B M Watts die 1407 frame to J i Watts lots 5 0 7 A 8 Mk 1 cast (inle ad to Scappose :jiK) F W Wood to Jerdina F. Wood part of E (.1 Bryantd 1 c 45tj J and M Clin to Nehalem Invest ment Co e hf of se qr sec II 4 4 and ne qr of ne qr sec 7 4 4.. 1S20 M A and W M Ladd to Marie If Bradley land in sees 11 and 14 3 2 i S K Imont to Geo. 11 Lemon t part of sees 4 and 5 41 and parts of sees 33 and 31 5 1 ... . 1 G H and A V Leiuont to Geo II Bracket part of F A Lemon t i I c io NOTICE OF GUARDIAN SALE OF REAL ESTATE. Notice t hereby iilven that I, I'. J. rU TiiAritlaii of Itu pttmon ami vkinIi ol llvrtwrl s, llrta. a tolnor. iuuUt iiihI hv vlriuo l itn outer l the I on lily Court of rlalaou Comitv, Slate of Orvffon, utft.ttf ou the '.I'lh ilay of tHMotwr, A. II. I'AM. illtetMlm Did -ale of III renl ealme h.'roln after ilencribeil, will oil KrUlay Hie mill ilay of Kiivrmtwr, UW, at Ihe hour of two u'eloek i. in., altll front ilimrot Ihe I'otilily l otirl hoiiae, of Colltmlit tVllnlv, Oivuoti, III SI. Helena. therein iwll at inilille anrtloii lo m muiieni hiililer fur eaah, nil Die rUht.tlO mint liuenM of aald HurlM'tl 0. lint In ami to Ihe North hall ol the North wel iiinrler ol Heeiliin Tea. in Towtihti Konr Noilh ol Itatiire Two Weal, of the WllUmiiti Meiltllan. In t'nlttmhU t'otitity, Orea-on. anliliH I lo Ihe ilower iuteriM ol I'hoeb A. Hnrr therein. Hnch aale will tw miuto foreaxh In haml, atih lecl In the eoiiltriiuiloii of aahl I'ou illy Court Ol l laimiti iiiiur, Male ol urvgnll. Dated lliu Slat ,la of October V I , HUM. I'.J. HKI.V tluanlliin of thr IVrMMi ami Kitutv of Herbert 8. Brix. minor. ...... i...... n. .t ii.iii' urn' loll, III., limn iYi,l November ll. UW " , tiu.KS Mtllltll W. II. 1'otvell, Attorney lr Ailinmi""" II H lot.' 7 H0TIC FOR PUBLICATION. Fnreat Uoxerve t.ieu deleeilini No. KrhM. flitted Mtatea llinl tilhee. I'nrtUnil. urenoli. Si'i'ieiiiher. I'Hai. Nnllee la heiebv wtvell lhal John IVaraon. whiNHt tHMtolnie aiblreM U tVtttKtiil. Ilremoi, hN inwle aiuillealiou lo ti-lect unili r Ihe Ai-t n Jtitu 4. tstr, im sun. .it) the follnnliiK do rrlheil tnu'ta. nW Ml'.. MH'a NK Xeetluli Jill ToHUshli3 Nulrh. Koine' ftel. nitniu the nexi ihiriy tiu from ture bervof nroleala, nrrotiteati, auaiit Ihe eli'e(loli on the llmtinit that Ihe Ian. I deM'rtlie.l. or atp- iHiribni thertsif. la more valuable for Itk mineral than lor agricultural intrmteii. Willi rivcltru ami noted for rrimrl In the 1'oiilintiu.lolier of the Oeneral Laud timer. Allil KNON .S IMIKSSKR. liei;Uter. Flr publication (vt. U l w. Laal tlHillcatloii N iv. 11, Ub. SI'MMONS, 111 theClreiiliCoiirlolihe stale of Oienon tor tile t oiMli) oi i "iiiiii'-'"t ,,... i i.Im Mullu ii tibiliitllt va. John II, Silllliati, ilefeuilanl. , , To John II Sullivan the abo named dclcn.t i , i,., ni,, ,,i ib,i stole olOreitou Yen arc . ....... i ,,n,i amwer the I'om .".V.... .., I " b.i .Live cuitil' iiiaini iiii'ii mh . , imi. eoiirl an.lcilne oil or before lscciitb.r Ul i.nki ui.iMii la .1 , uiva.nller Nov. .ul. oau .1.-ll.i.. ..r.l I lb llial OllblleatbOl I'fttll1 n.illie. an.l IHoll (all lo iiiii. ai ami aii'Wl Ihe 111 lirwlll il tor Ihe relief it".l o 1.. ....i ........ iu i .., i uii' a ib.eree thMU Inn Ihe iHnidaof iualrlmi'ii) uon Miiiwt ,w' ...V..... .1...... .. I i.Uiiilllt n,l ilileniblllt ami lor Mich other ami luriher rellel a lo the court -coin" meet ami juit , , Thla iini'iiona la i.iibll.hi d by order ol Ihe II. ,m II,.,. x Mi llrlile. Iil.lne of Ihe ' named curl, made ami enlered on Ihe JUli da) of Oclolwr, ll. ,. .... It. J M'Kt'WskV Attorney lor I'tallitlff, NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Notlr In horvtjv elvrn. Thl tho ittiilcr iiemti ilk tin vxtniuM of ihv u-t will mu vrsMti. imve nitM mir nni n.toiimi hi in i flct'ofibe t tmutr t'lrrk vt Colunibii, t initit PI'i!itr'l MtllMH, ttn'iotli Uy vt Novi'iiiUr, A 1 . I'Ato. nt thtt iiur . 11 o rhvk, in th rrtnHm itt Ihe I'Mitntv Court hur. in Ihe it ol St. Ht ft'ii". In sjniil t ttltnnli I'ltuitti. the ttiufttii'l Ui'e Ur hi-nruiji t' f'l.j-tiiu iotti n a.timtii tttni inr tn Mitirtiiriit tnoriMir. II A U ll V W Mt'lHJNA .1). k f - uiurrKN. Kxccutuni o( ttw jiitl entitle !!. (IKI'RKK, AttttriifV tor txfeuton, DISSOLUTION NOTICE- Tho nnrilltTHhlt) hi'rt-Inf.irf I'tiilltm iin.i4r (he nrm iinmo.( uittv X IWU v . n( llimitoii. b iluiuttvcit )'V tnutitttt V.. II. ,irty hftvlti),' Pun-lniMMl r Hiirn-v i lulrrrit. mi ) itiftiutiiMl M tlrl.tji rii iMtKttiM) tlllO h (Mi) rirtn. Alt .kvoiuii ltu th linn re (ho irit-r-tyol" Mr. tiirty. t: It lilKTV. li.l'. KOUKV. M. IIcU llK, tMot-vr 10, l In the I'lrcnt 'nirt of ilu- St(o f (ir, wii fur tht i tTt ti t v t f ' oitim'.l Kot-erf It. St.M?r. Umtlir. . tllm U. SlmMer t1 fViuUfit: To III 'i, MuMor. ilcfoiKUttl nnnifl' 111 tllf ttllllv o( 111? of Dri' v., sr. pUtut rilr'l j.m !u the Nut? i.lltk-t tuns.' mi or rVfori! thi? !.bt Uy nf iuiulli.'utioii ( thii it!tr!itn a hrrtMt. pruvUicii. towii, the 'jth Iny of Novim?Hr, l r;, u it vu fail to II)''1' 'fr'' f-mrl !' th n-hff lu Mid coinjMttiiu; iowii: Mr ii-Tt't. (r 4iI court .It MtlvtM if th-c r..t.U ut imttriiiiotiy u , cttitiu U i. , ii y.,nrw)f mnl tin- j.ltiitiniT. TUU fniiiimnni U 3Ubii-h.l l,y th trli-f of Th'in,w a. MrBmi.', ju.Ik. of thr t, vittltlr.) oiirt, niH.H' on (hf ;th -lav of !fiu-tulwr In mi.t hv whtrh xtnU r it l ifljiLli-f.! oti.I or Irrctl th'it this iiiiniiniu tn- t.iil.U.t )' a wvvk ftriJL i'uHM,' uttve wt-fk iti the Or-foii M:t. n new.fn.tM-r oi.ih.l in tlii-.-Ky f m. M Irti, oiiimhi ( Miitity, SUtt- of Oroii. The 'Ute of the hpnt Niihlu atioii of thm iiotk-tj I the i i, L: JHth llt.V llf K..I,l.ri.t.F t Ht at..l It,.. . . I U-t ulIlculloi.o( -ui.l tjMtirf Nfivrmlr Hh 10 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Nolli ! hrrrliVBlv!! thtt lu foiuimt-r h nli Hi rtt lkloit ttl Iho mi'I of t ol ft-i June rt, s;h, f utniil "An m l for the ile of HtuU't UtiiU tit l In' ltt, of I'Mllforniii. itri(oit NoVAtln. Nihl Mfthltmton lorrilorv," Hat'virtitl .! i.i ill lltH I'uhllt' 1-uimI MAloo bv uf At.H Hot I. IWJ. AtUTt St'hmhllitt, of Athlon, roitlit) . i alitintiitn. MInIo of ttrntoit. hS IhlvtUt Hlp4i lu thU oilier (tit worn kUteioriii .mi ."U, (or tho iHiu hftJM i( thtt ut l4 nw lo( heMou So. '.V. IU lowoihlp Nti. i North, Mltcv N' 4 ht'il. mot will otTVr nnmf to how that the Untl iotitfhl In mot vNlnniile for n llm'H-r to; tionr Itmn fo? mcritMiltitrftl iiortort, tttl lorlahllh lliu t'Ultn lo KMhl Imnl tror tho KettUlcr ltl KiH'i'tvor t t ortlftiol. t'reifoil oil iHtHrMt lh 'th lv of .Vnt'rtiU'f. lywt, lie nafiiv witufAM ThrUt tu IMt l, vt I'orlUUit Ore tot, ; O'to Sttitellinati, of Auoti, Oregon, fiicfl hrrt II 1 ', of Albloil, Orfffou, Hrrnlmtti Uoer. of Albion, iireuuh- AnvMti'fiill iwmun rllmlo tnKerH)) Ihe tnivelf ribrl UtoUare roiit'aiil lo Die their t'itim In thi imi ult or In-forv mIU Mh iU of .Novetul'er, ISAM. Al.fKKNON K. 1;KhsKU. Knttner. notice ok nmriox to xvvi I0K Llijl OK III EXSK. t.Iitt AK1 T. TAM.AHr Aitorny fur rinlnllff f ,'VH'It1.? OREGON ahd union Pacing To all eroni ronevrtteil, ami th Wgl vtHon uow rvHl'liiin In itohto preliM-i, ( titMtntM t oimiy, Mali of Orvyoit, hi pwrltrjUr mn aul earh nf ton will take notice that I. O (;, llnttier will on Moliielay the .'fol ly t f Jan tail? ti Ilia H.oi.irathU t i'..n,. o the itio at trvicHi. for the t 'oant) of t o ttmhia. for a Moon to m-11 notriont. vtnoua aiw in Hi i ti'in.irt it itii i(TRU'ittt rwitr in ! iuaittl(lo thm ontt tfallott. hr a iL-ril uf ti loo itt h lit tiie tlllttite of uobln, lu (tobl jn litvt, t . l oliinibta. Male t( tirrtfim. vhirh fliiflimttim will htf u'iurttaiil Itaae! uti the hiionin iHrtuioiK tti Mil, lu the I'omtt f'mtrt tif the ftata of Ore fun. for too i ounijr oi i ontinrtfa. Iti the matierof the Ntlltt-atloii nf ii. V. II m. ler (or a ltr'ne to m-11 imiou, rhiou mo) mail iiiiior mwi irrmriilvi i t.irr In lr iiaiitl iiihi mir iniii mi itOi'W. u fitifilfi trriw i -iiiinr'in ixiitat "mir i 'rrtfoil To tho Mouortlo round t witrl t otumbla imiio , r'ifoii riin" Mii'iifiiinni, i .imi.ft.iiirf itti..rtiv f Iho lCl tutor of l..y.lo orrolru t t ohnubot otini. ?4uo t iirrdoci ait'lMho ih rviii- aimI hate artiialU r m1. Hi m).! iio-t ttr Hion than thirli 1im limt-iii-t. u iihhoiiiik iiiriiiivoi tit it tn itlloiF aiitl t.a. oulathu of M.I. itm.iii, hrrvhy r.(-- tfu, i"-Miitm ni-j iiuuoriMo imiri to grant to tl, inimtT l-l" frnp III rll lifrifi-U.. vieiottk ..) uinit fiiiur mot irrmcmrM t l lrf Ul lo ()rmil' lino ttmn one tfalion. al Moblv, In ..i.lo 1'ro Itwt, i oinmiiu t fotfity. Mala f..v . j-ritil of l t rooiuh K.wnl lti. k t". Vt StrrmrUuA U t i t.... In, it Vonog;, V i tor 'irer. W tra.u-y T tl Jordan, rrank lMi,'ia. U'wii VI.-I..J. r M..a.llev, ihmi K Tawl. tt T Alt iinrf, rrank .-r:ior( K. . .-. Th Hunter. K Anllkor. H Krnn II M rorr. t Matn. t ha. K Into, . K. Miltt, IV t Kowlcr, i(ro ltt erKrr, UoiU U tua. hor. 11 Waa-nor, Krr4 Lrnt.-hor. W. lii.nior. frvi Jtmrti A 1 Mab .ilm. I.. Hrtlrt. l et, r H H rvmg V.t . Kowlrr, L. M t o4i it, lto, noithfUi tl W Y i rr y . I in ti Ivioiwtti. Kranh rUittr ) I' An-l. ron, H Wart. It I., ttuhrtiw u t Powlrr. John Mltoiaii. I. K li-tfle Uvtt H U K4.M Jrtii,t""' H rttjlott. sl l?VJ'' V V H..lUu'.on.l,r.. II Ar.ner. M U Uuri'hy. Hoory n olior, J, M iHmeit kra(lo A t. J ti honrv Haar. l' f. Wail. A be l.lnh H-mti U tvwUm U.K. Myhittrti, J K Hoar, Y, Mwhop J M ' "."""""'"""i" Mri hoi, H I ar.m U. V lUn.lUoii, j. a llo,. r. Jht. U, J -hlejetH. Ilrnry mi.., J. k M,ili,irr, tt Makiuatrr, Atlolt tt ir. JOB PRINTING 18 OUR DU8INB88 XV 1 have the wt and ntOHt VV fully (MjulpiM'tJ Job I'r lut Inju; (Hllce in Columbia County Jud we are prepared to do all fiinds of Printing on .short notiee ami at, most reasonable priees a TRIAL Will CONVINCE OREGON TwIIST i : 1 : r-.n. quick A. M. MOLT0N Tim Columbia County ABSTRACT AND TRUST CO. t Tni.ii.s KxAMtNKi) Abstracts Madi Non-Rksiduxt Taxks Pato yt iii' Loans, etc Rkal Mstatk WVa SUMMONS Ulltui II null. t. telnint. In the aUve are 1 the animal's jaw prevented it from doing ! I. A Truman to C C Musten option rilit of way M McCullongli to M C Gray a lif nt nw qr 23 ami n lif of nw n..rl. in rvm ..nt- i tut. ).. - u. nr mr. an .. . , ... , , jIm injury with its teetll, but it ' F M lliul I' Mi C'tiilotHil. to Win ho sale.n.l rt.l, they buy practically clawed him severely, finally by the ex- j S lJi n I f o " 1 w r , c 2 .11 their ...pphe. , P.rtlainl upendi,. ertion of his utmost strengtIl'i , " f J w " ! 4 6 Over a mi lion do ars annua v in tt, i. j . . ' iimji nw ijr i o,. icficu in pusuiii me oearover, and u u v .... . , ,ell lIle Iarmer managed to draw a ( Pn urn ,tu In TIulIo. ..-..1,1 t... : ; . ' " " l" .n,.i nwui'l UC a IlltVlIl ! IfMlfM u,lnh I. a i l.l .. 1 .1 . . investment, yet there i no talk of such I h iiiM.j .t. . , lion8 flM for record tor two week - , ; w ivcnt b aiuc until iie a line, while 1 there H-eu.s to lje lonnuier-1 .truck a vital spot. The bear was one prujei- ior iuie in otner directions. A ! o( the iarest ,.. , in lV:.-f men j measuring 8 feet 4 inches from tip to tip. ana weighing 2W ponnd-s. The bear is now on exhibition at the Grange Fair at Natal, Oregon. All wish ing to see it apply to Mr. Kaye, Goose Ranch. 10 10 and A McCauley to K A and Following are the real estate tranKac- l.rav I a.i a. st llallr. Affile s r. I'nii)' I'NI'lN DKfDT. ( IIK ALU- I'iiKTI.AMi si'r.i I A I. f.,r the K via Ihililliiulni;. ntOK.VNK KI.YKH, IV, f. J. AM lor Wu.liliiK Daily, ton, WalU VV all,,. ', i:.i,r rAl-iii iiml (irem Northern!1 i imlhtf., 'i ! ATLASTiir KXfllKHH l M. 7:11 A.'jil" lor tin- Kl tin Hi, in- , ,Hy, j M... Lower Columbia Rivkr. 8ti-tmer Maaanl't Ifmea I'ortUnl dally, cmi., for AatnrU .1 r li,rh,Ka Kt-luiulric 1-i.y.:. Aworw i T.m a. m. lallv, enopt M. U. UKAIU, OeuiTttl Fuaaciiircr AKtiit . Mil 11AM) very few of Portland' business Have a i nreciai 'u l lie fluvuiitiisrei nos. sussed by thin c-iunty nnd have farms on Sail vies lelamj ami along the Sonppoose Btrip. Some time it will be appreciated that there are no more beautiful spots on earth for country residences than the bluffs that line th ) C ilumbia River. No where else on earth can there ba seen Buch a vista of forest, mountain, river nnd valley, and the summer climate can not be surpassed. With electric roads this would ba within easy reach of the big city and beautifjl Iidhkm would b.- built here as they have been built upon the Hudson. 1200 SiKAYKD ok STOI.K.N One cow, iron jrray, with "W'on right hip, white star in forehead, white belly, short tail. Dis appeared hree weeks ago from my place nt Bunker Hill. f reward will be given for definite information concerning same. JOHN WALCZAK, Yankton, Or. Lout; Tennessee Fight. For twenly years W. L. Kawlc, of Bells, Ten n., fought nasal catarrh. He writes: "The bwi lling and eoreness in side my r.osB was fearful, till I Im-vhh applying linrkleiih' 'rnica Halve to the j sore surface; this ranseil the soreness j and owelling to disappear, never to re-j turn." Uest stive in exieti-m p. BicatnlII druggists. UEAL ESTATE TIU.WeK . I oney to loan on anriroved . iirity. Vf. II. POWELL, St. lieUd., OregouJ K M Mcl'liearaon u hf of e hf of se ir ul see 20 5 3 K and It Mcl'herson to (i L nnd J A Mcpherson, n hfof r.e qr bcc 35 D 5 anil It J Mi-yers to the Title Guarantee and Trust Co. i hf of nw qr and nw qr of nw qr wo7 3 ry.O 10 ending Nov. 24, 1006: .John Harduian to Augustus ller ! ring part of Ii M Watts die. J M and A Hill to Ouy Lane lot 1 blk 0 townof Keto K nnd M Hotch et al to the Sage Land Improvement Co Be qr of sw qr and i hf of se qr and ne qr of se qr sec .'S3 0 4. . fj A h ml M L Hosford to Geo untl J A McPheison w hf of se qr ec 20 " 4 T L anil B Johnson to OeoL and J A Mcpherson w hf o! w qr sec .'W 4 5 Osvar Johnson fiNchalHiu Inver- meiit Co nw qi sec 14 4 4 It D.l S Kapplvr to C C Maston, ilion, right of tvav 5 Joda Kappler In C C Muston, option right of way 5 V. H. patents were granted U W. E. ' Crcesy, John Ulin, Frank Al.-lebern, 1 George Woolet, Oscar Johnson, F. A. and E. M. Lemont and Iewis G. Clark. EHTAftl.lHflfcO 171 25'K) JOHN A. BECK DKA1.KK1S Watches, Diamonds, Silverware, ...JEWELRY.,,. Repairing u Specialty. AlilerStnel, )! Front Si Firat, TOUT AN 1. 4 4 4 ,0iH MUTLiHD, DAIX. t In Diet'ln-iiiit ouri o( ih Huti (itt.a , till' l oniilv l.l l'i,l,..l.l 4 n. muni,.)', riauuiiT, ta. Iii'lrli'taltt. Tn Mini. II, mill-y ftllllk-.l fU,t III Ilu nm 1. tlm Htalauf Ori smi ),,,i arc hiTi l.j r. .,.1 iri .t .,mil, , 1,.. .,. aiiwiT 111., i-m.n.lallil lllril mill!.' , alnr rlilltlr.l .int. Im.,.h ,! ,,, lllt la)t 1,1 Iwrnilw. YAH. rali ami la nmifiiriircai Ii) '1-Ulntlir aualli.t jr.iu l..r al,,lill.. illt,,r, nil'l II SHU lull 1.. IIII.H.T ta.- ,W .. limp, fur want tlicr,.! ll,.. .i.i,.a u. J'Mlirillrllt 1.1 v., (, 1,, ,,,r ail'l iIIHiiiltUHMI ill tlin ll,itrrlK,t ll'iw CSlalttiif tf.Mi you an.l mi. I ,l.ili(T, Tula auuiiiinii. ' "T iiuiiin aiiiiii 111 ,iirilii, t,, a,i , J ;l. r tlin H. T A. Mi llrliln, i,ttr , j llir I Ittillt 1 nlirl ol tin Nlalrnf llrrXi, r ,,P j ' '.1111IV l t iiliimhu, ilnti-.lx ii,l.f fHh !, ii'i "nii-r iiruvniM nmt u,f Dr. I tiuli.,.,il,, 1 ilaauiiimiilla aliall I mailt-no llif Kill ilai .il ., VJm and that ilw la.i imlili, .!,,,,, .v IIR, ,,, ,r(-r,M.f yff, HrKNrfclt, DAVIH rAHIIKI.I.. r """' lr I'laluiiir. SOTH K FOB ll Hl.iai lo7r IlaiMrlmi'lit of tlir Inti rlnr Land (inn. i i'i.rii...i , : ' i.iiii.- 1.111, u ,v,,i,, , 2 ,;, ;,, ilisr,,M.,f Jim,. 3, 1K7S, ,.nlllli.. ,, . , ! 1 10 -ul.. l ll,i. i..,i. I.! . .'. . An ait f ""S"I1, ffll.,,.' ' M.n I...I.II.. I... . . . . ! A.,,,,, ,. law. finZV 7, . ''!. "! I Uf,. awnrn SECURE FUTURE INDEPENDENCE Hy Investing in GOOD RKAL ESTATE St. Johns Realty is the BcSt Invest now while you can get in on the ground floor; Tomorrow may he to late. Correspondence solicited Irotn .serktittf investment anJ promptly answtred. loSi Jersey St. St. Johns, Oregon cmuiirt moit All Til HIT A COMPLETE LINI OF SUITABLE KINDS FOR WINTER WEAR KNIGHT'S WALS& at VHSHIHCTOK kkO Tman ir. V 0, 4 11.0 .u. ,,1 ii,iM.r i,, , , ,';;, il Aiiifimaiih. law, ;,,., . , inn. ir.i,'!,"r"''1': . "f HalilTll Si,. 1 H .;'., ... '": """ll that II,, 1 1 ' ' i:""!' "!'" SI' v ihr Jt.i ,.( 1....?,' '. ".""i"1' Or,, .111 ,,"'! 1 " U lllll !.; I nii'l Al r.,.,.,,. U pl,: , ar 'Hf.ii,; ,,,,,,, , .,:, "II"iii,iiI I'lirtUi il. nr. Any mill a i i.runiB ,.tui...i. .. i.ih ii,.-fii..i I,,,,,,, ,,. , ,,;.";l' I. Mrlilil, III 'if l'.,rlln, 'r: HlliUi,, AIll:i(MiS H ') ol DHKHriKH, IUkI.i,,,. SUMMONS. fl Syrup of White Pine and Tar, the old reliable cough remedy. For sale by A.J. Deming, druggist. . America,, Willamett Slongh Route r lA-nve St. Helens.... 8:30 A M Arrive nt I'ortland. .10:30 A M leve Portland 3:30 PM Arrive st tit. Helens. 6;U0 P M fUK 60 CENTS. Will Carry Nothing but Psasrn. grrs and Kast Freight. I11 Ihe ('limit Cmirt 11,1. i .,,, II. V. Krliz Hilt. 'r.. 1 au'l ,111 nr I,, !,, r 11,; , ... . T. "" 'i''l M. ttlll.ll .lh.ll, ,.f.. .'" i,,r nit.u (... Mar nf iiiIiiii 11 f "fill., mi,. of (,., fnr I'liillltlir, fa. t rum,., Krila lil 1 PORTLHt, ORlStl i AAAAAV 4&SA4Vfty& gflfmmnmfflfiffwiffitfwnfnf nfimmirnfmwwfflini THE BIG STOREf UOWW BY THE DIG SAWMILL 1 Receiving New Goods Every Day In the Week. g Km Itepuutlon of Ing Ktamllng , Only Ui. Boat In c I General Merchandise! Dart & Muckle. 3 St. HflcilH, Oregon Ill If Mtill CIMjlhli.iilt I ii .1... "i tux riiiniiiu tin. ninl If ..... 4.i,. '''.' vf. u,i.,iiiiii Im Mm rulii-f ili-ii. ...i iV. ... .' 1 '","!' (I '"ii 1 1... nii nil i ,n ilclnnrt,.,,, ,,, ai.iln.t W,,. wlM ' , "'"I ""mm. In ll,... ,,,..,,11 V ."J.," :'" ''"riliiinl, ii i 4 4 lln.t.f,, I il..,, .i... "."'"" ll'Ml'ill 'h PiNh.iiii in., v. '::": :"" ".....i ti"'.',il,il. .al.l ', ''"r Mill III i - wittiuiuiujujuiiuttittiuu iuiujiuuiaiuiuiaiuw WESTERN MEAT COMPANl 8PEN0E&POPH, PROP8. JIA.He OOOO, Matter. tf Ulll'l lin-lsla' , j uia auiumnija . C'liillulilu In ii, """" '"'I "K 11.0 HI I of Nov "i " I.O.Sd A HWKKK I .'111,11. ..1.. t. t . . nd wi 5 till tl fiiM fine herf of Nehafam Valley cattle ThanksBivin J T thr,ccyr old steer in the county for I eavforl yrUr home pork and corned beef. W orders for turkeys, geese and chickens. -9