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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1906)
THE OREGON M j VOL. XXlIl " -ri- . : 1 LaaidMvWMMua; ... -- - "' m tm m i -j Proposed Oregon Tax Law (1'umiiniml (rum lut a-mb) (t'nlivliiil iitute til decvusird n..rniia How acrd. 10. Tlmt section ,11)45 of the C'ihIui) and Nliitutc u( Oregon, emu. piled and itmiiilitli'il by Hon. Charles II. Bellinger and William W. Cotton, U and tlm in' hereby la aiumnlcd to read a follow: ; The undivided estate of any deceased ponton ntny Imj nccd to Urn heir of devisee hi nii'li vriioii, without 1fl(c Mull in them by 11 Kiiti, until they have glVell Millet) 10 tint IMM-Mor u( I 111) 1 1 v i - Ion of tlm estate, and tlin nm ii the several heir or devisee; and each heir and devlae shall li liable for tlie Wlllilw of Klll'll ut, nnil ahull huve right to recover of the other IiiIiii and dcvlaet' ri'ilva Kirliuiii tliira of wlirii '-il by him, tomli tmvtilin tnmul In an-tlnn itniJ l.r aa- ar.tit'M to n't-u,alil elan tiinllvlilt aalaltt of a Im tM Hf.ii id itm lltii fur llu'lil IU tlflr iir lift tare a. audi, ttllliutil lira. tirimflii Itirm l.v nani, la i.rii) enmiirlt iul t-iirr rlnttftt in itritm Ho ia 10 liitlr hU' llr lllu an namuHifiiii in Mima iMru.iil ) (IVnuinnl .ruH fly WIm th c-d.) taction II. Tlmt nu..ii ami) of III 'ic mill Hutult of Oregon, com piled mill annotated liy Hon. ( Imrlc II I'-ellingcr mitt Willinni V, Cotton, lo ii'l tlm same iM'ryttjr l, amended Ui lead aa follow; Kvery ierm, except aa ulliirwiMt irov I.I.-.I l.y w, nlmll m MiMr in tlii county in wIik Ii tm rit-lilc wlicn I liit ni'iiii'lit in iiintlit for nil Imnliln oroprrlv owiii.I y loin, liii'hpling sll HtiiMnl ilttic in lim ixi)imuui, or umli-r lii Control m lriittt, Rtmrilmn, itmulor, or H'liiiiiuntiuior; mil wlirr llirri r Iwtt or inorit pcrtM'toi jointly In hiim!ioii, or liitviiia oiiitml of any unfit tro rty in truM, tin Minn limy Iw HMMMtl to ritlirr or alt of mn'li r oim, tint it lmll Iw iuitM in Hi County wlirfit tlic naiuc nlmll tin if nlh- rr of HucJi t rjti rtnln in micli Cuud (HulMlltiilm ''rcl IU iHtirnvUn (trtivUltHi ti lm" .r .o tnl In lh ui-. rtmtluc MINrtt.' Mi lit'lf la hftrmiihll III VN-tloo wlttt ti olbrr irliiliiKiti tuggwtpu.) (1'nrtnf n How wuiuu' ) 1. Tlmt wtioii 3048 of t) f'ttli ami Ktalutc of Ori'ifon, rniil nl mul muiolntitl liv Hon. t'lmrli II. l!tiiiitr ml Wiliimn W. Colton, mul the Kunii lii ri l.y ia mnrniK-0 to nml u lol..: rarlni'in in mcrcantilu or other hui n cm limy If Jointly tm! In thrlr irt iii'inlilii iiAiun, or 'V?ralIy lrtc lor tliclr ii.ihvulual uliiirr, for nil riin ly iriM rty rmptoynl in mich hnni inn: ami in (- they at Jointly tax rl, rilliiT or any of nin li .urtm r aliall Iw Italtle for II ic wholn tax. (Tin tilit wrilna 0"l Hi "Hfh" alivra v-h" - .ilnrr - i-i-rlilly Inlrn.lml. tilt rattit'rii ak uiinf ttr aiiy f ih rliier J.ttiiity laiml lnr lltv 4iruhl trttir ftttll)l liaMfi lor (lot Mhiii Ul, ttlllt't) M in ililrl nitviil ui idvwi1! wcu on i (IVrwiiial "iiroH'rty of cwrjKiratioii! V here awuiuiit. ) ta.That arvtlon 304Hof the CYhn ami WmIiiIih of Ur-isn, roiu(iilMl ml amiolHtiil hy lion. I harlin II. Itch I ifiBor ami William V. C'tilton, t and tliu auiiiv livruhy la amcntltxl to ritatt a IoIIohm: The M'roiiiil jiroicriy of itvcry pri viild it.rK.r,itiuii ta liulilo to tiuution in lhi uiii liuimu'r m Ihp ihthoiibI ro rvty of a uuluml niwm, ami nlmll Iw aaxawMtl in the iiiinio of mull forpiirii lion in tho county where the triuciinl jiIhh of htiainwia t audi nrMirthin ia .Hiit.-.l, uiiIcm othcrwiito ajHtcially jiro viilid ly In I tut if audi cnriiomilon la ciiiikvi-il in the huninifa of navitta llon, thou tint atcntnlxmtH or other olr craft of ain b jor'oralion ahull bw ajwiumtl in the comity in thin atulo where the limn port or Iwrth of audi atcutiiWt or other water craft may I. The erMoiittl property of a private cor poration mny he Kclicu1 ami fluid tor any tax levh-d upon tin) pnerly of Hucli corporation aa In the nuio of a natural pereoii. (The eflliin nueiidwt eonilii rerlln frn- vMoll lll.'h n-.tilitl lt)r llllillrllull hy (imittnil l.t. NMirll hct.iihi, la. ' , ami lino inivllnin hav Ikhii niuillnl In IUe aitinliitliielll OTOIlllintliitril. All "llllll'w UNI orwlMt velally liy lt" to III" rill iwtxiiml i.rt.iwriy u prlvaie curiMiretlmi l io ! ....! In Hi enmity lint lli rt" el.l iiUi ul bualnew l il itiriiriluii l I riwt : lion Hifii.liiiuiit l iieitry lo bariiinie ) wlili oilier rovlluii ul lb rucuui UiiMlilntl.) (I.iindn Wlusro taxed.) Hectlon 14. All lniidH ahall be tuxet! tn the county in which the aiuiio ahull (New; but ei.mi.r II. A 0. 'omp eetlpn m',7, A illnllni'lloii la In Hi unit ol I'm aunt "ieil" ami "m.k.I" a tliaael ol tax at ion tn li.trlorineil In iheeoiiniy. alitioniili Ike M.rHtiMi niiHhl inrly l miul I'J a eeniml Iwnnl-ln anulliar eouiiir; lur lie lane, al Hi i lll.) , (Mert hamlmo, Capital and inaoliiuory Wheio taxable.) ., " ... Pcction 15. All kikkim, wares anu nierchiuidiHu kept for aale in thia aliito, all HtiH-k employed in any of the ino chanical urla, and all capitid and ma chinery employed in any branch of manufacturer) or other buHiticwt w ithin thia atnto, owned hy a corporation in or out of thin Mule, or by any pernon, whether rwiidlng In or out of thia mute, Ihnll tm tnxnhlu in tho county or city or other municipal corporation where the Ritma may be, uither to the owners thereof or to the person or : corporution who ahull have vhargo of or be In po enHion of the mime. f . ... y ' (When company la taxed owner of tock Not mora than 2,500 rou In Pari hnv a cnpllal of aa much (X),0tK), and nearly ona-thlrd of tboa art foralgn- Xatlarautorr. I'leklng up a book from the counter, the lady turned to the lust pugo and read : "And bo they were divorced and llvod happily over after." '"Thia book," (he anld to the clerk, "la evidently all right Wrap It up, plvaxe." ... , not to U taxed. ) Section 10 Th owner or lioliUir of i . l,k In any wl'ldi In taxed on It capital atork ahull not In taxed ua au Individual for and. iiicorporaica company at'H'k. (I'lnltd-d H-niiinal property taxed to piwainHur.) Hi ttlioii 17. When pentonal properly Ih mortu(jed or pledged u ahall, for Iho Mirpin, of taxation, Ui deemed the property of l perayn wlo j)lu( t19 piiMHaioll. (K...i,i n in Mj 7 tn rprlllT n- (Of the Untie of AaeMora.) (Aeineutii, How Mule). Hw llon IH. That "oethm 3087 of the Cndea ami Ktaliitt of Urexou, coiupilwl ami annolated hy Hon. Charloa U. M Hnifer a nt William W. Cotton, a the aiuo au riHtnaeteU hy Ms-tiou 1 of an act apiirovnt m-cinler 24, 1903, ami fnutiil on imk 4 H aeipiitur of the lien eraltawaof (Ingon, Hpoclal rjeion, 1W03, lie and the mine beruhy ia aiuend ed to read a folio a: The aM".r after rpialifyiiin ahnlt, on the llrt Monday in In each year, procurn from the county clerk a hlauk aciiiiient roll, and forthwith procMtt ami annee all taxable proiierty Hithiii hi county, except mii h an hy law la to I other Iim aiwemimt, and hall return to auch eouuty clerk, on or iielor the llmt Monday In October next tolliivt lnK, inch anwMinoiit roll with full and completo awuwaiueiit of tuch taxahln proimrly entered thenwm, in clu.liiiK a full and prwiae dcacription of tlie lamia ami Iota o ne-1 hy farh permm therein nauKsl, on March 1 of Mid ynir, at the hour of 1 o'clock a, in., which ileni ription ahall correnpoml with the plan or plat of any town hi id out or recorded ; and aaid land or town Iota bull Iw valued at their true cadi value, tukiliK into rnnaidcnitlon the im provement on the laud and in the mir rounding country, the quality of the il, Ita convenience to transportation IIihk, public roatU, and other local ad vanlaiitta of a similar or different kind. True caxh value of all projicity nhall be held ami taken to mean the amount uch property would well for at a volun tary ale made In the ordinary cotiroe of bunine, taking into conaidoration it parniiiK power. No deiluction of in ihihuiliieaa from aMMinenta or taxa tion ahall lie allowed in any cao. All laud ahall Ut taxed in the county in which the Biue hall lie; and, except a other le provided by law, every person hall Iw jwenel in the county where he nvi.Ie at the hour ol 1 o'clock a. ui. un Maruh 1 of the year when the ajuwMimcnt ahall be made for alt real and wronal profHrty ownetl hy him within uch county, but if the owner of any land tie unknown, nidi laud may 1 acmd to "unknown owner," or "unknown owner," witn- mt iniHtrtina the namo of any owner; but no attmeut ahall be invalidated hy a miatake In the name of the owner of the real pmwrty awHt, or by the ouiirmion of the name of the owner, or the entry of a name other than that of the true owner, it the property bo cor rectly described; and provided further, that where tho name of the true owner, j or the owner of record, of any parcel of real proiwrty hall Iw Kiven, audi aa- emelit ahull not he held invalid on account of any error or irregularity in tho diwriptioii, provided audi descrip tion would be uflicicnt in a deed of uvcvnuco from the owner; or on ac count of any iliwription npoii which, u a contract to convey, court ol equity would decreo a conveyance to be matin. rTlm atnfni1tnnt Tpwimmf nilttt ntakea It t)i Mm'iKr'a ililly lo annum iroiry lor whtrll ftiilll iilltcr Irtmlo ill aaMiMtnelil ta nol by law iinivlilttl: makm ilir llmll ol Hit nniirn ol tliu atx-uiuont mil Hip rim Motulay In Ortotwr In-ali-ail ol Hi llrnl Mouilay In annlmitwr. Tint ilil law provlile ror Ihr alvlnic ui none inl li boanl al iiiualKallon will mritl Ih lul Momlav In Aiiaual. Tliorff la no olhpr itntvl- alon lor tin) tiin ol lb niiHtllna ol 111 iKtant. III. t I'. Count., mcion Ittam, ri'iMiaoti'il anerial atlon IW19 I Hivtlon M, atxtv aim iiiliHt, riiil(lil au eaitoiaion 01 limp mt iohir mc roll II iii'i'iiuary lllilll III Oral Monday In lli'lu lM.r. Ill pracili' Ih rtll l ai-lilom or nevnr (or tniullllnn by Ih II ml Moiutay In Ho. ii-nitittr, ami ili lime la uaiilly eiteiiilctl, mil III iwMtrtl nut'l" wnr-ii 1110 run m iur.i. nui lir ol.l law nrovlileil lor Hi nonl nii't-llna Iw- loriMli a-im'-aor wan reniilrim 10 tilit lint roll, nii al no oilii-r lim. Tti JiirUilU-ilon ol the heart! U I hua tliroiui Into nuKiiou. Tim nroviiiiitu lorxiyiua none in in nifiti li Hid I1 Momlay In Aiiiiiim la mill' ol Ilia Ural rial In tliln it , iiii al Hi a aa oriirlunlty In- tctlill'il in rovlil thai t)i aaaeaaor ami ftuilltor ahollltl meat l III l'onrtllllllal lo Oerrci-I ly elorli-al urront, me., nuo weuk U(or (lie county eoiirl ittiiallaiMl lit mil, tho board or eqiilialtou not llicn IkiIiiu known. Hlnr tlii the acliriu haa Uen euuiilitiily cliaiiKfil, and 111 priivlaloiia are now, tmluir to ootvUina i-illilii in auunnliuuiiM, euntratllulory and Im- IIONNlbT. Tli gmmidmiint recommended omlla thp pro yUlon lor Hi aliiiliin ol ihthiito( nlln Hi acnnit'iil roll, but givca Hi aaaoaaor the name limit a uiuliir III preasut law he could Im' ly n by Ih eoiiuty eiiiirt. innlla ileHiilllooa ol rel jiropurty and land, which have been de llmil In aticllou 'i ol thia act; omlla provlalon that all laud iiiuat lie amfmn'il lilUtlnitiiUlilu mhuciinihI Irom taxed: aeti aecllun II ol thia act III 111 eotitily tvhiint Iih-aumI ; nnilla lirovtalona aa lo aain'aaiueul ol uitoeciinled laud aa aiii'h, Iiornlltlln tho ftjuuiMMiit'til ul laud aa to un iiown owner, whim Hie owner la unknown, ru KArillnaM of ouctipauey. I'rovldoa lor eutiMldr atlon ul varuln puwnr In dalarinliilni value.) (tVraonul proiMtrty How valued,) HtHitlon 10. That aeetlon 3068 of the Code and Statute of Oregon, compiled and annotated by Hon. Charles U. Bel linger and William W, Cotton, lie and tho namo hereby i amended to road a follow : All personal property not exempt from taxation aliull be valued at It true value in cash, aa defined in auction Too Finical. Trlaonrr," anld the Judge, woe wn about to pronounce. nlenc upon th culprit, "If, liuteail of being a chronic offender; you had choaen th career of a law-abiding olliaen " "I am a law-abiding cltlxen," your hon or," Interrupted tli hardened crook. "Whenever I brenk a law I am ready to abide th confquDcei." Thereupon hi honor added all montha to th term of Imprisonment h had In tended to Impoie, a a punlahmsnt for picking Saw la th court' Eugllah. 18 hereof, and It ahall be the dnlv of each ftHemiir to value all Improvement on claimed United Hlalea luuda within hlHvounty on imi-Honul proiwrty. (Oiiilu t,rovlln lur a mrll ratio ol aaimu liivlil aiwl minilLii for ' goln ywarli, wlilr-h ylolaim the i tMiitloiial uruvltlou a lo unl- luniilijf and uiiillty.) (l'luta or aurveya and tjwna Preaent nwiierahlp book or lint Taxpayera' Index.) ' 7 ( Heetiim 20. That acction 8001 of the Code and Htatutna of Oregon compihtd ami unmituted by Hon. Churlo 11. Itol liiiRer and William W. Cotton, be and the niiiio hereby ia umonded to read a follow; Tho aHHcHnr of each county ahall make a plat of the government aurveyn, and of al) town pluta within hi coun ty, and ahull note therein, or In a prev ent ownership Imok or lit, the owner of each tract of Innil, and of each town lot; and in count in where the axutunor ahall ilem-rilx! the hind in the roll in the order of Ita locution upon the ground lie ahall keep a taxpayera' in dex for each year, which ahall lie a public record mihject to general incpec tion ; and in audi index ahall Iw en tentt the name of every tuxjiayer aguiuat w huin any tux ahull Iw charged in the county, in alphalwtical order with reference to the tlmt three letter of the aurnumo of audi taxpayera aa nave Burnumiia, ami of the Unit nuuiea of any others, and ahull refer to the page and tinea of the roll where the aHMfttincnt of audi tuxpuyer may be ioiiiki. (HrnyMea lor jirent ounrnhln book or llt, or ! UH'iuir'i lim lua; on ulai at errw-lit. lavnaivra' IikIi-x lo-ot wlntu Ilia i. .11 l r,,r, hi, ally arrariKot aiiall rt-lur lo I'aov ami linn ol roll. lh ulil law MHimlliir to lOO but ruriil Murrljr lor a Un ol lainamn. wtilc L b I uo u 1I1UVI . (Stock or other personally of nonreai- denla.) Section 21 . That auction 3062 of the Code and Statute of Oregon, compiled and annoluttxt by Hon. Churlo II. Bel linger and William W. Cotton, be and the ame hereby ia amended to read follow: Whenever any live atock or other pcmouul proierty of non-residenta in thi ttate hall be pointed out to the acor by any renident householder of hi county it ahull bo the duty of the Mwiwir to afe the lame at ita caith value; and uch atm-k or other personal prowrty ahall Iw held liable for the payment of the luxe thereon in the aiiie manner aa the pcmonal property of resident citizen ia held liable (No rhaner rti'pt lo um word "liy took" inairau u "aitH'K" io near up in prvaent ra l.iminy lo wlial kind ul nuck It mi'anl lit ur rornflitj (.Wecmncnt roll and appralnement of property.) Section 22. That rwction 30G9 of the Code and Statutes of Oregon, complletl and annotated by Hon. Charlea B. Bel linger and Willium W. Cotton, be and the name hereby ia amended to read aa follow At the time preacrbleil by law the aiw.aor in each county hall uncertain by diligent inquiry the name of all perwim liable to taxation in hi county w ho by law are amtesNuule to bun, and alxo all the taxable personal property, and all taxable real estate therein which by law ia a?iiablo by him, and make out an ouMviHinent roll of all uch proicrty, and appruine the aume ac cording to the provinioniof the gtututoa relating thereto. (Only ehaii l to eroylil that th aiuemor an-ewti-a iro-rty l llllil, tlllia riiiitllni( tint IrKtalature to plac w oil n ay law it smit'iuiaui uy ly io BMitwa cvriaiu viaaaea ui uruoariy i Uitwlirv, (Owner or nuinnging ngent to furnidi lii-t of pni)erty IViuilty for Mid priKveding nfter refusul.) Hei-tion 2.'1. Tlmt awtion 3070 of the Code uml rtliitutes of Oregon, compiled and unnotiitcd by Hon. Charlea B. Bel linger Mid Willium W. Cotton, bo and the ajiiiie hereby ia amended to read aa fill lows: Kvery nuaennor shnll require any per son liable tn lie taxed in his county and to be afHCKtcd by him, and the nuinng ing agent or olheer of any corporation or uwocititinn liable to be taxed in his county mid to bit uHcesnetl by him, to fumiah tich rWeHor a lit of all tlie n'til ei'lHte of audi jxT-ion, corporution, or tiffooiiition situnto in his county lia ble to In xnt ion, und a lint of all the per.oiiul pmiierly of such person, cor iwrntion, or iinxoeintion liable to luxa tion in this shite, and shut) require such person, managing ngent, or ollicer to make oath that, to tho best of his knowledge and belief, such list' contains a full mid true account of all its or his property liable to be taxed in such county; and if nny person shall refuse to furnish such list, or to Bwetir to the same when required so to do by the as sessor, such person shall forfeit and pay to the assessor, for the use of tho coun ty, the sum of f50, which sum may be recovered by motion in any court hav ing jurisdiet ion of matters of debt or contract to tho amount of $50. Should any such erson, iiinniigmg. ngem, or ollicer, when o required, rciuse to turn- ish and to swear to such list the assess or shall ascertain the taxable property of such jwrson, corporation, or associa tion, and shall appraise (lie same icoin , the best information to be derived from, other sources. ( llmlitiva aini'iiitlin acrtlon aJ70, Incorporated alMi Hie eaaenlUI "I H. C. Coinii., aci'tlon 3.iftn. Kxti'iiila the irttviaiiina or auction wi70 10 liuluili' inauaulna agflila or nnutira 01 corpor ation or SNMoi'lniloti iHMblc to anncaanient by the Increase the penally (nun fJU lo Mi, -11 boliiii common xiwrlBii thl many por- aoiiN pi'clcr lo nut llieir cnaucca m unviuK io pay a au penally lavuvi 11111 innav iiiv aiatv- nicnl i'ctiiliuii.) (To be enntiniieil next week) Local Color. Mr. Goodsole What odd coutiaat on find In society 1 Mr. Krdprp 0, yea; In th blubook you And the name of vr ao many peo ple that are bouelcaaly groen. Jnat a Hint. An Irish provincial paper recently printed the following notice: "Whereas, Patrick O'Connor lately left his luds- lugs, thia I to give notice that If h floe not return hi once mm imj iut the same he will b advertised." NEWS OF THE WEEK i In a Condensed Form lor Oar Easy Readers. HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTINENTS A Reauma of the Lea Important but Not Let Intaratlng Evanf cf tho Pat Weak. The Spanish cabinet bun realgneil. London pairs say it ia a mistuke to ludleve Jiiam wants b fight the United Httttiu. ; Indiana hua starttil suit again! the Big Koiir railroad for fuilure to supply necetmary freight oira. The British government la looking for a suitable man to send to the United Suites as ambassador. It ia estimutcd that in vat r ions .part of the Itiitttian empire :'0,MK 1,000 peo ple are in neetl of food, owing to the failure of crops. A new treaty will lie sent to the en uto defining the title of the Isle of I'iticn, and which would accord Ameri can ncttlcr more protection. Tlie dreaded Bun Joae scale ha leen dlsivivereil in several orchards in tie Kast. It ai thought tile insects have been carried on nursery stock from the West. Secretary Shaw CKtimatea that fl08, 028, 453 will lie required for the gov ernment service for the year ending June .HI, l'.HIH. This, ia 1mh than waa appropriated for tlie fiseal year of 1 907 . All insurance policies covering huiltl ings owned or cont rolled by the tobacco trust in Western Kentucky have been cancelled. The Coinpanie fear more warehouses will be burned by angry molts. A universal suffrage bill hua been jaMseit In Auatria. ; Senator Fulton lias a remedy for the Jiiauiee problem. The UniUil State lea.U all eountr lea in the production of precioau metata. The drug combine lws been declared ;Ln infr,,,. At the outset the pree 'gal trust by a I'hiladelphia court . ?fdnt tXlk the 8lan1 that treatie8 m. an ille Allegeil revolutionliit continue their perseded all state and otlier laws. Now reign of bloodshed across the Mexican ' he l oonvinoeil that, in giving the Jap bonier. . I anese students 'equal educational righto ,., , .1 ... I iving .neneiia, 01 aujbbuiui, is nwr death and a war for his succeasor w ill m"" A mob of masked men plundered and burned a plant of tlie toboccco trust in Kentueky. I The St, Paul mil! hw lncrear.ed it f, H, m nf i.ifl- const extensions Texas bandits threw the express mes senger from the train and looted the car at their leisure. Thirty states will be represented at' Him fvinfiiMiiiiu at. 1lrtt MuniM fo pointer . senatorial elections. It Is estimated that elections for members of the English parliament -yist 08 cents per vote. One governor of a Cuban province has resigned rather Hum reinstate vari ous olticers in his province, who he de clured were assassins. The Illinois Central will spend t?,- 000,000 elevating its tracks in Chisago. One day recently 4,050 steerage pas sengers arrived m ew lork from Eu rope. There is a coal shortage in San Fran cisco and tlie price hus been boosted 'i per ton. At its next session congress will be asked to pay for entertainments by our foreign ambassadors and ministers. It is alleged that an attempt has been ! ado to poison one of the TwiUiesses iiuule to poison in the land fraud trials now on at Salt Lake. Tenement house residents of New York's East Side have begun a war on butcher shops for raising tho price of meat. Realty in Victoria, B. C, has in creased 25 per cent in value on tlie an nouncement of improvements by tlie Canadian Pacific. A new all-Canadian mail service re cord has been established by the trip from London to Vancouver, B. C, be ing made in 11 days. ,, . . , , . .1 The use of tobacco in any form is be-1 ing driven from the university at Lin-i , . I COIn, IUD. nriiisn loiummtin muiiius are in uie , huhit 01 selling their girls as soon as they are ol denough to find ft buyer. An effort is to be nuuletostop tlie prac tieo. With the. thermometer stnndimi near the xero mark a large number of prom- veinber the total receipts were $55, inent cit ixena of Payette, Inaho, held 002,408 and the expenditures $48,322, up a coal train and took two cars for. 607, thus showing a surplus for the their own use. Thya were prevented month o( $7,280,000 and for the seven from taking moreb y a promis eof relief . months of the f!sil year of $14,776, by tlie railroad company. IHH. For the last month the receipts I from customs nmounted to 125.921.327: The Canadian govcrnoment has agreed to place a lifeboat service on tlie south ern portion of Vancouver island coast, tlie nuirine graveyard. Investigation has shown tlmt large amounts of money intended to relieve Russian famine sufferers has been pock eted by those intrusted with tlie funds. ml... 1 1.. 1... ..... im!1- road hap given an increase of 5 per cent 1 lift nmiauiii. uiitiv I.7.IOI.II- urn- in wages to all its employes receiving ened to move away if coal Is not fur less than $200 per month. nlshed soon. ' WORK OF CONGRESS. Main Tak B for It Will B th Ap v proprlalion Bills. Washington, Dec. 3. The passage of the appropriation bills and as little other general legislation as possible such In brlvf Is the forecast for the short Session of the 5!)th congress, which will begin at high noon today. There lius not yet been time for as general an exchange of views among members as is ordinarily desired by haulers before expressing their views, but all seem to regard the present situ ation as so simple as to need compara tively little intercourse to arrive at an understanding. It is evident, for vari ous reasons, that it will not be possible to do niucch on the appropriation bills Ix'fore the holidays, and the circum stance will have the effect of condensing the consideration of the 14 regular sup ply measures into two months.' Considering that the aggregate of the appropriation to be considered will approximate l,tXj,(XX),0U0, some sen ators and members express the opinion Unit congress cannot do better than give all of its time to these measures. The report on the ship subsidy bill prolwbly will be an exception to the rule for no general legislation. The friends of that measure have never been more insistent tluin now. They are extremely hopeful, and yet very appre hensive. The bill has passed the senate and is in committee in tlie house. The com mittee has heretofore been quite evenly divided, but the advocates of the bill believe tlmt they will be able to get it out in due season and they hope for its consideration when once reported to the house. " ' RELATIONS ACUTE. - ' Japan Government Ask Too Much J for Her Subject. j Washington, Dec. 3. Tlie relations .between the United States and Japan as a result of tlie attitude of the Japan ese government toward the California , authorities in school matters have be- come acute. "An erroneous impression M the prcsldentVpoeitian has been widely eircu'ated. : , j The prwident absolutely concur opinion of SwK-tary Metcalf ftht the Japanese hav no cause for wtrr iavnitm und fruit ntt trf t iirrf. Vina while separating them from other lw. . . . t. . Ia ' Outside of racial differences, there is another reason for segregation, and that is that many of the Japanese stti- dents are adults, ihe president will tntyreemen but he thinks too much is being asked by the Japanese government. It is known that the president feels that the Japanese, with an enormous personal conceit and tremendous personal ego tism, are trying to impose upon the Plle of San Francisco and the Pacific vxuai RIGGER NAVY YARD FOR COAST. Government May Enlarge Facilities at Bremerton to Meet Needs. Washington, Dec. 3. The Navy de partment has received a report of the special board detailed to look into the situation at the Puget Sound navy yard with a view to determining the line of its projier development, year by year, in order that there may be eventually, at that establishment, such a complete plant for repair, and possibly for con struction, as will be needed on tlie. Pa cific coast. It is minted out in the retxirt that it would be of advantaire to naval inter- ( osts and of value to naval efficiency to Llepvclop the Puget Sound plant into a batt leship yard with facilities for doing the ''"f1 k ,ul of work, nd all with a view to uie cnanceinai 11 may oe neces sary to have, convenient on the Pacific mist, a means of repairing ships of the Pad lie and Asiatic stations. Wrestle With Spelling. Washington, Dee. 3. The subcom mittee of the house committee on ap propriations, which bus been consider ing the lelgslutive, executive and judi cial appropriation bill, has completed its hearings. Tlie subcommittee fol lowed the old method of spelling in pre paring the bill. The full committee will take up the bill today ami It will 1. , l it 1.. .1. ...1. Al. nl.l ih? Iltr It 10 net niu micturr iiic ton tic . ... . . , . ... . ... . . . ,. . -,,f. ".. .. USl-tl. Ill IB tTAlJWtt-ll UHI lilt- Will fllll , -....t. tn the, Vioiisa next 1 nursiUiy Uncle Sam Makes Money. Washington, Dec. 8. The monthly statement of the government receipts and expenditures shows that for No, mm internal revenues $24,860,342 and from miscellaneous sources, $4,620,828. Coal Famine Close School. Minneapolis, Dec. 3. The coal situ ation In the country district has bo eome worse since the cold snap. One dealer said that Garretson, 8. D., Is about to close Its schools because of lack, of coal. In some of the towns near Garretson residents have threat- ... , v...... ... v..v w.. OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST BUSINESS PARALYZED. Car Shortage Causing . Heavy Loe to Shipper. McMinnville To say nothing of the car shortage for the immense lumber trade in this county, shippers are at least 3(10 curs short. A McMinnville hopbuyer said that tlie growers in this pert of tho county are already losers by $20,000 on account of not being able to get cars when they hud a chance to sell, and little relief is in sight. Wool shipments have been delayed, and the farmers put to great inconven ience and loss. The potato crop is waiting shipment with no cars. A great part of it is on the sidetracks and a freeze would re sult in great loss. A prominent ship per said: "The coinpuny docs not build enough cars to keep up with the wonderful in crease of business, and what they hare are poorly handled. For Instance, cars come tn here every day from the East, are unloaded here and are sent empty to Portland, after staying here for two or three flays. They could just as well be loaded here for Portland. The car shortage is the greatest handicap in business this section - of country lias ever suffered from." Lane Could Use 3,000 Care. Eugene The Willamette valley car shortage is seriously affecting the busi ness of Lane county lumber concerns. Tlie Booth-Kelly company's big mill it Wendling has closed down on that ac count, forcing between 250 and 400 men into idleness. The company's Springfield mill is running only in the 1 lay time, the night shift having been laid off several months ago, forcing 100 men to seek employment elsewhere. The company at the present time is short 1,700 ears, and it is estimated that the total shortuge in the county is 3,000 cars. The Mohawk Lumber com pany's mill has closed down. Brownsville Feels Gloomy. Brownsville Inability to obtain cars for transportation of lumber Is paralyz ing the business of the lumbermen of this section. The shortage has existed for seven weeks, during which period not a single car lias been loaded at this station, the railroad company absolute ly refusing to supply cars at all. That no relief is in sight is potent from ' the fact that a conference, held in Portland a few days ago, between Mayor W. P. Elmore, of this city, and J. P. O'Brien, of the Southern Pacific, in reference to tlie car shortage, failed utterly, no encouragement wlmtever being offered. Linn Needs 60 for Grain. Albany There is great suffering from the car shortage In towns on the branch lines in this part of the state. Being a railroad junction and a distri buting point, Albany Is more favored than any other valley city, but condi tions even here are very bad. Shippers can get cars for Portland, but absolute ly nothing for the south. The greatest need is for cars for grain and farm pro duce on branch lines. Shippers are un able to fill orders, and the demand for cars is growing greater every day. least 50 cars are needed now for gram alone. Inconvenience at Grant Pass. Grants Pass The Southern Pacific will not furnish cars for California points, except for fruit. The California Pine Box Lumber company is also handicapped by not being able to get lumber shipped from outside points, 2-5: Snpe $l-6,.2 25 per crater but the company is running i's usual ' $KM 50; cranberries, $12(13 fort, and is putting in full time. The?" barrel; persimmons, $1.50per box. Fruit Growers' union has been able to get all the curs needed to ship apples both to California and the East. Merch ants have been inconvenienced. Woodburn Want 58- Woodburn If relief does not come Soon there will be Considerable loss from the car shortage here, if a freeze comes and the contents of warehouses are affected. Among the cars needed are 16 for potatoes, 20 for hay and 22 for hops. Of these 58 cars, some were ordered before November 1 Farmers are anxious to sell, but the commission houses cannot buy so long as they can not get cars. Clackamas Want Better Roads. . Oregon City Commendable interest in bringing about an Improved condi tion in many of the highways of the county is being exhibited by the taxpay ers residing in several of the important road districts. Several meetings have been held In different sections of the county, wlpn a special tax has been or ilered levied, the proceeds from which will be utilized, together with what nmy lie appropriated by the county, in placing in suhstnnitnl repair the thor oughfares in sucji districts. At a meet ing of tlie taxpayers of the Highland road district a special tax of 6 mills was ordered levied for this purpose. Irrigation at Freewater. Freewater Winter irrigation of the Hudson Buy district, 10 miles below thia city, is now in full prorgess, irri gation from the big Burlingume ditch and its laterals covering an area of about 20,000 acres of fruit and rich al falfa lands. At this season of the year all the Waters of the Walla Walla and the Tuin-a-lum rivers below the Pea cock and Eagle mills in this city are available for irrigation, which has proved to be a successful plan in this J iuvttonlar iliul.rlef. I LSI blVUllli tlUH 4VVI V- ' I EVERY COUNTY PAID IN FULL. Oregon Is Out of Debt, and Will Be . Until Early Next Year. ' Salem For the first time In the his tory of the state every county has paid its state taxes In full. In the last three or four years the payment) have been prompt and only two or three counties were delinquent and only for comparatively small sums. Now, how ever, that the last hall of the state tax from the several counties is delinquent, a balance of accounts has been struck and not a dollar Is found to be due the state. Until a fw day ago one county had not paid, but the county treasurer remitted before delinquency started the accumulation of Interest. Though the finances of the state are in excellent condition and the state has not a dollar of debt, it is apparent that the treasury will be depleted early In 1907, and that for some time warrants must be indorsed for want of funds and the state must pay interest thereon. No more state taxes will be due . until April. Corn in Benton County. Corvallis On old wheat land in thia county, John Whitaker, living 12 miles south of Corvallis, grew this season 1, 000 bushels of corn on 14 acres of ground. The yield is more than 70 bushels per acre, which is understood to be a satisfactory yield in the com belt of the Middle West. The soil la sandy loam, but has been cropped for many years to wheat. The success Mr. Whitaker has had this and other years will lead him to plant t larger acreage cf corn next season. . Will Colonize Big Tract. 1 Oregon City Judge T. F. Ryan has made the sale for II . Grim, of Texas, of 800 acres of land, four miles north east of Molal la, to W. H. Balr, of Can by. This farm will be subdivided into small tracts and disposed of through a plan of colonization. Only 80 acres of the large tract are under cultivatior, but the rest can easily be cleared by the individual purchaseas of the tracts. The land is rich and productive and ia one of the most fertile sections in the county. Can Factory for Astoria. Astoria Articles of incorporation of the Kendall Can company have been filed in the county clerk's office. The incorporators, are George W. Sanborn, F. P. Kendall and G. C. Fulton, and the capital stock is $100,000, divided into 1,000 shares of $100 each. The company is making arrangements for the erection of a plant that will be equipped with the most modern machin ery for the manufacture of all classes of cans. Favor Phonetic Readers. Pendleton The sixth annual conven tion of the eastern division of the State Teachers' associat ion, adopted a resolution requesting the State Text book commission to adopt some series of readers based on a system of pho netics. Cold Weather' in John Day. Canyon City John Day valley real- t I dents have experienced a sharp taste of nuitari, Bitot tuning ill uitt juuuiiuiiiis until some of the roads were almost im- passible. No stock was lost, and there is no fuel famine here. PORTLAND MARKETS. Fruits Apples, qommon to choice, 50(5 76c per box: choice to fancy. $1(31 v eireuiuiee v.uuuage, t, r t xc; Cauliflower, $1.20 per dozen; celery, 75 90c per dozen; lettuce, head, 30c per dozen; onions, 10a12c per dozen; bell peppers, 8c; pumpkins, l)c per pound; spinach, 4(Hi5c per pound; squash,; turnips, 90e(5$l per sack; carrots, 90c(S.$l per sack; beets, $1.25(3-1.50 per sack; horseradish, 9eV 10c per pound; sweet potatoes, 2i9 2 ljC per pound. Onions Oregon, 75c$l per cwt. Potatoes Oregon Burbanks, fancy, $l(Sil.l0; common, 70,90c. Butter Fancy creamery, 275)32a per pound. Eggs Oregon ranch, 35(3;37)e per dozen. Poultry Average old hen, 1213e per pound; mixed chickens, 1212e; spring, 12136c; old roosters, 8 10c; dressed chickens, 1 4(3,1 5e; tur keys, live, 17l7)c; turkeys, dressed, choice, 21(a,22c; geese, live, 10c; ducks, 1516c;. Wheat: Club, 6364c; blueetein, 67,68c; valley, 6667c; red, 6162c. Oats No. 1 white, $2525.50; gray, $24.5025 per ton. Barley Feed, $2121.50 per ton; brewing, $22.50; rolled, $22.5024. Rye $1 .401.45 per cwt. Corn Whole, $26; cracked, $27 per ton. - Hay Valley timothy, No. 1,'$11(M2 per ton; Eastern Oregon timothy, $14 16; clover, $7(S)8; cheat, $7.608.50; grain hay, $7.508.50; alfalfa, $11.50; vetch hay, $77.60. Veal l)re8ed, 6 K8o per pound. Beef Dressedbulls, l2eper pound; ' cows, 45c; country steers, 6(&6G. Mutton Dressed, fancy, !9ic per pound; ordinary, 67c. Pork Dressed, 6(3;8c per pound. Hops 11(3 He per pound, according to quality. Wool Eastern Oregon svewggkest, 10107401; (-r pouiiti, arci-imjiilglntv jany ... .,1IU ooc.oia -.' age; valley, 2()(A2le, aorjtt noaB. UUB ( ........ ..