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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 7, 1906)
Rheumatism II on of th oonatltutlonal disease. It knanlfet IImU In local chi and paint. '"'-.t and atiff muscles, tmt it eannnt be c by local application. It Mane&i ronatltutlonal trwatmanl I the p ja-ii a eoursat th treat 'aMaFiuaf and tonlo n Hood's which rteutraJV1! and bulld&ptl In llq UVT.i known I' I mm UsWTpurl- wfclna jsjr The root S iriyr raranc o) i turacidlty ot ths blood though ajrbole system. ' f ' n .ealitfh . w lurm or in coorowrra r atf S a rsa t aba. lOOdgatelL, I ttfr rklla,lr,.lr-ll t.-U Mr. Gayb&jr ThatVffct yon are Krone. You iayV! to understand tha use of words, if a thing la "round" it can't b any "rounder." Mr. Gayboy Then there la no auch thine as a "rounder." Thanks, dear. Xou won't call me one a fain, will youT Votnera will Dad Mr. Wlnilow'a toothing Sirup th. ba rratdT touaaiorlhairclitldraa aunn me teeming period. fact A Ilea. "I auppose there la auch a person aa the foolkiller," mimed I'ncl Allen Sparks, "but he has either retired from buaineaa or he's hopelessly behind on his Orders," i fit. VW Dura aae an Samoa Dletm I pt-rttaiiaatlr curvd by Pr. Klina'a Orai Katorr. tond Aw FKKKaatrf! v,rti.. and ii . u. n u-kiier, i-o. hi arcattL.i'auar'a. To Aararavattav Girl What made you tell on' me when I waa whispering In school? Boy Because you wern't whispering loud enough so I could hear what you were talking about Detroit Free Preea. Africa. ttaaioa. The native food ot the Maluml country, In southern Africa, comprise manioc, and that alone. It It a plant particularly adapted to wet, tnnratiy toll, nya the author ot "In Remotest HnrotelHnd." It take two year to .tnrlty, and while grow requires rerylllttlt attention. leu full-grown Is baa very much tuawtp- pearance smr German satiiafF, al imes It grows U4fl Inrjter. has several jws, and the ertftietlon of two orwX-o in no way I" Irs the growyx!jurilnder. When nettle1 ' It tustes nke a cuestnufcvUr:ue digestion of thta) pro- verMal uerrVli can alone asidMiniite It jrA'uHmt when soakedJhyMrater forj few ii -T ui.a1frTny,'r deeom drfttToQ Tlie roofs of the Usffs and atauiped. It forma a delighlrtniy white oft meal, far whiter and purer thin the beat dour. Then It la beaten Into thick paste and eaten with a little navoring. comiwsed of a locust or a caterpillar which the native seek !n decayed trees. Another way of eating this native luxury Is by baking the roots, after soaking them, and eating It as dAGAIN IN SESSION fowds Attend Opening Day ot Congress SEVERAL RATIONS OFFERED ANNUAL. RiVIH AND HARBOR BILL National R!var and Harbors Congrm Calls for $80,000,000 Yearly, Th national government, for the past ten yww, has provided, tor the benefit ot crvmnuwe and agriculture, from which Is derived Its entlro reve nue, less Umn 3 per cent of the total to Improve our natural and economic highwaysrivers and harliora At this rat, tlie amount received hy the greatest natural highway ot the West, the Columbia river, for the dccnenlns of Its mouth, would bo so small that each year's work would lie carried away by storms he-fur the next appropriation would be available. The v)i;,,.,i.,n a ti,. mill. a... amouiiM allowed lor mo last twenty gress began its last eessiou at noou yea- v ' I1 w"m lKH'n v'"" terday. It took the senate 15 minutes ' tw "". I"' " m" l to arrange its preliminaries and the Proirl"tl, " attitnoIfHt to complete house an hour. The senate received u )". ami money which, t.preu.1 from l'resident Koosevelt a lung list of out over great nny years was alm.t antHuntiiienta f..r il r..flri,.i..n .-.! ust'l.-ss, wouiu Have given me grew in executive iMian f la mimit.- il.w highway of Oregon, Washington an Lai-gs imber of Congressmen-Elsct Sails Attention to Work of Qrim Reaper, MUSCULAR I AILTQ I The Old-Moiik-Cut will stiaijhten out a CdinrsflleJ musol InaJiHy. ST. JACOI OIL The Original Porous Plaster. It's Allcock'j, first introduced t" the pt o- fi!e sikty years ajto. and Iwluy iindoubtecl i has the largest ale of any external r m edy millions be ns sold an'oi: lly tlnni;h out the whole civi.ixed worlil. There have been imi anions, to be sure, but never ha there been one to even compare with All cock's the world's standar,! external rem edy. For a weak back, cold on heche-tor sny I- cal pain the result of taking cold or overstrain, the e's not img we know of to compare with this famous plaster. The Hungarian Honse of Representa aire is the largest in the world. It has T31 members. ot Ointments lor Catarrk that Contain Mercury asBierenry will snreW destroy the sense ef smell and ooapletaly derange the whole svs ten, sua euterine ll taroueh th sunacea. eucn ariiciessr.oula would a banana. Taken aa a whole. It forms the best all-the-year-round na tive food; but I should advise all In tending consumers to abstain from any other food for three or four days be fore giving It a prolonged trial. Taos Kladlr Tenaae. It happened In a railway station. The baby cried and cried and cried. "Perhaps he desires his bottle." sug gested a fatherly looking old party. "He hns not been raised on the bot tle," cuttingly replied the handsome young woman who held the Infant The baby'e shrieks grew terrific. He made unmistakable signs that be want ed his dinner. "Beg pardon, ma'am." said the elder ly party, "but may I suggest that you er permit the child to er take nour ishment?" "This baby belongs to my sister," re plied the ynung ldy, blushing furious ly, "and she won't be here for half an hour. I'm holding It for her." Louis ville Courier-Journal. emeu, as the nominations bad been re- you leeived More the body had been organ ised formally, to make no continuations until the president's annual metwage had been received and the session fair ly started. Senators Penrose, of Pennsylvania, and Foraker, of Ohio, came forward Idaho, It appropriated at one time, forty foot channel nt its mouth. However, even with the liny million lollurs annual appropriation,, will Jiey are striving (or, ami will get, our protortion, considering present nr proved and meritorious subjects, wool bo lnsullk'tent to curry on the work al the mouth of the Columbia proiierly undcrsUxM, then need at the coming II BS i I Don't pluy ro" ' Pln I but 'tends smelly to business. B I I Price 934 snd 90s 'I I Sflaanflaar Nolffti Tlier was a psvullar ii"d ffoni drsction of th wood m ths nismtw-r of the Wrdlorsr' Hoclaty sat IB tha window of hr friend's country bom on summer afternoon. dhe quickly took tiff '" vJtil.le" from lifr ever present N. and rapidly turned the leave. At Inst she paused with smile of satisfaction, and listened. Wltlt her Anger between iwo leave of the little hook, till ths sound came again. When II was repeated an expression of dnuht flitted aero her features, but still she was ln'perul. "You probably know many of the bird note, living near the wood and In such a quiet Sd," she said to her friend. "I'au you tell in what hlrd that Is?" "That." said her friend, briefly, "I our goat. We shall have to wove him farther o(T.H It Quiets the Cough ltvnmeaae, say that suburban 1 Thli U one rcson whv Av... 8 Cherry Pcctoril Is 10 VlU. hlrt In rnniiimniln. t. iii. ii .(op. the wear ind teir of iSe1e,t cou.hlng. Dut It docs more It controls the Inflammation quiets the fever, soothes, and' heals. Sold for 00 years. " ' rr rHmsl H, kM,, . ih.i t ..(in. i,. !.,;," m prsiuw-WiMasi II. tsuirt'Vssi; t With r,M,llltif,tl nf tll.mtrir MiMnlitm the discbarge of the negro troops of the FwTi V'11 Tm ?' " i Twentv-Htfl, inf,i,,trv i in., - ,i will lx a bill lnlrotii drtxl to the president and the other W" ' i-regou ocntite in,..,i,...i..... i ... ,i, taxing uistrut : issue sw aim o .veur 1 nle of atirnriHeT hd imnl .,..1 Vif tamiia and go More congress with un President Vairhanka bad am!.-! that of' of Ollf million dollars If the gen exi-epton prescriptions from reputable ph f never be used to ir.e good you ean pusaibiy derive from them nau vaiarro mra, menu ret-lured t.v t. j, a4 la taken Interna l, acting directly upon! um hiwu uu muwui suriacea 01 toe STStem. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you get the gyauiae. It is tacen Internally, and ma.le n iukw), vow, oj r. j. cneney A c. leau- voniaia tree. Sold by lirugglsts. price 7St per bottle. Ii all's Famiij rill are the beat. Mnety per cent of the wealth of the United States is held by 10 per cent of u people. TEN YEARS OF PAIN. Unable To Do Even Housework Be cause of Kidney Troubles. Mr. Margaret Emmerich, of Clinton Btn Napoleon, O., says: "For fifteen year I was a gieat sufferer from kidney troubles. My back pained me terribly i-very tarn or move caused sharp shoot ing pains. My eye tight was poor, dark spots appeared be fore me, and 1 bad diszy spells. For ten rears I eonld . j i i . . nui uu uoueewora, ana lor two years did not get out of the bouse. The kid ney secretion were irregular, and doctor were not helping me. Doan's Kidney Pill brought me quick relief, and finally cured me. They saved my life." ' Bold by all dealers. 50 cents a box Foster Milbnrn Co., Buffalo, K. Y. Table Maatard. Common, ordinary, every-day table mustard obtained Its name In a remark ably curious wsy. It Is said that rhillp, Duke of Burgundy, granted to Dijon some armorial bearings on which was the motto, "Moult me tarde." This was later carved In a stone arch way of the city, but as the years went by the central word became effaced. A certain firm In the city was engaged In the manufacture of lnapi, which was the former name for mustard, snd. wishing to label Its products with the city arms, copied the Incomplete motto. Thus, Ignorant people seeing the name "mo-forde" on the Jars, fell Into the custom of calling tlie contents by that title. In time "moult tarde" was contracted to moutarde (mustard). Graateat la Advaaee. The young doctor who bad lately set tled In Shrubville bad ample opportu nities to learn humility, If nothing else. In his chosen field. One day be was balled by an elderly man. who requested him to step In and see bis wife, who was ailing. At the close of his visit the young doctor asked for a private word with the man. Your wife's case is somewhat com-. plicated," he said, "and with your per mission I should like to call the Brook field physician In consultation." Permission !" echoed the man. Indig nantly. "I told her I knew she ought to have a good doctor, but she was afraid you'd be offended If she did." it was unusual to transact any business until the president's tnesige had been received, the resolutions went over by unanimous consent. Senator iHipont, I ivinwure, tooa the oath of otlice me opening ot the two houses wa witnessed by an animated throng, which hlled the gallaries to their ca parity. Hundreds went away disap pointed in not gaining Biluusniou to witness the session of either senate or house Not in years have a larger number of members-elect ot the lower house uf congress presented themselves at the speaker's desk to take the oath of otlice. Death has been unusually active uiuong the membership during the closing days of the last session ami the beginning of the present, and Chaplain louden feel ingly called the attention of the Nuly to ine work ot tlie grim reaper dining the months since adjournment. After the appointment of the usual committee to wait upon the president and inform him that the house was or- eral government .will add to It sullleieii to complete the entire project for the Improvement of the mouth of the I o- lumbiu, or, if they will put such im provemeiit on a continuing eontnu litisis. Congress ban shown a disposition to help the lumlltics that help them wives, as In the case of riiilttdclphitt which appropriated ."i(Hi,tsm for Its hnrbor, and congress short I v nftcrnnrd added the niHvssary sum for the com pletion of the project. Oregon and Washington cannot show the trade as yet tluit merits and gets lurge appro priations, mitt there semes to l no renson why they should not accelerate the improvement of their rivers nn.l hurtairs in the above manner, irt ii-u- Uirlv as our linrhors shtiold lie nunle better at omv to get mill hold n grvnl anil growing i mental tnnic, iui.i our river Improved to lower our present high milnuil ntti-s. There st-ems also to bo no good rssm why jnnterily should not tuiir a tsirt o( the htirdeu in the wnv of long term bonds, as they READY TO SETTLE. iMHITlul Mini fauiifa f.v r.n.tii- nut' ..... ninnicttion he might desire to make of vt ,,u ri'"t U',u,,lt- iliterwt to the public service, the hottse adjourned out of respect to the memory ot the deceaseti members. Hie presi dent's message will be received both ill the house and senate todnv. So bills were introduced in the senate. In tl nouse titree were ;i)S putilic measures and 350 of a private character. READY FOR WAR. CLAS51F1EDADVERT1S1NG Portland Trade Da-edory Naaws end Addreaacs a Pertlaad W Reere aeatativc Bamineaa riraM. IHKAH bKPAHATOK-w. (uaranuw ib U 1 baparator to a. ib Wriia it uM caia-o 1. lun wo. Ml Co.. trib and Oak. WANTED hi this locality (or elsewhere) a hutler to aell our treea, etc. (tiperience cot necewarr ior succets.) Address OREGON NURSERY COMPANY Salem, Oregon. Character Read ky the Ears. It Is a fact and not a fancy that the character of a person may often be de termined by the ears. Certain charac teristics seem invariably to accompany ears of certain shape. The thin, angular ear denotes bad temper and cruelty. Small, thin, almost transparent ears signify refinement and delicacy of taste. People with decided musical tastes usually have large ears, which In many cases stand well out from the head. Abnormally large, thick ears denote sensuality, or a coarse nature. Large sloping ears have been the property of many of the greatest philos ophers and statesmen. The ear of Napoleon was small, deli cately formed, and bad a carved lobe. Gladstone had a curved hanging ear, set close to his bead and In a sloping position. Ojr Army and Navy Prepared if Japan Wants to Fieht. VSashmtgon, Dee. 4. Nothing which has been suid in the whole range of comment on the possibility of war be tween the United States and Japan has surprised certain Washington officials so much as the seeming unanimity of opinion in the country that we are ut terly unprepared for a tight with tin Orientals. There is a prayerful hope that no war win come, hut, If it should come, tin strong probabilities are that the pessi mists, ana tney seem to abound in every section of the land, will find that they have looked ujsw the proetiect with blue glasses. Congressmen have Come into Wash intgon from every district and all of them seem burdened with the belief that, if trouble comes with Japan over the California school question which is a minor matter or over the enact ment of a Japanese eiclusion law which is a major matter the Philip pines will Is- loat to us, temporarily at least, within a month. The Japanee will not take the Phil ippines, or, if they do, they will be suc cessful in an exploit that will bring them such honors of war as few people. Will Caucus on Japanese. Washington, Dec. 4. Representative Kabn, of California, says he does not think the California delegation will take immediate steps to push any legis lation affecting the Japanese. He said that the California delegation w ill hold a meeting within two weeks for the dis cussion of the situation and doubtless will act as a unit in case decision is reached to urge the passage of any spe cial measure. Two Japanese exclusion bills, one liy Representative McKinley, ami the other by Representative Hayes are now pending iu conrgess. Dity Estate Negotiating With Govern ment for Tarms. Washington, Ioc. 4. Word bus been retvived by the I.und ileirtmettt here that the estate of Marcus Uilv luis offered to settle the now famous timber utting suit ts-giin against it yenrs ago by the pttymcnt of tlftil.iMl. A aie ciiil agent id the detrtmeiit of Justice has lieeti sent tn Helena, Mont., with a view of negotiating with the nttornevs of the Itoly estate, an. I the prtst Is tlmt a settlement will lie reached. The suit ngninst the estate is for lunuiges amounting to l,:S'ii,ii. The ciiso Is of vast Importumv to the government, In view of the fm-t that it is the first of ninny tinils-r claim suits which w ill lie filed to obtain ihiumgi-s for unlawful decimation of the timber of the West, which hns been going on for the lust ilitiide or more. The sue- cess of the government in the I inly case undoubtedly will have the effect of inducing other pcrctnitors of timber fruuils to se-k settlement. "Tliey IO Mill. i "No; t tupisise not. W mut i-ineiiiln-r that a great deal of the s.iluirb uiiIIc'k time It sisuit tu the city." I'ltt- , liurg 1'est. A Made f . O. Ir tv,., . atae aMSMiaPMt 7 yers wuraiuji. rtui am vnot, T? '.,,r .bJf opinu the uowei rsauisr wtin Ayar i-Biij fen O, sv r la most houses there it a room without proper heating facilities to say nothing of chilly hallways. Even though the best of your stoves or furnace should be inadequate to warm the whole house there .need not be one cold spot if you have a PERFECTION Oil Heater (equipped wlUi Smokeleaw Device) It will heat a room in no time and will kttf it warm and cozy. Oper ated at easily as a lamp and perfectly safe. Wick cannot be turned too high or too low. Gives no tmcke or smell because fitted with unique smokeless device. Can be tarried about, which cannot be done with an ordinary stove. The Perfection Oil Hester is superior to all other oil beater and is an ornament to any home. Made in two finishes nickel snd japan. Brass oil fount beau tifully embossed. Holds four quarts of oil snd burns ine hours, livery beater warranted. It not at your dealer's writ nearest agency for descriptive circular. tJXXHTk ft Itl H t the safest and best JLyJ JUUllip .u.round household - lamp. Made of brass throughout and nickel-plated. Equipped with latest improved burner. Every lamp warranted. Aa ornament to any room whether library, dining-room, psrlor or bed room. Writ to nearest agency if not at your dealer'. STANOAttO OIL COMPANY L . r-JJ Worse Treated in Mexico . San Antonio, Tex., Dtre. 4. A dis patch to the Kx press from Kagle Pass, Tex., says: Three hundred Japanese I have entered the L'nited Htates from Mexico through Kagle I'ohh since No- vein her 1. They arc leaving Mexico because of ill treatment which they re- Iceived at the hands of Mexican employ ers. The Japanese say they were lured I into Mexico with promises of gssl pay I ami pleasant work on farms, ho invit ing were the promises that Japanese immigration societies worked to get I Japanese for agricultural work. Utah Coal Land Withdrawn, Halt Ijike City, Dec. 4. The Utah I state land board has received notice I from the general land odice at Washing ton of the withdrawal from all forms of appropriation under the public land laws of 1H4.21 acres of land in Utah. I This land hod been selected by the Utah land board for transfer t ) private par- I ties as argiculttiral land, but it is now I withdrawn by the government on the advice of experts, who pronounce it coal land. Investigate Car Shortage. Washington, IK-e. 4. The car short age throughout the 1'nltcd Slt,-swill i investigated by the Interstate- Con men commission. l ominlUMloin r rmnklin K. Ume, who hns been look ing into this sul j ft, said ttslay that ine cnnimi.-wioiicr wouhl first lake up the situation in the Northwest uniting the whcut-cnrrying ruels. Farmers in ninny stuti-s complain that they are uii ab e to get their grain to market in time to share in the high prices now being puid in MiiineitHdis and Chicago. WhatJoyTheyBrin To Every Home as with joyous hearts ar,d smiling faces they romp anJ play when in health and how conducive to health the panics fn which they indulge, the outdKr life they enjoy, the cleanly, regular habits they should tx taught to form and the wholesome diet of which they should partake. How tenderly their health should be preserved, not by constant medication, but by careful avoidance of every medicine of an injurious or objectionable nature and if at any time a remedial agent is required, to assist nature, only those of known excellence should be used; remedies which are pure and wholesome and truly beneficial in effect, like the pleasant laxative remedv, Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California I-ig Syrup Co. Syrup of Figs has come into general favor in many millions of well informed families, whose estimate of its quality and excellence is based upon personal knowledge and use. Syrup of Figs lias also met with the approval of physicians generally, be cause they know it is wholesome, simple and gentje in its action. We inform all reputable physicians as to the medicinal principles of Syrup of F'igs, obtained, by an original method, from certain plants known to them toad most benefici ally and presented in an agreeable syrup In which the wholesome Cilifornian blue tigs are used to promote the pleasant t:r.'.:; therefore it is not a secret rem edy and hence we are free to refer to all w. !i Informed physicians, who do m t approve of patent medicines and never fav r indiscriminate self-medication. lease to remember f and teach your c:.i!J;en also that the genuine Syrup of rigs always has the full name of the Company California Fig; Syrup Co. -plainly prmted on the ront of every Package and that it Is for sale in bottles of one sie only. If any dealer offers any other than the regular Fifty nrr J l ' u luv, vmt,x P0". tlw 1amc of Y comfxinv, do not lc.c!:F. c -,,f ;ou J.11 1. Kot 1 ie Kcnum will not get its K'neficiii effects. fnr th Ty "T 1 41 : VV ,UVtf ,a lXJttle on hmd as 'I Is equally beneficial for the parents and the children, whenever a laxative remedy is required. 0 17 PUTNAM FADELESS DYES Appeal to th Pratldant. New York, Dee. 4. Following the recent demonst rations by their custo mers due to the ii.hnm-e in the retail jiriee of meat, the Ilehrew Itetuil Kosher HiiteherH' assts-iat ion met to day t tlts-l.le what, could ls tione to ap pease their patrons. Hsnkers declared they are helpless to lower the prices asked of them, as they were obliged to pay Increased prices at wholesale. It was finally voted to appeal tt President Itooscvelt and ask tJiw chief exex-utlve, through the press uml public, to light the "lss!f trust." Bring Up Smoot Cats. Washington, Dec. 4. Senator Bur rows, chairman ot the senate committee on privileges and elections, has an nounced that be will on Monday next bring up the report against permitting Senator Koed Sinoot, of Utah, being i permitted to retain his seat. Mail Sant Underground. Chicago,' lec. 4. Wugon service ft r carrying mall, except, registered mat ter, Isd ween the geneml postollieo ami the passenger railway stations in Chi cago Is now a thing of the past. The ... .... .,!.. . il .f I . , , , ismioiiice oini-iais usuiy IM-giin using the tunnel systetn ls'twei;n I he general fsistoHice ami the tliltago A Northwest ern ami the I'olk atrtwt, slat ion. The tunnels of the Illinois Tunnel company are now in use between the general sst ollice and all the mil way stations. Coal Monopoly In Colorado Pueblo, Colo., I)t.4. The Interstato Commerce commission him ileelded to make a searching lnvi-sllgatlon into the affairs of the Colorntlo Fuel A Iron com pany, which, it is cluimed, has a trac- titl moritiiKily with the cnul business In Colorado antl Wivenil other stilts. ! Tomorrow Commissioner K. K. Clark will begin an invrntluatlon In this cltv. and more than a xwre. of prominent coal and railroad men have been sum moned tn fllltiMtr lu.ftirn him 1 . Tomb of Cicero I Pound. Naples. Dee. 4 What would annear tn b) a most Important archaeloglcul diswvery h:is b!en iruwlo at Formlue, mr which place Cicero was aswisslnut- etl 20 centuries ago. This dlanovnry Cfinsistn of remains which am thought to be tlie tomb of the great orator. GASOUNE ENGINES , ic.r lull, aart.aua. Iijs. an ,i,a, a i 1) If. at !.. l (r.a, M -Ii. fot rata-of. KtltttM) MAtltlNtHV tOMPANV ,. farlla4. 'm. GET OUT OF THE RUT I am lc,inr t ..,, maaa.ina an.l MAKE EVERY DAY nri mAttnt hnui , bad the weather iou rannoi afford to be without a TtlWFD'e WATERPROOF UlLtD SUIT ,0R SLICKER When you buy iook ror ths SIGN OF Trie FISH 'Waua . j ttrt fo annM 411 1 ,11 . I fwr-i., mil., 1 -'!. aiMi ailv,u,iH rut. ,an j iaa ll,r .lO,t t .1.., m,d .i,tii. j l trul l, o in.olii. (,!,.. fir . limn (,,!(. I tMARttS MltHAM w Mof,i..M v. I'txttiANo. onrcota MY DEAR FRIEND '"lll'l-t lh 1 ll- 111 it, ai,ii, H 11. Ilirrr. TMt MI.AN YOU i(,i,m.; it. ,lu.fiilh IT I" !!'. I" .,W 11,1,,! nil lr -tllUi,,, 28.lUmb"' r,,hon. fortUnd. Orrfon RUBBER STAMPS Brd In Amrrlta alalia (Nam w manulac u . oul ?,yf? ,ood"' '""."'"'i " o. 1" Itul-lmr hlani, t alaleaua." ' THt IRWIN HODBON CO.. roiuana, Oicgon Wi hav solvad tha quaauoo ct how to maka your monay pay you 20 PER YEAR Inataad ol 4 par cant, and allow you to ksap il undai your own control. Principal uaianld by Bank Cartilicaia ol Ucpoait. You sslact ths Bank, Win today tor particulaj. Pacific Coast Securities Co. Portland, Oregon V. L. DOUGLAS 3.50&3.00 Shoes 0r IM THI SVOSLO Banking by Ma WE PAY INTEREST On aaviriK depotiits ol a dollar or more, compounded iwire every year. Jt U jnHt as enay to open a Kaviti( Acrnunt With n by Mad as II you lived iit door. Bend for our hen hook let, "liankinK by Mall," hihI learn lull paiticular. Address Oregon Trust a Savings Bank Portland. Oregon Sixth and Washington Sta. t.iiii.1,,-,1 i ,,.., n,. i,.,;n , ' I Mww-i,. 1 Lw J 'l; r..iii.i, ..I,-.,,,,,,, , '" L W. . ,.,. Jb. t3IW p 1 tHMi.. Mil,,. r ,!!,., Ilrti,! i .ti.lT I !'""" '" ll I l 1 haian Ameflfan Hank. ' '",""' I i.i.,i,,i.u,m, II v M I mm FERCUSOH. IlTCt t CO. Coaaliila. UtnUtH Whalaaala U.hmnl, WAIIir.WAMt, BIG MONEY NEVADA MINES C. A.SICXKTON. Itroaar 2i tumh.r reliant. POMII AND, ORtbUN A fnw ItlKlitly liivimlnl Mi-an. Itli-h,.., Wrltn Tiilay, JO PLATES r$t) ILY DENTADCO lur muti tirhVIt'Taf We ,a,.v , r." '"' "Itl "KM. a U',7, ' . . ",77, '" n broliMi - w'tiii. rkriML '"'tl. l-ilt-aa ll'lua wnrk. I'illliill.ll i't; tuml "7-VPr.nd, Or..n. IlilEI or KVERYBODlfif ALL ai.i,'. u... k u i so. Jbir.; "'"'.?? (.ins. W.ihi.ii a itiiM. I' '"f'JX Wi.. a, tiniliiran'a n.a. s " '' s Tr w. I.. iiiiiHiHa WoiMfii'., MiaM ana l-lillili ri,'. .I ,i lr al vln, III and (' rl nlltar iiiaaea, If I could tako you Into my wr fnctorlc at llrtK kttin, Alasud snow yon htiwcarctully W.I-. lniiKlanf are made, you would then understaaa why they hold tholr linp. " bcttWi wenr lonncr, and are ol greater vw than any other make. t. ' Wh.r.var you llva, you ran uMals w. " Dw.uU. .hwa. Itl. nam. anil prlta l IPS on til. h-iliom. whkh yciuillii' , prk-aa anil liil.rlur aletaa. Tail " ,'".11, tut: Aik ir W. L. Uouill"" anil In, l.l unufl haviii Ih.m. Am I Hrt ,(.(, umuIi will H't iw'7"' Wrlia lur lllii.lral..l Calalu "''Jfl-a, nr. imuiii.a, llapl. P. N. 0. ii. Iltutklun, Sia WIIHN wrIili.M- ailTrtl.erlaaaa maiiili.w tli la iir. I