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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1906)
t'P I? LOCAL n 1L. W T,tlk to Rom. ColiimMiCounly llnuk, j lii're It ilruu nintor o the out-,trui-Hi ol tUelrlc Una Irom I'urt. imiii to oou, y y w- hi'- MurrluK licattM Iim Uwii grunted to Mr. Jxl lMUy, county Irult lu lrtor. I In recel ol cottiimuilratlon InMii tin HstwUrr nl llw 8Ut llnl ul Horticulture, atking r coutrllmllniit to lira fruit ttlUy ol tt Vliamlwr ol C.mimcrre, nt ls le conlrllnillori ol Irult lr th Jmiicrtown HwUUn. A nnwlern llw ec IwWer, with land ntf t ah ilory. U liclnii Uk-ImmI to " ... . m i U'liL 1. .... Hie HI. Hli " u.iinlly lul Hull ' (,M flr IlllUStj U I""' " Ol life !- lint l plllt to liwkt it. Choice canillr. l l t P- Ickei'. Ht. lUlcn. A Hut lAt Mr. Jisuse hrttMon, ol i-.u Clulw. Wltvontlu, h 1111 lor ttrntA itorlBU tW p wrrril .lrt bir owr 8.W0 cfrol Uwl In ft l iwrtb. rmige 8 rsl in iliU county, nrr lrtf Mnl tUtliin. Tlw lcl mtn mmU Ibiouifh tin Anitri .-an Tlnthrr ComiHUiy, "ml uuuilwr ol ..ihrr transaction f pcn1inK. Mr. fttcnoa l mill wn trict bit ctivitv In ttil locality U uHt to mctut thr .......tructUiit ol Urm mill In the ncur lutura. All nutlet tutnttl to our car art Imiteit strictly coiilWentUI. CutuntM County Hawk. The IrUI ol A, FrinllwrKi ol lUluler, (a the cImtkc ol ktrjog hi piece ol buri-nt- oped on HutuUy.was beard in Jwgt lawn's court llir Jury on Sat urday last, molting In illtnitrre went, notwlthiumtiiig tlie cvMenct very llu. Ai thle U tlir m-otul trial ol Kriedherg the mm (lne It I irolM tliat wlwn the c t ageln UtiiM the ilciittjr dirtrirt Utf nrf ill Uke acbauge ol trenue to in other praciitrt. irler ly mail, ami we will hip t'n.l ol cIhkoUU or nile.l candle, to any lirt ol tlte county. Churent or ltlrrnal orler giving enterUlnment. will Iw (uruMwd at the nut rMotublc MlM. Ilrckcr't. St. Helen ttuAnoof I!y UTHH Tlie IUnl ul i:.UillUw U Columbia County lurel at the court houar in thi city on Monday went, and all who er Intcrolet) in the matter tbuuld be In attendance. It Itlhe inaraaioeione week awl alter that time the matter ol cualiing the aurwucul will be la the hand ol the ruunly court. It peowUe to 1 very intcmting trwion. Numenw li t are In tlw poaraaioej ol the etlltof ol the Murr. Imt will retcrve comment nntil the Urdha comlctel It work, merely rrmarking tliat II the o,!e ,,,u cmnty want eily Uicy mut do eilty. I'rrnn I-rke, wlw left the Selialrm Valley when he wa ouly aeven year ol Ke, retnrttctl to the old home la.t week, ultrr wandering nil ver the country, ml wa well pleaaed with it tll 1" hope to Induce hi bcollier to uin with Imu lu making it their luture abode. He W become convlnceil that Nchalcw Untirr I Itetter o8 and more indrml nit than a wKeocker in any port ol the I'liilcd Stale. Ctdlcctkma rcmitlel on day cl pny mnii. Collumbia Couuty k. At l each per year the Morr and the weekly trcgonlan are the two cheet uitt in the itate. The OregonUti (jive tlie new ol all the ret ol Hie world, and tlie Murr give tlie new ol Columbia County. That' all there U, and all lor Irat than four cent a wtk. Snliwribe and atk ymir nelKhlr to " Krilw. There I otnelhing doing on the Mil Krove place on Sauvlc Wand, recently old by Mr. Aiken to jrtie ln.m Call lornla. Htcnive Improvement are I lni made and we tinderrtand the new proprietor will have dairy herd ol over two hundred line cow, CoMMKkCiAl. Accot'HW Wt r g'' to oicn chccklmr account with Individ ual, firm, aucietle. corporation, ud Unik. and give careful and prompt atten tion to alt tn.ine, whether large or malt, Columbia County Rank Volume XXI No. 8 ol the CowlIU County Advocate remind u thnt the editor of the Mimt atarted that ixtlier nt Catl Rock twenty-one year ago- 11 was moved toKahuuaaud then lack to Caatle Rock. When tnrted it wiw the only paper publlidied In the county where now there are Ave weekly pcr publUhed, ami each ol the five pmliublv hua a larger cloculation than the Advocate had in the Unit two or three year ol it eaUtcnce. We do not Mievc there have been many lortune by iHibllther ol the Advocate. Iins done it chare toward building up it home lown ami couuty. but the Pb' lUhcr of country newetnticr aeldoul rtceive the rccoituition which they le nerve from the comniunitle In which they are ptibllhed. They are expected to do everything in their power lo build up the community In which they reuuc. but thoiie who benefit by their work art unwilling tOKive their hearty tupport to the lUHM-f V trll till. Ailvocutc t( Ull , , - . ecetlloii to thi rule, and that Hro, McClune lm money to burn, in which case he might uflord to trt another paper ut Kulnier. We extend to our customer every fa cility coniiitent with conervatlva bank ing and are fully equipped to afford them satisfactory crvice and many advantage. Columbia County Bank. They ay Mike Freh ha done a fine lob of road building on the mile of road between the bridge aero Merrill creek and Huniaiinl nj.r'1 tilara. It I a KOOO broad grade, well drained, and will prob School oi at I foul Ion nna wr.b I from Mon.luy neat, ScplemlKr llrd, with liraca Melgcr, principal ; Mimlv Ariami, primary. There will be a nine month Urui. Klljith Wharton Mud fiimily arc camp, lug Irnk ol Colmtililn City. The anwiMiicnt roll ol Columbia County, publUlird rlaewhere, liowmn Incrcane u( over IWHl.tXXl, and yet It it not nenr high eiiough, Sthavkd-I'rom l)ecr UUn.l, a nimll brown pony with arrow brand on lelt hip and horwdioc on lelt .boulder, bhod on all four fret. Liberal reward for her re turn to A. 1!. llutlerfild, Deer Uluiid, or lor liilormnlliin a lo her whereubmit. Mia Anna Quick, ol CorvullU, vl.lted her brother at the home of Mr, nod Mr. I. K. Uuhk, lliit week. Mr. 1'. M. CHI, Ktaie Driiuly Mutter of the rutrontol llutlmndry, wa a vititor to Kt. Helen on Tuctdny lutt. Mr. Gill hat nearly completed a lour ol Inflection and lilttructlon among the local grange ol Coluinltia County, and, with one ex ception, Out of the lloulton tlniiige, he mult them all lu protpcroiii condition J'oa Sm.k Sl milch cow, with ir without calve. Inipiirc ol C.8AUKRVKIN, Colmulil.i City, Mr. F. R. Rlrboldt, owner ol the electric light plant at ClaUkauie, wat In St. Helen Utt Tuely for the iurpoe ol consulting Attorney W. II. I'owcll. It apiear llwt Mr. II. McKlil object to the location ol one of Mr. Kicbolilt't pott and hc (uttice ol the peace ha at tested damage agaiutt the electrician in I lie turn of I0, Mr. Ricboldt any the amount I not worth contrndiug for, but he naturally dctire to know utt what are hi rights under the franchise granted by the county court. We trrry the finest line of confections to I found in Columbia County. All good fresh and pure and told at the most reasonable rale, flecker', St. Helen. Tick oat your best pumpkin, cabbage, piash, rutabaga, or any oilier vegetable, and rnd it to K. II. Klagg, SL Helens, for exhibition at the Oregon .Stale Fair. Taints Ktc, CrtrCorieH.Etc., Feed, Etc. All (JnarantetMl. Etc, M. C. (J HAY. W pay interest on deposit. Columbia County honk. The Wesleyan MctlKxIia re holding a camp meeting i inc gnnx in m northern part ol tow n. There lias lieen good attendance and considerable in terest ha Iwen manifested. Mr. W. II. Powell nd wile started on a business and pleasure trip to Tillamook on Monday but, They go by way ol Astoria, taking the lant from tliat oln.. and wilt return by way ol Corvnins. TheV will be alsent aliout one week and incidentally will Uke in the Tillamook County Mir. It will doumieis ic a very pleasant outing. Leave order for your ice cream for your Sunday dinner. Ietkcr t, M Helens. W. II. IMman returned from Calilor. ia Inst Friday and went to Hunker urn lo oln hi wife, who i camping there with Senator and Mr. Geo. W. Mcllride. IMltor Kemp, ol the Register, visited St. Helen on Friday last. Mr. and Mr. A. T. Law and children started last Saturduy lor an outing on the CluUkaiiie. Thcv will return in about one week. I have money to loan on approved rent estate security. ,, , St Helens. Oregon Money to loan t eight icr cent. Columbia County Hank. The fishing eon close tomorrow. Satiinlav, the Will, and the lrce oi . ..i i .ill but iust filtccn day. VltlWII a,tas'H " . , provlde.1 the fish Varden l-s noi oev.o. aside the la. The run here has iilv ii n to the average. being atout 2W ton, costing aumewhere i be neigl.lrhoo.l ol I'-T.). One -1.,-t -ji (or filtv uay ,wv...-. " - - . ....nv others as liMinl "y That' "fisherwatt' luck hrre a elsewhere. llonbonnlere Ice crenm. Tl.e very Decker', St. Helen. . tlmiiit and Lnmlicrlng Co., ol IVrtland, will eiiip tnr motive, and logKioK Bl U ' ..i .in. nil liuriier III the riuB. Hid n.." - c , . .. ...... 11., itecreased lire ri and neiisoo Having In cost ol oil over woo- --- - installation ol oil an econoimw -y " " Mr. llenaon ay. there are strong imlica UontoloilatClatskanleonhi. prorty I,;,,, test welt will be driven to ascertain II oil cult lie fcunil. j.'cifcr. Union, the lcli"K ccnt cigar. lH.ckcr'. St. Helens. " r 11. Dillunl returned Mr. ami ,, ?nTVr Nlim. ; numnm 'r- MninirercyCeorKen. wlthMr.Ueorge. i ' ., . time www rercy - , "TyPol Whlterine nnd Tu'.the oW JibTe'cough remedy. ForlebyA.J. Denting, druggit. American and Blnceririad cl ar. the leader in high grade good. Decker', Ht. Helen. Mr. (leorge Cain dropped into town last Saturday evening and it I not too much to aay that hi pretence here ere-" ulcdcpillea Sensation, Mr, Cain wn tent to the Asylum at Bitlem a year ago Inst Heccmlr, and apN.-iira to have had a desire to meet those who were rcspontl lor lilt incarceration. He called on Judge Hattau, but refused to (hake hand with him and the hand he niually shakes with wa to near hi hip'pocket that the Jmlge became uncomfortable. He wanted to find Sherifl White and when the Jndge asked him what he wanted White lor, he answered, "That' none o" your bui- ii,." The Khcfiff whs absent from the town ami when he came home Cain had vanished. Mr. White think Cain want, d the gun which was taken from him at the time of his commitment. We uuilcrs'nnil that he Is cmplnyed upon the steamer I'ulomu. He may be harmless, but his visit to St. Helens certuinly put a little life into the town. Money drafts good anywhere at lowest rale. Columbia County Hank. A IUkii Citizkn The sUitement that Judge Mcllride haa decided lo recom mrnd the pardon of ieorge I'pton, serv ing a lile sentence in the penitentiary for the murder of Dc Joomctte in this couuty in I HMO, w ill excite considerable surprise among those who reuiemlier the facts of the case. Neither le Jimrnetle nor bis killer were good citUens. The woman over whom the trouble oc:urred came lo Columbia County in advance of her hus band, one Sutler, and when he arrived he was living with le Joornette. Then t'iton won her and on his failing to pro vide (or her, she appealed to DeJournette, who brought her back to Columbia County and was taking care ol her when the tragedy occurred, lie Journette had I'ptoii jailed at Portland for hanging around hit wife, and this appears lo have been tlie only excuse for the uiurder. I'pton, as the testimony plainly showed, purchased a gun at Astoria, remarking at the lime that he was going to kill a man. He went t Ie Journette' cabin and murdered him. He was captured in the spring of IWft and escaped from the county jail in St. Helen the day before his trl il anil was at lilierty two year. A reward of wo offered lor hi arrest, and he wa finally captured at Astoria, brought to trial, found guilty, and sen tenced to life imprisonment in the State Penitentiary. There Is nothing in the record lo show Ihut he was anything but a brute, and the penitentiary U a good enough place for him. ach week brings us new depositors. Columbia County lUnk. i Kobert Lovelace, of Rainier, is one of Ihe I'nited Slates juror drawn lo try the celebrated lllue Mountain Reserve case. It nicy any an as gnuu wnnuu Hob, both the government and the de fendant may lie sure of a suuare deal. We notice that a Columbia County logger is said to have employed a Port land detective to thadow hi wile in or der lo secure evidence for a divorce suit. Whenever that becomes necessary the best thing to do it to grease the skid and let her ilidc. HAINIKlt (From Ttia UsuoTia) Horn To Mr. awl Mr. Walterllilbert, on August lrtth, a boy. Mr. K. O. Woiulerly went to 1'ortliiud on Mondny to visit a iter lor a lew day. Mr. Hill. ho ha visiini In l'orlland lor a lew ilny. returned 011 Monday Inst. The Inwn aoclal given by the Imlie ol the M. K. church last Satuway evening mi .veil attended ami n goodly sum re- nlireit K. Hnrgerand wife, ol Seattle, arrived Sumlav evening to visu a tew uay uo lliu liiniily ol O. V. Siiiimi. Mr. Ilarger Is u cousin ol Mr. Simms. Mr. KlisatH'th Furlowol Minneapoli. ha been vimtinit tier granu oug..., Mr. I. Hulherloril, lor a lew ey, sue started homeward on Monday, via Olym- pin, Seattle and Spokane. Mr. N. Stewart ami Mr. J. n. Miort . .i.. r I rt , m'Aiilnir wlipre went 10 ASionn ...........7 . - ---- (hey will take 11 steamer for way .v, to visit Mr. Stewart' son, Rev. W. C. Stewart, who la ptor at that pluce. A. . Crntt l nursing whnt ho call "bum mill." Ho eut up igint a ihorl circuit the other night with the reautt that about 3,000 volt lingered in bit lull hand Ju long enough to give him a tevere bum. MIm Orace lliiey. H' pop'r "hello girl" at RanilK)1 tore, ha re signed her poiitlon and returned to her l Sheridan. During hertay here .be made a hort ol friend who regret herdepatnre from Rainier, The Are Saturday in Ihe limber can.e to near to the homo of Messrs. Short, o.i llnacock and other that they were out .everal hour fighting the lire .... -1. .i.l.uir,irla llm .. . t .!..!.... nou .111 til- firo wa provemeu irom uums - to. . Two SUter Irum St. Mary' Hospital, nt Astoria, spent Monday and Tneedny hor0l wllcillng '"'' 'or that institn tlon. They were well rewarded for their efforts. I Mr. Cl artcis, who have been .i .i.t'..,. ni tho Williams home for the Maii.-H - , . k returneu io uwu i .rortluna on Monday .1 .1. I..I. nl A. O. HUM1" secureu m juu paliilin'll tho lai'KO realdenco ol B. l Burns. It wi" tk lm about ton dHy8 to complete the work. O Dutcher is rinhiiig the work on the coiintyroad as lustas hecangetthe lum ber to do it with, "e ' uw" dely' somewhat because tho lumber does uot 0t lo him fust eoB''- TllU 1U 800K be a good olece ol road tigtiin. nonet ron 'unmnQH. , . , Imt'trtiiidin oi tho I uterlnr, Uml Offluv at Hurtimiil, Oregon, . July 7,'O Is lirrcliy aivau Dial the fiilliiwhiK nainwl wilier hm II Id. I nolle eoMili Ink-nlluu u, nislniHtiiil roolii mipimrt ill bis i lnlin, and Hist mill nriHil will I in .In Imfore the Hevlsler and Hi'i'elver, at I'nrllsnil, Oreaon, un Auiit n, I mm, vim J,,,i -. Ungnrthrr, II. K. No. libu), Vvir" H " X " 8 W ' "'' M' T Hi' nnini Un. fiillowlnii wltmMs In priira his fiiiilliiiiiiiit rmlilviii'e iihi ami culilvallnn ul alii land, vl htiniiel I', Mullaril, ul r-IIUIiure. Oruumi. Jsy lluriraw, ol Vernoiila, Orexon, Ilanrr Olaliu.uf Vuruonla, Oregon, Usury T. Kutcuklos, ol Aamka, (iriiin. AMiKH.NON H. DftKHKKK, Hcglaler. S0T1CK FOR PIULICATIOS. Department of 'the Interior. Ijnid OIIIit at 1'iinlsiiil. Oieaiiii. Jul v 7. Wst. Nntlro In hereliy yiveil llml llio IoIIowIiik liauutil arlller linn Kli'il nrillre ol Ills HitvlilliMi In make llnal nnior In ini'iNtrt ol hla t-liilui. and llml aald iinail will Iki made Iwlortt tlie Ki-iiMi'I aim Kw'i'iver, i rnniaii.i i;reifin. uiin., l'.M. Hi: .Uiiiiii.IiiIiiiiiu, II. K, Su. Illll, lur ll.e K H E Hm. T N , Bl. He naniua Hie liill.mlna Hliiirtaea In tirove lilai'iMiUiiuiMia ri'Ntdeiire uimiii and lulllvallmi if aanl lai'il. vis:,,ll Hanrirlli, Yank t'.n.OniKin, Klnar Villa, l I'liriUud, Ureviiii, Willie Kanervi'tn, nl Yaukliin, (Irewm, Anion Kl.lnr, id I'oillaml. Or,'in,ii. AI.UKKN0X H. DKKrtHKK. Uegltler. 8UMM0R8. In theClrrtilt otirt of thrHUfeof Orrn fur tliti t' u my o( CiiltimliU. KlurcfK! M. Ht'hHtzit, plnlnlltT, Vi, Ki chard Mltulre. (IfOiH.niit. To Htchartl rVhuU, the almv nmncd defcrnl ant: Jn (he name of (lie Klnto of Or'K"M ynti are hurrhy rcqulrwl l wpiwar am. aiwwer (lie lalntliT coinjlMlut til.. mra'MM ynu In Uir a hove otiKlleil milt, on or iM-lnre (he flmt da) of 4Hiiar r, IWW, aii'l i mmimi (all to apitar aud anwir nli fOiurUilit oil or bfri llial Urn, plaiiilliT will tM'ly I' the cMiiti for Ihe relief Jrajwl for In lir tfmtil-iint ht-n-hi, to wll: For lwrer forever illMilvliif llic boii'U of matrl mottv now exUtliitf Ih-i wtrii you ml lalntlfr, and forvttctt other mid fitrthiT rt'ltt-f aa lo thr cMirt ma)' arem mwl ami CMitititbe. llminrahln Thoina A. MellrMe. JihIku of lh atovf t nlltltrfl ciirt. tliilv made mul eiitrml till tlir iHh lt) or Julv, ivoi'., lu ami by which or- if r ii i iirfaurtiMii mat inn miniiuoim tnau dc fjiihllnhiloiM-r an wk fornix ticceiwlve wei'ka in Hie "Ht. H fit-ii a Mint." The (lute ol the flrat itubllcaUon of I hla iiinmmi U July JUh. l'M. mil vuuv Vii'vi! Aitonur for i'laliillrT. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION tH'iwrtnieiit ol the Interior. ZmZ Ulid Offli-e at I'urUsiid, Or. nun, July 2K, IT5ST Nirfln, In hert-lV nlvtu III. I Illll llillowllll named aetller has riled li'itli-enl tils Intention lo make llnal i.riiof tn aiiintort of hla claim, and lhat aald irool will tie made lielre the Heiil lerand Herrlver. at 1'onlainl, Oreumi, no Hep Iruilur II, liui, vli: AHn XeliM eiier, II. K. Nn. I."., for Ihe li'irlli eaat iiiarir ul sec. ai, T. 4 N K.W. lie names Ihe l,iluwln wllueacs lo prove hli eoniliiuuiiN realdetirc uiam and rHllhallou id aald land, yla: (iiul Anderanli. of Yankton, Oreton. John HUdebraiid. nt Yauklou. Oresou, Allien Meier, in Keiiben, ureaou. aooiiiu inn, ol rurtlalld, On-Kiiu. D., KeKltter. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICK. Nollrc l herehy liven thai the ruunly I nnrt f,.r i.'.ilumlil roioil)', (iresim, haa aiioliiUMl he uiidenili.'nel admiiil.traiarnf ihe enisle ol Kimaii K lilliuer, deceased, and tbut he haa duly qualified aa aueh aduiliilalnllor. All r ua narina Claims Btoi-i aai.i eaiaie are nciv Itr iMMiinnl In Lreai'lit them, with Ihe nroper viiurtieia, wllhiu ix niniilhs from .late nf IliU 11, Hire. Hi the nudenilillwl adlnluialralnr. al Ihe niHi e id E. K. Mulek, lu ril. Helena. Coluintda t'nulily, Oreiron. . oaten ai p.1. lieienv. orrnmi. oiia ,.n wijui July. MM. 11. r. in 1. 1 r.n, nuiuiaiaiiMur. Uirlng K. Ailmnn, oiuirmy. AftKxor'ii Sollre of Mertlug; of Board of Eonaliiatloa. Notice it hereby given, that upon the last Monday in Au(ust to-wit: August 27l h, llHXi, the Board ol equalization win attend at the oHice ol the County Clerk ol Columbia County, Oregon, and public ly examine the assessment roll, and correct all errors in valuations, descrip tions, or qualities oi land, lot or other rtronertv. Dated at my office this 27th duy ol July Mi. A. T. LAWS. County Assessor. SUMMONS In Ihe tlrriilt Courl InrColumliis County, Klat I ,,'VK.ill. Sarah K. liuiniu, rdiilnllrT, v. Hoalvo II. Gum in defendant. To ieali-.i H. liiimni, Ihe staivc named defend In the name of the Slate ol Oreiron ymi ore hereby required lo niier and aimncr the eonl i.laini flleil aimlnut von in Ihe almve enllileil ac II. m on or helorethe ll day of Oetoher, I'JOA, ....ilr.. full i.i mo and MllRWer Mid eoniilaiut mi nr iH'fore Ihnl lime, plalnllff will anhiy 111 ine ei.uri inr uie i.-iiv. ..n,r.... ... her nimnlnlul herein. to-wlt: Kor rteeree for ever dlunlvhi ihe iHiiiin of iniiiriiiinny imiv vximlni lielneen you and Hie ilaiollfT. and for anoh other and further rellel to the eonn may seem meet snd )iiiialile In the iirsmnes. Thin an minima la mhllhed by order ot tne llnn. K. H. Italian. Jiidseofihe eounly ccuti of Columbia Couiiiv.Mamof Oreiron. wnieh .ld onler waa dulv made an 1 entered on tlie lh dav nl AiiKimi. In snd by which order It In nrencrllied thai ihluniiiion ahall tie imlilii.he.1 nneueaeh wee for K i-neeeauli e weeks In the Orctou Mini. The dale nl Ihe flrvt puh'leallou of thla mititmoliK la Aim. 17, 1WW. and of Ihe ln.-l .,il,ll.all.o, thereof in Sent. I'.SJll. r. M Attorney for I 'liilutiff. Notict of Intention to Applf for Liquor Licontt In ihet'onnlv Court ol Iho Stalo ol Oregon, In and for Ihe County ol Caliinihia. In Ihe mailer of the application ot I.011I1 Fliih- rer lor 11 licence 111 sen niurmioiii.. uniiin, uu malt ft.iiora. and hsrd eider, in quantities lew limn one giilliin. In Uak Point precinel, .'..1 I.I,, t',11111 1 v. Ilrctroll. To Hie lionoinlile t'ounly Court ot Ihe Slate of Creaon, lor ine i.ooiu.v in 1 ouiinoin. We, ihe undcridiincd, leitiil roteni and ret.1 deutsnl Osk I'olnl prticliiel.Coliiii.bia County, On'inin. who have aeinally reHided lu ssld ire I in I thirty duva prior to the kikiiIiik nd mine nl llila peiUion. would reupwifnily iwllilnn your honorable boily, nl Ihe reunl ir term of the n lil comity eourt, eoiiimenclnit 011 Wednesday, the Mil day ol September. be held lu Ihe county court house In Hie city ol HI. Hole".. In aald coiiniv snd 'ate, llwt a license be granted to l.oiil Wnhrerlowll aiilrlluoua. vliiona, and mult llqnnra, ami hnl elder, in iuaniltle less h.,. iM,,t i.nilni. lii iinkiiolot iireclnct. Colllln- l.u connlv. Oreiron, anil llml uch lircns be Ii ......1 10 Mid !..mik Klulner. lor HMiod of i HUM, lor all innnlha Innn the sin un ni i-epi ol which your petitioners will ever pray. Knot Pluhrer. Junes SlooiieuborR, Kl mer fraw, 8. Kpar, i:. Atrhlwn, R. 11. King, 11. . Hmivn, J. A. Dixon. J. J. Brusjrer, Otto Uniids, Tom Taylor. Jim. Ilrisnl, J. J. Kliinairan. t:. N. Uavldaoii, J. ('. lisliahsr, John liiibrlelson, M. IMmiev, A. K, wiyder. Jiwepli rrlon, J. O. K1111ner.nn, win. Klnhrvr. Fred bcydell, J. A. Keniu, J. A. Stanley. Ueo. hnulehari , John ii..... w . v..w rli Iterimi. John Mab . 'u ,.u....'l. w Hall. Am Ireiv Kmiuer. W. nmivn, K. 11. 1 THlinan, 1. a. r.101111, o. Urmv, Kred Knmrs. It I'mmlull. l. H. Crau. dall.Unst Hollienr, Allien Meiirawr, tieo. Couch, t......M i,an ii.iui iti.iri.. J. J. Davta. i:ari itiwk- enber. O. Li'in-cn, A. WoekcnUeric. ritephen Mc lumen. J. 1. Knnnerj.011. K. K. Lent, 8. It. vv.i.,1.1 .1 KricliHon. J. I. Muvos. Osctir Jimcph i I tl.kvlilMni,. i:. lllierir. M. ri. Illixen. II. A. Klilred, Frank Dleiimii", tlon. I earl, H. H. I'nviie. J. Krlekaon, Claud Card, John Movie, 0. V. Winers, J. K, Influx, Hurry T. Vn ill. W ill. tledUea. ASTORIA ft , KSODO BQARMNO 5CHOOL SPEClrXlv APVANTAOES IN MV5IC (Ljsctwttefcy metboJ) LITERATUR t16 CULTURE" Sfllll T CP.BLSI PORTLAND'S NEW CLOTHIER SUCCESSORS TO SALEM WOOLEN MILLS STORE THE BEST FRIENDS In business that we have are those who come to us as "doubting Thomases." They said they were "trom Missouri" and we "showed them." We will do the same for you if you will give us a chance. Our goods are what you want. 87 3rd St., Portland H. riORGUS ST. HELENS Carries a Complete Line of Groceries Dry Goods Hardware Crockery Flour and Feed" Hay Notions Candies Stationery Fancy Goods In fact, everything usually kept in a firs class General Merchandise Store. My prices will be found as reasonable as any store in Columbia County, Vour trade solicited. EDISON! German Coach Stallion Owned by the Clatskanie German Coach Horse Company, will make the season of HM.HJ, commencing April 10, as follows: Tuesdays at Deer Island Wednesdays at lloulton Thursdays and Fridays at SSeanpoose Saturdays at Holbrook. J. T. GRAHAM, Manager Buy on Credits this $60 Machine for $25 nneuT sarsun 11 hlKh-trni.drop ttltoh, double Iced, self tbresdln hutile: bts auiomalic bobbin winder and other ltet improve ments. This is the ANTI TRUST MACHINE. It it tht ssme msehlne agents are asking yon K0 fur. All attschmeutiigowith each machine. Sold for only u cash and S3 monthly. Wrtt. I00H for Ire FtlSSltaM UTUMUl showlnt alavant houatbOld fooai we will .niirniiwii, hlMlS'ou StM I rsr.ts-ur new CREDIT plan. Oovurtx Furniture Company 173 173 Flnt St. PORTLAND. OR. QR. EDWIN ROSS, PHYSICIAN & SURGFON ST. HELENS, 0RE0C Y C. FISCHER. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. RAINIKR t OREGON jR.H.R. CLIFF, PHYSICIAN & SURGEON 8T. HELKKS, : ORKU0N. (j L. S. FRAKES, svmsvtv -. DESIGNERS OF PH.NE PACIFIC 348 FINE SPECIAL HATS CaaT'Columbia County People are especially invited to Call and Inspect, r 2 TRAINS DAILY TO UUI.UTH-MIXNEAPOUS ST. I'AUL nKXVKK-I.IXClil.N-OMAIlA K.i.Sl AS I ITV ST. HI1IS THE EAST The Regular Yellowstone Park Route Via Livingston and Gardiner Gateway, the Government Official Entrance to the Park. SEASON JUNE I TO SEPT. 20. SEE EUROPE IF YOU WILL, BCT SEE AMEEICA FIRST START RIGHT. SEE YELOWSTONE PAEK NATURES GREATEST WONDERLAND PARTICULARS AT 255 MORRISON STREET A.D.CHARLTON Assistant General Passenger Agent i Portland NOTICE OK INTKXTIOV TO AI'l'LY FOlt UCil'OK I.1CKNSK. To all persons (Ns1ocrnl, mid to the K'ov1 votvn now actually rvniiliim in .tillo l'rwiii!, 'o Inmliia t'onutv, rsiaie of Oruytiii, in vnrlit ular: Ytu Mini eucli f v.hi will taku nolirv mi1 oti art ttoivt-y ntstiiitnl that 1, &ui(or, K. Huns, Mill ou VtM.nesiiv.iin' d.iv o( Svpt..lMHi, Apply to tho noiiotahk Comity I'ourt ut tho Siaio oi' Oivpon. in mul for the .'nuioy o( OlunihU. for license to sell spirituous," vinou Miitl mall liquor nnd ferment oil '(1er in less i tinitf itits tl.uii one Kttllon. for a period of six looniiis, in in tho villne of (iohle. In iiohlo i'reeiiun, liiiiihiii t tointy. Mate of Oreou; wtiieh an pllrntion will Ik support and based upon the toiioutn? peiitiou, to wn; FETITION. In the County Court of theStnto ol Oregon for tne i.omuy ot fJotninDin. In the mntter of the npplimlion of PimloH E. Btitt! for license to sell spirit nou, viimu mid m'.t Utpiors nnd frnneiited cider in less tpiHti titie.H thnn ouu Rail on, ul tiohlo, iu (tohl pre cinct, Columbia Couuty, ttue of Ore yon: To the Honorable County Court of Columbia Cuuuty, Orciiou: We, tho under isrnctl, eomprisiuf? au actual mntorilv ot the whol? number of leiral voters of t.oble I'recinet, Colunibia Couuty, Statu of Oregon, aud who uow reside ia and hav ho turtlly iTsittetl in mid tiohlo Free! net for ; more than thirty days i'ttmediately preeodiug tueoAieoi mmiiim, niintc ami prettentauou oi this uetitiou. hereby respcet fully ttetttlon thia llonomhlo Court to grout to Sauford E, HuttAa lieeie to sell spirituous, vinous and limit liq uois and fermented eider ia less quantittea thnu one jtiillmi, itt Uoble, lu Oublo 1' reel net, Columbia Couuty, Stat of Oregon, lor a period 01 six mom ns. Kaph D. Vottei. Charles YouuS.G. 8. Foster, Floyd Haker, J. A. Wiins, H. h. Baker,!. Moi nutl, k.iiwnt'd lilaek.. L. Bra ley. . Brail- lev. John l.illeui. I'eter HoeiKh. Henry Blake. R N. llamiltou. Frank Morrill. K. Hepieaie, nm. I'mixv Vi. I. Chutiti). I). A. Keft' (.MiiriiM BrntiL'h- Urn, Hosea Bltike.C. E. Makinster,, J. b. tMhtfte A.i.. lliirtinn, Olo Petersou, C. A. Kerr, r. h. juuri hy, u. K. Aniuer. t. a. sinun. Va tVimtou. Orville ouiur. I hos iirtseoll. M. A Silvif, W. L. Hurley. J. C. inler. tierce Foster Jr.. a. i. jaeKsoii, j. ai rowier. j. u. t lytie, c. 0 Fowler, J. K. Sutherland, Abe Uuk, II. M Fowler. K. W. Fowler. A. 11. Roberts, K. Ltna W. K. Maktimer. Frank I)e Uunda. Victor Ku rer, Christopher MeQim, Henrv Welter, L. A. French, O. . Hunter, 0. W. Week. Jack Ehr I inner. t-mnKe I'itsenlwrvo J- F. Bear, J. W. Thompson, C U. Uillespie, R. L. Keony, 0. keels, Fred Leugtieher, Bert Mnkiuster, Oeo.C. Fowler, U. J. Mottitt, M. Uuk, X. C, WalU, Wul-erUunlur. IOP 352 MORRISON ST.. PORTLAND, OREGON M ILLINER Yt: MADE TO ORDER Ore&ron OREGON SllOIrLlNE Union Pacific AND UMiI.1 HEVOI'. Ii Iruvw t lHr.(iO-VlKrLAM!i:Ki A. N SI'Ki'lAI, lor tlie Kat Imilv. vin lliinilneton. I SI OK.VSK r I.Y K K.I S.JS f. M- lor Kaatern Wanhlnf Mill. tun, Walla Walla, ! isiiin, voeur i awmi ami Great Northern piiiiits. J ATLANTIC EXPRESS' lor the East vi Hunt Itiiftiiii. ! P. M.i?:li A. M Dally. Dailjr. : Lower Columbia River. Strtinerllsasiil') leaves Portltni) ilallr. exoept Snndav, ut8;00 ii. in. fatimlar 10 M p. m for Astoria ant wnv Iauilint. Rrtiiruliif leaves Astoria ut 7:00 a. in. dallj. tcil Sunday. A. L. CRAlQ, 1 tie neittl rasaeutvr AbciiI. PORTLAND Or. ' ESTABUSriKn 1TJ ISO. JOHN A. BECK : DKALER IS Watches, Diamonds, Silierware, ....JEWELRY.... Kepairiiig a Specialty. 1 Alder Street, BcL-frous & First. PORTLAND Arriv7 Dally." iir.' in i i ft . IN I.i I f 4 .! i ably ttaud the winter rain