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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 17, 1906)
'1 ' THE OREGON MIST. Sir ! 5. ,i xxin. NEWS OF THE WEEK Condensed Form for busy Readers. Cor HAPPENINGS OF TWO CONTIBiEKTS Not Lett of the Past We.k. Th,Nloi..M. A K. I. l coov.a. tlon i Minneapolis. Opt lava Jw3l by ""P'" w.UlrJ rsli.t l Vliglnle. Tl.. m Inn 01 HHiTnn"i ST. HELENS, OllECKXN", FRIDAY, AUOUHT 17,1900. y' INSURANCE MONEY HELPS. Rebuilding Operation! In San Fran eltco Begin With Vigor. Han Piaticlsoo, Ann. 14. Th. re building ol Han Krum lwo hat tM'Kiin in eaiueat, Thar ii llttla talk, there ia llttla boasting, bt,t there li a vast amount ol work. It may he observed on every hand. It hat ttiddanly grown to large proportion!, due to increased payments by tlia liuiiiaiice companies. Tl-ete payments now total 1(10,0110,001) enough to wariant a decided nap In advanre In reconstruction, tlut itlll Ilia 1(10,000,000 represent, only 20 canla on Ilia dollar ol tlia amount dua Ilia polity holders ol tlia city. Tlia thirty day' grac allowed tiy law, altar tlia three niontlia allotted lor tlia filing ol proofs ol loea, havs .la peed and tlia Inturtnce corporations must now pay or flatly rtluaa. Tha $o0,O00,OOO liai not been paid with tha aama chterltilneea with which tha premium, wcra collected, In laet, it la not an aiairtrallon to aay that a u. ni.v.lrlau by elnratluf him to tba rrry ttt, ,,,( 0( tha amount baa been w ,,i .metal. I"wruna" Irom tba companies. It la mi I .till a question aa to tba sum wlilrb . ' . h ,. . T.I. Chl0 l-d P"y "'J" UI colled In the .;l Kou... Italy. Chicago 1.1 7 , ,o , bMc.,. tleeoiimnmrn.. ...d them lo the pol.iUlrradv etUined. 1 Hi. ml"nl'iu. Alabama, bank taller I, i. wlii , or,..p,istlon that will latea bav. been arreelad lor L,,, y ,im iurii,r. Tbaia li very lit- liulwala etaAllng. tie elnitle handed fl.lilliig against the . .. .... i- ....... ..I.- Mat ..( tli Individual Th tanks ol in vnicaio vw i . " . , . . ... Mellon bate offered a ra. suite filed are teal casr. to determine . o. IW tha u. , 3- I ea it.., w . - - a OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST 1 PANAMA IN DANGER. HOP CROP INJURED. Put Drouth and Poor Cultivation Will Yield Below 120,000 Balaa. Tba long continued drouth and poor cultivation In mary suctions beginning to tell on tba Orego.i crop. Last year tlia ttale produced about II 2.000 tiale... It li beginning to look now aa II tbla flgora would not tbo ra hop PLAN TO IRRIGATE. Colombian Army Oflic.r. Detected In Plot to Secure Control. Panama, Ang. 13. An alleged plot on the part ol - prominent leadara to overthrow rreiiaent aiuw ,1,,,'. anvurnment and proclaim Colom- t. la's aovereiitnity over rename, " i... haan (rnatreted tbrouirb the aouvi ty of the police and government o'bo .ui.. r.mnrnmliin docamenta said t ot.'a imliihltabla evidence ol the plot are reported to nave men A WW WILL HIRE CHINESE HtRING ARRESTED. land. Ti.a KMne Moaelle Inaorance com Btor, ul (inniany, baa anaootKad Uiat !T-'ll tot jay l,00.000 lUblllllaa la Kan 1 undent lene" will prevail. Tba policy lioid era have bran merged Into a gigantic wlikn baa einployd a Extanaive Syatam Planned for Grand Ronde and Indian Valleya. La Grande Two big Irrigation ayi tenia, which will cover tba eutire Grand Konda and Indiun vallova and portion I . tntnhlen coneolratora ol land In Wallowa rountv. are being r1,nmM.n irenerali aaid to be implicat projected by local companiea. i ,j jn tDe conipiracy were aeiaea oy me The organization to be known aa the I Preaident Amador baa decided ha .i..ImI tl,l. vr. notwUbetandini Grand Konda Water company, ia a cor-1,, . ... ... nhnoxloua Coloiubiana aaid . liipii la urnin ol ibont 10 ner ooratlon wh cb will promote a z,umv , v. imnilMtad in tba nlot ahall oe U'.tlinitui mule h relleble 1 000 lirliiittion Delect and beaidet InrU' I .. rn p.-.m. 'ealurt ol the coming crop range all tl a ithlng water lor Irrigation on a large Qenerala Rul, Sandoval and Laatllio (mm inn (inn i im win h. . At eca a. Hie comnany eipecia w piuviuoi rinlnnele Diet, uallndo ana nce iim. in ii.. ...rlnu H tlinuaht Dnwer lor 1 uhtioir wbere it la wanwu. .., j nin. tber Colombian om "... . m I m.. . .... i-l . ... Milt I . . . . I.....I 1411 (inn I., re x.nlil ba brndaced. Hie water win oe ueen iruiu tun -w" . ' .7 'I... ... . .L- I .1... i... but two nxiuthe with practically no Mtweui, wnicn lorme m. uuu..u.j ..i.i.ii I., tl,. kn hu wn Union and Wallowa couuutn. i.-.i . il,..l.,u. Hran. iTha nrallmtnarv anrveva for tbe big Ht I Wlllit fiiw.. wh .ire .."" i , i - . ty cultivation In many ol tbe yarda bai canal were made laat year, and at tue ' .....i ,i..... ii .n tl.a Hr nruavnt time the eimineer are engaged niurau f uu)i. . ' i ' : , epell. I'ricea were ao low laat year that Iti making the nnai aurveya anu uu...a g0Vereignty over tbe coaniry uiai w. - ,.i i.. I ...i i...ri anil ore-1 the rron aectioninir. I nnn. a nart o( that nation. u. .... F. . r. l . . ... ... i..h I r . .. i. tail to cultivate their propertied i m nnti win km "" An Interview ihh wviwuk..." in .......I-.! ti.i. lth a deen canvon. Ita bead ia in aection I , ,t pr.tdent Amador'a palace Ire. than ball the production ol their 35, town.l.ip 8 anuth. range 42 eat. L,0UMd the .uepicion ol tba police, t - .n..n.i..i in ii. la imoort. Alter cutting throagh the high divide .n,i. were eelied and compro- ..Kl.... -. - , - . , s . ant matter. An linmenie quaniny oi in lowuemp i mi - ,nieing uocumeuie i j . ...i.i -i...i in in .nrina i win lie an eaev maiver vi i-uci i rnnii in tin. r rjcaaeaaiun. ii at the bare cet ol production, and dlan valley routitry and awing into ported that one ol tbe generala waa .t . . ti - .i,.ai a. ikH avfAiii nn. drina nnnns. iiibuihu viuw v i iviiiaui tn roHidtinn mrrvB.. uu - T.7JT.;.: r divld.wlll be 84 mllea long. The IIIWI WrMHlflW.w ,- ... 1- . . a tL- A..W a. i . ...I ...I ik.l In thai titMInt I I All! FBI aiilllDDlinK rIltO F,""" I VraMitiAnt A iTllU'lr lOOK IUO uiarwwa U ! unitu tun y i""" 7 ...."i.4i, . . ... a. it., a.. f t .t ttn nrn hi m nf tha comtnff win I ou oihw in wwu, ... ol the d ol caimiy. Aiwsr w. IIIW wmw I 4. a,. Imala I U alt i t 1 1 1 I . . l a tta.HJ.J mwaliak.l All t.w jutnltaola A I a I l iiaj UIUUIUaCIB r avtlAtm trv - " I Mia aanarall IIR ILIOUUCU imwvivv i T i e " I . . l bjw Caehler of Chicago Defunct Bank De nlea Hia Guilt. Chicago, Aug. 10. Henry H. Herlng, Canal Commission Decides Bl UBUaVf W a vaa7 a w w w waa arreated yeaterday and will be re Inaed bla release on bail nntil bit con nection with tbe disappearance ol near CANNOT SECURE OTHER imjl! dent of tbe defunct Institution, la ttill Important Change. Jamaica Negroes Are Inefficient, Not Enough Spaniard, and No Alternative Remaina. ciala are reported to be tbe ringleaders Li i ha ailMMid olot. Tbey bad numer- ... .nnfa.lrau.a. Their Plan waa Lnn.nrll.h a cnuo d'ttat by which Pro. i.lont Amador wonia ua I ihrnvn. end then proclaim Colombia's a fugitive, and, altbongb nearly 100 detectives are searching for him, bis whereabout is aa much of a myatery as ever. Bering was arretted yesterday after noon, two bonrs alter the time be bad Washington, Ai.llW-l-bo. PirLTll 'STJti!-!t 'one.11 to Ul be given a thorough teat on the tfae offlM CJ Ch Je , Poiice coMm and Panama canal. Contracta calling lor pUt throagh a thorough examination as 600 Chinese for canal work have been to his knowledge oJ rreaiaen. Doe- prepared, and advertitement. wm b. . . m. -j. Issued by tbe Iethmian Canal commie-1 Simaai WM tnd nad bad no sionlna few days asking lor propotair MmmanicUtiolI witb him for over a irom labor agents. week. The caehler strenuously oeniea If tbe initial 2,600 Chinete prove a tne enarge uh u uiuj.. --. "lDe ,nl . ... reeimnaible for the failure of the bank. is likely mat - th.t, if he is guilty will be taken to tbe isthmua to do tbe oJ brMking b,nking laws ot 1111- work, which is too bard lor me 'a- 00is, Btensland U retponsiDie, aa nr- in Israel ins in hie examination aeciareu um lied rorpeol and will either ,B'li the cron will fall thort of early take four months' time for the large terUininent given in celebration of the tha tm.ntrs to do tl.a "Kioaia tiuna ..' m ..m i,.mi,l, em. lorce ol eniflueert now at wora hi " national ho ldav o! 1-cuador ! ' ' . ... . . i rviieriaviuii.. " " .. ..... . - . n . . i ... , . r u..w la mnelder lot or alt awnounM their pernniiy io uie .. , , .,. .... nirk.r, that can pl.-te the Bnal turvey. wn.wu,.. J..! o. ol mowing ib.e.pU.1 Irora world. L iecuied. It will be what lb. grow- wo.k will be commenced a. soon a. tb. GERMANY FEARS RESULTS k miMtinn i .i to Morocco l-7 . tero e Ir.'tn liandlta. N, V.rk la waging a war agalnet th. C.-iii-y lland eweat car lloae. A Ur. nl 10 tenia la charged, which the COO'l. hold ). not legal and tha people are llrfliiliig W keep Irom payloi wra ,. 1-hnn.anila are beloi man o iw. aaMultnl by the company t employee and i itirown Irom ihe carton reluaal lo hi; lite additional fare. l!,e Lmiaworthe have ratornad from Koi't'o. DOES NOT COVET TASK. in rail a "top crop, to pick. and will be eaty aurviy la flnitbed. Nicholat Deellnaa Pott of Command ar of Rutilan Army. Ul V.l...l i. tba I Due ... -- h.,,-,.1 t aoo.1 than. :r?r " r d'innrf to Ur. in ,b. -un,y I. .W to omr hi ! . ......,. acept the poet ol eninmandar in cmei "M""; " ' , TtM lb. trip. l lb. .mplre. "where .nr. ol fed ntx" which wa. ten h' American Secretarv'a Viait Advaraeh Criticised In Newapapers Berlin. Aug. 13. Germany ia amari- Teachers Scarce In Lane. Much Hay In Tillamook. Euaene Tbe rcanlar quarterly eiam- T lUmook liiiamoox nu I nation lor teacbera- ceruncaMra . o-. In . . a..i aaiitii i . ... a. t i inn nrwiflr nucrtskMi v nwt -- bumper l.ay crop in s yew, -belu , mi, city ias vj .uch earner .... riupennienuenv -" r "' -"- " 7.Th. A mlc jiua. I hv Prnleeaor M. tl. Arnom, f ' . 1 1) C. liauahman and W. G. Martin. and there will be an abund- IfbBre were 81 applicanU tor county I winter lor tba dairy ccrtiflrate and eeveral lor elate papera. mobabllity that It will Ti,i. I. . .mailer class than tbe aver- not be all need belore tbe next crop s a(8 ,,, (jup.rinlrndent Dillard tbinka barvrted. The dairy ljutlneee In Till ,here will be a scarcity ol teachers in .,,, k I. Increaaint every year, and tbe lh. f0UDty thit fall. Several outlying titlea Tl.. rr,.ri.-n Peril ID DIUll, auu "American Tricka," belligerent aruc ea Vx..rin tha hallmark of government in spiral ion are appearing in t be German press. Tbey attack the United States tr imliiclna Braiil to grant a preleren- tial tariff reduction ol 20 per cent on a variety of American gooda. tl. .ri.iaa nraa uermanT imumi. . -.1 ...I .Kara maicane nuw emiuj - . AM., h i i i... nff.rari I never neneniwu ama.w j numbers,'a peculiar aystem of banking. much oppoaltion to tbe use ol contract Examiner Jone and Aetietant Chinese labor, but the Jamaican work- tjnlte(i gutes Attorney Gleason went men have proven Inadequate, sufficient preaent during the examination oi oer- .... . - . i I : XT.l.V... nn. ill. nnllAA Offl- cannot be - t y og s .xpl.Uo- to rush the work, and the Chinese are I eonneetion w,th Collap of the laat hope of tbe commission. the hank Md it WM accordingly decia- d.uu.i Rnnaavalt. Secretary Talt, I -a ,iM bail nntil th. matter naa r-K.i..n Rhnnte. of the canal commit- been further investigaed VWfH.WW ' .inn and other men prominently iden tified with tbe canal work are known to have delayed employing uninese un til it became evident mat help available was not equal to tbe de mands. Tbe administration has tsken the position that the canal must be dug a l I U Alias rkaaatt at any coat, and, nuuougu iu r-"-j..i nraa that there be no baste in , i . k. i.l not etand I ailver lor coinase purposes. Srara-tl- plan to -'it-VMi trv tbe coolies. of the mint in this city on Wednesday, It is tbe intention of tbe commi.sion August 15, np to 1 o'clock p. and ...... i-w., ho ..r, Wadneadav thereafter nntil to eat: lor nine irom --"" ..: tC i..n.n to ba will arrange with tbe Q""" k..i IlnM.. New TO PURCHASE SILVER. Government Enters Market for First Tim. In Thirteen Years. Wsehnigton, Ang. 10. For the first time in 13 years th. government an nounced today ita purpose to purcuaew leouera In him AuatUll 4 i i .i... il.i. a., ilnrldrd befoie or . . . . . .i . i - , , i .i . i ..nA..b I. inrraaaint ereiT Tva., ..." - i ma rnnniv true lau. db.pi.i ".;- - . . t .nwii i . . A. The., bat been a wboleeai. eiaug..... i ,,uropt on the in. oiu.. -.-- --.. thev V:...'. .m. m ,,. teacher. The articles nrg. uerm.u, ment lor tn..xponaiiouu, i afhietpUinroian... . trand duk. at Krnoy. Mo on Augu - outlook ately to counter War departm-nt It 1 10 It not unowu, . . T ,"" rn. bnt arow enough on their I.rme, ,.,.,, ,erm .eemt even worts. . YZ. ZZi.l.'. .A. in Bramil. . T u..u riL: thni ,eliev- Lnaranteed .999 fine. The treaanry re- pUanl, 10 b.lM 10M no, b. .ndthl.wlU, rtie ..... J"" nnn I It is tuacested that Germany can ."er ling the commiesion of all detail work I ervee the 'lfh "Iff ' The,.!.. caudal In ',U, W.7,o. grand duke, but ra.r.1, . lb. a-c... " T lond Bras,! two ractin o.t .rmy .uppue in nouto ,!,.,.. He Mvon.r. ... - T ., Hood River. ni.i , . tl 000.000 better off if the turn lor a ' that, anticipating KaClr. Kan., ba. bK. .. polntment ol Genera . n ev, en, - ; , - ecUon, In . the increased umn-. M purcb,wr pro.,.,,0... rtoc. tb. cloaing of Um. .rly wr . ti Dot , ,b, 0nvn Ir,g,tion aatoci.. Blue moont.ln lorett reserve could be ... i I .n,l " iwtnliar 11 and 12 a. me iniliiMH! or compeneu io .h I oi mi flo.ny decided the waiter. (i.ami woa. aa- T, ,clvlty ol tl.a,.. . ",.. Hood 17" ,.had hv SUte Und Agent Btinc. I.. i.i Waal, alter a carelul examination. -. . . . nnij l.imn Kiiriiwm t,v i i . . ... .. ...... i iha iiaaoiv rivalry vt wm .MtDroYci.unRn. i r General Ka- . holding ms conve. . "'-"-; ,V. .T.i- M. had States and Japan ol dates tha meeting wi a. p.. ai .ao per a. .... . ,d The kaiser ia ,WU Hint"."'" . I . r a 1 -1 Ai ff ntmalV I the turn Kr i pwitrenim. i -a nanmntinn of cone ftoa in created "";- , m-J. n ' - 75 r V 'ranly disturb tb, market that numoera oi jp" i xne empioymeu. u v.... - -- r- - . l,.j.-j in aa tbe pioneers of a Japanese L.t dilD,lc,J the Jamaicans who are Unduly, tha treasury has obtoined eon- Tiie tr It taking eilraordlnary'pre. htr,Mt i ........... w- ,- . ... n.g.i him n uneerau. m nianiara iuc .uipii" - . . j ( - . . . . -1 . .., i . ... . . . .... i i . . . .. . uinp n, i i .. &. . ... i ' . .. i ,. . . u,. .mahmi. ii.r.n n. n me I ,ll. Inr me uounua ui u..j vuon v...."- . . I .... .I.I invaalon. lue imoi ", i .1 there, nut It ie wnm- nu. --- therefore, will toon do to.-- i m0re negroes win oe " . ' .k. n,.,t fn several mmerciai inaaiuu. -- i aireaav mere, uu. .. . . ii .r,,m.b.w..w.lcblng. ncludeil. taid. U... u.u.l Uentiun ol lh. uw at.ou ,l0n rcac;tion. therefore, will toon be. con ronu oy or, negroe. wi be blred i I r l . . ll aa I II u-a la In 1-aaVi I 111 II 1 taCtS us aa- I VA 111 11 W3Di a BBS . w -w - - l. I...11. eima AI IVlLn LI1B UUIIVU I a.&aA ai aainaWtAaa luiuuvaawvei harveel ol aeefin"- -- :., on th al.ov. to ra.ili..n tn protect tb. members ol. tba L0 ,n,mpt on the III. ol royal family Irom aaaaatlnallon. ralalirlf, cblel ol the t ndarnierle A t.w ttlieclotf lutt laaued by Cbl t.. shears Its popletloo to b. 1.300.- -p b ,,lm 01, ,, t.ui tl. nl J..hnaua leads with s yoowi " . trevt llerlng. ol tb. MHwokee iv Mat It at Hlallal Infill k baa asal. been ar- - r-: - ih I. to nrovinre. tnd lbs wounding o. m, tn. bienn... . ; v " i-l P.ilir. Ivanoff. ol by be held at Jloou it.ver u. WILL TALK IRRIGATION. ArrangrmenlS lor tbs noiuing o. .... convention sre now being maoe oj .... n-i.,la of 1 ooil Klver, ami it cf ed that a large delegation tnt Irom Kattern uregon. it, It could be used as base bring 17.60 per acre rill be pret- ami other Chicago ban. .ao.... Meet In uoniar.n -.. M.kea Hay Qrow are UiIh. arrested. ,t Bola. September 3. Pendleton J. B. Mclill. snperln i...iu,..i'. lnk cleaiiata lor thai . ..,., u. The lourth I ........ ,i. -,,nntv poor farm, hai ... ..,. of 1B00 are M.- . " l the enii..era ol . .h. H.,,,,d crop ol allalla 14 ..707. an Increaw ol J 'jt ', Htattt Reclamation ""rY,ce Bj the yield will amcunt to about 180 ...... n . I....1 In. lh. aama monlhe In . u,,,,. Idaho, heptem- ...... . n,tlnn of th. land on tills - . ... j :... I. n i 1C5. Tl.. nl TnrkaW la aerloojly HI- .... HUI. HW.. The ehab ol Ferela hM called a na- tli.iial aseembly. A new revolution In Venesuela It Immii.- (irgatiiaed agalnat Castro, J il.n I), kockeleller It Said to bav. flnaiiced a railroad project I" Africa. Ill bar S with a llincetone a.. el tlia "" I . . I . .a at nilliniisaiu w ? l 7. i -inn at Boiae 1'" r ..... tn.. 1 1, tha surface. congress a.ev cru..--t. mtnillh iti..h .iMiracieu iruiu --. I.rekinff up at that Ui i.t .il.tia.itnn ai I a. li H ik iTl- aAa.raaIir II IH lUIHtM""""- ' III,. Aiiil nrrilKlIlIC !' t..-j ih.a.n.,.1 Policy ol holding annu. " ., ,,rln.-iDl enitllieera oi . a tneeimg - r - ..... .,.' . ,i,..,faee a. I ..... 1 1 AM MfVirM I Ul lliv 'M-a- - I Tl. - 1 1 i.atalf nilH crime, Ifniiwrawi . - ordlNVp"' ',Iulni'V":n P v nl. the crop. Irom taking deep and onomlc. ol work. Th. bringing of tbe , (rom rel,ilg moist- imretlier ol llie" enginw " ure S cllltensol lh. West make, po ... m .a 1 1 aa. at t. fj aaaTi I ,., The paying teller oi c" ".' , dia- i.r Deal In Sheep vb". h t sg nii...-.- - i,. i i .. . ,. ,i,. ..out ... . and wonld CROPS IN MIDDLE WEST WILL TRY 2.000 MUTINEERS. Fortune In Five Yeara. n.w.. niThe laraeet land deal made in Baker county in a quarter ol a . Nortb 4rnelica's century was closed a lew days ftun greater triumphs." can p. v. --7 - , Powder valley within ten rnilea ol Bak er City, to Brown, Pblllipa A Geddet, owners of the Baker Packing company, lor I35.UUU, reeervinB una ) -r etllmated in value at 15.000. Five vean ago this land was Dougni . . . n . .... .ml aras the government at au a sage brush desert. advised to exhaust all the means at bia command to preserve n i. -u....An.i intareata belore .w. ....inrdinatilv clever diplomacy N.w York Central Official Bringa in . 11W3 vwian . - . - ol the United States, which has already .....nd the old time BrssilUn antip- achleved months if deairable. Th. average re quirements of th. treasury throughout the year will probably not exceed 100,. 000 ounces per week, and it will b. th. nni'.ra nl the denartment. while keep ing a reasonable amount on hand, to so Brown, oisinonte m .t, . ClUTiu, i j J. ill ha nnllnrm Glowing Report. New York, Ang. - "'"""J Tear th.t it. demands will b. nnlform vice preaident of the New York Central nd not n e,ement 0i nnCerlainty in svttem, returned recently from a Journ- tbe market. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Club, 0BG9c; bluestem, 70971c; valley. 7172c; red.007c. n.ia No. 1 wnite leen, fii a-7. 125 ner ton; new crop, $22 per ton Barley Feed, $23 per ton; In,,, $23.60; roiled, $2424 60 ey of more than 3,000 miles tnrougu the Middle West, undertaken wua iu General Inquiry Into Mutiny wm Caus. Ibjecl Q, jnjng tbe actual crop Otticers to uose aitnation. He visited Illinoie, muiaoa, St. Petersburg, Ang. 13. After the MiMonri ,nd Iowa? and has prepared preliminary investigations, tbe mill- fae conilitions in ,a n.wal nrosecutors have decid- special reporw rfto ry by court martial no lee. than Kanaaa and ... Tenvh My. it is slat 2 000 soldiers snd sailors who particl- according to his tioa the crops ij wM on,y nated n Z Crons.adt and. Sveaborg this year wi 1 b remarkable in both JtMithme t of . Chin r . . mi aF tho mnn. nnini IV KDQiJUlin TREAT BOTH NATIONS ALIKE Japan Says China Allow. Ruaala Fr Trade in Manchuria. Ana 10. In a diapatch Irom Toklo the correspondent of tho slated witn consent Chinese cus- SUICIII. CllSStOn Ol UB.n l ..l .la. I. that btt H.e,ab.v. been return X&"- , K IS" A Nh. York alnat til railroad! Cor t ";V'PJ 01 1 ,wlif MM)r and Ume ,ook pUc. recently when A. baling t tb. aua-ar t.u.t. h 0 "J," ,,,. line, will Mb- ' , lb. A Sons, ol Arlington, M I to T., r,K,ead.r.B .J,. n f K Vf 'LTS'o " lyncher in th..t... instruction, -'Jf Kvl.l.i.ce now polntt to Cathlsr is - tlon. uw .... - ow - tbout 25i0oo head tne lug a. being ... accompli" In tb. loot- ol WJg; P cted that ' J wlntor. I... . ,. Mllwanka. Avenu. bank o -nd.r oo ruction n))ra n i:i rMtiit. IlwirtiriMI IlalTV It'""" " " I . i . .nitfl. 1 . . n -rv.l A.. 1AH a1walayatl Uv-OT'K TOvrtbUnited State, this year ."1 kwJg-S dbotreperoAo.P sHU b.v..l.rg.r arveso, .U-J-JW- 'derina ,rj simn.r . " 7, .urrum . i ilrnarf atationa The wheat crop n. i.outu in HOIVUVIU .u.uwu .- It is asserted, tho corresponaeni con- i .. !.... n..iaa .a. I all a..rta man eve. heroff and Anmirai. - r"-"".' :. in .Mch I have per toe cauoca w. - -7 . ... going ,000 Ixat vear it producea ,.r.pPl-. d, d Ml.l...r ..M..I..BI'"." ft"&Jj&"i. I. I. tinuee, that at present merchandi.8 ia pouring into Manchuria over the Siber ian railroad, from both European Eus sia .nd Vladivostok, without th. pay ment of duty. It can therefor, b. old 1 t. -:. haII.. In. rriins ncH! v"""- . . diger 1 nnn ...l-i. .... .1 oko. .nr.n.ila. I n . ...i .1.1.. .1 tha name eon-1 000. 0UU bUBbSIS per box; isncy. .''.. -r""" are saiu to oe "" " A.i.r. nm. .ni-n.lM condition II 2Sal 3R; giapes, l.ois pei.v, . j as Admiral oaiyuiu.., . ; . .nJ .h.k i torn crop '7 cne.pi. - pea bfs 75n$l; pears, $2; pint. o the Black fleet, that he Kn.. and Neb fancy, 5076c per box; common, a., ki.wharriaa. ErttBo per pound; ' . I 4R. ... Knr crao appire, n' officers ar. more to o..m- -",! nrH,. Iow, wm prodnce .... I . i. a am mnnl ,.v.,i i,a..k io bain wore, condition utnai in.e.e- - - than at first believed. Cun((rd Lner(. The reileral grand Jury I JmJ- , " Ao H -rh.Hland.rd Oils town, N Y ha. r.portl Iimlon. Ao. . H. i f. o( analimt the Hlandard Oil compsny, tb. mornli g . tes thai s (le lViiimylvanla railroad and tb; Vadium "fgarlan govern- Oil company. Th.r. ar. H counts, potation ! . i or Kebatlng la th. charge. II tb. detenu- rr.n i 01 er - BII1,rant trade ...t. .r ,.nn,lud on each of the eountt the fqn tlon ol m The a tin. ol $1,400,000 would lollow. Vht PhM. ol the It .. .gain tumors that ' te gt .tS'ooo" ni. .. . ,i ... i. ...Inn. I . .i.i. Inr nver liou.uuui " i nil ang m ww ... land t,arpa..- - , .m .. T. rxcluaL of rsportsr. ha. rait Twh. " f!" K ' the a .torn, ol profst at tb. Pan. Am.r.can ,,. o ( nilgirllin govn Convruss. lunnaru ,.,,.....,.. vars. Turklth troop, and Bulgarl.nlbsndlt. - ",0. - hone to US-1 c.n.n Nnl In Dancer. u .i t..J I .. i. ... 14 OllliilSl awi.v wie envnv ia... i o0n,taillinu.i, -- . "H.iv to remain iu mnn Fargo Fiipree. company Madals ar. b.lng given tb. Bonlan troops who remained loyal and tup printed lh. mutiny at Crontladt. M..ln ha hat now oompi..j , . SiK -.dvltedbltniajc.. F. Int to r uk eipotnre lo the open si Ht. Pelertburg paper, report that 700 am'lk Fri Jy , nyti,ng concerning persmi dnrlnv lighting hstwe.n Armenlani in Ca-catla. , According to tb. centns bureau th. populalion of the canal son. It about 30,001), and Including th.oltlsi i ol Pan anm, Colon and Cristobal, 67,000. California ll.. . . . a - , atnil tltal IHIH LIS - ... abandonoieii. . . n..niarf Haarlnat ...".: ..... ii In order th Watningvu"! " -- . .. ro.,try th. lood m.nNt' ol th. co intry may bav. opportunity I- in rt nw tlon. concern ng - ' , " ,aw Th.gloekl.old.ri of th. Oa llornta "e "ol tl". nw pun ''"' Itituranc. oon.p.ny . have voted UW wlll ba held at th. ln.saa dollar lor "-..., ,. fjentetnbsr hw' . r- : c.i. Alria randieton ran . I-eon Cohen, of ,... ,.i haa re. t'"" a tnn .nnvnnritlinn nplloat on ior t,ou a,.,..-,-.---..S l.en favorably acted upon and the Vn.. waa a.-allable. The lair ie io no nioney v. at . .,, a, n0o here in oepwmuwi . ...i k. ti.. laulalatnre lor waa appropr.. ;;- ..., cath prise. lor ,,!, hortiouiiura. .uu In addition sziu wort., u. i"'- , v U lor .dv.rtl.I PP" B urned oat uy in-wwF'u"1, for Takilma Smelter. mi a. a ..A Mf AftkA 1. UeasMI aaaws. 1 fill TBI- IUU w-v- ,orth;Tkllm..melterh.. lelt here I retain J. M. Mclntlre, who hat the 2Lb.nng,.t.te heen Otfored more leau.a .- -,,e as the would ra her nee, , ,. k.n Inmhnr. hui coke nA:.:.,r."MtTin From now on nnti. r L hauling the big trelght earns will h. kerit biiay taking ook. to the smelter UJel nrnlL with matte. It takes flv. men. Tbe commissions will inquire pracuca.iy .esu. ""- .'V' ib. trad, to Vli tato the general condition, prevailing 36 OWOta.b.1. . "Xtfth theUp- ' th Vegctablei Beana, 607c; cabbage, (h. w,oleeale catbiering and retire l2c jier ponnd; celery, f6c$t per roet of commanlngofflces. to isolate Port Dalny and divert all tb. Vladivostok, in oruer to rw fruits of victory. Melons Cantalonpee. $2 9 3 per orate; watermelons, lis?." P" eatt, all tbi I corn crops. will have great jk . n.n tnrazuo ner uoiuu, i." cumbert, 4060j per box; egg plant, in nr round: lettuce, head. 25c per sianaland Going to Mexico. . ... n.l I tTn.t Wnrlh. Tex.. Aug. ta. r.ui Many Britiah Teachera Coming. T-nndon. Ana. 11. Thouandt of ap- , . i unrt tvortn. in.., au.. - i . " . . , .....k.r. dosen; onions. 10tJ12.c , """"l Stensland. tbe banker of. Chicago, waa p.ic. lont . t kVp.rt P"..4'?ni?" F.!?P .V?,rharh! m thta city, according to . Hry m, . p- - "h -United gutes, Unless something r. r . t, inn ii win -- - - i. j !... .. . . . ... i.ii.vBMiir ner uu... . . . . i. . . ...l. .11 tha m.v 1 n. ibii anu w uwi K V. WMS p' b. cltV wUh the aris,. making it f'g ZrtZ 90c$l per' sack; . ?"t-.l thont kowinR hi. grMtta. number, about , 60C beets. $1.2591.0U per - . . d Not ntn;be reftd the representing every c .to. account In local paper am fee in- know that Blensianu. w-. rrrjTiT'a,,. It 1. planned that Stensland told Adami i ' - .-.v numbering about 80, Mexico on a trip in tue JbalT sail for America November 30 turnip, 90c$l per 1 .25 per tack "onlona-New, 1 per pound. Potatoet Old Bnrbanks. nominal; new potatoes, Oregon, 75990c. Butter Fancy creamery, !022, !P6Egg,U" Oregon ranch, 21(822o per doten. per New Island In Boiling Sea 4U.I T.nnma Alio. 11. UBPiaiU J.UC- Poultry-Average old hens, 1323c J1; ".t ticket scalpers of Oma- bridge, ot the steamship Northwestern I pound; mixed chickens. 12'913o;l and bring, from the Nor h a-. a..t ..- liar am 1 H fit '''C I 1 7 ' ... J.a iL. n an AtfiMf A mfl reVVUtn I uvwi the Injunctlon-atked .or n.t - v.a- lormed iB,ond gramea. VT ,.Tut 'I' , .L tn mil west ol Duich -.i.,. !4p! turkeva. ive. iuiw-w. ,,rW. dressed, choice. 209 22Hc; geese, live, 8910c; ducks, 11913c. Hnm ureHuu. a uwt. hv..i 13u; th. broker, cannot traffic inr., which lie. 60 miles eision duced rate tickets. 1 ..inr nlus with matte auu - . . , dayt to make a mu" "-t- Wanla Cement Factory Site n:.Th Oreson uu. rCl. look KioV a lotion X nlant. He repretenU that th. punt ,n.ontn y r : - , th. An euort w." - factory lor this city. olds, nominal, 10o; 1903 contracts, 10 du .ngtitllta1',Btin,t the scalpers 917o per pound. tr0m Los Angeles, Bait Lake and Denver wn.,iKaatnrn Oreaon average best, "" A, T ...,. K..irn 102 )c per pound, according to .brink- bl b 'hv'9 been uniformly de- ,RU, valloy. 202?o accor, to t ' ,n(t them. nest; monair,, i pound. . ; , Rebuild Manaion. Veat-uresseu, oTtiai-r. 1 n. tr,.Bci.o. Ana. 13.-The Clsus 11..1 loAtisioi'i nn g. .tij udi a i Ilftjs liroovu 1 - OOWi Mutton pound Pork Dressed, 7(8o per pound SKT oneo. r, directly M be Bogoslol i i i .. .h van nitssiai m vniia yst iia u naaa v mo btikiiwiiiiii . uu w ansa - . 4K5Ko; country tieers , , TiTh. Stored at an expenditure Dr.ssed lanry, .- -- -- -- . ,. tbe terml ; ordinary, 69c; i.mni, .au.j. v - ... .,. ...j. ,or w. I Ul v vi wa v- - - - eupancy withiu on. year. Islands', commonly known as CaBtle ami Fir. islands. It made us nrei .pi-ra.- ance during June, and It now uuu 'eei high. Th. length couiu not oe .aw talned. War Beacon Burns In Morocco. Melllle, Morocco, Aug. 11. Beacont were lighted laat night calling the com k.i.nia nf iha different tribea to astern- hlt. It la believed tbat a conflict with the forces of the tultan will shortly. Wataon IsZGullty. Portland, Aug. 9. After being out Irom 6:80 Tuesday afternoon until t o'clock yesterday morning, the jury in ihe case of the United States against Charles A. Watson returned a verdict Bnding th. defendant guilty ot perjury . " . . it.. lj;.tm.nt ith a SB Charged n mo it. " rtcommendation for clemency, juage Bennett, countel for watson, gave no tice of a motion for a new trial as soon as the verdict of the jury was recorded. He was allowed 80 day- to prepare oi... ol exceptions in tho Hendrickt and Wataon cases. Largest Wool Clip Shipped. Helena, Mont, Aug. lO.-Tbe large wool clip ever grown on the American continent was shipped today from Bil lings, this ttate, over th. Burlington, to Boston, consigned to a wool firm there. Tbe clip wa. the property of C. M. Blair, and weignea i,ow,w pounds and 44 car. were require, w carry It. It took a large force of men ten days to bale th. clip. Th. owner hsa refused au oner oi ceuta . for it. Bandits Rul. Polish Village, w.r.... An. 10. Th. terrorlsU are continually attacking and robbing postoffices, government spirit auopw, treasuries and tn. -nana. " general hat ordered tbat henceforth tb. Inhabitants oi village, cummuu... and cities in or near which such crlmw occur, .hall pay th. losses resulting from such robberies t Tho aegat. $1,826,000. I oi