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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 24, 1906)
OR IXi ON M I ST i KQUAL1TV T,,E LAW Entered at the Pootoffice at St, Helens, Oregon, as second-class mail matter. lj -g ISSITRD EVRRV FIDAV BV K. II. FLAGG. Editor and Propriktor. One copy, one year, in advance . . .f 1 00 Six months M Legal notice 23 cents per line. FRIDAY. Aug. 24. l'JOu. . RA1XIKR. Over mile if river fiont, and two miles of railroad front, with a vast body of timber tack of it and a thirty years suppiy available by towage. That tells the natural advantages, as a nianufac. turiiie citv of Rniuier. Where river and rail meet is where the manufactur ing city nil! be built. We have visited Rainier frequently during the past two years, and on every occasion we have been able to note some feature of sab- stantial growth. It is one of the busiest and most prosperous towns in Oregon, and if it keeps up its present rate of iiu provenient, before many years it will be classed with such cities as Astoria, Al uany and Kngene. At present it is in the tranrition state, between the village and the cily, and it citisena hardly tea' use thetr own advantages. Mills are going up, business buildings being con structed, factories established and en Urged, and logging toads constructed out into tha tall timber. ; If the taw in regard to Suntlar closing ! is to be enforced in this county it should , be enforced smifomaly both as regards J persons and localities. It must be en forced in St. Helens as well a in Rainier and against all persons who violate it wherever it is possible to secure evidence sufficient to convict. That is what the Mist has stood for and will stand for. We are not now arguing the wisdom of the law, but it is tlu law and Americans should insist on law enforcement. It is strange, also, that a man who is otherwise a good cititen, will, when called as a juror, permit his personal ideas of what snoutd be the law stand in the way of the fulfillment of his oath as a part of the le gal machinery. It is the duty of citizens to ubev the law. of officers to enforce the law. I and of urors to render verdicts in accord isnce with the law and the evidence. Whenerera man violates a law simply be j cause he does not believe it to be a good one he becomes acr iuiinal and a juror who for the same reason refuses to ren der a verdict of guilty becomes a perjurer. That's all there is to it. VERNONIA ITEMS. NATAL NOTES. to employment to hundreds of men, and the wages paid them circulate in the community and give prosperity to its business men. All this we knew before s recent visit, but there was one fact that we did not fully appreciate, and that is that Raiuier, in addition to its commercial advantages, has one of the F. J. Peterson made a business trip St. Helens Monday. The preaching at the Grange Halt last Sunday was attended by a very targe crowd. Miss Ada Curtis, who has been spend ing a few weeks with Mrs. Nettie Peter son, has returned to her home at U. W, Armstrongs, , Miss Eva Alderman, of Dayton, who taught the Pittsburg school last winter. This gives has been visiting friends in this vicinity the past week. Ruddiman Bros, and Kave are busy hauling their shingles to market be fore the roads get bad. About twenty people from Natal at tended campmeeting at Vernon ia Sun day. J. B.Ray made trip to Clatskanie most beautiful natural townsitee im- Tuesday, taking with him Dr. Floorn, aginable. It is a series of benches, ris ing in easy grades, and giving at every level a view of river, mountain, and forest that can hardly be excelled. It is a wonderful panorama, up and down the great river and across to the valley of the Cowlitx, with the town of Kelso in who has been visiting in the Nehalem several weeks. Agnes Burt was doing business in Pittsburg Tuesday. The foot bridge down at the picnic grounds is getting to be unsafe to travel over any more. Perhaps E. F. M. could the distance and the great snow peaks tell what is the matter with it. gurtening above the vertlure ol the var The Natal second nine base ball team ley. No artist can paint euch a scene have made arrangements to pay the Oak and no writer can adequately describe Ranch Stars on the Natal grounds. Sent it, but possibly it msy lie summed np 2, at 1 :30 p. ni. Everybody cordiallv in uj iu quuiauoa irom ine ciuie, wnicn i vitea to see tne game. A good game is we once heard from the lips of a woman. I assured ltis-uiras s garden of the Lord." Casper Wilson, of the Holmes & Wil- Landecape beauty has a commercial I son mill, made a business trip up the value, but as yet we hardly think this river last week for the purpose of secur- tact is sufficiently appreciated by the ing more shingle bolts for their mill. people of Rainier. They have been too busy thinking of things that seemed more important. As far as possible the beauty of the tow nsite should be pre served. The city should own a good sized tract of that laud on top of the hill. It will be needed in a very few years for the purpose of a public park ; but in the meantime it may have doubled or quadrupled in value, or have been cut up into small lots and the trees destroyed. Many a town has seen the Mrs. Mary Pnngle and J. W. Arm strong, made a business trip to Clats kanie Monday. E. F. Messing is busy packing and moving hit furniture to Mist this week Mr. F. H. Hay cox is the proud owner of a brand new gmphaphone. Now Frank give us some musk. Elmer Hiatt and Luinick Peterson at tended campmeeting Sunday evening. Miss Hattie Deeds, who has been spend ing tne summer wita tne borne folks, re- error of delay iu such matters, and we turned to her work at Portland Sunday. hope the business men of Rainier will prove their foresight by acting in time, O. A. Powell, of St. Helens, has visiting friends here the past week. been Be a good fellow and send in or call and pay the small amount you owe the Mist. It wont hurt you and there are so many in the tame fix that it will be quite a help to us. Galveston's Sea, Wall makes life now as safe in that city as on the higher uplands. K. W. UoocTIoe, who resides on Dntton street, in U'tm Texas, needs no sea wall for safety. He writes: I have used Dr. King's New Discovero for Consumption the past five years and it keeps me well and safe. Before that time I had a cough which for years had been growing worse. Now lift C-nn " t ' n ro phfnni, Mwioh. If the Republican party desires defeat grippe, croup, whooping cough, and'pre- veuis pneumonia, rieasant I'NCXE JOK. in tne next presidential election it can contribnte to that result by placing in nomination "Uncle" Joe Cannon, of Illinois. Mr. Cannon is neither as popu lar or as able as was James G. Blaine when the latter ran against and was de feated by Grover Cleveland. It is history that the typographical union of the city of New York, opposed the election of Mr. Blaine because his running mate was Whitelaw Reed, editor of the New York Tribune, an opponent of organized laiior. Organized labor has a strong grievance against Speaker Cannon. It is charged against him not only that he is opposed to the eight hour-day law, but that he used the power of his position as .Speaker of the House of Representatives to prevent its coming to a vote. Every cause has a right to be heard upon its merits and when a large body of work ingmen ask for certain legislation they have a right to demand that their mea sures be not unnecessarily obstructed. The offense committed by Speaker Can non is the same as that of John L. Rand, in auiie legislation, and it will be re membered that the labor unions of the city tf Portland defeated Rand for the Republican nomination for Representa tie in Congress. The American Feder ation of Labor has announced its opposi tion to Cannon, and while it may be true that it can not control all Its members, yet it will control the great majority of llieiu and in a close contest they may be come the deciding factor. It would lie interesting to have some statement from Mr. Cannon's friends as to why it is ne cessary for the Republican party to ac cept Mr. Cannon and bis handicap. There does not appear to be any great popular demand fnr lnm IT. : i,i ....... -,i belonil'S to the unr.r,n.iv. r-laa. f D. ! n W'fc ii "... ... ' ; : :r m s. c. to take Every bottle guaranteed, at Perry k braham. Price 50c and 1.00. Trial bottle free. 1AXKT05 50TES. C, C. Moyer is moving this treek to his place at Bachelor Flat. Mr. and Mrs.Cbas.Tarbel! visited their son, A. H. Tarbell, at Warren, Sunday L. Vincent and family, and Mrs. Eu gene Slater are attending camp meeting at St. Helens tenting on the ground. Chas, Brown returned home Fridav from Bellingham, Wash., where he has been working for the Lake Whatcom Lumber Co. L. J. Dupont has bought the Charley McCauley house, rear theStauwood mill, and has moved his fmnilv there. Yankton Urange, No. .'107, entertained Deputy F. M. Oill, of the State Grange, last Monday evening. The master and several members from Vnif Grange were present. U. tinstafnon made trip to Clalka nie Friday last tor a rood of mprrhmlle for 1. W. Keasey, C. A. Maltnttvn was in Portland a few days the Prst of Inst week on business. Rrtad Siicrviror Uergerson has put n new floor on the bridge across Ruck creek on Bridge street in this city. Win. IVerherry and wife were out to Forwt (.trove the first of lnet week. Miss Hala Hull, who is stopping with the Wallace family at Mist, spent the Sabbath with the home folks. Keube Sesserinnn came in from Clats kanie Fridav night, returning Saturday, His visit with relatives and frieuds was brief, but bvtinees is urgent. Miss Oial Spencer is bonis from Port land for a couple of weeks' rest and a visit with her parents, brother and sister. Judge Cornelius sikI Postmaster Smith of Hillsboro were here Sunday, return- iuy Moiday, They came over just to see how our little town looks and to get an outing. Mrs. Nellie S. Keasey of Portland, with her two little gJsnddaughters Maprilaml Iiorothy, ia visiting her sons C C. and D. W. and families. R. Sesseinan went out to Hillsboro last Wednesday on railroad business. We shall probably have something to report in counecliou with the woik of our rail road committee in securing the right of way next week. S. . Malmsten made a trip out to Houlton the tirst of Inst week, bringing in a load of campmeeting visitors from Portlond. Rev. A. E. Myers and Robert Spencer went to Buxton Tuesday for otli er loads. Mr. Lowe Magoon, brother of Mrs. El len Mills, of St. Johns, with hit family, has been visiting Mrs. Mills and her son, We understand Mr. Magoon has rented the old Vernonia hotel and that he ex pects to open it up for (ratines next week. The campmeeting began, as was an nounced, on Wednesday of last week and np to present writing has been well attended and there has been good inter est. Rev. U. E. Hornscliusb, the pre siding elder of the Portland district, and Rev. Morris Heverling, former pastor here but now of Salem, with the local pastor, Rev. A. E. Myers, are the preach ers in chargo. Rev. F. M. Fielier, anoth er former pastor here, and Rev. If. O. Henderson, of Lentx, with their families, are expected to be here the latter purt Of this week and over Sunday. Mrs. Hen derson ia the conference president of the W. F. M. 8. and will conduct a mission ary meeting Sunday ot 2 :30 p. m. Other visitoas from the outiide are Miles My ers and family, Mrs. Thos. Farley, the Misses Minnie and Flossie Ferrier, ami Miss Maude Godby, allot Portland. They all, with the -ministerial brethren and their families, as well as a Dumber of our home folks, are camping on the grounds. and it appears more like anoldfeshioned campmeeting tban any we have had in several years. Let everyone attend the meetings next Sunday. There will be an all day service beginning with the Sun day school at 10 a. m. It seems that we were mistaken last week in regard to Rev. J. O. Coleman and wife having purchased the store of Mr. L'.ndgren, ol Mist, we made the announcement after having made due inquiry and getting all the facts, as we supposed. I lie trade was made, but af ter Mr. and Mrs. Coleman went to Ueir borne they decided against it. We trv to get all the news from this point and up and down the Nehalem, and we do our best to send in only such items as can be depended npon to be correct ; but it has happened two or three times lately mat we nave, as in mis case, been pre mature, for which we apologize to our readers, and will endeavor to be more careful in the future. SlMMAHY OK .Vs.ssMi;NT HOI. I,. i ll'l tflft Acresot tillable land-WW t i;t n Acrvsof mm tillable land SltKIIU ' ' ' Improvements on deeded or patented land mi - Town and city lots ' mi'ftiift Improvement on town and city lot ' Improvement on laud not deeded or patented "J1, , Miles of railroad bed-fl; Mile of telegraph and telephone linesU L7,lt Miles of logging railroad lied i'S '."'l' Railroad rolling stock ,tt-'' lagging railroad rolling stock. ..M'.-' Steumbouls, engine, manufacturing machinery .ti-.i-m" Merchandise and stock in trade Farming implements, etc Jl,li Money Notes mid account -HUW Hoiiseho'd furniture ni.lJH Horse and mules liWl -V Cattle (U87 IlKt.O , - Sheep and goats t&s.l -'' Swine 1005 Gross vulue of all property - fA.UUO.IUli STATE FAIR EXHIBITS All exhibits for the State Fair that can be sent iu prior to September 5th should be scut to K. H. Flavrji, St. Helens. After September 5th semi them to Iv. H. Flag";, Columbia Couuty's Exhibit, Fair Grounds, Oregon. Send in every thing you can grains, grasses, fruits, vegetables, hops, wool, hams, bacon in fact every product of the farm. I want everybody's help in the work of making this exhibit ft credit to the county. The management of the State Fair is offering substantial prizes for exhibits, aud we arc coing to do our best to bring one of those prizes back to Columbia County. I am offering a prize of $5 for the best exhibit of canned goods, preserves, iellies, etc. I w ill sell these eoods for the best I can get for them aud return the money to the exhibi tor. Send m the trood stuff at once, rut it aboard the boats, addressed to me. E. H. FLAGG, St. Helens. JOB PRINTING 18 OUR DU8INC03 JE Imve iH'nt aul most y y fully equli-iMMl Jolt Print inn; ()"lrt ('olumbiA County ,lml nr are jtrrfmrvd to ito all hinds of Printing on short notice ' and ut most reason a hi ft price I TRIll Will CONVINCE OREGON MIST I VrV t A Mystery Holved. "How to keep off periodic attacks of V: 1 1 : -.! -1 : . . , . L-uiiuueuce. mio unuiiUBi I uilPlipauoil was a mysterv that Mr. King's New Life Pills solved for- me." writes John N. l'leaeagt, of Magnolia, Ind. The onlv pills that are guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction to everybody or money re funded. Only 25c at Perry A Urahani. Men's Suits $7.45, 9.75, $1 2.50 $15.00, $18.00, $20.00, $25.00 Suit. Nice fabrics tailored rightVBoys knee pants suits $1.50 to $6.50 SuitvBoy's long pants suits $5.00 up to $15.00 SuitMen's Shirts, Shoes, Hats, Sox, Underwear, Ties, Umbrellas, Gloves. If not right, Welch makes it right 1 sfl33Er23333 it ft MEN'S $9 SUITS f Iff I I I i iii Iff iff 1 J WELCH THrjLiREIKCAN i H 221-223 HQRRIS0M ST.. CORKER FIRST. PORT HMO, M L. C. QUICK . A. M. H0LT0N The Columbia County ABSTRACT AND TRUST CO. Titles Examined Abstracts Madi Non-Rksidknt Taxks Paid Rkal Estate Loans, etc H. HENDERSON, REAL ESTATE, JERSEY STREET. ST. JOHNS, ORE. Any communication from inv Columbia Cotm Iv fVint garding investment in St. Johns and vlcinitv will uiiij'i mm lurcjtii consmcration. on nni mm n 1 nnnn nrrnn S IMTtHMAS'S MOLILOfJUVTO HIS 0U. "Von vas only my dog, yet you vas petteroff than me. 'Ven yoii vas linncrv you hunts np a none and knaws it and you lull. Charley and James Muckle have been out looking after the lire that is threat ening their timber on Cox Creek. Fires are doing little damage as yet. 1CEUBK5. Vhen I vhss luincrv I had tovork and puy me soniethinirs nnd cook itnne den 'esd it nnd somedimes haf the stomach troubles. Vhen vou vas sleepy yon shunt turns round dree dimes nnd lies down nnd yon vas aeleeo. ' L , I f 1 f . . . ' . iicu 1 vas BK-epy i nai 10 iioiit mine ped uud make it und go to sleep unit haf the nightmare. Den vhen von tie 1 von vas ueat. v lien 1 tie I got to go t wine glacis mreuiy. D. P. BEELER, Prop. CLEANLINESS SANITATION NEATNESS .W Hair trimming neatly done At J tj the old stand, St. Helens U, (TlmWr l.n.l, Art June , Ikts ) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. rnllnl Hlaira l.n,l omi' Nntlre I. h.Tvl.v Klv.-i, thai c,,iUi,i with thr l.rml.l.m. l ,i. .... .., .V '")'""''' ' FOR UmiEB WEAX tiuliliruilit lav 1 to U'rircliin avaru slots. I.. inriff schedule as tlm tt,.Mi I Thos. Hunter, Cass Fowler, und their ikons. If t.nmlnat 1, ..M.I?,rKaret McNauxhtoii vMted the circus On account of shortage of cars the Winans Bros, are building a road from their mill to the Columbia river, so as to ship their lumber by water, instead of cars as heretofore. R. W. Foster, of Portland, and his sister of Illinois, were visiting friends in this vicinity last Sunday. W. D. Satterlee has accepted a position with Winan Bros. Mrs J. W. Lindsay, Mrs. Minnie Fow ler, Eiaile Wasser and wife. Albert Lar. G. S. Snyder and wife. rs b. C. Hadlev. Jliss Nellie Wise. Miss In OieCireultCotirt 0 the HtiU- of Orrxuti Uit the ( utility ol C'ol'iiuMu. I-i-ne Cole, pliilntlir. tr. W. a. t:, defendant To n. A. Cole, ik-kii'laul in the aljove . ihiii.i mill: In the name of th Ktal ,,l . ... .j ri--Mirt:u vitiiliiiaiMiei lo lilfar arnl iierthe couipUini flkil at allot you in the lay of Ocioher, !!;. fslil nlli unniiivncel l,y plaintiff atalliat yen for al4lule llvone, and If you full u, uri- -"r Muweeii una no aani tune, lor Haut Uiereof the .li lull It will take Ju.l.M.-nt aKalna yon for an alwoliiie divon-e and ill.liiion of lli- niarrlaite now eiltlni( between you and the aald nlainlfir. 1 niaauiniiiona iaaerred hi poMli n'li.n In mir nuanie loan order made Ijy the ll..n. rnhle T A. ili llrlrle, JuOKe of the t.lrmtl: l ourt of Hie Mlateof Oreuoil. for the County ol l oliliiilila luted Atisuat IMh. I!MI, Cald order nrovldeil hal the llr.t publlfatloii of llila aiimuiouK .hall If made on the ilth day of Auul. I!w. and lliat the laat Hbllcalliiii be male ou I lie .ah dav of October, luwi. " fPEXCKB DlVIH, AlUitiiey. .r i lalcillff. I in lnr,lat,t tr.t.A.t vy eiecien n ereiy oecaus. the Misse, Kose Unf(:tcher re the people are afraid of democratic victory j proprietors of the Goble restaurant at the aim auuiuiaauuw nearly any nounna- prcscm unie. I tion made by the party in power rather " " than risk the fiscal disturbances that'., . n,;i., 41 t , I "'"jor Ham, editor nnd inanaeer of the might occur as the result of a change. Conatmilionalin, Eminence. K y., when 1 Hut there are plenty of othet Republi-1 he was fiercely attacked four years ago, j cans whose nomination means sure sue- L" ile, bought a box of lSm-kleii's Ar-1 cesi., and there is no reason why the par- i ,,lr? 8?lve-, 0 whM! ,,e W ':, . t .1., . I me in ten days nnd no Iron be since." tyshouid take even the slightest chance,theal,rof burns, sores, cuuTml I dsleat, j wounds. 35c at F,rry Graham. KILLthk couch Ind CURE the LUNGS W,TH Dr. King's Nov Discovorv iAUtliyirVIAU am a rONSUMPTION 0UGH8 and OLDS Price 60c Ml. 00 Free Trial. SSiSSS .nd ftoSe,t Cum 'or all THHOAT and LUKO T&OVB. U2S, or MO WIT BACK. STATE BANK OF RAINIER5 RAINIER, ORE. CAPITAL $35,000 Four per cent interest paid 011 saving deposits. Interest compounded semi-annually, . March 1 and September 1. C. S. VAN AUKKR, Cashikk Collections Made Drafts Issued .Np adaai.d Wa.hliiKtnn Terrllorv,- . exli, ' ed 10 all the fm.lle Und Male. " y AUKI..H. 11, Wn,. If. -hel,, ', f..,",', ' t .1 l!" 1,,",)',"1''"I the M.nthoe.1 1 , jMllou No. j. f Town.hli, . a N .ip. as a ill I win iinur lifiuil ti. . t Arc Comfortable. $3.50 and $4.00. KNIGHT'S w sSffi m Formerly Filth anil Wsuliington. WASHINGTON AND THIRD ST. ALL AROUND THE N.W, CORNER PORTLAND OBI S lMtlll 1. ......... ... ."" ' ,,,nl 'I"' ...... V . . -.lanie o.r iia ii,l.r nlal.ll.ii hll.i7.. ..."Ji.i.? . -"I IO .i i. i it, .7;:. ..; . '"..' ... ; '"""" One Dollar will fit you to eye glasses or spec tacles. Perfect fit guaranteed. Your eyes fitted at liurne. Write for free iHxiklet describing oUr method. Kememher, the glasses we fit you to are worth any where on earth. Our price, only $1. 00. U K KEP.UKl.Ni; dera.rlmeml.B.ort roiiinlete. Miniiriir,lj. Walclicleaned Jl.ll S-nd rour work hy rcnl.lired uilil. .flO r.-.air any winch, METZGER & CO. lit IXTII iTBSIT, FOKTLAJTD, OBI. rtfatul .1 I.I w . . '11. ' I" 'VI . Ilv oainoa wllnc.r.- rry r, v,.ii,uai,i .., 1'or.b.n. I: w. .)J,.rr. ol h...,.',.,. ,VTm, ) hoot of I'ort land. A. I-U.rt! !,f l'..Vll, ' ' " : Any and all v.ii, rluimlns ndier-i-lv ti. al'-e l.-aerllml land, art- ri-uu-?.., sT. ltV.- sl.Vi? ; AUiKUNON H. JilirHaKK, ttvuUlsr. SBSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSWB MBBJssBBSSJSJXBijan I .LIiyjiM BANK OF RAINIER aplUl Ntoeli, 10,000. Fillr I'ald. Trairta ? - ""l iKi'kli.g bu.isie.s our per cent p,M triMtffs Kxchasign sold on all tx.ints Male, con my and school warrants Iwriiilil OFFIl'KBH w s.' !.' K, v' ''-'"I'Ici't i ..'V ' V,,-H "'-I'li'Ul " 1 Mt-nmis, Cashier HtltrXntiKS l Kmnciiahu V. II. I'M IC W. 1'. Ktv J. I. Iti'riian 1'ortland Urres,pedeHfajrh((llU j,,,,,.,, Bfc. BANK OF RAINIER. P.I.I sT S "'S,,.SS, ,r, , , , T-.-: FOR PORTLAND DAILY Steamer Iralda C. I. Hooghftirk, Matter. RAILROAD TIMK. U;ve Rainier dlly(..XM.,tHiiiidBy)forl'orl A. M..fiMrtlsiff from Hs. Ilelt-ti at" ?i ' ' 1,fl",'""li'. leave, fortluud as iliUU V "('""a . i. iivii'ii. at :4.i, PORTiaAAC JLAADLNU, TAYLU1I MONMOUTH 5TAT0 NORMAL SCHOOL 3ifin its "Cth yr-ar Fnpl. 2 oO IUM. Three Mill eoul,,:, i in W iBhington nnd otlst-r .Intes. The liest mill slmrtest wnv to a state nnd Iiu, p(,t.r, ny 10 Adililiontti vork In Kl, g,.,.rH iiianngement f,.r gra.IsM , , , KiHded m- will he give,, coining yenr. Longer terms. i,ig,Hr ,., , lH-ttiir ..pporlunitsM , ,!). V, " l""'inll-ll. BclllM, , rent. m-B"r -r. 1 ajci ujlg- STORE DOW BY THE BIG SAWMILL Reccivi orsapprecln tH tlie mi,.rir Bl.llii r "I Moninoiiih gniduntfs, ,1 ,. 'Iho..,,,! fnr exceed, M,',, ,'?!e.''0Mt,,,',i'llln.;r!,m. mg New Goods Every Day! me week. E; "" Hesiutntlon r.f r t,.. 3 oianumg rr Only the Rest In a. .-...aj ,uiy a,iia inn in General Merchandise lion will I, Pit lit. Iin nt-i.,1!..... I ;o.r.,po,.,le,0invit,,i:,X1,ii;'i)i J. H. V. MUTLF.R Ri'gistrnr. fc: St. JIcIcilH, Dart & Muckle. 1 Orpgou.3