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About The Oregon mist. (St. Helens, Columbia County, Or.) 188?-1913 | View Entire Issue (May 25, 1906)
CP.BiSHOP County Rally J m RfPORT. To ttie oniiUe'"' A, )bWl, iiKlmi lA 111. I'M .lilt ('mill i II LOCAL ,1.1 h ,.1 At tUC ncMC GroilUdl liortll of I Wr, th itma hror. clKMen for tho CM St. Hcleus. 1'ridav. luuc Mr term, foe th r m u tim 1 1 t, -t,f.i I tv lit Uomotiilior lwnir V iumw Bur . . ' 1 . .. I t i . S r;.t t. y'.. tMl reix-rt, ivuu u.Fini.itc H'i Vfwvviuur, erltna which biiv btwa btimuM tu utr will be the Kpcakcrof the day. tiiiilii, .mi having t-m tu trntu I Km. WaiUuc McCamant '0'),. th ol tlw tirt ami i vviitie I'lne awl Tur, old . i .luiii. and '"',lrr, to t"r,r' o .Hcre.t on time flepueiU. Jcl t'""u"l,UC- """ No nut to .m.U t an account ,, ,.t Columbia County Hank. Cine and ukf atFml w"" " v .,.... ..I...L a. ...It ultra 1,1,.,. Columbia Counly Hank. 1.1 i P every dollar ' UlcMMC !" Column., vimmjr .., ....(,..... New Vina. IfoiNi lor al.. lai'f V.IIIC III' - - - . ..... ....i.i. a hundred. Cul but lr .- C.niMlv lUltk. IUWU'Cak Cutwrv RALLV-l'tlday, i, i (. ui,, Jaiiie. v ituycoiiii, nominee for lloveritor, will - i. . it.- i.i.-iiu- urouuiWatSt. Helen., 0 ,i,r j-nr ol the dy as viewed (rum tiii. .in .tandpuint. Mr. WUliy rM,W U and not trained In ihe .... i,. l ..Mlorv. but he 1 K'w'. ",l,"li eouuiwliiK t.tlkrr, and be will be beard ...i. i..inrt bv nil WHO are coiii-erne.. u ii., welfare of our Slate. In th eve ,. it,,.,. Wallace Hrtmm, one oi ilu- !.! p'.tfortn praacr in wivH.. -11 ..LlrrM the people t SpcncV 11.11, ll.iu'l.m. Kvcrybody who cm poibly .1,. .. .Ii.mld altcud bulb Hi" meeting, tn the afternoon meeting with your i i children, and liriiiic lunch ..Hi vuu. aud tttnke it a rnUr old ...h.oiic.1 t.utiic gathering. The picnic .re located l the gruv u.t ..,il. ..I St. Ilelcu. on the Columbia lily mh-1. wving arriuite home. Columbia Counly Hank ... .nv Uu.i it vUUlna with the St-nk well, at l-Utk.nle lhi week Mi- I. !.. Iker vlit IVrtUii'l y the lt.ii.l i on We.lneUy lt M, Klmcr T. Conoell. lteiiljllcu (i,ii li Uic l..r Re;.rcenUtlv, w In the entity cl evcr4l (Uy lhl wee.. i,.,.y, June Ut. Jine Wtthyeotiil. Rrililtfi or ('.oveiiirtr. will r,'0' ;, J"1-11'' K10 u.HlultUO i'.ii. Kvrrytwly HwiM lr. out i'l litae urri(..ii" nct Govrrunr. I. .a Mutt.Uv nuitilier ol the cltUrn ,.i ,st. iidiiu met .1 the court Iwiux Ut the .un-.o loigniitil 6recoiiitiy. Tlir city h two ho earl. n.l I2W lt ..I Ik.! mi.) there houl.l lie an i.rgiiie t t..m,nv t.i u Itwu. NothiiiK w ,Ui, ly..ii.l aiiiiliu, a comiuittcJ to iluw hi hy Uw. The meetii.K .l,mrtc.l .ut.,. . t tu the ilt l tui committee. In tlir prime ol life, jtirc forulil .e mil. I.. .tli. Tlk to Kom. He k im!. ..I Life Inmr.tHB ltcie. Ciflum l i t I ..limy I.Ji.k, Tin. liv Mim will n he here. Im, tinted h4vin your "irrty In ...rr.l uii..t lire. T.Ik to K houl it. Ciliimtii. Counly Buk. Mr. J. It. Mark w vLilot to l'ort I ui. I lliia Meek. I li4vr money to loan on apfroveil rvilMtute cfuniy ... i K'tumeiJ three true hrlli, y. III. 7UIC IU UllCllU Tlinre haw twan lirouitlit to ixrr at- Tm teMiuti M.vera) vlmrirea of vk4Honv4 Mr. J. It. tJoilfrey ycut to C.lhtiraiH lha Htim.r-vloli lw ol IkaKtMltro! on Tuewlny to vUlt her ilauithlrr., Mra. Uregim. oo Ilia trt of Umi anloDiia ol the Lt.wt.... .....I fcr.. Lt.. ... I...I..I...' i.. ... .iu ..i.. .... ..,. CUT IN IVIIIllVr RWI IWI Wfl.l VIUftlKV Mr. Ileii.tronti, wifr ol Counly Clerk vlolutloii ol otlnir atatrite., rehnfve to limrv lluilrrm. wii lukcii to the ttua- enrneaagaliwl Hiorality in tali! city, .ml ilul In 1'ortl.iint ou Ktitunlay, iiiflering altar (Mrefuk'iniiiratiM ol tl tall- front itervoui Mi. WiitU, of l'..rtlan.I, UtUil relative In litis i-lty tl; u-t wivk. veknonTa itkms. niiMiy ana ol th (tata law reraliTe tUrlo, wo I) ml that tle l.nll lie la tliu fact llml the city conniril ami city in. mlm) ol the town ol lUinier have f.lli il lo ilo their duly, awl hy ihvlr co- iluct have, perhaM not openly eoeoor- Ml. Mle K.irlr. alio h. Iieen leaeb- "If" violation oil ha Uw, imi nayf I ui ll,..u.ull Yi,, 1,111 roiii, tv. c.iiiR MiitiK'Heeil tn trie tamp home FriJ.y for !i r ituimr vain- We furtUr Umi that the city of ,! I Rainier po.r.iu.leaolliority, under r XV M..lll..m,r. r.M.l ,r IU law ami onlitianrea, to regw.ieaii .li.i ii .11.1 I....I...M.. Hi. I .. i-n. lux eiiming vice. "- -.- ..... ... in mwk uMintli u.nntclwl auuioruie, .nun i.ui t!..,u l V...m..lii.. uih Utillr are properiy penoroivu, hl ail uri.l call to . Ik'U-na on '"ere no neerwij i Fu... TI...,Uv of l..t week. l-oiiiiiy oi i,oiuuioia w .... . ' ' I .... I ..... I.. -1 .....( .. till Mil It. Ik IU i.' .- -,....1 ... ln rinlBlranlol lllini WH 111 HIV Viruui wu o.i,iv i,l Ih.i k. returnlne "leanort whlclt my na ui.powa oi, . ..I ,nn.l..mliu ir whenever ucu violation oi we mw r "" - , . . ,i -ii. i lllore. ... ' .... i .i... i. i i.i.... ,.r i.....t..t 1. 1 iiaiuiur. ana me iii.uuv win aire. m..HT.-i ..smiFi . M. - . ... ...... i ii,, v K Tl.rru.i. precinct. . ..... ... .ii., ,i un. if .1.1. ...... ....I V.I W. llrl o iinu aiw inn n aire. r.m - - i...iliMlni. ami their f.mltie. M.e formerly Uvt.i jun . j-...... in the Nelialetn. '. " !...., . . .. . . tii. il...l. I.I.....U ln,l iracuoil oi ine law, a. v.. i no vi. a, ,i ...i , . . ... i ,.i i.... u. t.i.,"UOurt. anil oeiievini ina in i.nnr. . no i n-H a im.jii.4 mi ..... - , .;. . , ,i,.,,,i i. ill oh.rva IWiion ly next Wl- - ' " ' """T i ...i.-. i..itri,l.J .III .tllvm the municipal authontle of the town 7 I ..I l .1.. l...... ,,,rl.. ara lhorllon. Hmiiiv wenl her, the " - inaorauo . r itnN.t.v rl,r all iuch matter to uch erelm will lie tiul.l ai me ciiunn, uu If lair weather they will be at the ceu.e- courw. a we ani cu.-o 7 urietit Di.trlct Attorney ami hi . -;n .1.. it...:, full it .it v in the . a. a. . 1 . .. . .. ........ .ii I I..IIUIT ..... ..,. - - j r.. aiycr., me iw. ... . . .mhorilie. preurh at the mauer, i. ...- i I . .... . ... ....I ..1 all ol ine uur oi uaimer - Kev III. Vvriimiia circuit, ill rlnirih here, U'lh morning .ml evening Ha will probably the uieuioiial Mrrmon to the old biM'ii t the uioru- In. hour. All ate cordially tnvilcJ to .urn. I. It iliert SH-nn-r and Tout Tliroop, had Portland week. They Unh ui llii'V had a g'.Hl time. u;.. I ,11... Ilntfjin. who ha Wen .t,.i, i,ii,2 .III. Ida WalUce lanilly near Iv iii Iho tiriok'. I home a ! week acallon. I. T. K.rlyau.l t). K. J'u' went to I'orilaiid Tuerd.iy, where tliey e.cti win pii h v..r to prove nil on their honie- ..... r. ft nlrtl....l,.ii i.. ., I. io. ol low ii. v. . - uftiimnaiiied the in. and will I lor hotli. and each will ho a wilnc l..r ll.ii otlirr M.linttrui yi ' PORTLAND'S NEW CLOTHIER No better place can bs tbund in Oregon to buy your clothing than Mr. Bishop's Store. 87 3rd Street. New, Fresl:, Snappy designs. First class fabrics, best tail ored and trimmed. Get acquainted with Mr. Bishop tj. l. uiornjr. and his clothing store. mmmmmmmm'imm?- . mm n.iaaj.iis. i town In the county will do their duly, the clrcait court record will not be en cumlwred wltli lot of malt cae that ought lo ha d!potcd of in the lower cuurli. Another reawn which prompt lull recommendation 1 that the circuit court meet but avldoui, while the Jmtice court and municipal court are alway ,h.ii lo bu.lne.. The penalty provnleU hv the il law lor conviction on uch .-barge la wholly Inadequate to i-ec-ire a n-.aliou of iheviol.tioiuofllie law, aud .tricicomplinni-owilh the tatute can only lie aeenred by reietcd proeco tlmi in the lower court, for the reawn thnt a man ma apier before tli cir cuit court on charge of violation of tate l. of mi h characU-r. be found guilty. T.M. Ta.ker an.i . ,.......-.- i...,, after the , Iu F.,rel tirove with ou, ,,,e P. -.-;--",, ' .llionrri. . l ..ruwlivil irranu niry bhu ...vv..--- . . f... i mimii.nca anu phiumw - the each we firlof thl week, which .. I ...... l., lor c.-.i .. .. .....n iheer.nd lury meet. v.. 1. brimmis a eoi .-. . - . - ... ... , I ...!,. Kuril fine Inipoaeil ly WU now , a. .re pro..- .. 1 ,,,, noanl, 0tmhn, to ..."- ... .,,.,. .... w betweeu at thl. lime ol tlie year. . nreaent condiUona lo.f..rd I vi.itlng tl... wee. .y ,M mhoU. llie they cn .. t . ..I .win. a tnrMlikI ... i .. I aAIIIA IllA HPrTlLTJa Vi arvrmv I .. ...III .Ilk I a ft I IB 1TIMM1 IU U BUI I Hlg lUIW".n w m will, hi d.ngh er Mdla, , .d o ti er re nJ u Sale... a." oT, of the clt, of Kalnier, nnd If the away (torn the Nch.l .... ami i. o ( w. H.rowiu.L. 8U Helen. Oregon AxtmiKK Krtw-On SitmUy morning Ut Tom William, of Rainier. w unlird hy Oilliert of th.l place. oo account ol hi auu-ioi. proclivities, though they do nolapj lo been very pro .ounce I. Accord ing to WillUiu. the ajault wa entirely utiiovokcd, but other are willing to .nr lo the coulr.ry, o it I probable lli .t nothing will come of the Ni'.wsi-ArKn ClUNOK-Thc Columbia Urtti-tcr. heretofore owned and pubh.hed hy Mr. K. II. Mitchell, at lloulton, li U vn purchawd and will hcre.llerlie con ilmtr.1 by It. G. Kemp, now one of the publisher of the Advance at Rainier. Mr. K. hi ii will move the Paper to Rainier aud .l;.....Hil.... it.. A.tvdni?.. uieritiiii! the two laticr Into the Regl.ler. Mr, M11..1..11. iiiiil. riUnd. will move to CowllU County, Waihlngton, and en K kc iu the newspaper butlitc there. UtTiiiioNKSisTitHit Orand Chief Mr Lour. Itootflikb-k. of Rainier, pld the II UI.Im. ftf Aw. Temiile vUil ui l...n...-tl..n mi TlmrwUv evening lt and leaves thl week to lncct the ooler i.. i: ........ ..,... nr visit, here wa t l,Klll,- Vl ii"l - - - nude tileeaant bv the local iter, tin; Kniifhl who are fortuunte enough to be tncmlicra of tliu auxltlUry order. Tike care ol the dime and the dollar will lake care ol themselves. Column! futility 'lttukr " " ' "TImmi wilt, ha Msrvlcc at Hie M. K .'. .. xru. 27. t 7:!0 -iiiirv:ii nunoiiy n p. m. Kubject, "The 8ufo Venture. Von arc Invited to attend. O, I'. TOVKHA. ltor. . Mr. Lavcll Pratt awl her mother. Mr. 11. p. Watkln. .turtcd for Southern Oregon, on H.itur.hiy Tirtl. where It i hoM the climnte will be ol liencflt to Mr. Prntf hcilUl. Mr. Pratt wu. hwiBtM Mlcd In Ht. Helen ami her nuttylriend hte will hone.far tier early recovery,' ' ...... ... .. 1.. runllllv 311 tUC worn, i projn.-niiin -i ' iicw reidence of 0. W. WaVcHley. i.p i. o. f laV, Wit ill IV, I',. oio-cii.. -l- the county aeat on Monday. Mr. Harry Want, Republican ca.idl date for county cotumUtiioiier, paid . . II.....1,.U IflMt vnit to the MisToince on i" i Vr. 11. M. l'owler. of Qoble, clmirninn pl'theroiiiity ntpubllcan committee, wa in St. IU-tcna thl week. Mini M.aiul Decker, of Portland, vWted ' at her home In till city on 8tid 'y f- ItHft. Married, at the homo of the bride at .i M.mdav. May 2UI. llXHl, in Ke.'.l, Wellington, 1U-V. J. O. Colc.n.n, ,U,r of the church Hero me j- . The many menu ..i... . in .i.. hi. whole duty, lliey nau Iwiter lurrcnder their t barter of incor and relv wholly OOlMti"" authorities to preserve order a 1 done in an. unincorporated town, .T.mliinl the pretent court i i. it ha outlived it useful- . this occasion to commend ....I Mr. U. J- Ollien of the groom hetc wish the happy coup ,0mp,,,.rn. , .na , bi.rttv. rur lit 1. ut Kin1. ttifl Mr . ..ahia nnw Vuleman wrr.. . - , , w. I,.,, .. .. i. li.. aauriu ni coniiruciiuii raluuli.lring bang on -'n'. , ,nd .pecification f ihe door." ..-..i ..,.. bv H-cci.l nieaarnger Tuewlay from llillalioro, thai Mr. F. C. aull, mother ofMrs. Il.t.. iw.i...a. ll.l.cilv, had did un Mon.i.y HI,el..dir..keol p.rlvl year, ago and b. bifn a cm,.,.- . .inco. bute very pan. ... -- -... i n,.. i,lni and children left at ,mtV,o attend ,ho fum-ral .ervico TI.e o I the enure comm. ' . .. ... .OII..I.... .1 u... ... utuir niu...".. Mr. W H. Piilmir ha been quite . I. .1... .!. liilO. lick the pt ween, . -' , -' ' . .iin vi'i iienr i .i.".-.- Arm...v... . . , There ha been tome iiuiw.. U.1,,11, a. to Ihe clhct ol our pe.. . il.n ll.iiinr ntiesllon lor au- lor a v"i " - , . . burn precinct, and the vole .. . 1... uli..IIOtl IIDOII low ."' ..... .....i.- .I...1 comity. Notice for 11(111 I1" " " . ,...i i..ra. Home bavo . . ....... ..! that bv our having a.kud l" . ..,i for the lnct, we would probably defeat the obje. of l e " ., .7 . ..... i.., a volo In Columbia 1 We liuvemade Inip.iiy .bout w r I i, nu' II I'll I iw .1... nil llHVO it .......i... ,.rt. Thuro will be but the ballot where the voter " ' 1,1. .bbH upon .a que- f.t inn cmuiiy IIIIII. tHilll t" for tli AUttKliSt-U tl. utrwla. U tit of coo 11 V war- rant in the bands ol the county clerk is sued more than seven year prior 17 lt. 11100. and whicu nave noi rjeen sented for payment, and it is onlerea oy the County Uoun mai 11 are not presentea lor paymeni -"" j...j.imniBui nrs oar v. iu.j. . .. a.. MM.taJ ..1(1 mvffl.nt I'JUO, luey win - r- . .. I f , arl 2nrfSrrieA No. 61" inc. Issued Jan. 10. 1809. Amt., 100 A A No. mJ J. oiniaca - - - , , o.. Issued lulv 11, i""- nu1- n. 2nd Series A No. 61W. Issueiljan. 10. 1899. 2nd Series A No. 4519. Issued luly 11, l-J. 2nd Serie A N. &329A. Isaued March 1-1. lev. in Saturday. We are glad to welcome them to our neighborhood. Timber cruitere and aurveyore nave, been active lo thl vicinity for tome uy- ... ........ One branch ol the new rauroau lo cated op the divide between Camming and Beaver creek. It i reported from good authority that thl branch will go dow n the Nelialetn river to Atorla, and that another branch will iboot off two .id one-half mile this side ol Boxton, ih Nhalem river about six mile .hove Kbt and go itralght to Tillamook .ml ihat the two will meet along me c.a.t somewhere. Thl I iuppoea to .-over the ground to complete that no rival road will ever be built. J. K. Dalla otTcr an ideal mill eite at tha mouth ol Clear creek to any man who will put iu a mill at thnt place la the Moon Inhabited? ha proven that the moon ... !f. ha an atmosphere, wMcli roaxee me in aome lortu poible on that atelllle; hut not for human beings, who nave hard enouuh lime ou thie earth of ours; especially those who don't snow war. Electric Bitter cure tieaaacue, oiuiour ues. lunlaria, chill and lever, jaunoice, dyiep.ta, duslne.. lir onor before June 1st, 1908. and ney complaint, general ueoiiuy anu r complaint filed against you in male weokntMea. unequatieu tnnln and aDDetiier, lor .....nt.. .ml dtnec a IV lor ine i, induce eound ilecp. Folly guaranteed ?.1 SriM A No. 453U Issued July 11, 1898. 2nd Series A No. 5351. Issued May 6. 1899. Total, N CountT Clerk Olof Olson Amt. 11.00. A. E. Myers Amt. 160. Feldenueimer Amt. 1 10 !, Tohn Carlisle Amt. M-50. Fred Clark Amt. 4.00. SUMMONS In Ihe Clrmlt Court ol thj SUle of Oreioa, for o iuc cotlBir of Colon. hi.. olaintifl. va. France. M. wa-: To f ranee M. King, the above named J in "tte name of the State ol Oregon . . ! 1 a. ...4 MAlinM tn you are BereDy requires ... -- Sy C. FIM.HKR. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. , OBE0O5 RAINICB B. U. B. CLIfT, D PHYSICIAN & SURGEON er. iiELESs. OREGON. rR. EDWIS ROSS. PHYSICIAN & SURGFON ST. HELENS. OBEOr a weak It EXECUTORS SAUL OF HEAL PROPERTY. ..nm.T I. v.. .haft 111. uivlcill.ncd i ..M-uu.r al th. Uurt will nd iMl.mrut of KUnbeth FlM.ui, denMd. br wina " onler ol tb eonnir eowrt ol tbc Ht.!. ol Oregon. . . ..h.nnni mini. Bwle .ml entered on tl. Sin d.r ol April. 190. .wlhorUln. nd em pow.rtn. ibe undernrned lo m.ka aale ol lb. ml property hrrcln.ller dewrHued, will oo .nJ after Moadar. th. Hib d.j of M.y. IS pr 7. r.,r.. ui .h. fntlowln. dncrlbcd ml proptrty. lyln. oin. .ad rttu.t. In tol umbi. Coootr. Oreiron. .od parucululy do erliwd w follow.. iwli:- The kuOj b.lf of lb north wm quarter: tbe . l . ... ... th. .anrih .mi niwrer .nd k.l S of we. in towo.hlp jeveri iji aoril .f mace rourt.i ... .. ....... Ml. IHOPenT W1U W ' a. ' ai denlimed will receive bid. thereon by or oth.rwtM t Hlllsborn, Orraon. ukI a. . -. titk rf.vnf Uar 140ft: Mill OrOI.Tr- tTWllllwwld.ublect to eonflrm.tiou by the ' . . II' -.. w 1 Mna.n.w . . of April a7...m. nu.rt of Wuhinioa eouniy. Oresoa Dated at Ulll.boro on Ui Itii day ii.. nine, and If the contract li car ried out. it will be a oeetui a wen .. u nametHal .tructure, redounding to Uic credit of the taxpayer ol tne counir, ud the prewnt county court. imply one ugge.tlon j that in tlie con- tructlon of the lame, me nu.-. cell In the jail be a-lequau .o .... of the county. ovi' tome uei juob- ..1 n,.nirt to arrange me iu.. lliru.v.. ...a - , A the book of tho variou om. ,.n.,ltf linv IklUliV WU -JKs- HID W - ---- v we do not deem it tieeeary w - anylnve.llg!ionotthe.aid book, and .1 ntinn 01 me Kouu.ja ii.i.,.... ..... Having oomploted our laoor. wo ur to be discharged. K. C. Ul.ACK.rOHU, roru. 0. t. C0NYKKS. OU)l?OI.EEN. LABS MA0SUSEM. THOMAS MOKK1S. NKLS B. OliiEN. U0UT. HALL. Perry and Graham. Price only 50c. Boys and Gnu Aid An agent of the n,,.. .ml Girls Aid Society of Portland was in St. Helens but week and organiwd . lnrl hranch ol that institution. The nfficer. are: K. E. Quick, president; I. .H. Copeland, vice president; Mrs. M. C. Gray, secretary and treasurer. Tbe ol-1-1 of the aocictv is to look after viciou or neglected children who would be bet tered by being removed from their ores- .a ...A....limr .nd cared lor at the SCI. . ... institution. who to for,othit there will be no c ,...,11,. The awainctiy i"" .!. alw) Vine on ... i" " nonce TO CRCOITOHS. iidewigncd lijvlng lieeti Tl,c....dcraiK. ca' v.nK -r. ,cg elailitilttiatrutorofthe estate c O. l"skTrcm,tv Oregon, and Court of Columb la C oun y. w k .y , .vi,,g .ua tel. 1 1 llErc, Claims t lll0 mme, piopeny notiltcd to nautili " . s ., lice veriftcd, to the uittter Ignt tb at it 1 . 'tT' tto ro'u l Sit? oflbc Date and Wllllin 17 ... ..1 ,1.1. notice, CAP..K8, A Lucky PoetiiiLtre.e. 1.11. AI.e.ndur. of Cr.V, Mo., found Dr. King' New Life ri" . . .... i....i ....,,n,lv .ha ever tried kwplng tbe .totuach, liver and bowel. ... L.tLt rlr. You'll agree with her if you try these palnle. ptirlllor that Inline new life, aunrtuiteed by lerry A flrabaui. Price aw. . KIST ti.a awntl. howri ere guarantee 1 ti.l atiuimer, u m..u ha. been enuiigod to buil .. ... 1.. .1.. ...ui udiool house Sutuf llid lino r. ii..rion and wife went out t . J a v a - ... .. ... . Ulo with their wool, for which lliey got ... ... ..... ii. Kden Mow cnine home Monday. Me lltt. been attending .obool at IMii omath. Now that the oottnly roaJ ? opened to tbe county line, It . P to Wa.l.lngtoii to open their part 01 tt, .. ... aiil lu a conliiiou road up i. river. There le "bout 80 rod. lor thorn to open the above entitled court and cauje.II you fail to appear anrl answer time the plaintiff will apply to the court lor a decree uinos pr existing between you and the plaintiff, .u.. t;.f .. mv he eaui- ana lor sucn uius. .....v.. j UThis summon is published by order ol t ui. o & lTnttan. ludee oi the County Court ol the State oi Oregon lor Colunipia County, made at chamber on the 20th day ol April, 1906. requiring thl .... . X h. nnhlished lor six consec- IUU1U.UU. t . tva.u .: .... wtnninff ODU1C wibubj ol April. 1900. Th ""t PuJilon will the last publication on the first day ol llktel .nH t l.e d.v on which vou ire Quired to .pjy.r Utte ltd.yol ihe six weens ucu j time ot tn Po"?"u" lXT,7 Attorney lor Plaintiff. J. A. IMBRIE. Cnnils of lb. lul will .nd tuneni of E.iubeth i'mau Geo. R B.irley. Auy. for Executor. wmm reBTUiia. -TaAMffH "America" Willamett Slouch Route ii Leave St. Helen.... t,M A U int.. .1 Part aad.. 10:80 A M Leave Portland 'S" Arrive etSUUeleu. I0PM WAM M) CatltT). . n ...Ll. UI awnaaut PaatFraigki. ft jian . . M Porte Trud and Lubens Peart 1 My iHilitic are fair and rea sonable bu. ne principle, to be applied toall alike, and I believe that the quality ol my good and price prove that the purchawr get mil value lor every cent he apend over my counter, lot 1 guarantee everything:, and no one can ay that I ever dumnrrod agninet refunding money on or replacing any thing that did not prove w be a good a could be ex- Try Butternut bread, fresh every day. Our pacj"" cookies, cracker, etc., of the very highest quality, canned good a. good aa oan be pro duc, flour, feed.ce.e.RAY jjoflCEFOr. PUBLICATION (Timber Land. Ad Jon . 1 United Stale. Unf WBee. Portland. Oreeou. April M, ISO. .. .... .. iT"! . in.t In eomidi.aee V'... ,i..i.., sauerrein, ol .nkton. ii.m.V ol colurabla. State of oreoa.a fl.y llieu in ..." SK9I, lor the pnrch. So. M tu Towu.hlP and will ofhr proof I. more v.l u.ble lo - ,,, ,...1 ,,rnoM.. .nd 10 el.oii.n ..i.v.a... Dull, DIHie V " ' . d.) -Hied in thU o '"Ik u of tkrcMoa ksi lorth.pmeh.wof theb. S. H ' J"'f . . . ... ... art nr. than fur and to wtablioh h) claim H. HORQUS ST. HELENS Carries Complete Line ol Groceries Dry Goods Hardware Crockery Flour and Feed Hay Notions Candies Stationery Fancy Goods The Fercberon (tall ion Forte Trod and tbe German coach Labena Pearl will make the teaaon ol 1906 as follow: eaters at Tajik tea, Tausaari at UealUa, Weslaeaaaye aael TkaratUy at Dm ars, ea Saavtaa Iaaa4, frWayeat 8ewaiet Satmraayi an Saadayt at Warrea. Mares from a distance will be pastured. for J3 per month. WEST & LYNCH, -0WNERSy sees: Ore, t.. 1 .e.thinv aunallv kect in a fir no. aim i.wu....i-- - - "Ti-r: .wiuid Class tienerai aKtcmiiiiw 1 .nd will offr to how iha he Uad u anj "w . aonable as any k.""mEffii ."'.A-T "uZ Vouv trade Hon- IU jIHUWa ,wwa-ja " aolicited. 0,He aiata wltm.: Wdor. ".mornlon. ..V.SIV.aTr .TT w 1111. 8ii.rvi. of V .nklon. Or: Ol 1 in.h "T'.i- --, v.. i.n. Ore: riwu lienor. - - . I. T. Anv'ind Vn -rwS Tut-taw lv.rly lh. .Inn-ribedTaail. .re rvque.te.1 to 111. their JuimVlTiMfflceonorliefore id 1Mb. day ofMMeb.WO. AU!eBSosa.PBK!WKR. Be.lter. ... ...... ........... tn. Mr. Olaen anil wiie, woo ... 1 0, O, F. ri plce upon m, "Arrut," Wvlt9'. Mr. I. W. Day returned this week from a three week' visit with her parent at Lebanon Wikstbom Wins The wit foi-daiuage In the amount ol 20.000. brought against I. 0. Wlkstrom. oi Scappoose, hy Nuicoe rtunman and Samuel Wiest in the cir- ...1. ,i,rl for Multnomah county, ua.a w .lUmlsaod. The dispute n,S oeeu ettled by Mr. Wlktrom being allowed to use the flume and the railway company aettlnii the desired right ot way. Votick There will be a Uaikot social and tree entertainment at the Muckle .!! In Vernouia on Saturday, une a. 1900, lor the purpose ol raising lunus tor tl.. tuirchnse of an organ for the Wilkin- us .chocl. Wst. No. 1?. tb sets to auctioned off. Every ludy is invited to bring a basket, every s;elieuiun filled pocket book. Mrs. C. W. Blakesley is n Portland thl. week as a delegate to the Grand Lodge ol Rebekahs, the ladies. auxilHary NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. .1 .K. Int.rlnr. L...i. i. hr.t.y alven lb.l lb. follow lot , h.. hit-d iiotli-e or ni. mien..... andRaSfverTarfcrM IHO. vl.: Mnanu. Joh'ri" H. 1 ' KSTABI.1SHD IJ.i lSttt. JOHN A. BECK DKALRR IS Watches, Diamonds, SilTenrare, ....JEWELRY.... Repairing a Specialty. Alder street, Bet Front 4 Ft ret. rORTLANT, EDISOU! German Coach Stallion Owned by tbe Clatskanie Cerman Coack Hotae umpany, win maae tne aeasoa 01 190t, commencing April tu, aa follow; Tuesdays at Peer Island Wednesdays at uomton Thursdays and Fridays at scappoose Saturdays at Holbrook. J. T. GRAHAM, Manager HOTICI To ME8IT8B1 in. a : 0 . t'.t? .1,,,..... to wrov. ,"Lr. V... L'T..; deuce unoa and cuUlr.llon SV.-.V.'So:. u? o Yiiikton. Oi.-n, rhw..iH.uo&Bi Krfi.t.r. Buy on Credit! this $60 Machine for $25 ruisui mm. FOI PORTLAND DAILY Steamer Iralda C. I. mtfkUri. Master. ' RAILROAD TIMK. t .lMl.rd.llv.e.nt aund.rltorl'ofi- ...... .. . a. SI., irom at. nww ... oolox-k. Keturalii. l.w fwrtUud M l:M r ., d.. n. Notice I. hereby rlren that the ttademraed have beea duly .ppoinied by the Couuly Court of Volumbl. t'oaniy, Oregon, a. exea-utora of th. wUle of M.rtln Both, deeeaastt. end tt duly qualllled tueh aMoM. All asnoH h.riiiit clriin. wrain.l aud eUUe .rw hffe BotiAed 10 :be a , properly veiited, to the uuuerined execiitora, at tbe otnee of u.rrln.n Allen. AUorner .1 L.W. Fin BuildlD. AMtarih Ore.on.wllhln.lx month, fro, list dK of Ibe na publication of thm notlo. tMted .1 S4. Heleu.. Ore.n. April 13. I J t; 1.1 A BOTH. K.eeatrU. KREIIBKI.KTHDW, O. B.JUUNBOS, Mweuton. 3 II l. a l...ri tltrh, double btih.rk. drop ball b.rlag. lor' r..ui. welf. thmttlnf .bntH.1 .".J .uiom.tlo bobbin wlbder aiwMklnyoulfor.AlJ Hla. bm.Bl.J0 with nublH. e"'w . , ' Helen, al 4 Si. M., antrltti Fasseneers ami Fast Freit.t. PORTLAND LANDING. TAYLOR ST HOT ICE TO CREDITORS. All persons having claims against the estate ol J, D. Birdsall, deceaseC, are wk. nntinaul ta file the same, with the oroDer voucher attached, with the ad.- u ciVh .nd l atoatbii'. Siluistrator, at St. Helens, wltntu t iMtwraf uiueist month, from tbe elate neretu in7kold od. wj win '"'"i'ri-E I jMted April 2lKh., I90U. . Q,vtx Ft OompmmMi A!to, writ, ran fow' .1.1. nt n SUMMONS In th l irmill Court at the Atat ol Oiesou lo ine county oi uoiuuid. C. Ketley, pl.lnllrr, vs. t'hu .Kelley, detead. ..... To Ch... Keli.y, defendant above named. N Til K NAJIK UFTtlla Bllb u yuu .re hereby minireat ta appear .nd tm. .WW Uunpl.iiil Bltm ...laui you .'" th. lime nmerlbed In Ihe or.!' fur autdlcatlva of Ihl. luiunwiiv u la eoan or irM.H4a. bove eulltlo-.ult t llv ikwa d.r ol MM. iww, uie pre. W . a. ...(!.. Ih.Im. ... u.1.1 MU.f I. BlUl II 01. f.ll m to .ppaar .un .n.wer uiu eon.pi. in. .... uuiinon.. fur w.ul thereof pulutld will pply lo Mid court (mj lb rvllel aeruauuew ncr eomplalnt. Tlie reiiei uewi.noea w .or mwiw .n. w..wr o( ll.e .bove .milled court to daaalx St n..rrl..a tat...traU.t now betWC I.UInUVsrtd deleud.nt herelp; for a furitisr de cree eli.n.lMi pwtintlil. name frnia awalter to l ie: ...a lor .ocr ain,oc rei.ei w w.f u. u, . 1 h evtuity .nd Ju.tloo, 1 .iiLnmon. I. nublii-ksd bv ftrder af h-m ai.grld. Juuiitt oi nil tu. .imva tbitiM hi. T. A i, A. BTROWBRIBOE.' Attorney lor yiein irire ptibltcllon Apr. IS. tttSrv Lul ..ubliciiiton M.y '4 !'.